The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, October 22, 1881, Image 1

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Jlerrlcli Bar Albany Tlliis Hons® is well famished and in ev- JL erjr *ay prepared for Lh« aeeomuo* iation of the traveling public. Entire sat- staction KunranUed. The table is sup" jlied wilu the beat the conntry afford-i, md the. servants are unsurpaaeed in po- iteness and Attention to the wants of (nests, Omnibuses convey passengers to> md from the different railroads prompt- y, frao of charge. Charges to salt the t mw. ■ • . sep2f< ti Arkansas, or Wc-tern hoablans. We desire to eooter with tboMwwhlnf telMUer their coodl doBindin meditating a chauze to a neweooa try# iddfm a : • | R.O.PUVAL, 8eereUry, Austla, Texas J. N. VICTOR# Sauers Munir. SttSr icdirar, Kew York. Fortga Office L.\ NO. ftwileet, Leaienball House. . htdtimimt. I/mHswk to ft-Wsujtar in the Southern States. •^T7m Political Jol'uxal Devotee lldated#*it.8,1630. 7 22, 1881. SATURDAY, ALBANY. GA., Mitchell Gftmty Department LLUSTBATIV.'. OV POLITIC-;. — ome Idea of Mow tbeVirclu’» Re publican « are Conduct'un the • am* Ui*klnn a Tlan Di nuk, Uribe 'Min to Lie and Pay If Ira iu -w T .Fett All by the Order* oC William TU- Iione— Dirty Work Concerning me * k il:alr Letter*.” ‘ £ A BIT DISFIGURED. JAMES CALI WAY. con i cicgn I* Fancy. TUfv T?tE STORY OF “1HE OR DER’* * ^ ^ ’• Camilla. OctoberM 1881. Boo ^pirated. It t!;A inother-Jn her d a from nlxicu Coat. Ccuntv Commissioners took to say as an sTnimad- «e had wnai UMMMUSafUlc-l. ! ua» » no in* • • i. »**i JPOLd f«r version. They .claim excellent work on their part for the county, and say differ diiliar General el by (is *] p ‘Anion. • iicuji*•> r». \ v. October 14*— - J v wee 1 - ‘'»go two letters, purport ■' u» bare burn -.vritten bv I rani •i-rilfVn » - T oni- ‘ betW***, »ud U OUt t* f -- ',** a ",t bobbing up svrenely st wciy *>« onthe andidaiu for ; u tbe town. Some- only three of that General. furnished member of r t j *:atement 1 i-resent c ! i rntempt from the C bottom i.7, a iteau- Imhea a let- issiner that t. $2 a Yoat Number 6. Gcvxbxos G Atlatiia for wll go via ss U about p week, flxxxTMt IV «st formerly l):ri*. Of kr n in tdk 1 iIoverhor Wilts. at Orli t-nant-Governor MeEnery took the oath of office a* Governor on Monday, as preaeribed by the conatitution. >!aft. Booabucs, the famous rifle »h it, haa arrived in Macon, and will exhibit bla skill at the Macon Fair. Hr is accompanied by hie two son-, i-o ■ a chap of aiz year*, who (boots he! I* from bis father’s Angers, . Octob-r 14 _ \ h " !e wia»te the ls-t Jen i they have got the taxes low ai last. ietiertCpurport- TJZ^l 1 V . k >.A"" I.Xbey ssyttoyh* tax in total is only i the thousand,'and that >Ve are glad to learn from the Ma con Telegraph that the opening day oi'theSiato Fair was all that could have been expected. The exhibits are flan and very numerous, the attend ance la good, and everything points to a grand success. Good enough. Sum esday. e vs. Henry tr . of John of February, his victim V dnvel- ooisrn or ir race is still addle The prisoner, before his trial, made the following confession, which was- put in evidence: Ho stated that lie was in love with the wife of the de- .f the leli ji-terorj icr from i he letters u ereori_ f ue in Salem, Y e will divui, him: that subsequently, w t oriented, the letters were e t.e ‘ w “ 8 «?e°fSduce d d7o P! uke. the - ■ and tie did, and saddled them upon ;:'.".ir. bod> .ir r in that Wicked inctro- .... p -!W, >;••» Vork. .started the story llie . il.1t the Gi.vt-ri.nient had at last rb- in “ Li- d to honor mutilated coin,, and, ere used in the ***2* I value of anyting made of sliver bsar- e mnhorahip fWS? , “ rtaofdef "" m ’ i,,t ’ fro?ua -ig, a Head- do,,ar uge—the prisoner being 10. That slio repelled ills advances, and he -ought the aid of a conjurer, one Orange Isaacs, an aged.negro. The -u-called conjurer gave him a charm, known in the language of negro witchcraft as a "hand.” com posed of various articles, viz: bees wax, foxes’ hair, a little sand from the shoe intended to be acted on, snd a drake’s foo’, all sewed tip in a small cotton bag. Hu was told to wear it next to his skin over his Tux arrest of Parnell and other Irish loiiders ha* thrown the Irish towns in ti a terrible state, of excitement, i'r tin the dispatches of the Associated V, •*». it seams, in fact, that the shut tle i* borders on revolution, and that ttuious result* are apprehended. At the In opposition to the foregoing, 'ho Dispatch published the state ments of Severn! gentlemen in Fin- • .