Newspaper Page Text
nnd Advertiser.
• Satbkdat, JUt H. labl.
J.Hoflnayer& Co’s
9,000 yard* Laoo Boating* at UXc.
lilack all-wool Boating*.
Jtlack Damasse.
Hlack Organdie*.
■Mack Shuie Cloth*.
Black Nuns’ Veiling.
I The Coaohraan’a Dress Good*, with
■Fulda and Stripe* to matob.
300 Corsets at 25c. -and upward*.
rom Auction
The largest, best and
H broideries.
cheapest Em-
Paints, Oil, Glass, Patty
The best 5 and 10 cent Ci
gars always on hand. Pipes
and Smokers articles gener
•{^Prescriptions filled with ears,
day or night.
Albany «a September 11.188041
Hu, Koni’rfi’t of Trortli
county, killed andgluV* 2 * 00 ^
and 11 inches from ii| to tipof»dn^,
a few dftjn ego. Tb«i immense Lird
bed Jtut killod a grown sbesp, and w«a
featting upon it wlton shot by Hr.
Hornsby. Eagiea are getting, to be
quite numerous orcr in Wortk, and
tliair nude upon the sheep are of daily
tnc rxioPLF/* ntFE F.ii« axd
ji \ h ke r,
The Sivannali. Florida i
« rn Kali Way Comes to
We are gratifkl to learn that Co!,
fl. 8. Ifaicw. General 3fanager of the
Savannah, Florida and Western answered tha application o'
the Ex-cadre Committee to give spe-
11-1 ITS*
li^I TTf't
tUelr As
A Brilliant, R.fn.d ao<l,
Wedding. He
Willingham's Rail was well.fllled with It.
foapli of fashion at 7 o'clock Tuesday
day, the 2Gth and 27th of this month,
by ihc Southwest Georgia Industrial
A-social Ion. The special rates will be
published as soon as rec
Mr. Taylor,- the General Passenger
I i '..miles’ and Misses’ Glove* and Mitt.
^“'l large selection.)
Oca people are still lon-inpftir some
a iring chickens. The crop seems to
be short snJ provoVinzly backward.
Tuear. is considerable talk now about
running a prohibition ticket in the next
Gubernatorial election In Georgia.
DaoTitsa Gamas, of the Decatur,
Ala, Netcs. who was one of the dele
gates to tha Grand Lodge A. O; U. W..
reeeally in session in this city, bas
*om» nice things to say about Georgia
ard Albany, and the people of Albany,
is particular. Wu reproduce what he I Agent
has to say on our tir-t page. Mr. In the namo of the people wo thank
Grubbs, it will be remembered by j Col. Haines and the company for their
those who attended the banquet given co-operation for the promotion of the
to the members of tho Grand Lodge at | interests cf the country.
Willingham's Hal. was the gentleman ■ We hops to hava equally favorable
who responded so happily to the answers from the managers of the two
evening to witn
in tneholy bonds of matrimony Mr.
cist excursion rates to tho Albany Free I Atexmder Cohn, of Waco, Texas, to
Fair, to be held on Thursday and Fri- Mies Boas Wcalow. daughter of Mr.
OF THE B. & A.
Alapaua. Ga., May 18, 1881.
cvrrcE cocstt.
timber butinco* ia cot so lire
Mitchell County Dc-ps
J ibes Callaway,
Canilln, Ga, Jlay 6.1831.
"T Dons Went tbat SintT,”
E. Is wha< a lady of Boston ssid to her
— : husband when he brought home Munc
| medic!-- •- *-*-*-
What little* news AC lure received I
■ss the nuptial* uniting this week we -got on the sly."
toast, “Alabama."
other roads running into Albany.
[ Umbrellas
*'<t cheap.
ami Parasols, beautiful
White Lawns,
tt Idle Swiss.
White Organdies.
While I.luen Laarna.
White Linen Cambric*.
Mee Fancy Groceries
Next Door to Postoff 'e.
At bur, Gr.
I MpSOdawly
ITS— r U- 1 —ga— 1 I
Th# market was steady yesterday, re-
lelpls being light Wo quoto:
lidding J
pw Middling
I Ordinary -
Co noto a decided improvement in
i price of wool eioce last week in the
orgia markets, which, however, is
bt sustained by eastern advices. From
hat wo can learn tbs advanced price
I only paid by home buyers, northern
gen claiming tbat with freer receipts
dees will liavo to recede; Beoeipta
ave keen very small as yet, and 25 to
cents has been readily paid for all
at bas been offered. Wo learn that
ge lots will bo placed on tha market
next week, when the strength of tha
present market will be fairly tested.
IVool offered so far is in much better
ondition than last year's early offer-
hgs. Wo quote standard Georgia
pool, 25 to 26 cents; burry Georgia
t ool, 10 to 18 cents.
Tit a New Yo-k Herald bas come
ont strong for Conkling in tbo fight
tbat is bei » l.ii by hint against the
He is a .-low young man. indeed,
these days, who doesn't know more
about married life than the father i f
fourteen childri n.
. The price of woQl it not a« good rs
it was this time last year, and the
staple is not coming into market ve-y
freely yet. Tho producers are evi
dently holding back far a riao.
—■■■ « » •
Tub oat crop in this section will be
almost an entire failure Ibis season
The February freeze reduced the stand
fully fifty per cent., and the remaining
fifty per cent, has h on ver'o islj in
jured by the drought which has pre
vailed for several week* | a<t.
Hex rrcKED busnands generally—
and thi r n u e is li-ginn in this day and
country—uill deeply sympathise with
the X w York man who has filed hie
p-litiori for div-uce. because his wife
after getting possession of all hts mon
ey. offered him ten cunts to buy laud
num to commit suicide.
Ms. C. S. Haukis, of Arlington—on<
one of the most substantial bn.sine.-e
inen of that flourishing little town, by
tho way—was in' tho city Wydueadny
When W0 asked him the hews from hie
btiiliwiek ho sung tho aaiao old sonp
tbat we hear in Albnny every day—
-Farmer* buying too much Western
corn and bacon."
Tee corn crop of this section has
been cot short by drpugbts for two
years io succession, and now it seems
that this year’s crop will sharo tin-
same disastrous fate. It bas been
about five weeks since we have bad
enough rain to wet the ground in this
vicinity, and corn has stopped growing
and commenced to wilt and die.
Wc desire to return our thanks to
|vhe firemen of the city and to the many
Jnends who came to our assistance
|«vlu>n the lire fiend invaded our hum
ble little home on Tuesday night, and
hereby acknowledge with hearts full
i-i gratitude the receipt of a purse
ollected by our kind neighbor, Mr. F.
ohinan t o be applied to repairing our : jj r
A parlor entertainment, concluding
the exercises for the school year will
bo given by the pnpils of Mrs. A.
Sterne's School, on Wednesday, Jnne
15th. These entertainments are always
well attended and greatly enjoyed by
the friends and patrons of this excellent
school, and the announcement made in
our advertising columns this morning
will be read with real pleasure by
many of our citizens.
The reception dress of Miss Boss
Weslow, who becaino Mrs. Cohn on
Tuesday night, was pronounced by all
who saw it the handsomest thing of the
kind over go'ton up in Albany. It
was mad,- of pale bluo satin, and
trimmed in white silk lscc. On the
front width is a beautiful scroll and
cluster of morning glories, painted by
the artistic hand of Mrs. A. Spencer of
Every button is also richly
.TottS C. LUX ISO AND Sts'. KBS.
Albany. Ga.. May 16, 1881.
Sanndmo is the best thing lever saw
or use about horses.
W. B. Cpavnak.
Tlmberliike A CbapmsnStables. Ma
»n, Ga. _
A Car* from Kira. Jennluao.
'editors News nnd A<ieer(i»ee:
I dcsiie to return thanks to tho bnve
firemen in Albany and to tuy friends
[for their kind sympathy. I understand
hat set cral were cn tbo roof of my
home—IVlix Edwards, Mr. Boyrtoa
r.d Nick Crttger were among tha num-
cr. 1 hoy ran a great risk- while
iratching tho angry flames which threw
ut their fiery tongues to swallow up
py liltls home. The heat was so
cat as to burn up all llui femfftig and
ODsumed the vines within a few feet
my house. Once Mr. Lark said he
bought tho house would go, the heat
tat so great. The iutrepid hook and
dder company soon dt-armed the
rim m mater, and bis prey fell to the
ound, where it we* burning el] night,
ot befoio It had consumed considera
ble fencing and de»troycd my vegeta
ble garden and beautiful Ledge. I
thank u.y friends and tbo bravo fire-
nen for tbeir promp; action; but above
all I thank my heavenly Father for
tin having preserved mo from the
angers uf the night. While others
[bare suffered more I have boon spared.
B > pectfvlly youro
.Mae. J;
Albany. May 19 b.
Saoodino will kilt oil rename
I fSocke
painted, tho design on each one being
different from the others.
Mr. V. A. Cleoo's steam saw mill,
in Lee counly, was totally destroy
ed by fire Tuesday afternoon. The
mill was not running at tho time,
having been stopped to repair a break
in acme part of tho machinery, and tho
fire, which is supposed to have origi
nated from a burning bank of sawdust,
was under good headway before dis
covered. Everything about the mill
was destroyed except about 3.000 foci
cf lumber, which had been piled off to
Itself preparatory to being hauled to
Mr. G. S. Greenwood, of this city.
The total loss is estimated at about
$2,000. upon which there was only 9700
insurance. We learn that Mr. Clegg
will replaco the mill as roon as possi
ble. >
It i* evident that a strong effort is
about to be mide to give the temper
ance cause s boom in Georgia, and it
L* not at all improbable that a prohibi
tion ticket Will he run in our next
Stain election. Xu good citixen will
antagonix- the cause ‘ f tcmpcranco so
|ot-g as it* advocates keep within the
bound* of reason and kindness, but
there i« even such a thing as intern
pe-ato temperance, and the advocate*
of t- mperanee measures will, ff they
are not careful, let their enthusiasm
lead to an open war opou individual-,
or a particular d*4 of m*n, wh«wil\
with th* natural laws of
ita in a way that
wULmsay the least of i% accomplish
Well, the steamboat has bosn nam-1 Sanodine is the cheapest medicine
ed at last. “Xewtos'’ was painted on ! ,Tor
her pilot-house Monday. It is no ' Fire-
longer "the steam boa t,” fallow-citizens, yj, e slarna of fire was sounded about
but will hereaftor bo known a* the io o'clock Tuesday'night, and consid-
-toamer Newton. What rondo the . 9ra ble excitement was caused thereby,
proprietors call it the Xewton, did you 9W j D( to ^ p^t ^ ^ a ^ rm 0 rigina-
*ay ? Well, wo presume they thought j ttd neaf lhe btu j aMt portion of the city
they had given Albany glory and noto , rbe location of the fire proved to be
riety onough by building tho thing—br I leM dang,™,, than was at first appre-
which, of course, wo mean the boat- hended, however, aa it proved to
here, and concluded that it might help | ^ on i y the kitchen of the family reti-
busines* somewhat to administer a lit-. dcnc< , 0 f Mr. John C. Lnning (a corn-
tie taffy to tho boy* at Xewton. Bat 1
it’s all right, anyhow—it will smell just
a* sweet by the name of Xowtnn as if
tlvy had christened it the Rose.
Jo9X Basse* and James Smith,
both colored, were committed to |ii!
by Justice Greer for robbery, Monday
On Saturday last a da-key named
Mack Henderson, who was etl route
from Florida to Washington, Gv, was
tubbed by These two negroes in broad
•Jar light, whilst waiting at the depot _ .
foi tlio Macon triin to depart. Mack . .
very foolishly took out hi* money in
the presence of the two -harpers, and
commenced counting it As soon as the
thievossawit they cvi.l ; ctly resolved
to bn’ e it, and that if fh'-y could not
procure it in ono way th-y would in
another. They fine took out their cards
and tried to got tlieir intooded victim
to bet at three-card monte. Failing in
thi*. ono of them snatched fcU money
wav from him, and the other ftn c
positor in the Krws and Ad’
office) and sisters. The kitchen, to
gether with its' contents, and a fowl
house adjoing it, perished in the flames,
bat onr colored firemen pat in mn early
appearance and kept flames from
spreading farther.
But for the timely eld oi the Hairic
and Ladder Compeny, ably seconded by
Eagle Ho. 2, the residence of Mr. Lut
ing, and .doubtless other buildings in
close proximity, would bare
Say what you pleaaa, gentlemen, the
fire department of tin* city-would be
a ——if it were net for oar two
colored companies. Tha Thronateeekn
make great pretentions, bat tomelhing
or tomeiking else is alwavt the matter
with them when a fire occurs.
Sanodtne cure* scratches on horses',
The Steaasboat—Xwaikar Trial Trip.
After overhauling tbo engines, en-
him a stunning blow, when thoy both ' l.ngng the wheel and re-arranging tin
flod. Finding himself completely out
done by thi* pair of daring trick-ter-.
Mack sought an officer «>f the law,
but before he g"t back to tie
depot they had dhapp-arud. B-in-
left without monor, h-j conjd not
proceed further o-i hi- j.-.u' n-v, sn he
camo up town, and whilst InaU g on tin
•treat* late in tho afternoon t-pied Ids
two min. Hel stno time in -w. ai ii g
■at a warrant lhem.'.-.o.l tiny
were arrested nnd conped jniil Mon-
lav, when they were reui.iiuied to jail
by Ju tico Greer, in L.-fanltof hail, to
a vait Irinl for robbery ut lhe next term
of the Superior Court.
See, tVnmtit, Foalilon and Fun at
Homo and abroad.
Poverty rcvoele aiu, but woe’.ih hidi s
Snuff-takers very seldom Lave herd*
Tomato-red is ono of tbp new
Summer resort hotels havo oponod
for the seasor.
You can never tell bow rich z man is
by his clothes.
Tho new moon ha* two horns, and
then it gets full.
Fancy buttons aro ‘quito tho re go”:
sizes are selected.
Wide collars tro worn by ladies, •
■nissas and children.
Good breeding will alway- show il
self at tho dinner table.
Cbiczgo prop«*v5 to have sewing |
taught in its public schools.
The newest color in cashmere:
dull red called crashed strawberry.
Oliver Wendell Holtoos Itns been
machinery generally of their steamboat.
Messrs. Sutton A Co. started down the
river with it on another trial trip. Mon
day afterno >n. They run on a an- g
it the “Utile Island” just below th
v.-harf, which gavo them some tron
Me, but after getting over that t ier
moved along nicely. Quite a numbet
o' • the boys" went down, exp-cting «
mltvin tlit'Blinbridgo Fair. Th juwrreto
spend mat night aiXewton, and, takin.
•in a Ktrnng'delegation from hat place,
put out f»r Bjinbtidge next morning
Tho boat has not received her inspec
tion papers yet, but Mr. Sutton-bas
been in currespondeno with tho in
spectors at Apalachicola, and hoped to
meet them at Balnbri-lge.
The steamboat which left its wharf
in this city at 8 o’clock Monday after
noon, did Dot reach Xewton until near
noon tho next day. Chan Jones was
nm mg tho passengers, and he reached
home somehow, or somehow due, night
before la«L He had “lots to tell’’ ip
Vno bora about the trip yesterday, but
wa don't propose to run any risks by
q ottng from him. Ho will doubtless
..rite up his trip forthe Telegrah and
Heasinger, but we desire to put the
readers of (hat paper on notice right
now that that fish story of his should
bp read ctimgrano tali*. _ _
Sanodine cures all skin dii
A. B. Wcalow, of this city.
The bridal party entered the ball In
the following order:
Messrs. S. B. Brown an 1' David
Bobinson ushers.
Master Hand Wes.ow, with
Tekla Wcalow.
Master Julius Weslow, with
Emma Weaaoloaky.
Mr. Max Robinson, with Miss Tens
Goltnsky. I
Mr. L Sieve, with Miss Julia Sim-
Mr. Walter Muse and
! ttto Tucker, both of this city,
t:d in merrisge at the residence of the
bride’smothet, atO o'clock Wednesday.
- | night. The ceremony was performed by
’ . she Rev. H. B. Felder, of Hawkinsville
a former pastor of the Methodist church
at Ilarvcrd for thirtv foar j * n ^V'
y etrs _ 1 It had been whispered around among
Stockings with lac* top* the satrv! t * 10 fv> e »ls °f *i>® parties that they
color at tho drest are a fashionable * cn *<" *>*• time past but
fal)Cy , they evidently desired to be married as
Second wive.* uaur.'ly ! aro to listen i 9 n ‘ ,:t 'y * s possible, and invited only a
to tales of the floe qualities of the first | fr!6nd * *» ***** * cit
Thero are row about isitxy' thonsand
miles of telephone wire in the United
One hundred and one people died
from starvation in Loudon during) the
year 18S0.
The fashionable veil for widows and
first mourniog is dill ol hemmed Eng
lish crape.
It is estimated that sixty thousand
Americans will spend tho comity
summer in Europe.
Xino billions of pins were sold last
year. Think of the pin money the poor
men have squandered.
Preparations for ‘‘going somewhere to
spend tho summer" on tho part of our
citixen* are going on bravely. •
To enjoy fishing it is not necessary
to catch U*h. Ju*t as big tics can be
conjured up from nothing as can be
based on a two-inch trout.
Six young ladies, "dressed in black,
acted as pall-bearers at the funeral of
Mis* Callio Wagoner jn Middletown,
Ohio, on last Wednesday afternoon.
A complimentary falsehood is fre
quently more soothing to our fueling*
than the most honestly and candidly
spoken words that went ever uttered.
It is said tbat ground black pepper
sprinkled on cucumber plants wilt; ro-
vent tho bag* Iron* desbovi >g ti.ern.
Aa tha experiment will n*t coat much,
try It
■ Very long-waisted drovo* are in
fashion, and corse!! are made with a
view to effacing the hips an 1 elevating
tbo bust, recalling tho Lcu'ts V.
sages. • .
Mrs. Aggie Jones was the only
tile lady at the Cohn-Wcslotr wc<
reception on Tuesday right,
quite e favorite among all aocis
Mr. Muse is considered one of the
model young men of 'Albany, and his
bride be’ongs to one of the oldest and
mest respected families of the place.
Their union is pronounced a “good
match" ^by mil who- kaow them, and"
they have tho best’ wishes of a wide
circle of friends for their future happi
ness. ■. i
Sanodine cures saddle and harness
gallA _ ———- . •
r Condition of the Crop*.
Editort News and Advertiser
A recent trip into kissitsippi gave
ma in opportunity of learning the con
dition of the crops in a part of tbat
stato, Alabama and Georgia.
In the “black belt” of Alabama oats
look well though but a small area
seem* to have been planted. Cotton
and corn from here to Eufaula are back
ward, bat in fine condition. From
Eufaula across Alabama you can hard
ly see tbo cotton for the grass. Too
much ram-. In Alabama and Miamstdp-
pi there seems to bo an onnsually
large corn crop planted, and the com is
looking well. * IL
Whroyou hare an infinite eye, a
swelled band,or decayed and. aching
tooth, you do not take nnd fill your
-tomach u ith drug* to to tho |«rt*.
So if y ,11 have a weak or lam*
-ore kuln< y>. profit*? or scanty
Or the aocr* tary system is dogged
inactive, yon should n-e Profl Gail
’s &nuh Kidney Pad. which is a
local application wuidi always
y re.ief and always cores the
A k your druggist for it.
.• C-t
Mr. Morris Wassvloaky, with MUs
Zellie Zuckcr.
Mr. A. C. Ploasky, with Miss Boss
Mr. A. Cohn (tho groom) with Mrs.
A. B. Weslow.
Mr. A. B. Weslow, with Hlsi Bom
Weilow, the bride.
The bride, who is a decided favorite
with the yonng people of this city, wu
elegantly attired in • dress of whits
satin and brocade, trimmed in lace and
orange blossoms, and the groom wu
dressed befitting the occasion.
The hall was gorgeously yet most
tastily decorated, and tha marriage
canopy was a thing of real bunly. Sus
pended in the centre of this elegant
structure of tarlatan and flowers was
the rich and fragrant marriage bell,
and, beneath this, surrounded by the
attendants, and face to faea with the
Rabbi, stood the bride aud groom. An
eloquent and lmpresi<ve lecture was
delivered by Babbi Charles Wesso-
lowsky, uncle of tho bride, after
which tho beautiful Jfwi-h marriage
ceremony Tii pcrfunae.l, which united
them “for better or for worae." when
the briilc and groom, followed by the
attendant*, »luw!y marched from the
hall into the reception room. Happy
and appropriate congratulations fol
lowed, and they were many and hearty.
After the many friend* of the happy
eooplc had tendered their congratula
tions, the aompaoy returned to the
mein hall, which, by this time, had
been converted into a ball room. The
nusic struck up, and soon thirty or
brty couplet were gracefully moving
n accord with ita inspiring strain* in
the giddy dance.
The presents which were displayed at
he re»idenrc of the bride's parents,were
umuroiiy, embracing nearly avsry fash-
•nable article of tilverwfte that eould
be mentioned, and many of them
■eing very coatly. Presents were not
■nly received from tho friends of the
■ri.tu at borne, but many came from
bread, and, when consolidated, would
have made a creditable display for any
ewclry mid ailverwara establishment
in the country to havo in-do at a fair
irany of tho popular exhibitions of the
Tho supper was served by the pop
tier caterers of onr city, Mr. and Mrs.
G. Bogen. and tho ntctiu embraced
everything that was choice and dainty,
as well a* substantial. In the centre
of tho tabler stood the bride's cakea,
elaborately and richly ornamented.
Wine flowed freely at tho sapper
table, and pleasant repartee ana the
order of the hour. Savers! speeches
which bad been prepared for the rces
sion were delivered, and a few of tha
attendants were called npon unawares
and forced to respond. Among the
best and moat appropriate speechu of
tits occasion were delivered by Matters
Julius aoddol Weslow, Junior broth
ers of the bride. Some thirty or forty
telegrams of congntolation were re
ceived by the happy couple daring
the evening, and were read and hearti
ly applauded at the supper table.
After the banquet the dance wu re
sumed, which continued until nearly
daylight Tuesday morning.
Taken altogether, this has bean one
of the most s yltih and enjoyable social
events witnessed in Albany for many
Mr. A. Cohn, ihe happy groom, in a
prosperous merchant in Waco, Texas,
and he loaves lor hts horn* in that city
on the noon train to-day. Tha entire
bridal party accompanied the bride
and groom as far aa Smithvill*.
The Xawa and Auveitisx* extends
its sincercst congratulations, and hopes
that tha way through life of tho newly
married couple may alway* bo pleas-
sot, and that no shadow may cron their
path as they journey through the
pathway cf real life.
President Davis's Book.
“H. W. O," who is now in Xow
York, after stating that be had visited
the publishing house Of the Appletons,
writes as follows to the Constitution
of Friday:'
President Davis’s book “The Biss
and Fall of tbo Confederate
Government,” 1* all in shape,
and is positively announced for
this month. It U likaly that it will be
out about the 12th of Mar, that being
da and take oot a copyright that will
give him iotcroitioDiI
mand for thu work hat been anproce-
dented in book printing and the agents
everywhere report heavy sale* already.
The'first edition will bo 125,000 copies,
ont of which Mr. Davis will reoeivo a
perfectly independent fortune- The
cheapest style of the book is ton dol
lars and the highest is twenty dollars,
for the two volumes The silo is not
the Sooth, but comes from
all quarters. An Engli-h edition will be
issued simultaneously with the Amer
ican. The book l* said to be a noble
anil statesmanlike defenso of a cause
thzt was right, though tir.sncccs»ful.
H. W. G.
The Coffee County Gazette has don
ned a patent outside.
Crops look promising. But little
cotton is planted, the farmers having
turned their attention almost exclusive
ly to corn and rice.
The health of the county, we learr,
is excellent, and the M. D's. are not
Trade at Pearson his been dnll for
some lime, though improving a little,
cn account of the wool coming in.
Thfc. mill end turpentine business 1* I
in fall blast. Turpentine Is running
freely and turning out an axccllsm
quality of spirits.
Cattle aro looking fat and sleek, and
the farmers are baring a real nice time
in the milk and butter business.
Jim Henderson, at Ocilla, it uid- to
be leading the van in tbo mercantile
business in the county, though Walter
and John Fletcher are doing a big basl-
—The number
[ Info Albany on £
| plies, as counted b
1 ADVEtmsm, offers
■ry upon onr agrfc
Since wo havo live
ret thi* ]
Klin, going
v alter anp-
Xews and
il continent
al economy,
cd here we have
at corn shipped
ut this vi «r uni' h
tier of sick lie:idaelic
i and neuralgia width ha I made her mii-
! erable for fourteen years. At the first
j attack thereafter. It waa administered
j to her with eui h good results that she
; continued iu u*e until cured, and made
eo enthosian c in its praise, tn«c ®he in-
duejd twenty-two of tho bwt families
in her circle to sdopt it 119 their ivsru-
lar family tnetl idne. That 1
i Hop blue
’v.u.;'’ is
brought. The
iLe rase, It Is uid, in 11
counties of the up-counttt
and Barlow, for instance-
leu rain conies soon, corn
brought here next vear at
same !►
■, Cobl.
Aud un-
will be
all), foi
e 1
the oat crop is a very short one
The hard time* upon the fanners 1- I Sens:
not the result of laalnesa. Out I d»y
farmers arc generally indu-triou-, ,ore -'
work hard, and look after the r bu*- ■
ocas closely. . The trouble, Io ,»
great extent, 1* in the system of In- I January. 1
The newt this weak)* slim. Th*
boys Intend w* shall know but
little. They are afraid ws might write
it up. Crops are flue, the gran sub
dued Th* health of the oounty is good.
The farmer* tro happy and shearing
This county is filling np with slot
and nearly every planter la turning his
attmition to raising cotton. Thera bu
liecn more cotton planted this seat
than in tho past three years. The con
sequence is, we fear, some of their
smoke-houses will bo movsd to th* (hr
SjotantN cotnrrr-
The oat crop 1* being damaged by
th* dry weather and other crop* are
Th* festival mosquito is presenting
hi* bill. Bars and. night sweats will
soon follow.
There is a good deal ol sickness at
this time, caused mostly from
Th* terpentine basin*
The warm weather is causing it to run
iraoly, and keeping tho stills to their
utmost capacity to eon vert it from its
erode state as fast as It flows.
Last Saturday was a hot day, but not
too hot to keep soma of the boys from
indulging pretty freely in tangle
Trad* la becoming more lively in
onr village. Wool Is comingln briskly,
but onr merchants sum a little reluc
tant about buying. It saoma they are
not fully settled on th* price.
About this time, a mechanic can’t
find work enough lu this burg to buy
his tobacco, much leu pay for an’lad.’’
in his oounty paper.
Tbo uwingon catgut, pioking tbo
banjo and blowing a tin horn, is a fa-
vorile amu-omunt indulged in by some
of the boys at night. The noise aoands
very well if it didn’t last so long. A
fellow wants to get to sleep some time.
Wo hops, era long, they will be able to
pnrchaM a brass hand, than they can
blow their brains out If they want
Whitewashing bas become epidemic
In this burg. Everything started Let*
come* by spells, and seem* contagious.
Let some fellow oommet oe to build a
house, and a doien others are going to
send immediately after lumber and
have him a house built too. But th*
lumber does not arrive, th* horns Is
completed, and avsry sign of improve-
nt relapses into its ordinary qui
Will Walkor Is said to bs the
champion former within a radius of miles of Alapahs, but Tom
ftnlk, If ht ever gets out of th* grass,
is going to ihov* him clostly.
Josa Balls.
A Totutla Sohooluastar.]
Labor savins.
tiC'-siO .< . W5
The demand of the people for an
easier method of preparing Kldnev-
Worr has induced the proprietors, the
„ j,. - well-known wholesale drusgisa, Wells, I
»^4W..or B'lr.nijtton.Tt,
to prepare 1: tor sale In liquid form aa me a great deal
ell as in dry form. It saves all the
labor of preparing, and as it Is eqnally
efficient it is preferred by many per
son*. Kidney-Wort always and every-
wherj i roves :ts:if a perfect remedy.
■The old man approached th* new
schoolmaster with a bulldog glare in
the eye. “Yon got after my boy yes
terday because he left a hornet gluod
to your chair?* "You licked him so
he thought the world wu coming to an
end?’’ “That was the impression I
intended to convey to him.” “I’m his
father; and I’ve com* to let yon know
what I think of your proceedings.’’
Then they clinched. Hair and blood
flew to thwair, likewise dost and frag
ments of garments. Then it quieted
down a little, end th* old man implor
ed him to let him up, slop choking and
take hit toeth from that ear. “What
do you think abont my warming your
boy?" asked the teacher. “I think you
did just right, and when I go borne
I'll give him a tanning that’ll teach
him to come to me with bis complaints,
and stories that the schoolmaster can’t
fight." They parted, and tho school
master murmured, “I did right to
tseklo the son of the worst fighting
mtn In the district first Kone of the
others will pester me.”
We’d like for that teacher to some
down and open school in Albany.
Death ofBav, John P. Duncan.
Sntstv BipabUouis
On Sunday last Bar. Walker Lewis,
of the Methodist church, anrounced
tho death of Rev. John P. Duncan, who
departed this life in Union Springs,
Ala-, on Friday night last. ' Mr. Dan-
can was well known ic this community,
haring lived and married hare some
tirno during the 1st* war. He waa a
minister of the Gospel; sn earnest and
devout man, eloquent in prayer, and
fall of Christian loTe lor his fellow
man. For some yean he haa been
blind and be bu traveled mneb and
lectured In the cause of religion. His
remains were brought to this city on
Sunday last and interred in Oak Grove
Tha latest man who bas bean mode
happy through the use of this valuable
liniment la Mr. James A. Conlan, Li
brarian of tbe Union Catholic Library
of this city. Tbe following Is Mr.
Conlau’s indorsement:
Uxtosr Catbouc Lwabt Ase'N, )
SOJ Dearborn otrxxt, [•
Chicago, Sept- 16, 1880. )
I wish to add my testimony u to th*
merits of St. Jacob* Oil a* a cure for
rheumatism. One bottle has cured ma
of this troublesome disease, which gave
of bother for a Tong
time; but thauks to the remedy t am
cured. This statement Is unsolicited
by any otic In lu Interest-—
Wutern CmiAolie
CtUNL«» A. Coxl i N, librarian.
. ■ I,. JBI
bor. Wherever hands aro hired |
Tor wages, and the employer stay-
in Ihe field an Atccs to it that be get-
labor for hi* money, corn la made;
But negro teuants, and cropper*,
alto, when left to themselves, as is
done so much now, fail to make
corn. Cotton suit* them, It will
wait on their motions. Sometlmrs
grassy cotton worked out late just
bits. But corn will nut wait. It
requires rapid culture and' quick
time and good Judgmeut.
Many of our fanners era brought
into debt by not having the moral
courage to uy ’ Xo” when called
upon for so many advances other
than are actuallr necessary for
making tbe crop. Mr. Editor, you
would oe astonished at the call for
to many Sunday things. It is Sun
day shoes, Sundby breeches, Sun
day—everything. And thus the ac
count grows larger than the labor
er’s portion of the crop comes to.
And tl)e farmer, the employer,
loses tt|
—Mr. Ed Haile has gone to the
Indian Springs. Mr. Wright bas
taken a trip to Macon and Atlanta,
and will be absent some ten day*.
—Mr, Joe Butler, of this place,
and Mias StJJie Lang, of Valdosta,
were married on tbo 11th. We
don’t blame Mr. Joe, for we caught
e glimpse of the bride while ont
riding a few evenings since, and tbe
reason of bis frequent trips down
the railroad was explained- Some
others will be going down the road.
—We wanted to get to Bain-
bridge, bnt could not. We wanted
our honorable bachelor lawyer to
go. lie claims to be woman-proof.
But like Roscoe Conkling, he would
come down from hie high pedestal
and band in his paper*. Isn’t It so,
O. O.G.?
—Mr*. Morris and Miss Sallle
Brown have left the Hunt House
for tbeir home In Atlanta. Mrs.
Morris was Improved by her winter
stay, and tv ill return next fall.
—Tbe work of brick making is
progressing. Tho excavations of
cellar* is now being done and the
dirt emptied ou the street*. '
—We know a pretty young lady
who goes to school, and In the eve-
niitge after school hours takes her
hoo and hoes cotton um'l dark. Site
la worth her weight in gold; not that
the amount of work done in tbe c
ton patch Is to valuable, but a spirit
to be in dependent. Wc a ill tell her
nam* to some ’ ettng man who like-
wise la not afraid to work, bnt In
no drone ask us. Wo will not intro-
dace him.
terra oy some Stitt ;$<r ai
statutes do not give the
r tv fill the expiration
<A except on the -*«■
aft t the meetinr of t
’ The statate.ccrL'iii
and it is interpreted t
the accrcASors of the tiro 9
“ I »-ot he appointed until the
“1. A Pdst
it i* hc-
i that tho
I mean-
i Slnt-s
b th jt
i that
• v of
word cones th'* morning fro
enuntie: that public meeting, have been
called to sustain the Pre-ident
In Jens. o» Sabbath
even In-, thi -lb of X* , d -ar lltt’e
T\R\EE. sere ml ion ot B)cb<n|
Anal* Hobbs, la ih* Dearth year ot h e s to.
l“Wto aa it; he Is no: dead, hat akepeth.”-
“Asleen la Jesu« I 3 cj«rd flee-1
Flora wh re »• aeavarwsl a -o weep.
Astsrp a Joses I paa-tal r sat
Wh •• w«ktx*l-snpr<" el'.l4*t“
God gava him for a tsu wU», togladdenth*
h-srts ot parent, and of Mends: a K*> a*o-,
t, brighten thstr pathway (hr agh life; s
loveliness ot this pore an t
the value of this lramo-ul
to the r ra e; estfelisu
onr loving Heavenly Fatfeor took
igbt home lu glory,
sha.lhnoffcr mbt n:orc. neither
thirst aay more, neither shall the sun light
nor aay hast; for tha Lamb, which Is
to tha midst of tha throne, shall fee l them,
and ah ill lead them octo living fountains ot
God shall wipe away all tsars
from their eyes.
“Florn adverse Vasts and lowering storms,
HU favored rout He b re,
A ^T^l. 0o dSr£ , SS^ io,0r “
“Che Lord gave, and tho Lord hath taken
away; blessed bo tho name of t e Lord."
“We sorrow not. era as others, which have
obope; tor aa Jeans clod and rose again,
roa them also which steep in Jams will God
ortog with Him." Tee,
"In the eweet by-an l-by
We shall meet on that bean’lfn I shore."
A Faiaxn.
Bachu Hu Look
been used by the Hntentots in a varic-
3 B of diseases. ^ From these rode prsc-
tioners the remedy was borrowed by
Ibe resident English and Dctch physi
cians, by whose recommendation it was
employed in Earope, and has since
come into general use. Combined with
Juniper end other desirable ingredients
u in Lie preparation of Banking Com
pound Fluid Extract of Buchu and
Juniper, it proves a most reliable reme
dy for Xonretention or Incontinence of
Urine. Irritation, Iaflamation or Ulcer
ation of the Blsder and Kidneys.
Stone in the Bladder, Gravel or Brick
Dust Deposit. Milky Discharges and all
diseases of Bladder or Kidneys and
Dropsical Swelling in man, woman or
Prepared only by Hunt, Baskin &
Lamar, Atlanta Ga^ and sold by all
druggist. apr&mstu&sat
Auocsta. Ga-, Aug. U, 1880.
Mr. San l Sm.PABD :
Dear Sir—Permit mo to thank you
for ftdfUiaK me to uke HILL’S HEP
ATIC PANACEA. I took it as
▼ou uirocted, and was entirdly relieved
from a severe be&d&cbe and general dt-
l>r«8«ion, that caused me to fear a spell
of sickness. It is a good medicine.
Re*i pctfully
Fba5E Arnold.
Troprlotor Arn«»Id’a Giobo Hotel.
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
Gout. Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear end Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
No Rrasmttoa ea saith eqaals Sa Jamas On.
B0UUnOTMo Jf*o JJeBnAm
Good Seasons for the Doctor’s Faith.
MosTBOBgOA., March 93 880.
innf **
We have fortfevlre inwitlH Wu pwcniiing
> 'jphi ItlcSperJflc'JlD tbe tmutm^nto.
Syphilis and many other diecjn tor «hl"b ft t»
roCa'iMueiiiicd. nnd ih# result* huff* brrn mo#
ntUfiwtory, not hiving buen d!i»i poluUNi iq a
•testa te lance. We thlhk, to til al*4*ea U It
r»common*, d to euro it «and* without « peer -
nnd that ail the medic ti pro Ire*! .a will. *x>ti«r at
later, b# far-ei to ackonw|«fgo it te thi tmtaeat
of syphilis as a sine put non,
• UUAttOWhT.M, Da
J. T. boazjijojr, M. U.
Atlanta, •.A* May lA I 78.
One of oer workmen had a b#d cm oi
SjphUIf, of Aw year** •turfing. wua
•cUmly hr ^w|f^ aj pl.lUun -fweiflk.-
W.M. K.AT.W. UinVK.w.
ton, Atlanta, lia.
Sold by aim
CAR tar* cop# af :T«~ik Vw'i Fr .tv! •
Letters of Dismission.
GEORGIA—Bakes Gjunit.
•pHK reUiion of Gsir.v D Cea-b.ajmtolatre-
1 t.rof ibe rsute <rf J,«m Xlv
cessed, .sh)««£o to .sue ku fell* at niuttured
.poo t«esatd astav.aai aprosi w lever, of
dumt ilon from hr couta. raUU there to
nouf/ ait yantee letrrsSM io raaed a poarot
too i Oort of Ordtotrr on ihe Ira Jf.,«Uy U
aert toherantte show e>ue,l( enyih-y bvv*.
way U.V peyerof toe pvlUieeer shoal* - at be
■ • iven nadtr ray hood eOcUlly ibis May Uh.
Mtt Jvs. P ■ntimvv.Y.
AJbany Markets.
I segue
■Reel, CMt In baro, Vlh—to 8R
atcel nlow elnhe . .. T
Ouuuuua ARD paobccE.
uaoon-oear sides, O sk«10
aheelilers J. SH t
ter salt clear rtb e <i
Dry vait shoulders .•
RuttcJ—Goshen, ji a
USE. All AiOUS. WS 1
•7tipCJ UDO. • • ,,... ••*•••., a
Flee—Mackerel to bide......:..,
'WM 0 ::::
j ’.It 14
)•*.. ............... ,5
. . tt a.'.'.'.'.'.''.V.V.V.V.Vli m
Java.... • ••• •••■•mum*
own meal, VtrnsMI —,
•Airn louse so
i into, V peek ....._ U
. s
CannedIrult,all kinds,^dos.... 1 » ^ 00
“ Hi 8 80 6) 9 00
7 00 d)
T 00 58 OS
8 00 glu 00
^•huheu':.;:... —“ -t« 60
rutxl OKtA ............... . "*
Unions, ft bushel ........ 4 CO
Potatoes, Irish, ft barrel 4 00
Caa, Young U>>en, fi C> SO
Imperial Idt.:“ ; 86
Gunpowder t«a 76
English breakfast
ia!t, Liverjtool, sack 1 80
Tobacco, all grades, fi tt 16
WbUkey, beat rcctidcd, fi gallon..
Corn whtaltsy 1 60
Choice brand shiitey 1 76
Emilh’dlloll.-nd eaapp# 1 76
Smith'* Arommticaioiaacb Bit.. S 00
Bum. best qualities.
Gin, beet qualities..
Kyeacd bourbon 1 76
Sherry wiue, •uperior 1 76
Port wine, Urat quni.ty
Brand ic*, ft gallon 3 00
dice,’ft lb....... * «
Sugar—crushed, fl !b
Granulated. 13,.
White clMTtd«4
\toJiowclarlfled 10
Loubiana 10
Tallow T a
Bottcr 30 (JS6
36 lu
• J.*e 1 CO® 1 »
Kloorug, dr>, V tUouMnd
Flooring, dry and m«tchod,
dough lumbar, ^ thousand
shingle*, all heart, r Uwu*
leatIIer and fif i>'
Hide*, dry hxa:
l>#» titer, white oahsoie,^ 13....
GOO-1 Livru.v-k
GwJ dam#gud hemlock.
Side upi*cr
Lejcntrj CJlil
T .. .. _ — , , ilarn’.-ae Leather
Ladles, if you are suffering from Wuui skins,
weak back, nerveu-neis. leucorrhtoa | Jbeiu'";"-'
or In fact any dteenae of ihe kidneys, | tS5iu«F«^kti!t'"::
bUaat*r or ur:uarv organa. Prof. Gull- oEEDd.
mette’a French Sidney Paii will cur® : S€er | R yc.. j “-cd Witaat
you, For sale by all druggist*. ! MHkw cotton eu a;
hi if prica.
46 (9
26 (£30
7</ far*
®4 0l
.*3 n