The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 26, 1881, Image 2

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•us ntfd a'th* AIU*( Scar*. «aUblMM IMi, **mJ ik AltwtBjr A»%KBTI-kK, NtlMilhnl 1*77. ft*®- *»!•—<v|»t. t. ttM, bj NrlXTilM A Mr am. Um« Iti! a t 1 ih ilt-uil iti. while .Mil j ARTESIAN WELLS. THE ON L V DAILY, AND THE LARGEST U’EEEKLY CIHt'liLA* I'lON IN SOUTHWEST GEORGIA. «... . - - - 1 —i ru Daily New* a»b A>mmutv paUMi- o .very morales (Mou-Uy »vcv*«cd>. •foe winiT Neva »w.A»mnn«,»mj uhrtay Monlaf. I AN AUTESIAN WATER RE HAD IN SOI I HWENT GEORGIA T Ah Altruapa to Le Yl.Jr In Dough* 1 tti) Coamr — Some intrrraMns { O.rie.poniteiire I’pou Ihf Sukjcct. sraMEimoE Rate*: ’.rally, ose year - OlEMOBtho - three tMEtho * ** OH HMEth Weekly, o DM . IM . i so I NJIvared laser part of the city bjr carrier, or tree or potUrh by eull. WEEKLY ADVERTISING RATES. TWcee-IISinS nmlMbarf ihr See, i>d l ere oar weekly ike liijM wr uy »Hi|ip f I. Souih- Our kretu m hr lor l«- i. The foUoolaf rates of aJnnbtes r urn proportiouote’.y lower UmlHwiJ or paper, end will be vtrictly oh erred : ttjfajTWTaWySYrfrg-prirf* K|«MiUTI ■ssfesftdwS' 3 01113 7 00 8 0011 eo,u i oo ■ fo i m • n u f ret 7 7510 00 11 le' 8 OO) 9 OKU tojll 2S liUllHlU { I'wtwtnl |ni{«t.lili«in of the* riiitfilSUIfJ 1 . | It ihohei Mil ibilr po|mlsliou if: 43,4lM,87i»: ami colei 8 J. 6,577,151. Tbi* : •;r?a!t 'i proportion of colored to while I is in South Carolina, where three-fifths [ of the al.o’e ore colored. In Lonisiina 1 bid Mississippi from one-balf to three- i „ „ „ . II the .re coitwid. In A.atama, » i pJ ., V * ca *’ mU da, North Carolina and the IKrtrlct of j Ed,, ° n nnd ('olatolit onp-thinl to one* halfcolon*!. ; ' . “, T ® roion^, Sib*:—Hiring t considerable Unded and m Arkansas and iVaaraice from . . _ * _ ,, . one-fonrth to one-third colored. Out- ,n Dougherty conniy. andl being much concerned about the bad health . RILL 1 .71.1 HON E. Ala—-yv like Uehar." Did ye hear oToMBilly Mvboav. la the Seaate he »IU oa a throat. Had Far a baekac of awes. Did Blur, ray ewa, ftaboae. o*boae! He Dialed hie Tl*(iala trira.le runde WhUhaoh *ajism:i «ei TDSiallmHH. M colored. Out side ol t ie fanner slave States the pro portion of negroes is very small. The relative changes in the negro popula tion daring the decade between 1870 and 1880 are also given. In the Uni ted States as a whole, there has been a gain of 823 on au assumed ba-is of 100,000 whites. Grek relative gains have apparently been made in the for mer glareholding States. Kight ol these States hare made gains ranging from SH to nearly 11,000. It is be lieved. however, by the ren us office that JhcM apparent gairs arc due in a Ordehwda; He dragged through the adre HR locator hire. DM Willy, ray own. Gut representative lately learned the following from Mr. Carl Siegmnnd, Cor. Congress and Washington streets: My • daogbtrr suffered from Rheumatism to such an extent that itrrippled her, ren- . deling her unable to walk at alL We j consulted many physicians and used all I kinds of medicines, hut in tain. At last ! Sl Jacobs Oil effected ibe happiest re-. : suits. It cured my dsughter.— >>*/-' Imti (Mich.) Cotsmeni t/. | 1 griu gUlu cut iscrn cuts. I ktu xr % ccasrxn>uu FOSS and SCHHEIDER, Queen City ». !*L as. SKand tS7 Freeman St„ CINCINNATI. ! of my employees in summer, which 1 attribute to the bad llme-atona water J they are compelled to drink, 1 have : been seriously contemplating I he piac- | ticabiiity of finding artesian water in the time stone region in which my places are siuu't d. Upon investigation of tbi* matter, as far as 1 ran ascertain, only attempt at boring an artesian w,-lt ha* • ver ! been tirade iti Southwest Gwr-ra, anil i ; that near thirty years siuc*-. will very inferior machinery and a d- pth ot less than 3UD feet was reachetl, and. tlic at- | He haa gone lathe Radical carap. ThrKamp. lie haa (vac wi-hana-rape at the lamp. The tramp! Thoaih torerer It harm He shall never return, aSte"’ the Radicals hare him far aye. jrAKE JOKi:s(Cor<li. -|2rport Bottled Beer a Specialty, BLACKSMITH, C ■\r(mFns JLN baisatillal peor.It or IfikWll county tka» hiiuld •lai l .pr«-pirrftto -- mu^"-jsssr TWy’llfindl •»« with then DauiM old ~ inlbeoty Special to Ladies! nor Billy. mr n Mtbone,0*bocr VirsimU’obooor^BotkMt. For a Cay will rotna to hi* mot • When a frost Win blight liotb the fame Awl the Mine and the game of mily. my own, >1 abuse. O’none! - LmimiOt Obmri'. -JUmraL H > seethe paid 6* la- laMUll thareaaflhapa- j? v* Die imperfeetioira of | ^ , Un<|on „ L I Ra-. William E. Smilh, w j ft»r reruns of 1870, and that under the ! . .. .. ... « . E*inv**c-at. conditions which prevailed at that * n discussing the matter with Pr. J. r Wi h the clom of the 46th Congrem, ,in,e it is nrstsk 1 . i.