The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, September 03, 1909, Image 7

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LET US GIVE YOU 25 POSTCARDS FREE All Reproductions of the Most Famous Paintings. \Ye have on* ly a ’limited supply and we will give 25 POSTCARDS TO ALL OLD or NEW Subscribers who will pay us $1.00 for The Milledgeville News one year. Don’t delay, see us NOW"!! THE NEWS, St Rhea Hayrie's Jazirna By J. C. McAuliffe. 1 sstfsll ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ <►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 am glad to think I am not bound to make the world farm as he should; but it Is this go round." Gentrai oi Georgia Kaiiwau GomPanu CURRENT SCHEDULE FO.t MILLEDGEVILLE. Arrive from Macon and Gordon 1:35 p. m. daily. “ “ “ “ “ 6 - 3"> “ “ except Sunday *• “ Covington 11 :39 a. in. “ “ “ Eatonton 7:50 ’ “ Depart for Macon and G> rdon HAS ‘ “ “ “ “ “ “ 7:60 . •* “ except Sunday * Covington 1:35 pm “ Eatonton 6 35 “ except Sunday EEaBBMPBWmMX Woman’s Friend Nearly all women suffer at times from female ailments. Some women suffer more acutely and more constantly than others. But whether you have I little pain or whether you suffer intensely, you should take Wine of Cardin and get relief. Cardui is a safe, natural medicine, for women,! prepai-ed scientifically from harmless vegetable in gredients. It acts easily on the female organs and) gives strength and tone to the whole sj'stem. The Woman’s Tonic J 58 Mrs. Vorna Wallace, of Sanger, Tex., tried Canlui. She writes: [“Cardui has done more for me than I can describe. Last spring I was taken with female inflammation and consulted a doctor, but to Inn avail, so T took Canlui, and inside of three days, I was able to do [my housework. Since then my trouble has never returned.” Try it. AT ALL DRUG STORES n ij n Ferity, Mellowness and Rich Flavor are the distinguishing qualities of Sunny Brook THE PURE. FOOD It is distilled in the good old Kentucky way and is especially adapted fi-r home use. Every bottle is sealed with the Govern ment ‘ Green Stamp," a positive assurance of full proof, lull quantity and a fully matured age. It stands unequaled as • rich and healthful stimulant—a sure cure for many of the minor ailments of the human system. DELIVERED DIPECT TO YOU EXPRESS PREPAID BY ANY 0? THE FOLLOWING DISTRIBUTERS: inmti. Ohio. Whig sfeey PAUL HEYM AM. ,1* W. 4th St M. MAKK-trClN. Ill Sy.-»lw>r» oi. — rhA4. BL'TM t GO., J.o’<«,nri!l«. Fli. G. r BUTT.EB. .I«-V«T<viU». FU. L. T.OKB WHISKEY CO..'lle. FW. ALT MAM WHISKEY CO. " l P. F. % r. t». I.OMt! “ GREIL TRAOtNU CO , Prn.ictl*. Fit RtRMINVUAM I.TQ»JOB CO.. Pcnttcola. FI REID WHISKEY CO. Bottles $ J 1 -5th daiion Ry« or Bourbon 4 4 Bottles $| Full Quarts ! Rye »f Be nr bon * in pleln Sr-'-! remittance v. 1th yaur o. der. f.o goo<lf siilppcu C,0. L). | Vrs^ 7 * The other day I chanced to be In a critical mood and In reading a report of a valued reader of the paper I no ticed a harsh criticism on one point in farming. Of course, the general tenor of the discussion under way was toward the pessimistic. The ar gument used was to the effect that tnere was nothing in artichokes, and In giving a personal opinion the writer in question declared that he didn’t believe there was any good In them and the exponents of the crop generally had seed to sell, or words to that effect. Now the same old story might have been said with equal truthfulness of sweet potatoes, of pea nuts, of beets, or even Irish potatoes. Every year we hear of people who decry, an effort tending toward diver sification. It Is an easy matter to find people who will say that here In the south there Is no use to try to grow Irish potatoes. Any time needed 1 can name scores of men who are making money on the crops on which so many other pes simistic men declare that nothing can be made. I don’t intend to tell much in a personal way, but about friends whoso affairs I am acquainted with and then the readers can judge about results. Take Pinckney A. Steiner, of Richmond county, Ca., one of the best known business men rf his city, and last year ho made 150 bushels of second crop Irish potatoes per acre and he could have sold a thou sand bushels of them at $2.00 per bushel, but he didn’t have but two acres planted. This year he expects to make that much again. He has five acres In sweet potatoes and five acres in artichokes. He will make probably 300 bushels per acre on each crop and the local market is an av erage of 76 cents per bushel. Thai may not be profitable In the eye oi the man who doesn’t want to encour ' age diversification nnd special effort j Take another case, that of E. E ! Bass, of Baldwin county, Ga. This j year ..o la clearing net, some $3,000 , on his Irish potato crop and he is I following It with corn and cowpeas, 'making the soil richer. Take Judge | Henry C. Lammond, of Richmond , county, who operates a small farm just over th H river In South Carolina, ' and he is making more hay than he | can gather and finding a market for It ut $20.00 ppr ton. If necessary the ‘ names of scores of small farmers can j be given where two to three hundred I bushels of artichoke:; are raised poi (acre and these same farmers make I gr< at money by turning the arti chokes into hogs. The time Is past when men who try cannot do Ihlrgs. Lots of us mey nave to travel along the common road and gaze out cn the fields besld- It and see the prosperous looking crops yield abundant returns to the owners, who are men of energy and perseverance, who strive to over com. obstacles and adapt themselves t( meet conditions and circumstances Because we cannot have a hand in the success, because wp must forever have barred from us the glory of Elyslnn field, of pastures fair and restful meadows, where peaceful wa ters abound, is it any reason why we should decry nonest effort on the part of those who struggle to benefit humanity, their country and