-tie, to the effect that II. II. Rid- 'I'cberger and other prominent i: 'adjusters, under instructions of itenoral Mahotie, obtained posses- -inn of Wilson, in that place, made him ‘-beastly drunk,” and then, mi ller promise offtve hundred dollars cash, and the- amnttut in 'hir e H? dldso anH.' WS by draft on Wm. Mai,one would loro him. He did so, amt at educed him to sign the statement ' Iakiitt is a funny follow. ht"d of hia local column he onters an a p. logy for short oumings in that de- j s tment. This is followed by eight > slid columns of local matter, contain ing over two hundred different item*. Mbeu wil! be u good day for local items in vonr town, Larry? ' A leadixo New York Stalwart has expressed the opinion tfant Now York will go Demooralie by BOjOOO majority, for the reason that the people aro op- poicd to railroad and other monopolies which controlled the action of the New York Legislature'and defeated Conk- ling's return to the Senate, This does suit look llko harmony in the Repub lican ranks. ___________ • ♦ W* have rocsivcd (he first number of the Athens Watchman under the TOiw management, and aro frank to say that it is the neatest, cleanest eud most articaity made up paper iu the Stale. The new proprietors, Yancy, Uanutt ft Crswford, are a whole team, -which fact is thoronghly substantiated by the appoarance of the Athena Watchman of to-day. StO'.tET Hesbirt writesfrcm'Atlin- Ta to the Savannah iVeu-s: That there > vs a purpose, before the. Exposition -u,>eaed. to charge extortionate and uo i.-R-onable prices, oo man ran 1B®I with iTiithftdae3S. But the grnnd - riening day passed with such a .-mail uttf-udancc that this class of lsuiUords r.av fallen in prices,and arc now glad to get guest* at sny price .-uited to . ^-.oir accoinmoilaiiniosl far personal property of the l’er- ; Exhibition Company, l'iiils- . >lphia, was sold WedDi'sJay, low jo oca being reall***d. The eveut o! | th i day was the saie of the great Roose- ; v It organ, with throe banks of keys, j lefty-six steps and two ‘hydraulic on ■ glues. The original cost was |22.IKX> t it brought $5,000. The purchaser ■ was Nathaniel J. Itradlee, urho bought it for the now hull of the Maasachn-; - It- Charitable Mechanics’ Aasociw- tion. Boston. OciTIUU appeared in open court last Friday,and was not si • down. It i* presumed, however, that h- had a narrow escape, since another -crank" was present- a Columbus lawyer, lid the ivgek reported to the conjuror that the woman had confessed lice lore for him, but It id refused to ac cept him as her paramour unless her husband separated from her. The conjurer then gave Johnston another charm, designated to ulieii- ato Iho iiuahaiiil from tho wife. It was worn the proscribed time, ll “ Ito reported Hint the wommi and Itor husband continued to live hap pily together and that the charm would noi work. The conjurer re plied that Davis must be possessed by a diH-il, and that lie would give Juhiivion.a charmed bullet, which III) mu* put III liisgun and flri) nt li.ivi-’ head a* lie passed from tin- wood in- tvh'clt he was wifrkiug m ward ill* oomo. at - sonde wn ill'- next evening. Johasiou objected thut if ho killed tho man the. law would hSng him ,H bo were found out. Hi* fear* oil this howl wer • a:laved by the,conjuror givl ig him another, charm, which he-aid would ho proof against tho law, mid that no Judge or Jury could convict him whilu he wore it trpon hi* person Thus fortified, Jolinetun shot Davis throiigli the head, on (ho -following evening, killing hiiu instantly, and covered his hody with tenves in the w ood ucar tlio spot whore Uo folt. Ho then proceeded to the hours of tho ileceasod and wn* received and tlio v/idiw, and dora- i'-iied himself in tlio place of the dead man. The brotiior of tho de ceased, suspoctinjr.from his shroiica liml lie had been the victim of full plAy, and finding Johnstou in pos session of his hon-.e, had him «r- restcdiin suspicion of murder. The body was found covered up as dc- *c:-ibed on the fourth day after the killing. The prisoner confessed the deed a* stated, and was placed on trial before Judge Mackey at I Sutnler on Wednesday last.