The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 26, 1881, Image 1

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fi*F“ -*> .^7’ • • '• ' . • . - g u tiso® - W* ‘pb* -3- :• ■ j ■ r^‘ v . #> K -* rtf *-*' *£«*.- . T**fcr v%^- 1; : . J THE WEEKLY BE ■jy ALBANT NEWSeatabll.hed 1S«, t„ .. ._ . . Tha ALBAXT ADVERTISER, eetabHabed 1877, j Consolidated Sept. S.ISS0. .A Family - and Political Journal Devoted, to the Interests of Southwest Georgia. $2 a Year. Volume a. ALBANY. GA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1881. Number 11. The SUr of Bethlehem is now fiai- ble from 3 s. m. till daylight, above that the eastern borison. It trill not ap> appear arain in 300 yean. I AND THB ■Sa m always mi cheap- M. CRINE IS Attn AT AIDANT TOR L. H. HARTS B® and Carriage M D4WM!f, QA, tell Bajgfm and Oudin, ud Joke Odor* for all Kind* of lie- pan on Pint Tehloles. 'Itsr uoJfIgnftl i*. th« aothoPMd afaot As Augusta lady advertiaers for a lost bonnet. Gaess it slipped off the back of her neck and she didn't mils it until she looked in the glass at home. Bos JuBs W Daniel attributes the defeat of the Virginia Democracy, of which be was the able and gallant champion, ' to two causes- "the Guiteau administration and Northern money.” to The star route swindlers ought contribute something for the defense of Guiteau. Garfield has not been in his grave quite two months yot, and they are free. Guiteau did it, and they should show their appreciation. SPARKS'S SWISS Tin: GALLO IC.’iesiS, A Searo Doctor Chloroforms an 014 Man and Sits Daughter, aad Yt«- latee the Ptrwn or the Latter—A Ul.tory el the Crime. La™-' Sad Antonio Bxprw. A reporter of the Expreu ed from Mr. James Holt, of Coq- Yestenlay at'tho usual hour Sanrl chtt - “*• Calory that ' - properly handled would make the •Spark*, a ed a ed at Lumpkin, iu Stewart, >7r fur •»• of tfio most brutal fiendish crimes -known to the plan The New York Sun hu the follow ing in its editorial column: "The stal wart ticket for 1861: For President. Chester Allen Arthur, of Lexington a/enue. New York. General U. 8. Grant will pleaso take notice.” Tbe Rev. Dr. Taimage hea preached a sermon against the use of tobacco. It if astonishing how much more these snti-tobscco aposilesknow about the nature of tbe weed and tha effects Of using it than those who indolgo in it Tins is the way some of the North ern Republican papers look at it Hear the Philadelphia Press: "Ma son and Dixon's lino has been moved south to Hatteras. This is the full meaning aad measure of the result in Virginia/’ Step fui ilirt'tueturj.abd tii AtUof Tha Hart Buggy Is athwart Georgia, having Bun lev an sa!e wau known to Tax Nashville American says the borso and mule trade in that city is steady, with an ■ Increasing tendency, but no mtrked change in prices. It thinks the trade with Alabama, Gaor- j behind her, gis and other Southern States soon begin. miserab'e mongrel, su liange J " ' ~ count; and aunals of lb Near tbHhtte.vil lived'a wcU-fixed Pope, who for years had suffered a thousand deaths from paralysis. .He. w ” had tried in vain every physician of 1 the aection and bad tested the vir tues of every compound whose praisos reached bis ears. But he se cured no relief. Iu the same local ity lives s negro named Sam Sparks, who, to tho ignorant of the neigh borhood, wasknowu as the "Indian doctor.” By tome trick that was vain he prevailed on Mr. Fope to submit to a trial of bis skill. With tbs desperatiou of a wolluigh dead invalid the patient consented, and tbe Indian doctor became an iumate of the Pope household. Mr. Pope vas tha father of a beautiful girl, named Ida, who bad just turned her eighteenth year, and with rosy cheeks, sparkling ayes, and a form well-ronuded, was the admiration of the beaux and the envy