The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, May 05, 1911, Image 4

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THE MILLEDGEVILLE NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY The Home Merchant—No 1. iSntcrtt) Through the V.ill' igoville Poatoffice aa Second Class Mail Matter. •I.C. McAULIFFE. Editor H. E. MrAULIFFE, Associate j Ativcrtixing Rates: Display, 2-1 cent* per 'nch, special apace. Reading notices strictly live cents pai line, each insertion. Foreign Representative)!: American Press Association. A:i tnis week's news in The News this week, and when it's in The News it's al- i ways so, that’s reliability. Kest advertising medium of any paper in this section, all home print, and largeat \ circulation in Baldwin County of any paper absolutely guaranteed. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 PER ANNUM. Friday, May 5. 1911 At tne request of several readers, this newspaper proposes during the next few weeks to review briefly the reasons why our people should patron’Ze home trade. It all our people followed the example of some of our citizens and I ou ;l t liscounta for time and I everything possible away from home, we would have precious few retail stores left. W hat would happen in that cast? A large section of our people, including merchants and their clerks and the trad speople who cater to them, would moye away. Not mert'y that, but the decadence of our business life would manifest itself in our bu* - ness center. Stotes to rent, an air of decadence, ol struggle to meet o .liga tions, would settle like a pall over our town. Any person thinking of locating here for busin:ss or residence would get an impression that this is a deid town, and would not coine. But suppose all ol our people bought goods at nome whenever possible, what would be the result? The f rst thing that would happen woold be i distinct increase in the • ^ to— * i i m ■ ■■■■ IROYAL The Atlanta Journal says it is looking forward to the watennelon, Why not watch the legislature instead ol the melon? . ' business dune, with a chance for more people to gain a livelihood here, coining of the . , , , , . More than that, the sprucing up and expansion ol our retail trade that would then take place would give an added imprrssion of a bright business | future, that would attract new comers. The census returns show that three Augusta subu'bs have a popn'r- tio:i of over (>,ooo people. They may grow to double that by Ipzo, Macon. Tic railroads of Georgia broke all records in earning last year and they cty hard times and arc trying to hold up freight rates. The Georgia legislature will hardly have to be bribe 1 in order to elect a senator and that's something to their credit, to say the least ot it. The Masons of Georgia are keeping tilings lively in Athens and Macon. It is a wonder Atlanto didn't get one of the conventions lor this year. Augusta gets the next meeting of the state medical assocation. The ph; sicians of Augusta arc doing great work there with their new plans. The early peaches will soon be here and the blackberry crop promises to lie ti e biggest on record. Georgia is pretty hard to beat for good. The champion corn grower will soon get to be in the same class with the champion fisherman il they don’t stop trying to break production records. Baldwin county will be in the loo.bushels county class this year when it conies to yield, just watch that. Eight Georgia counties did it I910. Good roa Is. diversified crops, splendid schools, rural telephones, auto mobiles and a dozen other things add to the pleasures ot farming here. City Improvement And Health. L OGIC galore has been expounded concerning civic pride, but after all the persuasion from the aesthetic point of view is expended the greai <l«esiion of health rises peramount to all others. Little gulches, puddles, or even cans of water, standing around the premises are a constant menace to health and it must be remembered that health stands head and shoulders above everything. When you want to find something that concerns the rich .and poor alike, the people of the city and country, take up the subject ol health. Ordinarily you may not find many people willing to give you the atten tion and consideration that is deserved, but let sickness come and the inevit able results follows. You will find people willing to listen, to do anything, no miller how sttipenduous. Suffering must be banished and every precaution will tie taken when it is too late. In a city the question is more important than elsewhere. The contag intis diseases are rapidly distributed in the city. They arc more liable to tint! origin in the crowded sections. Filling in low places on the streets. «:<»\ ering up open drains, extending sewerage, doing the thousand and one things that call for the expenditure of time and money, comprises some of the things that should be done in Milledgeville. The citizens and property owners should co-operate in this movement, keep down thes, mosquitoes and oilier pests that are .1 constant threat against the health of the people. Now is the time to do it and much depends on the promptness which is exhibited In the people in taking an active hand in the work. A Little Vagrant Discussion Mow is idleness in your community, in your section of the city? I>o yuii know just how many people are working tor a living and how many are -existing on the public? Mow many are depending on somebody else to get something to eat and wear for them and waiting, watching, but certainly not |irai ing for it in the right spirit? Do you know anybody that pretends tc want work and cm t get it? Of course, these questions are intended to ap pit to the colored contingent of the city, but if by chance they should fit an! where else who's to blame? The whole country now needs woik,ers and the laborers are few. It mi' be truly said that few people want to work nowadays. It you get any body in any line to take up a task they seem to carry it along with about the «*aive degree <>l alacrity that one would admire as the proper movement in a mg to a funeral. Now, this is not the knocking department of this paper, 5» :t men who are striving to do something and are accomplishing a great steal for the city and county tell us that it is an impossibility to get workers. 'Ye know this is true and thev deserve co operation to the extent of having t ile worthless workers driven out so that room may be made tor those (will work. The same condition is true out in the country The white people, Hlicit wives and children are being forced to work ami half ol the time some of .