„„ r 1 - , ‘ ,v <? ,n * ul Atlanta, a gentleman of : on the 4th inst. ended the term of of- ^ p much culture and inlormaliun, he ex- fie. of Hon. William K. Smilh, as a his know)- ] faithful and manly Kepresentatire of Is ace advntlraaeBta sad local Mpn » jar Uaa for inc tarartioa aad Dir taeh rat. ni •'-'.ttettMacarrdreea Ihalnt appear ahra pmtatrd, recefs IB ‘ShrrsimcoairaftsUt.r^v^^, pmtfn ^ SATURDAY. MARCH 26.1881. As extra aasrioo of Cougrosanow to be a foregone conclnsion. Istuu haa adopted a coustituticnal amendment which removes her fiom the list of exceptions in Presidential yen*, and is now no longer an October *ke., : Notwithstanding the cold snap, we have heard of no aerions frosts herea bouts. The wind ptotected vegeta bles eight before last, but we do not vouch for a safe passage thror'*■ last night. A lexandkbovitch BTxrax-Ns, of OcorgiA thinks Senator Bill’s speech on the llshooe question s mistake. It is possible that Mr. Stephens doesn’t know everything.—Cincinnati Eft quirer. Sms tor Bayard haa written a let ter to the Delaware Legislature ad vising them not to take any action on lb* subject of prohibitory legislation that such legislation la contrary to Democracy, which allows individuals liberty aa to eating, drinking, ate. It is stared that under advice and en couragement from President Garfield, the Republicans of Georgia will make an effort to re-organise. The President his been made to believe that a num bar of Democrats will join the party if it can be made respectable with patron age. Part of the programme is to es tablish a daily newspaper in Atlanta. «Gat8,” the .best known and moet cf. fervescent newspaper correspondent in America, is making a tour of the South, and stopped over In Atlanta on Sunday and Monday; bnt we notice that the usually aggressive and enterprising newspaper reporters of that city let him pass without subjecting him to an interview. They were afraid to tackle Trr Pennsylvania Railroad haa near ly completed a monster locomotive, in tended to make the nut between New York aad Philadelphia in ninety minu tes. Each of die driving wheels, in cluding the tire, weight two tons and is six feet in diameter. Beretofere there has bean difficulty in accomplish ing sixty miles an hour, thongh it has bssn occasionally done. If the new engine succeeds five others will be built Trr Washington correspondent of the Atlanta Coiutitution says Senator Hill will hare the committee on print ing, though Mr. Yance was talked of for it, and Mr. Vance will be given the Chairmanship of the committee on con tingent expenses, over which Mr. Hill has presided. The Chairmanship of tba committee on printing is on* of the moat desirable of the honors to bo di vided by the caucus It affords a large patronage and requires careful work. Senator Brown’r assignment to the chair of the committee on education and labor aoems to meat general appro- Two years ago there was an extra ses sion of Congress, and a great howl went up from the Republican camp charging the Democratic majority with provok ing that extra session. causing>nor- mo as expense to the country, etc. Some of tire stalwart organs even went to far as to charge the Democrats with revolntisnary intentions, and, if we re member correctly, Mr. Garfield was a member of the House at that time, end made a speech denouncing the conduct of the majority in the very strongest terms. If Mr. Q art eld now calls an extra session of Congress ha will be guilty or exactly what ha charged the Dsmoctala with two year* ago. Macon Telegraph and Messenger : ••We are glad to see that the effort* of Senator Brown and several of our Con gressmen in behalf of the preservation of the