of the maidens of tho peaceful neighbor hood. Bat her voluptuousness turn ed tbe head of the negro physician, and ooe day'wbeu the invalid father, the blooming girl, and tbe black hearted wretch were tho only in- matesof the bouse, he resolved upon and put into execution a crime for which he ou yesterday, gave up his life. Seizing a sponge he eatu rated it with chloroform, and placed it to the noea of tho old man until hh was insensible. - llo tbeu rushed into the garden where the girl,uumindful of harm, was attending to her Untie* in gathering vegetables. With the stealthiness of a tiger he crept up and the vame sponge A FAIR SH Tbe BiaiiK of a CracUfnl Phila delphia Ctrl and a web and woof of. as .rqrasutic a novel as -.vas #|ar V rxilen. It is the story pf untarily f _ _ _ elegancies oXa beautiful borne in d'ltllJdelphk to follow 1 a k>ver to wilda of Texas. Blanche Thomas the only daughter of parents Who lavished upon her all that wealth could purchase II jr dresses from Worth, her equipages, her browu atone bouse on Chestnut street, were the envy of many and the ambition of a few. Her father took her with him to Paris, whe^e she soon became the rage in the American colony there. Many ad niirer* had aspired to her handf- many wealthy nobleman had offered themselves iu marriage, but ail in vain. When pressed by her father for an explanation of her conduct, she reluctantly acknowledged tho was in love, and had been since her childhood, with tho son of the ger of her father's cost mines neat Pittsburg. This so coraged her father that he forbade her even to mention the young man’s name again, and unthinkingly told site must select some eligible Id her M* will {that had rendered her OPT TRIAL U THIS MOTION FOE A OTHER OF YEARS. Walsva but OlfB *BI0a»«n4 Warraat K»«ry Vehicle wbieh wamll. If r*« weal a GOODBUQGY besUUI is salt e* me Win sanhMlai. M. Crine, OAD BT., ALBANY, DA. 0R°wir$ IRON BROWNS a certain cure fbr all requiring a complete ton to i espe cially Indlgcctlon, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, laws of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strength- ana the muscle*, and given now Uft> to the nerves. Acta like a charm on the digestive organa, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, each ns tasting the Itood, Itclchlng, Beat In tbe Stomaoh, Heartburn, etc. The only Iran Preparation that trill not blacken tha teeth or give headache. Sold by all Drag- glow at 41.00 a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Baltimore, Md. ■at** h,»m wiSililsw h— anilM,«,IHll*l*l*HH*AAl***|* BIWARE or IMITATIONS. Garfield's illness and death oost the country more than was expended for the alleviation and burial of every soldier killed in the late war between the States. The mourning decora tions used in the public buildings at Washington City atone cost over three hundred thousand dollars. It is sttid that Gov. Long, of Massa chusetts, has written his Thanksgiving proclamation in vorsc. Thore iano telling wbat may be the rosult of this new departure. Gov. Long will doubt less find imitators, sod it is not im possible that Gov. Colquitt may favor us with something of the sort A conuEsroNDENT of the Nashvillo American states that from converse toin with prominent Northern men re-, turning from Atlanta, he is satisfied that the South, instead of the West, will absorb the cream of immigration. Tha railroads now penetratiog this region, as great syndicates, will be of inestimable value to iliis section. The Cincinnati 1'imesStar lays: The President ia represented as stand ing aghast at the Pension Bureau sta tielic*. So does the whole country. One hundred and twenty-one millions for the coming year is a sum of paralysing magnitude. In*view of tbe enormous drain on the Treasury, all