The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, June 09, 1922, Image 1

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THE MILLEDGEVILLE NEWS me 21. NUMBER 37. Established October 12, 1901. HMER SCHOOL TO OPEN MONDAY VITH LARGEST ATTENDANCE RECORDED dormitories Will Probably Completely Filled When Commences This sion ir. HACKS of g. m. c. RENTED for summer p ia n5 Have Been Corn- led For Term and Dor- c ies Prepared For Oc- incy. lW ins dosely the closing o£ st annual term of the t Normal and Industrial Col- jll . the opening next Mon ti,,. ;, N. and I. C. Sunn -er n v rccepted as a forego’c ;„n that the at-.-ndance at the . . •l this year xwll he the t over recorded since the in- on was (ommencel live years riv sufficient applications been received to insure filling available space in the col- •ntilories. lition to the G. N. and I. C lories the barracks of the Gc-or- jlitary College have been rent the six weeks of the summer in order to provide room for ;e number of young men who come here to take special According to the present this building will be quite etelv occupied. urnmer school students will ee in all probability to ar- Milledgeville Sunday after- ami continue to come in dur- day Monday. ALL-DAY SERVICE HOPEWELL CHURCH Larg e Crowd Expected to Attend the Song Services and Big Dinner Will Be On Grounds. The people of the Hopewell church community have arranged for an all day service next Sunday and It is expected that several hundred will be present on the occasion. Both in the morning and after noon song services will be held and to further preparations for the'event Prof. J. C. Linderman. one of the leading musicians of South Georgia has been invited to lead the singing. Prof. Linderman is a resident of Mc Rae and he has notified the promot ers of the all-day affair that ho will be jaresent. At noon a basket 1 dinner will be served on the grounds and in keep ing with former occasions of the kind taking place at Hopewell, the feast will doubtless be sufficient to satisfy the appetites of tlae hundreds exepected to be on hand. The pub- lie is cordially invited to be present and participate in the song service and dinner. AND I C. BOARD ISSUES STATEMENT Express Appreciation of ndid Achievement* and Co-ep- un Extended by All Hands. i term ot the Georgia Normal nliistrla! College coming to a with the graduating exercises Monday was especially charac- bv an enrollment of over tudents—by earnestness of on die part of exery one of -bv their loyalty to the ideals institi turn, lay the largest grad- < la?s ever sent out of a Geor- ollege, by the splendid co-oper- uf the faculty, by the efficient economical management of the f this institution by Presi- i’arks: board of directors in session illelgeville, Ga., June 3th, wish- show their appreciation to all ad part in providing these won- results issued this public mf, nt of thanks, to the Gover- of the State for his Interest in school, to the members of the ral Assembly of Georgia for bind approval and support, to dent Parks for his wise loader- to th P anenabers of the faculty their unselfish co-operation, to alumna- for their loyal devotion ideals of the college, to the nit body for their fine spirit and fstness in their work, to the pa- f»r their helpful and sympa- attitude, to the public at large •heir confidence and oft express- »mmendatloias of the operations Institution. With all of this & I. College has growia to infi- entlal factor in the edu- n of the people of the state and 0Vet for the college your contin endorsement and confidence. In ^ "v pledge to you that the in- l ' on "ill endeavor to do its full Inn of Is obi Sia. fund: KlCIIARn B. RUSSELL, K - It. BARRETT, T K. ATKINSON, •' L. BRITTAIN, K - A. TIGNER, H. DAVIS, •MILLER S. BELL, U,I| N' B. HUTCHESON, CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE FROM FIRE TUESDAY Colored Drug Store and Meat Market Heavy Loserls From Early Morn ing Fire—Building Not Much Dam aged by Flames. Shortly after four o'clock Tresday morning Policeman Mays discovered a fire that had broken out in the building occupied by Jack Davis' meat market, that finally resulted In a loss estimated at around $11,000 to $4,000. / ' The firemen responded to the alarm in sufficient time to check any great amount of spread cf the flames. The meat market was almost com pletely destroyed and considerable damage was don e to the stock and fixtures of the Old Capitol drug store. The buildings were damaged com paratively little by the fire and can tr remodeled without much expense. The stock carried in the drug store was damaged considerably from the water poured onto the flames. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., FRIDAY, JUNF Q JOOO xodoon O X_ 91.50 A YEAR. SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES INVESTIGATE CONDITIONS AT STATE PRISON FARM Special Commission Has Been Appointed to Render Opin ion As to the Management Of Institution. The special commission, composed of five Superior court judges, will be in Milledgeville next Monday to go out to the state prison farm to make an investigation of conditions there iind prepare a report to be rendered to the next session of the Legisla ture. The investigation will be com menced at ten o’clock .Monday morn- ng, and the report to be made after the Investigation is completed will be filed directly with Governor Hard wick. This investigation comes about at the request of the members of the state prison commission and is the outcome of certain lengthy criticisms of the conditions at the state farm by J. Christie, paroled prisoner from th e institution. It was feared the personnel of the commission might have to be chang ed in one instance, because Judge Henry’ A. Matthews of the Bibb Su perior court is engaged in the trial CO-OPERATIVE SALE HERE BIG SUCCESS Practically $6,000 Worth of Live Stock Put on Sale and Disposed of Thursday. The biggest single sale of livestock to ever take place in Baldwin county took place here Thursday afternoon. The cooperative sale brought to Milledgeville buyers from various sec lions add the bidding was lively from the time the auction commenced. The hogs scltl at an average of ten cents per pound, while some of the cattle- brought upwards of five cents per pound. There were placed on sale two car loads of cattb' and two extra large carloads of le gs. Tho prices paid for b'-th tho cattle' and, tho hogs were top notch, according to Mr. W. W. Webt, of the state bureau of markets, who came here to conduct the auction. Th? auction of the cattle was held at the cattle pen of Capt. J. H. En nis, who vol.-ntarily offered his prem ises for th9 conducting of tho auction Tlie hogs were sold from a lo-t erect- G. N. AND I, C. CONCLUDES MOST SUCCESSFUL YEAR IN ITS HISTORY 280 jYoung Ladies Receive Iheir Diplomas Monday VC'hen Impressive Exercises Are Held. MANY VISITORS HERE FOR COMMENCEMENT Parents and Friends of Stu dents Here From All Parts Or Stale to Witness Closing Exercises. of the Willingham case, hut Governor 0 j nC ar the Georgia Railroad depot. Hardwick held a conference with j ^ j S understood that tho hogs Judge Matthews in Macon yesterday disposed ol in the sale will be. ex- and it was decided if the other mem- ported to Cuba. Tho cattle will be service and try to live up nations to the people of MASONS TO MEET HERE JUNE 21ST Convention of Lodge Representative-, Of Tenth Diatrict to Take Place Week From Next Wednetday. The annual convention of the Ma sons of the Tenth Congressional dis trict will take place in Milledgeville week from next Wednesday, June 21, Thei convention wil 1 be opened with a business session at 10:30 o'clock. At 11:30' otelockl the, dele gates will hold a public exorcise in the auditorium of the Georgia Mili tary College. At 1 o'clock a barbecue dinner will bo served on the campus of G. M. f olloge. The barbecue will be given by the Milledgeville lodge while the families of Masons will be expected to serve a basket dinner at the same time. Tho business session of the annual gathering will take place in the af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. At this time Social Lodge No. 1 of Augusta will confer the Follow Craft Degree It is expected that at least one hun dred delegates from the lodges of the district will b e in attendance at this meeting. Grand Master Joe Bowdoln of the Grand Lodge of Georgia and Past Grand Master Charles L. Bass, Grand Secretary Frank Baker and Grand lecturer Grey Thurman are expect ed to be guests on the occasion. hers of the commission did not insist on beginning the work this week, Judge Matthews would be able to serve, inasmuch as he would undoubt edly be through with the Willingham case by the end of the week. Wednesday Judge Henry C. Ham- mend of August; Judge W. E. H. Searcy, of Griffin; Judge -Moses Wright, of Rome, and Judge H. C. Bell, of Cairo, met the Governor in his office at 11 o’clock and for mors than an hour the gentlemen went over the entire situation. In that (•( nference it was decided that the. actual inquiry at Milledgeville would be deferred until Monday In order to meet conditions which confront Judge Matthews. File Report to Governor The commission is instructed solely to make a thorough inquiry, deter mine whether or not there is founda tion for the charges of Improper treatment of the prisoners, whether there is mismanagement or inhuman Ity, and to file its report with Gov ernor Hardwick. Since the first publication of the Christie letters, making charges against the system, and more partic ularly since the letter to the Gove nor from the Prison .