The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, May 05, 1911, Image 8

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Money-Saving News Items IfBHEHBKQBSCa Chase and Sanbnrn's Tea for ice. and beat coffee. Emmet L. Barnes,Sole Agt. Florida and Colorado orange*, Florida and Baldwin countv Vegetables, banan as and apples at C. E . Greene's Phane26.W. H. Montgomery s Market. Foley Kidney Fills are a true medi cine. They are healing, strengthening, antiseptic and tonic. They act quickly. For sale by Culver & Cidd. Fimento. Pimento cheese and all kind of fine groceries at, C. E. Greene’s Do You Have The Right Kind of Help? Foley Kidney Pills furnish you the right kind of help to neutralize and re move the poisons that cause backache, headache, nervousness, and other kidney and bladder ailments." Sold by Cul ver & Kidd. EXTRA $1,000 EASILY EARNED IN GREAT VOTING CONTEST « If >ou Can Buy a Prize of The Chronicle’s Contest Depart ment Without Earning it Through Valid Subscriptions. ABSOLUTE, UNQUESTIONED FAIRNESS TO CONTESTANTS Prizes Will Be Awarded Only to These Who Have Earned Them -—And Every Candidate Will Receive Something for Money Turned into Contest Depart ment. Occasionally some one says that In cnntcs'.H of tills kind favored persons ran come In st the lust minute with money hurt boy votes enough to win the best prizes; or, that they can buy the prizes themselves—ut the hisi minute. 'l'lie Management of The Chronlele Contest desire* to sny this: The prizes will be awarded to the per sons who win them. They must he Seen by fair methods. Not one single Vole will he issued from the contest department except on bona fide names and addresses and the money most ac company the subscription. The value of the Capital Prise Is $2,:i(i0. Now. If any one wants to make $1.000—by doing a little detective work, let them find some one fho can buy this capital prize from The Chronicle or t’onlest Department—ut any time dur ing the coolest, «ltfc‘T now or ut Its Close. • Rasd th„ following, out it out and ksop it: It must bo thoroughly understood now, and every one must beer it in mind, and romombor, both during this contest and after it closet, that it is being and will be st all times, con ducted honorably and fsirily. No one contestant *hsll or can, in any way, obtain any undue or wrongful advan tage over any other contestant, and, every contestant shall receive abso lutely, the prize he or the may be en titled to from the work done and sub scriptions sent in. No votes will bo is sued, under any circumstances, to sny parson, who is not entitled to them, and, the only basis for issuing these ■ I*, end will at ell times sub scriptions with the money accompany ing them, and bona fide names and addresses of each subscriber. No per son can buy up sny prize or juggle with the votes to produce any other than the result which the candidates shall earn by their efforts in securing— subscriptions. The men who are con ducting this conteet are men of honor and will not stoop to any unfair means Every one must be dealt with fairly and honorably. The men at the head of this great paper are ton well-known for the pub lic to consider for ode second as be ing In any way connected with any scheme wlileh is not fair and right. Now, Contestants, keep up the pace you are traveling and go faster If you can. He "the early bird" and ■entch' tlial worm', which you ( an do easily. Don't wait fur If you do, some one else will be the early bird, and you will go hungry. •All things come to him who waits." Perhaps that's true. Well let ’em. W ith me. the only things I got 1 had to go and get 'em." Subscriptions are coming In more and more rapidly every day. Even the rain hns not kept the candidates from bringing them In, and many subscription* are being brought Into the Contest Department by (befriends of the contestants to be credited to them. Ho, never mind It, friends, If you do get water In your shoes or If the dust and gravel romes Into the holes worn In them obtaining subscriptions, It's worth the price to feel that you are winning, and who knows but that you who nre the lltweat may he first at the goal. Remember the story of thi hare umi the tortoise and If you can not he n hare keep plodding along and hy steady and conscientious work you ore Just as likely to win as any ean- dldate in the contest. Just get out and get the subscriptions anyway — and bo