talk of reducing internal revenna ia simply n waste of words. The .political party now in control of tbe United States government de voted ail the machinery of tho gov ernment and the money of tlia tax payers te help the repudiation!!tt of Virginia to carry the election last week. If the party indorses the repu diation of a State debt it will nut hesi tate, for political purposes to repudi ate the public debt of the United States. Ax ex-Governor of a Northern State it thus reported: "You may expect to see great promiuence given to the name of Senator Brown in the Presidential canvassing for 1881, and I folly ex pect him nominated for the Vice-Prea idency as the most influential man of the South. 1 ' We dare say that Senator Brown will figure largely in that di rection, bat what we want now is to have him Chairman of the National Executive Committee. FIMT1 FOR REIT. ■^yILL be ienMI.ibs blsbeitMdSsr.Mm tbe Court Hearn door or Doogbeity Coea- ■ If, m Baiarlay. the 8th of Novcmbar next, tho XIM | E£ gmah Roberts SWAMP PLACE. Xiao MU* tan Ah*ay. Tbe plaatalloa Is ta and order silk sit aaoromzy MbURN aad It having been asserted that General Grant is very desirous of Seeratary Blaine’s removal from office, the Phila delphia Ledger has interviewed the former as to the troth of the report. Tho General frankly admitted iu troth, and said that he wished Blaine out of tha Cabinet because "not a fit man to bo there.” Which expression of opin ion is not likely to lessen the fervor of tha anti-Grant attack, under Blaine’s management, upon tho Arthur admin- Istration. in These was a considerable boom Central Railroad stock in Augusta on the first of last week. On Monday it closed at 18 bid, 119 asked and ad vanced Tuesday to 122 bid, 184 asked. Bids were freely made at 122. The Augusta News says the first rise'in Central Railroad stock is explained by the increased business of the company. Tbe earnings of the Ocean Lins from Savannah to New York have boon simply enormous and almost incalcula ble. Three more magnificent ships likenhe Augusts are to be built, and as a matter of justico as well as com pliment to tho great magnate of the State, we propose that the first and Quest of tha thiee, and tha monareb of tho float, bo ohtisuned tho “Wm. M, Wadley.” r father unable to do her aid, soon caused her form ■o fall limp Into the arms of tbe brutish negro. The devilish crime (list he hail enacted wttn his vietim, helpless, and in his power, waa too foul to repeat. With his base lust satisfied be realised his crime and fled the country. Tbe heartbroken fhmily kept their secret in tber own .hearts for awhile, deeming pnblie disgrace .lets desir able than the puuishment of the wretch who had done them such great harm. Blit the sudden absonce of the In dian doctor from tho neighborhood aroused the curiosity of people.and soon tho story wae public proper ty. ' A soarch for the fugitive Wat in stituted, and hie whereabouts was soon discovered.. He was captured, lodged iu jail, and in October he was tried in tho Superior Court of. Stewart county, found guilty and sentenced to death. Tbe crime, we believe was committed in July. For a long timo Sparks was back ward, insolent ,«nd on the approach of visitors would retire’ to the furth est corner of his cell and 'refuse to talk. He at timet would declare that God had forgiven bit sine, and said that he would go to heaven. He confessed hit crimcand improved in flesh. He would frequently in dulge in shouting, in which tome of the other prisoneis joined. Yesterday Shcritt Griffis, with a guard ot sixty or seventy men. took Sparks from the jail and carried him to the ecaffold which had bren erected in an old field nbont three quarter* of a mile east of the town. Tbe noose was adju-ted. After little delay