-hippedl to Some nearby packing plant. The sale of both cattle and hogs involved practically $6,000, Mr. Webb stated before leaving Milledgeville late Thursday evening. Mr Webb declared that he believed that a great opportunity was in store for Bald- i county and this section to. en gage extensively in the raining*' cf live stock on a highly profitable ba sis. Quite a number of the hogs placed i sale came here front Wilkinson county. All those putting up stoc., and sold in the auction expressed themselves as bring highly pleased over tlicir receipts. STORES WILL CLOSE THURSDAY AFTERNOONS All Local Merchants Agree to Give Their Clerks Vacation once a Week During Remainder of June, July And August. The largest number cf graduates ver turned out so far by a Georg'a ducational institution was made a part of the records cf the thirty-first ;r,n of the Georgia Normal and In- lU3trial Collage which canto to a lose Monday of this week. Monday morning at 10 o’clock the i duating exercises were held in the auditorium of the big educational is- stitution condr cted by the state for advancing education amongst the oung women of Georgia. There were seated upon the stage 270 young la kes who were rewarded for tlieif ilili- , nit studies by being given diplomas. The (-allege auditorium on this oc casion was filled to its capacity by iiuiid-rcds of visitors who hail come •ere to see their daughters and their listers graduate. On the outside of . mt-iu college buildings were hun- eds of others who indicated their e.-dre to witness the all Important i'll, but for lack of more tpaee they cculd not gt-t on the inside. The great crowd of visitors coming to Milledgeville to be present cn this occasion filledi every hotel and prlv- te boarding house In the city. CERAMIC SCHOOL TO OPEN MONDAY Sixteen Pupils Have Filed Appli cations ror Admission to Classes to Be Taught by Miss Callie Cook. According to present prospects the ceramic art school conducted by Idiut-s Callie Cook will have an title uially large attendance tills year. The school will he open for receiv ing students next Monday, June 12th. Already sixteen applications arj on file ana will be admitted with the beginning of the summer term. This- is the second term of the school established by Miss Cook and according to the present outlook It is quite likely that the number of students to come here for instr.uct'on in ceramic arts will double that of the season of last year. Those who have signified their Intention to en ter the- school with Us opening Mon day are as follows; Miss Nona Jordan, Hendersonville, N. €.; Miss Lois Harper, Waverly, Tnnn.; Miss Luclle Burnett, Tacpa, Fla.; Miss Billye Sibert, Palatka, Fla.; Miss Brigman, Valdosta, Ga.; Miss Sue Ellen Morton, Gr.y, Ga.; Miss Maggie Gillis, Wrightsville, Ga.; Miss May Asbury, New Orleans, La.; Miss, il.issie Dorsey, Pinehurst, Ga.; Miss Iris Bland, McRae, Ga.; Miss UiaTolyn Parker, McRae, Ga.; Miss Clmrlotta Brigman, Valdosta, Ga.; Miss Maneal Tucker, Royston, Ga.; Miss Ora Brake, Culverton, Ga.; Miss Sara Dunbar, Byron, Ga.; Mrs. Geo. Zorn, Thomaston, Ga. The merchants of Milledgeville have agreed • to close their stores on Thursday afternoons of each week Commission, jfor the remainder of J: ne and tne asking that a body of selected out- months of July and August, comma- elders look into the matter, Governor cing Thursday of next week. Hardwick has hud 1 a large number of J This plan Is In keeping with an letters from people throughout the arrangement that lias been carried state. It is understood he discussed ! 0 ut here during these three summer much of this matter with the com- months for the last several years, mission of jurists Wednesday. ,Those having signed the aggnement Every comment made on the solec- are as follows: tion of tho special commission to han dle the prison criticism has been highly commendatory. n| Directors of Georgia Nor- k 'nffiistrial College. Leaver re-elected R fus W. Weaver, who lent of Mercer Univer- - 1 institution for four 1 elected for eight years VtR. C. A. GILES NAMED COUNTY SOLICITOR Young Attorney is Appointed by Governor Hardwick to Fill Unex- pired Term of Mr. T. D. Luther. Commission Now Effective. Mr. C. A. Giles, a well known yo-ng attorney who has been practicing law in Milledgeville for the last four years, was Friday oppointed by Gov- 91 nor Hardwick (to the positicn of solicitor for the Baldwin county court. The appointment of Mr. Giles is for the uncxplred term of Mr. T. D. Luther. Mr. Luther recently moved from Milledgeville to Greenville, S. C., where he has opened lav.’ prac tice. E. V E. Bell, Myrlck-Holloway Co., Goodrich, A. Goldstein, Finney Dry Goods Co., M. F. Davis, Gheesilng & Ricketson, Misses Keil & Ivey, Mrs. Eula Stanley, R. H. Wootten, Boaz Shoe Co., Baisden Shoe Co., Williams K Ritchie, Grand Jewelry Co., Union Dry Goods Co., R. W. Hatcher Hard ware Co., Baldwin Furniture Co. anil P. W. Brown Co. MR. W. T. GARRARD, JR. TO OPEN SHOW ROOM Mr. C. T. Garrard, Jr. has announ- overnor Thos. W. Hardwick made ced that ho i8 planning to open an the principal address delivered dur- automobile show room in Milledge- ing the grad atlng exercises. The vi n e ag 8O0n a8 he locates the most Governor paid a high tribute to the ^.girable place obtainable, college and referred to it as a great i T h e 8 h 0 w room will be i aed exclu- and important factor in the further- lively for the displaying of new nee cf education In Georgia.. 