Newspaper Page Text
L. S. Plonsky—Gtiilio.
.T. Harris—Warden.
J. W. Joiner—Sentry.
Wo are pleased to learn from mem
ber* of the order that that this lodge Is
in a very flourishing couditioh, urith
forty-four companions.
{ can only promise a continuance of those
! efforts, and a determination to add to
1 the attraction* of the Naurs awn An-
vinucs daring the New Year.
FANCY goods,
Black Cashmere* in large quantities*
to celect from, at
hard match in Paris was con- 1
fleuvy mutinous on the Ballroads.
The railroads in this section all seem
to be haring a hi.- business hoc in. .The
Savannah, Florida St Western has had
to put on extra freight trains to carry
off tlie cotton that has accumulated at
stations on the western division of the
line.. All our roads teem to be doing
a prosperous business this winter, and
we arc glad to arc it
I total of f3,0(JU, leaving Slosaon with 1
j 2,955-points. Three thousand tpecta-
| tors were present in the ball'and a
| crowd of 5,000 persons outside to hear
the result. Vigucaux received an ova
tion. -
At Trenton, N. J-, a fire broke out in
a frame dwelling op treat street and it
was completely destroyed. Mrs. Hen-
ly Johnson was in bed at the time and
was burned to death. It:« thought her
husband, who was under tlx? influence
of. liquor, knocked a kerosene Tamp,
over. He hap been placed .iitWPvf-
Beetton of OBwrt ■ Cortap Lodge
K. otB.
Gordon Lodge Knights Honor, have
elected the following officers for the
ensuing term:
Z. J. OUjui—P. Dictator.
B. A. Col ii«r—Dictator.
W. H. Gilbert—Vice-Dictator.
E. Crinc—Assistant Dictator.
W. B. Daniel—Treasurer.
' 11. T. Mash—Reporter.
The liest 5 anti 10 cent Ci
gars always 011 hand. Pipes
and Smokers articles gener-
Waterproofs is* nil colors, at
and Child-
Ladies’, Gents’, Mi.- ica’
ien’a Underwear. at
Jos. Enrlicb—:Fir,ancier.
T. D DuPont—Chaplain.
R. M. Esters—Guide,
Guardian. '
J. W. Joiner—Sentinel.
B. A. Collier—Delegate to Grand
Lodge. . -
i:iretimi or
Micha Lodge No. 147, 1. o ;
has elected the following officer^*-.
Married, on December 23rd, 1680, in
Worth comity, Ga, by Rer. P. R.
Jones, Mr George Dias and Mis Mattie
Married! on December 23rd, 1BS0, in
Worth county. Ga_, by Rev. P, B.
Jones, Mr. Eubanks Toiupklns sod
Miss Missouri Bryan.
a®*Pre =criplionf filled with care,
day or night.
i _• 1 ' rw
I Scott, ez-OoveriKr. *. *' 1 •*«•;*** .
| and now s resident of. Ngrch shot 1
and killed a young man named Drnrjrf^* ^
'i'ho affair was the result of a quarrel in j q -
relstion to a son of General Booth ! Legi
Drury was a clerk in a drug store, a ]
young man of good standing* m the i ctur
community, and was to liave been mar- | Scho
ried on Tuesday next j
At Golumhus, Ohio, twenty priseners »
in the county jail mutinied all lire po-t W!.:
lieo in the south ond of the town -wore ! L i
called in to quell them. -Ono shot was !
fired. but without fatal result. Cold I n
I water and chunks of coal thrown at the Sum
1 prisoners wore found to l-: sufficient ‘“G*
] argument toquiet them. Several con- ^
I victs were senously injured, by -being V o«i
j hit with pieces cf coal. a:.d
j •'hri.-:tm»s il*J was celebrated in
lN- w York .and in Brooklyn in the |
| Usual manner and very quietly Scr-f
rices wen held in all churohc i, where {
[ elaborate programmes of isusie wr
] rendered . and appropriate sermons rjj ca ,
j preached. Christmas diuiicis were gif- [ able
cu to inmates o( the diffe rent charitable I
| institutions under the care of the com- , jt
| mittce of charity and councilors, tnd { ytHU
also at private institutions. ’Publicbuai-.!
ness was suspended alto^tther and
general merry mskiug was the general J s*h ■
order of ilie day. Tbo shy was ltrt:»t‘ IJq 1 ?
cning snow or rain durin- 0:0 entire [ nu
Knquirc for the 05 cent Cashmere at
the ensuing term:
President—H. Kaufman.