water Cannes in Georgia are meeting with favorable notice by the departments at Washington City. It was our pleasure to meet a few days since with Mr, Charles Filmorc Swain, from Washington, an accomplished gen tleman and aakillfal engineer, who was visiting Macon and other places, seek ing far the government special informa tion in regard to our streams, their caps' city to furnish water far cotton and oth er factories, etc. Georgia is peculiarly bleased with such water facilities, and the wonder ia that our people have not made them more extensively known to Northern and Western capitalists and manufacturers. There are many places on ihe Ocmnlgee that can furnish as much water power aa it used at Lowell and three hundred miles of the best and molt varied woods of sll sizes slong its hanks. The supply is inexhaustible.” proportion of negroes were omitted than of whites. Suutli Carolina, Mis-iasippi, North Carolina, Louisiana, Gcorgiv and Tenneaaee. and the District of Columbia. show a rela tive increaae. Texas, Florida. Alabama and Viiginir show a relative decrease. Texas.and Florida take the lead of the States which have losL Both of these States have received a heavy white immigration from other parts of the country, which .has more than overbalanced whatever gain in colored population may have been made. They have been a scene of rapid development, and thus the rela tive decrease of blacks ia to be account ed for, not by the exodna or dying one, bnt. by the infusion of whites. Th e movement of blacka io the Northern and Western States hss apparently been of little comparative account, nnd migration of negroes has not attained to each dimensions as to be suscepti ble there. Mississippi, Louisiana and North Carolina, States from which the exodus principally took place, have all apparently gained heavily in the rela tive proportion of blacks ; while Kan san, to which the major part went, has lost in proportion to the increase in population, and Indiana haa gained but slightly. The Camilla correspondent of the Waycross Reporter ia another Geor gian who baa seen the evils of the pres ent Railway Commission law in Geor gia. In hit last letter to that paper Le expresses himself aa follows: “I am pleased to see that the press ia romit g ont so fearlessly against the unlimited power of the- Railroad Commission. It’la a matter of vital interest to our people, anil every agency that can be made available to acconpliah llw de sired end shiuli be pat into action to remedy in some way the great evil. Georgia’s prosperity is most certainly paralyzed, and will remiin so, and got worse, a a long as the present railroad system is in operation. What capital ist, seeking investments In railroad en terprises, will bo fool enough to invest a dollar in building new railroads in Georgia? None. I trow, It doubtless would have been well had every rail- itressedthe opinion from ..... . . . ... ... . , ... . .. . .1 , tbc Second D strict of Georgia. •.■Ugo of the country tiral the attempt , J|r 8n|it| , hi 7 : would lie successful, but referred toe | puts for three to liis kinsman. Ur. I’-belt Ixtgan, of ; amounting to aix y Fort Worth, Texas a sciential, and one who was conversant with the rountrr aronnd Albany.and whose opinion upon the subject entitled to much consideration. I wrote Dr. Robert Logan, at Fori Worth, Texas, and received a It-iler from him in which ue express! his opinion unreservedly of the feasibility of finding artesian water in the sertion indicated,within 500 feet of the surface, with a source from the section of country in the latitude of Allards, tnd giving reasons therefor. A t my re quest Dr. Logan wrote me a second let ter upon the 'object for publication, which I send you. Artesian water is invariably of high temperature, but i s healthfulnesa is universally conceded. At present I am in correspondence with contractors in Seims, Alabama, upon the subject of boring su artesian well upon s plantation I own. known as Jordan's Hickory Level, three miles from Docker's station, in Dougherty county, and should I not be discouraged by any additional obstacle I expect to make Ihe attempt ere long. Very respectfully, Jons 1*. Fort. — Raw lev's jSiji ttfxn Toi let MASK, for RrautlhduE