- The denv' l, ifll drew an immense throng of ' negroes to the Court House, where faith in the power of the conjurer satisfied them that the prisoner could not be convicted, (hi* faith was "strengthened by the fact iliat two of the jurors cmpanueled in the case, one a negro r.nd the other :i white man, were taken suddenly ill. and two others i'tad to be siib- stituted in their (dace*. The jury, a* finally organized, consisted ol ii'.ne' w bites ami three blacks. The prisoner wn- abiy defended by \fossr*. Barron & B-‘:ird, and the trial occupied the entire day. The jury were out ten minutes, and re turned with a verdict of guilty. The verdict was received with exclama tions of surprise from many of (he negroes present. Judge Mackey, who i- not sensitive to charms of the class described .at once proceed ed to -elitenee the prisoner. Iu to spouse to tlio question from the Judge whether lie had anything to (•mv wliy the -eiitcncp of death should not lie passed upon him, the prisoner replied that he had a fair aud impartial trial, but there wfre powers at work which the jury could not understand, and intiinat ed tlmi those powers would yet in- * id—and wanted to horrow a pistol from a i»..;ectiv<? in the court room for lerforeiu hi* behalf, lie requested . , ..... . the Judge to give him as long a t.V avowed pnr t -f the »*- |im( . ((> ? ive lluv „. ouU | p " r . - i- 'in. This iiitl- metdcBt w»* r:y l! mil, snying, with a very perlinct use vi' i of tne argumeat’tm ait hnmineni ■ “How would von like, your Honor. MuimuinVsted to fisilnn, but 't ob-erved tlwt his insanity did not pre- * ;:it him fnim kerpirg his eve* skin ned, presumably (or the' gjnsm of a pistol bared. lien KAC, the T,*-a>viii of lTesidcnl tl-iflebi, »»s brought into the I>istriq| 0viinin«l Court nt Washington on Fri day and arraigned for trial. Mr. Sen- *ill'. in* counsel, fully disclosed the Hi.* of defense which Is contemplated. An affidavit sworn to by Mt. b'-orille alleges that b“ believe* I lie prisoner to lie insane, and gives a list of wituess'-s through whose testhiiony he expects to prove tld< fact; the government is i credit of the prisoner, ilia I wiien in' asked to turn:*'' the means for precur- if you were in tuv place to be hung in" a "hurry?” Judge Mackey, ap preciating the forco-nnliii.irgument, sentenced the prisoner to be hanged on Friday, the Jatii day of Novem ber next." The negro lbith in their system of fanaticism or the power of charms, has been strengthened by the fact that the Sheriff of the coun- iv, a robu«! man in ihe prime of life, dropped dead within three hours after the pri-oner wns senten ced anil a few minute* after he had ■■xprcH*cd hi* abhorrence of per form ng the painful rimy imposed t-pon him by law of cxi curing tho enteiirc. It slioul-l ho staled to the iag their attendance. As s' second ground of defense it is charged that, in :th« opinion of eminent medical ’ ex perts, the wound of which th<- iFresident died vras ^iot neces- issrily fatal, and a list of ouibnnt phy- tdcians i* exhibited by whose test ma ny the pflaontr cxpcc*.- :o r:0 '6 ihai the President's death may have born osii'cJ by iutpr-pcr surgical treatment. The goverumcel is asked to procure th, attendance of the to witnesses and t> pty theic. Tlie ccur. fixed Novem ber 7 (or the trial, and the preliminary question of' jurisdiction will probably b# argued oo Ostsbsr SO. foi-incd of tiii* (loatli, ho wept bil- tcrlv. Tiio above interesting fart* were Tiivcn la*t.night by Judge Macbev. die ho was pa**!ng ihrotmli the city on hi* wav lo Sumter, where In- will open the Court of Common P eas io-duy. Ho regard* this a* ono of the ma*t remarkable case* recorded in (ho annal* or criminal jurisprudence. It certainly reads moro lik* a romantic, weird .n*rra- ilvo of tho dark ages