The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, January 09, 1892, Image 4

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.«eh cnat are ^ nas fallen into the . j.i£ws A5» Advertiser. ^ork of tearing a'vray the upper ^rtion of the old church disclosed a umber of deposits that would do reditto the articles placed in a corner- tone. The work of remodelling the chnrcb ed to the destruction of the steeple Irst and it was in this' that a number •I relics were found. Amoug the most interesting of these ras one found yesterday that is now n the possession of the News and Vdyertiser. This is an advertising sill that looks like money that was by Mr. J. M. Duff, the tinner and mrdware dealer. One one side it jpre- ents the appearance of a ten- dollar dll while on the other the advertlse- ng scheme is disclosed by the money- id appearance marked by the figure 3. But the most interesting part of all the chirography that adorns the ower edge of the bill. In whose and writing it Is no one knows, bnt is there and reads as follows: din & Lehman Done this work 18 na 1876.” The News and Advertiser will keep this as a relic but an> One wish ing to see it may do so by calling at b office. It carries one back to the former days and Is a relic that may be prized. 43EOUUU mmSlON ABlKK Who Atm'Tm Plant Tits llaf ne ' thodism on »to© Pacific Slope—A Hr cat WerlrUB&evtalten. Today at 4:15 p.m.,n party of mis sionaries, made up fromthe ibe North Georgia Conference, will leave Atlanta for California.' Bisnop A. G. Baygood, D. D., LL. D. will be in charge ot the entire party. This is a new thing un der the nun. Pullman palace cars have carried many kinds of parties to t Pacllloj.ii;. Never before since the world began, perhaps, has a whole Buffet sleeping car been filled with missionaries, leavlngliome and friends to plant the "church la a distant quarter of the globe. This indicates the same zeal and en thusiasm for humanity that expressed themselves through the iabors of St. Paul In planting the church in Asia, Minor, ore still In the church. The cliurch of Jcsuo Christ, in all Its repre sentative denominations, seems in these, the last days ol the Nineteenth Century, to be reaching out for new f fields and new conquests. There seems ; to be. an Increase of fervor and of the ' spirit of self-sacrifice. Doctrines that divided the different : Christian bodies in other countries, ' are not emphasized as they were. The . emphasis now is put on Christ, his | mind, spirit and ethics. This brings ; Christians together, and helps them to throw" themselves with united force upon the unchristian mniti- f the world. Bishop Haygood’s move into the regions beyond, Is brave young helpers, is a if the times. Christianity is not end, nor faltering. It reappears le lire of thl3 heroio Georgia op, and in the lives of this self- fleing bond or young Georgians 10 unite their -fortunes with his to work in the far West. Through tills movemont Georgia and California get bound together by ties that will nevor be broken. Life ties are stronger and more enduring than all others. Life gifts are the costliest. If tho whole of Georgia’s crop of cotton, and wood an iron could bo transported intact and given to California it would not count in comparison with this gift of human beings. Maine Is getting a new crop of spruce gum ready for the market. Attention uaranin. With twenty-five veers experience in the garden seed business and hav ing purchased and sold seeds from numbers of growers, we have ;(after a fair and Impartial test) decided that Landretli’s garden seeds are the most reliable we have ever handled. Every • paper being fresh and true to name. This fact hundred or our customers ■will attesc. The growing demand upon us for Landreth’s seeds ha3 been so great, besides onr own knowledge of tlicir superiority has earned us to dis card every other grower in their favor. AVo purchase these seeds direct from ( the extensivo farms of Messrs. Ltnii- j* reth and they should not be classed J with the worthless seeds left on com- 1 mission througfcpnl, the country. A , word to the-wise is sufficient. ; Bospcetfnlly your friend, Hicsman <fi Anas Co. .rltaa. Buffering ..a great nervous ..•oneness, disordered .constipation. X have been ./ Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir, .a now I am a well man. Bev. C. C. Davis, Eld. SI. E. Cbnrch South, No. 2S Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga. Economy without parsimony will be the policy, It is said, of the new Congress. That will amply satisfy the "demand.