The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, May 05, 1911, Image 3

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• * >#£od$Doc3S I ttSBx&zizva Have You Telephone In Your Home? right and save time, money, ami possibly life itself There’s nothing like the phone in business or at home and the cost is trifling, Ask us If not you want to start the New Year save time, money, and possibly life Milledgeville Telephone Co. You can talk to everybody over our city country lines. and $ HefTje Mission Notes By Mrs. M. S. Lawrence. O ;4p*3fcjoc^o*. 4poc&o«c&xi Help other peoole grew, and y*u will we put into the auiliarv prayfully. be amazed and delighted to see how . much larger and more robust you have So| „ Prom v|op ,, rps K rt ftt yourself become. | The Council Meeting. The call at home and abroad is for] Until there is an organization in every more and better buildings, and op to church for the training of thte children, date equipments. Mission work at home and abroad must command the respect and stten- we have not done our full duty. Today the child is receiving more cure, tion of the world and the church, before more education, more Christian training it can accomplish the object of its en- than at any other period in the world’s deavor. The state may fail to meet its history, j obligation, in authorized educational, I reformatory or philanthropic work, and U we could gather into the church of MCI TR1IH10 unit m. URL III GEITRIi Of 01. Rf. Account U. C. V. Reunion, May 16- 18. 1*J11. For the accommodation of Confeder ate Veterans, their friends and the pub lic generally, we havearranged to oper ate special train threegh from Macon to Little Rock on the following sched ule: I.v. M. Lv. CttlumtHii Ar. Btrml' t;b’ Lv. Birmivurh'i Ar. Metnphi* Lv. Memphis vUC. of *3. via C. of G. » via C. G. i via FrfecoSjrat'n A P. . it 1*. 1 0’> pm Mur K' 4 05 pm May Jfr- y O pm Muy Jo 9 46 pm May 16 5 TO am Ma* t> 00 am Mar •!« 10 00 am May 16 iaC It Ar. Littla ftork This train will carry through sleeping cars, coaches and commissary car from Macon. It will ako carry through sleep ing car from Savannah, which cur will leave Savanntheit 6:45 a. m.. Mr;/ 16 For further information in regard to rates limits, schedule, service, etc., apply to nearest ticket agent, or com ; munreate with John W. Blount, L)isl. Passenger Agent. Macon, Ga. Foley Kidney Pills Mr. Guy Underwood Gets Formal Discharge a generation will pass by, before an this city, and every city, all the little awakened and injured public will de-1 children not only of the ([church but of mand compliance with law. But if a ( the streets, feed and clothe them, and church Mission Board falls shirt of the train them to serve and shine for the best a state or a community c»n do in j Master, not many generations would the same line of work, every detail of l ,a8a until the would be a different failure and weakness is noted and con-1 plkce. demned and Christianity is held re-1 sponsible for the illiberality.ineflciency j The training must begin at an early und manifest short comings of the L ^ em ^ or n we '* invested life church.” During the past year 287 aux liarics have been added to Southern Ciuncil, 5,741 members. North Georgia con ference has the largest increase. We must have one object in view, and that is to get hold of the child and train him. 1,825 boxes valued at $39,172 hasbeen sent to prvachers on poor circuits to ages. Mr. Guy Underwood has received his $11,410 was expended on formal discharge from the United States Army through interventions of 'his frie.ids and relatives and with the assistance of Congressman Bartlett. Judge John T. Allen and Mr. I. F. Bell. On account of some erroneous ideas surrounding the case Mr. Underwood was taken into custody and ■detained at Ft. Screven for a few dsys last week until the formal routine of -the discharge could be gone through wiOte, but he was discharged last Friday, neecli to the de light of his friends and hho friends of the family In thiscitv and county. Missionary Women are the very es- Inerease in coilocGons'"$22'.lM2 <f this j of mother 8 P ir j t ’ ' Vhc * “ re d ° in * all the nnecessary things that mothers find to do. NOTICE! Any one desiring the service of a Private Detective can find one by writing to DETECTIVE BOX 52, MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, central 01 Georoia Kaiiwau