The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, February 05, 1881, Image 2

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<Qtws ;ufd rifki Jharfbittfei Sdmrti&tti The Albany Mmwb, eolalHbbe'l 1913, ami Albany ADTOTiatei atAWwl 1KI. t.4>'~SA 2*1*. 9, 1*0, tr MclUtdi •03- ■ * TUB ONLY DAILY) AND THE LAK(<i:sT WitKELY CKUOULA- rioar in soutiuvi^t ckoboia* rbe IUILY Km AMB AwnETim b imWbh- ct.ercty mom mg (MomUy cxccptfl). . rum Wbult Nm akd Aumcnm,every haiunlay luuruiujr. Delivered fa «»y part of tlm etty by carrier, rr free of postage by mall. WBJCKLY ADVKUTISING UATKS. Thecoofolidalcd circulationof IMHwmabd Abramian inrm our weekly tho forg<*l circulation o? any newapoprr l»- houtb- Our book* are 'up**a for la i are ojx a far Hi ndoo of adeertbing ly lower than Hum be etrictl rob-erred JOB 25a 7 BO soils Mils 3 4M 8 SO 8 5) • TSlSMWt 5 0/ 7 75 It) 0# • M 8MU Si 18 85 18 25 13 M IS 00 __ 17 *5 21 75 - - 00 22 50 2d 75 21 C *88 88 2 2S S3 41 00 20 50 w , 84 85 SI SO M Ml 1-8 TSSi-TJC I loilotrlaf addnEn.1 chary., will bam- 10 per eei is - - K ?aS , *«Trt«rthtot mtootlH ins appear- .kM«kmrlM«wtracU<br MclNTtkll A EVANS. Prep’ra. SATURDAY. FEB. 5. 1881. Ucokou 7 par cent long date bonds b»»c sold st $1.25, fbn highest price own. erer,jcno ■ The ways sod moons committee of ^the House hss sgrecd to report fnori- r on the bill to mske Atlsnls > port of delivery. / The jury in the esse of Buford, the fellow who murdered Jqdge Elliot st Louisville, Ky., returned a verict of 'hotguiJljr, n on the ground of insani ty. Comment is nnnecessary. It seems that the now Senate will stand 37 Democrats, 37 Republicans, ud7 Independents--Davis and Mabonc. The last two virtually hold the balance oHpower in the Senate end will con trol tie body on ail political qoea- tif ?. I t AChicaoo paper tolls of a man who was complaining that lie .had invented n ratlicrlargc aitm of money in Wall street and lost it all. A sympathizing friend asked him wbother ho had been n bull ora bear. Ho rcplied, “Nelthoi; I 'wah'a jackass.’' Col. 11. H. Joins announces his re tirement from Iho Macon Telegraph and Messenger. We regret exceed ingly to ree him discontinue his con nection wl<h the guild, hut are consol ed with the belief that ho will not re main long oat of press serrioe. Uawkissville Dispatch : This Jus boon. an unusually severe wiater on cattle andshpop In the wiregress langcs in the lower counties. ‘ The range has been' deteriorating for scrcral years, 3 d the present hard winter will result much lots to stockowners. A'lWt- tsi fnoiu Hr. H. C. Girtman, of CoflU. county, under date of the 17th instant, speaks of the rains and cold weather from the effects of which cattlo were «$«6 VcrytasL The Atlanta and Alabama Railroad, with a capital of $3,600,000, waa organ ised at Atlanta}by the election of An- thuny Murphy Presidei.t. Two JvjHj- dred and and fifty thousand dollars hare been subscribed, and the parties inter ested aay they intend to build the rood at once. The members and directors are among the wealthiest and most en terprising business men of Atlanta. The road la to extend from Atlanta .to Bir mingham. written Maeshal Fitzsimmons has that he is all right. He will return to Atlanta soon and expose the animus of the attack made upon him by certain Democrats there- who, ho china, have endeavored to compass bis removal in in order to put a Republican m bis place in furtherance of their personal ends. Rich developments are looked for, as the true inwardness of the effort to'- have Fitzsimmons removed