The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 20, 1880, Image 3

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$eu% and £dverJisier. Satcrdat, November 20, I860. LO O -A. Xj J. IIovhaykk. E. Gcxdubhkueb. Black Cashmeres in largo quantities to aeloct from, at J. HOFlf AYER A CO.’S. Waterproof* it? all colors, at J. HOFUAYER A CO.’S. Ladies’, Gents’, Misses’ and Child ren's Underwear, at J HOFMAYER A CO.’S. Enquire for the 65 cent Cashmere at J. HOFMAYER A CO.’S. TU largest stock of Kid Gloves ever Mb in Albany just received at J. HOFMAYER A CO.’S. Our specialties:—Corset* at 25 cts.; Linen Handkerchiefs at 5 cts.; Towels at 5 cts.; Harris Kid Gloves at 75 eta. J. HOFMAYER ft CO. W.l&R. J. Paints, Oil. Glass, Putty VARNISH, ETC-. PERFUMERY. FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES, The best 5 and 10 cent Ci gars always on hand. Pipes and Smokers articles gener ally. FRESH TURNIP SEEDS JUST RECEIVED. FRESH GOODS & LOW PRICES (^•Proscriptions filled with care, day or night. M GILBERT, AgenU CO, Altoaar Or.,«r 11, TO DBLIQUElfT SUBSCRIBERS. A large number nf our -ubscribora are in .reaic, ai.d wo need the amounts due ns to meet our obligations. Please look on this paper and you will ace to what t'me your subscription is paid. Then remit to u* the amount It may be n small amount to you, but remem ber that these small amounts, when gathered together sustain us in our enterprise. Don't wait for our can vasser, but remit at once, and yoj will relieve and greatly oblige us. SEWS AXD GOSSIP, (lathered by Our Local Reporter. —Cotton picking is almost finished. —A large oat crop has been planted. —See card of Mr. W. A. Ledbetter. —That large eagle claw can be seen at the library hall. —His Honor Judge W. O. Fleming. How does it sound ? —Spring chickens and fall eggs a:e ripe and roosting high. —Bad on cotton planters, but its cold enough for sun-shine. —Have you been around to the Rial to to take - a chance in the boss rafile ? —Col. Armstrong returned from At lanta Tuesday. Ho didn’t like the racket if’ that way. —Mr. M. Callaway, editor of '.he Americus Recorder, passed through the city Thursday. —The S. F. A W. Ry. was several hours behind Thursday. Cause—fail ure of the Florida road to make con nection. “—Remember that Governor C’olJ quill, as well as Hayes, has set aside the 25th of this month as a day of Thanksgiving. —Mr. Ed. H. McLaren was in the city Tuesday, and paid this office a vis it. We are glad to know tha' he is moving along smoothly. — Patrons of the Daily News anb AnvEnvisER will please bear in mind *L‘S5 that our term, of subscription art strictly cash in advance. —The city remains quiet and order- H ATCeowla Stomal Connaallj Arriving as the aesasa advScea, a fall iiavofFaoy am* tally DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, MV. ud will he sold as touea prices. To thd HOUSEKEEPERS la Um citr •« »oull say, that .V are belter pre paid than ever to ail their ortlert tor eveipthiu Ja the Fane* and Family tiroeery Line. COUN- •TKT FltODCCEand all the deUcaclea of the tea- Atacaa aleayv be bad at our more aa Urn Very Lam* Martas Pries*. W. E. & R. J. CUTLIFF. Albany. Ga. SepL It. tsaa-dloAftw-Smo. Mrs. Sliaw’s TEMPLE OF FASHION •^OJF oflm asaf m* tad rich attraction* to ^BsiUcizMt raSorsod from tb« Northern mar' keti, vh««Tsppot some time io selecting all the LsteRt WfWof tr»A% la my line, I now have the seat complete umortmtutot Hats, Bonnets, Feathers, BIBBOSS, SECKWEAR. i. vena. Glove*. Hosiery, Zefhtrs, No- Tioxa, Etc. *v« la.—!,»I* Albany. All aiv oU lalron, and mVSS?—. erallT ar. eordtally larttodtocaU SlSStn, vaodaaadyrbM*. XaiaattU agent tor the Itouerif kk Fattwaa Xffrs. O. H. SHAW. Albany, Ga.. Oct. St, 1S*0 dtaAfr aCo SoiBethioglewaird Mice. ly as the winter days tome over it, ai d revenues received from Mayor’s court into the treasury are light. —Col. T. R. Lyon, of Camilla, was in the city Tuesday. Tom doesn’t gay bad words, but he thinks d—n it, about Joe Brown’s election. —The News A Advertiser job of fice is booming, and fully prepared to execute all kind of commercial and fancy printing. Send in your orders. —Hon. Win. Y~ Smith Is still in At lanta, looking after the boy*. The At lanta Post report* him as saying that he will not go to Washington before January. — Mr. James Camp will accept our thanks for a bunch of the finest turnips we ever saw. They are whoppers; and were raised on the poor sandy soil of "Hungry-Town.” —Messrs. Welch, Wight, Wilson & Co. will make a clean million out of their meat yen tore. You never find these gentlemen going ipto anyth!'g withont due consideration. —East Albany furnishes a