Newspaper Page Text
. - _ • -
j^vofcssioual Cards.
James Callaway,
Attorney at Law
coon r iRUKG uuiNO) cot-j low than to wait until tho {pul
Ton, citKDiT a co. ! .Icmainl become* ao urgent, a, p
i -ibljr to necessitate haatv Ivgisla t i
acsrscTFCLLT Dsoiesrsn TO | The subject has been *• tlmrodgl
ninuii i. coos, mtq.. tliseussed before (be present Legit
I lature as it likely ever will bo again
or luiinr, o
Oh, the Guano! u» ammonia ted, aUaklsMd
■ I* sacks tm Mm Lard know.
Trowbrldg & Ilolllnshd
Teeth ritnetal without pain. All
wvrantal. Term* moderate. Will go any
where 9a H. * A. ami iK.ft W. Railroad*.
Practice* In all the State Coartt.
Refer* to Hon. T. M. Norwood.
Attorneys at Law,
IHBce over Ceistra* Rail road Dank.
Which rook
To pot on land that'* not half ploeei, Q,
A ad erwy farmer ge5s hia fall share.
What a load of debt dnea It eatall
Oa fanaor, warahooaomas. all alike?
What farmer eaa carry sack a load and fail
To get btaeelf lato a eery had pU*t?
and it seeini to me they have nb
as much information on th** subject
i any Legislature frill be likely to
get for first action.
*1 Hi-t o. ti
'Liu11 j: tli*t.-iiSi*«i in
I notice thero are oulte a number j bo man beings, after all, and liable
| of members in both lloiue* who are to the anno errors that the bilanre
opposed to harsh *legi*lati'»ti, amt
pie there will be very timrh
. omplnint. It i-s f*»r ilire
i hat we desire
desiring it of courve we wnurom*
that can accomplish a 1 the good
ihnt it is possible for x. cifuinii*siun
to accomplinh. and at the S*«ll>: lion*
protect the routs s^s ri*t no irijud*-
rtiins exercise of arbitrary power*;
Hie*** commissioners will suily bts’ 1
( jKj : iupii. iliai
oTIVr, be In
to »e
“Cotton optionr la all the rags U SU aprtmf.
With males to haul It. aad wagons to bay;
In the fail it will not bn/ml Me <JM* m --
To pan with lb. Ilai. awl ril tall jm why:! * uch * nieUlUUl we must
Tou',. got no com, r.u're gol a. mrat, , admit to ba Tery ilrsirsti.e.
Ko oMdawo/ornlboUloi aemllL ! WOUlll CCrtailllT bo TCI'T IIUWIM to
Nine oat of ten norcr tow may whoat; | defeat the wholo project beenna*
If Uny do tho rod la apl to f»t It. i ibe proposed bill* In tlirii uniatU-
' factory shapo cannot be
Should a Oommi-aioti bo
hat in iUolf woalil norm In offer a j tte.ira to he put in a posi
very reasonable security, Ih it wlial* J a* iiille affoctod bj their m:
ever law. may be pa»*.-d, will bo • posnihle.
Ihe medium between Iho Iwnst- ! There are aercral line? of rail-
ircmos—that i», the medium h-*- , in euiiWmnlaiitin in the Stale
tween lho*e advocating no lawa. }-of Al.ftMtes'te'fli'toHriNtesmRffof^
, N.« To-k Vnnr,. '■
j nr ' ll was an esteemed landl tily
, , ■ , any \V**al Twenl v-secmid ►! reel who
‘".’’f ly ••»|**«‘«y fora com- j was informed I lie oilier iimming
•.-teii-rih-it* In rai way mi-1 ,. y tbo gervanl girl II
•yniwili, ami ti«*-*Kit already a j ,-onng man awailii
,A * ircrtu u¥!iU stiJ In era tiro * *
the miiuiiMi would
„„ u , lAAini#* ** « fi©W for
of maniliml niskc, arid wcuatiiraUr[T» r lHiidfi«ir / 1i!f»i; would ho
I there was n i
{ \FFICB—OV Eft b
. l j ALBANY, OA. -
OFFICES—Orrr 8. Majar A Glauber* -lore, cor
ner llrnad and WsehlngU-ti mb.
Ore. U, ISMdlwnly
at ' Law,
Jjf hJrkJbkJ - . A,Jh. ai.k*iij!nd
Attorneys at Law,
A<* Uro and prompt At tent ioi. given to col-
all moo
locti H.a iml All aeacral bunnm*,
la >iiI the court*.
«*,iiiu)ov<TS.».itho u Expre** olllco, nj
iTH rwr|
fllci over GiWi Drif Store
All arters Uh at ills Drag Store wl
MmiM lAntlnn.
i «Ulroe
Dr. K. W. ALFHIEfc D
t #ESl*»WrPOLLV tcit'lrrs hla sarviens, in the
li fru>i« bran«*n.** -»l Ills proro*Blon. lo the
ulunr an Isurr lunlli
e : Us«a«
• •tat „|i|^Mlt« mM-I i|
.»n Pine
gcoamry. <»l-
III. auyar and aalt, clnthaa, iVm, aad tattek,"
Mqat com, fro, to. Oof* ofao4 al all.
With Intareat eaanfh j nit* M tmaka hint
Ami tho d*M fall, doe la the early falL
If h. makas . big crop 'tea., b. a. hard.
Vet bagging and Una both call (a* aomy.