Vice-President—B. Gdansky.
Secretary—M. Resenfield.
Financial Secretary—Jos. Ehrlich.
Treasurer-S. May. r.
Warder.—i. Kiev?.
• • Guardian—Si Cohen.
his wounds dre'-ed, and he will proba
bly recover Mr. Story was buric i
next day; Ford 'is about 28 years of
age. Story was about 21. Both are
members of respectable families in
Worth, and the sa.l occurrence is uni
versally regretted in that county.. "It
is said neither party was in the least
on Jet the influence ofi’qcor.
did apparatus.
The spring session will open on the
6tb day of January, 1881.
Board ia wonderfully cheap, and
tuition free. Cntuocrt is proverbial
for its health fulness, gv-od water uid
fine society.
The fall session of Andrew Female.
College closed last night with a most
delightful musical cntertainme.nt Miss
1 Kva Cnckler, in charge of the depart*
[ meat or vocal nwsic, excels as a vocal!
■ 1st say person I havo beard before the
public. This young lady, though bnt
recently from Cincinnati, has already,
made quite a reputation.
Old Andrew baa had more than one
hundred and thirty pupils in sttenuasee*
-this term.
Wishing your many readers a “Met-
I rjr Christmas,’’ I conclude this..letter
in time for the mail this morning.
Very truly yonra,
Ww! U. Coorim. :
' fqtlihert, l)»c. 23rfi, 1830.
Thu “Cnaila" XXuuday Ktcht.
The young men’s German Club gave
a delightful danco at Tift’s Hall Mon
day evening. Quit * a number of visi
tors were present, and the enjoyment
was kept up to n late hour. The 'Club
ordered music by telegraph: it failed to
arrive in time, however, and •Ve Boh<-
mian bag-pipe and ciaroncta which
have been perambulating the streets
the past few days was brought into
»> largest -took of Ki.i Gloves ever
in All»amv ju-t received at
Commotion Among Laborers,
Whether or bot the recent failure in
our c’ty ha; anything to do with the
present commotion among the colored
people, it is a fact nevertheless- that
many' of them appear to be unsettled
in their places *or another year, and
there is an abundant supply of labor,
willing -to hire for another year. , The
roads of the county are lined with
wagons, moving people from one planta
tion to another. We have never wit
nessed so mack moving since *65 and
*65. when everytliing wsi it an un
settled condition.
A great many colored people in tins
section have' b in the habit of plaiit-
i-i- oi*. their own r. ■■count. They would
get" tlia warehousemen to accept for
j'aVtin, give mortgage upon crop and
j iiule, sod risk chance* on result The
■ l)iir specialties;—Corsets at 25 els.;
Linen Handkerchiefs at 5 cts.; To well
at 5 cts.; Harris Kid Gloves at 75 *tk
What the New Boat Will Do.
We learn that a number of parties are
anxiously waiting to see whether the
steamboat that ia being constructed by
gentlemen in this city to' piv the
waters of the Flint, proves a success,
if tne boat cornea up to expectations,
and can supply transport*t'or, we learn
that a number of turpent ae distilleries
will !>e started up along tbo backs of
tlio river. Thus the bovt will at one-
develop thousands of acres of gr od
limbered land which'now. lio idly ad
will, in return, receive a. remunore.ii o
business from tho turpentine n on
cures of S^res s
ia Skin hare bet.
itDVHWAiry Sr S
Druggist., i
Mr. IV. S. Humphreys, an attorney at
Quitman, arrived iu the city ye terday
with a pardon from tho Governor for
Sam 1’ryne, colored, who has been a
convict in one of Lockett’s camps in
this county for about four years. Ssm
was convicted! of Ix-.-isliality in Brooks
Superior Court, and sentenced for
life, but Mr. Humphreys lias finally
succeeded in gutting him pardoned, a
majority of the jury that convicted
him anil the"jridg*presiding being, wo
understand, among Ihm o who signed
the petition bomo by Mr. Humphreys
to the Governor.