trlde- groom. I.ook to your laurels young men of this side, for Tucker Callawiy Mitchell Coart Convenes rest Monday, and Mr. Gao. T. Hill, a representative of the News and Advertiser, will be on hand fur the purpose of collecting subscriptions due us, amt receiving renewal*. Our friends in Mitchell will please remem ber this and bo prepared to fulfill their obligations to us. Arc We to Have the Rarest We have received from Mr. Ed. Mer- car a programme of his Augusta races, lie will have eighty-odd fleet footed horses entered then', and writes us that he is getting up a programme of races for the Albany Fair Ground*, and is going to bring a large number of these horses from Augusta. The Rumor Contradicted. A gentleman in Atlanta has received the following telegram: Brunswick, November 16.—Y ou may contradict the report of the sale or Idase of our road to any company or individual 011 the authority of the president, Mr. Budge, director and agent of the owners and myself. This will be good news for you. Charles L. Schlatter, General Manager Brunswick and Al bany Railroad. Death or Little Corro Strother. Corro, tho little three-year-old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Stroth er, died at their home in this city Tues day morning at 10 o’clock, after a painful illness, with intermitent fever, which caused congestion of the brain. She was a bright and lovely child, the idol of fond parents, and beloved by all who knew her. Hare you any old law books, or re ports. vim desire bound ? If so, send them to the News and Advertiser Book Bindbut. Headquarters for Pretty Good*. Messrs. Welch A Mitchell have the two rooms of their second floor filled with one of the largest and most superb stocks of toy* and fancy goods ever brought to this market The display is attracting much attention. It’s a good show within itself, and if you haven’t seen it, you should go at once and take a look. Santa Claus has cer tainly made his headquarters in Al bany this season. Good Sausage Meat. Messrs. Welch, Wight Wilson A Co. arc now introducing their excellent meats in this section, and all who have used them agree with us in the state ment that it’s the best meat ever sold in this market. The hotels an 1 res- taurants of the city, as well as most of the housekeepers, are perfectly delight' ed with it. We have tried the meat and attest the fact that it is par-excel lence and fully up to all that is claimed for it. -YOtJ ARE RESPECTFULLY 1 TO CALL AND SEE OUR LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OF Books, Novelties in Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, Fine Gold Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, and Fine Fancy Goods. We have established Santa Claus’ Headquarters in the that NEW YORK has been brought to ALBANY, for lis can be found a more attractive line of standard toys at has been selected with unusual care this season; no pains ties in our line of goods., they being bought in every in- hcautiful store, crammed with everything new, fresh and will find well worth a visit of inspection. The ladies will filled with lovely Goods. Tho addition ot these rooms to our store will cau select at any time, and have their purchases taken care of until rush of Holiduy trade commences. elegant rooms in the second story, where you will find we warrant that in no place outside the great metropo- no point at more reasonable prices. Our immense stock being spared to secure all the late and attractive novel- stance direct from the manufacturers and importers. Our attractive, makes A PERMANENT FAIR, which you be especially pleased with the Art Department, which is prove n great convenience to the purchasers of Holiday Goods, as they wanted, thus giving them liesnre to make their selections before the WELCH & MITOHFIil/, Bookseller^, and Jewelers* 1 ALBANY, GEORGIA ■ Several New Orleans drummers have been through this section of late, and met with success. We would be glad to see the Crescent “City extending tier trade in this direction. There is no reason why she should not furnish the bulk of the sugar and molasses trade to the South; and just now when the re cent political defeat has aroused our people more than ever to the necessity of becoming commercially independent and solid, it would seem an excellent opportunity for New Orleans to push her claims. Ladies will please remember that orders for re-binding old books, bind ing magazines, music, etc., will be promptly executed at the • News and Advertiser Book Bindert. Another Warehouse Opened. The business of Messrs. Weston, Collier A Davis has increased to such large proportions that they have been compelled