thnnlh «oher record of true event* oeonrrii.g l:i in this enlightened itinelceiith cen tury. Mn. Geobgc K- Yocmass, of Alapaha, married Miss Janie M-il- lon, of SchlnttervUle, on the 38th alt. prepared by Kiddieberger. to the effect that the.letters were forgeries, 'iippiemented by Iheagrecmeut that he (Wilson) should go to Cninradp and remain there until iiiddieber- ger wns made Sergcant-at-Arms of Hie Senate, when iia' would give Wilson scute Hppoliitmeut under him. This is the statement made by Wilson subsequent in.Ilia reputed confession limi interview with Hid- iHcOergor and other*. uanBUNG iiv chain. As Important and Sensailonal i liu|i by Judas Jameson, or csiumo. Ceizaoo, Uclohor 13.— Judge .1 tiucstiii,. in hi* cbm up t»- d*y to tho Grand Jury, called nt- " ntlini to that portion of the Ilevis- >j statute* of Illinois imposing lines and penalties upon • whoever' contract* lo have or give to himself itimber the option to sell or buy ut i tmura lime any, grain or oilier commodity, stock of any railroad or • •tlior company, orgold, or forestalls he market bv spreading false ru mors to infltienco the prico of cotn- moditles therein, or corners the market, or attempts to do bo, in re- iniiuu to any of such commodi- 'ies. '• # - ' ’ , lu explanation of ths same his ■ninsr said that tho statutedenouuc- ••d threo separate niisdeiKespors— ihe sale “options,” forcstsllitig the market, and cornering tho market. Ail these, cither iu .name or spirif, have bean always interdicted by "iiiiimou iatv, and that of “forestall ing’’ was at a very early day made punishable in Eagjand by the statu tes. The first offense is tlie illegal * t!o of options for future delivery of grain and. other commodities. Tito fact that property is sold to be ilciivered at a future day does not make a Oomraci illegal ; or that it i- not at the time possessed or owu- •ul by the seller; or that the time of its delireVy is left (within fixed limits) optional with buyer or seller, though in tine sense-any such sale is a sale of an optior apparently within the statute. What make* it a gambling contract is ihe intent oT parties that there shall not be a de- livory of tne commodity sold, but a paymtnt of differences by tlie party losing upon the rise or fall of the market. Of this intent the jury a.-o to lie judges, and it may be in ferred directly from the terms of the contract, or indirectly the co’.inc of dealing of parties. The offense of “forestalling” has been narrowed down by the statutes *<> that it cover* only forestalling the market by “spreading false ru mor*" to influence tlie price of com modities therein. The obvious pur pose of the Legislature in making .tliis provision wls to protect the people and consumers, as Well a* innocent traders, from the damage resulting .from .unnatural and fictiti ous fluctuations oi prices brought about by tlio false suggestions of interested persons. A “corner” the _Judge described as A process of driving' unsuspecting dealers in grains, stocks and the like into a “corral,” and relieving them of their purses. The essence of the offense consists in the party securing a contract for future de livery of some commodity at his option, and then by engrossing the stock of such commodity iu the IWUCS I ,T ’ ) INT, > d. ai down to .a-half dime. It might have beer, a broker who was at tlie bottom of the scheme, but the ; identity of its author tub, not been discovered. Indeed, no pains have b?en taken lo find that out. The news which first scared owners.o'- punched coin in New York was not long in spreading, and in afew days every man, woman and child from East River to Harlrn, had. got rid of ail the punctured money the; p.>*i-e«ed. Fellows, who got on care with only a silver half-dime—aud that punched—in their clothes were gently ‘ fired if they couldn’t scrape up the extra cent. Placards Were hung all over tlie place reading a* bill, Josiah.’ follows: ' I Rii "ioric*. : Tlie Unit**! Stans, Goveromect :i fixe* th* ralneof : silver Loins with hots. In then, orr.thvrwi-o ci .lilit.*’, ** follows: : ‘H'ltsf, "... (Woents: • fi4i-Ao:Iars. ssccn-a, VLurtera .... 15cents': - ill,no...... 5rents lla f-tiiara* . ... 