The* thora’a th* cotton-ptekar, ha’a hia
And an cxponalr. on, h. la, wy hoe«yl
An l tli. gla-ntaa, k a. Aw .igin. mm.;
Th. hi*. awIth-HCwill no, do to allgM-
Fur ah.rp.nlng pinna, ami Char work doaa;
An.l—and—|ha Doctor, I
^aua 11
»n _
IS rertain y for the weal of the Slate
‘ thtt nothing abo-iUI bo done to inti*
intdato the eap'tal that i, ronlem-
plnliug curh itive.lrapnlt. _ '
If a law i- ptwl of such a na
ture that in the hand* of Ihe wrong
men il could lie made t« work in
not bo|>e to secure I In
nuyti'ctiye railway man now
Slate—tin'll lirtf appointing Jiower
innct turn It» IhtMe who Iiave been
are not now employed. There
are not a great many of such men
iti tile State, biif of tliuso Ihat are
fhftnflfblWf"Haro abandoned rail-
way service for at ten-Ion lo more
it itrirale intereata, ami
LI likely, not. bo ha>L Some
parlor, and who
j her an oiler, at li
to «ay.
more | XoV, aa offers are thing* voniig
a P- men make eery few of. in tmnsy-
could ] ciuence of tlm Liwh tirieo of m»dif
•«, you couici quence of the high price or credit
ic *crriccs of „ owa djiya. i|,e delect family bleak
•t,.a«k**r in tbs iimcber In iinMmi. iftei* assuni-
1 ing ‘•other breastpin** and Sunday
ji * “ ‘ ‘
ed nndcr a law giving them advL- — ---
»ry powers only, the result of their ! jury lo railroad inreacviaenia/ It .
work until the meeting of Ihe next I ma«I nccet«arihr hare thiaetTrci^tfwd willing Uf f»irt with them le qualify
fiegUlataire, would certainly enable (have it m ; r : Olff "js^ j Others sill It here
them to make a very coinprrheuaive Mm w.mi aim n i-irator ot iil^oiao. :uiy t ho who hsro withdrawn from
report to that body, as what I would beeapahleof inflicting.. .In f.-ictjre rmilr ad. sorrire liecaoee R*
| mod ideations, amendments or j my opinion. n-» law at all, would he.^jvastoo^aqtire,-amt would still be
changes might be required, and the • almost as to prerest! further |' tinvill'ng'To engage Iti the duties of
Legislator*, with tlm views and J <s*u•traction o' r*ad«* in Aialutiuaa* J i-Jo*tmiisstoiicr, where, tho utmost
«uggestions of these State ofllcera.! ^ «■ u U a bad law. The almost act#** y of mind, »f u«t body, will
added to the discussion that t!»« j uinlv that a«*oi;er or hiier*»if!r l^w? **♦•; •» i'olutrly es«c»»ti:*l to a proper
subject has already had, would be I will l»e ena* led. thf uncertainty aa i dissliarg^of the res|H»nsib1eoffii
But when lo all thla, you rrodit price* ad4.
For Ihe Id tens* I Mm aorchaal has to pay
To get hia goo<U. don*l 11 audM oao aad
To thiuk ot mord ant, fanaor, an.l atMIlag
«la) ?
Oh, Crollt, Ou.inol thou art
ci na
To farmer* and poopioof any lamt,
Cau»log ,, thlii(itDd» from bail to wurao, 1
Whcu pleiity might amlio on ovary
Why dnu'i you ciako maeuru la hono*lo%
With Uavea and traah aad atabl* duag?
Ralae bog* and aheop, corn, chicken* aa4 baas.
With plenty of oata and poiat-rc* ai
Why don't you live at homo, and board
to»r / a
And makn cotton only to gat caongk -aah
t. pay doctor fur phjaic, and laurel.anl tot
* With drcaain ...rwifer , to cut
. H v ioJ 33T' ot
’A fl AT Li UlXOl O • If* h ■* ninimr I
Sbc'u pay it all hack In milk from tho dairy,
With butter on biscuit juat freak front the
SbeM kit* you, ami smile on yon Ilka a
street fairy,
Wtioti store bills you threw ia the Irate
Your olo be* frgu. Ihe lawn would come la a
Woven by wife and by dauf bleft from wool
Into jojni ao warm, and looking
For wearing to '{Molin'", VrMfdrou to
Wouldn't that bo better than a whole storo
Of clothing to lie bought og^a credit by tost
Whou 'wool over .somebody's eyes" you'd
I doll* you, mine Lon', do#** peeetaaaa
won't dol'
Whcu th* farmer doc* N*v, •'adder peebleS"
lives too;
cotton '&&&***'*
he's as o.iay aa an eeey eld
He b ia money In hU |»ockot, i r hia wife's—
that's all.
■'Vith Hull) pig, aqueallnf a'anil Ik* kornn-taS
I* tlr> pVaeo to Mop ami |?cU GOOD ; w “ h ™'"»'»iriaklngnton,.
: WUh gees** In MmJ'SMLAMt IJuusaat what,
WU1. hog l^SStoatrl.»hsltagwlih
Ho'rtcU Uttrne*, lypjtriclor
Albany, Georgia.
rpiii* Hon no la \vell 'PirniKlieA'»ail in ir-
. - ' * r a ( l 1 - - k-
7pL. - , ^.
X cry way pr«|URtl fcfr the arcemhio-
datiou of tho traveling public. Entire out-
I afactiou /«nli*e*i. The table is <«:>-
I• lied will* »l»r lm.^l tits coiiniry affords,
ami the Mfrvante are unvnrjaimed in po
liteness and Attention !•* the wants of
guests. Omnibuses r »nv. v pasaengers In
. _ mtsssxz
b'.A snout;
Corn In thoooru-enh, turnips In tho
llsm^ lu tho suioke-bouae, troughs full of
Ho needn't take tho airing away from the
latch —
To feed a poor tramp, wouldn't be very hard.
