The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, April 21, 1911, Image 6

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Have You Telephone In Your Home? If not you want to start the New Year right and save time, money, and possibly life itself There’s nothing like the phone in business or at home and the cost is trifling, Ask us Milledgeville Telephone Co. You can talk to everybody over our city and country lines. 1 I Herne Mission Nates 9 By Mrs. M. S. Lawrence. 44 Missionary candidates are to be presented for consecration at the annual »esf i in of the Woman.s Mission Council which is convening at St. Louis Mo., this week. This is the fifth year since the organi- zation of Woman's Work, Ihefollow- j ing table shows the growth of the work. training. 1861 One organized Woman's Society. A few hundred members. ! $2,000 contributed One woman missionary. 1911 Good for fowls, also domestic animals, con sisting of broken corn and other grains, known as "Screen ings.” Oconee River Mills. 2-17 If. A Morning Reminder. You awake with a mean, nasty taste in the mouth, which reminds you that your stomach is in a had condition. It should also remind you that there is nothing so good for a disordered stomach as Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They build up the system, assist nature to restore natural conditions, and are so gentle in their action that one hardly real izes a medicine was taken. Chamberlain’s Tablets are sold everywhere. Price 25c. HOG FOOD. For the farmer to feed and fatten hoes, cows horses, mules, etc. Oconee River Mills. $4,000,000 4,710 unmar ried women. One teacher on the field. 800 teachers. 148 physicians. 880 evangelists. 79 trained nurses. 5,783 Bible women. No organized work on the field. 2,100 schools. 260 Boarding and high schools. 75 hospitals. 78 dispensaries. To show our gratitude for this growth , it has been planned to make a thank For Weak Katlneys offering Of $1,000,000 from the woman CHICKEN food. $3.50 Recipe Free, Relieves Urinary and Kidney Troubles, Bachache, Straining, Swelling, etc. Stops Pain in the Bladder, Kidneys and Back. hood of Christian America, $50,000 to be given by Southern Methodism. Earth’s Gladdest Day ‘‘Lift up your heads, ye sorrowing ones And be ye glad of heart, For Calvary and Easter Day— Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day — Were just one dav apart.” The brief trial of Jesus by Pilate on the charge of high treason against Cae- 44,000, gar furnishes one of the greatest of 2,000,000 | |jf e 'g tragedies. More consideration is meted out to the vilest criminal of to day than was shown our Lord, whose cross on Calvary was in full view of the people. He died that we might live and have everlasting life. The resur rection of the saints was a pledge to the Father. His resurrection was His pledge to us, and though He died for sinners, He is living for us today, and down through the ages come His com mission, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” He has kept all His promises Are we ooing what He asked of us? Ineffably precious is the thought that He will nev er for sake us. "Lo, 1 am with thee always, even unto the end of the earth. "The glorv is all God’s; the shame is ours." Only one tenth of our women are enlisted. The two missionaries accepted by the Board of 1910 for Korea were Miss Bertha Smith from Marshall Mo., and Miss Alice Noyes of Cedartown, Ga. 1 hese are both recognized as consecrat ed young women, living consecrated beautiful consistent Christian lives. The collection from the week ofnray- er was $14,732. Some of the Auxiliaries have not reported and wo believe the NOTICE! Any one desiring the service of a Private Detective can find one by writing to DETECTIVE 3CX 52. MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, Wouldn't it he nice within n week or bo to begin to sav good bye forever to the scalding, dribbling, straining, or t >0 frequent passage of the urine: the forehead and the hack-of-thehead aches; the stitches and pains in the hack; the growing muscle weakness; spots before the eyes; yellow skin; sluggish bowels; swollen evolids or | $20,000 mark will be leached. This ankles; leg cramps; unnatural short' money is to go towards the building at breath; sleeplesssneBS and the despon- Kev West, Flu. Tho furnishings will dency? amount to $2,500. I have a recipe for these troubles that you can depend on, and