The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, December 29, 1922, Image 5

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HfUlLEDGEVILLE, OA. l MILLEOuEVILLE NEWS Social an& 4^ er50na ^ li A POEM FOR THE NEW YEAR You icon tnlk of rosolntioTs As the host known cure far ills; Bon’t talk about ReyerUtbe Ain’t none ’round these Vtc Libs. \ You can’t forget ye olden ways Lotus dreams wilt not do; There’s temptations waiting Hence, there’s no place for you. You think you’ll have a little rest Let resolutions run ’stray; But each (lav that jocseav Finds you in the same way. You think you’ll wait a Tittle while Jus’ tp rest your t-iruA-soul; Habit has no feelin ’ fot A player in that role. You dream in vein of reformation You’ll reach the pinups o’ light; No Lotus dreams will help there Jus’ up and do what’s right. Marjorie Hmdlej Mr. anil Mrs. Grady Brooks and Mrs Kathleen Hill of Atlanta, spent the holidays with"’Mr.%. G. V. Barrett. Miss Agnes 2-k-ott of Maryland is the guest of lie. meeker, Mrs. A. U. Scott.. Dr. and Mis/ T. H. Blarke and Miss Winifred GUeU’ -are the 1 gur.4s of Mrs. Clarke'« pu/smts, Mr. and Mi's. 1C. S. Pnttillo. . Miss Pauline McKinley of Athens and Lieut. Guv McKinley «o' C.ollimbus are speudjag the holidays with theii parents, Mr and Mrs. G. <' Mclvinlev. Mrs. Km met t L. Barnes lift Tuesday to visit he.’ v,datives i-n Jdoaticello. Miss Sue Mvriek is spendi g the' holi (lit,vs with-her mother, Mrs. Katie My rick. \Jiss • Ma her mot lifts. ; Asherry is the Mrs. Dnrdos A guest ■errv. erf 1923 N'e'w Year comes adorned with lieilly Crowned with greens and mistletoe., l ull of youthful fun and folly In the sunshine or the -snow. With a forwnrd-poirtting tfingcr New Year stops upon the stage. Pound the old year shadows linger And ho trembles, bowed with age Through C'xpMrVnw* nuft nnason Mairv pitfalls V> <i!itn »•«, But*the New Year for a season Has his opportunity . . I telle Willey Cue, Los Angelos Times. MBS. Air. Wiliam Sibley and Mr. Allen Sibley of Ucorgin Tech are spending the Christmas holi el ays v tli their parents. Air. and Mrs. .1, L. Sii lev. Mr. C 11 Bonner, l)r Mills bridge', Mr. Tom Simpson Sollie HartvH were among tl went over to Macon Monday see “ Leg.)tiling.” d Slii’a ud M r. ise who Iight to Mr. .-mil Mrs. A. K. Latimer ot Vther spent Christmas with Mrs .1 .a'imei lyiither, iflru. (leo. Holliishoud. OTTO CONN ENTERTSYNB AT BRIDGE On Tuesday iev>o?iiig ttn. Ottn'Gf ern i is hostess to four tables Of bridge at her home on the Hill. The rooms in which the guests were . iircrtuinod decorations vtiteying oilt r.h" ■ liristmas idcu were used. Before the game nil elegant i-.ov.rse j'uncr wtts .-served. Covers wer" huh fov*. Vi - and Mts. | Will Him'S, Mi- and -Mts.' Hugh An- .Irens, Mr. nml NVrs. Marion Sibley.l Mr. .'end Mrs. Jine Ingram, Alt'. Intel Sirs, y, D. Meirri>«n, Mr. iiuil Mrs. Otto 1 Conn, Mrs. L. H. A».drews. ..vr:.<Ci«ortt' | Keid and Air. Joe Andrews. MATRONS CLUB ENTERTAINED Oil Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Clinrl™ Moeire was bostons -tie Matron*. Club at the houiei Bland punk was played sin«il a delieious two Al in i'emie Christ i Mnttie Ley has returned to her in Atlanta after having spunt| w-. with he r parettis. Alls. Harris Hall and little' sol me visiting .relatives in Pla ns. Mr. On t ives heir Hull of Atlanta, visited lev. tins week. Mrs.’A IB.'Cook of C-r'em villi', s is the gvi st of her p»pints, Mr .Mrs. K. .1. Klein' ter. upon port Bre'trmuTftflons wTifle they Inst, and sturvies afterwanls. The Interchange-of abilities is eat olT. the social circulation of neces sary elKTere'tiecs tn people Is ar rested. the rewards of a genius for a (lull's are withheld, produetion I'neleel nnel pi'ospe'irtv lynched. It Is like a Mist body wherein there Is no circulation of social life blood. gJJ America tins thriven anil must “thrive upon the' lnrges^ cnreuini.le nient of IndlvIdi'iiMsm thaf