With woed lu the wood-shed, peaked awey
I for— la I bn atabl a, sbaltor* (pm* th*.
atorm, •
Fire In tho line-place, biasing up ao high.
The •vhl1h*aa“ all V*aHtleg iWba.t, hap; y
aad warm;
Witli chickens In “da hoa-hoaae, crowing far
.le day 1
ContraetorA Builder
With wig msydl carta all oat ef the wealh-
w ith plenty of f«> der la Afh, had hay, *
not farmer and wife can getaloag togettwr.
Do jou want a. example of farmlag like Ihlaf
1>.» you soy such farming can't be did?
Well, you slick to this credit and geaBO~Ms, M
L'ntil of tobacco you can't get a quid.
An example I'll give you, la If ke eeoaly,too
Aa sure as your dinner la eaten oa ptalee;
Out. not far from Milner, la a pattern far yea.
iao «,-e it, and take It, tram "Old
MiLsaa,Ot., March Id, 11*1.
Lumbar, Brick,
Lathac, Lime
Able and Interest I us
from Col. W, U. Unonl.
CtHMtaMlIy on bau«l, aud^onlers promptly
g^^K'bUmatcs furnt»!*.'•! f »r bniMing* and
roatrarM taken nt lowest living rates.
Alhanr an ! . mthwcel iia*-*rgts mssi such-
terpritac of tl«ti» t u l, and I am aiuortainod to
lupplv tilt* tl,*«M4!»>l.
Patronage »«blirUe>l and satisfaction guar-
Savankaii, Feb. IS.
Hon. John D. Hoquemoie, Senate
Choutlier, Montgomery, Ala.:
Mr I>bak Sir—I hare been
litrmed that a reaolution hat _
tlio Uounr. providing in the'er,at
of flic appoiuiuinnt of• IUilroail
l.'oitiiiiii<*ion, flint Iho mom bora ol
(he CommUion ahull ho .looted by
joint vote of bolh Uoukea.
It Jina boon Jintin.aled to me that
flic pitrpoae of (hi* reaolution ia to
weaken tlio advocate* of tbo rail-
,. n • ,u«La. a«,aaauaa ! ro'll hill, HOW iHifurU the HOOSO.
WILIAM HOTEL LSIH’BI PuSIFCSEB \ Mo on,, cnnl.. more atrooglr op-
TO APRIL ;. INI, | poxed to the pannage i.r Ilia bill* in
___ _ __ _! iheir preaunt nhado than myaalf,
FOR A FULL DRAWING : hill if anything is dono now that
»|!HRdr*«las*iltlakr |>Iarrat U>U. vflj.v, 't ill remll in the pa«««go of no rail-
l KV , uu-irr a t!l...?llv I.t . anrrlal a.« ol lb- . If.’IV nt *11, I thill* It Will ItO ttnfOr-
.to' l ""»t'* H.0 railwa:
tarOFKIfK: Al S.
tin U*.txliiii*4t*»ii stm»i.
4lha*«V. U. W*».
Sterne** S*on*
iu a position lo consider it maci
more intelligently than they are
now ; but, should no law at all be
paaaed by the pre-mt aeaaion, the
next Iaegialalura will be quite an
each in the dark aa lo rfha* to do.
And again, should the har-h and
arbitrary law be passed, as in ex
perimental beginning, considerable
(InniAgo may be dune lo both Ibe
roads and Uto public beforu that
experience necessary for ratisfao-
tory modifications, can be gained.
The diflcrence of opinion in the
Leglilatnre as to the pannage of the
law now if evidence of how nlow j
movement is toward* radical!
u> iia uni are nii.l ilie startling theo
ries aa lo what pi.licy
ates-i roairl. irtltlie O ld of selection will
»h uld |iur-.«»* in iheir”intbrferen.*e ti^,aio*n- i vtolilv my
With railway luanigeiuenl. arc quite
attlBricnt l» atop any rea-nninjv
prudent man from rralcirkiug in
such enlerprioea; audit Uapretlv
geiierally.nettled fact that th.wr
clianges; and abould an arbitrary
and iinaatiaractory law be enacted
it will require year* ofjoxperiencc,
and Ha olijcctious will Imre to be
come palpable and ‘notorious be
fore any modification could be ae-
cared; and during that time, tlio
railway interest must suffer, and I
think the public interest nl.o for it
is impossible to inflict injury on so
large a portion of the properly of a
3lato,;without visiting it in s greater
or lesser degree upon ail oilier in
terests. I feel bo con ll.lent of the
successful working of in ndvisorv
Commission, that 1 do not hesitate
to urge in the stiongusi terms. 1
myseir havo never entertained any
doubts of theVailrond* of llie State
ohoerCtilly responding to nuy rea
sonable requirements of an advisory
readily perceive how
. S#, 1 ..—
n sui-h narrow
•uliuing the selection
rrow limits.