to open another warehouse, and the well known “Sims-Rust” is now occupied by this staunch and reli able fiim. Among their patrons are L looking serious. Don't let East Al- numbered many of ihe farmers of six banv get one ahead of you. j or seven counties, and their customers —Mr. W. A Ledbeuar, ..ndi'ijfte for j a P“ k ° r * h, m in thc ‘"Sbest praiso. liberiff,. spent yesterday in the e itv C«pt*jp Weston, the senior partner, is talking over the matter with the suffrage »" «P«H«o««4 man, and the .lingers Tht. i # going <0 be n lively j «"» »“* sufficient capital to carry on campaign among the homc-folks. ’ "* ^ *"<1 bu.. WHIIK1 TUB CAUSE. Feeble and Vain Attempt to Com mit Snlelde. Saturday week about noon, a inan by thc name of Conner wasa It'mg in Mr. Peter McDonough’* shoo shop, on Broad street, seeming to hejvery despon dent and considerably under thc in fluence of liquor. In a sudden moment he gathered up a shoe-hammer and said to Mr. McDonough that he in tended to put an end to his life, when ho immediately began to hatter -his head with thc sharp end of tho ham mer, cutting himself severely in the forehead. Mr, McDonough called foY a policeman, and had tho crazed man arrested. He was takon before His Honor, Mayor Wight, who deemed it best to have the unfortunate would-be suicide placed in the guard-honse for a few days until he can cool o(T. Conner is an Irish peddlar, and had been drinking for several days. Tlio Thomatvllle Fair. About two hundred Alban : ans at tended the Thomasville Fair last week, and, of course* the News and Adtebti seu had a representative ^mor.g that number. We went on Friday, and the grounds and buildings were so crowded that we could not see much of the Fair for the people, who had been attracted more by Coup's circus, which spread its tents inside the gates of the Fair Association, than by the Fair exhibition. The latter had not drawn much of a crowd on the three preceding days, and very little inter- -est seemed to be taken in it even by the people of Thomasville and Th >mas county. This being the case, it is un necessary to add that the Fair exhibi tion was not anything like it in : ght and should have been. The truth is, the people generally, and more espec ially the farmers, have become indiffer ent towards these Fairs—we are speak ing now of agricultural fairs generally —and it is almost impossible to get them to go the trouble of placing their products on exhibition. The conse quence is that the fair associations have to make leading features of horse racing* and introduce circuses and every other sort of borrowed or exotic attrac tion that can be procured to ‘ draw” a crowd. We were informed that if it had not been for Coup's circus on Fri day, the Thomasville Fair Association would not have taken in enough gate money to have defrayed expenses. By Telcg;iTiph. The ElcctionWcdnesday Judge Jackson, Present Incum bent, Elected Chief Justice. HON. MARTIN X. CRAWVOnD RETAINED. The Ollier Associate Not Vet Elected but Le.ter qud Speer Leading, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 17.—Tho elec tion progresses very slowly. The first in order to-day wus Tor Chief J ustice. Judge James Jackson, present incum bent, and Hon. D. A. Vason of your city, were the candidates. On the find ballot Judge Jackson received one- hundred and eighty-four votes, and Judge Vason received twenty-five votes, whicb*electcd thc former.' Judge Martin J. Crawford, present incumbent, was elected one of the As sociate Judges. Three ballots have been taken for the other Associate without result. H011 George N. Les ter, of Cobb county, anil Hon. A. M. Spear, of Spaulding, are in the lead. • _ Me. HIS HONOR JUDGE W O FLEMING. Special to the News and Adver’iser. Atlasta, Ga., Nov. 18-—The elec tion of officers is still paogressing, but very slowly. Jackson is Chief Justice, and Crawford and A. M. Speer, Asso ciates Hon. Win. O. Fleming, of Decatur, was to-day elected Judge over Hon. I. A. Bush, of Mitchell, by a vote of 118 to 80. Judge Henry Ilitlyer was elected Judge of the Atlanta Circuit, anil Hon. Jas. R Brown, (brother of our Senator elect) Judge of the Blue Ridge Circuit The Solicitors-General will not be be elected until after all the Judges. Me. SEW buckwheat. Flo* Mtoirrm-nt Pf&ESEBTES and J ELLIES. Fine a^/rtmrot fir*ycfa« rastjf«f> GOOl*. FUI.TOS MARKET BKH-. Juat f«crI»H[ Ly A. STEMTE. WASHINGTON, *T. Mpmavir GOOD NEWS ! FOB THOSE WHO MOT LAY THE CdSnttd Fore M Sausage! Warranted to Keep until U*«d. Miicrjm'RKb nr — MfomWelMijJtWta&Co. CHICACO. ILL. C.o h«t>*/J from th. tolto.Irj* r-iorrSsnt. and aI'mnjt, arid .111 On found mod eS-an-r tli.ii .nr m.»t...r ''.torn m.1.1 err D* Vt f.,1 In ft mu. al once. • t*k*'A K LCarurr, Dssvis ilauuav A.Otkmk. T. H flaasa- Cm* roM.iKB, W.J i/ma. w».