—South Bend Iod. Times. Tha reckless extravagance of the Eepublican party, the billion dollar Congress, the outrageous pension steal and other careless use of public fends have caused the people to de mand reform and the Democratic Congress stands ready to obey the de mand. When Babywaa stA, We gave her caatorK When she waaaChihl, She cried for Caetoria, When she became Hiss, She dung to'Castorha When she had Children, She gave them Caetoria, “Giggle, gabble, gobble, git,” is Ol iver Wendell Holmes’scharacterization of a B o’clock tea. Deaficn Can’t be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There i3 only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional rem edies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets iutlamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness Is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which ia nothing but an inflamed condition of the mneons surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that we cannot cure by taking Hall’s Uatarrb Cure.. Send lor circu lars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists 75 cents. Twenty-five hundred women In the United States possess medical diplo mas. known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kid neys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.—Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malaria fevers.—For cure ot headache, coustlpation anil indiges tion try Electric Bitters.—Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refund it,—Price 50 cts., and $1 per bottle a H. J. Lamar & Son’s drugstore. Among the new students of the Uni versity of Kentucky are a woman and her two sons, who have become “fresh en” together. The' mortality from what are called winter diseases fe not easily estimated. Coughs, colds, bronchitis and sore throat make up fully one-half of the death rate. More people die from pneu monia, which first began as a “bad cold” than from consumption. Hum phreys* Specifics Nos._l and 7, for fever and inflamatlon, for coughs and colds, are sovereign, curing promptly,mildly, safely and effectually, and thus arrest ing pneumonia—as hundreds of thous ands testify. They have been in use for many years, and have so univer sally met the expectations of the peo ple that wo are almost “carrying to New Castle” to thus speak oi; —Exchange. A young soldier at El Paso, Tex., played base-ball so well with a local club that his admirers bought his re lease from the army and engaged him as a star.. A BDillon Friends. A friend in need is a triend Indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs, and Colds.—If yon have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all dis eases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is'guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at H. J. Lamar & Son, Drug store. f I T lie First Step, Perhaps you arc run down, can't eat can’t sleep, can’t think, can’t do any thing to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should - heed the warning, you are taking the first step Into Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Elec- t ' trie Bitters you will find the exact . remedy for restorlug your nervous svs- 7 tem to its normal, healthy condition. "• prising results follow the use or great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Jour appetite returns, good digestion is restored,rand the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50c. at 11. J. Lamar & Sous, i Cincinnati has a record ot twenty* three murders and sixty-one suicides j for 1891. § b > merit Win*. ; We desire to say to bur citizens, that for yeut£ *vc have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, Dtv King’s Now Life Pilis, Buck- len’s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and nevei^ handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such uni- 1 satisfaction. We do not hesitate y guarantee them every time, and we tand rgady to refund the purchase Hce, if sat* : ' their their H ito satisfactory results do r.ot fol- *ir use. These remedies have * great popularity on their 3. J. Lamar & Son, Drug- eight years old.' Ciectnc Bitten. This remedy i3 becoming so well hem Archdeacon Farrar, of London, offers $500 for the proof of any one case either in the church or out of it, where drunkenness has been cured without otal abstinence. A son of Mr, M. D. Pusser, a mer chant of Gibraltar, N. C., was so badly afilictcd with rheumatism lor a y or more, as to be unablo to work or go to school. His father concluded to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm on the boy, It soon cured him and he.^has since walked one and a half miles'to school every school day. 50 cent’ bottles for sale by H. J. Lamar & Sons. The world is full of people who will persist la turning to the left, and then wonder why they meet obstinate crowds on the road.