their God? There is no doubt but that the day and hour is fast approaching when we shall recognize ns one of the greatest men in all the country the man who causes two blades of grass to grow In a locality where only one- now germinates, who doubles the size of the head of wheat, or increases the yield of hay and other products of the soil. A little forbearance In this will no doubt bring reward in the way of better times on ahead. We have plenty of land in tho south and plenty of room for millions more of humanity, but everybody Is not work ing to make earth yield up Its bount ies and the cry of millions Is for bread. Not since the day when Mc Cormick solved the problem of har vesting some three qunrters of a cen tury ago has the world at large been in greater need of bread than It isi now. True enough In certain years when crops were poor nnd other un toward conditions confronted the whole wheat was higher and scarcer than now, but I can remember when farmers of Georgia were satisfied with dollar wheat and they figured on mak ing good money out of the crop. Now the whole country has made a great crop nnd the price paid by tho mills down In Georgia this year Is $1.25 per bushel. This ought to turn out pret ty well with any sort of n crop; es pecially when It Is considered that the wheat straw sells for $12 per ton also. He fire in Shape To do the best Suit Cleaning and Pressing possible to obtain. Under our new management we assure you a straight forward business and a quick service. Let us do your next work with the assurance of the highest appreciation. phone no. 2ee Mliiedoevllle Pressing GluD S. A. LARY, PROPRIETOR. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ P. P. P. Mates Marvelous Cares io Blood Poison, Rheumatism and Scrofula. I’. 1’. P. purifies the blood, builds up tho weak and debilitated, gives strength to weakened nerves, expels disease, giving tho pationt health and happiness, where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevailed. lu blood poison, mercurial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and in all blood and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald bead, wo say without fear of contradiction that P. P. P. Is the best blood purifier in the world. Ladies whoso systems are poisnnod and whoso blood is in an impuro con dition duo to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly henefitted by the won derful tonic and blood cleansing properties of P. P. P., l’riekly Ash, Pole* Root and Potassium. F. V. LIPPMAN, SAVANNAH, CA. But everybody has their own places to fill. While every man has a duty and I am thankful, ns stated In the beginning, that I am not bound to make the world go round, still I am more thankful that I can look with satisfaction on progress by others made and in my lindted way give Impetus to the advancement al ready gained. And above all the grand, glorious knowledge comes that the future holds brighter things for these men who work to make the southland greater and their homes happier, their families more content ed nnd communities more prosperous. Woe to corporations nnd trusts tliat rob! Hattie Bob Is on the Job! He s going to drub tho tariff and the 'Rlcn Men's Club'!” "BATTLE BOB ON'THc Juu.' That palisade or hnir trembles fate, fully like Blrnnm wood removing to Pumdminc. There la u ferocious glitter In those steely eyes. The giant body strums and quivers, eager to leap upon tho foe. A hush of expectation, almost of fear possesses tho Chautauquns. Tno “roll of dishonor” bulges mlghtly under the statesman’s frock coat. False Hen- ntors, delegates of the "interests,” hns- ers of tho Badger i3oanergo« t shako In their shoes. Capital cowers m Its cap lin Is. On In the name of t..e People and | the box office receipts: i ”Uuonduh! Rahaduh! Baa men have gooseflosh, strong mon son We Ask You to take Cardul, for your female troubles, because we are sure It will help you. Remember that this great female remedy— CARDUI has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said It Is "the best medicine to taka.” Try Itl Sold in This City ECZEMA CURED. Pimples Disappear and Complexion Cleared Over-nlgiit. New Vcrk.—Thousands are taking advantage of tho generous offer made by The Woodworlh CA. 1103 Broadway, New York City requesting an experi mental package of Lemola the new skin discovery, which i3 mailed free of charge to ail who write for it. It alone is sufficient to clear the complexion over night and rid the face of pimples in a few hours. Those who have tried LEMOLA will find that the 50c. box on sale in Mill- edgeville at all Drug stores 13 sufficient to cure the worst from of Eczema where the parts effected are not too large - On the first application of Le- mola the itching will stop. It has cured thousands afflicted with Eczema, Teet ers, Rashes, Itchings, Irritations, Acmes Scalings and Crustion of skin, scalps of infants, children and adults. It is good for the preservation and pur ification af the skin, scab, hair and hands for the prevention of the clogging of the pores the usual cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness and also the treatment of burns, scalds, wounds, sores, as well as the toibttc and nursery. gJgt'G-gHOTITWT,- V T TTKCXtlJITri '»WC I W. 5. Myrick & Co. SUCCEEDING McCraw & Hyrick The dissolution of partnership has been made, but the standard of “The Home of Good Clothing” will be raised higher; if possible. “A Little Better for a Little Less” will be a maxim still and we will maintain this point to your satisfaction. The new firm will labor unceasingly to serve the public in the most acceptable manner possible, giving- highest values at lowest prices. WE HAVE ON HAND SOME OF OUR SUM MER GOODS THAT MUST BE SOLD TO MAKE WAY FOR OUR FALL STOCK AND WE WILL GIVE YOU BARGAINS IF YOU COME TO SEE US NOW. AND THERE ARE GOOD THINGS ON AHEAD, TOO W. S. MYRICK 6c GO. -'TT.a'n - .-~ r .~tz.n-inr:.-i:w3tT-ww^ - W^rrr.j