^ } 1- T. taVdavhf, J °*‘* | —Messrs Willingham & Dar.iel are progressing finely witli the “Albany • Nursery.” They are now ^hipping er- j d.’rs, and the yard in rear of Daniel’s store' presents quite a busy appearance, Everybody is taking a chance at j the iron jwfc and two gold watches. | Three chances to win. Highest throw, : fit st fchoice, lowest second choice and ! best average throw third choice. To l close Saturday night. —The Knight* of Honor of this corr- i munity will regret to learn that Air. R. i A. Oamer, Supreme Treasurer of Ihe order, died in Atlanta on Monday last, j after a abort illness. His remains will ; be taken to his former home at James- ! town, X. Y. —Referring again to tie matt'r of pavement—the -ideva'ks in the Imsi- A Fine Thing Tor the Teeth, Fragrant S' zojont is a composition of the purest and choicest ingredients of thc Oriental vegetable kingdom Every ingredient is well known to havi a beneficial effect on the teeth and gums. Its embalming or Bnitscptic property and aromatic fragrance makes it a toilet luxury. Sozodont removes all disagreeable odors from thc breath caused by catarrh, had teeth, etc. It is entirely free from the injurious and acrid properties of tooth pastes and powders which destroy the enamel. One bottle will lust s x mon’hs. OUlt WASHINGTON LETTER. L. K.” PKKSKNTS SOME PRACTICAL POINTS. Maybe not *o Bad After All. A Note of - Warning. We |liavc received from Mr. Joel C. Ha-f is, of the Atlanta Coiulitution, a circular, with the above characterist ic heading. Mr. Harris writes us that on or about the 20th of November, Messrs. D. Appleton Sc Co., of New York, will issue, in hook form, “Uncle Remus: his Songs and his Sayings.” including “The Folk-Lore of the Old Plantation,’’ profusely illustrated from designs by Mr. Frederick S. Church and Mr. James H. Moser. Uncle Remus' legends, which have appeared in tho columns of the Constitution be came exceedingly popular, and those who are familiar with them will grasp the opportui ity of receiving them in book form. In Mr. Harris' circular he says it has been his purpose in gather ing thc scries in book form, together with the plantation songs, to preserve a phase of negro life and character hich would otherwise soon he forgot ten—a phase of equal interest to eth nologists and to those who are in search merely of quaint forms of hu mor. Our friend has our best wishes for success in tho sale of this interesting work. Mairluge Thursday Night. At thc residence of the bride’s father, Mr. N. F, Mercer, this city, Thursday evening, Mr. James Johnson, of East Dougherty, to Miss M. Mercer. Our warmest congratulations attend thc happy twain. Store Burned In Baker. The store house of Mr. A. T. Reid, at Couch’s Mills, Baker county, wus en tirely consumed by fire on Monday night, containing about $3,000 worth of goods, upon which, we understand, there was no insutance. Thc fire is supposed to be the work of an incen diary. THOMASVILLE FAIR NOTES. “That Albany crowd" was there by a good-sized majority. We had the pleasure of meeting Bro. I’erham, of the quitraan Free Press on thc grounds. Mr. Sam Salter, or Dougherty, had his pretty steppers, Minnie Tilden and Barney Wilkes, qn the track. The floral display was fine Saturday the attendance was very slim. Among the fair visiters at tho Mitch ell House ball conspicuous for their grace and beauty, were Missel Stella Wight, Nettie ,'Jackson, Wiilic Oliver, Willie Randall, Jessie Westbrook, Erie Hilsman and Miss Mitchell, of At- any. Misses Lulu Sanborn, Emma Large Eagle. We were shown Thursday the claw of u gray eagle killed by Mr. Horn, in Worth county, the other day. It meas ured eight inches across. The eagle measured reven feet from tip to tip of its wings. These royal birds are nu merous in that county and arc a source of great aniipyanccj to stock misers, who they keep in constant dread' of losing their pet lambs. Grand Hop and German. The Young Men’s German Club of this city have issued invitations for a grand ball and german to come off at Tift's Hall Monday evening, the 22nd inst. The Executive Committee, as sisted by every member of the Club, are making extensive preparations for a brilliant affair. Either Modcua's or Kessler’s band will furnish music for the occasion. A number of visitors from Thomas ville, Aincripus and Arlington are ex pected. It will he the society event of thc season. Don’t fail to attend. W. more- Washinoton, D. C., Nov. 14,1880. Editors News and Advertiser : Just before the assembling