the trigger was sprang end Sum Spark* was on hi* way to meet Tom Betts, wherever tbe soul of that worthy reposes. The drop fell at twelve o’clock and in eighteen minutes tho physicians pronounced biin dead. The hang ing was witnessed by an linmenso crowd from the surrounding conn- tie*. Chattahoochee and Stewart counties wore out eu masse. Sparks repeatedly confessed Ids guilt, and said ho. wae prepared for death, and that his punishment wae |ust. It hsa developed that he left the girl with a loathsome disease. The crowd was quiet, and there was no dis turbance. amount of planning it was'decled conic to Texas, and here build for themselves a home. He pre-empted and -purchased land and sheep In Taylor county, built a house of two small rooms, and while she cooked wfahed and attended to tho humble avocation*' of-household drudgery Jie looked, alffer jjjq algetf afedjjalti- vated a few acres of land. A year of perfect but quiet happiness pass ed by, .when tbe husband broke his leg and tho work of watehidg the sheep devolved upon the wife. Olio afternoon, as she was talking to ward the house in hVr simple coun try dress, a party of gentlemen rode up, and one of. them was her father, who. had been searching for bis daughter sined her departure from Pdri*. ' Calm-reflection had taught him tbat ber’s had, after all, been the better choice, and ha was only too glad to recognize In herhnsoand a son-in-law. He persuaded them ive up their home in Texas ter* A Mermaid. Mr. Wra. Kennedy, of Fall Hirer, a seaman on tbe United State* ship Richmond, Is a lucky mariner,. Ha has just returned to his home In possession of an .authentic and wqll preserved iqaUl, jvjiaip he captured; in the Tang-tee-Kiaug-rhrer, Mav 1879. The individual -evidently died young, for her length is only 14 would say “poo-poo to you.’ elbos The head, neck, elbows and palm* are covered with floe hair, tho lower part of the body with silvery scales. The breasts are well defined, end the features, though somewhat wiz ened, are not without force and character. It ie painful to add that the eye* have “shrank away.” Mr. Kennedy hat been offered $100 for this fascinating creature, not in cluding tbe alcohol In which eh* ie preserved, bat he ha* rejected with proper scorn this contemptible proposition. tbe The "Churching Pew” is place apart in many English chore li es for -molhers who attend chureh for the first time after the birth of a child. Whenever an occupant ap peared in tbi* pew the nsnal service was read without further inquiry. An unmarried lady from another pariah who had passed tbe meridian of her days, took her seat one Sun day in the pew without being aware of the porpoee for whiefe it waa aeff apart. The nsnal service followed, and she waa only made aware of the object when the clerk, aa she was leaving, askcd.hor whan she would 6(1 wiurtw tnc nrrentr witn tfddiq she was lodging and sank into a seat in a fit of hysterica. "What is tho matter, inquired the friend, "have you been robbed or intuited ?” "Worse, much worse*” sobbed the venerable maiden, “I’ve churchedI” within six months or cease 13 be his daughter. Thinking him to be jn earnest, and knowing him to be'a ■nan of bis word, the poor girl pack ed up a few clothes, and, takiijg what money she had In her porta at the time, took passage on an out ward bound steamer for New York. Ai riving there she telegraphed (o her lover 1: Pittsburg, who did not even.stop: to change.