4 cents With a \iuw to ,<r-Vi I!t;i;- the .nutlla-: i loo oC l 1 oiled states sp cle money. Where they originated nobody -I eins to know; but that they have f-vetly effectually slopped the eircu- latiuii of mutilated coin from ocean to _occ:ni mid fiom lake to gulf is a fact. Tiie telegrepli carried the new* all-over tlie land. The pres* of the.countJy copied it from the pro** of the city, and uo oiie su*pcct- ed the fact that the order was not gemiin#. Such, indeed, is ihe case, a* the following circular from £he Government.abundatitiy tcsilfleat' Tbeasuut Defabtmevt, Bubeac of the Mint, Washington, Tho GoVenniient hs* fixed in, valualiou upon mutilated coin-oth er than - the marker value of the sil ver tliey-coiitniii. Thov are purcha*- ed at tberniul ly weight as bullion, mid the value depends upon tbe priceof silver on the day the coin i* received ut tlio mint. At present tl e prico paid by the mint at Philadelphia is $i 12% per ounce fine. HOEATiO a BOXCHABD, Director. At the Assay office in New York an experiment was recently made with mutilated dollars, halves and quarters whose face vaiue was $100, They were found to weigh soventy- uiglit ounces, and in the process of in-ltiiig half an ounce- was lost. Their, computation was made on seventy-eight ounces, and. itj stood nine hundred, w,rich was remark ably good. Tho charges for refin ing $1 7S. The Loudon market rate r on tho day tho experiment was inaue" was $1 12 per ounce, and the net result was $76 9L The legal weight ot $100 in coin is 80.375 ounces. The average amount paid by a Wall street firm fora moltllated silver dollar, is seveuty-six cents The decrease in the value ot the. coin by punching varies from lo to 30 per cent. Some of these petty (windier* are not satiffied with one punch, and sometimes two,, and even three holes are found in u cbio of ns small a denomination as a dime. There is a penalty of fine and imprisonment for the mutila tion of coin, bat the Government Iia* not been able to eaten any of tho rogues in the act. Said a - well- known gentleman, in speaking on this subject: - • “This so-called bogus circular ha* succeeded in accomplishing what the Government seemed to have been powerless-to accomplish, for its effect has beeu to stop the circu- latiou of mutilated coin.” . There iui’ta man in Cincinnati to-day who will give you more than seventy-five tents for a dollar with a hole in it, and, bogus or not bogus, the “order” to in full force here, and boycotting mutilated-coin will prob ably be oil the bills until the con temptible off- nse of mutilation has ceasinl. THE COTTON CHOP. Outlook From New Orleanv und Summary of Heceut Dl.pctclm. It is gratifying to learn fromipnr special crop growing dispatches, that the cotton crop of tho State is iu much more promising condition, than it was two weeks ago. It is uol to be n good one, it is true, and will show a lamentaole falling off from last year; but it will be much market, making it impossible for j better than we had any reason to ex- the other party to complete his coir tract but by purchasing of hi* ad versary at his own price, and pay ing in cash' the di fie re nee fixed by such adversary. A* was said of.' another great wrong: “If til’s isnot wrong, then nothing is wrung.’’ Public rumor on the t-trert and in the pies* Justifies me iu saying that these offenses aro rife among u*, and in asking you if evidence to that effect should reach you to make them the subject ut inquiry. Your duty and mine are plain, ilowever powerful the combination m drfy the law*, and hoire/cr difficult t» detect end punish tlie crime, we raik ourselves with tlio criminal if wc fall to bring the terrors of the law to bear up"i> him. Hi* honor added that it was not the duty of the jnry to seek inqnM-l torinily for evitimice that crimes | hove been eamrnittcd, bn! should such evidence reach t.,cni pect a month ago. The cause of tlie failure this year hss been princi pally tho drouth,-which has not on ly scorched the corn and cotton to death, but killed even the trees. It hastened fruiting, snd the crop, ln- -tead ot being a. laie one, as expect ed, really ripened in advance of time. During the past two week*, of that is for county tax. They run a cash schedule now and they hsye the conbty on the high f-isir to low taxes. 