has never been laid before the public. I? ■' '4 pressibto conllict crops up i Washington, 1). C. Two col ored students from Howard University attended a lecture in Providence Hospi tal on Sunday, together with while students from the Georgetown College and from Columbia University. The white students thought the negroes wera^ patient* on whom operations, were to bo performed, but when they found that they were students they arose and left the room. Some of the physicians uphold the white students. The Central Railroad authorities have issued a circular' letter in which thVy state that on and alter February 1st. they will issue no half rate cards to ministers. Giving as.their reason that they have determined to acquiesce for the present in tho-verf low ratdi of passenger fare, promulgated by the SUte Railroad Commission, which thev believe will very materially reduce the earnings of the read, and that injustice The right Territories of Uin States seem to ba anxious doors, which lord to the rcspoi iy and dignity of ritates. Dakota, Which has boon : Territory for twenty years, m ido ai -i'ert i i this direction a few days ago, but Congress did not even allow the'effort r-i r. acY a vole in cither branch. Hew Mexico has a population of Lffi.UXJ; Utah lias a pop ulation of 143,0 0, a id some of these populations are growi ig with great ra pidity. Nevada, that has been a State since 18,il. bar only a population of 62,000. Di-lawarc, one of Uio original thirteen States, has only a population of 146,000. Hew Mexico and Utah have been Territories thirty years; Wadiinglon, a Territory twenty-seven yea-s; Arizona and Idaho eighteen years; Montana seventeen years. The area and resources of some of these Ter ritories arc vast compared with thuic of tniny of the SUtes io the Union. Maaiachusetti has an area of 6,80) miles, or 4^921,000 acres. Dakota, which was refused admission as a SUte the other day, has an area of 160,932 square miles, or a boot 100,- 000,000 acres. The area of the State of Hew- York is 48.000 square miles, or 30,080,000 acres; white Utah, small among the Territories, has an area of 84,476 square miles, or morn than 54,- 000,tXX) acres. The Cinrinnati Enquirer thus re flects upon these cool figures. Fig ures, U says, are seldom eloquent, but they suggest a vsst empire west of the Mississippi, and possibilities for the Republic almost inconceivable. When we reflect that the Territory of Dakota could be divided 'into four States, etch about as large as Ohio in area; that New Mexico could be carved into three Stales, each as large as Ohio; that the Territory of MonUna could be twice chopped up into SUtes corres ponding in size to the six Hew Eng land Stales, with ground enough left for a thirteenth SUte as large as Mss sachusctts; and when we remember, also, the enormous growth in popula tion throughout this almost boundless, territory beyond the Mississippi, we stand amazed and dazed at the thought of what this Republic may one d iy become. “Of course, some of theta Territories will directly and persistently detaand admission as Stales. Slices of 'tliece Territories—Iho more populous ■ por tions—will carve themselves off and s- k (o become SUtes. Tho ground of these applications for admission trill become largely political and party questions, though not to the extent which corresponding questions reached in the days of slavery. The power of tho SUte is such in tbit Keberal 'Union that each political party will hesitate to giro a BUtc to tho other. ■ A Slate has two Senator?, at least one