Wl 'hat I owe'i'au some apolo
gy for so extemletl a communica
tion. niul I atanro von is is much
control money in largo sums,: arc bmg« than l coutempUied wlien I
reasonably prudent. heg:iu.. Mv ii.torcM in tlicsliapoof
Alabama-Atilrold " legislation, and
ytiitrTjjmlii3SOn asking my Tietra
Commission, and the recent decision
of the Uniloit Stales Court on tho
srgia C
should dispel any doulds
apel »
ers may have unlertaiii'id. That
the power exists lor
the reads, is nearly enough a set
tled fact to urg. prompt olimlieiteo
on the part of all roads to advisory
boards ealablslted in a liberal spirit
by the State,' and if the can
bo placed so absolutely in die pow
erof one or more men, cartainly
.here are great reasons
for tho State lo bo jealous of how
the distribute* Mmii power. It
might bo said tbat if the roads aro
10 obey ao absolutely, what ia the
difference between absolute and ad
visory power* ? In reply to that I
say there ia a wide difference in the
eondnet of men swaying unlimited
wer, and of those whose power
ependa upon their nersonjd force
ol character, reasonableness of their
requirements, and the judgment
with which rules and regulation*
are made, and methods of. proced
ure oatablished. Su. h a comm le
sion, composed of men of character
aud tact, can accomplish every
thing that ia desired to be aroout-
lisbed in Alabama. They can
_-ing to boar such influence upon
roads which would be unwilling to
werk in accordance with iheir ad
vice, and command such a public
sentiment againt them, and Anally
bring to bear the power of the Leg
islature itself, that none would dare
to oppose It. I am satisfied tbat
they can do more towards the cor
rection of those very evils that .the
public complain of now. than a
commiision on any other oasis, lie-
cause the majority of those evils are
of such a nature that they would
not fall tinder the scope of a gener
al law, and eonld only be reached
bv au advisory commission.
For in-tance, I will call your at
tention to au article that appeared
11 tho Montgomery Advertiser of
February Stli, written l.y Mr. Kog-
ora, of Union Springs, ilo makes a
very grave complaint there against
the'ronds for discrimination against
a mill interest at Union Springs.
I am not sure that I know exa ctly
tho causes that aro producing this
real evil—for real it must be ad
mitted-hut I very strongly suspect
that it has growu out of the aatne
that have given us a great deal of
troublo in Georgia, and
groat deal of eomplai it.
from a pecttliai pha«o in
Thla company, and tho friends of
this company, nru largely interested
In railway property in Alabama,
and have iu carift-at consideration,
tho propriety of extending .^oiue of
these Hue*. Il is but reasonable to
suppose tliat a declared liberal poli
cy on tlio part of the State wottld tie
no inconsiderable influence indioilty"
determining these qnesli >n* of in
vestment, for building up proper
ties In Alabama. An illibcmf p >li-
cy, such a* the passage of bide simi
lar to those under discussion at the
opening of tliesosaiou would declare
would most certainly pot an eml to
railway const ruction iu Alaham.:,
or al least till the lest o limn amt
•he verdirt of experience hut keen
fully obsalned upon their operation,
and this may consume years.
There is one other idea I thoiiglil
I.Would liko lo present lo you. UB>
bill, tbo Senate I believe,
for the selection of one commission
er by the railroad companies. Tht*
Hons* bill dons not.provide tor • li.-
solertiou by rail way companies, hftr
provided for the si,lectioidof n ‘•rail
road man.” 1 bis is die idea tint I
wish to present. If the law is n
■n thffSh'BJWi 'on a former occa-
-ion, and my personal knowledge
•,r yorif wish *• collect all tho in
formation posiihie on lids snbjset,
and ytwtr efforts'!,! that direction,
will be sufficient for me to offer for
this long tax itpon-yoiir time.
I am, sir, y.,nc-. very respect
fully, \V. G. Raoui*
Vice President.
TI» Credit itrstcjii Id- Hie So nth.
Se» orisM* f«a s-vaa dHw
It is about 'time tbo Southern
Utid In ruicra abandoned tho
penjtctou* credit -b»umii. In the
cotton State* pirticularly, where it
prevail* ortcn*ive|y, it is the great
draw back to their prosperity. How
ever good their crops at the end of
the year. Thq profits of their year’s
work go into the pockets of the
c-mnlry imwcIpiiiU who fnrnisbod
them their supplies. As the system
i*.practiced tbo "planter or farmer
give*, tlm meicliapt n lien on hia
crops to bo grown, nnd Iho mor-
chant, being secured, furnishes the
lieeeasliry supplies. Thero is no
agreement about tho prlco that shall
_ •>“«. ■>'<>* Hie <-otiiiniB*linn r* - , -nm'.lics but the
com in Muled to execute it rigidlx^ T**. 1 "‘“f •nTPHes, nut the
• tjerclixnl ip careful to exact inter-
e-f bn Ihe advance which he makes.
the power of the
me rcimnt: Hi* credit is destroyed
•in fir a* obtaining anything else
where is concerned, n ml the mer-
sidn presnnied when grave qm-stin>:»
are under deliberation, and midci"
ail arbitrary emmisnion likriyto
be deride.1 without the full hearing
tbat would bo hail under thaopera-
tlon of an advisory eomoiindoii.'
Bui, •h oibl tlio commission be ad- .. , . -
visorv onlv, I 'hint it would bo bet- t*?: 1 .*® I'". v t b l‘ T* 1 "' h ? d °, 7
ter and more likely to si. cc«l,il the | *?'. n |B *l b ?;«» andhc ImanT
app dntmanw wore all made by
v toi&
.rut! .
and clollie-l with absolute power lot
do ao, I think it wontd be very lie.
cesaary ror the proierliyp.’ pf lb{
road, for Ibcin to have a trejpresp..-
tativn upon tbh board, not lhst.ii>;
might influence tho »ti.shOf the'
board in Iho fn<orr»l of tTlfl Ti| tots* , , , . ...