—Mr. D. Ulsuber, Assignee, again
advertises the Lsnkrupt stock of I.
Kicve for sale. Foe notice.
—Dougherty county is out of debt,
so is tliu city of Albany. This fact
should encourage isx,payers.
—It is strange that there are so
many young men vim,When thny call
upon ladios, don’t know* when to go
home. , •» • . |
i—Election m lifers mo now 1ti order.
Bend in your ordeis for tickets, now,
candidates. Don’t wait 'till tho last
—Our pooplo arc experiencing some
difficulty in getting water. Not only
tho cisterns but many of the wells
frozen over,
—Mr..W. II. Gilbert, gave all the j
physicians of the cry a Quo Christmas
dinner at his residence. It was a joy
ous occag on.
—After Christmas:
“What 1 sp 'it I had
What I gave I have.
What 1 kept 1 lost.”
—Miss Fioddio Ueilbron, tvbo lias
been visiting in this city, tho guest of
Miss Rosa Weslow, departed yesterday
for Atlanta iii company with Mrs. I
A. B. Weslow and son.
—A family of tiiis ritv is about to :
discover heirship to an English fortune j
worth $l5,OUQ,ObO. Jt ia aid lb-V j
hav * iho document* ill straight line j
running on" hundred jours back.
—We regret t<. loam that Itev. J. S. |
Grav.a, of Graves’ Mill? is lying dan- :
gereutly ill at the Ba^nts lloum. lie;
is under skillful medical retention,
however, and we hope h' will recover. |
—The county poor are well supplied 1
with fuel cold day: and nights. |
The l 'minis boners are providing '
liberally for them. They enjoyed I
Christmas donations from the Commit- t
sioners and the Albany D..ptist eliurch. [
—A Christmas verse: “Go your 1
way, eat tlio fat and drink the aweet, I
and send portions unto lh«iu for whom
1 nothing is prepared; for this day is
| holy unto our Lord; neither be yt i
Hut cow In store and is dally roveliln*
tvoaru «,
Even o ir old - -: “the oldest
inhabitant," * h i not refer ns la't
night to the tirno, in all the store-house
of his* retentive memory,, when this
country had ever before been so com
pletely frozen, up tts 'Jt is. now. Jl'lio,
cold wavo from the North-west struck
us about 11 o’clock yesterday, and by
mid-day tlio whole face of the eaith
was a solid mass of frozen slush.
The scarcity ot local matter in this
morning’s News and AnvEBri.-Ea is
duo to the unprecedented severity of
tho-weathor. The streets of Hie city
were almost deserted all yesterday af
ternoon and last night. The people
would not go out infs the fierce, col J
wind unless they were compelled tr.
go, and when one was forced by cir
cumstances to leave the fire, be made
as little delay as possible in getting
back to it. Nobody wort out doors to
do anything that would have furnished
material for a local Hem, and we
wouldn't havo been there to bare
made a not e of it if they had. In short,
this bailiwick is “frizorey**—-and un
der, too—and all around the edges—
aud we can't promise our readers any
thing more startling until.tha-tl-ior be
gins to thaw. Oaoh—Uistanib, aiui
‘ U cold ! . ... -,-v \
Wanted—A Wood lari far Albany.
I Albany needs a wood yard. . Oar
j people cannot afford to lie without fuel
! in cold weather, nor can they spare
! time to search the town over for the
uncertain’ wood wagon. Yesterday
j wood was short, and It was next to an
impossibility for one to bold a wagoner
up to his agreement to deliver wood.
! for as his wagon passed through the
| streets, numbers of shivering mortals
would offer a bid, and beg the wagon
to their doors. IVe need a wood yard
—one which can fill all orders cm
1 quick demand. There is money in an
| enterprise of tLe kind for somebody,
i and is would prove a source of eomiort
and convenience to our people. Sons'
ono’owning wood-land near the eiiy
sboald take hold of the matter.
Butler couty, Missouri, a point on the
St. Louia, iron Mountain and Boutin rr.