of the National Republican Convention at Chicago, Judgo Lochrano, of your State, I was informed being a strong Grant man, offered to wager heavily on his (Oiant'R) nomination or election. The first Hancock speech in this cily was a glowing one, delivered by Hon. Lochrane, at the Imperial Hotel, di rectly after thc nomination at Cincin nati. To-day a Republican exultantly handed me a late copy of the Nation al Republican containing a long inter view with that distinguished Georgian in which he declares he has gone straight into the Republican ranks and all Southern Democrats should do the same. After reading it I returned the paper, remarking, “The Judge is an eloquent Hopper.” I have no disposi tion to wnr on any Democrat who may desire to affiliate with the Republican party, but would it not he w ise for him to wait awhile—wait, at least, tun- he knows something about the incom ing Cabinet 7 As a Statesman, General Garfield is justly eminent. No other of his party could be less objectional to Southern Democrats, and should his administration be directed by his own superior judgment, there will oe little cause for complaint in your section. It seems, however, to he the prevailing impression with Republicans here that General Garfield's policy will be shap ed by the stalwart element of his par ty, and should this prove to he thc case Air. Conkling’s and General Grant’s recent speeches, with late edi torials in thc stalwart press, would be edifying political literature for the perusal of fledgeling Southern Repub licans. Let’s wait awhile. There is excellent authority that the eleventh hour laborer received full per diem pay. I thought of writing something about thc proposed change of the p-T- ty name, but as I have no objection to offer I will merely venture to suggest that ns far as the words go Republican, perhaps, expresses the ideas of modern Democracy about as well as Democrat Those desirous of revenue reform may feel content, for should thc Demo cr.iti fail at the next session to revise the present tariff, the ltepul 1 cans in the next Congress will cap'urc t'iat strong point by a bill of tin re which will tell for them in the n.'Xt elections. As these scribblings are offered merely as familiar talk with tho your subscribers to whom I am known I trust you will overcome any hesitancy you may feel in giving them room in your columns. lions. A. H. Stephens and B. H. Hill are in the city. J. L. K. THE “ALBANY” AFLOAT. Launching of thc (7. S. Barsc “City of Albany.” That end of Society street resting on the banks of tile river presented a lively scene Tuesday afternonn at 3 o’clock. At least three hundred peo ple had assembled to witness thc lauch- ing of the U. S. Barge, “City of Al- iany," which was done under thc direct supervision of . Ir. Jno. M. Ken dall. It was half past four o’clock be fore every thing was in readiness for 'lie boat to be tauclied and tiie patience of the crowd was taxed pretty severely by the delay. At last all was ready, and Mr. Ken dall sang out “Let her go!” the ropes were cut and the huge ba-ge went whizzing down the inclined plaine and struck the water with a force that sent huge waves rolling back $lie soon righted about and rode he waters an gracefully as a swan. Thc crowd remained to see ihe boat hauled up to land and Col. Slaughter step abroad and take command, which he did wth the easy grace of an Id sea captain. The boat will soon commence work on the river,. and our citizens may look to see something done. Thc Bight Tim- to Get Married, One of the th n^s young people seem mint auxious to know is “thc right tiroo to get married,” as seme put it, and an exchange undertakes to settle the question in thc following: llUlu mnuara , ; Tho great majority of young people | 1)ic ' ini(()n Han ,„ )rn ,„,i Miss' " are poor, and get comparatively Hiuall ; ^ ephi nd* Mr. S. W. Morel ami, a young; man well and favorably known in this com munity, died at his father's home in Jj'ic county, Inst week of hcra- orhagic malarial fever. Mr. More land hail been clerking in this city for Messrs. Welch & Bacon, during thq fall, but repeatedly visited the coun try and there contracted the fatal dii*- ©aso. He was about 25 years of age, The sVtllcado’a Empire* For hundreds of years Japan has been noted for the beauty of its ait goods, but it is only recently that ihe rage for rare and beautiful articles for home decoration has caused the importa tion of immense qualities of the ciri ous production of this wonderful na tion. In our art department will be found a choice and elegant line of the; goods, and at astonishingly low prices, such as Japanese Scrolls for walls at cents; dolls, 25 to 50 cents; toys, 10 to 50 cents: waiters* 10 cents to 1150; Kioto-wire, crane pictures for tidies. 