—[Milwaukee J ournah . Some druggists may tell you they have other chill remedies just as good as Cheatham’s Tasteless Chill Tonic; they have not. It is the best made insist upon having it even if the poor druggist don’t make quite as much as he would have done had he sold you some other preparation. Cure guaran teed. Within the last three years Ameri can Indians have disposed of 2,500,000 acres of their lands. do _ extraor- .utrimoni&l lot- ^ than none. You’ll cs, a little better.” .. „ •And you’re between five to ten and five feet eleven if you’re an inch.” “Ob, I’m too tall. You don’t like —” she began. ‘•I admire tall women,” be Inter rupted, hastily. “All men admire tail women, but I was jnst thinking, Maria, that they seldom marry them. That’s the point, Maria. Just call to mind the old maids you know. Is there a Uttie woman among them? No, Maria; not one in a thousand. Now, why is it? Canyon tell me that?” And be puffed his pipe meditatively. “I can,” ehe said coldly. “Perhaps you’ll enlighten me.” he snggested “I will,” she returned. “Man ad mires a tali woman, bathe is such a consummate coward that he won’t marry one anywhere near his own size. She must be so small that he can bull doze her; so small that she seems bis property rather than his partner. That’s the kind of a creature man is. Doyon understand me, Joseph?” “I do,” he said meekly. “But sometimes they are fooled, Joseph; sometimes one of them gets a woman who is big enough to assert her rights.” “Sometimes one does,” he admitted, “but sometimes he gets fooled worse than that, Maria. Sometimes, 1 am told, he gets a four foot six woman, who has more pepper and mustard and brimstone in her than a giantess. One can’t tell by the size of the package just what it contains, Maria. If one con'd—” “Without intending anything per sonal, Maria—nothing personal at al —I may say that some men would have token larger packages, and some, Maria, some would have hustled for smaller ones.” Then he devoted himself to coloring bis pipe and she was undecided just what she ought to do.—[Chicago Trib une. Poor Opinion of Him-c’f. He bad a girl on his arm and was hunting the “license office,” says the Detroit Free Press. When be found it and had drawn up alongside the clerk’s desk he chuck led a bit and remarked, nodding his head toward the young lady: “See this gal, mister; she’s jest the biggest fool in ten states, she is.” “She doesn’t look it,” responded the gallant clerk, with a bow. “P’raps not; but she is, mister.” The girl gave him a tender little shake and told him to bush up. “Listen at her.?* he said to the clerk, wl th a chuckle, .“listen at her. Don’t know nothin’ ’bout herself at at all, she don’t. Wants me to hush up, but I won’t. Siy mister, can’t wo get license here?” “A marriage license?” inquired the clerk. “That’s what,” he answered, with confident pride. “For you and this young lady?” asked the clerk again. “Youbet it ain’t no other, mister, : he said, slapping the clerk across the shoulders. The clerk made it out, ban ded it over and took the fee. “Didn’t I tell you she was the big- gest tool in ten states,” he said, os be stuck the license into his pocket. “Look at her, will you ? Slick as a whistle and as party as a yearlin calf. Got a 100-acre farm, too, in her own right, and she’s goln* to marry a feller like me. Now say, mister, did you ever hear o‘f filch a fool trick as that?” and he chuckled till he shook all over. A Duty to yourself* For old sores, smn eruptions, pim ples, ulcers and syphilis, use only r. p. p., and get well and enjoy the bless ing Only to be derived from the use of p. p. p. (Prickly Ash, Poke B<rc and Potassium.) What Religion Isn’t. It isn’t going to church to see what the people wear, or to find fault with the preacher. It ins’t running into debt for things you dont need, end never paying for them. It isn’t giv ing away a great deal of money pub licly, simply that the people may speak well of you. It isn’t stajing away from church when you know special collection Is goiDg to be taken. It isn’t leaving one church and joining another whenever you do not like tfce preacher. It isn’t reading so many chapters a day or saying one prayer over and over. It isn’t sitting in house and looking solemn, and refus ing to eat anything cooked on Sunday. It isn’t putting all the big, sound ap ples on the top of the measure and the little and rotten ones on the bottom. It isn’t telling other people what to do in prayer, and letting the devil tell you what to do In business matters. It Isn’t whipping your boy for smoking while you have a cigar in your own mouth. It isn’t telling the aervant to say, “Not at home.” Since Cheatham’s -'‘Tasteless Chill Toole was introduced many other tonics have been introduced to the public. None, however have met with the same success. The reason is simple —they do not do. the work it does. When yon have chills try it. Price 75 cents. Guarteed to cure. .eshed - tho ben, . quit the business? I should think i: when eggs are so high in ‘•Pay ? I should lM-ik It would! That was the raischbf if it. It would pay too well.” “How pay too weii ?” S. •*Ii was just this way* AH around me lived a lot of lot'try raisers who got big prices for their egg*. Well, sir, they were so j alons ol aj success and so afraid-that my egg plant would ruin their business that they hired * professional burglar to destroy roy plants one dark night by puhing^tbem up by the root*. That discouraged ms so that I never had any heart to resume roy txperitrenls^ ”Tjleli. joa. sir, genius has no show in this coc'trj when it threatens xo collide with sen* one’s vested rights.” And Snooper weot in rear oh of an eggnog made with real rggs. IA MAN &£r<,*rS450! HIS fyElCHBORi paid only 8370. REV.SAM.P.JONES REV. J,B. HAWTHORNE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT PR. fCi&C’S imem The follow!ns Is on extract from * letter writ ten by the World Eeuo\rcid Evans*. 