The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, October 29, 1909, Image 6

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H-H-H4 H i-H’ HHHHHWH + itW ■» H-Hi H-W-H W-H++++ ++f+ttH4TT^4+fH+Hf B ir ¥ •¥ * Jlb JLs 'JLe - f j ' *4i • -- * .- ^^..... . \ - r 3 * Special Values in Boy’s Wearables We’ve gathered some^ mighty fine fixings for the School Boy, and he who is privileged to wear them j will look very well dressed indeed. j v . Here’s everything that a boy could desire in the way of wearing apparel and the prices are within % reach of every mother’s purse. £ 11 BOYS’ CAPS—in the latest “Pug” styles, of very fancy fabrics—all Boys are wearing them, Price 25c. | ; J BOYS’ UNDERWLAR—of the finest grade cotton also cotton and wool mixed. Very seasonable weights, j I hut full and roomy and made with extra reinforced seams. Prices 25c. and 50c. % BOYS’ SCHOOL SHOES, (BUSTER BROWNS) made of the toughest leathers known to the shoe trade, yet J • featuring good style at the same time. Some really exceptional values at $1 .50 and VI. ■ BOYS’ TROUSERS—The extra pair means new life to that suit you had intended layingaway. But there’s T 4* •*>* u. hundreds of times when your boys needs another pair, so why not one of these, at BOYS’ FALL SUITS «• «• iOc. cr $1.50. mSEo. We have an assortment here that as not equalled by any store in town. Every new and many style of the season *s included in our stock and the variety of shades will make choosing easy. Here are Double-breasted and Norfolk Suits with Knee or Knicker pants sizes 6 to 17—priced $4 to 6.50. Reefers are lacre, too, of unusually smart fabrics and all capably made. A good assortment for selection at $4 to $8. IH III §4 4* ‘l-l* *f“f j *t , *f**y* 4 4» Business, locals. ur Plant Napier s srenu- |lne appler seed oats. For sale by Horne Andrews Commission Cp. s . j For Hurt. A 3-room cottage, iwur U. N. & 1. College, few, neat, convenient and . oofflTi stable. Terras very reasonable, .^gfclso two connecting room”, very neat and "comfortable and in good locality. * . Apply to t). S. Sanford. Bridal presents trora 10c to $10.00 ■t R. il. Wootten’s. When you want something to drinlt, try Gold Medal and White House coffee sold only by Chandler Bros. BARRETT HEIGHTS LOTS for sale. »20 ,00 and upwards.. Address E. W. Gould, Macon, Ga. FOB SALE Thoroughly gentle, three vears old. tliy In ran celt. Will sell for cash or credit. Apply to 1.. C. HALL. Ladies will always had the latest trimmings in millinery at- Mrs. Eula Stanley’s. When you come to the circus visit our store the first thin*? and get your dry goods, shoes, hats, clothing etc. Our lin.e is complete in every detail. ’oodworth S tern- •idge Co. JSc, cotton enables I you to produce oiu mbA*—Kasor Strops and Lather ■usImT^ quiver A Kidd. Ion'A fail to see the best line of JiM* Tailor made suits in town st naey Dry Good Co. t does not Matter arhat your jewelry ds are I am prepared to supply y[. The right goods st the right e( «. Come and see. Dixon Williams, Jeweler. HOG FOOD. For the farmer to feed and fatten hoars, cows, horses, mules, etc. Oconee River Mills. Call C. E. Greene for ueerything in itine groceries. Appier Seed Oats Far Sale Wo have U00 bushels of genuine Ap pier seed oats for sale. $1.01) per bushel the best oats to plant, pure and free frwm other seed. Apply nt once. 11. H. Jonoa & Co., It. F. 1). Xu.4 City. Flower bulbs of all kind on sale ut ourutore. Culver & Kidd. ■“I'd Bather Dio, Doctor, than have my feet cut off,” said M. L. 1 Ilingtium, of Prineeville, 111,‘‘‘but you’W die from gangrene (which had eaten awav eight toes) if you don’t,” said all doctors. Instead ho used Huckliui's Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its cures of Ecxciua, Fever Sores, lloils, Burns and Piles astound the wofk. 25c. at all Druggists. The weather is fine, Try J. H. Ennis’ Special brand Sausage this week. See our new line fancy post cards Culver & Kidd. Mrs. Parker can give you a better style in your new winter hat, so why not buy from her? Seeded raisins cleaned currants, new citron and nuts at-C. E. Greene’s. $1.00 alarm clocks guaranteed at K. 11. Wootten’s.. How about your country produce? J. H. Ennis offering premiums on every tiling this week. Hides especially. Fish food at Culver & Kidd's. Hair Puffs 75 cents, wigs, toupees twitches, mustaches, at moderate cor- responding prices. Combmgs made up, quick service, stamps taken. Acme Hair Co., Savannah, Ga. Second shipment of. bea ver hats and heaver cloth just in at-Miss Ellen Fox’s. New Rribbon cane syrup ju st arrived at- L. D. Smith’s S. Wayne St. CORNI CORN! CORN! WANTED. Good, Dry, Sound, White Corn atour Mill, for which we will pay highest Market Price, Oconee River Mills, Miuedgeyille, Ga. Bloodworth - Stem- bridge Co. are receiv ing new goods daily and everything is up- to-date, See them for dry goods, shoes etc. Furs and muffs at all prices at Finney Dry Goods Co. Perfection oil heaters for the bath room at- R. H. Wootten.s. Fresh lot of mackeral at-C. E. I Greene’s. See our Razor Streps and Lather Brushes at Culver & Kidd’s. Western beef, lamb, Ga. Kid and stall fed Ga. beef at J. H. Ennis. Coal vases, scuttles, shovels and tongs at- R. H’ Wootten's. ROW MS FOR It KM Two bed