The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, April 28, 1911, Image 6

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Have You ©'♦: *r&.» &*3£jt36cx. ♦.:* ♦:.*.♦:* If not you want to start the New ’t ear right and save time, money, and possibly life itself There’s nothing like the phone «in business or at home and the cost is trifling, Ask us Milledgeville Telephone Co. You clh talk to everybody over our city and country lines. i Monday, May the first is the meeting ingham, Savannah, and ethers of our , of the Home Department of the Mission- ( Southern cities. ary work. Be sure to come and bring] The work is not needed on a large your friends. I scale in the county and smaller places, | — I but many are found who do need to be j I The May program is health and efTi-, helped both in the county and the small-1 ]ciency. j er places. I Motto: "The world can never be | Extract from the la3t is3U3 of See—j , saved from misery until it is saved from a n( j Serve: .sin ” j Viewing things from Jesus’ stxnd- ! Bible study: "The woman of trained mind and willing h--art. Home and Foreign Missions. j The starting point of Jesus was His if we had the same proportion of j own land. "Go rather to the lost sheep physicians in America as are in the for- j house of leraeL The goal the eign fields there would be only one to | en( ^ °f the wor ld. CHICKEN FOOD. / i Good for fowls, also domestic animals, con- Excursion Hates Via Cenlral ol (ieori)la Kailway. TO ATLANTA, account Grand *7L ye into all the every two and one-half million, I wor, °- , I It is impossible to pity over crowded j In an article "Health Work of the 1 China if we a:e careless to the over i Atlanta Wesley House" in the May ] crowded area in our own town. 1 numberof the Missionary Voice we road | We cannot sympathize with the ‘of the work that is being done for the ! famine stricken in China if we do not 1 betterment of the homes, better hous- hear the moan of those in need in our I ing conditions, pure milk, pu-e food of , midst. I the nurse, going from house to house] If we love not our brother whom we j ministering to the sick, also telling the , have seen, how can we love our brother istorvof Jesus and His great love for whom we have not seen? 1 ug _ When Foreigners come to our land I Also the Anti-Tuberculosis League is an i sue the massacre of children in the pushiog its work. mills, the grinding of the poor, they The prominent physicianshave throws recoil from our religion. NOTICE! Any one desiring the service of a Private Detective can find one by writing to ! DETECTIVE aox 52. MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, central oi Georgia Kaiiwau GoniPami CURRENT .SCHEDULE FOR MILLEDGEVILLE. Arrive from Macoq and Gordon 1:20 p. m. daily. •* “ “ “ “ 6 "St “ “ except Sunday *• “ Covington 11:29 a. m. “ “ Katonton 7:59 ' 11 Depart for Macon and Gordon 11:29 * “ “ “ “ 11 “ 7.50 . “ “ ^except Sunday • 1 Covington 1:20 pm •• Katonion 6 35 “ except Sunday ings.” Mills. Oconee River 2-17 If April 27 j91j_ j will be a failure unless the people are TO AUGUSTA, GA„ account District led to the great Physician. What is true of Atlanta is also true of Nashville, Augu»ta, Louisville, Hirm- Arise and conquer while you can. The foe that in your midat resides, and build within the mind of man the empire that abides," Sunny Squiblets on Topics of The Times Grand Lodge No. 18, G. U. O. O. F. of America, to lie held August 811, 1911. Fares upplv from points in Georgia. TO CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. account U vv irsitv of Virginia Summer School, to bo held Jul.e 19 July 23, 1911. Faiea a,iply from selected points. TO ALBANY, GA., account Georgia; If president Diaz does not emeige the sculptors embarrassment to hive Chautaqua, to bo held’ April 23 30, 1911. from the barn cellar and remove his j no one living that knew how their sub- Fares apply from points in Southwest scrappers out of range of our back ject looked. Chamberlain’s Stomach And Liver Georgia and Southeast Alabama. yard, someone else will be hiring the Tablets. TO EVANSVILLE, IND,, account help, and he will be up in the back lot They build up the .y»tem, assist