1st: -1 morned-from Tyler. Texas, on the 12*b Inst. I End m*-' wile has been llojaJ Mnetner to The GREAT UPBUILDING of *}«r physical-system. She Is almdg^free from the ais:rp?s!ns headaches with which sh« hasbeen a HA KTYR WrsHP VFP V L VlJut hornc. r ^* or r F, l TSt .i.„rch Atlanta, Ga., was cured of a longstand ing case of Catarrh. - Ills wife bad been hu ia- r-AiA from nervous headache, near-light, t jd FOE TIUKTV YEAR), MM-ItT “A more com i>:ere transionuaiion •rtweSffi-xy** iy child. “We liave persuaded many ot oar frieudii to take the medicino, and the testimony of all of them fs that it Is a great remedy• Dr Kind’s Royal (lermctner is a boon to women. It builds up the strength, increases the appetite, aids digestion, relieve* them of the cause of disease, and insnres health. v It in an infallible care for Rheumatism, Neu- raigia. Paralysis. Insomnia. Dyspepsia. Inu.; jrestiou. Palpitation. Liver. Bladder ar»r5 j KUJ ne\ Diseases, Chili* sod Fever*. Catarrh,»Xl Blood «ntf Skin Diseases^Fern*!© TroaWeSjetc. Prompted by a desire |oleach more«tflerlng people, the price has been reduced fsmnJC-w to *1.50 per concentrated bottle, which madew one gallon of medicine .oh per directions accompa nying each bottle. For snip bv the A ATLANTIC GSRSHTUER CO. Atlanta,Ga. and by Druggists. If your Druggist can not *y you. it can be*.eni by express. , Sena fetainp fur lull particulars, certlfr fray># of wonderful cures, eto. □ . dealer in and SBB-2S& I. «H l > While out calling, between the resi dences of C.ipt. W. E. Smith nnd J. K. Forrester two black capes, supposed to hare dropped trom the carriage. The person seen to pick them up wilt please return same to Mrs. W. L. Davis. The schools of New York will cost next year $4,^500,000, ot which $3,128.- 000 is for teachers’ salaries. forty- S. H. Clifford. New Castle, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheuma tism, his Stomach was disordered, hts Liver was affected to an alarming de gree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, III., had a running sore on hts leg of eight standing. TJsed'three bottles of i Bitters and seren boxes ot t’s Arnica Salve, and his leg it ‘ 1. John Speaker, Ca- id he was i .. . . Cheatham’sTasteless Chill Tonic is pnt up in 75 cents size. You pay year money and take your choice. But whatever size you buy, yon can rest assured that you are’ getting the worth of your mousy, It never falls to cure chills; it is guaranteed to do so. The statue of Admiral Dahlgen, to be erected in Philadelphia at one of the entrances to the city,will cost $20,- 000. _______ Ignorance of the merits of De Witt’s Little Early Kisers Is a misfortune. Tbcse little pills regulate the liver, core headache^dyspepsia, bad breach, constipation and biliousness.— A Philadelphia peanut vender as sures his customers that he owns a farm down dn Jersey where he raises all the stock ho sells. - - It Pays to Dress Weil. St. Lcuia Globe-Democrat. , Let a man lay it down as a golden rule that it pays to dress well. If there is a grain of truth in the old saying that clothes can make a man, it applies with increased lorce to the man of ability- A well-fitting snic of clothes is a magic key to society—not clothes by themselves, of coarse, but consid ered as adjuncts in the make-op of the man. If you were going to employ a clerk, and there were six applicants, all equally intelligent, capable and honest, but one of them well dressed and tidy In looks, and the other flveBtnffed Into ill-fitting garments, the chances are ten to one that yon would select the first. No young manlookiag forward to something higher in life can make a better Investment than to buy good clothes. The fact that Boscoe Conk- ling wa3 an eqnisitive dresser only lent an additional interest to his great indi viduality. No man ever accused him of being an animated fashion plate, but the public respected him all the more because he hud the outward signs of man of taste. WHITE SEWING Agent for the Mutual Life In surance Company of Kentucky. Broad Street, Neuman & Tobia next door to Mm STORE. JTiiKJ/J v £rEC;n£S reCeUii,Site, r:rr, Hep. AITQ PCCTT.T2T. Book CD Treatment ofAclciIt cun' Chart Sent Free. cars( Vcvcra.GoDse«Ices.Iafltn:=!rtlioa j A.A.i Jrpiaal aXrBiugltis, JlUb Fever. | LcfenM'. Kb-nnseciaax. j C.C>~IH*teMprr,riaae1 U!$durtec* I).C.-HoW or Cruts, Worms. E. E.