3 cents; fans 2 and 5 cents; parsols, 5 and 10 cents; umbrellas 35 cents, and large quanite* of other at tractive novelties. Welch & Mitchell, Albany Book and Jewelry Store. d2twlt ^ How to Save Meat. The Early County News has been given by a farmer of experience a plan for saving n eat, which may be profit able to somebody who has hogs enough to have more than one killing. Its in formant says that if he could have fa vorable weather for the first killing, ho was not particular rs to the weather for the next. His plan is, when he salts down thc second killing, to put a layer of Ihe old meat on each layer of the new. This plan, ho Ihipks, se- Bnrope’s Beqolrement ot American Cotton. Messrs. Ellison & Co., Liverpool, in their annual review of the cotton trade for the season of 1879-80, estimates the consumption by British manufacturers in the twelve m mtlis, ended September 30th, last, at 3,350,000 bales, of 400 pounds each, as compared with 2,843,- 000 bales in the previous twelve months, and with 3,038,000 bales in 1877-78. Thc entire continental con sumption is estimated at 2,725.000 bales, as compared with 2,596,000 bales the previous year. After desciibing the enormous revival in the- Biitish cotton trade last winter, during which ^it is thought at least nine months’ production of yarns and fabrics were sold 1 ’ in six months, the review speaks of the future of the cotton trade as follows: “Tile favorite figure for the Ameri can crop is 5,750,000, with the c..ances of 150,000 to 250,000 bales over or under, according to the character of the season henceforward. Owing to this wide difference ot opinion about the size of the American crop, we shall en deavor (o estimate how much Ameri can cotton Europe wants rather than what amount Europe is likely to get. As, with the exception of Kussia, the prospects for the new season are re garded with hopefulness, it is pretty certain, that, as a whole, Europe will consume more cotton in 1880-81 than was consumed in 1879 80, Great Britain will, we, expect, waut an aver age of 95,000 to 66,000 bales of 400 pounds per week. The continent will require from 53,000 to 54,000 bales per week, makii.g for all Europe 118U00 to 120,000 hales, say 119,000 bales, against 116,000 la-1 season, ora total of 6188,000 bales. Toward meeting this demand we shall a-.tumc India will send as much as during last sea son. The Egyptian crop is variously estimated at from 2- 0.000 to 400000 of 93 pounds less than the last one. The Brazils may give 200,000 bales (against 152,000 last season) of 180 pounds each. Peru, West Indies, etc., may furnish 130,000 bales of 160 pounds. Turkey, etc., may also give the same an last season. If we add these sundries together and deduct them from the estimated Requirements of Europe, wc shall see how much cotton is wanted from America, thus : Biles of 4«U ItM. Supply wanted, asaboYe G.lssOOc ordinary Bate* .if Exp’cted f m India. _.1,12<.<KW l,o32,0t)00 TWO STALWART DOCUMENTS. Trooly Loll Yelps That Answer Them* selves. From the Fuieka Leader. WADE HAMPTON'S CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. El-hkka, Nev, Oct 25, 1880. To Uon. Wade Hampton, Columbia, S. C\: Sir—Ibavc noticed your cowardly insult to my friend, John Sherman, Secretary of thc Treasury. Knowing; ns u must certainly know, that Mr. Sherman’s po-ilioo as a United States officer, as at»o tiis oath of office, place* a. restriction upon his replying to you ns j oil de-ire I take the responsibili ty upon myself to answer instead. At to my social standing as a gentleman, I will refer > ou to the following gen tlemen of prominence: Kx-UoVern,r Low and ex-Governor Irwin, of Cali- irnia: John Q. Cannon, » Utah, and Ogden Hilts, of N. vada. I will meet you, sir, anywhere West of the Rocky Mountains, at any time you may ap point. As the choice of weapon, falls to me, 1 name double-barreled shot guns, loaded with burk-hot Terms— Distance, forty paces; fire and advance. If you have not the means to pay your fare to a point west nf thc Rocky Mountains. I will meet you at C mahtu Awaiting your reply, I remain yottta, c., JuuHC.Pai.iiES. Address Eu-eka, Nevada. P S.