Repre sentative in tho House, and three. Elec toral votes. Whenever the election of a President goes to the House - each SUte has ono vote. In nominating Ha tional Conventions caoh Slate lias at least. six votes under lliq prevailing custom. The power of tho State,there fore; as tho Constitution intended, is felt throughout both the Executive and Legislative departments of the Govern ment. . The broad spirit of the Consti tution, gathering its character from-tllc atmosphere and temper in whickitwai formed, was, and fs, to exalt the fetat^ to mainUio. the dignity, the impor tance, the autonomy of tho State. The admission of the Bute into tho' Union, thcrofore.isDO little thing .jn the Ucj public, .,1 .. i till Tho Territories of ■ Dakota; ■< New Mexico and Wa-liinglon, Ih the ordqr named, or portions of these, tfefpiorie i, will soon ask lo become SUtes. The growth in population of Dakota daring the last decide 'has boc-n mormons. Ten years ago this Territy tad a popu lation of 14/100. Tho census eHBSO givesit a population of 135,000: Tt l as multiplied itself ten tihu-s id as many years. As ore bayc said, the admission of these claimants into the Unmb as States will,become in eaeh fare a party question. We may regret' the fac^ and we do regrit it. but it jsa.- fr.c|, nevertheless. The population of these vast Territories Is largely oiio of polit ical ihdifferenee, and the emigrants thither do not'go as partisans, or M, politicians, or as people either of po litical prejudices or of- pblitidal ambt- tions. They are bold, ndwoVtqrsome, eager. They want room, and the chance lo make money with which to buy happiness. Their strong hands tutionaj i itarfujiio 'ioc-Frei and brave hearts arc rareless of politics, i Z mid these |iopulotions . can .^easily' mmililtwl lav nUisttiuv nnlitSzowl rvsnla _ S4««&S ill to negro exodus from thr ■as is turning out j :st asalf keusi- i and said it would The . hypocrites and fanatics who fos tered and encouraged, the exodhs of thousands of negro,s from the South- Oakdalk, Ga, Feb. 2,1SS1. Oakdale is tho name given the tnrpentino farm Being now opened by Cap!. J. B. Woodburn & Co., ern plan'ationq to Kansas . two years Lunar. thc.UC mile post in Berrien ago, are now appealing in their usual I county. Tlic buildings are located ranting style foi help to kriep' the ex*-' dusters fiO.ii starving or freezing in the Hand of milk and honey.' .One. Laura S. Havilanu, who-signs her Itiame a? ^Seerctarr Kansu.; TVeedlDib'S TUT- ugeo Association,'’ recently wrolea-lat ter to.tho Chicago Inter- Ocean in which she »ya; :: ' •' The voice of suffering, frogi .Kansas refugees cornu in to-day's. report-with lou 1 cries of- help ijftrtesbing' -onr soul. And wbile'iihFcars ’tlt^feyitli cold lielow iero, drop ike Intud.deep in lie pocket aod .jirilhdiaHb it.mot wilhont a pot lion of Aka LahTr rhon- eg, over which he has made thdg-stew ard." Stic also mentions^' 1'ef^er re- ceived from Dr.„Hcwlo», of rOawqgP, Kansas, from which she - quotes ditmas saying; “Come] and belp'us. » ! '*/ l d I shall visit Coffejville, Cliefopa.and Baxter Springs before, jt rrJLnnv where the poor, refugees tre slarrhtg, frees- in-j, sickening an Jt/g/ng.’’ '■ Thii is the situa'iioa in' tho pfihid which "GeneiM" |Contygy and, otii'eii mercenary atel fanatical hypocrites pic tured to the negreoR-in Louisiana.'Ar- kansas iind Mississippi ad a land “l|ow.