—Ceazls. Uearn Pnenmmnlx. F. F.—Tolie or Gr.pcs Bellyache. G. G.—31iscarrhMrr« Bemmseec KidSrf Direcwa, J.I.-»Eruptive Disease*, ?iansQ< J.IC—-D is eases of Disco ties, Paralyw. StaSleBottls (orer»dess:>. - - .#C -cable Case, wm SpecSHts, Xnntl, _ Veterinary Core Oil lthI 'touicoM.-, 37.90 Jar Veterinary Car. W. L, DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. FAX so.-.- ItHt til* FOR -It is made of the best leather produced in this country. It is a calf Shoe, made seamless, best dongola tops. It is as smooth inside as a hand-sewed Shoe. It is equal to other makes costing from $4 to $5. It is stylish, durable and comfortable to the feet. The Best Shoe in the World for the Price- GENTLEMEN. oa, - ~i.oo 1gssB&sr*" 9 HUMPHREYS’ ZIZD1CUTE CO. Center William and John StNevr York. VSSPSREYS? nosssPAiHic SPEGiFIS No.-Strl •ssceesrital rcmeJyfuj lis! Weakness, —-— ..... ——. ithri 07 cQm exeats. fl per vtjlLct &Y13U end y‘.i1 powcer. forfi. SolobtDkcgststs, or 23nt vcstpoM ca receipt arprfcc^nzsrPHSEVV HEDICWE CO.. Ocr. vV Ulian asd John. IT. 7. 1 over lasura Yc-erseff, araisf't payin? *a.W-fc bitani r>.i.«-> fcy Lvying? cirect bom f. [LUOOEfi & BATHS, SavcSfaii, £3. | [ Wbohave^ctfW Prf-r »nd that the «i>*. f |Ton c-icAt pay tir-n tf.-'n ro/^nui=«ts | l *re-*etaASr worth. Thry *rorot huIVjLnt way. f ; Wt* Letc?t SlTXm * The Greatest Medicissj Discovery cf the Ape. No Disease of the Blood can withstand its powerful cieans- insf finalities, to'met* akec q tiue* of til tho t tnarL.’W 1; AtKoneseoine<itofl struck XT. XV. a O-VooltlridgeV* Uve bciilf s of this tralr wonderful •nau-j a corsw j off® I contracted a l for more than a a brother. I bad minute 1 *x> tako W. W. C. heal to foot. Yr .C. X waacoveml XikxIacttoobC FIa.fS?c. YsS2. MASLVACTCaED CT 7T09LBBIBQE TTOKBESFUL CURE C0 M COLTJ2IBUS. GA. FO» SatMB 2Y. SITJSGISTS. k'.V ;at>; t s Dr. E. C. Jissvc ft Be AIN Tr*at- iiiv.’. apiftrantofcd sr^clfic tor Hysteria. Dir- tiae-s, C-.nvaIs.icn8. Pita, Nc-rvons XearAlgia. ycadr.che. > er^voaa Prostration raosed bv tb- iss of alcohol or Wake'nincss. Men tal Degression, i*ort uln^of f ie Brain rcsnlt- it.y in insanitv an.i leadin-? to misery, decay ind sleatb. Premstore t*Jd ijt«. iiarr-mifM. *jOa3 of Power in cilliertex, !».volntitary Loi- *C8 acd Sformitorrboea, emsed by over-cyer- uoa of t!:e brain, f.a*-abase or'r-Udul- sence. Each box contains one month’s treat ment ?1.C0 a braes for fo.OC, s>SEt by mail, prepaid* on receipt of pt ice. WE (JUARANTES SIX BOXES To core“807 caso With each order received by us for si * ijoxea. aeco’tipairefl with $5.00. vre will send the pur baser ocr written poar ia ice to refund the irnnevth« treatmeaf docs* •'ot effect a cisrc. is-nec - ' ! 'mnan & A$:ar ‘*;o^ “clrngKUte # W)J* m&n ^ 7mtm 1 — OO GENUINE HAND- b SEWED. It equals im ported Frcncli shoes costing from $8 to #12, and cannot l>e duplicated at this price. QOhasd-seweb —6*a WELT. The finest calf, stylish, comfortable anti durable, a ad the best tiress shoe in the country for tho price; same grade as custom mode shoes costing from SG to $9. 50 POLICE SHOE, for lar.ners. railroad men, &c- Bestcalf, seamless, smooth inside, three heavysoles with extension edge. One tjair will do fora year. 5© FE better t FINE CALF. No ter or more service able Shoe was ever of- fered at this price. One trial xriil convince. ft*} 25 and $2.00 WOBK- Shoes. Equal those of other makes costing from $2-50 to $3.00, and are the best in the world for the price. SYtBCTATt. W. L. DOUCLAS’ Si.75 SRO- CAB. TtstcslSfoysn for lb- prlcacrcr placet ca t io murktt. taild Isathcr ttroash. out, vorr siroaslr cuUlr, auS will not rip. CAUTION. 00. imported French shoes costing from $4.001» $6.00. Rfl BEST BCNGOLA, per- uv feet in every way. * Success has attended our 1 efforts to produce a first- class shoo at this popular price. LOW IN PBICE, bnt not in • quality. No shoe at this price has given better satisfaction. At a 7R FOB MISSES, combines N* V 10 style wilii tho hygienic uS i a principles so necessary in -w ■ » the footwear of misses and yonng ladies. FOR BOYS- BO and $1,15™! are made of the best xnatc- , rial thronfrliont? Hill not riw, and Hill stand more hard usage than any other shoes sold at these prices, W. L.rorOLVS’ 93.00 CAU SHOE rORLADIZSantl SI.VS CALF SHOE FOR GIRLS have jtisl Tiecn perfected. They are made seamless, o? selected calf, with kangaroo calf tops, nud spe cially scitabla for outdoor wear and rcIjocX sIiocs. S£ccn th a feet trj’, irfth* ssr TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES. 3» j cut tho use of rubbers. These Shoes are made and guaranteed by tho manufacturer to be price-uvortliy goods, and all have the price and name of TV; L. DOUGLAS stamped on bottom. Ee sSb ySn are not deceived by inferior articles, and carefully examine bottom cf each shoo for stamp before purchasing. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass'. S3. imported $4.00 ta S2. FOR LADIES. QU BAVD-SEWED SHOE, is made of Dongola; stylish, aad easy fitting. the best dnrable nals $2.' To the JIoaoralie : mid County: The petition ol R S-* 'Court of wjjifolk, T. H. cart*-! I^e, r.o. EJv.nrt-J, apecvYcJy Khowah »a ri^ciatjri uM sncveMGJ f«rald>L tor the i< rri ark. W. c, Gfiid?.- ido y. Tin, '«•; x. \7w.D. Alaau, T Jl. ; J if. Jf, \¥otie$, jo t.tluy an<l thwiir n«- i, tf. oiitt to iec« r- f tKectjr jekrs. the liriva se ot t-.uw-l 'fie iXfir-twa tUercof, uu*!cr the name anh » ile of tho ••AStany-M*biufuan Iicprovciiietit Company. The principal tfiicc ot company to bo in city «>f ,>iba»y, Ueorjfi a. with tlioprivi- *^eoi er.ia , ’;iaUin^ LriJiihoftic.», or tgcici $ else when in s J«t ^tate, whenfcvcr it wsy ie n c«-a*arr or r4v*M*Kcou3 in the execution 11 the Imwincss 'lus the I nrpo'c for wh cb this Incorporation is 1 JCTt ol your ij»titi9r era i-x tn i j emote 'fEemutciitl n.t loi* etU jrtai^ity 01 the citv or Albany.a\ . .-id-i i»ocphetty c^uaty beti c»ntcufu*’ry an tnd o ii-iui- r-v’vrr. ihcu’-rr» ant■Mims.Jrs. lor ibUi-urt.o^r iet,ii.»r.«-ia rr«7 »»“*• *5*7 lie pein.1 tv*i ivticic te the r$ *»t, iu in»ir c^ri orate caift-’.t.S lo pt run.».>e, se-1. scctive. *’ljoy ivit. mojjjjage. «.« oti,OW.f.e crer.tQ her son u.c ifc«i c»; or pt-rsen*.!P'*I’tr.y, ecnbtrict hivl tuc-l ifc-i or cemraeiloi ihe « rtet o - . of tuch bi-t.uisg'* 'f other mi) rov- menu*, as n ay »e c« tero .rjr to ei.ab'0 y«*tir ja-'ipo. ei- 3 to cany 1. m. fcrc'Si* tul ».'pciht-ioii the • !•)•..cts Of lbc.r inckijD.ia- no Dv^«uiiiO'c wLs our i.miia i >. - • nef’-LucuttF, :i U lay. ^e i a <1 t.i-co... t l:e .r. ,u ; and to luiv -. j» bat s ui .it’iji, /■’■ ire s ub , ai»*l »•»* Qiuu'.:> a i t.t i»» iii. j' 1 ■- atre'-i» cl like clu i"i .•» i.« Coen t:. j.i .1 *1 tl -ii io .i.e priv ttJ-es . crvi'xJt* re “staie •.;«t:t or*; • \ tn; Mint rbey may ne i «» r - HKiuii ... ^ i t il;e.r * ui j o; -ie a c.n. li*«r ; IIV • »•£ have e «irt or- njra cui!- 0 <i> rts', v i.o.sT.u; uiiti le «* niracicu v itb; 1 «rii. aii’i o iii 'I, to plea i ani bj imp eail- e : :.i an> •••. *. «.f n„ or.equity « 1 ihW !?t te; uj.p.u' t cr olft-eis aii.t a.'in's ns they i:^f id *;• • J-. o in..I.e . lit Jl ru ea reL- -!*. r, Li .mi u fucir uwi r».$ »i.t v. Dll tie :.v.V8 «-f . i • ti-; ; : nte<t ai tl t«» 11;.’r lc:», ;>mI .. vc umh ure iue, s.*..rv i '-T toe iFj'it- i o. tlie i ;u ;>jr s ot liui* ir- ■r U- r :!iow ;h t the cap tal i ■ 1 n 1$ o Ik* itie EU ’.i < f liars r.i >r - thau tu> lifer cent, tn 1k£. .-i.-ea •! b-.'t n p -i • i , ice oi nit/ «:.*iiars ercti; bu'. i u ilK. »ip'lit t*i lie.: raw.* ».u«l I ft. . l.n.ih till io u( rtfiy . of iWii-tiuulge. t.:celia:<- alien. *;.f . t:r« r.= pray that th *, ' *• i. a Jf.n- n il r ami » -• . oi..- . ami i• i» tl U; iti-.U d.tty h.ntuir FOR SSLE BY MORRIS MKY.ER, HLBRNY, GH. CHILD BIRTH • • • • • • MADE EASY! “ Motisks* Frickd ” is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro- . fession. These ingredients are com- hined in a mann er hitherto uttkna^wn “MOTHERS’ * FRIEND” • WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life cf Mother and Child. Book - to “ Mothers ” mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sent hr express on receipt «f price ?IJJ0 perbottle BMDFIELB REGULATOR CO., Ailanta.Ca. COLD BY ALL DF.VOOJSTQ. mi SB8*/ffifES. * AgTAsL f.;r cvlotagne. W’F'G CO., Nashville. Tact 1,000 Genuine TyJer Curtain Dealce 521 and 024 Net Spot Cash. ^ Ufa. 400? Antique Oak Stan-lartt TylerTHsSzh. 4ft. Cln. loagby STL Din. high. Hiee JiBdlHal Proof, Zlno Bottom under denwers; patent; Brass lined Curtain: Polished Oak; WrltlnuTcble; STuah tier lock; one lock secrrtrtf all drivers; S heavy cardboard Filing Boxes; Cupboard in crril; Pflrc!cc rinished Back; Extenrioa Arm Flidea; TVetcht 200 lbs. Price, F. O. B. at factvry. mhet Also 1,000 Antique Aeh Desk?. Ko.4008. Same as above,exceptina(}e nf Cond Antkme Aetu sort* «■» >Ve»trj»t gOO Uw. FrlceF. oTC. stFatl«ry, SSI Shipped frora our Indianapolis fsetoi-y direct. Made and sold solely hr tho TYLER DESK CO., Sc. Louie, Mo. ISO pate Cuulocua of lJ«ak Cocat<n.De«k^ etc .laoolon dS Z)LD A3D EXPEB1- JSNCJE& imUGGlST Haa opened a acvr Dm? Store text loorto Reich. £ Geiger, on the JOtl si ic oi iiio-M street, ktd has now in t . : oomiy’-t* uee cf Drags aad Medicines Vfether wit a s irii line of such fancy nrUdos a •trs aeoaliy kept •n a riraz ‘-viore. Hr. 0.1'. Leu !«y. well Lnowc to crew* body tn Albany a* a cos*teiout zn-’. reliable Druif?!at, vriti t*e f«r:»4 in-ctergo of the pre scription depamrent, aud will, be g’>&d tr wait on ali who oaii. w Hy Btoc's of Drugs ia alcco-t entirely oew, and everything ih« tie dispensed by vs r* cusr an toed fres’i pure. 1 solicit a shuru cf the anfcllc patrraaxc. J. H. deQraSearUi Albany. <!»« SuriiT*-. 