nature ' C '*™ral Assembly. Cuberlaml Presby- hoeing the corn, to restore natural conditions, and are sa I teliun Church, to be held May 18, 1911, j ■■ gentle in theiraction that one hardly real- | Fares apply from selected points. | A poker playing girl at Chicago fell TO JACKSONVILLE, FLA., account dead on drawing a royal hush. This A Morning Reminder. You awake with a mean, nasty tastein the mouth, which reminds you that your stomach is in a bad condition. It should also remind you that there it nothin? so good for a disordered stomach ns iteaa medicine was taken. Chanibrrlain’i I'rico 25c. HOG FOOD. For the farmer to feed and fatten hours, cows horses, mules, etc. Oconee River Mills, It is o io of tha ->arndoxes of life Ihn* the more expensive your finishing tack le, tlie lighter your fish basket is apt to b«. Southern Baptist Convention to be held did not happen in the good old days May 17 23,1911. | when the young people playid authors. To KNOXVILLE, TF.NN . account Summer School of the South, to bo It used to be mighty convenient for held Juno 20-Julv 29, 1911. ! the Douglas, Ariz., people to step over TO LITTLE ROCK, ARK., account the line when a policeman came along, Confederate Veterans Reunion, to be but now they have to pay for it. held May 16 18, 1911. '10 MONTEAGI.K & SKWANEE, ] No man should have a statue until lie nod still lacks interest in any propoai TKNN., account Opening Week, Mont- hm been dead 75 years, says ex Gov. j tion to reduce the cost of the people’s eagle Bible School, and Montragle Sun-1 I- >ng, of Massachusetts. It would save day School Institute, to be held during ’ ~Z July and August i9u. Instead of Liquid r or complete information in regard m ^ to total fares, date* of sale, limit?, rjseptlcs or Peroxide schedules, train rervice, etc., apply to j many jXKiplo are now using neurest ticket agent. J. C. HAILE, _ . .. . , General Passenger Agent Paxtme Antiseptic Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they aie the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It is the best medicine ever sold over s druggist’s counter. F. J. ROBINSON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Constipation brings many ailments in its train ami is the primary cause of much sickness. Keep your bowels reg ular madam, and you will escape nianv of the uilments to which women are sub ject. Constipation is a very simple tiling, but like many simple things, it may lead to serious consequences. Na ture often needs a little assistance and when Chamberlain's Tablets are given at the first indication, much distress and suffering may be avoided. Sold by John Vinson, Druggist. Tlie new toilet germicide powder to be dissolved in w tor as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses it is better and more eeonomleal. To cleanse and whiten the | teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, de stroy disease germs, and purify tlie breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridgework clean, odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth aud purify tlie breath after smoking. To eradicate perspiration aud body odors by sponge bathing. Tlie ls>st antiseptic wash known. Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, inilamedeyes. Heals sore throat, wound.' and cuts, 25 and 50 eta. a box, druggists or liv mail postpaid. Sample Free. THE PAXTON TOILET CO.,Boston.M*»a Field Results Will Tell The Value <;* ^yv »ik'^ w — tit tii m Uf \ki iii til ifc ik ih U, til ill Ik Ik iH of a Guano W l E make “UeorgiaV High Grade Meat Mix ture. for lands that need VEGETABLE AM MON I AXES. 4 TV7E use the best materials, well compounded W and in proper proportions that will yield the largest crops. Try our “Georgia’s Brands’ 1 MADE BY Central-Georgia Guano Co. Milledgeville, Georgia. ffV D 'h T !») m m w w m Wy Now that the post offices are being closed Sundays, some men will have to hunt around and tin 1 something other than business to worry about ihut day. The old stsnd pat crowd that runs the Republican end of Congress would still like to till the Senate with Lorimers. food. The trade reports say the volume V>f business is below preducirg capacity. Like fhe rest of u» Uncle Sam hates to dig in tlie garden when the tish begin to bite. The air ship Barseval landed in a swamp over in Germany, Friday, and the passengers must have been glad for u good slushy place to jump into. Reciprocity seems likely to pass, and business men along the border can de liver goods by train instead of through the woods on dark nights. The Illinois House increased their pay from $21XX) to $3300, They have got to have gome way of living between sena torial elections. 