The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, December 29, 1922, Image 6

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whlledgeville. ga. GERMAN FURNITURE FOR ‘FOE' Parlors and Sitting Rooms Equipped for Forces of Occupation in Rhineland. Berlin.—The German government, although not officially In the furniture business, fitted out 1.400 parlors, 2,(Km silting rooms, 5,000 dining rooms, 10,- ISOO bedrooms and 4,000 kitchens for the forces of occupation In the Rhine land between the full of 1021 and last summer. . These figures were given to the reichstag committee of ways and means by a soclulist deputy, who add ed that the rooms had been furnished with the following Items: 180 sets of leather-covered lounge furniture, 2,900 leather-covered easy-chalrs, 1,800 sets of wicker furniture, 0,300 wiener easy- chairs, 2,100 setrf of upholstered furni ture, 1,400 upholstered- easy-chalrs, 2,300 bedsteads for adults and 3,600 for children, 3,900 clothes chests, 3,400 washstands and 3,000 chaise longues. very alack this year and I am home part The deputy, who told the committee 0 f the time. I do not like' to- take any that a large amount of the furniture chances, so I consulted my friends,.and was provided for occupied castles and ! one lady said, “Take Lydia Pinkham's private dwellings, added that 207 com- medicine,’ so I did. I have felt better tuunitles In the Ithlnelnnd had been 1 r*Khtalong anda_m in goodenoughhealth occupied by entente troops as compared WORKS FOR CHILD C1NIMLS HERE MUST KEEP WELL 4,000 YEARS A80 i Thought For The New Year Mothers in a Like SoCmtion Should Read This Letter front Mrs. Enrico Chicago, Illinois.—"I took Lydia EL j Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound foe m 1 serious trouble. I had tried doctors and all said the same —aia operation. At first l only felt the pain>qp> my left side, bublater 1 seemed to faeKiton. both sides. T am at power sewing-ma chine operator and 1 have a little' girl to' support. I s work in * tailor shop'and that line of work has been' Scientist Finds Portions of Hat- man S’:ulb in Mounds Bear Omaha. By Charlott"' '■"rrkins Gilman' in? the Nr 1 * York Run) Two storks v-'O.lO' nesting, lie was a young stork—and na‘*«t'w- itided. Before lie married he had <w»- "rtfd mainly wiUh^riplings of his own n»d had giveip no thought to til* t <!»<?*, either maid'iWmatron. After he married! tii» attention wtt wig! Yom enr.not, go!’’ She did not heed him. She spTCad hw wings and swept and circfcd far mid high' above—as, ia truth, she 1 hed- been doing, for many days, though b« had not noticed- is. She* dropped to the ridge'pol*' beside him when? he wns still inuttorffjf! ob ject ions, “ Is it not glorious!” sht'CfiOd. ‘‘Como! Tliey arc nearly ready! ” “You unnatural mother!” he tfdtst- forth. ‘ ‘ Toil' have forgotten the tfdlbr of nature!* Von have forgotten your children! Your loving, precious, tort'ter, RESEARCHES ARE DKPORTAHT Bsclarw Psace-Lovingi Roes Inhab ited «ha Mld-Wsat Section of America Prior to Tim* of Indiana. , wmidrated upon* Hip AU-Satisfvingri And he wept—for i VAftv; upon that TritfflmH- of Art, Labo/i “* , “K h t w, t ««•**» were shattered. r^ntc^-their NcgtCamd upon those I B " t thp P re '^ ri ? » n0 * 8too<} „ upon tyfr'iivl Creations—ttktiv Children. OY'Tily he moved the the marvelous nsfinoto a ad jirocesseir' of motherhood. -oW, itesurenec, inter**;. avfaiirntion, ■s«'* in 1 Mb heart for hef of the well- ■uiftblestt; her of the gleaming; treasure f HiWMitUr agsf*; her of ’ the patient ■rooting.bmaotr the warming; w.aga, the iuwny?wU(lt*in<Mith group of llttft? ones. Aatsi|houa% be labored the helb' her mild the nnsf, to help her feed the oung. Rhtwdi of his impmnioned ac- with 36 which were garrisoned by the Germans before the war. HARNESS DEER TO FLEE SNOW Marooned Californians Escape From Mountains by Attaching Drag to Wild Teams. Quincy, Cal.