I*re- Servian tbe Comptrsloa. Ilia ittwJcr.ijur.1 will Le plriaart to show the -ame. with the Risk Balm, at tbe mmy at In. R. Gottashr. It ivcotirelr free flan rOMacVka. aad is Ihe •ale sale, penaaaeat aad *a!»facierv dt-ror- ery that has ever lasea mah for l-raur bias the comulbvion. ftlsrodurw-l by many ul •heleadiasraedira laeuet Iheroualry. DIM a. E. WINGAUD. . At Kra. B. G-dfadty’s MltllLcry stnrr. Albany. Ua, Mcb 7, W<L ttnn.l -t. zawuAwlm Petition for Incorpor ation. THE ALBANY OIL AND REPIN ING COMPANY. STATE OF GEORGIA—DoraMBSTT foCJTT. TOY , Texas/ 1981 \ Foht Woeth Feb. 8, John I*. F«-bt, Kao, Macon, Ga., Dear Sir Your esteemed favor of the 3d iiisl. is fo hand. I send you in flic form of an ‘open letter’’ such facta as present themselves in regard Li artesian wells in this city. Four years ago : In 1874 he was firoi ncuiinat'-if, "as the only man inilii- UiMrii t who ronld beat White- !r " Whilely waa then all-powerful. Able. idir--ud. far-seeing, far-reaching. ploa-aut atul affable, he had gained a perfect -death grip.” not only upon flux district, but upon the State. He com ip inded and used mors government iratrunage than any other Republican from Georgia, and his influence was immense, lienee, when the campaign of 1874 approached. Whitely and his party never appeared stronger. The Democratic Convention met In Albany, and aft. r a fall and free dis cussion, it wan go- c ally agreed that if Republicanism >- old be defeated at all in the Second, William E. Smith ought to be the standard-bearer. After thir ty-odd ballots he was nominated, lie reluctantly accepted Ihe trust; but I went at once into the canvass with a determination to conquer. Hit unsel fish pal viol ism and almost superhuman energy, became epidemic amoug tbe people, and tin- campaign that fallow ed was the hardest fought on record. Every inau felt that if we fail yd the failure would be final. Bnt, under M r Smith’* leadership we won, and the election showed a handsome Dem ocratic majority, and the destruction of Whitely and Radicalism in the Sec ond. Ill the fall of 1976 Mr Smith was re nominated to the 46:h Congress by the convention et Tbomasville. His fear less and aide manner of performing his dm v in the first session of the 44:h toll, Oblo.on Uhalf aflhrrara|vM,iW» rat. That they Sralre te ha tarevaarafS sad Mill a b-dy cwyera araS Hah aai.r Ihe Iswtt m ihaSalsor tieoryii, aadarlha aaaaor-The Alboay OH sad KcSnlnf Csray-a j. AltsiyOOudfiettuBfCMBpioi, Sod.Wltioaer»de3r?to ha£» aeapti&l «t«rk «C twenty fir* Ikmaad dwi'an, with the iriulfgt tsfiacteuinf the mm* to fifty ihoMafi WolJsi*. 3rd. Th*r» has already h-efi subscribed, aad will be jpatf aaaMaaatbte charter b greeted and (fee aid amrstiae b orgeafard. under aid charter named, tbe mm eT twenty-five bundled dalbrs, aad the r- Minder wli ha faUlainm cacdancnwith the U«i •Oh.Ihe ohfrcl and purpnaaof * id eorimration b tomannfaetora and r fineoila.aad tudisixwe aCcakca, mod and ether art irlpffi trutos utfasowed and vegetable productla/ire ia said county uf Douffbmy. 5'h, Petit'oners pray ihtl they any be made » body corporate under tbe lew* cf Urorgle U»r a tens of twenty yean with the privile ge of r— aewaL UK J. i*. B vLU March 18. l«8l.-1«wdlt f or Pet I l-mcrt NEW LOT Ol* THE FAftlOr:* . A U .Ml M1C11S Joetrecei vest, with all of the latent improve ment« thereto. The WHITE cotnprieea ail the practical pot-itfi of virtue that can be ap plied to a Machine, ami i feel no bee fancy in Guaranteeing Satisfaction ia every one. I also have the WEED, a very pxi ma chine. Guaranteed. I also have the popular old SINGER, with the lateat Improvement*. A apleadM lot to ehooeefrom. Prices from fiS to fts on th.* above nukes. Call early «c<! get n gnmi ma chine and a good bargain. 