The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, October 09, 1880, Image 4

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ToonMkbjUIf « hr UuS<«kt*2!>*luVeef kteRir IkuMd to share bU Kara. At Bl«kt I hrt • «Mm Ima. nia Aa tba aalaaat la lha land; AlaKat hesaam 4 to eaadracrtrl la iba atfer at hla haa4 la eac aba praard hb sn't I asuam Oaauaa aad sjaaily »«da; And baa aaaM I tbiab rdaacb a one As a liaise and a pHa That abaa ba kaalt be asaKrd aat aanb CpsMac flwa tba last. Tba aaxt sa aarar la tba araof, WasaatlaasKiasb nor rough; sfaaklaK and aa faod aas he, Ibat aas bait rnongb. Hut ear. the Iasi of a'l that taaae, I keee not boa la paint; lta angrl da I sena to kin— Hr nr ear netted aw far or nap, 9k karlt to taa oar boor ; •at ha took air haul and holds my bean With a lover's under poser. Aad I boa. at nerds I must, and say. s Sail), Kidney i Liver CURE $1.25 PER BOTTLE A Positive Remedy for Kidney, Liver and Urinary Troubles of both Male and Female. Xtead -Une fteoord: K. likely, Selim*, “It »avcil niv Ain. “It ii* U«* n'liiwly that dl-ent-e* peculiar to worn % ill HAVE IX STOCK AND TO ARRIVE TI1E LARGEST AND BEST SE LECTED STOCK OK dtOdCEB-Y Hardware and Plantation Goods, Ever brought to this market. IIou*«»K«*t*|M*n*, Planters, nml Mechanics, niitl Everybody elm* should bear In inlntl thene Good* arc lor sale. aept?8wA1*wd3ino9 * lo proud I IarrValabt •• rl(bCand I yield at left Ta sssibsrd's royally! Alice Oatea la TroaMa Agmln-A Scene Nat la tba Villa. lira. Alice Oatea, the charming opera bouffe actress, is ao well Known to the theatre-goer, of Albany, that the fol lowing account r'on inci lent given in • dispatch from Pittsburg, Pa, to the Philadelphia Time*, will ba interesting to many of our readers: '‘Library Hall, vtnere Alice Oates and party bare been plaTing the past week, was the scene of a little drama not down os tho bills Saturday after noon. The troupe were billed to ap- r r in Cincinnati Monday night, and B. Hodges, advance agent, telegraph- ed from that point saying that the newspaper men would receive Mrs. Oates kindly, but that they were down on Watkins, her husband. Watkins who is disposed to la jealous of Ktta- gcraid, tho leading support, imagined this was a scheme to keep him away, and accordingly hied himself to the theatre, fully determined that his wife should leava the company. Charles Randolph Gardiner, the manager, fear inf trouble, had policemen back of the scenes to prevent any violence on the part of Watkins, who was threatenc-l with arrest as soon as he made his ap pearance. Not to be deterred by thi a he demanded an interterview with his wife, and, forcing his way past the officer, rushed into the dressing room and ordered her to the hotel. She re futed to go, when Watkins indulged in language more forcible than elegant. Mrs. Oates returned the compliments in like menner, and for a lime the scene was deciaedty interesting. Finally he told her to go her way and he would return to Philadelphia, which threat he immediately put into execution, leaving Saturday evening. Sunday Mrs. Oates mad party took their departure for Cin cinnati. Meanwhile there ate conflict ing rumor* of a scandalous nature." Why the Law Is Cncertaln. Language is an imperfect instru ment for the expression of ideas.— ' Not a few of its forms arc ambigu ous; that is, they speak in two ways. Reader and hearer are left in old Isaac’s perplexity. The voice is that of Jacob, the hand is that of Emu. Many of the term* of language are equivocal. They have ttvo meanings, so that the reader is in donbt as to the mind or intention of the writer. Those who draft statutes know how difficult it is to frame a law which shall be free front ambigu ous expres-ions or equivocal terms. Judge Story ouce told a personal incident, which illu-tr-ites this diffi culty. He was employed by Congress to draft an aci. So iropor :nt tvas it that he spent six months in