but that Ibeioad. might have ‘“.'L
if ruse*, charge him just what lie
tikes fur the supplies which he fur-
ui-hes. These charges are general
ly front 70 to 100 per cent, higher
.tlym the i uiing market rates. The
planter or tanner may complain of
ihe.exorbib.nt prices which he is
State. The whole basis of am
of an advisory commission will
in tlio personal ability of the mem
bers, and the confidence they can
command of the public—any voice
of the railways iu theirappointment
would, lo a great extent, weaken
public confidence. If this comuiis- '
si„n does its full duty.- it will be
ended upon to decide as often,
against tbo public as again*'.- the
road*, and perhaps oven oftener;
and for tho pnbiio
with thoir findings tbo cooimtssion
must posses* theirconfideueo."iV'iiat
tlie road* need is a better feeling be
tween the public and themselves,
aud •• to ut aa tho public have am
easy meant of securing redress for '
grievance*—real or imaginary—a
•rep will have been made in the pro
per direction. This means will bo
frequently resorted to, and both
sidos will be heard, and evidence
produced and questions discussed,
and tha decisions of .ha board will
be written out with the reasons to
support them, etc. Al! this will aid
in informing tlie public upon detail
of transportation management of
whirh they bars heretofore had no
kiiow edge, and this education will
dispel all prejudice resulting from a
misunderstanding of fact*, and confi
dence in the com mission and their
methods, will dispol at! that resu
from »suspicion of the motivesactu
ating ilia railway ompauie* in
iholr adjustment oT these grave
question., aud in my opinion, this
has been the chief burden under
whicbr tho railway cumpanies have
It result* j labored these inter vears, f. a: the
tho com- i supposition on the part of the pub-
cither c**!! 1 dr credit. He is, tliere-
fomil-i'to comply with the
■ S*- .
The Supreme Court of Mississippi,
a few tlxvs ago, rendered a decision
which', will afford toe farmers of
Ihal Stnle some relief,- A merchant
who held' a’mortgage on Ike crops
of : a farmer it. Tho lon
er court allowed hi* lull against the
farmer, allhnngh il wa* shown tliat
tKe. price* ciiargod were al least
to be satisfied ‘*<***0 limweliargcd for the tame
IhocooHdamiofl »»¥••* «»ld for cash. Tim
case-wa* appealed alld tlm Supreme
Court reversed H>o. decision of tho
lower- court, i
of .the sttpplic* on nccottnt of ths
ptice*■charged, and lie acquiesced
in Ike.pride* from an overruling ne
cessity. Ilia extorted assent to tbo
prices fixed was without considera
tion. ami wa* therefore void.” This
decUion-fixe* the law with respect
* Tim
higher court
was not in a
nt of
IMlnttd l*y i be art.
One Ke Id nc ihi Ur«rB N*r as...—»i w 0
«»i*e R*«!4enc* 'r«*-n ‘••r.rt IA 0,t
Twu Cash l*r*•* >e!« t\09e I'*,'**
T«u i *w)t »*H^ N Ojvh <-* » J
Kin Clrwh r»”ses fsfli $i full-.
Klee Cask hbe. eecU t —
Kjf»y FriM* <+th *iei
«toe Uuui.ntOi k 1‘ru-t,«*>h |W,
Klee ll'tulnd Csk 1’ru.e,
ops ?f» of Ksr Furultatx* ..
Om »-lno Flaps* -
Oc* Ntmloas Tes
ena R..& mu B-*arbo < 'ritUknr, |X
If* Rs»»h» hsajAtg te.iU —
|1«s llaadr»4 4'isk *-arJ* SI -.
3j£ §
it* and
the people; and if any method (of
appointment is adopted which wilt
jeopardize tae judicious selection of
tho Commission, or anything that
will result iu a failure to eeeuro the tic
bc*t talent in the State upon tliat
board, 1 thiuk it will be equally un
fortunate. If there should bo m>
law al all, both the imaginary and
real evils that now exist in Iho rail
way transportation service, will
petition between Iho railroads, and ! lie;tliat tlio commercial interest* of
steamboats north of tlio T. nucsscc j tho community hive already'been
river. Tito railroad* iu Georgia ! entirely igm>re*l by tho coinpanie*;
havn worked earnestly to acrure an ( tiint no honest eflort bag been made
abatement of the evil, but so far, wo in the public Interest, and that all
havo accomplished little or nothing, adjustment of rates have been made
As • mutter of couisc, if wo tie- j wiih a single eve to iheir mouey-
•irc ».> earnestly to cure that evil mekinif effect to ibe road*. J£know
*vc would be very glid to t*ei» that tins i«*nnt Iho case. $*ut my say-
it toad through a comuii*aion, or ing to will conviitrr no #t»i% And
*nr oilier means ; but t would bf*ab- . gumouU of no avail. TbAticrc, 1
•olutely impossible for luo coiumts- j tram somo Kyvtem nu^mRR liuu.
-td»nch contrfictx wl ftfr si Mississip
pi h concerned, d»ut there are rerv
■ firmers trhd will
risk the ejfpowiB^ifel tho trouble of
Um-ervdii system altogether.
(facts!iusdeauk- iato.k*done b*a question that
*& * »'* <«* front SMXUU*. It is
!»■ c.Ttiiu;* liowoviT, that before Ihe
u _ plattlera autl farmers can hare anr
real projwrly ihey mu^t be able to
SfcurDcriirir applies at mnrket
never bq able to
jftfVhead lis long» they are the
•lares of the present credit system.
of Ihe Sixth
«*n BttiM Fin* wines. s» . „
%!' K.X-S KuketUaa roaintf Wklwkv.sao^
IX Bslrt lliran* 1 iftrt SIO^
Five llundr.d « a»k Prise, Jl
AMOUNTING TO $369,850.
Whale Tfckets Hn~b~cs. «t; Qnnrtms p.