proud of yourselves—and ' our success. • R< member to make good us. < Contest 'Phone $21, which was put in or your special accommodation. S There is one thing tbs* wo find necessary to call your psrtlculsr attention to. Please notice the following: ' Contestants and Subscribers art warned that votes will not be issued on subscriptions unless I they are asked for at the time ! the subscription is paid for—and, I no votes will be issued hereafter on oubscriptions which have !l been paid when votes wero not I • sked for at the time of paying. || we Will m you! • *• <> CAPITAL $1,700,000 « Absolute Protection- Prompt Service. Reasonable Rates ♦ The United States Fidelity • agd Guaranty Comp’y l DALTIMOHE, MO. * SURETY lOND BURGLARY INSURANCE ♦ L. H. ANDREWS, Gen l Ag’t. I •Mill, dj.c\illc, (ill. GOVERNMENT STANDARD' 1 PURI OLD R’ SPECIAL WHOLESALE PRICE 2 gallon s'BBBBH for 5 DOLLARS WfilSffP Express Charges Prepaid BSCaaMMB I.H. OPPENHEIM CO ROBox 4ooChattanoooaTenn. + Old Glen worth is really high* 1 class wl hitkey in n »erv sense of the 1 word. It is pure and properly 1 agrd in wood. It has a hue rich mellow flavor. Any judge of good whiskey will be pleased w ith this Brand. ! Oppenhcim's M ’hiskics have a 1 reputation of being up to the very 1 1 highest standard. l^full price list. \V rue tor our j 280 bales of No. J 1 Timothy hay, something the stock will eat at Emmett L. Barnes. When you want a good meal at a rea- I sonable cost go to the New York Car.- dy Kitchen Restaurant, next door to the Foe*. Office. I’hone 26 W. H. Montgomery’s Market. PINE TAH AND HONEY Have been used for generations in treat ing coughs. Dr. Bell's pine-tar-Honey ! contains both combined with other valua ble ingredients. Look for the bell on the boftle. Be sure you get Dr. Bell’s. LOST. Nothing is lost if bought at our [.store, we redeem all worthless goods. Chandler Bros. On the days when mostof the “occas ional patrons’’ of vour store are eagerly reading the ads, don’t you want your ad to be "there" —and to be convincing? I’hone 26 W, H. Montgomery’s Market. Don t foiget, we are still selling our one and two horBe wagons at cost, for the cash. Only a little more on time. Moran & Wilkinson. HIGH GRADE COTTON SEED I have 25 bushels of Dillon or Shang hai cotton Beid, the famous kind that will satisfy you, offered for quick sale at $1. CO per bushel. Seed can be seen at Farmer's Warehouse. S. P. Myrick, Apr. 20, 1911 Meriwether, Ga. WHY EYFERIMENT When Dr. Bell's l’ine-Tar-Honey has been tried with satisfaction for over sixteen years in millions of homes for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and bronchial troubler. You cart get it any where, Look for the bell on the bottle. Phone 26 W. H. Montgomery’s Matket^ Figaro l’reserver, guaranteedto keep you.' meat for 12 months or your money back. Chandler Bros. ([Canned strawberries, black berries, English peas, beets corn and soups, ut C. E. Greene’s Knives and forks 36 cents a set, just j to close them out. At Moran & Wil kinson. THERE'3 A REASON For the large and inereusing sale of Dr. Bell’s Fine-Tar-Honey. When in the ( need of a cough medicine try it and you will know the reason. i Walker & Stanley has one cheap mule I loft for sale. See them. | Phone 26 W. II. Montgomery’s Market. | Cotton Seed Hulls, Meal, Bran and I hay, delivered on short notice. Emmett L. Barnes. WHAT’S THE |USE To suffer with sore eves when one 25c tube of Sutherland s Eagle Eve Salve will cure you. We guarantee it. You risk nothing. It’s a creamy, snow ’ white ointment. Phone 26 W. H. Montgomery's Market. Fla. Sweet Potato Plants,the earliest triumph variety at Emmett L. Barnes'. Driskell & Sinton’s Barber Shop has j plain a first'class Pressing Club and J all work guaranteed or money refund- led.- udv. Phone 26 W. H. Montgomery’s Market. PASTURAGE FOR STOCK Fine Bermuda pasture for rent. Horses, colts, yearlings and cows, all $1.00 per head hy the month, payable on first. J. 1,. Crocker. People usually pa? as much attention to a store as a store pays to them—in its advertising, for instance! . Phone 26 W. H. Montgomery’s Market, Large Barrel Lime, White Cement and plaster Paris at E nmettL. Barnes’. Liquid Smoke, something new for preserving meat guaranteed or money refunded by Chandler Bros’. Phone 26 W. H. Montgomery’s Market. j Pure Ga. cane syrup, pure Cuba I molasses at Emmett L. Barnes’. WANTED—Beef Cattle and Hags at, W, H. Montgomery’s Market, Vehicles and harness, are not all we sell. Call and see our triplic plated guaranteed tea and table spoons at 25c and 35c per set—worth #1.00. Moran & Wilkinson. WANTED —Beef Cattle and Hogs at, W. H. Montgomery's Market. 