1-». UPe»SB BH03., Propnetars. fJru^sts, U?ivma’s fiSecSc, SAVAHSAS. J* fi Household Remedy FOn ALL BLOOD A«aSKI0li DISEASES CoIsaMs S6|S|p Kailiaj BlMiEfiSMmi The Now sail Ponalar Rouie to ColnmK‘2, Atlanta* ChattapDoga, Louisville, Cincinnat' r War-hin^ton, Caltlmore, PuIIliiJ'JlpIfi’T itn'J X. Y. Through coschca betwoeir Albany andGrlf- tlnand CoUwmu&nml Atlanta. schedule in effect Sett; Ttl^. l?#l. 9 XORTU SOUND. So S3. Daily N>. S. D’y ox. sqrday r. T Altyriw [ u 23 a nil 2 oa a ra Lv La-XeOn., [l» 13p ml 3S8 a m Lr Ricblar.i, | -t t£< pm sroam Ar Columbus ; 2J8j»m i 7 £3 a ta Lv Columbus [ 3 Co j> xu, Ar Warm Ssrirjp ; 4 30 p m ArGridn t 5Mpm- Ar Atlanta. } - 7 43 p-tej SOUTH BO D . Lv Atlanta... i *:oam Lv Tiriffin 0<y>aic Lv Wana Springs. ! 10 23 a jp Ar Columbus ! lFScaxn LWOinmbus M ! 1201m LvIDchiaxuL [ iSSpc LvDawsou . i 2 Spas, Ar Albany i SQjpn: So. 4. D’y ex. Snntf&y Oar experience covers many ills, any pills and many bills. Our His e smaller, oar pills are smaller, and rr bills are smaller when we use De Little Harly Riser?.— Train 53 makes direct connection at Union Depot. Atlnnfa, with Bicb- mond and Danville 750 p. m. train4iw Georgia, Carolina anil Virginia sum- merreorts and.with Western_and At lantic and E. T. Y. & G. trains fox Chittacooga, East Tennessee «nd tbe Through tickets on sile and ba^gpge checked to all principal points from coupon stations. For further information oa ar address CLfFTHV .TONES, Jl. K. GttAT, Snpt., ^ Gen. Pass! Agent. W. D. HAS&V bM * PABSLRT, C. A m Aitsanr, Ga. t en’l Trav. As’: . r^’nmbna. G& More Experiments With Na’nre. “I don’t know whether to believe this or not,” said Sway back to t “What is it?” “It’s about s man named Culver, who lives in Kansas. It says he propagated a plant he calls the mato that grows potatoes unde ground in the usual style and bea mstoeson the vine st the service. What do you think cl that?” “I’m inclined io believe the stor “Well, I don’t believe a word of it.” “I do. acd I base i on my ow New perience iu plant propagation.” Wh at experience is that?” Well, sir, once 1 ex;>erinicntcd Sa Bs B Boianis Blood Balm It r« # r^c SCROFULA. ULCERS, SALT K It Uir25 rheum, eczema, vtto 9 farm o: "ir.«"ligner»t SKBi ERUPTION, be- c!d-s be!nj etjcaelcaa la toning up tha •system ar.d restoring Its corj&titaflon, when iii!p£!rsd frem en? cause. Us almost si’pernzturzl ft-allng prepsrlle* jus'iiy us la fifearanteelng a cure. If directions are toilassd. SEHT FREE BLOOD B5LSI CO., SUsnlz. Ca. FOTT.TZ’S >:ORSE AMD CATTLE POWDER 4?^ 50 HOS«V vm iff** Of. Cfiztc. nGTS OT LCX4 Px , If Font<*3 E*oTr*ki3 .c«qi tn time. ; FotnferevSlfors 6:itl yj’cvpBtHOG CBOTX2*, • Fo’y.Ipm tri*i prevent Gafw nr Fowza. * Powdgi* tsITI inrreapp The qniicttty of mux - x twenfy per mate Urt *— „ _rdcr* xrfil core or prevent almost > wh?-h flor5« and Ciitlenre subject. - 3 VIU. OlVX SlTZSTACTICU. everywhere^ DAVID 2. POTjXZ. Proprietor, uALTiitotts. am. FsililOlLY YOimC ctruiTUETciiscF mi stRPtfiTs 5? aisasE ) TteymiioJsereic effort* to free ttenaelyn. - 1 ‘.butuotknfwngS^wtocficciarfany ?SHAKE &fjlhe HORRID SHAKES •eunaEWEDOK tflud, TFecls tS Srrors er expiate* tio pliiiow- jslycf Blstxit* »c4 . AClctlos* el Ibe Cr- :tt3di ezclcxlvelv »sra. tl;-i wor«< icftcaterralils* General zsZ. { Narvaes pa b i It*T, Narvaoa 3cdiii*t. SSSS^lii if isties I \!«><**» write tses. F«r P-«k, rsrfiaasrUat nreea,»*lft^ E2SE MPOK5AL cc. EuS'aio.n.Y. TO W1M BEH V^sSSSRSeSBSSSSA C -J,y - treatise I eealodj coutainiug rail partirolMS for Homo coni FREE oi * K^mSIS asSiclirotk; .home ooittdbyerM, norroo. wsd SobUlttlod. AdSrw Trof. r. c. roWMBB. J£oo4m. Conn. v: KING *4 A WS; DOCTOR EHCLfSH REMEDY SOLD tN ENGLAND for Is. 1H3-. and in AfftEEUCA £02* 25 costs a bottle. IT TASTES GOOD. FOR MEN ONLY! •oEatjrrt c=i fife-ragCM WX AX, USMirfEUIPS&OMUSS Ai’AK^.TBOOI u-.'zlitt: BUBXTKXATaCXT —JtemtKU Is » C%>, Xn Ir-lJ? rr*a» .".U S-'.alra Kid Faveift* Cw.'jK NrilcCum. iMtcripU** Baot, eifltaatlMuA ——=• —-I?-*--ealM) free. Mirm fJCAL CO-- BUFFALO, K. Y. KTrxx? CBOANra JO 2ll4J*aq ptit»‘P9iiK*i _ aof 3 Zauvu jsy» jvtj ... pu* *.S»IC0i o Aiax s^'naox joeemoq jepj e ‘8XU Swssostp »ooa»u no :o pjpcjipjaca mn JOf a^a cr> paanpai «» oif J »nRipcouiamja 50 ‘|> s -:jun 'K *91 .'O uo^npuatn •soMf aona sr^i *atr1* ohm. *a *a ’JJl • a-iouvn^juojooao iuojj jojjaio jo - aro sii 'fZ "J*0 P*'l*Hqnd *;pjr<u$D i*eo tatqjji *VSP •KITnLSff-IYSrSiXOX V es opzox r,J.c3<}3 warj jo »n»d * tnspisAtpI pjgisa pe; . w>i Til jnoqv aoj nucj $u c; onwsa jcKtiK is rtrojj irtrfx.?;;3S sum oqx. Voanos eoanr/ 1 ot;; zoj fsipnoA. u-*Zis% *a '£ -xojj * o£> -^vi *sa>iag TCHOJ JLSSOAk Sit m ■■ •—-.1 —. — - - ui -1 ^v^VOU* i tu-. t freo 10 AHY a dclrt ss. and T-oor patients can also and is now prepared under Ids dir.-ctlcn by tbe KOENIG MED. CO., Chlcsigo, IU. Sold bjr Dnoisa.«3 at SI per Bottle. G Tor Sff. Lnr^c Jwxe, SL75. C Bottles for 99. Mexican Mustang Liniment A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast. A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment tfo other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a botde ol Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it HI- REAL ESTATE A.X<TX3 • 4LSAMV, - GEORGIA. Tf you want to Imy.renl f.; .. lOFfUrV-Hi ki§ FiM Cop OPERATING THE Central R.JL_of Georgia. Schedule ixx Sfisct X7c-or- IStli-. 