a trite collectivism admits of. When the crow cannot navigate the ship there Is no advatirng* in killing fbe captain. It isn't necessary to have t.vifr.ny In order to have h capte'n. le-t >i'fy end business must hi'’-'* lenders and govern irs, and there inni ot lie two captains on nnv ship. r O ' ftrl ' uN- |,,Pn hitrdlv ounoet to “ "ass fer tnnrp than they are worth. The real kick in oar ili'inoeniey is against fa'se illffen nceu. tiurs Is Uni land of a fair chance. It is the home of opportunity. No crust keeps merit down. In an inter change of values every one here has had and must have a chance to make the most of lili. self. - ffjlln lining tills he will need nnrt “use Ids fellows. No one ever suc ceeded yet in being great or pros perous as a hermit. We climb up . upon each other. It takes ns all to make and to keep civilization. A man owes himself and his fortune to society in a very large degree. Are we not all memhi ,if a groat and wealthy body politic, wherein no one can live to himself nr die without loss to the rest? Eli Let a dozen men. enhh man ntv- jllng his neighbor live dollars, sit In a Circle. one of these take a five-dollar bill from bis pocket and pay Ills debt, to the man next to him. this man pay his neigh bor and Hie next man pay his until the bill shall have gone round the circle and returned to the* man who started ft on its round. This man may return the hill ro his pocket with the happy conscious ness Hint ho has paid his debt and also received wlmt was due him, ,an# that every other man in Hie group has rnc -r-ne unr-mtniyn. But If Hie first man had not stnrted the bill going there would have been no aueli results. He would then have Illustrated Russia, In stead of America. #11 i'be secret of civilization Is the Ji 'renlntlon of ability. It Is the secret of prosperity. Let every tuun circulate Ids worth to society, so shall there be a true commun ism, also a true eapltnlism. There Is a conundrum which usks why- one should prefer a dollar bill to n gold dollar. The answer Is, “Be cause, when you put it into your pocket you double It, and when you take It nut you (bid It In creases.’’ l’rosperity progresses ns we pass on what we are and have. ^CROATIAN BRIDAL GOWN & A TIMELY RESOLUTION “Ralph.” said his father, “what gom resolutions are you going to make fm the new year?” ■‘I’m not going to fight with Frank Ross any more.’’ replied Ralph. “I’m glad to hear tlmt, my Imy,” said his father: ''lint why did you make flint resolution?” “’('ause.” was the answer, “I ul ways get licked.” COMES AMD GOES The record sin ws that the old year goes out and the new year ec-.nes In regardless of wlm is looking, so you might ns well get your usual sleep. Wolves Menace Farmers. Warsaw. Ind.—Terrorized hy the ap peiirunce of « flock of wolves driven from « swamp near here by tire om morning recently, farmers kept theii eliihUon indoors while others, with lilies ami shotguns, iieeonipnnled their youngsters In school. Drivers ol school hacks also were armed. While Iloy Topic went to a field at he edge of the swamp to dig pota to:; a large hound -accompanying him ns killed hy six wolves. Cattle, sheep nil he;:.- recently have been attacked i.i wolves. Families were org-mlzing wolf hunt in wide*- several bun 'll' ".rtlc'oate. AIR SERVICE FOR HONDURAS Government Encourages Ambitious Plant for Mail and Passenger Transportation. Tegucigalpa, Honduras.—The enfv Ital cities of the republics of Central America soon will be linked together by airplane service for passengers and malls, If ambitious plans to this end, eueouraged by the government «• Honduras, nre carried out success fully. An Itullnn aviator, Luis Storna- iolu, is now here with six Italian and three French planes. Ileaduuarters are nf. Tegucigalpa. BIRTH RATE IN FRANCE DROPS Here's me sort of picturesque cos tume worn by I lie Croatian beauties mi their wedding day. Favoring much varied colors anil rather large sleeves that are parj of the cape effect that is enilgllt at the neck. Tenants Got Landlord's Estate. Los Angeles.—Tenants of George Leow. who died recently, learned they wep' his heirs. 11 is estate, valued at $‘jr.,ono, consists of five bouses, which were devised to tl.e families occupying them, lie vvus survived by no known relatives. 73,000 Excess Over Deaths Last Year Falls to Only 9,000, Latest Records Show. Paris.— Vital statistics for the first six months of this vear show a de crease of 2.7,000 births and an In- crease of “,(1,000 deaths over the cor responding period in 1921. The excess of births over deaths, which l ist your was 73,000, Is only !\000 this year. Births and deaths from January to July of this yeat numbered 390,000 and 387,000, respec tively. In 1921 there were 412,OOC births and 348,000 deaths. 9 - - — ~~9 Finds Her Lost Diamond ! in Chicken’s Gizzard $ Raymond, Wash.—In the gls- i sard of a chieken that she was f preparing for dinner, Mrs. !>. B. t Rooney of /.churn found a din- ^ mend which was lost two months ifgn from the setting of a ring she wore. 1 .P.Cl ICE Commencing the first of Decem- : I nd’es F.xchange will be ■ted f 'V one month in the r M K" m P tt L. Barnes. , iro-' wishing to join the Exchange i e t b hone 304. nle Claire Rarn e s ; Mr. and Mrs. Ilansell .Hull anil little ' soil of Moultrie, are the guests ol Dr. , and Mrs. .Torn Hall. • Vi}' „ r; „- •WMIM .1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boric. Mr. M. II. Bland, Mr. Harry Bom. Jr., -and Miss Mrs. Marshall . Anne Bone motored to Atla nta 'I m'sduy i and spent several days w.-lh relatives in tlmt city course luncheon was served. — — Tlio-c present wore: Mestlnlires <T. K Mrs. (1. E. Dean of Tcxn-'. -is the ga i Kelil. ‘ ulcer Kidd, John IhiyJ,t her parents. Mr. ami AJ r*. K L. Buss. Ingram, Otto.Conn, L. Tv Hass. Marshall (* Mni/d.cRiehHrd Biniou, L. Moore, | \fj ss .\gmvs Cline of Savannah, ' is Jli-ses Floridc .-Mien, Jnssie Alba null j spending tlie'wnlidnys with n-ti'liv'vs \n R"ssie Blind. (this city. IN HONOR OF MJU3 A. B. COOK Complimenting Mrs. A B. C-mX, ol OrcenvUle,.South Caroliim. -the guest ol Mrs. E..J Flemisf.i'r. Mro. T. L. >1<‘- i midis U nd, Airs. Will Hitics cntcrtawiod delightfully cn Wednesday afternoon at £ BELL'S Ladies Fine About 20 fine sweaters tW at $10.00, your choice at sold C three tables cf bridge. V d'-licious two course Invelwxm w»s *«fvcil. Mrs. Frank Brooks of Atlanta spent s' "ir-.l d- vK hrvrc' last week. Air. Newell Scott has returned to Ir-’ '.home in Ohio i.ifter spending several weeks with Scott. his mother, Airs A, B. SPECIAL INVENTORY CLEARANCE We are now in the midst of our Inventory. To m short Air. John Mobley, Mr. Mill r Bell. Alt:, fill ward Bass and Mr. Edward Robtnuuu, who af students at lie I til versify of Georgia, arc spending the holidays with their parents. s i lengths. A clean-up Sale. Many articles at half and less than Ml. Norris Hull spent the holidays j vvitli Ins parent*, Mr. anil Airs. L. t„ Ball. R,-v. and Mrs. Liplium and family spent this week with Mr. Liphnm s parent!-,iGoJegad Longino. fit Ktiir- I'urn, (t?i., and Mrs. Liphmn’s mother at Bervdon , -till Mr. Will Hines s;*"nt Christmas v.ith his family in this city. Miss Ruth Hnrgrovc, who is teaching at Commerce, and Miss Alary Lucy Hal* I grove, who is touching at Zchehm, are 1 the guests of their parents ; Mrs. W. L. Hargrove. Mr. and Miss Katherine Unrr, who is n student at Shorter, is upemling the holi days with Iher parents,'Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Care, Mis* Mildvotl Barrett upent Monday and Tuesday in Macon -vyith Mr. and Mr-. John -Barrett. l.ieut. Thomas Biuford. QJ ’-West Point is in the city, Mr-. Ed*in’ X 1,en and l**^ 1 ® 8 ° n ’ Edvtin, Jr., left Tuesday fco -v'sit veln- in Brunswick- Mi- Mary Barr«U of AH*.’