-his’mining clothes,' so afraid was he would’’miss tbe ; fast "express that was to'carry-him |a> the bhjeet of his affections. There was a quiet little marriage at Grace Church the next day, and the spoiled child of fortune was the wife of a btaRnymnlcshr miner. After' much thought and a. great idecied to TBIAI. OF OUITBAV. Bobfl XFlthdrav onrr> lore Talk OpoasC—Crank Jours In Jail. to give up their home in Texas ter* Aifir- "CBArlEE" AID “YJ Dsn mulllganc* Aa la Ocoral* than In sorg; deal of a Yankee. Some one has Biid that if yon put A "cracker” and Vermont Yankee on a raft together and find them floating do wnstrean^ in less thau twenty-four honrs the "cracker” would own the raft mud tho Yankee would be working for him. It is a shrewd race, and ie a shrewd race, and is fast learning what it insists on calling Yankee tricks of trader Out in the country yon will find the "cracker” eagerlv discussing t*‘e best kind of gin and most economical way of picking and baling cotton. These questions, curionsly enough, are ju-t begin ning to dawn ou the race that has carried on co lon culture all these year*. To go among them seem* like visiting a new country ia lie infancy. They <lo not know much more about raising their crops than they did before the war. Bat's healthy sign it that they are learn ing, and a healthier sign is that Northern men who have upbraided them as thriftless, have come down here and find them not half a* thriftless as they appear to be from a distance. It is true that their un fortunate surroundings and the ln- atitntion of slavery have kept tkeir :w^ ^ m?ghl' a ii ! atp*. ,, t- I find! the farmers hare tslking very much a* the farmers ot New England talk. More than inches, hut in respect to her-Attrao-j..... _ „ , — , . , tions he would be a bold man who '****» I Apparently a good d*»l eng i era of this part of Georgia be found in the hill towns of Massa chusetts. A very eminent statisti cian and economist confeasad to me only a few day* ago, that he had dis covered the same thing. He fonnd there thoroughbred men of the South farther advanced in many ly* than are the hill farmers ot New England, for the best blood of many of tbe towns that once sent out .the brains and muscle of the new' world ha* gone into the cities or into rich land* of the West- In the Sonth are to he found the best representatives ef their race. They must not be measured by what they have accomplished in agricul ture or ia manufacturing. These are their new employment, or at least employments to which the thirty- white race in tbe south has not torn- farm’ : ed its attention. They ranst be judged by their aptitude. If they are showing a large capacity for assimilating the knowledge that ia. brought to them, and if they are al so developing the essential capacity a>4 adaptation which can only- come from a habit ot dost observa tion, the whites of the sonth can b* tnU intnnpii* wiTnxir own* ric« jn-. the north baa won. There is no doubt that they art giving evidence of this tame aptituds in industrial pursuits that has pat the north in the front of industrial enterprise. i all skis Washixotos, November 21.—Tbe eond wetk of Guiteau’* trial open ed to-day. Under tbe circumstances which have added greatly to the al ready wonderfully increased inter est which each day’s proceedings have developed, the crowd about the Conn House was three times as large as the crowd of Saturday, and it was with the greatest difficulty lb*t theta entitled to admission could force their way through the corridors to the court room. Gui teau arrived in tbe van at nine o’clock, having an escort of three 'mounted policemeu in addition to two officers on the van. Ho teem ed to have recovered entirely from hit scare. Upon being brought into court he at once devoted himself to his papers, and, contrary to general expectation, made no demonstra tion whatever, and no allusions to the attempt upon hi* life. Immediately upon the opening of court, Mr. Robinson aroso and ad dressed tho court for the purpose of calling attention to an article in the Sunday Poet, iu which Mr. Sovllle area made to say be should