Gomnanu CURRENT SCHEDULE FOR MILLEDGEVILLE. Arrive from Macon and Gordon 1:20 p. m, daily. *' “ “ “ “ 6’35 “ " except Sunday •• “ Covington 11:29 a. m. “ “ “ Eatonton 7:59 '• “ Depart for Macon ami Gordon 11:29 1 “ “ “ “ “ “ 7:60 . “ “ (except Sunday * * Covington 1:20 pm “ Eatomou 6 36 “ exoept Sunday •ity mistions. i A splendid program has been ar schooL,"to rescue honK-sV and” orphan-'" 1 ™ 0 ' 1 f, ’ r U,e foreien Uopuftmcnt, IVhal wo Should I’m! 1m Mission Work Inspiration, knowledge, expansion of Monday, May 8, at 4 p. m. all will re- | ceive a cordial welcome. Motto: “The Orient was opened to Christianity at the point of the lancet. ” HOUSEHOLD CARES. soul, breath of vision, deepening of spiritual life, comprehension of the bx- tent and value of the work, w rid sympathy. We are renumerated by increased value of each of the abovq if — uiuij-V .. 81 graduates of 1911 from Scarritt Bible and Training School were present ed to the Missionary Council as can didates for deaconesses and Mission aries. $3.50 Recipe Free, For Weak Kidneys Relieves Urinary and Kidney Troubles, Bachache, Straining, Swelling, etc. Stops Pain in the Bladder, Kidneys and Back. Tax The Women of Milledgeville The Same as Elsewhere. Sunny Squiblets on Topics of The Times What They Will Do for You They will cure your baohache, strengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary irrcgularitieo, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright’s Disease and Dia- bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. I P ams an ‘i aches CHICKEN FOOD. Good for fowls, also domestic animals,con sisting of broken corn Hard to attend to hocsehold duties. With a constantly aofcing back. A woman should not'have a bad back. And she wouldn’t iftfho kidneys were well. Doan’s Kidney Pills erutke well kid ney’s. Milledgeville womer should profit by the following experience. Mr. H W. Heath, of Sparta, Ga., says: "I suffered off and on for years from kidney trouble. It came on first with torturing pains mi my back, kid ney’s and sides. The .kidney secretions became disordered and I fell so languid and weak that J couidd ardly get around 1 heard of Doan’s Kidney Pills and get ting a supply at Racier & Middlebrcok s Pharmacy, 1 used tae.-n. They did so much for me that 1 cannot praise them too highly, ia fact, they simply made me feel like a different person. My were relieved almost immediately and my kidneys were re- st'-red to a normal condition. When- Our society people are mortgaging Oieir houses to Her King George crotn- «ed, while in England they will want *ne way fare rebated to take the teotheiof going up to “Luzeion.” Champ Clarkitas broken four gavdf in keeping the Sf-ouse in order. Tha6* what comes from only hitting the desi instead of the-in ads of offending mem bers. wrangle over oossession of the buck maw is far from indicating a disposition to do things to the wood piie. We ca'I the Italians blackhearted f*r their Camerra -murders at retail, be*, we have someadiere a dynamite gatg that does the fame business at whole sale. There is a heavy drop in the stirwl trust profits, bit as Mr. Carnegie y?it an article accented by the May Centor-/, he can still furnish a few more literary book s. The broom ie one symbol to lie carried in the New York Suffragist parade sxi May 6. Mere tnari crouching on <iie sidewalks will ask timorously if' thi« s as rotation in office. The senators are quarreling over com mittee places, but the fact that they I sluggish Wouldn’t it be nice within a week or so to begin to sav good bye forever to the scalding, dribbling, straining, or too frequent passage of the urine: the forehead and the back-of-the-head aches; the stitches and pains in tho back; the growing muscle weakness; spots before the eyes; yellow skin; bowels; swollen evelids or OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO o PROFESSIONAL CARDS o ooooooooooooooooo W. B, HUTCHINGS, —DENTIST— Sucoossor to Dr. F. S. Whitney. Offers bis professional services the people of this citv and Bection. Office in Horne Building.. May 1st—1-yi, ankles; leg cramps; unnatural short breath; sleeplesssness and the despon dency? I have a recipe for these troubles that you can depend on, and if you want to make a quick recovery, you ought to write and get a cony of it, Many a doctor would charge you $8.60 just for writing this prescription, but 1 have it