8.S. STEPHEN-*. Albany, March 0. HttliMwAwlm Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—Baker County. NOTICE. The Legal Advertising of Mitch ell County. T HE ofire sail material of the < aaulU tH»- pateh havlag been deffitmred by trr. aa<1 •he publication of aakl pai-er duo ntioued. notice U hereby rim that the legal adver ting of Mitchell county. Ga^ will hereafter be done in the A lb a rr Nrwu ax® Adveetis- U. II. <*. DAMIEK, OnUaarv, W. S WIN DLL. Sheriff. Mitchell m.. t;«. March U. I8M-M 122 ad Siasr Suits to Orta! 1 > KM EMBER, that before onlerlng your Spring IV or bummer tfuiU. th«t it will p«v yam to cull ton meattbeExprereiOflbe. I have jam ircHrad tbe haailwmafi »nl cbcepewi Met umnim of (ItmwI CoUffi. UrnkiM. fbwWto. *CmJmerm. brought to Albany, aad am prepared to give you uirn Inducement*, ad fmk is on ertminiflen. Ibe w wk, fit, aad general mtisflutiou bguann- ‘— **■ is paid. W. W. WILDER. TalnaMe Lots of Land for Sale. T WO Hundred One-icre LOTH, ell meppedeC aad coa*Utttt lag whet ia known hs thw Ham (Ilea plantation, adjoining the western corporate limit* of the city of Alban v. High, dry and beel- ' r; wall adapted wr vineyards er Ibl-IB r einoRermrrmidsmceleca. bmag away tram the river and aU malaria. For ule on m* ouable tenet. Per Amber nartkamn apply to or ad- drem WRlJBTff POPE, er J. H. SEND ALL. l jealfi-dlawAwly. COURT OP COMHWI >KF.RH R'»ADS AND REVENUES. Dorn tie n Raw Ootnmr.fiA, Feb. 16,1W. Npeclflrutlone for u Fence Te he built te eoriem that part of the County Pauper form lying on the west aide of Newton rued, arid fence te r nnd it of 3.6 panels, wore crime: Poets to be 7 fori long, put ’ feet la tbe ground, and be large enough toMfeaiefive locbra. Held lei re to ho Are fret hi*h and the peris tube •awed «*ffeveu with It step idMik The bottom ntank to be IsIS inch**, 2* fee bu- niwif 4 iucbea iron the ground. Th**re shall b* four rrkrtVki 1*6 Inches 20 feet Iona. All nMe •ul planhe uwd In tbe construction of raid lenre jo W s*f «*ubexrt tifne, an*t oppuelleeach pu-t dull U nilird a piece of plank U( laches, tbe b-Wbtb of ibe fence. Ten pro > djI m to be mud in (wilding said fence, aad oat tern than 18 aaib tsibeioec A good and sol trot lood. with two reenrlilra for denble tbe amount of tbe coat of rnd true** will be required of tbe pervoj to »h*> -• tbe n»n- tract for building the abore ueacrib»d f.-oce shall be a raided. Ordered that the show aprrlfiiatio » be en tered oo tbe mlnuiev of the rouit atri adrenbrd In terms ol tbe Un,a*Hl that the roniract for building mid fence b let at public o- tcrv on MoutUy, the 28th of March next. J. L. BUTT. C.M MAYO, romm’tsionsr* Dougherty (\>,Ua. A inter*tract from the i febMJttwSt ’ ilnuter of mid mr*. f. P. Brass ricr*. WFHEREAS. Threat** II radtie.xwaHiao of t ri , ..... , ... ** huM l». Hail (twrer.ti to »or tit l be V ' MrrB ' rilroed t*tbe <« thepo were no artesian wells in this city. Tbe Trinity river and well* mink in the limestone rock which undcilien the* oily, afforded the supply of water to tho inhabitants of the city. Those who used the water front the wells suf fered severely from Hickness; typhoid fever prevailed extensively atttl war very fatal. The practicability of getting pure water by mean* of artesian wells wax frequently disrupted, but no action wan Conjtfes®, had won fur him universal con Adduce. This waa the first year of) haa tuUv ife uuir < MbcuM 1*. i». the famous nionsird in which Ur t applies to re f r M v*a«ff ■timMM taiu »us rainpaign in wnicn ar. j f|MII , A , M ^| W g| t . rhm u ;h-rafore t« Tilden *t>|»l the country. Mr. Smith nmlf- all pertfo* i*im t-dml# and -pre r at wan re cletrted Sty an overwhelming j ^ t ” ,t *7 10 . held la and for .... , e . a 4 T ' nre* tv «*n tbe Am Monday Ik July next to show majority I hi* Iwt H(*h*ioii of the 44 h .«*•*» if ih»*v bareanv. why Irttnim Ut mu I* is>o OongrcHH wa* a stormy one. It waa its ' 'bo»*id •** be giant^i to >a d «nf itvmt. ultra July t.1 mnnl IS.! vote far -ft'*’ l’rr>i'li*nt and Vu-** l’re-iilunt of the n.h'SQu'z *'Hlo.ry- Unitml Stales. Tilden and Hendricks. ' , — the Democratic candidates, had been- hncrjll s Salt’. road in Georgia hDTa pursued the name taken bjr tho city tulhorities. Finally coarse, in the outset, an did the Savan nah, Florida and Western Railway. The Georgia Legislature should either remedy the railroad evil or enact some law by which to atop all enter prises in the State which tends to the development of our resources, the re fining of oar people.” Treasurer Speer has received a let ter from A. Williams, of Chicago, stat ing that he had junt recorded posses sion of 110,000 ol Georgia bonds is sued in aid of tho Atlantic and Gulf railroad which were lost in 1862. Mr. Williams