request the withdraw! uf Robinson from tbe •mse, as he (Scoville) had become satisfied that he (Robinson) could be of no assistance, but rather an em barrassment in the conduct of the defense. Mr. Robinson reel ed at length bis connection with the case, ana criticised in severe terms ibediscourtety bt had received from Seoville. Hit was here interrupted by Guiteeu, who broke in with— "Your Honor, I want Mr. Roblu- son to itay in.” Mr. Robinson continuing, request ed the court to grant bis discharge from the case, and said he could not, with proper self-reepect, reinaiu in Association with Mr. Seoville. Gui teau, who had been attentively lit- eniug to Mr. Robinson, broke out again, and with toneidurable warmth "That’s an able speech, and I agree with most of it. If he had only made it last Monday there never would have been any disturb ance between ua” Mr. Seoville here tried to quiet Gniteau, when he retorted: “Keep . ? uiet yourself; I’m talking now. aympathiao with him in this mai ler/’. Mr. Seoville made a brief state ment, deploring the disagreement, after which Joage Cox relieved Mr. Robinsou from further connection with tbe.csw. Seoville began to speak, when Gniteau exclaimed: “I understand that Judge Magruder waa anxious to assist iu this trial, alto Mr. John D. Townsend. I should like to have them appear here, at well as Messrs. Swctt and Trade, of Chicago,” then adding after a short panto: “One word on tbe question of malpractice. My idea is simply this, that by the physi cian’s own statement on the zoth ot July, the President wae not latally shot. We don’t want to press tbe subject. We desire to have it go on record, so that tho court In banc may taka notice of It.” After a brief pause, Guiteau added: "That’s all there is to tbe malpractice busi ness—abort and to the point. I want it understood that I appear aa my owu counsel here. I am agent of the Deity, and I expect Him to take car* of ms. I think He has manag ed it pretty well so far.” Tbe District Attorney then called Dr*. Woodward and Lamb, who testified a* to the character of the wound—that it was a mortal one. They also identified the ball, wh’ch was exhibited to the jury as tbe one ts-e;i from tbe President’s body. The prosecution then rested their cat-., and-Guiteau waa allowed per mission to be heard iu opening his defoose. Guiteau, retaining bis seat, began a speech, saying that he was not awara that ha waa expected to speak this morning. Mr. Scovilla asked him to rise when speaking, bat Gni- tesn insisted on keeping hi* seat He said he wished to correct some errors. He denied that he owed anybody twenty dollar*. He ex- petted to he pnt upon the aland, ex amined and crost^xamioed. Gui teau’* manner is much changed. Af ter. hi* brief speech be settled back in hit chair and seemed much ex- U made tarn a ample Tropical Leaf at Bara Value, aad Is s Positive Urmrdr t> all th« dtaeaaea that cauee psloe la — - ‘ of IS* I«-1t for To-pld LI-ar-Ha dice—Dizain aa*. Gravel, Malaria., ad all UM af Urn Urn of iSa Ktdnrra, Llrsr tad Urlaarr Organs, fsr Female Diseases,. Mnnthlr Menitrua- taoet. nod during Fremuncr. it ban ns rqual. II nttorsa the smna that male the blood.and bsaoa It la tha Met Bleed Partner. III. .be only knous runMy ihatcurm Brlsht’s Disease. For Dtabeua, aae Warner’s Sale Din bales Care. For Hair, b^Draz^rta and Dealers it *!.