The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, January 14, 1910, Image 1

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THE MILLEDGEVILLE NEWS. = VOL. IX. NO. 14. MILLEDGEViLLE, GA., FR DAY, Jan. 14, 1910/ .00 Per Annum New Bank Will be Organized Wednesday First National Bank Stockholders Will Hold First Meeting And Elect Officers And Directors. Subscribers to stock in the First Na tional Bank will meet in the Knights of Pythias hall next Wednesday and per fect organization by electing a pres ident and board of directors. Virtually all the stock has been taken and what few shares are lacking will be subscrib ed by a few of the stockholders at the meeting. The location of the bank has not yet been decide I upon and after the election of a directorate the matter will no de finitely settled. The subscribers have been notified of the meeting and quite a crowd will be on hand at the meeting, which will be held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. GUANO GOING OUT TO THE FARMS NOW Baldwin County Planters Commencing Farming Operations Early And Prospects Satisfactory BE n i? BILL I’l’KSE LOST Monday afternoon in the city, black leather bill book, containing five 110 bills, a $20 note, several K. of I’, re ceipts and a few business cards. Re ward for return to THE KILLEDGEVILbE NEWS. Farmers are beginning to haul fer tilizer out to the farms and active farm ing operations will start within a few weeks now. The splendid condition of the roads of Baldwin county makes it , quite an easy task for the farmers to | get their guano hauled. Inspection of the county roads shows that every sec- ^ tion is in excellent shape and heavy j loads can be easily hauled. I The prospects for beginning the new i farming year were never better am! j Baldwin county farmers will start with ' high hopes. It is cmite pleasing to m to , that a quantity of spring grain and a j big corn crop wili be planted. Ueiiieval Xotieo. I 1 have removed, temporarily, to the ; Hatcher Building on Wayne street, where 1 will be located until my old of fices are fitted up again. In the mean time 1 shall be glad to serve the public in my usual way. j' Lbirfif J.H. SHURLEY. Dentist. ABOLISH FEE SYSTEM SAYS THE GRAND JURY Recommendations Carry Important Feature Asking That County Of- lic'als be Paid a Salary. Authentic Reports Declare Mary Cases in Putnam County With Some Serious Ones In Eatonlo.i. „ „ . . L , hollowing in the wake of the progres sive ideas thp- Baldwin county grand From the most reliable sources it j ur V recommends that officers of the seems that Eatonton and Putnam county ! county be placed on a salary basis and . . 41 „ ,, the fee system abolished. The move- is in the grasp of smallpox, lhe in-I mi . * .. . , v , . . . ., , ment to this ellect is gaming widespread formation first reached Milledgeville . fBV()r an d the grand jury is to be com- more than two weeks ago, but inquiry mended on this step. Capt J. II. Ennis failed to substantiate the fact. Now was foreman of the jury and the work it appears that Eatonton is suffering M that bodv was-finished yesterday, i . , , . , KTne presentments will bo given next j from the plague, which, so far as can ^ ^ I ho definitely ascertained, originated in ] v .Court, however, will continue next 100 More Patients in Tiis Sanitarium Great Many More Unfortunates In bn Cared far This Year Than Last as Shown by Records. week and the criminal taken up M jnduy raws u c T £ koG.sLJsi /II NOW Ledgers, day books, journals, cash books ect. at- Culver & Kidd’s. one of the leading stores (if the town, week and the criminal docket will be Several of the clerks were taken with the malady and while some physicians claim it is only chiekenpox, yet others declare it i - umallpi x ai d while .not of") a violent type still many cases are now said to be quite seri( us. Some Eatonton citizens openly express their belief that the town should bo if A special census for the federal gov- quarantined and the lealth officials of Urnmont is now being taken at the state the place have placed a quarantine |a#lltarium and the job is about as big as nnybodv would like to undertake, r.r'vvp'^ ,«t c 1 '■ ?tai~- The beginning of the present year shows there are 3,206 inmates in the state sanitarium against 3,112 last year, or practically one hundred more to bo cared for by the state. This is a decided increase and means that theap- Dropnation must bo stretched mightily, or else the state must put up mure money for the sanitarium. During ltHl'.l there were !'.3 p.ileient? admitted, 441 of the total number of inmates died and 1 id were discharged. White men led the Hot of newcomers, | there being 3-10 admitted, white women 237. Tliorc was but. liule dili'en.neo in t'"> no ;r,» men an I v.