Rctolttaeer* om j hr wt4* k T teak* keek. Ex.
prase. Deni M«h. y imkr. «>r Krjtbt -ml MaU.
fcrsponsi* If* ijffkta «»ni*4 st all paiets. Foe
circulars cttlog tall tbknuika mod lor tickets,
• glYiOg i
continue lo be exaggerated in tlie could
hm j public tinted, the public demand
*“ fur relief will mutiuue to increase,
and finally culminate iu that kind
of a clamor that may result in har-b
and arbitrary lrgi>laliOR.
It seitn* to me that it would be
I letter for a law to be passed now;
for, *« well a« I cats judge tho tern-
per ol boih ibe people and tho Leg-
i-lstnre, ia that the contemplated
law shoukl ue moderate In its pro
visions and just in iis operations;
WUUrl Hotel, Ltotw 3k, Xj.
ly .1 commission acting
with the bare force of law alone—
to roach it. The oviW are cnu>,‘<l bv
tlie acls of parties that aro entirely
thout the Stato of Alabama anil
i the fact by its actual op- j „
beyond the control of their lawa. | oxport.
will pmv
cration. , -- . — ——
in tlio llou'c lull tiierc:*a I'rb- ,y ( .
vision that one of tlie raembei * o? f t ., J43g ’
the commit-ion ntualhc a railroad
A PccnlUr
An ' old-"resident
Ward got it into his head that th
Dark Angel wa* hovering about
him. tad woii’il 1 ill for him in r.
few ilayg. " 'nierefiiro he scut for
Aldcrnian Donuis-Burniauii fifteen
or tTrentr ofhi* friends; tiiat they
mtglit‘ivitne>i Kis wTlfana tes
■“Alawyer is necessary,” remark
ed one of hi* friends.
‘•I'waiit jio lawyer.” replied the
BCTtfcr. ‘•i.c:;iior-fio I want auv
rtTr.f nt «.tnaX
set Of frizzes, repaired to the parlor
with some trrpitiaiiun.
A somewhat tobacco plaiued-
voung man, with a rolling eye and
Byronic linger nail*, was amusing
himself by spearing the firh in the
arqnariiim by means of a hairpin
at uck in the end of hia ratie.
“I believe you desire In—to sub
mit a«mo kind of an—an offer,” aaid
Ihe landlady.
“So do I,” replied, tlie young man,
cheerfully, as lie banded a goldfish
to Ihe cal. ~So I do. I desire to
offer to y>iur consideration a scheme
lhat will just tnako Hie boarding
liuainesa lairlv boom—teat will 'en
able you 10 salt away just kegs ol
dollar* in yunr busincoa, my dear
mum. 1 cill it tlie Hotelkeeper*.
Hope, or Landlady Deliverer.”
“lit—by taking t partner,’! said
the amiable coffee weakener, coyly.
“Soni'-iliing that beats a partner
all lio l-w, mum,” aaid the young
man, earnestly. “Now, give me
your full attention for one moment.
What ia Hie grealcs*. expense to
which tou are pul in vour busi
ness? - ’
“Leiniiio see,’* replied the rent-
wrestler, reflectively.- “Well,
should say the Inhlc.”
“Exactly—the table. And the
reason tliat is so expensive is that
the boarder* have nothing to Impair
their terrible. :ip],elites. They feel
good limn-ired ami It ippy at Iheir
meals—laughter Is H10 best diges
tive known, ilium. They talk, joke,
tell storiiK and eat like eouulry
editora when there’s a circus in
“So tliov do,” sighed tho bash
helper. “So they do.”
“So it stand* to r<>a*on If there
we* some sure way ol making ’em
cross..gloomy, mood? and nervous
they eon dn'i ml iinn-'n half as much
and your profits would lieincrcated
60 per tent.”
«It„i | ”
“But you don't ace how it is to be
dono. I'll explain. You sets I am
II atory writer of wonderful im
agination. •! write ghost "lories
for a living. In ndilTtlun, I’m a
•piriliialistin medium, you know,
and all tbat. Now, my idea Is that
if I lived here and got up a sort of
discussion about spirit* 11 ltd things,
every meal, accompanied by raps,
communications from llto departed
relatives of the guests, cle., elo., it
would rattle ’em considerably—
knock their appctilcs all lo btazea.”
“But won't—” , -
“Won't Hie boarder* leave? yon
were going lo say. Not a bit of it.
When a man know* that his first
wife, or his deceased partner, ia
floating about hint, ho’s bound
hang around aud sec
it strike you so?”
“Might be something in il,” said
the pudding producer, musingly.
“Bet your life there is,” said the
hoarder bluffer, earnestly. “In leas'
than three months we'll have ’em as
thin and worried a* office seekers.
I’ll put iu my service* for my board
and loJging. dust step up Stall*,
inum, and fetch a pen and. Ink, aud
III write out a contract for a
But the fact when thdt excellent
purveyor returned, tlie young man,
four umbrellas and an ulster had
disappearo 1, is probably Ibe reaspn
the boarders ol that Twenty-second
street mansion are slltl peacefully
secreting their regular schedule rc-
Ner York Bun.
‘■optrs-t* between' the Preiont
and the Pmtiflf Life” was the sub
ject of 1 lie KcY. IV M. Tcrrv.’* ser-
Irnr te Tlrn I ■'"•t.ovcjiing in .tlie Attorney
re To ni ke ’-'r' 1 M-'l*»iU.tG!iurcl.. It was
opening excacises staled Its white
cheat iu to lilaek frame set ia the
pulpit and leaning against the wall.