** ir ttto in Um mmrkffit. Trj H. H. V/ \RNKR * CO„ Rochester, IT.K. RUST PROOF SEED OATS. 1 OFFER Lor tala ten tbomand bnsbaleof Oanulac fezaa Rod Boat Proof oau se lected hr s party on the spot with a view to tsttlnx nothin* but the oennlno article. They are His ■amt quality that I so d so many of •»« asMon, which gare such geaarul aatialac- tloo; in fact I have not heart of a tingle In- ilancc In which they failed glTapcnSa aallMac- •*on. If reports from the corn crops oat West *ro to be credited, the price of corn wiltr: Ie much higher next season than It did tbs past, bene* tho necessity ef towing mors Oats sad earlier than last season, la order to accare a stand factors the freezes cosmos them. I sot prepared to Sllordeis tor early sowing. Tbs deman I tor Seed Oats will benaproeodented- Jy heavy thle season, and I have advice* from Tuna of a marked advance In the price of them, aad I think It advisable for those in newt af heed Oats to secure then, at ooee. 1 will exchange Oats for Cotton Seed, or wlU bay all tbs Cotton read I can get, at tt high act market price, for the money. .. J. B. FORRESTER. Albany, Ga_ August Mb, last, wtf. gt’ofcssional (Cavils. G. J". WEIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, GA. «orgiaa oets-dllwawim. Street ° Ter *** CcntraI ^ K * Dfmk « Central & Southwestern H R Savannah, Ga., ] Rir SUNDAY. r train* on Ikt ('antral and S Mas. Mtiu Lt. 4:45pm Ar. 6:45 pm Ar Mmm 3:10 a m 225 am ■r. 7JC p William E. Smith, • Attorney at Law, ALBANY, CA. o FFICE: In taat of the Court Hi stain, over Telegraph Offlc*. o.a. VASOH. A. H. ALFBIEXD PASON <D ALFBIENB Attorneys at Law, ALBANY, GA. Active aad prompt attention given to col* lection* «md all general business, Practice m all tbe ooorta. Office ov*r Southern Express office, oppo site Court House. |uMtt AT. T. JONES, JONES & WALTERS, Attorneys at Law, hais-ly James Callaway. Attorney at Law CAMILLA, GA feb'iS- •»0 'Xuuqn s-SS-finf jesfiiH o, stop taw is peoiR •WVHO -r -r I * 40J CQ'OIt jo JM •pvu-povq ’•p»«ffi-puv[j MMNg Mr. Seoville addressed the jury briefly, objecting to tome ot the testimony, which he thought bad been improperly introduced a* evi dence. The question at Issne were simply whether Guiteau Ulltd tbe President, and whether the prieoner was responsible for tbe act Mr. Scerille then outlined the ground the defense would take, and asked that bis argument be postponed un til to-morrow. The court than adjourned. William Jonas was brought to the Poliee Coart this morning and ar raigned for assanlt with intent to kilfCharles J. Guiteau. In default of 15.050 ball he was committsd to jail and the cats indefinitely post poned. The oldest and doubtless the richest •onviot in the Ohio penitentiary ia Horace Brooks, aged seventy-four year, whose long imprisonment is likely to he soon terminated by a large ’rose cancer which has ap peared upon his forehead. He was received at the penitentiary Novem ber 10, 1850, under a life sentence for murder in the second degree, and has thorefore been in the prison 'r-«M' yean. Hr owned a In tho suburbs of Cleveland, through which a railroad passed. The cars ran over and killed some Ofhis sheep, aud io avenge this inju ry Brooks obstructed tho track, threw off a train and killed five persons. He was indicted for mur der by the grand jury of Cayaboga county, tried in the court of that county, and sentenced to the peniten tiary for life. At the timo of his conviction bs and the property he then owned has become extremely valuable, having since become a part of the city of Cleveland. to ■twiiai will enrsth* deg. 'Pfflil SSMVH tell .VnuiaM oni a ina axv ojaam xi usnraa yyvxnvo *0)9 ‘S9IPPBS ‘S9IPJJB SS2HHYH 3QVW-QNVH 0009 -ISO ox- Id JJ SEE WHAT MMP CM MD WILL DO! Watjtrsboro. Novtmbcr 1.1890. Mr. J. A. Polhlll, WtjDMbaro : DmrMr—l d«**r* to exprm, through joa. to IkcpiwriMon, mj (tank* for tb* UortU I bovo d«rir*d fro a SILL’S HEPATIC PANACEA I kmv* Kiflbfc I. •• yoa know, for the part ala* Dyr.irp&Uaod liver trooblm,aad to ■Khoa «xi«it n lofmr death wo«M bo tbo bo- IbftVobMamtflgH. H. P. hz viui, aad Irom tbe tU e I commenced taking tt I Joood ajrartf rrlicvtd, aod I would art bow bo wlibMt U tor any conrtdantloo. • TmyrowMtattr.