'outomobilee, Including Packard, Hud- Diplomas Delivered l FO n, Essex and Bulck cars. The In conclusion of the program car-:, (Unrter8 w jh pro bably be provided ed out at the graduating exercises, ‘within the next week or ten days, isidint Harks made a farewell ad- Garrard states, lress to the members of the sen : o-’ lass of 1921. Judge Richard B. Rus- h-11, president of the board of direc tors, also made a short talk to the young ladies. The delivery of diplomas -to the 280 young ladies was made- by Dr. Harks MR. GROVER GILMAN OPENS BARBERSHOP Mr. Grover Gilman has opened a n w barbershop In the place formerly in a very happy and impressive man- occupied by the grocery store of Mr. tier. Several mothers who had o. C. Watkins, in the Ohlman build- daughters in the large class of grad- j n g. nates, were touched to say something of the wonderful acccmplishments of the G. N. & 1. College. Going buck somewhat to the begln- Mr. Gilman Is a barber of a num ber of years experience and he will have associated with him Mr. J. E. Hall, who has also been engaged in NEW PHONE DIRECTORY TO SOON BE ISSUED C T. SNEAD BREAKS LOCAL POLITICAL ICE Well Known Baldwin Farmer Has Made Public His Candidacy For County Commissioner. CONGRESSMAN VINSON IS HERE ON VISIT Congressman Carl Vinson arrived in Milledgeville Friday to spend sev eral days here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Vinson, and to have the pleasure of being with his friends in Baldwin county ' While on his visit to Georgia on this occasion Mr. Vinson was not af forded the opportunity of seeing and can versing with his friends all over tho Tenth district However, he by chance me* quite a number of the of the board of trustees I representative citizens from the eoun- ' ’Hion. m e5 of the district. For the first time the political ice was broken in Baldwin county this week when Mr. C. T. Snead, a well known farmer made known publicly that he will be a candidate for one of'the places on the board of county —— -commissioners. ALLIGATOR OFFERS So far even rumors of prospective TO FIGHT MACHINE candidates for county offices have I been quite mild and not even a pres- !ent officeholder has made known Sylvanla. John H. Lovett. of S>1- that j, e wi j] 8tall( j f or re-election. The van la and S. B. Bocth of Savannah. J announcement of Mr. Snead is the when driving along the -c-ad abo it a Hirst that has eoin e out for a county ml'e from Brie- cre-rt, were ton office. ning of the program carried out dur-j barber work in Milledgeville for Key ing the commencement, Saturday eral years, eveinng an event of great pleasure took place when the members of the G. N. & I. C. Al”-mnae Association met in annual session at the home of President and Mrs. Harks. Thera were hundreds to attend this meet ing and the affair afforded a grosl joy to the former graduates of the college in being able to come togeth er once more upon the grounds of their schcolhool days. Music was furnished during the evening by tbs Milledgeville band under the leader ship of Prof. Nash. Sunday morning at 11:30 The Milledgeville Telephone Com pany has announced that it will is sue a new telephone directory within the next ten days or two weeks. The new directory will include all telephones Installed to date of pub lication. Those who plan to have in stalled a telephone will bo able to have snnio listed in the directory o'clocK soon to come from the press if order- tixr-ted by a six-toot alligator th-'. occupied the middle of tho road anil refused to get out of the way. It even showed fight when the car got close to him. The two turned back to Jasper Eastmead’s house, where they borrowed a shotgun and a pis tol. Upon returning they found the alligator in the same place and kill ed him. He was tied to the rear of the enr and dragged into town. The next nearest thing to politics are rumors to the effect the friends of Mr. Guy C. McKinley are insist ing that he allow his name to bt used for county commissioner. How ever, Mr. McKinley has net stated publicly bis disposition in this ri it ter. He has served on the board o! county commissioners several years and many of his friends are desirous of seeing hint go back into the office. the baccalaureate sermon was preach ed by Bishop H. J. Mikel] of At lanta. This service was halil 1 at the Methodist church. The church was lit erally crowded with the members of the graduating class, a small per cent of the other students of the college, visitors ami as many local friends as could get on the inside of the bunding. In conclusion of the general pro gram carried a t during the com mencement, the hundreds of visitors were afforded a great pleasure Mon day afternoon by reviewing th large number of exhibits of work dene by the students of the college. This af ford ?d an opportunity to see in a ed within the next two or three days. concrete way the sple'ndid work that is being done at the institution and of the wonderful training the young ladies receive.. It is estimated that several thou sand people went through the col lege buildlings to see the hundreds upon top of hundreds of useful things that had been made by the students themselves. The exhibition included pieces of almost every article that goes into th e household, while the work done in dressmaking anil the domestic science departments caught the eye of all in a very impressive way. SMOKE NORMA MARTINEZ HAVANA CIGARS After 8 years hack to 5 Cents At (ulver & Kidd Drug Company "OF COURSE" 3 ; V Phones 224 and 240