‘ ing wilh tnilk slid honejjj' audpj.lucVd them lo leave ihoirohl:homes-4a iset- tlo in different elilnat* smong -sfran- gee. Who now n^qar ti/bs^riilidfy; Promises of .Horty /a^p. pnf a mnlq”, hare not *»een yialMmeth and thu'Tsolid" Republican State Of Kanaka, where “hog and homitiv’’ is abuirdande.'hoffefs these' poor, so-csllcl refu^pq* . |o. freeze, starve and die. - i t reqaires no stretch) of imagination to realize -how- tl Caroling, an affable and conrtcoos gentleman. To become attached to him one needs bnt his acquaintance, lie- has a fnll corps of bands, and fills to'thc letter two essential pre- rcqiiisit-i to.retain them—prompt payment and kiud treatment. C&pt. -Woodburn’s weekly expenses for box cutters and-mechanics amounts TO about $3(10, which is cancelled every 1 Saturday evening.- The tnrpentino business in Ber rien county furnishes employment for about 430 men, and is circula ting'alsrge amount of money, and ^ destined, ere long, to be the lead ing and most renumcrativc business in > the cbnnty. The B. & A. It. It. perforates ‘ the heaviest timbered portiou of the couuty, and before -the expiration of throe years turpen tine farmers along the line of the road Will be almost In hollowing dis tance of each other. . 'Camp life is * romantic one. .Bright lightwood knot fires are to b(j seen in almost every direction at iitgtit,'affording genial warmth to thq darkey ns he utters the familiar dialect a* in the days of yore, and indbiges in the favorite song “ob de poor negroes long 1 for The “oliFpfigta-i tion’’ gince they ba've liofn ^'•.•ccivcdj and betrayed, and it ja SUMplyji. great misfortune that their decriveneare not ed to rharc th*W hard<>liin».' if wisdom ' 1; ! 'derlveil from thd u ► , • !i <-• eoii- iTan* -». i compelled lasting ach«£/>r experusnee, jhe j*er ;,fii gre certainly trill become wiAv--and.hotler before a very remote'drffV' •eo«avm| .*i :ni >•;. tllJkO. »nu I Rallroa’ds BMraaeio, h-e j The .Auditor ofeltailwdd AoConrits, ian officer of tite l Uait<s*'8t''it' S'(i"t<rn- examine tliobo»ks.aiid..acpoy^is^vr. Iiailrp.nU which baza, teem construction by grants of luml oi*ni or botH froni Corigfb.^’ •fiiakt's'V i&lfrj .T4ie;jproqa ? «ruiwBmofi«lliitiif railroads in the eowitiry; takingrtiUdd tireTy; Iirfve iaeteAtMl’fdAflflO/Sip'iw compand Vwiffr*'^tzlfife.Vsl equivalent, to S *<5r 1 oaaA,.lhe ipftQHe, in thn workingvdaficnaesi havip^ibem *lmiit»< pebleentii'TlAf'lAldftlbibA.. the' i.mife^e 'Lre 'Wgj'i «hi(e tbq W )L taring)., UtfOjURrqan^ more tlrtn.17 - per cent.- -iTlm Ajulqui nallsi the ■alt*n«6iit"6f*41fo“Haiiilidl «W V.BTt l‘bJ ir ytfPAj •uggu-ting: Jli*t; i<Wth('L-4vta<tei»a i in midi'il t» insure- the »area4-of lifo«d'iiill| preptriv on llleEi'’ litA'l°o(H riiafi wii'ii ** «p , % *'iw x A w allii'S in 1SSJ is r» i»pr*ifil and &sm&m sgns canied ,opp- milf dWU-isaVUlnd ate ori a beautiful blackjack ridge, with a bountiful supply of pure water, furnished by two npvcr failing spring;. CapL Woodbnm, the sen ior‘proprietor, Is a native of North ole'pianlashiim." Ai the melody pifiljieir voices is wafted on Iho night breeze, memory rushes back through the vista ol years, when ' wb'wit in onr childish glee In their 'tij^uijffe cabius, and listened to their simple-stories and . songs. We hail-in camp a few days last Webfc a'tramp called "Long Beard,” W^Bacoti Eater.” His moustache .measured six and a half inches in ■length, andito satisfy his abdoinittal crdvingR, three times a day, it re- q^tred one and' a |ialf pounds of ba- coji ut oacli meal, otic quart of oof- tfee with bread in proportion. The ihe!jn being limited In supplies, were 'f^rbed fo discharge him, and the ja^accoiinta we luid of him, he ieft, Alnpaiin full of the ovcrjoyable ■and with a bottle of rifle whisky In his pocket.’ ‘lie was shaping his ctutrsc'Atbahy-ward, and should he •Ufffild'our pilyi.'ilon’t' forget that he in ■ fond ’of i bacon and bail whis- kty, i‘ f' wc wrile' Nro negroes are In fropt’of llic’store testing their inan- :hood. .They have just returned -from AIapalia> very dnink. They T^fllvo no weapons,' and one of them TC riigcfijjng ati unmerciful chok- HW-t i-< . i-’.,.. - i -An ooeaalonal visit to Alapaha, •ofrcuihideraliln note. -New build- tfiigs-.'wrfc,’going np, atid trade is Aiyangemenia ire Lfijiig nmda lo erect a ncot,and ’mmtiuidiou3 academy, and ere the -stAniner closes,' wd ’expect'to see 1 il ^fldji^tqe pthar,improvements, i 1 .:, Aiuoitg.llio rcccut changes in tlic Hi iajaarA -GrxhdMAMcMatibqaas ^Nage/xvc note theremovaj of Dr. H»erepOrter'i»ho»H,*jl^^|i 1 WyWb; .l.'Jki'Fogltftb the large store house "Pi qrtco * tifciji ^ouqjfei 1 / ifWIuWlWW ness, lack of discipline or inel manageuibiit. * TlnnCxtiWi* Hrttt; pompaniM thctaaeltM^ -,dj u ,eibwis ‘i- mreirii'4—srw.gadl .aiiicih will -t fThe-KlrctanaLVateref lJeorgla'' ■ Had the ticiithli: Wifj two partie i.U-t J* a clearnemkt a6.»), ctural voter,the blunder which Georgiy -eitturitli^-in riritint her , ffte^rop So ycjj|uli^, i a w ,ns. 1 ,Tiiq.. tloctbr la snugly I :ip;in,liis new quarters, with n jliee latbf dtik-gii tastefully arrshg- ^,^1/4 m Mini) 1‘»8m-til '»•’ * .'•») i^fn frinn E. O’Quinn, the SwWflfl 1 IflfUtAI' 1 ' Piwralor, express agento] and, postmaster, that the miioimt of money soiit (Vom that of- by tiioney onler last year, - A pretty SHgli showing for a railroad ata- iteauo u-,» l .;,-•». Josn Ralls. It ifi- n m>i' —— Wasbixotok special or the 27th fojF^'^Seofr Robeson has decided lo > eznr ! a«.for thc Speakership, lobby is enthusiastic for him, hut iC-th* temper Of the next House is li|(i-dhht afthis he will hsre to content moulded by pleasing political rvei a« the years glide by. These popula lions are by nature susceptiblo popu lations.' They love independence, treo-. doth, free air, a wide scope,' liberty. They want a cliaacc—individual chance. They would naiurMiy incline toward the party that believes 'in ex alting the Individual and in giving the individual an opportunity. We hope the Democratic party , will make ti e new States, the ifitatea ytt to be' bene into the Union, ’ Democratic by' noble methods. Let tiio Democratic .policy be broad and brave, humane and.sym- prilietic with the individual, Hs chief purpose that to exalt the imlividuiii, and that shall woo the coming States. to *he stockholders they will withdra^lEet the Democratic polioy bq Detno-: any reductions that may hare been ex- <w*tie; and the Statca to Im'added to tended as a gratuity or voluntary eilw+the Union, no matter what the politi- tribution. cal complexion of the Oongre-s admit ting them, will oc Democratic.” The annual Lodge of the A: iion of the Grand ^ at Order iff.! United Woikmen convened at Lochport, X. Y., on the let inst. Nearly 200 dele gates were present. discusai'ouR in {• otcr counts .just r.ow, ptaiidv-telicar- «# fact. Tlic Morgan joint WiFi* thA’iffr absorUnjilp^li^lifa Decioorau noknnil-hlxclli.! A-luolihPjat *'|(e-th«t of this he Garfield b^ad aH quosltegiaiev.aiO^ttjeffirTtliiiiii 'place on the floor. sire that tho-rtboH pWilffedt^ar/aW i «Sa n . Rq^son came to Congress be the t-on.i-titutienaj «^lV|Sn.i Sn, rnf ^ SX»Uj dreadod the proposed otiter-way. V-r his conduct to the Nary that the Yum-Pn-videntixiiall haae ihl- ftetArtneqt tl,»tba