^ FOB BALETBY GILBERT & CO. prrata .tbo Amdamj of Mr. Swttbla C. 1 HON. FERNANDO WOOD. M. C-, 8*14(1889): -I cheerfully consent to thorn* of It boy* will rrtarato after tb dr vmerttoo." 8 Circular *4dr— SWITHIN C. SnOBTLIDfiB. A. “ ~ I,* yco (fiir tbrtr fourth year) a W. A. FORT, raACn'FSYSIClAH ui SUM, ALAPAHA, CA.. H1ENDEB8 hi* profbrtfenal services to tbo peo- X pie of Berries aad adjoining eooattaa, pH> tieolaily alaag tbollaoof tho B A A Bamoad. Kaens on hand a full line of Family aad Fatoot Madkteaa. Physicians* pnacrfptfaoojwmyy DeMoss & Ostmi, Dentists, Albany, - - - - Georgia. I \FFICE—OVER PORT OFFICE, WASHING w ton enamx. • - -— Trowbridge & Hollinshed DENTISTS, WAYCBOSS, .... GEORGIA. worn LT. 3:45pm Ar 6.-45pm Ar. Steam Ar. £2Sam Ar Cc Ar. Sam Ar....MoroAlbany NHHN —.ro.MAr^...^.MU)cdgtvlDi At Eatonton.^. srr AomMmm A r. Srilau Ar. liJOau ~aCT :si£=da3fciiB==B : a a Ar„oo^..Batm»too^. , KIT i Ar.,.M W dlbanv at Milladfwlila . -Ar SZipa JhaJiMs Staging Cari Saraaaah to CU- rinnaU Tie Maooa, Al&s Italliraj on 7J0 p m train, oeal SI taping Un on-all Night Train ■a taraanMi .ndAaguMa. Aagazla sal Teeth extracted without pain. All work srrantoti. Terms moderate. Will go any- kero on B. ft A. sad 8. F. ft W. Railroads. aplg-Um W. A. STROTHER, MD. ALBANY, GEORGIA. Office Bier GiMiUrni Store 4U orders left at tho Drug Store will rcoelva Jan7 . ly Or. E. W. AIiFRIEWD, I3ESPECTFULUT tenders hi* services, la tho ft various branches of kis proTemlon, to the itlssaa i Albany and «arroundlnf country. Of- HOTELS. CHE JOHNSON HOUSE, SU1THYILLC, GA., Is the place to stop and get a GOOD lRE SQUARE HEAL. THE ALBANY HOUSE! Herrick Barnes,Proprietor Albany, Georgia. IJfliis Haase is well furnished and in **- _ ery way prepared for tha Jation of the traveling pnblio. Entire sat- -sfsetion guaranteed. The table is sup plied with the heat the country affords, tnd the servantsare nnsnrpaMed In po liteness and attention to the wants of guests. Omnibuses oonToy passengers to tnd from the different railroads prompt- ^y^fre* of charge. Charge, te ^ SASH! DOORS! BLINDS! Plaster, FOB SALE BY GEO. S. GREENWOOD. RUMNEY, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT OF SAM* ° PIsES of Um It J.CM«lz.T>«aiszrilli.Oat Ir F.OrasrftCo- ■BUt.Ua; tetnbenaa, S.^tlj StaataM a ACk-AUaatz, Foritlh, Ux; Alum, OA% JsJt t‘ MS*. W. BMd “Swlft-I SyahUIUe -jprclfc” la tha treatment af convicts tCpaat year, and bctlrra lt lithe miy owtas tow— rrwaZv that will aOhet “”w5S?!a£eX ASDHJ Vrof" 81,000 REWARD WU1 be paid ta ray chriaUt who win Sat. on was » wealthy man, Price of lahrse < - 1 to $1.75 pc dneed 1 Regular . Bottle, ■■ thequnutltT) Price Bto^kalftScluSft THE aVlFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, JPrcprlrt Oallfarawpyef 1 ‘ Latest styles ! FULL AHD WINTER SOUS! SHIRT CUTTING Trslni on Blakely Extenzloii ntnz tlzUylsz. OSM tiuoday) heat Albany to Arlington, aud dal- - Un " " Ktaniasw ttoutea to all points North, East without aCHRGINERU, 1.7 Can can bo 1. C. Shaw, Oon.Trar.Ajt. WILLIAM 1_ hupLC, K.K, r W. F. SUELLMAN, Bnpt. 8. w. A. 1L, Maeoo 8ATAXXAH, GA., NOT. ^SIl| Ah- AND AFTER SUNDAY. Nor. S, U8L jUj^Faooeiiger mini oatWnltowlwlil nasi FAST MAIL. 44 451PM :::::1S5S Leave Ji , Lure IV ay cross Arrive At CAllAhan Arrive at Jacksonville Leave Jacksonville y-JSti Arrive at Wnyeroos Arilve at Joann Arrive at Savannah JACKSONVILLE EXPRESS. LuvoSArannta —J ........ngP M Leave Waycros, “ Arrive at CAllahaa “ Arrivo at Jacksonville Arrive at Llvo Oak dally (ex- Lcave lSvo^oak dally (except" saaday) “ Leave Jackaoavllle “ Lcavo Callahan “ ......7:t7PM LeaveWavcroaa “ Ian'S Arrive at Jesup “ 11 AO P M —a— SPECIALTY ! Good Work! Perfect Pit and Seasonable Prices Guaranteed! »a*2Wf C. J. DAVIFL. Albany, G* INDSTINCT PRINT | fiaaii