'Well, this 1* good new*. These foolish Ameri cans likh I iw taxes. They once got mad Just abont a little tea matter and: a little stamp act. Bat the here at last. The Ordi nary,. no' doubt, has everything in i is offite in apple pie order. —We heard a conversation the oth- ef da j-"which may not be uninterest ing m our reader*- The Dramatis Personae were as iollows: A large, portly gentleman, fat as old Daniel Ltmbert, fond of his ease, who laugh* jovially and love* bis pipe. Another was a lawyer, looking out for t;,ir world’s goods, and li iving an eye to “the provisions of that The. third wa9 a farmer, a tiller of tho soil, an .old settler, who knows how it has been fur .many a year. . . The fat man was smoking bis pipe, and seeming by indulging in utopian dreams.'Tax collecting aud farm ing seemed to him as a sorry per formance, in the bright perspective of what George. Willingham had said. . “Well,” said the- lawyer, “wlial are you thinking about, Mr. Tax C 'Hector ?” I was thinking of what George Willingham said about Florida." “ What did George say 7" “day I” “Wby/Oeorga said a great dial. He lives, yotr know, in Fiori da. Ue only went there a poor boy a few years ago and now he I- w Till $25,000. And, just to think, lammt ihe same old stand still.” H ero’s the farmer who h-td hoped for a big crop, but lioped in vain, caught the infection from the Tax Collect or’s eye, and remarked, "Why that beats farming. Y->u say George L in tho orange bu*inc**, is he?” “Ol oourse he is,-and getting-rich, I tell yon,” responded the fat man, as he wiped the* perspiration 'from brow.- Tho-/lawyer put in again. “You sey George went‘there on un cleared land snd has dono all that ? '.llow did he Uvo in the meantime? Who stood for'him? Have they got factors and warchoUso men dowu there who take liens on the orange crop as they do here on -ton?” “Lfens, factors, live in the meantime—the devil yon replied George’s friend, no—don’t need it there in Hernan do county, where George lives. Let toe tell yon. George says yon don’t have to • work much—an acre corn will make the first bushels, add then meat, nc fifteen cents, and "only chicken onr Sunday or when company comes, as here in Mitchell, bnt, George says, ho can go out every morning aud kill fifty squirrels in as many min- utes. and turkeys,'too, and 'possums, and ducks and wild geese—and as for fish”— The laner could stand it no lon ger,- he proposed to the farmer to get 'np a team and let’s go do wn and see George and bny in Florida and possess that land be fore all the old yankeys from New England and Wisconsin and Minne sota took the country. - The old farmer then added it was just so here 40 -years ago. Then he bad money a plenty—fish enongb, birds enough, bnt now it was very-bard to get the baby a frock. The Tax Collector resumed. “George says old man Shape lives on an island near him and has only to throw out his pole and mfish of large size is on it. 'Then yon remember when Tump and I went to see George. Why we saw where the potato ends had taken root, near the kitchen reimSpw, and the vine* ran on and on for nearly a' mile, and all George had-to do was to dig a bill and theie was a day’s bread—and George says he only planted a garden once in six years and keep the grass out. Itjnst hears on. His bean vines were as bigasfa young tree last win- terwhen they were killed for the first time in ten years.” The party broke up—each declaring he was goiug to Florida—the fat man having the last word. “Now remember, this is all true; yon know George, our old Our, brother Hawes madca bril liant" Senator, and be and Repre sentative Spence had a chat over “old times,”. Hawes loves nonr and then to have a “little fun wUh the boys.” —Messrs. Cochran,' Haile & Co. are now in their large new brick store at the corner, “peucc- & Thomp son’s old stand, and are ready for business. The two Eds, so popular in thl^connty, are there. Mr. WU1 Twittv and Mi. C. T. Perry, son of Judge John O.. Perry, of Baker eMDty, are there, too, reidy to wait on. everybody. This is a strong honso and run by business men. Their.