.tailmail, that while the passengtr train
waa tHe^g'aman from SC Louis, narnu j
Muhi'IDRsjk/t uj-kr-JyifV*.*x- -tnd vi f “. *
. BAl-.lNSi
see by reference to the Jitrrien Coun
ty Xcu\, of tlio 23th inst., published at
this place, tlmf the above statement is
therein vurifi.-d. ’Chey araalao cprroh ; .
orated by every prominent citizen of
Alnpaha who knows anything about the
a3air. You douio the furtherinjustice’:
to say I am “known as a desperate
man.” I am aware that your state
ments were made upon reports then in
■ circn! ition, and apprehend that you de
sire-to do. justice-do all- concerned ;
therefore I shall expect you to giye
this statement as wide a circulation as
you did the formiT report
Yours truly,
Wilct Chambliss.
beyond expression ty ’tbo little . j
who furr.iihod it I’ho Kiudercarten {<
Class Urat recited the loth mspler'ef’^
ist„ Cvrinlhiansi. then delielued .iho.
ftucUoncc with a bcauiifu) ‘'“tig,' in
which they kept perfect tirno, and evi
denced the fact that many of the sweet
and happy little voices are being thor
oughly cultivated.' The salutatory by
Miss Mamie Randall, was finely de
livered, and no less was tho recital ion
by Master Eugene Mitchell. The
“Motion Song*’ was a special feature of .
the occasion, and the mathematical
illustrations by the little ones was
really wonderful. Think of a class of
children from fire to ten years of ago
describing right angles, triangles, '
squares and parolelogrames, with all
;hn rase and graco of thoroughly trained
final year seniors.
Carl Weston’s “Blessed Old Santa
Claus’’ arts cunningly rendered, with
an earnestness which was most inter
esting. “Guod-tyo Little Birdie,” by
Daisy Greenwood, was spoken in a soft,
sweet voice, which touched the tender
cords of nature.
Wuods. All wore f—‘cehg<xri. on tho I tickles tliu third;;' irWir
(rain. Mrs. Jones was daugwwus.'y iC^I^ilr'dKLc’”s*«re **'"
wdundod in tin, bewi. Utr biiabaiui j S-I .»•. •/'•iu. re*
was shot in the hand, srff Dr; Roberta, i ■S C j'.*Cf.'i*i^ 1> .i
received, a severe llwli wound in IfiS L^iu^iVre. xteft
shoulder. Jones and wife werc Uft m :
cars of the railroad agent and Dr. j
-Roberts continued his journey to Texas.:
The affais seems to be involved a ‘
great mystery.
Corppnd Norton, of Battery K., 2nfi |
artillery, at. Fortress Monroe, in com
pany with Jacob Klein, a citizen, and a
corporal of battery uf the fifth ar
tillery attempted tq cross Mil! Creek a
mile west of the fort in a small boat
which being’overloaded capsized. The,
day was foggy and tho boat could not
be seen by people on the. shore. Nc r-,
ton . who was not strong, soon became ;
exhausted and disappeared. The’ oth- J
er two men were rescued by Mr. Dust-1
alf, who heard their cries and went to {
their assistance. Klein has since died j
from the effects of hi* exposure. Nor- J
tor.'* body has pot yrt been recovered, j
Hit Feasible.
That u remedy mode of siuh common j
simple plants' us Hops, Biicbn, Man- i
drake. Dandelion, &c., make so* many I
and such marvelous ami wonderful
cures .n Hop Ritters do? It must ley!
for when oi l and young, rich s-fel ixwr, i
Pastor and Doctor, l juvy«|.and Editovq j
ail testify to baring been cured bv I
them, we must believo and .,loulwco ;
* - ----- Caa nthow imleamr. I >/w. t
.tnothrr Fir" In Hie Oouutrr.
On Christmas night the residence on
Mr. M. J. Hitcher’s place, formerly
known as thcAaion Jon.:s I’Li'e, ninh
miles west of Albany, was entirely de
stroyed by fire. The house wss occu
pied bv Mr. B. K I’owcll, Superinten
dent of the plantation. It was a large
Next d<K.r In Post artier. A’.lsej, Be
Jdl. I;
The N’orihcru Cold.