trying to perfect the phraseology. His purpose was to make the -latutc so clear that the most astute lawyer should not be able to east toe shad ow of a doubt upon it- meaning. The draft proving satisfactory to tbe lawyers 'in Congress, became :i law. In less than a year, a .suit, in volving the interpretation of tlii- very law, came before the court over which Justice Story presided. Having heard the arguments of the able attorneys, the Judge confessed that he was unable to decide upon the meaning of a statute which he himself bad framed. He of course, knew what he had meant to put into the law. -But the criticisms of the two lawyers show ed him that he had used such am biguous expressions that it was doubtfol if he had said what he meant to have said. of the highl it medical talent “li haspnsiMMi moult from forte of the hiffho*t In ths» country.—New York World. ••No ItnmMv heretofore «ii* ovorotl ran In* held for one moment in>arii«m with it." —T. A. Harvey, I» l>., " a h n^t-m. l>. i . This Great Natural Remedy 1» for Sale hv Ilrngglsts in all parts of Ihe World. TRY IT and TAKE N 0 OTHER it. ii. iiauxei: .if c,>.. ROCHESTER, N. V. onejr i intake , cheap- l family puhti- «atio» in thr world Any one can In-come a auc- tewtfni agent. ?»ix elegant work* of art siren free io Mdwerber*. The price ia an low that alnio»t ryWjr unht-crll** nue acrut report* taking sulMcrtplloivs for Ihe Uwl, * c-«l and la »l llltt*>tr»t.d fatnllj Morris Mayer, HAS ON HAND E. L. WIGHT $ CO.. Insurance Agents, ALBANY, GA7 R EPRESENT roverm! or tbe tnoatpromlnent and reliable Insurance Companies dolns business in ibeSUte. Risks taken at LOW RATES on both City and Country Property. GIN HOUSE INSURANCE A SPECIALTY! LOSSES ADJUSTED AND PAID PROMPTLY. ! M MiWrlbt luiliirii,' over who esioiro hi * in a day. lady ofil in Ic Itct faat Von i>incaa, or onl; Im* away fn*n -gent report* •lay* AH dlr\-etlon» and term* fre nv« Outfit free. If you tend ua yonr address a? - TEETHiNA. (TEETRIXR*.> lurrot kotrratafcainm. 4llay*IirlUHenaa4 ■take* Trotting easy. lit mores and prrreau Worm*. Thousands of Children mow b* ta red terry yrur by uainy •/»*** Hoirder*. For sale bv p W. II. GILBERT. AC* T. & CO. L. E. A II. E. WELCH. Watches, WHOLESALE AXj 13IAI; HV nmnufacturo HEADQUAETEES. J. P. STEVENS & CO., »t WlirrKll vi.l. St., ATLANTA, GA. THIS \m FOR BMIIiS! I Mean Business! I HAVK ONK OF TIIK BEST ASSORTED AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF Family Groceries in the City consisting of every tliinsc needful for HOUSEKEEPERS, an.1 am now oflVring "proix! in- it'.cVni.nt■ wt'rTrih. In Be.t Hr.nd.of FUtUII. H«t Brands of SUGAR, Hrat BrauS. of It MS. R*l APPLES. ON IONS, and n rtiousand other Articles too numerous to mention. Just call and see my Stock, or semi your order* A 1)HY GOOD STOCK In connection full aud complete. BAR ajn-id R/RSTAURAITT in the Rear, where 1 keep everything to cat and drink, T. FIET.DS. Slh.nx.Us, Sept. 2S, 1*99-tni*w6nio THE LARGEST Books, AND £cgal 3ulHevtiscmcutS. Albany T*ottery. dotioherty county. G EOHG IA—Docohektv Coustv. \Vm. L. HilMi an. administrator estate of J. HiDfran. deceased, bavins made application to me for leave to sell four acre* of land lyinic In ti>e»d District of leecountr. an J in the village of Palmrra. beloocim; to aaid estate. This is to notify all parties concerned to show cause before roe oft tbe first Monday in October next, why leave to sell said land should not be cranted. B A. COLLIER, se >9- Ordinary. [ fllHE undersittued beg leave to announce to the JL public that they have now In store at L. LOV ETTS, on Broad street, a large lot of EtRTII- KNWARK, consisting, partly, of JUGS. FLOWER POTS, PITCHERS, BOWUS. CHURNS, Ac. We are receiving dally additions to our stock from our Pottery near the city, aud are prepared to fill all orders in our line, I irge or small, at short notice. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. LOVETT A TAUNTON, Albany. On., August a»th. 18*0-tf Proprietors WORTH COUNTY GKOKGIA—Worth Coustv. inili .u) Warren, guardian of Geoige Warren, having applied to tbe Court of Ordinary of Worth county for a discharge from his guardianship of Oeoige Warren’s person and prop-rty. Thia i.s then fo e to cite ail persons to sh*>w cause by fil ing objections in my office win the said William W’rren alioul.1 not be dismissed from his guar dianship of Oeorge Warren, and receive the usual hitter* of di-ralrion Giveu under my baud and otllcial Reedy’sBoom FINEST STOCK Stationary, Jewelry, Cutlery, Eto- CCTI.KRY. MtISIf!AI. INSTRtTMKN'TR, WINDOW SHADES. SEWING Vtrmrot. NEEDLES AND ATTACHMENTS, PICTURE FRAMES AND MOULDINGS.'* 13 ’ TOYS. VASES, TOILET SETS, SPECTACLES, (iA.D PEVS AND ^ PENCILS, SPOUTING GOODS, NOTIONS, PEK!ODICAlLs, Etc I propone tn m-11 gotyl, nt n REASONABLE PROFIT and hope Is merit a .hnreof the nnblie patronase. Partirular attention will lie given to all ordera from a distance, and aaUafactkm guaranteed. Give me a Trial. lte»|>cetfully, ’ apr24-tf c. <7. naiTzsz*. -OF- CORSETS Commissioners , Sale. (1 K() R( 11A—Dougherty Comity. We will *ell Iwfore.tbe Court ilouse door in Ah bmy, Ga , on the fi'at Tuesday In Octob r, 1*H0 f lietween the usual hours of sale, to the highest bid der, f-r cash the trotting mare -MINNIE TII^ DEN.” Slid under an order of the !*uperior Court of said county, on suit of partition .S. . . Salter vs. P. '.V.Twitiy. L. E WELCH. T. M. GARTER, J. (». STEPHENS. a. p2-ld-. ComimiMionerfl. Commissioners’ Sale. (; KOIBi IA—Dougherty County'. I «i .I tsell for caab. before the Court House door il comity, on the first Tuesday in licto ; *er, i.-tween the legal hours of sale, to the higbe-t r,« ity Ij.t nuiiile-rU2, on sou*h vide Dr ad . Albany. Ga, being one acre. .S/d iinuer a if for Alimom, in the .-uperior Court of said F. U B. K1 >WAKI>S,‘ UU Wd» Shsritr and Commit oner. BAKER COUNTY. nt. Lb can*, easy, giBce- ti..D goaranteMl. t'nder d. whirl* render* rusting B*-ware i.f ' infrintTiw nt*. Ask for Cooley'* Corwt and take no other. Send to u» through your d- aier for ? rumple Corsr-t. ranging in price from Too-nts t.. S2.n0, and your older will be filler! by return mail. Manufactured only by tbe Globe Mannfa' v ttiring CV.mpuny. EATES, P.EED & COOLEY, 3J3, 31.~ ant! SS7 JiroatJiray, WHOLI»»*» PRY COOPS. 1 quilit-d pr. D r WNI. A Toocblnx Incident. Athens Butar.1 Mr. Thomas W. Gean, the carrier of the mail between Athens and Watkinsvilie, informs us that yes terday morning, while in Wntkins- vHle, he saw a colored man goto Sheriff Overfly, and asked to he j>ttt in jail and chained. Being asked hie reason he said he had been hit- ten by a mad dog, and for fear that he himself be attacked with hydro phobia, and bite some one else he de sired to be incarcerated ami chained. The sheriff complied, and the poor i fellow is now in durance, awaiting, in all probability, the most horrible deatii that can befall a man. Tin man is Thomas Akins, who was bitten by the dog which Mr. Tlyos. Tonas killed—an account of which the Banner published a few day* i since. The medical faculty ought i to take hold of this case. The man | ought not to he left to die without an effort to save him. If thi- case, could be successfully treated, it j would not only save a valuable hu man life, but would be of great belt- , efit to medical science. Why not 1 look into the matter, Messrs. Doc ! tors. ^ ^ A young gentleman and lady in I Ithaca were recently about to !>< separated in their very youthful af fection by the interference of the . young lady’s parent. The dutiful ; daughter made all preparations for an extended visit with some West- | ern friends, but before leaving town ‘ ihe fonnd means to send a note to her lover, requesting him to meet I her at a certain hour iri the eeniete- t ry. The note fell into the hands of j the young lady’s father, who. po»- | •casing himself of its eontents, for- ; warded it to the youthful Lorenzo. 