The fratne was provided with a
crank by which tlie pictures ou a
roller-St'-the lower edge of the
framework were to bo unwound
quil revealed to the g%xe of lhe con-
~ ,TcTF V
«»iS! wlic'n lie was read v
to h,-giik J HH 'sermon, turned th
crattK *n*brought into, view a pic
lure Bbowliig.-Lttnru* and two dog
on the Bletiapra great,palace. Ltz
artia Warm rag*, and lie cronclicd
at the feet of a haughty black ter-
vant iu a greaa robo atid-K red head .
dress, who. .was imperiotulv point-
nml regarded fho' poor man sus-
p!elon«ly. Behind the iinporiotie
nud gorgeously-dressed servant
crowded a smill army of, other ser
vant* craning their necks over each
other"« Bhoulders'to' get a peep at
Lazartta. Above on a balconr sat
IHvaa, drinldng out of gulden cups
with bis friends. One of ,be guests
had jn*t.arisen to toast Dives, and
held 'Ida gold)
In, held' Ilia gulden' cup oa high.
Dive* seemed pleased at the com
The preacher pointed out Laza
KJDures an'
rua, Dives and the haughty servant,
with'Along- wooden pointer, and
related Ihe -parable' of Dives and
Lazarus. “Yet,” he said, “it is no
crimo to bo rich, though some folks
‘Wok *9; J have no svmpathy with
those who say that whcu one 1
gel* more money than another he
inustdlvjde it around. .Many rich
men ace a blessing to the country in
building .railroads, canals and
steamships, although they may be
thinking only of their own profits.
Nowv do not mistakwthe servant in
the picture for Dives.. . The rich
man would not Iiave been so impe
rious. It’s the'way with servants
of 'rich 'men. I’ve seen them
straighten tlicmsel 1 cs up like a lord
of coralioa,. though they did not
own a thing iu the house.”
“In the next scene,”
H niirnnnb fn ff 1hom thegk>boit B-regtdar
it out. Dont tcrval*.-and-boweath it, tetrnet
great lire as though?
ganlte kpjUc- .
I suppose every one connected in
any way with the University of
Georgia, >ays a letter to the Consti
tution, lias heard of tho famous oak
, — .— scene,” said the
preacher, turning the crank again,
“we see the hjirvcs**rY field.” Tho
field repreaepls.the .world. In tlie
field are both wheat aud lares. In
tbo middle of the foreground stood
a man’s figure in green and red
flowing tubes commanding- tbreo
harvesters. One tvns binding wheat
sheaves; on.the loft nnntlier, partly
concealed by the central figure, was
collecting tares, and Dio third, on
llie right of the picture, was poking
np a bonfire where taros were burn
ing, the dense smoke from which
covered tjie fair bine sky. .
This last picture 'was sfartlln,
Tt was a gteat 'sphere swinging iff
K ahil burning-bp. Under the
ft were the words,, “Tlio: Etui
of the World.” Across tho. globe
wefd ’streaks of cloud. Yellow
bnixtf offismeseemed to' be bnrst-
burned a
great fire as though; beuealn a gi-
globc when it burns up,'’ Raid the
preacher,‘“will be-its inflammable
as the gas we burn. Tlie ocean by
a alight clicmicei change will seethe
nnd roar in combustion. .When the
carHi is hit rued,’’ he n.*kcd, “wou
any ofthe rtingregafloii llko to be
the tares I hat'then ahallaurelv he
burned?’’ , . . '
A Woman
in front of Ihe chapel, and In con- IIT-TTl-.r;:
nection with It 1 will relate an an- t(> ™ Uken
While a commission of Alabama
mt apply the res train in**
power of an Alabama law npon
ihoso parties orrearii them through
anv Icyal procod MW, it couhl, in my
opinion, ir. nil auvi.-ory c*painty,
and possibly aciin^ in couju
with llie r>»ruia niioucra of
States, reach it fully.
Tho effect of this will bo f.
mil the material from the!*,
which iI)u CiHU»(I|4ou is to
lected, and, ill all probability,
a less competent commission,
of vital iruportance to iliei
to the public
you what l want
* lh^ writ!icase*.”
^aid Dennis, “and
want u*» to do,’*
want sir pall brnr-
;roin r^eli of (he lriali pro-
TT0T ror^TTrTllg' 51IK‘»~ and a
German end an Aiiicriciiii, and I
want Denny Danu to pick VmOUf.**
•*f« that rt!! Y And to whom do
j uii un iiivii,
| 'olio* what ’na ,
i -ir, i). ti,.;,. i,
ecdoto of Bob Toonib*, showing Ids
ini|ietiious. irrc*ietible good nature,
which so characterized him in hi*
Toomb* had been attending col
lege two years, and was within a
week of graduating, when, in a tlif->
fieulty, he stabbed one of the atn-
dents, inflirting a serious but not
fatal wound. For this act bq wa*
oxpcllod by tho faculty, who aobtf
after were pelitioncd by the gradu
ating class to allow him to finish
with them, as he had so nearly com
pleted his ronrsc,aud tiad also been
gircti a speaker'* place. Toonib*
himself petitioned 'them, but both
wero refused. He apparently sub
mitted, Inn on commencement day.