.ta was tin- u f hit- -mother, Mrs. Sollie iltuictt for. ChriotJittis day. Ur. I). McH. Cline Tf Atlanta <-pent iChvistaias in the city. PROGRESSIVE R0SPERTTY B y CHRISTOPHER G-HAZARD Air. a ud Mrs. A. li, 'Echols, ML* ESHen £lk'ls and (Mis* AH.itlui Echols of i'te)tj'eiis Pottery, visited the .city Sun dav. Mr -ml Mrs. Marion AUcn and son “I Atl-iu'ta and (’apt. and Mrs. Loyd Mf'vii of Columbus, arc the guests of Juki, T. Allen for the holidays. Mi. i,i..„ t ^e Bell, of Atkudn, spent ^'e’l-iis with his parents, Mr. and -L F. BiflJ, 4 Mf. 1 Lyton 1,’ubsoii of Atlanta spent Om- t’ca* with his relative* t-hii M— Marguerite Atkinson is the at- ,r "<'i\c euest of Miss Fnince* Bell f ,,r liolidnv,. XV.I. -pent the Christ mas holidays '"I Mrs. Allis Nesbit. Dll Hi ll ion is spending He holidiivs with relatives ii t®. till. Westarn S«>HP" L’nlon ) A S WE look Into Hi* immediate future and greet * New Tear there Is one that »• want to see upon the field «t history, the figure of prosperity. It may be that we think Hint „e do see It while we nre really gazing upon a mirage. Hope al- wuva tells a flattering Ule and I* ready to be Hie father of thoughts. Imagination l« » kin 10 fa,th ’ * ,ut requires no real basis. If °" r °}^ UmlstlC cutbaik Is warranted « l» SO because we can believe in a prosperity that Is to. he real be cause It Will be Hie prisluid and *the possession of ns all. ilGlvIlIzalion Is the *nm of <xvop- ^erutlve Intelligence. All the capital ln t „c world could not mine coal w-lihout miners, and all the miners in Hie world could not do It with out capital, bile wealth has proved up more than aceHim.lated useless ness In eastern countries, men "ave starved to death in Hie midst of ,ast but unappreciated-natural resources. While the employment of money and the wise directUm «f l„t,or have given t" the West Its Immense advantages " 1 RO,-lal sud economic riches and well being. ■ Hussla is perishing under the in. 1 -,f a siagnant eoinmunlsra i .»»,,» ili«* iiiffntix ***» uf p'rogressTlmr-, -I icsjeadershlp, I h e* J— " Ladies Fine Dresses Ladies fine dresses. Nine in the lot. Char- meuse, Crepe and Satin. Latest styles and best workmanship, sold 7*> for $35.00 to $49.00, now * 1 1 u None Altered—None Sent on Approval, and None are Charged. Men’s Fine Shirts / All Mens shirts, some with collars and some s without. White and colors, worth up to = $3.00 to close out now at our (hi CH j= Big Clearance Sale for only g No Manhattans in this Sale.. || FINE BLANKETS .200 pair fine blankets to close out for quick .-selling, at 33 1-3 per cent less than former prices. All this seasons’ goods, in perfect good condition. Children’s and Misses Shoes % 150 pair Children’s and Misses shoes, brok- jgj en sizes, worth up to $4.00, best ^ 1 Qft s! make, to close o^t at only ^ — - —• LADIES GINGHAM AND COTTON DRESSES Ladies Gingham and 'Cotton dresses, and were formerly sold at $5.00 and QQ *$7.50, to close out at only gPI«*FO 30 Children and Misses dresses, worth up to 33*00 anywhere, Clearance sale C1 AQ jjirice only -- - - COATS, COATS, COATS! | 19 Coats to go in our special clearance ijp sale—Bolivias, Duvetyn and sport coats to jgj go in this sale. • EE The Bolivias are worth $35.00 C9C 00 and $45.00, your choice at Sport models worth $25.00, 1 C 00 ^ $29.00 and $30.00, your choice S ■ Ladies Fine Skirts S]>ecial Clearance Sale of I*adies Fine Skirts consisting of 14 plaid and stripe sport shirts Ladies Fine Petticoats | About 36 Ladies fine petticoats, cotton, taf- ^ feta and satins, blacks and C1 00 S colors, worth up to $3.00, now = s that formerly add at $12.00 and et (j(j $15.00, to close out for only wv 19 Ladies black skirts, that sold at $5.00 to $6.50 and $7.50, Clearance sate <jjO CQ price for only - CLOSING OUT SALE! | Closing out sale of all men's | heavy Underwear and Union | Suits, at 1-3 less than the regu- = lar price. g Boy's and Men's Sweaters 36 boy’s and men’s sweaters that sold at, $3.00 to $4.00 and $5.00, your *0 f\f\ I choice for only E.E.BELL j B