undertook to win absolute power'|b ^unrildd a«^ |<^P c - r8 < >n » I E«»d will of as many I iMmheni as possible. Ue paid particu lar attention to Democratic members lir enter aining them, and his demon- siritirtus of aBection. dkgusted a good has aeot nun a C"py o: a lotier writien by JleCiure, of the; TTnladciplra Times, wherein it is ’mentioned that Stephens has managed to keep on the soft side of things, white hi i Confeder ate colaborer, Jeff. Davis, ia mnnicated from official life. Mr. St< ens has been quietly at work for sever-' ml days getting up material for a reply. It will be in the form open letter to McClure, and the reasons given why the President of the late Confederacy remains out of public life, and the' Vice President remains in. The letter .‘will be thoroughly toward. Mr. Davis, bnt it will severely criticise Mr. McClure for some of'his ' observations. STERNE’S At. last the last of .General Wash ington's servants have ‘gone. A cer tificate of death was recdvoif on Thurs day last at the health office iu Wash ington, of Sally Hunter, aged 115 years. She was born in Westmoreland''enmi ty, Ya, in 1766, and belonged to the Washington estate, being, one of the servants manumitted by the General’s will. She has lived in that county ever since until the war, when slic and her children went .-to Washington. This was about eighteen years ago, since which time sbe has lived at cofhcr of H. and South: Capitol 'streets southeast This id probably the very last of the' servants of George .Wash ington. I : .‘i. Some of the'Republican ftcWSptJiers continue to speak favorably pf the sug gestion that a colored man be. appointed toa position in Garfiqld's Cabinet which leads the St Louis Republican to ic- uurk: “This trifling' is cruel. The colored man and brother is known to be a tender-hearted soul, and on the subject of offiee is getting to-be as sen sitive almost as his' white brother. Hence the wickedpess of joking abont a colored mao for the Cabinet Every body knows, except^ the deluded, ite • grocs, that It is' wildly iotprbbatiTe til’s) any colored man will,ever he qppoinl- ed to the Cabinet by a--Republican President.” v .i. . • Gen. Toom bs is reported, tq have ssid. in conversation here a day'dr two since, •Jeff Davis wiote me'for my piq|un- to put in Jus l»H>k ailing w.illi. sonu; otb- ere. I wrote him that I wyald ‘ not be found in such company. ‘ I , w^l hot $5U0 that his nook docs not; appear by the first of .April, rvor .while J .1 ivc.”,, Congratulate, yonrsclio, Uresidcnl Davis; upon this escape fi am staining a page ot'yonr work, and reii aisnrcdtl will n'ot decrease sales of the. Jioolj in this conptry.. ^, ii-eifmn it- •?r |tc\u ^rtuevtisementii. Royal Baking Powtlcrs, Best and Purest Manefactared. • Dried Brel’, ' Beef Tongues, Oat-meal, , Buckwheat, (aelalinc, Cranberries, A FRESH SUPPLY OF 3STXTTS, ETC. W.J.IR.J. J^AVKo')wlB 8^r«u4 CiwhiUy IrMhi •Jffucea,a fbll 11m of Fury We h*»* oIm bnMght ootfir the Foil taJ WIo tr Trade • geoenl asdortmeat of DRY GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, by tho An J all sieb ftteplo fOOtUaa ato plaotenor this aeettoo. Onr Dry 0« aov.ontl will bo told at bottom prioao. To the HOUSEKEEPERS ia Ihorily ve woold oaf,that a«ara hotter pro* uiradl 8ftrr lo All their orders 9m orwytluac fn !h> Fancyoad FoaUy Uiocrry Uno. COUN TRY PKOI/UCEaDd an thedolkaeiaof tboon- ioo can alerajo be had at oar o .LovotllfirtetPrka. ' ,r . \ u tbs Vs— ’ W.E. & R. J. GUTLIFF. . Alb*nr.i;i,SppL21, I ..v;- taMlyta! “PLOW BRAND” FAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE, * 1 i u I We will receive in a few clays a Complete Assortment of Watt Plows, Points, Bolts, Etc., Etc. . t - | !' — AND— ?