if you There are 5,000 members of the want to make a quick recovery, you' National Child Labor Committee, as a OJght to write and get a copy of it, result of their six vears work, seven Many a doctor would charge you $3.50 Northern, three Southern and seven just for writing this prescription, but U Western states and the District of have it and will be glad to send it to Columbia have forbidden child labor you entirely free. Just drop me a line under fourteen years of age. like this: Dr. A. E. Robinson, K357 I Eight Northern, three Southern and Luck Building, Detroit, Mich., M| l,l | j #v( , n Westfra states have forbidden will send 11 bv return mail in a plain . , .... - envelope. \h you will Bee when you n, Kht work under sixteen years of age. get it, this recipe contains only pure, Four Northern and five WesUrn states harmless remedies, but it has great have passed an eight hour a day law. healing and pain-conquering power. Six states have legislated for the It will quickly show its power once ' , — ■ ■ ■ cstanlishment of schools for industrial Home Mission Report. The Home Mission Society of the First Methodist Church of Brunswick has done a most successful work the past vear With loving hands, tfiev have made their parsonage a real home and have helped to make their district parsonage more comfortable and at tractive. Central ot Georgia Kaiiwau GomPanu CURRENT SCHEDULE FOR MILLEDGEVILLE. Arrive from Macon ar.d Gordon 1:20 p. m. daily. “ •• *• “ *• 6’S’* “ “ except Sunday *• '• Covington 11:29 a. m. “ “ “ Eatonton 7:69 ‘ “ Depart for Macon aud Gordon 11:29 ‘ “ “ “ “ “ “ 7:50 . “ “ (except Sunday » • Covington 1:20 pm •• Katomon 6 35 “ except Sunday oooooooooooooooc .) PROFESSIONAL CARDS o OOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO DR. I, Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps? No, Never. It’s foolish to fear a fanciei evil, when there are real and deadly perils to guard against in swamps and marshes, bayous, and lowlands. These are the malaria germs that cause ague, childs and fever, weakness, aches in the bones and muscles and may induce deadly typhoid. But Electric Bitters destroys and casts out these vicious germs from the bloed. "Three bottles drove all the malaria from my system,” wrote Wm. Fretwell. of Lucama, N.C., “and I’ve had fine health ever since.” Use this safe, sure remedy only. 50c at. Ail Druggists. W. B, HUTCHINGS, OFFICE —DENTIST— Successor to I)r. F. S. Whitney. Offers his professional services the people of this citv and section. Office in Horne E"ilding. May 1st—1-yi. Excursion Rates Via Central ol Georgia Railway. ( you use it so I think you had better see I what it is without delay. 1 will send you a copy free—you can use it and cure yourself at home. Electric Bitters FiUvCci! when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, ns thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACy TROUBLE it is the best medicine rvei sold over ^ druggist's counter. Foley Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor- j rect urinary irregularities, build | up the worn out tissues, and | eliminate the excess uric acid ; that causc3 rheumatism. Pro Instead of Liquid Antisepticsor Peroxide ninny jHiople niv now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic Drt. EDWARD ft. TIGNER Deny Suroeon. lors l»y sponge bathing. The host antiseptic wash known. , Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, 'vent Blight's Disease and Dia- j indam .1.0 c^. Heal.soivtimmt.woiinc K ,.»o „ _ ,1 . ... . and cuts. 25 and Mi ets. a 1m>x. druggists i . t s, and restore health and I i, v mail postpaid. Sample Free, strength. Refuse substitutes the paxton toilet co.,Boston. TO ATLANTA. GA., account Grand! Lodge of Georgia, Knights of Pvthias, to be held May 17 18, 1911. Fares ap ply from points in Georgia. TO ATLANTA. GA., account Music Festival, to be held April 27th and 29th, 1911. TO AUGUSTA, GA.. account District The new toilet germicide powder to he Grand Lodge No. 18, G. U. O. O. F. of dissolved in w.iter as needed. America, to be held August S ll, 1911. lor all toilet and hygienic uses it is p ores a ,p]y from points in Georgia. To cleanse and Whiten the TOCHARLOTThSVIl.LE, VA. account teeth, remove tartar aiul f— Uj , University of Virginia Su.ntn -r School, prevent decay. , to be held Jure 19 July 29, 1911. Fates l<> disinfect the month, do- 1 a p |y from selected points, strov