X nav York, December 23.—At seven
o'clock tlii.s morning, tho mercury
stood at Fort Garry" forty-one degree*
below zero—a fail of one degree;, at
Escanaba. twenty da'c-rees below zero—
s fall of twenty-six degrees; at Dulmb;
thirty degreed below zero—a fall of
nine degrees; at St. Fxul, twenty-five
degree; below zero—a fall of fourteen;
i at Milwaukee. : inoieca degrees below,
zero—a fall of nineteen; at.La Crosse,
bra-uty degreed below zero—a Ijl! of
five; at Chicago, nine degrees below
xero—a fall of five; at Alpena, ten de
grees below aero—a fall of thirty-six'-,
at Detroit, three degrees below zero—
a foil of thirty; at S:. Louia, fonr de
grees below r ro—a foil of fourteen; at
AVEa ivtn Stow anti ''"maaliy Anlvlnx
. r,.on wirsucer. a fall lincofFsniy
The Tmxb.
Tliert* is no wi ;*.* ar J practical man
in this country who will not echo
tk ‘so avoids from the Memphis Ap-
ptat: “The schools should teach in
tegrity with grammar, truth with ar
ithmetic. Children arc.mpdc to speak
Several langusgcs, but are nev r
taimlitto speak tho language of truth.
Tin y are made to understand Chemist
ry, but arc never taught to analyze the
aw'ui ehemiM'-y of a lie. What oar
country movt ne ,'iid i* incorruptible in
tegrity; and what wo want in the
school room and in the family circle, is
net more brain culture, but aioro heart
“My Oldest Dolly,"
by Mamio Hilaman was excellent, and
her recitation was spoken i f by many
in the highest terms.
The Kindergarten class then march- j
cd o it, and Miss Lena Kimlall gave a
fine recitation, “The .Spanish Wife’s [
Bcvonge.” which was followed by a i
recitation by Maurice Tift “The Devil's
Ride.’’ Maurioedid«xe.!!lently well.
The Kin .l'. r -arten class then spear
ed with rroims of different colors,
each child representing a certain color
and weariug a e.rown of the same color,
and then marched out sinfcifig. This ,
was beautifully done.
Myron Weston's recitation was good,
as was, also, that of Eddie Jackson.
The French dialogue and the French
recitations were a sped*’- feature of the
•ntertainment and dcserrr special men
tion. Misses Ev* Garter, Freddie Malta, [
Evelyn Richardaon, Aggie Weld, I
Willie Galloway and Leva Kiodall were i
the participants in the dialogue, and]
,«»c h and every one attracted attention !
by their manner of expression and
perfection of pronmraiation. The
French recitation hjf lfin Ella Paul
was 'very fine. “Prisoner at Olata,”
by Miss Era Ci.rter, deserves more i
praise tlian we have words or apses to
bestow upon it, while tho French)
Dialogue and son; by Misses Kens j
the fii\ -Ji Wlal
u»«*t <lf
■ SliKIji 1
a -tnaol.»
below zero—
a foil of thirty; at Cincinnati, six de
grees above zero—a fall of twenty-five;
at Pittsburg, five degrees below sere- -
a foil of twenty-one; at Buffalo, four
degrees above zero—a fall of twenty
two; at Rochester, five degrees* above
zero—a fall of tweaty-two; at Wash
ington. nineteen degrees above sere
's fall of thirteen.
* In reply to the many inquiries which
we liave received regarding s meat
prominent modern- remedy we would
say: Tc..tlio host of our bolief War-
nor’s S .fo Kidney r.nd Liver Cure ia
pure:it: its nature, efficient in-its action
and certain in its results. Wo have
; earned of some remarkable cures
which it has affected, and believe that
as a preventative of disease it ia une
qualled. For d->1ic.ito ladies and en
feebled men it is invaluable, and ita
purr vcgotablv qualities commend it to
foe favor and uso of all.
-Asrltr luvo&H th.L -f.rv- U.rcr pre-
K r»- ; Oil «vtr to b'l their unk-ri --*t eTCiythinr
'I'afac .c-l FXiaUr Orocrty Lin-. 1 UUN-
TBV PBOPtaTi ami alMheSsiiweie- or th.---s*
a cai. sl-sy. ho had alaurshnc st ihr V-,-
val Atarirt Pricas.