1’rof. Aitken of Lick observatory say the canals on Mars are nothing but earth-quake fissures, it would be j mighty disappointing to wake up some J morning and find the sweet peas had 1 dropped down to the center of the | plant. The Senate will get around to vote on reciprocity by the time it is too hot in Washington to uttenu Cue ball games in comtort. oooooooooooooooc o PROFESSIONAL CARDS o ooooaoooooooooooo DR. I. C RICHARD DENTIST. W. B. HUTCHINGS, —DENTIST— Successor to Dr. F. S. Whitney. Offers hit professional tervlcet to he people of this citv and section, Ortice in Horne B"ilding. May 1st—1-yi. OFFICE - - HATCHER BUILDING PHRMpc OFFICE, MB niUlTLO: RESIDENCE, ISO MILLEDGEVILLE, Guy D. Compton M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office ! n Horne Bldg, or Culvt & Kidd’ pDrug Store, residence at night, [Calls promptly answered. PHONE 209. OK. EDWARD fl. TIGNER Deny Suroeon. r. M. HALL. M. D. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office hours 11 a. m. to 1 a:;'i p. it,,' Office in Hatcher Building, 136J Watne Street. Milledgrville, ...... Ga Oct. tq, ty. WM. A. ELLISON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON MII.LEDOKVH.LK, GEORGIA. Cslis given prompt attention Pay and night ard night calls a specialty. Residence 203 North Jefferson Street’ JO. P. ATKINSON l D- Physician-Surgeon' MILLKDOKV1LLS, - - • 8a. 132 i 2 W. Hancock St. State of Ohio. City of T:!edo, Luca* County, tu* Frank J. C hr nay make?* oath that he ia the itenior partner of the ftrm of F. J. Cheney A Co-, doing hu*ineiM in the City'of Toledo. County and State aforr *akJ. and that aakl Arm will pay the *um of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each every caae of C-aiarrh tFtat cannot cured by the use of llali’e Catarrh Gure. „ FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before rne and nubrcntxd in my pres ence. this 6lh flay of December. A. D. 1S36. (SaiD A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Haifa Catarah Cure ia taken internally, and acta directly on the blood and mucoua surfaces of the ayatem. Send for teatiinoniala free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all drujnriata. ?Sc. Take Hull’a Family Pi!b for constipation. Geo. L, Chapman Physician & Surgeon Calls Promptly Attended Residence Phone 449 A St- Louis judge decides a woman has a right to hang a cow beli on the door to tell when her husband gets in. It would be a good thing for some men to have it hung around their neck. If it took 30 women 1$ hours to count 1100 ballots cast by the Daughters of the American Revolution, how much be fore July 4 will we get the result of presidential electu n when women h >lu the offices? Mexican investments looked golden a few years ago. But under present circumstances, we’d rather have our money in the old country savings bank with its antique ledgers and obsolete furniture and single clerk. When a medicine must be given tq young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy isgrlade from loaf sugar, and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor similar, to maple syrup, making it pleas I ant to take. It has no superior for J colds, croup and whooping cough. For ti'i by John Vinson, Druggist. Moore’s Methods of Bookkeeping Quickest, Simplest, Most Economical A good Equipment * Two 5 x 8 Binders 1,000 Record Sheets (choice of forty different forms) 2 \ ’olum: Cabinet (for holding books) 40 Alphabetical Indexes start with TOTAL COST We will be glad to show you how Moore’s, Modern Methods are used. Telephone for a Catalogue THE MILLEDGEVILLE NEWS Pksa.a 39 .nd 242 102-104 S. WAYNt ST, MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. •ib.