rooms, one dining room for rent or> 604 Jefferson St. Apply to- D. J. Bush, Dove Brand Hams and breakfast bneor. ut Barnes & Richter's Fish arriving at J. H. Ennis daily, The finest in the world. Bloodworth - Stem- bridge Co. are receiv ing new goods daily and everything is up- to date. See them for drv goods, shoes etc. Snow Drift, self ris ing flour requires no soda, salt, !powc*er or mill and only half as much lard at— L, D, Smith s S- Wayne 6t if you have hides of any kind for sale, see J. H. Ennis, Prices are a)t the top. 8 21b cans of tomatoes 25 cWat W. U. Leonard’s. All the latest shapes in mil linery constantly arriving at- Mrs. Eulie Stanley’s. Fresh lot of Cod fish at-C. E. Greene's-. Choice evaporated apples 10c package at Chandlor Bros. 500 sheets white parchment butter paper for25c at- R. H. Wootten’s. Fresh fish food at Culver & Kidd’s. A new line of trunks, suit eases and hand bags just received at Finney Dry Good Co. When you come to the circus visit our store the first thing and get your dry goods, shoes, hats, clothingetc. Our line is complete in every detail. Bloodworth S t e m- brjdge Co. A new line of toilet chamber sets just received at R. H. Wootten's. All the latect designs in May Manten patterns at Finney Dry Goods Co. Cotton seed Hulls, meal, bran, shorts, hay, oats and corn at Chandler Bros. The best alcohol stoves for the bed bed room, 15c and 25c each at.R. H. Wootten's. _Fresh shipment Dove Brand hams 17 cents per lb at W. H. Leonard’s. We sell fish food at Culver & Kidd's. 500 lbs. of hams and breakfast bacon at Chandler Bros, nutans low prices. Don’t fail to see the big line of tiunks just received by Finney Dry Goods Co. Mrs. Parker has only the best trimmers and makers to be had, so if you want to have satisfaction of know ing your millinery is the correct thing buy from her. WOOD WANTED. Wanted at once, 300 cords of dry pine wood. Apply to- Emmet L. Barnes. NOTICE The registration books are still open for registration of voters for the elect ion ot Mayor, Clerk & Treasvner and six Aldermen. Said election to be held on the first Wedne^Jay in Dec. Books close Nov. 10. A* Walter Stembridge, Clerk. Sec the big new line of women’s men's and ch.ldten's sweaters at Fin ney Dry Goods Co.' Window Glass and putty at R. 11, Wootten’s. Roasted coffee 12 1-2 cents per pound nt W. H. Leonard's. “New brooms sweep well” and we have lots ot them at all prices. Chand- Ijr Brat. See R, H. Wootten’s window of Hallow’en novelties. Full line local yiew post cards and a new line fancy post cards just received. Culver & Kidd. Cream of wheat, Shrcded Whole Wheat, Post Toasties, Com Flakes and Buck Wheat at Chandler Bros. Prettiest line of carving sets in town, to be seen at. R. H. Wootten’s. Mrs. Parker’s custo mers are always pleas ed with their hats be cause they know the ability of the trimmers and know their styles are correct. Every thing that is new is found in her stock as they come out. Hallowe’en novelties at-R. H. Woot ten’s. From The Louisville Coarie r-Jonrnal. A grest show, is the John Robinson Shbqrs, end the public , of Louisville know that fact Unusual interest was aroused by the fulsome promises made; yet the performances last night more than equalled the promises.” LOST. Fountain pen between P. O. and Kidd’s Drug Store with gold band around it bearing my name. Finder will please return to me and receive reward. T. S. Jeanes. Over Fifteen Cenls in Trade For Colton Thomas & Barton Company Otter a Good Opportunity to Buy Piano Tor the next t >n da a Thomas & Barton Company w 11 pi, l> 1-2 cents for cotton allowing tamo to apply on purchaseof one of their fine new pianos. They make the oll'er to those who are holding their cotton for lo cents before they sell. This means you get your price for your cotton and by buying your piano at their great Manugacturers sale of pianos. You can purchase a fine high class piano for the price of a cheap, so now is your time. Dont delay, this offer is for ten days only. Thomas & Barton Company, D. W. Hutto Sales Manager "Bloodworth & Bloodworth [Real Estate Office.” MERCfcR BOYS TO ' \ ! GIVE YALE YELL TO PRESIDENT MACON. Ga.—President William Howard Taft Is to be a guest of the Mercer Football association on the morning of November 4th. and will blow the whistle to start the Mercer- Cniversitv of Chattanooga football game. The game will be played in the morning instead of the afternoon so that the President may attend. A box is to be built on one of the side lines for the President’s party and he will remain at the game as long as possible. Arrangements for the game In the morning have already been com pleted and It is believed that every thing can be worked out without a hitch. At Mercer the yelling brigade has already started to practice a few old Yale yells and when President Taft steps Into his box he will hear one ot Hie slogans of Old Eli. The proposition to play the game in the morning was first suggested a few days ago and the reception committee has been asked to rear- range a portion of the program that bid bwn mapped out for the morning of November 4th. Bi«»«l teams have agreed to play in the morning and the ne* feature ought to prove very popular. 4 1 Sitka-Ivory rings for fancy work at- j R. H. Wootten’s.