- stock it "general merchan dise.- —Mr. Lee Heath ha* enlarged his shop; He .took us over bis estab lishment a few days since, and showed us some beautiful baggies of his make. Lee certainly is an expert in hia business,. Tbat'fancy buggy he made for awn,., ure is a beauty. He tiiafces a specialty, too, of one-horse wagons. —Wo have the simple announce ment that Col; Ssm Barnett’s Hsli- r >ad .Commission having expired, CM. L. N. Trammel has been ap pointed iu.lils place. In onr opin ion the State has lost a splendid of ficer. Col. Barnett was one of the 'most*scholarly aud pains-taking men ill.the State. It may be that Mr. Birnett preferred to retire. But in the new appqjutment tho finger of politics glares frowning.'y for the future. The new appointee is * noted politician; a man of abiiiiy nnd influence. One of the chief beauties of Mr. Barnett's character i*, that he is no politician. lie was * firm man; scholarly, and had the. ootirngo of his conviction-, and wc prefer that a man of that stamp should lie kept iu pn*iiion. rather than innko place for politician*. Not long fincc we remrm er to tuvo rend from C"I. Trammell a foil* hi tide to prove lie was not a lobbyist. This, however, is a new enl.- ■ ' 1 gfofcssioruul Cards. William E. Smith, attorney at Law, ALBANY, OA. \FFICE: Ta front of Coort Hoom, op * irairt,o i, over Telegraph Uffioe. J *fa 1-lJ Rum Woo, ad to »_ _—_ all dteeues thut cau** |«uua ib io« ivver of th« ?oJy for To -pH U OT-iludvchw-Ji d«c— P:szloer«. t*r»Tel, Jlotorto. *nd ftlldifficol UnfiftN Kldjfn. Ltm ttd Crlaur Oipm For Fens air BUeaoes,. Monthly Uons, ood during Frr^cat L) . ft bM no rqoftl. It rmtarm omasihoioMfertlwblood.»ndbone it it the bwt Blood Purifier. !tl*»boooh known rocoedy that core* Brldifa niirtir« For DUteUa, tue Warntir*»3afe DUbeto Care. . Forsteto/br Draa^ts indDnlmit $1.2& jorboUte. Lnifost bottlo in tho -markot. Ttj SL H. WARNER4 CO^ Rochester. K. V. RUST PROOF SEED OATS, I OFFER tor sole ten ttmund bashsls of Genuine Texas Bed Beat l*reof Osteee- lected by a party oe the euOt with a view to getting notbing but the genuine artld- “ are the ome quality that I bo d so lut aeaeon, which nave each gene " tlnn; In f.ct 1 here not heard at •i-nccinwhl hthay fiilodj ' tloa. If reportt:fniaitheei . aro to lie credited, the price ot.corn wlltr: le much Ugturnexi ee. tow then it dW the px benre tne heoeesity of towing moro Oats s earlier then law >01000,10 order to eecnn •tend before hatroeeeaooBO oh then.. lam prepared to apontere (or early aowlng. The demaa 1 for Reed Oau wilt be nnpreceucntod- Is- henry this rcaton, end I hare advices from Texaa of a marked, advance in the price 01 tho*', and I th nk It sdvlsablo for Ihoeo In need id eed Oamto tceuiothe i.atonoe. 1 will exch*. ge Oats for Cotton head, or will boy nil tbo cotton (cod I can get, at the hlghett market price, tor the meoejr.^ T ^ g Albany, Ga., August Kth, 1531. ». r « miw^sfinf r 01 3*0:0 hooxia pvooa .-d-J X- -X- o.soii jo is* opaut pstq poJvuut arms '0piiQ*pctiH otnmog tmm mm ■pxx-sKaiatnt otct'tna ax.v osiaxu m uaxvxa ivnsgao *0!jo ‘saippug ‘soipjjgr NHYH refre-iiing rain* have greatly im proved the condition of affairs. Ii i neighbor, but George Baye he don t wns gcii'T.ri iy bclii'vcil l>v the plan* advise any one to move. He simply tji'-s that ine col Ion crop was too far gone for rain t" do it any good. Tni* proved to be an error. The Inte rain* have instilled new life in- 10 the cniton plan!, in some por* tinusof the State it has taken new growth, and many bolls arc grow- ixj" end m xtnriug. states facte and "lets people doss they please.” —Wo are glad to see old friend Heppe doing so well at hit restau rant. He deeervts success. We re gard him as a pnblle benef&etor. —Messrs. J. S. Jone* ts Co. have TUTTPS PILLS IN DOUSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, ANO THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YNIPTOMS Cr A TORPID LEVER. § a ’-i r.:T, a^ciiiin^ ”'cf body cr miadT Mhon to exertion Instability of t-.ripe-. Low sraintiTLoia T, LOW HDinL>» DOM awmory,Bcritnaijeiiiigof cyringaeg^ L * L ’ some duly, we&riEes*, pluiiioaa. g?