1 On the day appointed the stern pa rent concealed himself behind a tombstone near the remh-zvou , and, having overheard the plan that the young man should follow Ids lady love to the Western city and I marry Iter there, suddenly appear ed, captured the recreant children, and, taking them in his carriage to • minister, had them married at once. _ _ "The latest thing in hats” is worse than the helmet. Look* like a piece of jeans ttat dot wflb a pWr of dull tbwrs. for tho HALL’S ■ Bam Executor’s and Administra tor's Sale. GEORGIA—BaKKIi Cocsty. • Will tasauM before fhet> tut lioti.qedoor in the town of ewt-ii. Baker c<m- ty. iin. on th first Tu* *>l;ty in (XMitr n*-xt, lietwden tlit* ummI hours , f-ale, that valuable p'.aulatiou known as the MILLS PLACE! consbtingof 1250 acres of Ian-1, numbers 10*. t(t*i »Cl6, and J3-*», in the hlli District of Baker county, attoot on- half open land, ami one-half ad. Itupr-iveioenis giNid—c itnfuiiahle fram ed dwell! g ami mi of Ihe best |dtuiali< Tkkm.s arable -bouses. iis iu Baker county ; is situa- nt from the town of Newton. —Dne-thiid cash, • ne third and one thini pay able in two i per annum. uf saiu plant at i»: i h interest ai s* fine undivided half in belongs to the e.-state of Win. B. Darker, deceas- ed, W. W. I’mrk r executor, and one undivided half interest tielonga to the estale ol .lames It Butts, deceased, A. G. Butts and Wa. H. Atwood, ndiiiiuistralor*. W. W. I’arki-r, Executor. A. <». Bctts. uml LUNGS. Cares Consumption, Colds, Pneumonia, Influenza, Bronchitis, Bronchial Dif ficulties, Hoarseness, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all diseases of the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heals the Membrane of the Lungs, in flamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevents tho night-sweats and tightness across the chest which ac company It. C0NS17MPTI0X is not an lnruruble malady. It is only neecssary to have the right remedy, and HALL’S BALSAM Is that remedy. DOS’T DESPAIR OF RELIEF, for this benign specific will cure you, even though professional ahl falls. HENRY’S CA1B0LIE mVE, the Host Towerfttl Healing Oint ment and Disinfectant ever Discovered. JTenrjf *" Cnrhnlla Halva heals burnt. Henry’* Carbafta Halve cure* sore*. Henry’s Car holla Halva allay* jar in. Henry’* Car holla Sal re r a rr * er actions. Henry’* Carhotlo Hah a he al* pimple*. Henry’s Cartmlia Halva heals hrulaes. Auk for Henry’*, and Take No Other. 13T BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. TOWNSLEY’S ■ep2-td» Administrators. I GEORGIA—Bakki: County. i Wher*a*, it hM been made known to me that 1 the estate of’I h<>ma* J*. DuPont, late of said conn- rrcased,is unrepresented. This is therefore itify All parties interested, to lie and apia-ar e Court ofoidlnary to let held in and for oufitv on or bt lore tho fir-l Monday iu Oc- m-xt to show '•aus».‘, if ajy they hate why hould not i*e grant- of the. Stipe litabjf la* < IlieiaMy, tills the fSOtla JAMES P. BROADAWAY, Ordinary. C*EOISGrA—Baker County. Whereat*, l 1ms b. et. iiistde known to me that th* estate of Charlton V. Smlh, late of said coun ty. dec* M-d. is on represented. This ia therefore «o oolify all parties interested, to l*e and appear at the Court oi «‘r*linaryon the lir.t Monday in October next, to hliow cause, if any they have, why L-ttcfs of Ad'uiiiistratlon nliouM not lie granted to the Clerk of the Superior Court, or (tome other fit and suitable person. (liven under my hand otlicially, this Julv 30th tm. JAM ES J*. BliOAI »A W A V. August h. 1880 Ordinary GEORCal A—Baker County. Unbr and by virtue of an order granted by to Honorable James 1*. I'.ma..away, Onliuury i and f-»r (be county of Baker, State of (-eorgla, will be sold before the Court- house door of Bake countv, town of Newton, within Ihe legal hour i of sale, on tbe first Tuesday in Octoltcr