and will be glad to send it to you entirely free. Just drop me a line Although the board of health gave J like this: I3r. A. E. Robinson, K367 that garbage heap in Mr. Lnrimer's I Luck Building, Detroit, Mich., and I btek yard a shining cost of wnitewaso. The country proposes to dnd out who did this long list of dynamite jobs. They are the cowardly acts of dirty sneaks who want to kill people in the dark without giving them a chance to hit back. will mind it bv return mail in a plain . .envelope. As you will,see when you the neighbors are sniffing more suspi-l^gj t j,j 8 recipe contains only pure, ciously than ever. harmVess remedies, but it 4 has great healing and pain-conquering power. The county has a balance of trade in its favor of about $400,06 },Q00. But after we have paid the bids of the European tourists, the cashier wiW be sending us the usual overdraw notice. ever 1 feel poorly and think that my . kidneys need a tonic 1 take a few sidewalks will esk timorously if thK h | I ho English had some smart speakers doses of Doan's Kidney Pills and they dis P ,a Ved as a weapon or as a houseMi j at their peace meeting the other night, always help me ” I but the $300,000,000 they are spending For sale bv all dealers. Price 501 j for battleships talks more eloquently. cents. Foster-Milbura Co.. Buffalo.,! These trees that are planted on Arfew | J New York, sole agents for United ; Da Y are conlin « alon « i UHt ,n t,,ne u and other grains,! states. known ings.” Mills. as “Screen- Oconee River 2-17 tf. I Remember the ’ take no other. name —Doan’s and A Morning Reminder. You awake with a mean, nasty taste in the mouth, which reminds you that your stomach is in a bad condition, k should also remind you that there is nothin? so good for a disordered stomach as Chamberl&in’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They build up tlue system, assist nature to restore natural conditions, and are so .gentle in their actio* that one hardly real- Mr. J. I). Bioodwortli Has New Com First ot May Bible is celebrated, and some peop.e’i copies look as if they had been collecting .liust just about that time. There are great possibilities In gar dening in Milledgeville aad the sur rounding sections and Mr. J. O. Blood- worth’s experiments of a practical na ture along this line attest this fact. Mr. Bloodworth has fresh corn for the table this week. Of course, be took a long chance to get these results, plant ing corn in January, but it survived ev- izes a medicine wa* taken. Chamberlain!* ery bit of the cold weather and is now Tablet* are aold ««ary where. Price 26c. the roasting ear stage. CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT The Great Cough Cure For Children and Adults. i In addition to corn, Mr. Bloodworth has bad a generally excellent garden and tliere is no doubt but that everybo dy heving suitable ground for the w«rk could emulate his example to great ad vantage in many ways. Mr. Taft, told New Yorkers that he give the hordes f mie nice juicy bark to j did not want to annex Canada. As nioble at this summer. | Uncle Sam has 46 children of his own, I with two more under way, it seems un it will quickly show its power once you use it so ! think you had bettor see what it is without delay. I will send you a copy free—you can use it and cure yourself at home. MII.LEDGEVII.LF/, GEORGIA. Calls given prompt attention day and I night urd night calls a specialty. Residence 203 North Jefferson Street! Physician-Surgeon’ MJLLBIHIKVILLK, - - - GA. 132 i 2 W. Hancock St* ExcursIOR Bates Via Centra! ol tieergia Hail way. The tercentenary of the King Jamei | necessary for him to usk to adopt his The quieting down of the Mexicai war talk makes it clear that what th« Mexicans want is not so much freedon neighbors family. They’ve got a new head for the An- noplis naval academy. Let us hope he teaches the boys that a person may be able to earn a dollar and yet outlive the disgrace of it. One of Most Famous Gullies in The Country is Found Near Milledgeville The Noonday os Life. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, aa thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY,LIVERAND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over * druggist’s counter. Married beopfe should learn what to do for one another’s little ills, and for the ills of clildren that mar come. They are sure sooner or later to hcveoeeaaios to treat constipation or indifrestion. When the opportunity cornea remember that the quickest war to obtal* relief, and fiallr a per manent cure, ia with Dr. Caldwell’s Srrup Pepaln. the *reat herb laxative compound. A bottle should always be in the house. It i> absolutely guaranteed todo what is claimed, ar.d if you want to try it before buying, send vour addreea for a free sample bottle to Peprin Syrup Co.. 118 Cald. well Cldg . MooMcello. III. it ia aold bv a’l Drug gists 60c and SI a bottle. Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey For Cough* and Colds. Baldwin countv has one of the largest gullies in it to be found anywhere il the south. This fact was again brought out clearly last week when Government Engineer E. R. Conant was in this city. In 1847 Sir Chas. Lyle, an eminent gf- ologist visited Milledgeville and took 1 pho»o of the big erosion, measuring at that time 300 yards long by 120 feit wide. Now it is nearly half a mils long and 300 feet wide The erosion was started some tims early in the century by a crack in the earth and of course it wag an easy mat ter for the water to do the rest. All this time it has been gradually enlarg ing until now it is a Mecca for all sight seeing crowds going out of the city. It is oa the old Pomona farm three miles out. There is another gully almost as large on the Hill place nearby. The farming territory iu the community is exceptionally fine despite the fact that the soil erosions of such notable nature are found in the vicinity. TO AUGUSTA, GA., account District Grand Lodge No. 18, G. U. O. O. F. of America, to bo held August 8-11, 1911. Fares apply from points in Georgia. TO CHARLOTTESVILLE, YA. account University of Virginia Summer School to be held June 19 July 29, 1911. Fares apply from selected points. TO EVANSVILLE, IND,, account General Assembly, Cuberland Presby terian Church, to be held May 19, 1911. Fares apply from selected points. TO JACKSONVILLE, FLA., account Southern Baptist Convention to be held May 17-23, 1911. TO KNOXVILLE, TENN , account Summer School of the South, to be Jheid June 20-Julv 29, 1911. !TO LITTLE ROCK, ARK., account Confederate Veterans Reunion, to be^ held May 16-18, 1911. TO MONTEAGLE & SEWANEE, TENN., account Opening Week, Mont- eagle Bible School, and Montcagle Sun day School Institute, to be held during July and August 1911. For complete information in regard to total fares, dates of sale, limits, schedules, train service, etc., apply to nearest ticket agent. J. C. HAILE. General Passenger Agent F. J. ROBINSON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Dr. Geo. L, Chapman Physician & Surgeon Calls Promptly Attended DUfMVI CO' OFF'CE NO. 441 rnUIVta- RESIDENCE NO 440 Office in Opera House Building Office 1 lours: 9 to 11 a. ni, 4 to 5 p m. DR. J. C RICHARD DENTIST. OFFICE - - HATCHER BL’ILCING PHflNFS. OFFICE, 1180 niUIlCu. KKSIDKMTi, ISO MILLEDGEVILLE (iuv D. Compton M. D. Physician and Surgeon. The place to take the true measure of a can is not the market place or the amen earner, not the forum or the field, but at his own fireside. There he lays aside his mask and vou may learn whet her he’s imp or angel, king or cur, here or humbug. I care not what the worli says of him—whether it crown him witi jewels or pelt him with bad eggs. I care never a copper what his reputs tion may be. If his babies dread hw oming home and better swallows her heart every time she asks him for a five dollar bill, he’s a fraud of the first water, even though he prays night and morn till he is black in the face and howls hallelujah till he shaks the etern al hills. J. M. Howell, a popular druggist of Greensburg, Ky., says, "We use Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy in our own housenold and know it is excellent.*• For sale by John Vinson Druggist. Dr. Bell's AntisepticSalve Good for all Skir. Disesces. Office -n Horne Bldg, or Culve & Kidd’ sDrug Store, residence at night, uCalls promptly answered- PHONE 209. r. M. HALL. M. D. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SUROXON Office hours 11 a. m. to 12:^0 p. n.. Building, 136J Office in Hatcher Wayne Street. Milledgrville, Ga Oct. 19, iy. HOG FOOD. For the farmer to feed and fatten hoars, cows horses, mules, etc. Oconee River Mills. Dr- Edward ft. Tinner Dental Surgeon WM. A. ELLISON,. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON-