The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, October 08, 1881, Image 1

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THE WEEKLY AND ■Ssa , i \ * 4r f_* ivgg r 4 ALBAXr SKWa,—tablUbid IMS, . 7 • ••* ALilAXg 40VXitriaXU,oatabllabadt*rr, (C*aaeUdatedS*pt.«,UIS. A Family and Political Journal Devot.kd to the Interests of Southwest GeobgIa. :~r-— Volume 2. ALBANY. GA.. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1881. Number 4. e’vofcsstonal Cards. William £. Smith, attorney at Law, ALBANY, OA. , .Fries: In Irani «f tha Caait fl»». up ' / .lain, o*ar T.iegruph Ofica. JahMr WoaDrt if Blaino will not take a good, long, real? The country 1 willing. Ann now John Kelly cornea to thv front with tho modest demand that Arthur share off his Britiah whiskers. c.j wrjoht. it*. rutt WRIGHT «C POPE, Attorneys at X*afar, ALSANY, OA. u> i tcX-Onr a IIajar 4 Glaabaria "Sue*, oor- urr Braud sad WiiMuel.o Mu. i«. at, mso-diwwir * . T. JOSES, JESSE W. WALTERS. J0HE8 ft WALTERS, attorneys at ALBANY. OA. vdk* «*«r Centra' Hail rood Bank. *ulHf J . A. vasov. a. n. ALrRlKND I out •*' lections. IA SOX dt A. LFRIE XD The trials of the last three months are said to hare aged Ur. Arthur eery much. If he can’t staui a little racket any better than that he is to be pitied, for his worst ordeal lisa yet to ooma. Giust has sent out the prediction that Arthur will make a good Presi din’. ilia prediction is doubtiees bas ed upon his own intentioos to 7 show him how to do it. Sr the The Legislature which adjourned last week did a great deal more work than the public generally seem disposed to giro it credit for. The winter* session lasted fropt November 3d to December 4th, and then adjourned to meet on July 6th. The winter session passed 46 bills and resolutions, and the recent ses sion met on the6tb of July, and to the 27th or September passed nearly 500 bills and resolutions. The fol lowing is the list of of the acts passed from Jo46 tolOL We shall coutin ue tbs publication of the lift until it is conplcted: To allow the trustees of the Re formed medical college to remove *,ws *• » Quirt Sun Say In th. jgw ir-t-a Mice of C;.id for Me *».- trs. mri reen BLBBtra. at a. a. t. Xt» YottS I Ict-li. r 2 -■ r Arthur p*—»«t •. , did nit go to ih-r.h. s,ul were few tsllw, ct.tu prerioua days, A nutntra-r ,hT fice-seekers were turur t •»-»-. f —'•Yer# onr notes this week to Idro' C " u, f •**> with oar feelings there . tin | a "Rid W -a shadow- of gloom cast tt-Kto • over them. Wl are antleriug from same nervous or neuralgic derange- ot th* heart, which bring* tf:W • »■*- * (ID Mitchell County Department CALLATAV, EMIOB Camilla, Go., detober SO. 1881. his door. Ju»t before four ..'c;. < s j gloom mingled with sad feelings; In the afternoon he went out <t - ' sod w* rare cau-eJ, like the poet, to drive with hl» -aw |oni«. Mr. i Knevala. People on the way to mi- : — :— . - . - . .. .. teruoon service slopped i„ - look * ► = Snug th»ts harp UsItwwJ Attorneys at Law, ALBANY, OA. .\cUv« an«t prompt sttsntioo fives to col- *ctloo» mtlsll mural bciiooM, Practice; .o all the courts. nflieo ov*r Souths n Kspreat office, oupo- eHe Court ilouss. laofl-<ltf ■ Th* exchanges throughout the State | xia filled with memorial serricea. The _ ! funeral dajr waa most generally obaerr- j It from Max>n to Atlanta. I*' Tru, f h r°7 ,r ' , r n P* tb 7 ' ai ' t S.^rio^oVrt^ , f^a 0 ren°. Uountv e sp.Mjt of tbo Southern people hsre beat | _j„ >n ,horize the Mayor and | dcap and g nuinc. pervading through- Council of Butler to levy a tax for j school purposes. r To require Ordinaries and other Uasokess UaLSNOEK, though South- j persons in charge of tho public ern born and bred, had Northern par- | finance to furnish dockets to Jus- urns. The Chattanooga Times says it : |I ‘2* ot ll, ePe*ee. , _ , .. „„ . .. . i .. . To repeal an act creating a Board is tho “Yankee" portion in berthat | of f Jom^le.loncre for Baker Conn- turns to account her position and the j ty. great wealth of her husband in bone- To provldo for sales by virtue of fitting the land she loves. | * process from the county courts. stoiiprd If* 1 ? ► : ha eutered the landau, and dmax-M ... considerable crowd gathered. A- : =—»»~l>«afo«fok» f i- the carriage started off smalj boy. { —Ror. Daniel Brewer, Universal- ran after it, but the horses were ! ist, prfioh<d at theCoort House in whipiwd up and ^ooo left - th. < .V^hi iile hut Sunday at II o’clock, you iigater* behind. Tl*e drive , . . ..» wl through Central Park, and die re- j “ 1 “ OI * hL The congregation mm was made to the house before : small in the■ day, but at night 5 o’clock. the house was Marly Ailed. Of U . dy . " f «*“ cjorae, this is something new here. President st.piied up tu him amt , _ _ *, . congratulated him on his aree-aird. • ««*» *“■? «o aatUfy a mete to the Presidency. a- replied ! cur’odiy. The speaker U a man of Quietly : “The office has r»me tu ns. ! veev limited inielllgencr, though he iii such a sad wav -hat grief sad handled hi. “.ngar stick' pretty we'l: “As in Adutn all die, so in Christ shall we ho made alive." lie covered an era from the creation of James Callaway. Attorney at Law CAMILLA. QA. feb'iS W. A. FORT, mum ui mm, ALAPAHA. OA.. * I U.NUKtH bla pruft-Btltoa! sen 1cm to lbs peo- I id''’ uf Herr cs s»-d fij ’IfaibR ©••uoUpb. pNP* Iptiltrlw Nlon< »hr !m** of tin* I* A » Hal f »d. f.'rrirt t-n har.-l » full llonot Ksmilff acd r»*«n* l('llclc<4. 1‘bysicUns' prcac:liitlnn« j r -mi4:y I'lltl. J’lifiHmly itelTslra It&xs'Msrs, Albany, /\FrirB-OVF.B Vs#i' IOFFICE. WAMtlKO V' TO * a I KKbT. JiO'Wlydl Trowbrldgo & Ilollinshed DENTISTS, WAYCltOSS, .... GEOHGIA. oxtm<'.UMl \ri .if»ut pain. All \rork j rriinUvI. Turin* inodornL*. Will «o wiy- isoru "u U. ft sV. nutl 9. l r . ft NV. ItrfllrondA. “Tbs wreath of >hu Quoin of En gland,” aaya ex-Judge tachrane, of Georgia, “placed un the remains of Qeneral Garfield, will be fragrant In' tha history of the future, and maker sweeter the courtesies between tin two greatest nations on tha earth.” 1st the beginning of tho lata war, when the government was somewhat slow in accepting the serricea of the volunteer., Dun l’ialt sent tho follow ing telegram tu Senator Cameron : “It you don't accept my company of cav alry III turn it into a circus and leave | you in the odd.” I Tiib diltcreiii d> partmeuis and tbs 1 White II iu*u are preparing mourning - - Oeo-’gia ! P 'i K ’ r and envi-l"pi-s for official busi- * ue-s. 'I I10 official precedent is that sis To appeal the nets creating a Board of Commissioners for Milton county. To repeal an act creating county court for Habersham county. To amend an act creating a Board of Commissioners for Mitc-hcll county J o amend an act cuabliug pur- cha-et a of railroads to form cori>o sympathy seem more appropriate than congratulation-.' During tic aiKence of the Pmahlrnt there were numerous calli-n,. General tiraxi and General L •gan came together In a haroiM-lie. Other, were John C. New, Attorney-General Me. Veagh ami the Minister to Mexico. The Po-.hlent may go to Washing ton before Ttu -tiny. He went to bed e«rlv. tHTHl'B’S BUEMBA. Without an Orator la the National t onaroos to Ew-.w Bla ranoa. New York, O.-.uucr 2 —Senator Lipliuiu as-iiiues to t>o very angry enu-ui a o. rauroous .o tor.u o-rpo , |, n U ign V. now^V 0 CXCm ’ <: COrp ° ra,L ' -est slid aJud^hip, such psp-r aliall be used fur months. 1 Its’, used after the assassins- J |)nkcr county to provide for pav- powera. To define the righta an t powers of purchasers of railroad.. To amend tho net incorporating •he Gainesville, Jtfler-on and South ern railroad. To fix tho cnniponsniion of the Solicitor or County Court .of U eh inoutl county. To atnrnd an act providing a Board of Comml-aionera fur Cobb county. To compensate tho Solicitor of the Western Circuit fur Service* in the Comity Court of Clarke. To authorize iho C-duniN’inner- W.A. STE0TH2R, M.D. ALBANY, GCOKGIA. Oiiics over Billiert’s Bron Store d 'i orlara l«tt at tho l»rug Ptoro will r*c*l?r Ynmit* t»n|li»n.jaw 7«ly Dr. D. W. AIoFRlDIv D. hMPKOrKULLV ktru lcr* hU »mrtices, In tb« “ * * Um CK i« fi*(» ii Sr«och*a *»• hi* prpfwloa, to tibiny AQ«! sarruunillnh'fow&Uj’. itia«o Oft fi|ip<r>IU »rt tliMiv*, uu.PloeatrooL HOTELS. lion of Lincoln has been taken ns a -ample. The etiquotta prevailing nl t ie deaths of other President's in of fice will be aiopted upon this occasion I »- ns con-istcncy will allow. | f.uvKKAt. Itepublinin Senators elaiui that tha Uepublicaiis in Ihv If lilted States Svnmo can provent ill Dcimicrnts from olcctingn President pio tem by refuting to voto. There are but thirty-eight D 'hKcratlc Sena tor-, including David Davis, where*- it takes thirty-one, or more than hslf the body, to eon-iitute u -t)tlorutn. It is not probable that n majority of th« Rapublicatt Senators can ba induced j to retort to such revolutionary tac tics. SMITH villi:. 04. Ji the place to stop and get a GOOD ! ... .... ti'jL'A ItE MEAL. was dead at the Jail | until an officiul dental was had at -— -I A Wasuixoton special of Saturday THE JOHNSON HOUSE-! slates that tome one stirted a story that i morning to the effect that the assassin Quiteau had taken cold poison and Fora little vrhli- r«.- THE ALBANY HOUSE! ; lien Head-quarters, thorn was consid- ! erablc excitement. It is f ared Ouit- Jlet-i-icU Itariie#,Proprietor j eau'a biother-in-lavc, who wHlconduiT | tbo <lcfeu<r t tniy il**oiur to to the ju jSllbtlQy, G > 60rglfi« lixdicdonof the courts of this district ! oit-r tho c*«e, and if OTerrolod appeal T h ‘; " «Tp.v^^7o^ i '<• -»** Stitvs Supreme Court. .»itiou ot the irovt’liug public. Entire sat- j If there ia no bitch in tho queestiou ol ‘••action i/iiiii>mteed. Tho table | jurUdiotlon. ho will be hpeedily indict* til t«d with the In-Hi the country anon)*, . . . . ,, ind tbs seruuitHare imanrpnsied in po-1 *«*• co ''' 'fsentenced nnd huug. •lU-ni-— sud attention to tho wants of; t..,. i. ... in , n «..| nn ,, •unatSL Omnibuses convey passengers to j 1 n*RX is an impression that Jews n I from the difiervrt railroads prompt-; rarely or never follow mechanical y, f.-vo of charge. Charges to so^Jtb" i pur-nil- or engage in manual labor. The arrival in New York of the tuir the debitorruhl county. To excm|it from Jury "duty all practicing demists. To create and organize Ihu North eastern Judicial circuit. To regulato manner of Sorting out ooiitrucis to build bridges over wa- 'er courses dividing comities. To clutnga thu lime of holding 'h i Superior Court in Bluo Ridge Circuit sons to allow Lumpkin conn* ly two wreks nl each term. To amend the charter of Griffin so ns to authorize thu Mayor nnd Coun cil to pstnullsh public schools. To repeal, an net organizing a County Court for Randolph coun ty. — To allow certain pupils ns day month scholar* at the deaf and dumb asy lum. To prohibit the a ile of whisky in ihe 714ib district in Carroll county. To amend tho act of February, , or a Forelirii Mis-ion, or eveu j n Cabinet pi ice, in order that the Governor may appoint Conkiing a- Se-ntor In his place. But very many persons here bulicve the story, ; chi. fiv for the reason that President ■ Anliiir has not upon the floor oflbe 1 St-enle n single orator who is corn piteut to make a fight in op<‘U or executive srsaiou, while here are -ever*- Spnator-—Slitrmau, Haw- lev, Fry.-, Hoar, lisle au<i others-^ who uuinrally wou d arraign them- selves against the confirmation «>! Sial wart iiouiiupea, and who could plead their case with eloquence. Arthur leally neetls Conkiing, and mere are many here van ihitvkjhat lie uill go to any oxtromo jo pdf him in the Senate again If it be pos sible to do so. A Wedding In Wyomlns- Olintv ls-:rlok. Camping near the town, we se cured our stock and then went in, Filtering ho leading store, I intro duced myself to Mr. Stiles, one of the proprietors and the postmas ter. “It is now half-past 12, and' at three there’.- to be a wedding down the street at Jonas Burton’s. C Jonas is a rough old coon that we elected Justice of ti.e Peace abont a ago, and, as this wilFbe his first attempt at a marriage, I think we will see soiua fun. Come and go down with me.” We wcut to the old 'Squire’s cabin. We found him ponringover sep29 If IHH! DOORS! BLINDS! FOR SALE BY GSQ. S. GREENWOOD. ■v! I lr}! KIDNEY-WORT fONDERPUL CURES I ■ It acts aa tha UT2B. BOWEL* 3 K19XZIS at tbs aaaa tiara. KIDNEY-WORT LY CURBS I KIDNEY DISEASES, | LIVER COMPLAINT8* isndPilos. m GatzAiTBxncMam nxzw U WELLS, EIcatUDSOSSCo., rrojfi, hracsieoawpccttAtD czstoeioz,n. persecuted and exiled Israelites from Russia disproves this idea. Augus tus Iliuswangcr. Esq., of St. Louis, lias been notified by ’ho union of American Hebrew congregations of New York that the following trades men would arrive iu that city during the past week, and asking him if places cuuld be found for them jin St. Louis: 1 brewer, 2 painters, 1 Joiner, 1 tinsmith, 1 gilder, 1 carriage maker, 7 tailors, I rope-maker, 1 roofer, 1 coo|wr, 1 mason, 1 tobacconist and 5 farmers. Ksv. \V. W. Hicks, the notorious carpet-bagger of fragrant memory throughout Georgia, and Florida, has turned up in Washington City as an as pirant for e place ill tho Cabinet of the new President. It seems that be has been preaching for some time past to a small congregation which broke ■iff from the regular branch of a church i t South Washington. Ho devoted his memorial setmun to tho Iato Presi dent the othi r day principally to a de- uuntraiioti of I lavra fur abandoning the'.Southern U-publicans. On tha liecls of t’.W M'tumn, according to the Wa,bingti n com vjonder.t of the Sa vannah Xcrcr, there follows a boom for nicks for a place in tha Cabinet of President Arthur. God save the mark! Of course, I her. is noprobability what ever of Hicks’ being elevated to that mxu tit. There la morn probability thnl bo will bo bounced by hi - congre gation as boon aa they find oot the kind of a man lie la. Col- Jack Brown, of •Georgia, and a few others have the Hicks Cabinet boom under their nurs ing. Tlioy have called upon Prtai dent Arthur and urged that Ilick* be j appointed Postmastcr-Goneral. Tbi* aspiration ! i certainly the sublimity of cheek. Thero are aoma who think that Hicks is only working for notoriety’s sake, but the facta are that be U work inz with a real hope that ho will be come Postmaster-GcBtial. tig terribly anxious. Af ter greeting ua. he said: “Stiles, the darned galoot tfiet got up these ’yer laws hadn’t gumption enough to last ’em over night. I’ve run through the blamed book a-half dozen times, an* can’t find n dod blasted word about metermony, or how the hitebin’ process is proceed ed with. I’ve just got ter put the damps on thU couple bit or miss, an’ ef I don’t yoke ’em legal, I can’t Stilea, “just do the Any kind of a cere- will, do in this country, for 1876, so as to only require the May- * lar 8? volumo °f »he statutes of or and Council of Athens to levy Wyoming, sweating like a horse sufficient tax to i>ny interest on city atu * Iookn bonds and provide f >r the principal. To repenl the act consolidating the offices of treaeurer and clerk of Webster county. To prohibit the sale of whisky, etc., wi'hin two miles of tho Court limnso in Cleveland To appropriate #2,500 to fit rooms in the deaf and dumb asvlunt for colored pat'euis, and $2,600 snuu ally to support the same. To amend tho act regulating the -ale of whisky, etc., and tax on shows, etc., ir Louisville. To allow the Mayor and Council of Athens to use certain money for the benefit of the Fire Depart ment. To amend section 205 of the code relativo to ihe disqualification of Judgesand Justices. To revise the calendar of the Brunswick Circuit. To pay I. Y. Sawtell #60 a* wit ness fees before the Wild Land Com mute. To create a Board of Coanniauion- ers for Brooks county. To establish a system of public schools for Rome. To amend an act incorporating Stone Mountain Granite aud Bail- wav Company. To reduce the bond of the Sheriff of Early comity. To regulate" tbe sale of whiaky, etc., in Scriren county. To provide for paying the debt of Clarke coauty. To extend the provisions of an act forbidding tbe sale of whisky, etc^ in Coffee county. To provide compensation for Jur ors in County Courts. To exempt all pilota and boat keepers Loin jury duty. To change the time of Superior Courts in Montgomery comity. To prevent the sale of whisky, etc. within three miles of Pi«gah and Mount Ploaaaut churches in Fluyd county. To amend section 4103 ef the code relative to poll mortem examina tions. To prevent the sale of whi*kv,etc, within three miles of Shiloh and Bethlehem churches iu Polk coun ty- To prohibit the sale of wbMcy, etc, in Lowndes county. T« amend the net ,'icHllng Board of Commissions for Webster coun ty. To authorise Corami—ienrra of Glvnn cnnntv to ImUo bonds nut to i-xcood 840.000. To incorporate Planter’s Banking Warehouse and Commission Com pany of Camiilia. To incorporate the Savannah Stor age Company. "To provide for the compensation of certain Tax Collectors and U- coi ver» for services rendered dur ing the year 1880. o repeat an act fixing place for To . Sheriff’s sales in coun ty. T» amend section 3643 of the code providing for tho summary talc of perishable property levied on, etc help it." “Oh!” said best you cao. tnony will d peop'le ’ll never question the legality of tbo thing. Ill post you aa well aa I can.” f Slils then explained to him about: bow be should proceed, and the old man finally thought he could worry* through in tolerable shape. Ere loug the conple appeared, followed by a crowd of the citizens of. the camp. The candidates stood op be fore the ’Squire, who began: “Feller-citizen*: This 'yar tnan an’ this ’yar woman bavo appeared before the court to be hitched in the legal bands of wedlock. If any galoot iu the mob knows anything that moot block the game eftok to a higher court, let him now toot hb bazoo, or else keep hU jam to him self now and forever more. All in favor o’ me pereeedln’ aa authorized bv the law, say Everybody said, *L* “Contrary, ‘No.’” “The morion’s carried unanimous ly, an’the court rule* that thar hain’t nothin’ to pervent tbe lyin’ of this .40. Grip ver fins.” The candidates joined hands. “Amos Peabody, do you solemnly swm’ar tbrt yell freeze to Mandy furever an’ever? That ye’ll low ’er, and pervide for V, and treat cr square and wipe, accordin’ tn the rule* an’ regulations a it down to govern aneb c*«es In the laws ol tbe Uuited States, so help yer Uod r “Yaaa, air; I do, air.” “That fixes your end of the bar gain. Mainly Thomas, do yon sol emnly swa’ar that that ye’ll hangon *» Amo, for all cornin’ time, that ye’ll no— iu »ickne« an’ be tquar to him iu wottiieaa, thet ye’ll always"Lt- to him a good, true, honest, tqoand- np wife tinder tho penalties pre- -cried by thu laws for the- pnnioh- of.anch ofienrea; do you swa’ar this so help you God?” “I awa’ar I will.” “Then by the power in me vested as Justi eo* tbe Peace, in an* for this prieinct. I pronounce 'you, Aiuo* Peabody, ha*baud, an’ vou ■Maudy Thomas, wife,-and legalize ye to remain ae rich* fureycr more, an’ye’ll aland committed till till tbe fees nnd coats in the case be paid In Tull, an’ may God have mercy on yoar souls an* blesa tub union with his heftiest blesain's.” The fees and coals were adjusted, and after receiving the congratula tion* of the assembly, the newly made hatband nnd wife departed for their cabin up the creak... . _. j Adam to. tbe death of tint devil, -whom ho killed aud preached bir funeral. He leave* the people a* he fo'md them, convinced that it U a Splendid doctrine to live by, but rather a slender prop to enter tne nuaeen beyond on. —Otto, of the Penny looal, has not oea-e«l to apeak of tbe widow*. Let h!m pay a visit to our cAuniy, where’their beanty, together with every other graceful attraction, will furnish him enough to write about toe the next six months. —Mr. N. C. Frier, of Lsfayerte county, Fla, who.baabeeu stopping neveral days here, left for South Carolina laft week tu search of otte Martin C. Dowling, who stoic hi* mule and cart some time since un der pretence of hauling some pro: dues to Madison. Waiting a ri a- -onable length of lime for Dow- Hug’s return, Mr. Frier wen! In search of him, but a few miles above Quitman he lost all trace of tbe scoundrel, came to Na-hville to spend a few days, in holies of hent> mg some tidings ol the stolen prop erty. Learning nothihg, lie loft, abovo stated, for South Carolina., w 1 '*™ he hopes to overhaul the thier. Dowling married a respects, hie widow—fourth wife—in the settlement in which Mr. Frier liver. Squandering her effects bo leaves her, and Is making hi* way back to his first wife. Mr. Frier is a poor mtn, and is Hi able to hear the loss. It Is to be hoped that the thief and bigamist- may be arrested and taught that polygamy is not tolerat ed In this country, and that tbe stealing of a mule and cart i* no light crlma. Dowling has changed his name three times since the first marriage, and of course will not be knowu in South Carolina a* the men vvno duped the widow in La fayette county, Fla. —The funeral services of Mr. D. C, Smith was conducted at the bu rial ground near Judge ff. E. Con nell’s, last 8unday, by Rev. John Young, of Irwin eoonty. Tbe con gregation was large and attentive, thcservicea Impressive. The minis ter paid a noble tribute to the dead, ami iu numerating hi* many virtues doubtless mad* lasting impressions upon those who heard him, and wjil be like bread cast upon tbe waters gathered many days henoe. The day was pleasant andanlted to the solemn occasion. —Corn has all been housed, and the farmers have pnt up tbelr fat tening hogs. With judicious econ omy Berrien bat made corn onoogh to’do her. Oat land i* being brok en np preparatory to patting in • heavy crop. Potatoes and cute are growing finely, and bid fair to yield beyond the most sanguine expecta tions. —The prospect ~for fall garden* in the vicinity of NaabvlUo looks very ; gloomy. They have been planted several times, but are de stroyed by Insects. —The wind continues to blow from the East; bringing with It dry weather and had feeling*. —zlnoc our vlast we have made some enquiry oftbbse who have cut their rice, and learn that not over A half crop has been made. -The -talks are slender and ,tbe heads j£ht- : We arc pleased, tiewenr, that a much larger acreage has been planted this year than last, and that many farmers have housed enough to lair them to tBj next eropC Tbe soil of bar county I* adapted to the culture, of. high land rice, and farm ers can, with, good seasons, tr.ake a supply fur family use on a -small portion of land, aud with little la bor. Rice can be grown on very poor* laud. Mrs. Nannie Moore, livingnear Nashville, has abont one and a half acres, planted on natural laud, that* U actually too poor to produce grata, there not being enongh gnus grown oa the land this year to feed a goose two tin} a; aud yet, the nee growing on this laud is an average of that grows' in tbe vicinity ofNashville. Mr*. Moore informed us that nothing bat rice will grow on this laud without being fertilized. . . . w- f- Naahviilc, Oataber 5th, 1S&I. —Tbe Macon Telegraph in a well written editorial, “The Peril* of the Present,’’ expresses tbo Southern view of the Presidential situation. Let u» quota from it: “Mach has been said and written abont the baneful influence which Roacoe Conkiing wonld exert over the In coming administration. Yet there .la a deeper shadow lurking ever the pathway of President Arthur. It is lira ominous presence of D. S. Grant, which seems to haunt him *Uko a bird of evil’ at every step mud turn he make*. No wonder the new President looks troubled and careworn. • • • It is s fact beyond controversy that Gen. Grant la tho most dangerous person to the liberties of tho people, and tbe hovent administration of the gov ernment in the Union to-day. Em inently so, because he is Ihe embodi ment of the idea of Cnsariam.' —Siuoe our last, Camiilia has bad a week of good trade. Cotton has rolled in rapidly. Baker county Itas scut over a great deal of it Wc see some of Baker’s best men in tbe village everyday. “We farmers,” aa Col. Odum wonld say, must get a good price for cotton. Three warehouses contend for the cotton, J. n. Scaife, W. B. Seay and Jones k Hull. —Dr. W. A. J. Spcnoe ba* moved iuto Ow< n*a corner store, aud ha- a nice drug store. Tom Acre i* still with him aud says he enjoys the large new store. “The Major,” aa the boys call Tom, is to be married -oon, so we heard. That Evergreen Jubilee put that into hi* head. —Oscar Ncuiidorfer, an Albary boy, U doing well with the old firm of Twitfy & Culpepper. lie It drug gist, and culled ua in to see some beautiful hair oil and sweet oologne Uj had just made. —Mr. G. W. White baa openad in a room at the Scaife warehouse beef stall, where he proposes to keep fresh meats regularly. —Mr. Ueppo has oponed hb rer- tnttrant and bakery— where fish and oystera can be had, nnd all sort* or bread and cakes. Mr. Heppo was a greato loser by tbo fire, and we liopo ho will hero gjod luck for the future. —Mr. Henry Schlesalnger kept the Jewbh atonement tlav with aa- crcdnesa, hb family participating. —W* regret to chronicle the death Jim Bob Collins. He was buried on Monday ovenlng. We never hail much personal acquaintance with the deceased, but those who knew him well were much attacbod to him. A young maj, just bt.dding into manhood, yet he b gone from uj, a victim to that inaatKte tyrart, o maumptlon t A father and two tins taken from the ftmily within two year*. Ourtendareat ay in pa tides are awakened for the afflicted family. —Judge Baggs, Senator from this district, end Hon. W. N. Spence have returned home from Atlanta. Senator Baggs look* tt?n years younger. Mr. 8penoo waa kind enongh to aeud ns Atlanta papers and we kept np with hb movement*. He waa a strong advocate ot reform In the convict lease of the State. Ue op posed the effort to esbblish branches of State Unluersity in various sec tions of tha State and agproprbte money ontoftho 8tate Treasury to sustain them. Ho deal red to maka efficient, by appropriation*, the common school system, so that all, even the boy of low statne, coold reach np and pluck from the tree of knowledge. Ho favored the change of law In regard to wild lands, so as to cut off all further Goldsmith speculations. The present Legitisture will be noted for whst It d.d not do. Mr. Spence opposed the bill to amend the law regulating railroad tarifis, etc. There were some excellent pro visions in thb bill, but the right of any one to appeal from the decision of the Commbaian to tbe cnorts,and give the jurors and the courts tbe power tiLrevise the tariff rats* fixed by tie Commission, virtually con verted the Bailroad Commission In to a justice court with t o power to sellje anything. Such a bill wonld have entailed endless litigation. Mr. 8pence opposite building or a new Capitol Juat now, as tbe people were too poor to eodnre much taxation. As for 8cnator Baggs, wc are not so well posted ae to hb doings, hut wckuow he b a very superior boat man, not easily led into hasty action, but oool and deliberate and seif-post etsed. In short, wo nns willing to take the Ssnalcr “on faith," feollcgasscr- ed iic was a good and faithful ser vant. He Is taking a deap interest in tbe Exposition, and is anxious that this auction b? well represent ed. o • - - . - • . ., - - j —Mr. Charloj B. Collins it ont again, from his bilious attack. —Tho Belhol Association will meet in Camilla {n November, on Tnc-aJar, the 8th, and not On Friuay before tha..aeconil Sunday aa the I Index ha* It. —Love sometimes break* all bar rier*. 11 refuses to run Iu smooth streams or regubr channel*. This wa* illustrated a fear days since, when Mr. Will Swindle and Mbs Wood, Mr. Heppe’s stepdaughter, treated tbemaelve* and their friends to an old fashioned runaway ■nance. They pasted under the rod in Baker county. Judge Jno. O. ter ty offlebting. Well, gaed luck to these romances. But thb thing of getting married means bn tines*, and the next question b to make the “pot bile.” This b th* rub. —The Bowen Association meets with Ml Pleasant Church, In Mitch ell comity. on Saturday, the 8th of October. Everybody b Invited to come. Mitchell county -people are hospital and tbe occasion will be pleasant and profitable. —The union meeting of the Bowen Assocbtlon meets on Friday before the the aeit Sih Sunday, at Couche’a Mill, Baker county. These meet ing* are ei joyable and ail are hull ed. arita lair for Ta pid U ar-liaadraJI |*<c—•Otzdara-.bmtaL Malaria. a« all Uraaf Ika Stan. Uaar tiJPilpaw Far Vaasals IhMMi inaufoitcnJ ttfolfo S-YS?.- •r.iikai mi U <• •*»«**? Draqjfo fo4 Paa>«f. «t 8l.«S ~ fjrbauta. laiz«w%*M* talk* oarkat. x«r K A WSRIrtX* COanwfcatftr,X. Wesleyan Female College ztAcotr, exonota, i ■ Adraowd aonna uZt'Bdr. Tha beat wtrantit. Quitman—Fret Press. Never before in tho ’ history of Qultinau baa there been inch evi dent sigus ol prosperity as those which meet the eye on erery hand. Our streets are coutinnally lined with cotton loaded wagons; our merchant* and clerks are busy from morning *1111 night waiting on their numerous customers, sampling cot ton, etc; and Screven street for eight hours in the day presented aa lively an appearance as yon could wUh to see. On maiu street last Stturday, all in a row, were atanding fire large wagou* belonging to Major B. W. Bellamy, with six splendid mules kfacheu to each and on each wagou seven bales or cotton, The ontfit, exclusive ot driven, wa* worth eigbi thousand five hundred dollar*. Ma jor Bellamy will make six or seven Hundred bales ufeotton and twice* week Itia five team* come to market laden aa above mentioned. There’s gum in the old laud y*L Several parties In tbia section are preparing to raise cabbago for tho northern Market. ALApana—Berrien County Xeies. We have secured tbe service* oi Mr Freeman, of Albany, who will taku charge of the meonanlca! de partment of the Xetce office for tl.e present, and render us assistance iu gathering local item* of Interest.. Mr. J. W. Hanlon ha* left out employ, and b now preparing to at irt a paper at Isabella. Wo with him uuliiiiiiod success. Fifteen days’ work oh one road during the year b equivalent to' fif teen dollars tax on each hand, aud is very oppres-svu to a large num ber ot poor people who have not a decent aupporL OnuNswicx—Advertiser and Jp■ ptaL ! Cbaa. Grecn’eSons cleared Brit- i-h bark Young Eagle, Capt. Gra ham, on tbe 29th hut, for Mout- video, with a cargo consisting of 359,935 feet pitch pine lumber valued at (5,568. In an article calling attention to recent change to the schedule of the B- k A. Bailroad the Advertiser and Appeal says: Just here mignt not be atnias for ua to revert In our mind* to the condition of thb rood only a short while back, and trait with to-day. It hat but twenty-alx months siuco there was but one train on tbe road, with the exception of lumber trains, and that one waa a mixed train with scarcely accommodations, and it took a day to go to Albany and the next to return. To-day we find tbe company arranging for daily pas- inger and freight trains each way, ith nice cars and strong engine-. Verily the world moves, ana the B. & A. with !l To Col. Schlatter and Superin tendent Meader, aided by Milling subordinates, b da* tbe credit of i rapid Id atridee forward. Bat tbb b not all—in fact it b but the beginning! When Wolfe gets*his connections all completed, four trains will not be begin to do the work. We hope to be able to state, before we resign control of the Ad- ter, that there are forty trains a day over tbo B. k A. We certainly look for It. Watceoss—Beporler: The prospects are that there will be a very ha mi tome and chbor*:.- pamphlet cotton out by the S., F. S. W., 51. k B. and B. k A. Ko»d». de scriptive of Southern Georgia. These great corporationsare determined to build thb country up, for which they deserve the thanks of tbo entire peo ple of the Slate. lab* < aaOao la all tea wsatrot mbr '.ttSiBi&DfftaEr ARKANSAS AND LODISMi IthfU. (ratal etlrawv an anwd’aa^.gra- •aU,*han, wtiaaaawvr IrUvi 7 nd ».a ■aniadstttaiacompatcnaawa csr ‘MitMerDtaipMi pau, ^ ilabia Inforaailoa. to dm!.. o?ih»Suu -r Taiu, arkaotM. atWatn lara'aia-a. Wa drain la ■raw with IfcoM waSlBf to baiter thf lr csodl* tlonasdara msdlmlBt* aba-t* to a utvooaa- Aurtlo,TiBA J. N. VICTOfi, EhaUrn Muoa/Dr, „ S4I Rmtdw&r, Weir York* Fwriz. Wtaai-jWR. l^»4wn«H ft. I/MV*»nT*C n . F!ndto4 TUTT*S~~ mxm, INDORSED BY- PHYSICIANS, CLERQYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVEBYWHERL THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGL 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. ary Blaino. - - » NASttviLLX. September 2S.—It Is stated upou tbe authority of inti mate friends of Secretary Blaine fhAlbuhaepo-ilively determined ;o leave tbo Cabinet at once, and will send hb resignation to I’reaidcnt Arthur in a few da-a, and will probably not return to Washington fur some time. It Is said that Sec retary Blaine baa no desire to re main in the Cabinet, and that the affairs of the State Department and routine ofhb duties now palufi to him In view of hi* intimate rela tion! with the late Pre-idem. There b nothing, so it b raid, Secretary Blaine bolds, which require* hi- continuance at the bead of the State Department. All its affiara are in such a state that a new man . oan taka hold wlthoutany difficulty or embhrrs'sment. Those who claim to know Secretary Blaine’s Inten tions, say be expect* President Ar thur to conJlittit* a new Cabinet, and really think* be ought to do to. Secretary Blaine baa put a atop to :!:e turthe.' conMruction of tbo the fine residence ho was buiMing,- and the site and building materials nrc for sale, which looks like ba does not expect to lire in Washing ton in the future. R Trine. DP THESE WAETOrGS ARE UTTHimm, SERIOUS DISEASESWUSOOII EE DEYEL0f>£& , In——-— tta—A ppri Hr, anil uia th* to T-kc on n—h. It,-:, tb- irucai la : : 1. ■TnnlcArtlaaoa tha ttlTrOmnb IbnlarSMU araare, L Vrico » casta. laitnr—j mu. if.r, TUTT’S HAIR OYE, Ml to aOLOSEY f iLIt DTK. II Srtipr*H cn r*csip?ofi£ Office, 30 Murray 8L, New York. g Dr. Ttm SAXTAL «r TaImU* **4 |h Mmt*+ win h* m*DU TMXX am ■ypHreffl— J ROMNEY, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, : WASHINGTON STREET. TEST RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT OP IAM« ° rLES cr Um Latest Styles! FILL AHD WINTER SUITS1 SHIRT CUTTING SPECIALTY I Good Work! Perfect Fit »nd Reasonable Prices Guaranteed! flotbrn! Rotbtnll j Are you disturbed tt mrut i broken of your rust by a sick cnild i f«ring and crying with th^ r ^cradAiing pAin of catling teeth? li'u, go At one« And gftt.'a bottle of Mas. tv wslow** Soothing Steup. It will relieve the poor little sutTorer imraeditiely—de pend upon it; thero if do mfstAke About 2L Thera ia not a mothor oo Mirth who hAi cvcr udcd it who willooi toll you &i ooee that it will reguUic iba bowcld, And giro re*t to the ccothar, and relief and health to iko child, operating like magic. I: is porfectly safe to use in all case*, and ple—ant Vo tbe taste, and ia tbo pre^cripuou of ooa of tb* oldest and bas fema ia pbyaidaua and nurse* in tbe Cmtod State*. Sold eeax/whar*. Zi coats a bovtl*. —r~' mam