next, u the proper*y of the estate of IF D. Williams, lot of Baker county, def-eas TDBTMC1 CUUKM IN ONE 7UMJIE. Edcy’s Carbolic Troches, A SURE PREVENTIVE OF Contafrio'iw T>lwiuM*m Coldu. HbRmtMca, Diphtheria, autl Whoop in Coutfiu. J’teaannt to the Tarts. •.r of New (Vnfral /.'ailroatl Kant Teimensee and the tienefit of the hei oflol , <«*• half a i dwelling h. of l«i ml 17 SAVE MOIV fcCY By Sending your order DIRE(!T to HEADQUARTERS CABBAGES. APPLES, OXIOXS, POT A TOES. BEST PEANUT IN THE WORLD! The “ITALIAN FLAG!” J. B. REEDY! Clothing! The Greatest Cure WL I* 1: IN THE WORLD! Prepared and sold by SPF.NCKIt GRAVES, at Hillsdale, Worth Co. Georgia. #Sr Wholesale aud Retail Merchants supplied on Commission August 26,1880—3m. SPENCER GRAVES. - Welch’s Corner Ever brought to Albany! ,111 & GO, Lemons, Oranges, Cocoanuts, Pine Apples, Turnips, Beets, Shelled Peanuts and Shelled Almonds, Foi Confectioners ! WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS. AND A FULL LINF. OF Staple and Fancy Groceries. JOSEPH B. REEDY, GROCER A IMPORTER OF FOREIGN FRUIT ^avaiuiali, Ga IIAS OPENED A NEW I AKER Y AID CO NFECTI0IERY At tbe old stand of Joseph Demont, nml will keep on band at all times. and is preparedto furnish to the city and country FRESH BREAD* CAKES, CANDIES, and all good* in bin linn, of best quality and low prices. lie also lias on hand at his store a good lot of of said county, on which Ring; sharea o ark and fourteen shares o orgia Railroad stock foi if said entitle. J. 11. WILLIAMS, W. D WILLIAMS, of W. Ii. Willia is. dcc’d. bKOIMiIA- Bakf.r County. by Yirlue of ao order granted by tbe '* *■ laway, OnlTfiary in and for ties I*. Brosolaw nty of Ba Of Of. will lx Of Bake an of Newton, wilhfu llie legal hours of *ale,«i ** •«* TiD-wlay In November next, as the piope Of Ihe « late Of W D. Williams, late of Bak< uniy.defxased: One snare of Central luilrm wk. No. 3*198 for division union/ (he heirs <• evUt« of W. D. Williams. <I.Tn.el, .1. If. WILLIAM*, iCt13'k| W. W. WILLIAMS. sof W. 1>. Williai , dm Osjjsatiti SiitcFt Relievo Dy«pepn!a and Bilioiamraa. PBr rOJt SALE It Y ALT* DRUGGISTS. JOH2T vT HEMTRY, CUJ0RAH U CO., imw.b inontuftrim, pL CoPM’* Place, WewYorlq Administrator's Sale. GKO KG IA—Titoup (’ounty. Under aod by virtue of no order from tins I Court of Ordinary of Troup county. Ga I will "‘•II Ire fore the ourt House door of Dougherty comfy, (ia., on ll»e first Tuewlny in " * * widen he will clore out allow figures, an ho wisbea to devote hiineelf entirely to his Confectionery of tho public patronago is respectfully IlclieS. - ” ilia yfi Jim GICAY'H SPECIFIC; MKDK'LNF. TRADfi MARKTH-Great Kn- TRADE MARK gllah Heiue- fMelf- nm TAKIKQ Universal lamsitude. Pain in tm- *tmi TAKIM.Ah nf Memory, Unlvei Back, Dimness or Vision, |> many other diseasea tint h ad ojarty highest le-lotig- ». G. Heard, deceased, •third In.eri'kt In the 21.28. V a ml 8/, PPPPP be wit an undivided notch furls of City |»f« .. ronling altouf ft * fi’el Oil Wa IdugtoN ktrool, ill tbe eitv of Albany, and running back 21 Ofeet. sold f'*r the benefit of crcditora ami heirs of •aid eiiaur. furiaa nodi. J.W HLEDGfl nffi^da Adultm/CtaW. nature Old Age, and - - to insanity or eoo- rtllon, and a premature Grave. 49-Full par- ieulars in our pam|dil< t which wo desire to send 49-Tbe Specific Med- Tree by ml .. Icliie h sold by all druggists at 81 per' package, alx pMi-Vnges lor or will heaeni free by mall tin receipt of tho money, by addressing THE (MAY MEDICINE CO. Mechanic’s Block, DKTKoir, Mini, 4#-8o!d in Alliany and evorywharo by all drug- A./a/a » week In your town. 83 Outfit free. No Vhlt r| - k lt.Mn.