*; “Diamond Soluble Bone.” a-j ■ ' ’ . WAKryfctcekd by r ’’ Wal-bon^'Wh.ann. & Co. XTWCEVbenU.T siren I hat tboCrm Jof 1\ ►TKPHEM8 a UllAIKK hr lh(t«lffy JivoIt* •d by aiotaal ooootn; P-rilrre jnt4aM«-d vriU 4- tyr AtUUIEB. ' . ■, Wilmingtorr, Delaware. | -Tli.-M- Trrtilfarra have Ven awd ter the l>— Uucu jt an t»y tee oUntere el Oeuqcte, 1 and each j ear the ieerrartne ikmiud tor I Ui. m > a. Imm eRwtrrihaeeNl<l be (applied, I -itlhmi-h the ■■aenteetarers have been »l- ; | •ling i-> t!«ir repeat,- year hj- .year to nwet j till.'* tltmaoti. . .This KcntUylax(weenJiiattribtiUtLIe main- KIEVK’N itllll- :• I Jy u> tw>> farts, sir. : lot. That the roar m.r /; - j tcrlnwimo'l l».f iu In the uiMnurarture of our i eViiillxrntitre iho boot and blrhooi rrailc ar- CJTOCK win bo O Uieb^cu Md . :*i «il*- • . l«» **»u | ticlcothnt ci^n i>c bought io the market, anti Foil at PUBLIC OUTCRT* to l that F»* no pain* or 4*x|H'n-e in Saturday, Feb ,5,1881. | Albany, .t*o : i«>! u : i>”<*»«iti!ii.‘ :: Job.26.IW1-t4« ^... . <„ iHawoiv i : .;V ‘ Estrt^j' Eotice. ’.etUhe idUUS. K.r. _ eweef AiSea, eathe Frbnury nnl, ln>Ma tee re. dukbrvwu >l(n.M(l<. ehlle «re*( re U lhlp.M . sara^__ Ilf WILIAM HOTEL L3.OTP33W .,.i, . TOApnn FOB A FULL BRA Wmfl rpUEdneiaxwlV trtr panVi-.t. IAJUi nu*', potuhd by ibeavl. . , rH , .... m .... LIST vnws. ,. „ , ssstsat F.O.EDWitM ' Morris Mayor, I HAS OIV HAND l net h* wuied ifielClerk of lb e Superter yit K.ltel Bad kiiiutl* t-r>o&. field's majoritr-. tho.twwhcift.-s ofUAn ttungtoMo fffjhttejth!rif.>l. Hf-howerer, tnoeodr-d in har- ation' so long put ofl* in'ihe -ante way Sen-tor.Edqmndaf bill.': l}l,t il wnl not now be attempted. Bui proposed four.y*at»>4KW*rtbe 'vMee’i^,iiU,“Ol *on many warm friends of tHe two lfopscit)lHep8^’i;tniiftfjs'J 1 *“qPS Hie:Republicans, and some of hsTe no rc *P sc ‘ Tor him. The . - • J 1 . Bterever. woutd bail with joy ylre-tii or aiiMiaH,^iii4itji#*wit> Itre^ pn the 9th, anti take >tmk ‘dbtiafl*I 1 ® ” lc -.*=•“ "Speaker. That would ward "idfmirilt' ’ OF WH 1^1289^>»vd the TJto' WV “ u. • th ° :c,lIe Midaon the Treasury and would r^^nie.ll^ tn.Siutemi me i tkn p^mee of private job bill* that are son whv the law shUhl’ he’ lmmlTHj-! 1° l>eattempted by the wholesale when plrih-ld becomes President.” ^ • *>woh_. ■*'*' I w ;|| ‘ a pretty As oxn-of the OOt tisftofs to the WestdfomO AmdMqptOUMl Si-. There mil nils (Republican, VerntoKW 1 ‘st^ ^ Strong representation of Bible names. will be - miij ti i.AuuiN -. - I J did three g.'sted.Tn *.i»«t4nt» b pvinss making even Johns, save Whole TIrkrf.s * Wttryfjfrtari« s \ AM ■’ NbeilC SSsaS I A~W. TUCKER 2-rtte.*i,te*teutnte,«re«a4 ter l ir».te. w ^,n Ik .pi.^. O r-ou,b.«i -John Merrynian S Go’s Citation to Obtain T-cttcr. of 1)U- ■ . UWffMW. I.I.H..M GEORGLV—DunuiLsrr Countv. —) SBamRas *>•»■*• *-*tU««»teieU:-*.!*lij BiwloB. .... . . ;i>.z AtmOM. THE LARGEST. ‘ -si} So ATCHOXIATRO DISSOLVED BONE. | Baker Sheriff-Sale: u {n ♦ > Newlee. IMfcercreelr.i.e lh.l*fsr V«- -3 -j »«*»»5*%diltelci.aHI raei'hoeg-saoeenii — 0 “ “ itejmpwtz,,» Wte. W. H t» w.-iy ee--- pw*i..riv„rt-IS A. I. L. The abate veil bare, artlct. baa lean «Jd la wiTteailre efteeioiie-i siataa whir, f-rtm- fdWMFal LOOOVOODM iTyrT.lNURtlW. anrxadlrel rbtepbwis AiU frae Ablaut JD, “ I ““ W ‘ ^ A.W. Terxaa. -'.t'S-Tl AND rc FINEST STOCK JOUX JtUHSXAX,Manager. W.