—You can order your coffin East of the Missouri, as timber is scarce here. J. C P. [Solid Sooth p.pers and San Fran cisco Examiner please copy.] A JCMRLK OF BILK AND PROFANITY. Editors Chronicle and Constitution- altsl: The Administration of Preaident Garfield will be such a, his pood sense dictates; it will not, in any sense, be in fluenced by what the “Solid Sonth" tuizht like. Nobody in the North caies a d—n what the South think* or says; they intend to manage the affairs of the country in the interest of the country. Neither do they care what the d—n rebels, Lee or Jackson, fought for, or for the teaching of auch blatherskites as Hampton, Ben Hill or Toombs; these men are nil politically dead, and should, long since, have been damned; they have only been a curse to the country in ■ which they lived, only to disgrace. You can gab ble through the columns of yonr pa pers ; the only effect on honest, patri otic men will be to excite a amile. The affairs of thc country will be in able, honest hands—hands that do not intend to yield them up very toon. Never again, in the life-time of the present generation will this country be cursed by tiie Democratic Administration of the South. In the meantime, if thc South does not like the future as well a- the present outlook, the world in wide, and no law in force in this coun try against emigration. Bob Bcckkye, Republican, energetic, active and promising ourcs the freah meat from spoiling young man, devoted to tho interests of i even in moderately warm weather at his employees, ami Ins death is regreted least lie has always been successful in by all who knew him. | saving it in that way. ’portion o r t : .e city -l.ou’d by all ’ , . .. | wages. “i*giv 'tfj'm ttertheirait nton. The ! if th ** OUT ! ««*» Mamio Wright and Miss Ne lie citizens would ir.eit'y appreciate a itmoo'L, firm pavement, and would iir.armnont.ty approve rlie action of thc : the Au Albany Hoy In Texas. | is always gratifying to hh to note i success and progress of our home j . j Annie Sanborn, of Bainbridge, and • ; , . . . .1 * They naturally suppose that j Mj , K ,. u Sirokin8 * Budd , Florid ,. « »• *P1"=.- of jjflH’- Council in »nppl}irig th*- need. Rark from the ttorky TO on 11 tain a. Mr. Georg** Water*, who fi ft our county about ton years for thc West, ban returned to s*c his old friends at home. He is living now in New Mexico, on the Rocky Moun tains. He looks hale and he. rty, and in delighted with his wild Western home. Hu moy JjJfricnd* are glad to more to live than it cost them while ! they were single. So the question 1 with them is: “Shall wc marry while j we are youri" and poor, or wait until ! we get older and better off?” i There is no rule laid down on this Douglass were Thomasville’s bright and particular stars present. our boyhoods, w irin friends achiovea • iccess. wo are doubly glad. We see by the Fort Griffin, (Texas) Echo that Mr. W. Cliever Face.• form- rly of Al bany, who went out ‘here about seven years ago, and located in tthacklofonl jiqijnty has |y <;ij ch cted to t||e Do You Want to Enjoy Lite* Death, or what is worse, is tho inevita ble* result H continued qiiMppupiou ot the .menstrual fl^w. It is a condition which. - bject which will fit all case*. Some j should noth) trifled with. Immediate re- j sponsible po-ltloii of treasurer of that booolo ate naturally so industrious and 1 lief isitl»« only safeguard against constitu- r:c |, „ n ,| growing county by a liand- r w ... . . i tioiml ruin. In all cases of suppression, , .. . . . . thrifty that tliqy got along under H un,i.:nnioi: or other irregulnriti'-H of the HO "‘° over two able and almost any circumstances. Tljo ifght '’‘courses," Dr .I. Bradfleld’s Female Beg- highly tro«pectud competi tors. This time for the first-class to get married is whenever they choose to do io, while the right time for the other c!a*w to getgmarried »» aeldoiu if it ovur cotaos atalU NEURALGINE. The following short letter from Dr. J. D. Mitchell, a mem or ot tht) Georgia Legulituru, ik a v« ry strong endorsement! Meksuh. HutciiiN’«on Bno. -I have used your •*Nenr»dkim , .' , aud find it all yen claim, h specific lor Nenrdgia and llcu,d- :uhe. t). 1). Mitchell. M. J). Rev. Dr. •). H. DeVotei says: **I lwve been relieved by “Neumlgine" of severe at tack ot HttuWhe.” Hutchison A liuo, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. 14 Whitehall StAtlanta, (hi. For .h l y U Fa. A’ \l Welch, Albany Gn. oct-7U. 42»v OJ “ Braid * ZU'tMhi 70,ou0 “ Fern, e»c....... H'3,lt0 43.UOO w Turkey 24,(MX) 2 .O K) 1,846,000 Wanted fin America (bales o. 4DQ |bs).4 332,o0d Or, in bales of 45Q?bs. 3,j»5 ,0k0 Last sea sou pie {(deliveri s to Aincric-tu spiHnera, tbc expo-ts to Cauada, etc-, as shown by the figures given in the Financial Chronicle, wen* I 1 s5i;iui4 bales. Teis season they will require 1,OOO.OdO bales more, aay -— [halesof 450 Ibs^....