states that tho bonds were sent through tho Confederate lines under a fictitious address and were sent from Nastan to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where they were loat or stolen. It is supposed that Mr. Williams was known to be disloyal as he wan afraid the bonds would fall into the bands of the United States and be confiscated. The principal of $|0,000 and the inter est for eighteen years at six per cenL is due amounting In alt to over p’JO.OnO. The bonds were due last August and aaingular fact ia that no bonds or cou pon! of tho rnmbera given have ever been presented for payment daring the eighteen years. The question has been submitted to tbe Governor, and Ibe Constitution thinks that if tbe bonds are presened and prove to be genuine that they will be paid. one gentleman determined to nuke the experiment on bin own aceounL He obtained water at a depin of 35C fee'. Very noon the water wagons began to distribute waterfront this well over the city, and in a short time the water which flowed from the wol! paid ihcex- penxe of tmiing: aid became a source j clouds; aa a of revenue to the owners of the well, i In a very short time others sank wells, i and there are now perhaps ax many an : twe ty artesian welia in Ibe city of Fort Worth. The supply of water is | elected l.y a In-mendi.nua majority ol GEORGIA—Dorqitrarv 3oi-j:ty. the popular vote, and bv 19 majority ; 11/ *>td.i isiUlk-snrrr 1-fce. lb. osiii ef the Electoral Colle*.. Hayes, the ” ihr'bff hmin*ffra| IT "n lh.‘T? Tm riT. Ratlirnl camlwUtt* arimittwl hi* fMVrat. ; ta. April nSt. the r.ilow ng pro rrty^ iTw*f; and 111** conntrv l»reith<*d r*?*»r ul- <v j *Fio»uf land No iwh of lot »»r Un.i s I - „ srass-n.rtfani lira I I, .... avt-te-fEwl Nu ^ l(»U Of ‘jll.l 4 f.l *11(1 42-4, iu tho g.iverntiH nt had *»n wt*»Ht*»d i me fine diatrifiiar Dan h**rty exunty. levied m» from tue fanatics and spoliators, and ! aaihvpiop.* ty of w j Smith ag*-nt for •Ife. to restored to the people. ft.„, alas! the j -*g- 1 " «• J - Democratic majority of Ihe same party | a.»rx P F it Kim AKPs.sbrata in tho Senate, allowed themsefevs to he fooled into the support of ihst exlra-comtitutiniwl aflatr known as the Electoral C mmissiuo, which, under the guise of law commi'bsl the most unlawful act ever een- c. i ed by infamy—viz; the declaring .SherifTs Stile. GEORGIA— Dougherty Co. tDMLLbrMU M: sli|ll> oulrra brinr llrnan I v» ho«. Cam Ibis, di uf * Ibinr. tl.. b. . tw-(s tkaHnsl ikrli-l'TW-tar . - — Dr Sr4*IW 4.r U> Wit HU. 'b- f-Jt-.wini prujerty, lu-vit; 1st -l Isirl Nu. ix. la lb- flr-s dmrtr*. .tsl Is. ul Ua4 Nos* -It 2X0, at. ta ihr rft rl S H Irl Ir-rt-d la ra Ibr |M|eilj uf J E. P Kralun. iu , Ml wy a bi « fs. aad e-n-lv . • arid J. K. i P. Kratua, Traaals Iu |. wn— atfij 4 • r.« UlWASIW. ; Marsh X, PI. SbrriS n f •f a def- ated oandhlate fnii-lenl of the United 9tales. To his everlasting I o mr and fain-, be it remembered. Hon. W. K. Smith voted and spoke : arainst thin iniquity; and with Gener al Robert Toombs, we aav, t at the j people of Gooigfa ought to bnibl him a monument of the purest marble. : whose in.fimit shall tower among the : lasting memorial to th- >• epru uno. man whose wisdom torefdghb patriot- uri^ Jra^,rorV-w-c ii «-|.rt.. „; ,r«. ■am, and grand sense of duty, cau-ec > ra ratratx st.x a mat. ri-ns-r- hiin to brand the elenoral liuinlmg ' r (-‘“'“••sn by d-f^nd.nt E1)W<uns with infamy in iu conception, anil to rasrt ' -h, a t>. r vote agrin.t its passage by the C—n- ... . grena uf the nation Ah ! if there had . Citation. CIItri'LAtl NO. 13. OrawBorTiniRtilJt'iAP row win tov.i /TLahT*. 1 -* . Prbra«ry 9 ‘fttl. j Th* IcHnnloi rr to ted to »h«? cirmif ivirt ol tha L’att'd-iA*ni|o ih«*caarof J^rarp II 1t>lep ra. K*rann«t>, Plurlda mod Wu'ero Ksi*x«s.t < omptii.y ft nt, hwlofi hvrfa dissolved, the-1*41 n • In* o.drr bo bran pand by the (AWffikMU, ♦iff s’ Tha n-Utionv of tho Saranrnh. RuM« and rm l altnMd ti tbe fommUtowndra* *>ra-*d- m tariff,are faenbr mrieiNnatbibonol lire MnrxHi rod Hnit-rairk rrilrand nod tho Hn- vgnoah and ibvH u-hvolm Kailrri IHvUwr •f ibotVo-ra* Knluood, pobifadbri In (Trcutar Uhtblvr Tm. 2. Tha Savannah Florida and Whins K«ii- rood la nl«c*d In IWnier <1an A of «Ireulnr h*r Rtvtris. A GREAT CLEARING OUT SALE r F.Imcu. K. A. Baitm. Nsrduf. fek 4 Iswlv Janrca K.