100 cents worth for every dollar spent with Chandler Bros. It is the little things that count- We promise to give our customers the bene fit at all times on everything. Chandler Bros. Dr. Bell’s Antiseptic Salve Is guaranteed for tetter, ringworm, ezema, chapped hands and lips, running sores, ulcers and in fact ail skin diseases. Good t" use after shaving. 25c a box. Nitrate of Soda in small or large quantities at Emmett L. Barnes’. ■OLEYlS ORINOLAXATM Zoa Siomacn Tsovan and Constipation F reights are too slow to bring these exquisite candies to you. Nunnally believes in making candies best—and in seeing that they come to you fresh. And for this, fastest express is none too fast. Sealed in air-tight boxes. Charles F. Barrett P. P. P. £aMam!ms Cures it Blit Poison, Hunntia att ScroM?. P. P. P. purifies the blood, builds up the weak and debilitated, gtv v ‘remrth to weiv*' -s, expels disease, giving the patient health an-£ a>piness, w>- . -canes., gloomy feeling, and lassitude brat prevailed, in blood poison, mercurial poison, malaria, dvspepsia, and in all b.r-4 -wt sl~- " Vases, like blotches, pimples, old u eers tetter, s.^ * g r’ without fear of contradiction that P* P- !•* $he best bloui Yadies'V. ” -Inn are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure tv, rfition dne to menstrual irregularities. are peruiiariv benefitedI by the worn rferfu) tonic and blood cleansing properties of P. P. P.» Prickly Asli, P«H. Koo* 't**d rotAKsium. / F. V. LIPPMAIM, SAVANNAH, CA. When you want a good meal at a rea sonable cost go to the New York Can dy Kitchen Restaurant, next door to the Post Office. We appreciate your order small or large. Try us Emmett L. Barnes. FOR RF.JiT Part of the old Methodist Parsonage for rent. Four rooms, city water, bath and sewerage, all conveniences. Hugh T. Cline. WE PAY 4 On Savings The Merchants & Farmers Bank CAPITA L AND SURPLUS $93.000 Jno. T. Allen, Pres’t L. C. Hall, Cashier Starts Much Trouble. I f all people knew that neglect of con stipation would result in severe indiges tion, yellow jaundice of virulent liver trouble they would soon take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and end it. It’s the onlv safe way. Best for biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25c at All Druggists. MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS Our Tom won first prize at the Ken tucky State Fair. 1910, (We’ll tell you i now, It takes a mighty good 'un to win in “Old Kentucky.’’) Our Hens are the noted "WAR WICK” STRAIN. bred in Nelson County, Kentucky, and are equally as fine as our Tcm. Our flock has everything that belongs to the high class, Mammoth Bronze Turkey, that’s all there is to it. Eggs $5.00 for a setting of ten. SiWer-Laced Wya-ulotteJEggs $1.50 for 16. Mammoth White Pekin' Duck Eggs, $1,50 for 10. C. H. BONNER, Milledgeyille, Georgia. Why Suffer ? Arc rou one of the thousands of women who] suffer from female ailments i 1 f so, don’t’he discour aged. £0 to your drugpist and pot a bottle of Wine of ! Cardui. Un tiie wrapper are full directions for use. During the last half century, Cardui has beeu| J established in thousands of homes, as a safe remedy for pain which only women endure. It is reliable, contains no harmful ingredients and can be depend-! cd on in almost any case. It Will Help You J 34 Mrs. fliarles Brapp, of Swcctser, Inti., tried Cardui. She | writes: “Tongue cannot tell how much Cardui has done for me. Before I L-gan taking Cardui 1 could not do a day’s work. 1 I would work awhile ami lie down. I shall always give praise to your | | medicine.’’ Try Cardui. AT ALL DRUG STORES j yAjgfr A * '' ' 'i A Dainty Enameled Bedroom . - 7'Wv:- Don't you admire a light, dainty bedroom with immaculate linen and draperies, and with walls, furni ture and woodwork all enameled in pure white or some delicate tint such as ivory or pale blue? You can have one—it is not expensive. ACME QUALITY ENAMEL (Neal’s) gives a hard, sanitary, lustrous, genuine enamel surface, easily kept bright and clean. It is offered in delicate tints or rich colors to harmonize with draperies and furnishings. Fowler-Flemister Coal Company. "ACME