^. ft.KOO.UO'J 5,757, 00 Is it Pusdble, That a remedy made of siteh common simple plants ns Hops, Biichti, Man drake, Dandelion, dc., make so many and 6tteh marvelous ami wonderful euros as Hop Ritters do? It must be, for ivlioif old and young, rieh and poor. Pastor and Doetor, Lawyer and Editor, all testify to having been cured by them, we must believe and doubt no longer, Sec other column—Post. Did yon ever ii'itu--. h »*• terribly a beauty 01 the blonde typo can disappoint one? At a Little distunee we only see the shining aureole of bair, and the imagina tion. with its defttoucii, is quick to com plete the picture with a complexion as velvety as the heart of a rose, and as pare at snow. iiut on close proximity, Ihe picture losses tfs brightness it we discover traoes of a disordered liver, which can be corrected by using i’orhtliue, or. Tablt r’s Vegetable Liver IW h-r Price oil eLs. 2 THAT FLORID % OlTBtGB. The Rescued Prisoners Denounce 'llaetr Bescnera. Jacksonville. Fla,. November 11— Four of the citizens of Madison, who were forcibly rescued from the Deputy Un ted States Marshal on Tuesday night, came to this city this morning and delivered themselves to the United States authorities. The fifth is sick, but will come aa soon as able. They had an examination and were released on a light haiL They published a card denouncing the outrage, and saying they have no knowledge of the identity of their rescuers, and aver that any citi zen of that county against whom charges for violation of the United States election laws la preferred, will come voluntarily before thc proper trihu'ial without arrest or notification. The Union to-moirow ia an editorial denouncing the outrage, will advise the suspension of judgment as to the political complexion of those commit ting it, and su gests some circum stances tending to raise a doubt wheth er the Democrats or Republicans wero its authors. The outrage is denounced by ail. Remarkable Case*, Among the veryYtany remarkable cures effected by Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, may be mentioned that of Charles S. Prentice, of Toledo, Ohio., who was by its use restored to health in a few weeks, after ho had tried the treatment of some of thc most eminent physicians of France, England and America without benefit. His trouble was Bright's Disease. Another is tha cure of Peter Bhowerman, a*, the age of seventy years, after greatly suffering for forty years from k ; dney and liver difficulties. Testimonials of these and others, oan be seen. ulntor is tho Only sure remedy. It acta by „]| 0WS that lie is on'tho right line, to I giving tons to Ihe nervous centres, im proving tho blood, and determining di rectly to the organs of menstruation. It is a legitimate prescription, "Ud the most intelligent doctors urn Hi Ask your drug- girt fdr It gay i|.e |earq of it, and tyh, together witii ills many friends at his old homo, wish for Ulut voutiuuud and llow to get Nick. Expose yourself day and night, eat oo much without exercise; work too hard without rest; doetor all the time: take all the vile nostrums xdyeviiscd J t»tid then Jftpt »jll vyiffit til know llow to get Well. Which is unsworn! in time words— Take llupDittvrsI Bou other column.— ExprVW. Cot.UMBl’S, Ga., Jan. 17. 1878. Dn. C. J. MoPfktt—Beau Sta: Last Kunnn-r when our little girl was ten tlw ing, wo tried a gieat number uf pres, criptions hut nuno of theto relieved her. We filially lia«i brought to our notice vour Teclhina (Teething Powders), ami used them with the happiest re sult They gave her a speedy and per manent relief. I very heartily recom mend them to o|[\cpt. Yours, very truly, G. lb GLENN. President Columbus Female College. Its spoedy cures of Sorss and Erup tions upon the Skin have b en remsrk- kbht. GviLirrnwAii'K & Son, UrttfigUkH 'icojvAlL Who has not been annoyed by a cough in chart k? It may come from the remo test corner in the rear, but its echo tickles the throat in front, creeps down the uisle and touches the ushers, wringing a sympathetic explosion from every vie* i ini. But Consscns* Honey of Tar will cute Coughs, Colds, and all diseases of thc throat and lungs. Bronchitis, hoarse*, nws and Throat. Price 6fi cts. 9 QUOTATIONS —FROM—- WILLIAMS & WATSON, Commission Merchants. SaV ns all, < IS8®. Spirits Turpentine—Quirt and «**»* Oils sud whinkte* .1,42. tcegulsn 43044. Ktwin-Quiet, Tint Situ. B Mid C WJW. I • ?1.V). KII 75. F $1 *7’£ 0 4112*4. II $tVk 1 §2.50. K $2.75. M SMt N S3 15. tt* 0*150 r.nton—Firm nit*) landing tip MMdil»tflO*£ Low MI-1.10J£ Good Or*. Corn-Mixed 67-68 White «M$. Outs 48-50. H it <1.25 loll 30 Flour—J'Uper $5.50. Extra $0.40. Family SIJ$ Extra Family $8.25. Bacon I> S SU to 8*. Oluv* 10 to 12U fiutli Spirit HxrrcUi „ ShwMer* uoi lulling 17 to 24 fllN Old $i,05 W <►»i A»r t-Time lute, Wee t« 7