- m?n, there being 1.1 i of ihe f irmer and 1 >2 i.f the latter. A Kitight for a Day" Was a Great Success Monday night the people of Milledge- viile had the rare pleasure of seeing one of the best plays on the road. "A knight for a day,” was full of laughter and fun from start to finish and people who had seen it before enjoyed it more than ever. Ovey is. a character un equalled in his way and his companion player, Tillie Joy, has too much talent | to play the«part she does, but shs wins , applause on merits just the same, j The very short time it was advertis ed probably went against the show, but j the crowd was biggest of the season and j the management of the opera house has | shown every passible effort to give the ■ people splendid shows and they have succeeded in this instance in giving the bum obtainable. IF a ound infected 1 omes. However, s nr< s of cases Lava d -vcloped in the country around Eatonton, due proD- ably to infection at the store in ques tion. Just what disposition will be m ide of the goods has not been lc ired, but they will probably be furnigaied, or should be as a precaution to public health. If the reports are half as bad as stated and there is no reason to doubt but that they aro fully as bad, then protection should be thrown around Milledgevillo at once. The newspapers and the city government of Eatonton should co-opeiate in protecting the peo ple of this sectio i of the stale by stat ing the facts plainly for the guidance of the public. ML> E.E. BELL IS DIRECTOR MiLLtDGI Your eyes need glasses—chances are we can fit you. Come in and see us. Dixon Williams Jeweler and Optician Dangiisl lo lie Spread in lienor of Rev. S. P. Wiggins The stewards of the Methodist church will compliment R?v. S. P. Wiggins t. ith a dinner at the Baldwin hotel next Monday ni,Hit to which all the gentle men members of the church have been invited. The affairs will be quite in formal and there is no doubt but that the occasion will be thoroughly enjoyed when all tho complications uro consider ed. The work is being done by Secreta ry Sid Jonos and it means a lot of woi k upon his shoulders. In addition to tho special census tho regular government count will have to be made in Aur 1 when tho census is taken. The present figures are be ng furnished for the annual statement on institutions for the insane. The snnual election of the bonrd of directors and officers of tho Milledge ville banking resulted in the election of the sume officials and directorate, except that Mr. E. E. Bell was elected director to succeed Cant. K. R. Foster d iceased. Tne election of Mr. Boll adds mother sterling business man to t In board and the outlook for the bank is very gratifying to the stockholders. Dr. Jam* to Prsacli ii Sunday Morning Dr. S. Y. Jameson, president of Mercer University and one of the most distinguished ministers in the Baptist church, will preach here next Sunday morning. lie will assist Rev. Lamar Sims in the ordination ceremonies for the new deacons of tho church, these being Messrs. J. T. JacltBon, W. R. Ennis and R. C. Swint. There is no doubt but that the meet ing will be interesting and instructive and the public is cordially invited to be present during the whole service. 3 8 ). •. biilictii iSJiiril in Business After Fire All the insurance matters in tho big fire on the corner of Hancock and Wilkinson streets, which occurred a couple of weeks, ago, lias been adjust ed and Dr. T. M. Hull and Dr. J. H. Shurley are now occupying apartments, so to speak, in the Hatcher building. J. J. Daniel it Co. have concluded the work of adjustment with the insurance people and are back in business at the old stand, but of course much work is yet to be done in repairing the building. It will be some time before the building is thoroughly finished and Dr. Hall and Dr. Shurley will be somewhat missed from their old quarters and it will be a hard matter for each of them to get as well fixed up as they were before. ♦ Double Honors Confcrel On I'ol. Livingston Kenan IF YOU WANT YOUR WORK DONE and DONE RIGHT NOW See dacke » o o Electrical Wiring properly and promptly finished, Supplies furnished Telephone No. 330 1 supply of off , mukeat-R. H. Woottenh E S ! YES! Y There are some people in Milledgeville who are not using— Diiii Gain” The city of Milledgeville and the coun- cabinets of I ty of Baldwin, separately, of course, j have elected Col. Livingston Kenan as attorney for the respective places. 1 Tncro iwro dr-pb: ! ut that the- nelecti it i j of Mr. Kenan will be generally satis- ! factory to the public at largo, for he i.; j recognized by many as being a hard I working and painstaking lawyerjand will j give good service to the city and county. Ho bus been in partnership in repres enting municipality and county affairs j for some time nasi, but will represent them himself hereafter - ; «■ J. N. JACKSON EL EG TR l G A L CO NT RAG TOR. o *» <» o •{. f< o «. <> ■& O «> < -C- t. O O « o if, © <*, c- ft > rs, <, o <> O C * $ ES MULES We have a fresh shipment of well broken Tennessee Young Mules for sale. Call to see us at an early date, we sell for cash or credit. -JfcAH&S & ROBINSON. coal. Good people too—and that’s the reason we keep on advertising.’* “Our coal makes warm friends.” Blank books of all kind for store keep ers at- Culver & Kidd’B ip U l! 11) 1 f lemister 6 oal oninanu y. d. c. Gen. Lee’s Birthday Phone 152. ~i n rw ■ I HUM II II III At the opera house next Wednesday morning appropriate exercises for the celebration of the birthday of Gtn. R. E. Lee will be carried out by the local chapter U. D. C. will make the address of the occasion, The veterans wili be seated on the rostrum and the G. M. C cadets and G. N. 1. C. students will oc cupy the galleiy. Members of the I Daughters of the Confederacy are re- ^ quested to wear badges and the public j is cordially invited to attend and the ! exercises commence at 11 o’clock. Members of the U. D. C. are requested to meet in a body at E. E. Bell’s store at 10:30 to march to tho Opera House, Stood The Test For Years And now that its many benefits are thoroughly esii’j- lished for the cure and prevention of rough and chapped skin, and it is well to use it for Beauty’s Sake, how can you do without it longer? It costs only twenty-five cents a bot tle at Culvsr & Kidd’s, the corner drug store, and UP-TO-DATE DRUGGISTS.