*eir earnings are stolen, or taken away in some manner by wo. t work. If the right course is pursued there will be a great chance wrought in the near future. It won't take more than one or two shining ex amples of compulsory work to make the rest ot the go-easy observe just HOW TU KILL VOLK TOWN. There are pome chronic kickers in every community, town and city they keep it up every chance thev get. The following ex.erpt from an exchange is true: Kick. Keep kicking. And don’t quit kicking. One pull one way and one t'other. Go to other towns and buy your goods. Knife every man that disagrees with you on the method of increasing busi ness. Make your own town out a very bad place, and stab it every chance you get. Refuse to unite in any scheme for the betterment of the material interest of the people. Tell your merchant that you can buy your goods a great deal cheaper in an other town and charge hun with extor tion. Keep every cent you get and don’t do anything of a oublic nature unless you can get something out of it directly. When you say anything of your town say it in such a way that it will leave the impression that you have no faith in it. Patronize outsides newspapers to the exclusion of your town, and then de nounce them for not being as large as the city papers. Midway Froj eity Sals Is a Coming 1'vuit *^11. Hi?'* ThesiJeof the Hi rper tract in Mid way. w tich will te held next Monday week is attracting unsual attention. There ii large number of people desiring lots in that section of the growing com munity of Midway and it seems that withioa few years the place will be in corporated as a suburb to Milledgeville as it ingrowing so fast. Mr. J. O. Blood- worthts conducting the sale and Messrs. L. C. Hall, Jno. T. Day and .1.0 Blood- worth are owners, adveitisement of the )*Ie appears elsewhere in this issue f Tke News. Foley's Kidne.v Remedy Acted Quickly M. N. George, lrondale, Ala., was bothered with Kidney trouble for many years. "I was persuaded to try Foley Kidney Remedy, and before taking it three days I aould feel its beneficial ef fects. The pain left my back, mv Kid- dey action cleared up, and I am so much better l d > not hesitate to recommend Foiev Kidney Remedy." Sold by Cul- ver & Kidd. Mrs. Ola B. Edwards is now at home will her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W H. H. Karnes in this city after having taufht the school in this county during the last term. Jmior Order Lodge To Be Organized Here Ihe Jr. O, U. A. M. will have a lodge hen within a short time if the plans of of lie promoters are carried out. Mr. C. J. Newton is endeavoring to secure thunecessary to obtain a charter. A short time ago there was u local organi zation, but it was moved to Midway. Ihone 20 W. II. Montgomery’s Market. Baking Powder Economy The manufacturers of Royal Bak ing Powder have always declined to produce a cheap baking powder at the sacrifice of quality,. Royal Baking Powder is made from pure grape cream of tartar, and is the embodiment of all the excellence possible to be attained in the high est class baking powder. Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price, and is more economical at its price than any other leavening ; agent, because of the superlative quality and absolute wholesomeness of the food it makes. Mixtures made in imitation of baling powders, but containing alum, are frequently distributed from door to door, or given away in grocery stores. Such mixtures are dangerous to use in food. In England, France, Germany and some sections of the United States their sale is prohibited by law. Alum is a dangerous mineral acid, and all physicians condemn baking powders containing it. Tho label of alum baking powders show tho Ingredients. READ THE LABEL must 1.0.0. F. ToOiganizi A Large In Midway ' reside there and thev think they can I obtain charter for a lodge there. Work has alreadv started alonT this line and 1 will no doubt be successful ECZEMA | Yields readily to Dr. Bell’s Antiseptic Members of the Odd Fellows residing Salve. You see an improvement after in Midway and at the sanitarium are! the fif gt application. We guarantee planning to have a lodge at that place. |it. It i» clean and pleasant to use. 25c Several members of the local lodge here 1 a b°*' NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS All property owners holding taxable property in the 318 district are hereby notified that they must give ir. their taxes for said district separately, o. thev will he required to come betore the board of trustees of said district and n.ake affidavit of same. By giving in separately they will avoid this incon venience, W. I. Harper. Bros, Board of Trustees. Foley Kidney Fills take hole of your system and help you to rid yourself o; your dragging backache, dull heudache, nervousness, impaired eyesight, and of all the ills resulting from the impaired action of your kidneys and bladder. Remember it is Foley Kidney Fills that do this. Sold by Culver & Kidd. RIPE PEAIHES HERE Mr. B. B. Ar.derson and Mr. F. W. Hendrickson brought ripe peaches to the city this week, showing the crop to be exceptionally early. They were of the Sneed and Mayflower varieties and were here in com oercial quantities, speaking well for Messrs. Hendrickson and Anderson as fruit growers. Instead of Liquid Antiseptics or Peroxide many people are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic Tlie new toilet germicide powder to be dissolved iu w .ter as needed, who For all toilet and hygienic uses it Is j better ami more economical. To cleanse and whiten the , teeth, remove turtur amt prevent decay, , To disinfect the mouth, de- those who' atroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridge work clean, odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth and w purify the breath after smoking. »ud nod ily what can and will be done. Let's have a little coercion in this work and To eradicate perspiration sec ho v development will follow. \Ye will have less robberies, lers purse Ttel^'InU^c wash'known, snatching and a little less dangerous community. It's up to the public and Relieves aud strengthens tired, weak, a-,e officials to do the:: part in weeding out the undesirable denizens of this > ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I ♦ ♦ : a ♦ * * ► a ♦ * a a a a JUVENILE WEEK at W. S. Myrick & Co. —Big Showing of— Children’s Wash Suits (>ne of our special features next week will lie our line Juvenile-roods. In this department we have a large assortment for you to select from, materials are madras, French ginghams in stripes and plaids, trimmed in solid contrasting materials, also sheer white lawns, Bstiste, and Lingerie cloth, each garment is well made and trimmed in daintv lace and en broidery. We invite every MOTHER to inspect this line. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY W. S. My rick & Co. Milledgeville, Georgia. and section. or hv mail postpaid. Sample Free. THE PAXTON TOILET CO.,Boston.Maxv