when ths chapel wa* crowded wiih
visitors, and Hie seniors vehc-mculfy
orating preparatory to receiving
their diplunia.*. he stationed a bra*»
band under tho Hjireading liinln
tin: oak, whose music succeeded in
bringing *core*of town |ieo|ile,wliO
were not then in the chapel, and
I al*o of clearing it of nearly all It*:
audience. ■ •• •* • , j
Then, in a*coo) manner as |iosm-
bls. he placed himself in a chair aff'
made an oration, sttch, it ia said,
was never spoken by a studout here
before or einre. He never rceeiVL-d
Iii» diploma, though after his cele
brated Bosiiiii speech it wa* sent
him. luii wn* returned with the an
swer: “D—n the diploma ; when il
would have been an honor lo me 1
wa* refused it; now. when I am nn
honor to It. it is offered me.” lie
BobJJiirdeito in the ciSorse of an
article iff the Burlington Hawkeye
on the rights and wrongs of wo
rn dress,
. — . — l foe
goods, the dressmaker is sought
out. The matter of measurement
and then the-.matter of
_. ne of numerous and re
peated trials. Finally the dress is
finished and sent home.- Then it is
fleet back, to be taken inhere arid
lot put there, and .at last, after the
customer has been fitted more times
for thatdrefla than her husband has
beetr measured for three or four
vears, the dress comes home-for the
last litncAnd is pronounced by the
Wearer, her friend^ and the dress
maker aa a beautiful and perfect fit,
and U finished: ’ ' •
Beautiful it certainly is, far more
licautifal than.’ anything her hus-
buid ever wears.' Colors and matc-
rial, style, blending shades and con-
tra*tin^ lilts of color, are itH in the
jierfretion of good taste. No man
can improve upon that. . But it isn't
finished. .When iti* completed as
far as the skill of the dressmaker
e«l finish It, and it is put ort,' it baa
to be pinned. Somewhere; some-
limes in two or three, often in half
a dozen plpces. -It always requires
a pin. Leave out Ihe pins and the
drese ia all awry somewhere. On
•dl this broad continent-there is not
■•no American woman . who can
dress sum* to. .make any kind of au
appearance in good society with-
’dnriihis.' *'
Now, shppose our tailor should
' our- suit home, and when wc
pat on the coat we had to pin
al the back ? Or suppose there
as no sugiiciider buttons aft, and
had to use pins there? Suppose 1
lie uiiuio oar shir-.s so wo would
1 11* vc tojjin on a collar—Low loug
wo ;! - i. !i :i - : •:• t 01 - icli a Miii
of clos!’.t,*5 stay In tin; house? Who
would 1*<? responsible /or the Ian-
• if tin if »* used » y the man who had to
Wholesales Retail talers
Watch Manufacturers,
-FI IV 3
Fine Jewelry s
Solid Silver,
Silver Plated "Ware,
Bridal Presents,
Cloelis, Bronzes,
Etc., Etc.
Send lor our Prices before buying olacirlmro.
Whitehall St.,
•Tend for Cqltlopw aad Prigs. noTTS.
Wi” M snnoqpo. to the ptsnteii ofSonUivsrt
TV ■•ton-ls that bob rspmontln, st Albur.
Ga-,*zain Ibis season
John ferryman & Co's
.Tfe Wrtl kaovo ortfclo bos h»n sold In
rmrsqaloa oTtbccotlon States where tertlli-
Wto represent LOCXWOODy COTTON G BO W-
Eff sasaestlsnt Hiwphorlo Add from Anlmst
Albany, Ci*.
Universal Favorite!
Toe nil Bud the b
tof Fruits of tho Sens,
An x Full Line of
noecord Wiaeaml Uqn...
At low Prices Urn bc-t i
Drtsd Beef, Baltimore San .
«tfe. Rj* and Patent Hour, Etc.
_tati«facUen zuieeleed. XVill ,uppl r the
wauls of each aed ererr one if tried.
Sept lo,1
*1*1*3 01 liil
wax aftcrw5»rd« reconciled with
faculty, and he U now one of
»tAiiiichfst (supporter* of the col!<
I hr-
t lie
lo so (e
de«irou« that ihe |
derstxml fully all the difficu
thejr bavo lo contend w5th in a "ati»-
factory adjuattuent of rataa, for
Zr h... X’-.ui*: - >•*»:. Kflvc ywvr pruperty?
ompetenf. t fear ! rt TS«J/
yon iu srles
he Stale aro verr-j & necoMity. Any lawyer, ell
eople fihou.d uu- • i^euoral bu*iue»« nmu of ai
n ; »ion shoald be compefenf
other any re* trie lion upon iu srledlDn.
lo not believe a raiiror.:i!t;xjK.TL
1 the old
vl* a haji’rth havo I.
will i
well as
and I think llie chances aro Tory they feel assured that when tl
much better to secure such a law
r or
general business niau of any pro*
tension with that measure of ability
that would fit him fora coninur-
sioner, will, hate the capacity to
grasp the subject and deal with
man. ‘ Sure d
But can't I make a
Ihe nabob?
The party proinued lo carry out
lne old man*- desire, which they
may h ive r* <1 *.* in a f»*w davs.
repiorierof the Davenport flehi-
ocrat interviewed n imiuher of Chi*
naiucn an their war home lo China.
They averaged .1 piece, u hu h
they had made in this country in u
few years. Considering ilii« *nii;
cient, they were returning to ilw
Flowery Kingdom lo live on •heir
j .tailor would dare
ip! (he wrath ot an lnde- !
peiideiit innn. lint woman— alas j
' *•!.•• pttienf!y ]»ir.i om the Ore—
that ••h*} pai l some one ?30 or to 1
make, and doesn't think anything
rihoiii it. We will not pursue this
p’tiitfiif “ubj-’ct. Let the women of,
' America take it tip. and think about
it, and l.-arn. in ihe noble iudepen-
, deiico of woinunhood, to make Iheir i
clotlies hefnrq Uiey put then; on. j
Latest Styles!
more fully understood by tlie peo-Mt upon broad ground?. He will
A bushel t
ty two. pou
■ f wheat, weighing rix-
ds, contrified 550,000
Some men arc
their wires except at
1 ball.
i\ cot ou
I f . is C'timtUcd tliat a freight train
u«*w euters New York every fifteen
in i ii ti to*, each train averaging 35
Good Work ! Perfect Rt and
Beasonable Prices