*i , V pilow, HeaJslfco, J el sight, tlsHy ccbred fe ■ Ifco. heltlov rSiT IT TKESS WA2JfCiC-5 APJ: irNHEZDia), SERIOUS DISEASES WiaSOON EE DEVELOPED- TDl’i'S FILLS aroeesecfally adapted to flnch rai*i r nn« Hdm Hfwtia • «»>!■«£$ tlifotigh the rcg'ti^r channel?, duty wi!) he to consider and Nrw* Y..““*°Oc,o"rS:-Mra. j ^ interest in the new ware-1 Abraham Lincoln, whole la the i house to Mr. James Butler. It is tSff^SS^SIrniSSS’S^^SS^iS ‘ ' ! Clarendon Hotel, is too tick to see ! now Butler& Hall. I fieir fear- callers. Lie: f«ce choirs the marks of age and sicknea?. and she is no —Hon. I. A- Bush lias Just retnrn- Tbc dust, SlRYCatru Omni dooed- Pries a eej i. Rnrnlxr etoo't ecniiL MMarmyate !es.*"l7 and impartiallv vindicate the ' longer the picture that tho seemed j ed from Zany Conrt, i nUs . ' ' ; to lie wh™ profi ling at thB White Hou*e. Her phy.ician W A Xahcnta, (B. & A. R. R.j matt is offering $20 a month and various for hands to work in a saw mill. says she is iu neiier health than she wa* last spring. She will remain in this city for a few days only. TUTT^ HA’R nyc it ihe \V hite | the hoet,.the Irw and thejnry neor- QB^YHAi^crWnzrY&^c&ao^edtoiiGiossY n. Dr. Savre, ! - Buat by* ibri« aaniifnifn m tfeUDnlt a 1th than she WCSi ~ ^ l *y ** ««»*»! . - « imqmm iuhon cuiur.aca Am i „ ■ - _ J hc*4 =7Dra-ii»U,or Ms: by ezprefii c —Senator Hawes and Pr. wjI- offloo, 30 Murray Sl, New York. I __ ... ^ Hams paid nt a visit on Saturday, f a. j-.wxuasT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OA. \\ r ILL ^lvc vrotni t attention to all lefnl ban- V \ nvss to bl* In SouUivromC • »nc Fircwbere, by special oontnet. heel •* tu: bou.-bt find acid, or leased, loans nefoUBLwi ini debts collected or secured for refiuoaebi^ iWt or cotnmisa.ons. .V*. T. JONKS, JE93E W. WJULTKM8. JONES & WALTERS, attorneys at Law, AtaBAXY, OA. BOTerCentr*’ Railroad B«ik. FnlMf L>. A. VASrtN. A. H. ALFKIEXD PASON £ ALFRLEND Attorneys at • ALBANY, GA. Active and prompt attention given to eoi .ectiocc inti ail ueueral business, Practices in all th* couru. omccor-r Sou the n Expreea office, oppo site Court Housn. ieoa-du Law, James Callaway, .Attorney at Law CAMILLA, GA. febJS- W. A. FORT, f?eACTICiK5 PHYSICIAN aid SDESEW, ; ALAPAHA, GA., 'ItSSUttS bla prrefessioual aervlcsa to tbe peo- L pl« of Berr en and adj lining countlee, par- fculmrlv »Ioo* tb« line of tbe 8 A A Railrw«d. Ccepa on bind a fail Hoe o' ramilr and Pstent MfJIcIoefi. Physicians' proscriptions pnwapCly iltod. JunciR-wly Delta & OstnirD, Dentists* Albany, - - - - Georgia. / \FFICE-OYER P^TT* L* TO.t flfRKiST. OFFICE. WARHIlfO J«o*«lydl Trowbridge & Hollinshed DENTISTS, VAYCBOSa, .... GEORGIA. Teetti cxtracttxl wiiuout p»fn. All work h minted. Torma raoderatc- Will go aoy- Lizo on B. & A. and 3. F. £ W. ItnlLroada. aplS-llm VV.A. STROTHER, 1C.D. ALBANY, GEOKGIA. Ice over Gilliert’s Bran Store Ali orders left it the Drug Store will reoeivo rompt urntion, Jan 7-1 y Or. E. W. AlaFHIEIv D, aABdPKCrFULlfY tenders tali sereioee, In tho IV rariouj brauebea ol his profession, to tbe Ittsdni libo^y and aurroundin^oouniry. Ol- iceoppoilts ;.trt Housg, on Pineatreet. HOTELS. CHE JOHNSON HOUSE, SSHTXTVILX.E, OA. to stop and geta GOOD MEAL. CMiMWILLDO! i ye«a,f a ad tram the it' • I commenced toklns mjaaif rall.v.d, a-.d I voutd not no» t ii for aay ceuameraUoa. Vajisytle-J.^ x.noittEr. rOB 8JLEBY ■‘• v ’ *' ■ -. GIIBEBT & CO. bayard taylor. **•*>«*■. Da a: **j u»8 |n*i (i.iao r*> i u nco’cmeadirig to p4i»n»* inc mCmIcwj ci Mr. owiihla C. rht.r> ildff* ** HON. TERNANBO WOOD. VL C„ -sldflMU/: -1 cMserRJlT consent to the um ol or oa«eu ref renoe Mr bojawfU return to yen ((or thsir fourth year) after uudr recatio'*.’* *«e Ji*u trr^ - i Irentor addr*no 8 WITH IV r, NHonTUIMJR, A, M., Harvard GnlveisitY urUatit, .HtdiA| Fo«| l2 noli* l.wut TovLoUeipnie. HOUSE! Barnes, ’Proprietor Georgia. well fnrnUhed and in ev‘- for lb* aeeommo- Entire saU Cement, ” Plaster, FOB SALE BY GEO. S. GREENWOOD. RUMNEY, FA8HI0NABLE TAILOR, WASHKGIOX STREET. HILL’S ! HEPATIC PANACEA FALL Ai WINTER SUITS! Latest styles! SHIRT COITIFS SPECIALTY Good Work I Perfect Pit and Seasonable Prices Goar an teed l v&e-ir INDSTINCT PRINT to jm tea—