disease germs, and I A Ei I purify tho breath. I IT ^ : | TO ALBANY, GA.. account Georgia To keep artificial teeth and Chautaqua, to be held April 23 30, 1911. Inn Igeworkclean, odorless , Fares apply from points in Southwest To remove nicotine from the teeth and . .... , . purify the breath after smoking. ^Georgia and Siuthnast Alabama. To eradicate perspiration and body TO EVANSVILLE, INI),, account Gene-al Assembly, Ctlberland l’resbv- teiian Church, to he held May 18, 1911. WM. A. ELLISON, PHYSICIAN SURGEON MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA. Calls given prompt attention day and night ard night calls a specialty. Residence 203 North Jefferson Streetf C RICHARD DENTIST. - HATCHER BUILDING OFFICE, 8341 RESIDE.ME, 130 MILLEDGEVILLE. Guv 0. Campion M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office ; n Horne Bldg, or Culve & Kidd’ sDrug Store, residence at night, LCalls promptly answered. PHONE 209. T. M. HALL. M. D. PRACTICING VHTSICIAN AND SURGEON Office hours 11 a. m. to is;;o p. n,. Office in Hatcher Building, 136^ Wayne Street. Milledgrville, ......Ga Oct. 19, ly. JO. I MU 1. D. Physician-Surgeon IfILLKNGKVILLK, - - - Ga. 132 i 2 W. Hancock St. CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT The Great Cough Cure For Children and Adiitt«. State of Ohi<x City of T:l«io. Lucan County, k* Frank J. Cheney n.nkes oath that he lx the aenior partner of the firm of K. J. Cheney A Co-, doing business in the City of Toledo. County tnd ,>t" ■■ i. 1 .!•■! t It Haul film -a'll 1 t j lunTof ON' L II U*?n^mTm>5T?LARS for each j every caw of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the j u«e of Haifa Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. I Sworn to before me ami nub. cril* «i tn my pren- i cnee, thla 6th day » f Ibccmber. A. I>. lHrtf. (Seal, i A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. j Hall’* ('at.*'rah Cure i* taken Intel naltv, and act-< directly on th' blooj and mucous surface* of the nystcm. Sand for tcUimnniala free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all dnijivuU. ?&©• I lake Hall's Family 1 for con.- ti >ation, w V1/ w \l/i V it j \4/ it* vl> I \*l 11/1 VI/! U/ 0/ \i ^ ^ -WW- Gto- JfcsW Field Results Will Tell The Value of a Guano W E E make “Georgia's’ High Grade Meai Mix ture. for lands that need VEGETABLE AMMON1ATES. YY 7E use the best materials, well compounded VY and in proper proportions that will yield the largest crops. Try our “Georgia’s Brands" MADE BY Central-Georgia Guano Co. Milledgeville, Georgia. % m Pure* applv from selected points. TO JACKSONVILLE. FLA., account Conference for Education in The South, to be held Auril 19 21, 1911. TO JACKSONVILLE, FLA., account Southern Baptist Convention to be held May 17 23. 1911. TO KNOXVILLE, TENN , account Summer School of the South, to be held June 20-Julv 29. 1911. TO LITTLE ROCK. AltK., account Confederate Veterans Reunion, to be held May 16-18, 1911. TO MONTEAG1.E & SEWANEE, TENN.. account Opening Week, Mont- eagle Bible School, and Monteagle Sun day School Institute, to be held during July and August 1911. For complete information in regard to total fares, dates of sale, limits, schedules, train eervice, etc., apply to nearest ticket agent. J. C. HAILE. General Passenger Agent F. J. ROBINSON, Aosistant General Passenger Agent. See us about good Printing Constipation brings many ailments in its train and is the primary cause cf much sickness. Keep your bowels reg ular madam, and you will escape manv of the ailments to which women are sub ject. Constipation is a very simple thing, but like many simple things, it may lead to serious consequences. Na ture often needs a little assistance and when Chamberlain's Tablets are given at the first indication, much distress and suffering may be avoided. Sold by John Vinson. Druggist. Fla. vegetables ana fruits C. E. Greene. Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey For Coughs and Cold*, FUN! FUN! FUN! Let Xo Innocent Man Escape AT THE GREAT MOCK COURT TRIAL UNDER THE AUSPICES OF R. E. LEE CHAPTER, U. D. C. In the Opera House, on Friday Evening, APRIL 21.1911 One of our most respected citizens will be charg- . ed with BREACH of PROfllSE. Regular Court Rules. Startling Developments. Lu dicrous Situations. Local Hits. An even ing of Refined fun. Prices, 25 and 50 Cents. Tickets on sale at Ennis’ Pharmacy. Open at 7:30. Court called at 8:00.