—Six California moun taineers, caught In an early heavy snowfall in the high Sierras, captured '(2 wild deer, harnessed them together with ropes and belts, hitched them to an Improvised drug and broke a trull buck to civilization. The men were building n summer camp ul Gold lake, far up in the mountains, when a heavy snow storm came up unexpectedly and they found thcuisdlves with only scanty provisions and without snowshoes or ski is. On the second night of the storm a herd of deer sought refuge In the camp from Hip snow and Stove l’ezzola, leader of the crew, and his compan ions herded the animals in nil uncom pleted room. Harnessed, the deer were successfully guided until they lmd broken a road through the deepest parts of Hip snow-covered forest and liail arrived almost at the edge of thp tableland, where the rood starts down out of the mountains. There the nni- iimki wire treated to the last sugar and were turned loose. to go to work. I recommend your Veg. etable Compound and Sanative WaRhto all.”—Mrs. Mary Enrico, 459 N. Car penter St., Chicago, Illinois. Often the mother is obliged to support her children and good health is neces sary. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is just the medicine you can depend upon. It ia a medicine for wo men’s ailments and the relief it brought Mrs. Enrico it may bring to you. Keep well by taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Conipgund, ROOMS WANTED ^ Would like to secure? four nr five i rooms suitable for housekeeping, do- i sivably ’orated and close in to the i city Address V. M. BURST, Jo Baldwin .Hotel. 1 Why suffer from nerv ousness, insomnia, hy steria, nervous dyspep sia, nervous prostration or any ailment due to a disordered condition of the nerves? of Giualiu. Permission. Was granted him after m dozen years of effort to induce owners of the land to* permit the excavations. The site of the excavatione- l* marked by several eroded mounds which the scientist believes were com munity houses of. the Omahu or Paw nee Indians. It is his theory that these mounds were built- upon the foundations of the; houses- of the ear lier tribe, possibly ancestors- »f the Mid-West Italians. In support of till* belief, he bos’ discovered that the up per structure—declared by him to have been built with mud mil stone sides covered with thiueh—had an entrance on tiie south, whereas the lower excavations clearly trtiow en trances from the east. Finds Bones of Men.. Using the Darwinian accumulation- theory -one Inch of earth to each cen tury—Doctor Gilder calculates that lie has reached the 4.n00-years-ngo surface- level and there he lias discovered por tions of human skulls, arm and foot hones. His discoveries- include ashes, de clared by him to' be roasted'.human ixmes. From this he evolves the the ory that the curly Inhabitant* were i cannibals. Some thirty or forty im- I plements of hone and wood' he lias ' found are almost identic with ♦crea tions unearthed by European arehe- I nlogists, who linye ascribed their area | as preceding the Historic. Peace-Loving Race, He Say?. “We have established the fact," de clares Hie doctor, “that tll^re lived in this portion of Hie North American continent a peace-loving ra the time of the Indians, a : ! s ! i MILES Omaha 1 , 3Mki.—In an efftw# to? obtain evidence to support his belief that _ ^ Nebraska- was Inhabited 4*000 year* | i.ivity M»hor mail (their behalf, devoutly ago by- cannibalistic cave men* Hr. | he perfcitwiotfl his skare of the-brooding Robert F. GSHder, dector at aeieaca, | ' vhil « Hunted- in. her turn. When he *■»« •'"»»'»,««. *«* ■« desert landscape canvases,, has to- | When ht wws-on. the nest he tWbught alt gun excavating a short distune* souflli • th „ m()r< her, wh» sat there solhvg — — 1 ’ to lovinglj^.tb'snoli motile ends. The hupfty days flew by, fear spring —sweet siSttneu—gonttlc autumn*. TU? 1 young ones? grew larger and larger; ; t was more main w«rk to kecp'th'ein lengthening;, winhniitc beaks -hat fiu •ontent mci.t. Bhdi piacpiits f r*w fkrij afield to f TktU tHrmu. Then tho days grew airorter, ikiip sky I (aver, the wind collier; there nu large j noting and' small success, in liis! 'reams he began to sae - sunshine, broad, j timing sunshine dlry after day,.'slues t limitless blue 1 ; thrk,. deep, y t < fiill •f fire; and . t>rett-fics of bright vator, allow, winm, fringed wrntti tall needs -nvf rushes, 1 n-tning with fiat frogs. . They were in'her ,ticuin-r r too, l '<vt lie "id not know that. He stretch in h'is- wlin^ and r"i.!w irthcr every day; hut hi* wings were ot satisfied. In his drennis cnae a • e-asc of vast; heigfns an ,f boui rih-ss pnecs of the earth' sncam.T.g away hc- eaCh him; black vntttt r a inti white >, ray water and brown land',, blue i ate? mil grceif land, all flowing backv srd ' rnm day to dr.y, svhilctlic cold less-mod end ihc warmth' grew. He felt the empty spinSri'ong nights, tines far above; quavering, bunnuig, fur.- far below, quivmng aaorc in the firk water felt liis gir.-nt u ges, yid. , strong, aR’sUfficii-nf,. carrying him n and on. This wns in tier dnams- too, but hi? i'ii not know that. "ft is time to go!’ lie cried one niy; ■ They are coming! It is uponi us! ^ iis — f must go! Gotd-by, ray wid'e! Good-by; aiy children!” tor th*. pasnon of l\ igs was upon him. She was stirred H> the heart. ‘‘Fes. it is time to go!” silo cmieut. 1 ‘1 uni ready! Come.” He- was shocked,' grieved, astonished. ■Why, my d«'i..v! ’ ’ he said', "‘How pre posterous* You eanu-tt go on the great ■light! Your wings arc for brooding coder little ones! Y«nr body is for the winder of the glwimiiig treasure!—not for davs and nights of re a.-el * « row on rhe rMge-pole and flapped their strong ymmig wings in high ct&- ri'siflm. They ww as big as he wa*, ; denrfy; for as a-' matter of fact he was Hut a young»s»«rk himself. The* the air ivu* itieaten white with « thoiTrtnd wings; it vrns like snow and s tVer a>nd sen-fonmy tkere was a flash ing; whiriwind, a- ifurrf.rane of wild joy, amt'^tlie* the a nay ofi the sly spread wfdt id due array,- and' streamed south ward!. Full of remembered joy ask! more joyous hope, finding tliw high sunlight better tHuw her drescas, sfte swepi away to the far summer-land’; and her chil dren,. mad' with the happiness of the first flight, swept beside her. ‘ ‘lilt you are a metHerf’ he panted, as he caught up with them. “Yes!'”' she cried joyously, “but I was a stork before T was a mother— and nifhrwattl—and all’the time!” And the storks were flysag. mot run. -riMiir In the Treatment of Cold#, Grippe and flu, Capatone is a Scientific Preparation, Prescribed and Recom mended by Physicians and Surgeons. A quick warm up ard.' i'nstaot re- ltfff, with no fear of affecting the Heirt or Stomach. Capatone ia highly recommended for headache a, neuralgia,, rheuma tism, nervous headachw,. nerveua- nean, lumbago, earache, and' toatb- athr. Buy a bottle for 30c or dOc, take owe dose and ask for your' money Ubck if you are not satisfied with results. «* Capwtene is sold by all dorg«tore«. Cranberries, the big Capecod ber ry and! bwfk Cocoa in barrels at 1 12 l-2c. per pound. Just think ■5 ALL ABOARD WINTER EXCURSION FARES ANQ ALL YEAR TOURIST FARES ALABAMA ARIZONA ARKANSAS BRITISH COLUMBIA CALIFORNIA FLORIDA GEORGIA? HAVANA KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI NEW MEXICO NORTH CAROLINA OREGON SOUTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE TEXAS VIR <31NIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA offi 1 rai NOTICE. of the .Baldwin County m are requested to meet at House at 3 1’. M. Saturday r the purpose of electing r the ensuing year and to eh other business as may be A M L. YOUNG. President will give you prompt and lasting relief. It produces refreshing sleep, builds up the shat tered nerves and pro motes a normal distri bution of nerve force.. Your Druggist Sells It, Ask Him. iu may think corn flakes are alike you taste— 4 Post Toasties —best corn flakes Then you’ll understand why the flavor. crUpnes* and texture make ‘‘Poat Toastie*” the superior kind. prior to j . ns we com- ] in only apply tho term. I (H'dmy this from the fact that .the Houses were large enough to uccontmodnle from ten to twelve families and that the dwellings are separated by consider able territory. If the race had' been warlike, the individuals would have felt a common desire for close asso ciation. and would have built. houses In groups for mutual protection.” GEORGIA RAILROAD ATLANTA & WEST POINT RAILROAD WESTERN RAILWAY OF ALABAMA Liberal time limit and stoo-over privileges FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO J. P. BILLUPS. G. P. A., 714 HEALEY BUILDING, ATLANTA, GA. BANDIT HERO IN CUBA Popularity With People Makes His Capture Difficult. WINTER* EXCURSION FARES TO »*fl/ FLORIDA and CUBA VIA * W Southern Railway System Excursion Tickets now on Sale good for return passage untl, £ JUNE 15, 1923. ' f STOP-OVERS ALLOWED. ” EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE OFFERED BY THE Southern Railway System Further information obtainable from any ticket agent, or the undersigned C. B. RHODES, DIVISION PASSENGER AGENT 131 TERMINAL STATION, MACON, GA. Escape* From Mantanzas Jail by Blowing Hole in Wall at Middajf— Sentences ‘Totaling 200 Year* Hang Over Hie Head. Havana, Cuba.--With sentence* to taling 200 years In prison hanging over his head and 2T>0 troops und rural guards at his heels, Ramon Ar- royito. Cuba’s modern Jesse James, Is still at large. His latest feat of escap ing from the jail at Matanzas through a hole blown In the thick walls at midday has again made him a popu lar hero and added to the difficulties of the authorities, for they claim no body will help them follow his trail. Arroylto took to the high road about three years ago, and if the hold ups, kldnaplngs and other unlawful act* attributed to him are well found ed, he operated In every part of the Island before he went Into retirement after two years of hectic endeavor, and with a fortune variously esti mated at from $50,000 to $200,000. But last spring, while very prosa ically traveling from Matanzas to a nearby village to attend a cock fight, he was captured by two rural guards, acting as a train escort, wh'o held him first for carrying arms without license, but loaded him with chains when they discovered h* was the no- torlous outlaw. Brought to Havana Arroylto w«* greeted by thousands at the railway station and his trip to the city Jail resembled a triumphal procession. While being tried nnd convicted on numerous counts he perfected his plans for breaking loose from Jail, and only the accidental presence of a mounted policeman on the harbor side of the jail prevented a clean getaway three months ago. Ills escape from the Matanzas jail, where he was lodged to await trial for kidnaping, Is credited to n former pal, .Tullo Ramirez, whom Arroylto once rescued from jail at .laruco by holding up the warden nnd turnkeys alngle-handed In hrond daylight. STOP PILING ON “DIXIE GENT COAL Remember, Dixie Gem is not a common coal bttt is so higb in heat that one* . half will give more heat fthan the usual amount of common Coal. Fowler-Flemister Coal Co. Exclusive Dealers ByaBBffsranai ..iym