^tAatj-iteitel pdnie! .. . _ aSt n w i ted in l/riTt at IbvbSr/ ' S^-V"-A. USTHST-A-IEI, Q--A - * 0 II. KIISPI.I,-' ; 1.. ! lUik.r It is notv generaTly believed ihat Garfield will emphasize th; relation The Grand Lodge J which his administration wilt endeavor waa opened by Grand Mavler Work- to occupy towards Grant by giving cne I wi , ioh : s n -,dh- n> man Case. The address of welcome of tho best friends of the latter a place J wkit^ “ ! ' J ” was delivered by Rev. Dr. Foster Ely. in his Cabinet This adjustment of tlic ; n ,ton, and waa^vpbed In hy Grand Maa^t|pending diflcultics haa been su—est- IoftemAdOByewl Workman Case. Reports of the Grand ; cd, it is said, l.r Conkll-.g. *ori*I equality* 1 Master Workman, Grand Receiver, and — ; ference. He sav Grand Recorder were received and. or- ( Pn:LAnia.rHi.\ and New York, the “S, f lr as imeTall dered to be spread upon the minufos.! two largest cities in the Union, arc just Cll> .,,. ?v w :;| rc The Grand Matter's report shews- thst j now excited on account of the previ- [h ‘ t c ' r rill . n '“ s ; during the year 18mi, twenty-three i lenc. of tlic small-po'x. For somlim: ' lt-e j a;r new lodges were ioatitutad with 17,030 ' past the disease seems to have had a members. One bundled d.-aths oo foothold in the former city, an l within curred in the order during the past the last few days has assumed s une- thing of an epidemic form in the latter. I iton hq abolished. unlopy. the; while cadets should eonsept. to i %\j- ty with tl>e rolo Scnrfor of ilic, country, sajs im* hatl^ioiue unj»Ii*:\'tnt cxfwri tmo of ilw* soctil iurquality bolw^.^Ti tho iworacr 4 *; {Uibljoan P :-at«fs aL i’. n-t fiiK-ut' v li • i« Thomases and three twenty-four in all cJjg W V’h*, a tt< ind ' \\ ho1 ear n«m s of the apostle*. Two Jor^ph*, three lUmiainins ami ono Zel>- {•*6n iro represcn^iVfs of the .sons of iJaculi: and one Kli, thre** Samuels, one 1 Pa^id ai*<i one Daniel, mako up the list '»jf ifcirty six scriptural nanms. Ju.s- ii:T*-3?:d an Anihros^, however, are ti.Rwr in to prevent the early church froui forgotten. C - I-L, • /WI8 Motoholl Roooo. wits its cnpiclotM restl- !'■ ikor itrSn?,-; GEORGIA—Cocurv. . u^SSTiSTtbiteSilre “»ri.alel takle./l W’S!2 * ”•« I- •1.. ... | r. t -.iy, • ' cte.sarta,;) 41 *v ^nA :.nnta -.ira.r- t lette - — •oueyrn- >‘i. . x\.i« ef if nf i Cook, Hamm rsAtin and Smith w< U*. *nd M‘*ssrs. Me >ra. md, XicholU, UMDINC SAVANNAH HOTEL. —OF f i —» -j il fa. I kMfKrftsn- ''aj ilia •>! h« (rnveliog public to j ,, , the ; HALL uuJer tao prrwul uiotfe- aba* I»* recolTftl by this I VtaOt vu . roflF^yorZvl«Hlh fl&OJatroi.d r-cantr r i-rrie ami rrtyr»cd. n 4 pr»i U'Cll 1 public. of IluUaq."|Uil li furniture, t ir- lituAlton uudi-r fitijirefiitd r j John br. lnnan Manic •n 1 arrnred on Fclfon, Speer j !•> a• t *r b: KnwEL' ftorifU.IrrOmi M Schedule of the S. W. P.. B. I oth. i side in tho i VSIMIIIB LOtS .uantv fi.'ukH* Bcks s Mill tl er haa i T Wr phen* on tin to establish ill the counting of the electoral Which side represented th ;inent of the State ? ATo Demo ted with the la-t named Kepre- ye»r. I >F SCHKHILK, • ^utbweslwm Kaliraoj-oo I ,Jjoairyfib, is*»i, «U1 bo-, hing Lei>T.-q AiJuay for S«i:tbYl!le, dolhr k f *- • - A.’ :r t« ^uiitbkilUi dally i. «»— A' ' [„r Arliurion, -Jxllv l p to. tp IU. . V <«! , J I "fi " Amre Al‘*.»nr truest Ar!:MgU»n, doily, except Monday. ■e *.2S p in -21A3 a a I ttuy Ni.'bt KrrlgLUJJ Ac ■•bUto train Wflfm Albooy for M>c.»3 Aa'!r t Kit-pt *mj i*J*A15p in - s: AlitiDv iruai M«cuo daily wx- 7**- JukiH A. DaYI*. SUUT, Ever brought to Albany indstinct print