^aira I'hainaan EquiMbjFew! Hii Ij Isit! “PLOW BMND” 8i* BONE SDFEB PHOSPHITE, s. on ni ■ m so; AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS MARKET’. -AXP- Sherifi’k Sales. GEORGIA— iKu-entiTV CorsTY. .AT ILL be red at public outcry *»*fon* tbrerntri » * hasreadoor in th«* oily «f Albany. <ia M tew. d hour’of sale on the firat Tumujr the :otlmria«property Hrriu i*|»y tdrar-c*. <alhcctiy*ri AHum.Jb abnnJanL Ti e oua’ity of tho water ia i bw » more Democnta of this stamp in ; GEORGIA—Worth County. J , tl.a alAHtHraaaauuH ..ftl.. ii i. iVrarawiHj - IIMltDVSd I* bs. » __l_ k 1878. and elected to the |i|tb Congress with’ really no practical oppodtiun. K. C. j We have hoard it hinted in what is deemed well informed circles that the present lease rumors concerning the Georgia and Central roads are stock jobbing reports, started for a margin more ar lets wide, and it ia not at all improbable that somebody ia going to get hurt before things settle down. A Washington press dispatch says ■hat l*>e contest over the office ot col lector of internal rerenno far the southern district of G orgit is reported to have been settled by President Gar field’s declining to retain Andrew Claik, the present incumbent. Fsom oar State exchange* we notice that spring trade ia opening lively .in many cities farther np tho country: but ax so few of our homo merchants are advertising, the Albany paper pre sents no such cheerful and cheering picture. _ The expose of the American thief who has the consulate at Maternal, Cuba, has been spread by tha associat ed press throughout the whole conn- try. m Gen. Lonosteeet, it is believed, will be retained in the diplomatic service of the government under the new admin- goo and the general health of the in habitants is greatly improved. I re gard Fort Worth a-healthy as any place in Georgia. Several of the wells are strongly impregnated with sulphur, and are resorted to by invalids. The wells are from 250 to 850 feet deep. The surface soil in the rity varies from two fe«t to ten feet; beneath this is a thick Rtrat-i.n of lime rock, in which are embedded vegetable and animal re mains. Ileneatli this is a stratum of ; sand. In this stratum the water is , found, don-clime- it does no’ rise to ! the surface, but L drawn by pumps, some of which are worked by band and others bv wind mills. The cost of the i ™ Uongreax, he has been every time wells here is .bout cue dollar per fro, ^'eXZ The machinery farsinking them is very j States right.: etc. show h,m fd have simple. Two men and two horses can , acted aa a Statesman in every instance manage it Although out of the public service in regard to the practi. ability of getting lons . H e ix worthy of any poxi- water from Artesian wells in South- [ lion w thin Ihe gift of the State; and western Georgia. You mention Albany ! *>e would shed honor and luatre.opoii ax .point. I give yoa », opinion i ^ ^ VproaV 0^^ cfal-' Used upon what I believe to be the ,| rPn> but^he/great heart of heart. [ facta in tbe case. there is nt. warmer place far any one The whole of Southwestern Georgia i than W:i.u*n E. Smith. w— : the closing naxsion of the 44 b Congress tlTBUKM It bss Ims ad. knn ism the roiintrv would have been saved !f the httDliliating apecUcle ot the* |ia«t : toaotir ah* partfes l!i!er.Tt£? t.i Ilf ami tt,.H-ar four rear*, that of hivitif to Akbmit i ‘V hlS ,Mrf * T i* to tho aiiminiatnUion of a fraudulent ir}ur*oridmint“tra bln aiMiMo !t i* m%u I'residonL Mr. Smith wait n-nomiuat- i ,fc * t MtmmAmpmcU»rCtmn,ormmm maw fo ed at CatuilU in the fall of J87& and j i&JffSJEfr.“ifT ** **' tH< ’ *' ** ID***. M. WPHIIT.OMlInarr. •▼niijr iu* op|K><uion« **• v. 1 /g /-h -h > Wade was Ihe totalled Republican i f Jtl’n flkl* Sll Ip ' candidate, but he was buried ro deep! V ' i ' 1 11 ,Ul * tinder an avalanch-i of Democratic bal- i CLOAKS and DOLMANS, SHAWLS. NUBIAS. SCARFS, SKIRTS, Etc Waltoa,Whnrm & Co. BHSSS GOODS," XTOTZOITS, “Dfamoml Soluble Bono.” MANUFACTURED BY Wilmincton. Delaware. Thrao Kprtir*-ra have been uoexl tar tl>e |MM f infra vvar- »•>• tbe pin tor* uf Georgia, nitol onrh »ear tba in~rc*-hijr demabil U*r them I aa bran jjivs'rr hi* f»u <t be supplir*!. »niw»j{h tbe tw'tnnfartttrrra bar a bran »•!. •'iitjc tolh»*irra|»a.