-r. -| 71m .Milt ■ l.u.iM...I at 01111 which |M-rs<ms «»l either t»ex can make v groat |s«y all the tloa they Woyk, write for |Krtfc*ulkn toll.UaujtfTT AUh,Poriruu'd,MkliW. SEAMLESS TURPENTINE STILLS! JUtYxy ST., BETWEEN* HABERSHAM & PRICE, SAVANNAH, GA. M ay U-Cm MANUFACTURERS OF ODE STOCK OF Welch. & Mitchell -Offer At Their Popular- A.LBANY BOOK AND JEWELRY STOEE TILE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST Selected Stock of Miscellaneous Books, SCHOOL BOOKS* v 7 1Sfe-T.tiv,. y, r^t* Fine Gold Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Musical Instruments, Cutlery and Fine Fancy Goods, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET! Wo have in slock an clcgnnt lino of j. NEW GHROM0SI f u Goods sold at a small margin of Profit 1 1 )ur largo nml increasing sale* enable us to buy nml sell In such quantities rr AS TO DEFT COMPETITION IN PRICES l'<- Call anil examine our prices before pur- If chasing elsewhere. No trouble to show ’ "L' ." goods. SUP All orders promptly filled. ^ WELCH & MITCHELL, Booksellers and .T CAvelers, April z;t, lHso— ALBANY, GA. II. ERASER GRANT. To Merchants and K. E. ClIEATIIAM Farmers! If you want a good price and prompt returns for your COTTON and RICE -SHIl’ IT TO- H. Fraser Grant & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 72 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Who will give PROMPT, PERSONA!. ATTENTION, ami make liberal cash advances on all cufasignmcnw. tif BAGGING mttl TIES furnished at bottom prices. twplklm. Drugs and Druggist’s SITIN'IDIRzIIES IS NOW LARtE AND COMPLETE; BOTH FOR JOBBING AND RETAIL. i^'Call or send for Prices before sending off order* or buying elsewhere* We guarantee satisfection in goods and prices. Xj. ML & H. ML Weqlgu, Wholesale & Retail Druggists, ALBANY, CA. It is known that hot weather brings sickness and lha, the greatest c»rc is tiece-sary to prevent disorders even ou tbe pait or those most healthy. What there is in the heat that should cause disease cannot certainly be known, hut cholera, dysentery, debility, lassitude, vertigo and many other sudden an J dangerous maladies couie every cessou and cause great suffering and thousands of deaths. Few people go lb rough Ihe Summer without unpleasant symptoms. The mouth becomes dry and parched. Ihe tongue furred with white, the pulse irregular, Ihe nead feverish. Ihe body cramped aud the limbs swollen aud tired. Ladies especially, with their uatural dclccacy and tendency to female (roubles, find tbe bot weatber almost unbearable while little Children are dying every day from exhaustion and because Parents neglect pre caution and care. A prominent aud well known physician of New Vork asserts as his positive belief that more than three*fonrtbs of all . o-called Summer eonipiaiuts arise from disordered secretions, end that these secrctionary orgnas, which, by being out of order cause bo much trouble, are the kidneys and liver. The brain controls the life, but ho lower part of tbe body rules tbe health. There is one, and only tme known vegetable that will absolutely regulate aud control tho kiducys and liver at all Umes and thus proven the many dangers of tbe Summer. That vegelable (a West India leaf, is used as the basis of Wmruer's Safe Kidney and Liver Care. It i* pure, plcasaut to tbe taste and absolutely certain in its results. It k-_ e p, those who intelligently use it in perfect health, and cures those, whose secretions are deranged. For all urinary complaints of either - MX | t j, infallible. For all billions trouble it is certain. For the bot scason j t is invaluable and every person of ca-e and intelligence should not fail to keep Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure neat hand, and use it upon approach of the tbe slightest symptoms. may cave yonr life or that of some dear friend ; it will certainly prevent much suffering It is for sale by druggists iu all par-;, of the world ; be careful and tuke no other. "A word to the j 3 wise sufficient.” WELCH & BACON, Warehouse and Commission 11 ALBANY. GA. Corn, Bacon, Flour, Agricultural Implements, Plantation Supplies Oftallfkind* alvcays'jon hand.\ our facilities for Storing aird Hauling Cotton ore unsurpassed.