Jsllt C. J. Wrtxht’a Card.
Wc direct special altention to the
[ professional card of Judge G. J.
1 nr ’Ia.* all. : -r sL. vr
lief in
Wiightin this issue of tho Nets and
Advertiser. Judge Wright's term as
Judge of the Superior Court of this
C rcuit expired J esterday. and
W. ZL 6c-li. j. CUTLIFF,
Ihoiiy. Ua^Keptsl. reV-dtflAfr-^taro.
hi. profession. Ho is an able lawyer,
and when he took the bench several
years ago, bad a large and lucrative
practice which be'liad built up by strict
attention to hi; clients. He always de
voted his time, and the earnestness of
bis nature to the interests of those
who entrusted him with their cases,
and is now ngiin ready to serve them
as au attorney and counsellor.
OJ[ X JllWSXA H,Mtatitgen
lva irusr.A.H:, gka .
V Mar-lmll !! . v\ *ith itn taimciiKA* riuti-
Mlc, •xiensiT',’ anR t-KJMnt vrraudah, *f-
a-M w of '.hp pn»jn*ui'U‘. mltj
%■ -R-TCCillAt d r m>*1 tior!T»!ed talk, ic
j« *UonaUy ilie Ur.Tki and
res:ecU*l'tf refer tb8 trareHnf to
e of ;l»«lr frieodb ' co Ua«<' Kcr jet. tv of the
rJHALta liJC3K tae froebt aiaon**-
.0 iBfcttMOd f[4Uwi^ reooi\cd Uy sh»;
jr ha' ^CgnsitaVd tbe ■t what tM
usisir known k“9 tbe **n»»rid* Hou>t*. *aud :t
oe^a'cappttod witb ■ furnluire, car*
rlj.. flnaAfo ra. ; a ersud c-trut - raliwit uu-ic-r
• ociuidMDa'ot whku vLl bv », precUtcJoy
unrrti'.uff public.
^Vec. 7, Manager.
TIotbm! Mother*:! Mother*!!!
Arc you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest bya sick child suf
fering and crying wiii. tbe excruciating
pain of cutting teeth? If so. go at once
and get a bottle "i lies. Winslow’s
Soothisg Strct. It will relieve the
poor little sufferer immediately—de
pend; upon it; there is no mistake
And bangs her Ncir.
—A:i exchange pithily remarks that j
fence-board advertisement! are well
I enough, but if you are desirous of
purchasing an article it is easier and j
I mire convenient to look ihyough the
| column* of a newspaper to sou wno !
lias it for tale than it is lo take a team ;
j and drivo around tho Country* reading !
j thc fer.ce signs.
—We are mtormeu by dealers that I
: the sales of toys, fire-work, etc., this j
| Christmas in Albany has far . -acceded !
: the sales of any prerious Christmas. J
i The supply uf fire crackers actuallv ’
gave out Saturday. Wc :i.u>t allrit^ 1
i ute these sales to a persisf mt amijs- .
, dicions use of ttis New s axi> Anvr.i -
rrsxa printers' ink.
—The man you meet on the street j
I during this sort of weather must be
| very hard pressed f.w “n.i thing tp say \
| when he asks. “lathi-, coil enough for i
; you ?” A. man of our icquaintancc i
and Tekla Weslow, and
“Ilickleu and Franco,” by Tom Car-
; t r, received round* of applause.
The Kindergarten elo*< again appear
ed, ireiped Santa Claus. Santa Clan
Sent for Mother Goose. Mother Gooioj
sod her people entered, dressed In cos-
tame, and th; class was dismissed
I wishing *11 a merry Christmas.
I I Th«n came the exercise- in Gales-,-
ibenic Ring*, after which the children
i and par-jnta ad ; oure-l to tk
conxcio.x, a a
■ Chrwt-
it Ihe SpHnc Tim
d£ ih«:r dA'igbUrr*
i-fwy m>
i *aa>i .rtoimoocs-
srireol wUI S»
:n.v!ion. ibcittlilM
nd approprii
ilD Ki*rmon9
Ihristmas diun
Qtg worn a^v-