‘iy year b\ year to mrn thin (femvnd. Thiv cr»t»'yiu?««trra*v» issdriHntatelr main ly to two far?i*. vi* : |«t. That Mle ranr n*> tiTinln uae I bv tm in tbe manufartnr^ of ucr Prrtl , lxera are »h** H-*t iwl hirbna rrmle nr- that ran Ira iouiH tn I hr ia«rk«*t. an«l 2ml. that wr «|».’irr no |»a*i»- or rairan e in rr- ducln-ff throe raw material* »n tl»r vary finrat rout lit ion fur • ora bv the fainter-. Cali on u<« for furl In r partl-’tttar*. S|iraial iii<ltircmcntii off- ml t*» *Im* i lant«h> of mant*.- nreri GenraU. Y. f. ML’ST. A»i*r.. 2t*latiura Albativ. Ga LANDRETHS’ AND A LINK OF SP&rULTIEU TOO KtMIERUOX TO MENTION. Bleached and Unbleached Goods. Calicoes anti Thou sands Of Other Articles. FCALL, EXAMINE AN1> PRICE BEFORE IT Ct TOO LATE »t-ruinr u. tui-tr S. MAYER «c GLAUBER. Iota that liis friends have not aa yet: succeeded in digging him out. • There are, and have been, many • more brilliant and show y men in the puplic service than Mr. htnilh. bnt none of them more filth folly devoted to the Interests of hit section than hr. In all of his arts, daring his six year |QQ BUSHEL* OUOI) SOUXI* CORN ! FOSS^LE CHSAF. Tbe Colton Exposition to Atlanta on the 15tb of October iSM to be a grand success. lies on a stratum of rotten limestone, v>ry similar to the stratum here. Be neath Ibis is a stratum of sand. The stratum of limestone docs not extend 90 high op ax the counties adjacent to At lanta. The other stratum does extend there. Tha water gathered in that re- giro. wil*. I think, be found beneath the stratum of limestone at Albany, if an effort ix made in that direction. Yoa would perhaps have to go deeper than the wells here; but if yon can get ar tesian water in Albany by going 500 feet or more it will bo a boon which the good’people of that city will not despite. The artesian well* have given a character to this city which it never could have hail without them. Hoping that the above will he of some avail in awakening an interest in this important enterprise, 1 remain. Very respcctfnlly roars, Robert Loose. ar taxis* Before tTorklBZtuen. yon begin yonr hears spring work after a winter of relaxation, yonr system needs cleansing and strjngthiog I to prevent an attack of ague, Bitliouv or i Spring Fever, or some other Spring ; sickness that will unfit yon for a sea- ’ son a work. Yon will save time, much sickness and great expense if you will use one bottle of Hop Bitters in your family this month. Don’t wait. ,VU> _ Administrator’s Sale. AN tbe firat Thevtay in Mareh nest before ift* V / t’lrart Htunra Amt of W*rtb t‘«nntv. »• |"Wb.‘ i a-. bMweev »bn fc**l booth erf mb- I vlll trail by vl tue of an aafier of the < *sart mf in> dloorv H taifi eeuaty. ■« the ra pnty •itbe- tote mf Ksranrdy Di*«a. dsC'afrff, S> arras at >4 ol fond 417. in ihe 7th Db4v*H •'raid craraf y. fot tha Un fit of be<n and rnditor*. Terra* ***** KDWaBD MX'IV. F»h I. tfiil. Adralnfetiainr- Aiiztal ta ill Mc«d t® c± til fCMS. “EXCELSIOR” COOK STOVES LEADIKG FEATURES: ^ESS-aBSSSfa-1 ISAAC A SBEFFAB9 * CO. BaNtaxn AaS fen Itb; plHtial drat via. Sanndine - or moles. cares sort eyes in hones Sanodine is the best thing I ever saw for use about horses. W. B. Chatman, Timberlake A Chapman Stables, Mi. con, Ga. the - Are YOU low spirited down in mouth” and weak in the back ? walking lifting ^or standing pain in the small of tbe back ? If to S >u have tbe kidney disease, and Prof. nilmatte’s French care yoa. Sanodine cares sore back and sore i shoulder. > . ... Senators Hill and Brown will have more infloenre with this administra tion than they had with the last. Mr. Hill ia no longer a alranger at the White House. He calls often, lleaod tbe President admire each other charm ingly. Governor Brown likes the new too. ness’ ana mu Having refitted our Machine Shop, we are now prepar- Kidney Pad "i!i | ed to do machine work at short notice, and ou favorable ! ! terms. "We have on hand, and for sale, a full assortment of! and WATER PIPE and con nections. GLOBE VAIA l<;S, Sheet I^ELVIL Etc. Steam and Water Piping cut and and filled to order, man. too. O. W. TIFT & CO. Aibasj, Ga.. EbLijaxj 27, L&£l.-4feC*Jlw>vla _ IJ «DSTINCT PRin 1 ‘1