1831. (80T3THWX8TKB3I DIVXBIOS.) —HEAD DOWK.-- ... . ato. If vou tv^ritu*fcu resi c$tnte. If joa v.-«nt t«» rent a lioo-e. if yo*« have ;t bouce f«*; rei'L Vou will *io web tooatl or. us. dpooial Httcntion givtu to rtulrr^ hotces n*l coI'ectin>; mi a. statement witb rotilttaiiro ,ordo prou.ptly every n^uitb. BOL'SDS FOIE KOI, T'-e I. T Calaway i»1hc*», on St«tc street. jow ao.t well arranged residence,in B>lendid leighbjrbood. autrv Oou-*e near Bontbslde brick yard. i ie\v 2-room ooud*-« witn Ai»«nenfl- Smitb- H!*tcru pnrt ol the city. t'tle It 1) place, ia aorthweaUrn part of tht •»y. V new ilw« llinsf, j-istHuisUe l, conifir Tlroao nri Kroct streets Apii io of rooms oa WsslilnRton a icet; just ne thin< !<>r an ollice and *’Cil room. Ne iio'cabms ia almost any part -_f tbe city. List <if tity Property For Sals. acrs.1 *n Soutborn part of trie, city, de •rable for Uw.rt.m.t house.;. A cinie.o bojh.liatt 1't, i'U\U0 ♦••ot, In {«kn eighborhotHi on M.wjroe biir<.t, uctwees tr>»id and Commerce. ^ desirable lot for residoaco H«3;o feel, oi -»<nicetcji*rccc. Half Rcu !•»' ot Commcrr- street imai Vaenin* ton with f nr a iiriiui nousu^ Ro.-.p •2 i ht iiinntu. Half acre lot on eo. .Tackaon aud South treeia ivifh six z rovni houetx. Hu|3a pel oor.tli. ?i,roo One fonrtb arro r-irner •Tacbso*' Eti-l South $free<8 with two 3 ruoia boue-.a. Lent* izi per inouJu $1 --0. soutbsibe; the Arnex o* the Alhaur BricV JJ'Ttr Cr.., or. »tr ct car line. y\>a*lt}Bg'on m-a- Judsot street extension anu l etwt er,. Ad laid lC iu co-iformitv to or»ylnal survey of the *;it7. C rtice I<;*& for Lutsim-tx or ro-iuiei-ees. A c >inplute map of Son thaide caii Lc s*a'c it cu oSce, Desirable BaU/iing Lota Terms. an E?.sj iirlfl A ns. l’C3 p m *7 0; p o> 2:*5 a m 7 89 a 0 1:‘:H* a n; I 2 - p fL To ard fri i Cohirabna, Opelika »nd Birm ingham. Lr......A*>.«»y V? r l.v .. Americna Ar at....Cclm* baa... Lv \r ... o*elita .. Lv 12 49 a r $:Ji5 t.- r 3:'Rp: 2 00 p li S:uO a c i:5S y . l: 13 p 1 •7.16 r. 1 kr Birmin ham ro and from Alaoon. GnCn and Atlanta. . r - t Il;iC a ir vrfTr m 4-'#pw Id* pm 6 Ob p Ui ? .35 p n: 5:15tr t C»» a t>» 8 a rr 0:17 a ui 19201 a a Lv Albany ..A- \r .. .Americns .. Ji? x r ’bacon A - • r... Bari'tsriUa. Ar AT... ..Griffin .. — Ar Ar .. -.Atlanta... J,v 2:Mj.. lrO-pi 10:4'* a r P lift a i 7; Hi ed i* 40 at 11 60 p t* 8:1" p r P n 6• 0 t* t t :1Q p r ■ - To and from Eufrula and Alontgcmcry. U Opo 2^5 p u. Sd) v axn 2,45 HU T.v... ..Albany A» f:Wp rp If HCpm 1:20 a n 7:&i a v •.r... Montgomery~.I \ 6 55 ST 7®pn To and trom August- and Savannah. 2:15 am G^oam 5*’5p m 6 3*1 pm 11:» pm 5:40 a m 5-JSO am I " Albany Ar ts Macon Ar Ar . ..Augusta Lv i“r49 a n 3 r Miss 8 tO IP 2:5R p tt 3.25 a c 8:10 p tn To Trom Blakely and Columbia. 3:05 p i» ers; p m 7:25 pm Lv...... Albany Ar Ar Blakely 1 v tr . JOjmnw lv 0 5Hr JJfliii' •Dally except Sunday, for further iuformrtion, call or write to. J.S. CLAliK. W.H. ttBEBN, A rent. Ucn’I M .aager. TA« Te.TAYI/>F,C *“ * , General PamenEcr Azent. V. E McBffR, POL n \ t a 4 Gen'r 8 Pt. Traffic Manager. e.H..HAR >MiCK Ass’t. Cen. v»i* a» t. UNEXCELLED -FOB— THE Tho foremost of our periodicals.” CC2SAXDHTG EVEET GSZA2 CESTJ3E 0? THOUGHT AXD ACTIOH IX THZ WOULD. rilh 1 Illusiraled prospec- 1 tasarid bs sent fai 25 cents. GENERAL ESTABLISHMEN'J Write for samples and prices on any kind ol Wo now offer 27 desirable bPiMInff lota Ii KmtlmaFteru pert cf the city, at pricca ac«* lpon v-nns that ahould induce ali wbo w;.nr mildinglota for Uon’M er leilcmcnl bon bn U invest at c-ce These lots lie nclween tlx :enieterr *:id the riier, treating on iv.v-b igton a: d L imit ttreetr, nud on two 5l:*eet$croo>5ing Planters ttr-.-et, rumrin* noi l, tad aoztli from 3»orecr street to sonlhcrr daiUoftbe city. fc'avoraWa terms to «roo« nertiw. < all 3* err office end >.t of j.hi entire 27 Iota. Th -s*5 arc pw4Uieiy t>.c cheap- ift. now rn the market Lc-.oc :Le eif* Umita.3 Farm and Timbered lands Fcr Sale. A fa« m of 45J4 acres a m'T** asd a half from A'tmny,I« e-Kxi state of cnf«iv K t;»n. There is a live Btsro pcr.r oirhfirc cc u.c place, and tna-e;.su3Jc!e»t for t$ family. A tea nese f«n.>, iu « nijrh e? of eultiva. *ijn. two redes aontli ni the* city. isota yj, SfT. y$an-i3l3, ia tliti lath district c daker c/ lota 2S1* 2^3, 23S, 818. SIS 22J. 8tS. aad 5 vires of 2;s>.$even mie&toxzb i-r 22TSI7K^,2>7G23. w.i n'ii'e-fal lire - Jn liu»ur«iu’c Vtm>pBnl*g: Th*>N'r *u r*> AgMiranco Cc-ni ftny. ’Ihc M icon Fire IfWUruuc; Lo:.»r»«ry. .. X 1 !'- '• e tctester Fire Icsara* cc L< r.ivany. "The t;r.< At.-incane*' C&ai»p«»uy. 1 be Orceswich torzpnx-y. CIMIOCSSV ISEtBED. n->w’ rcparc-l to insvro Glshoitfc?. v.d invite thoi e hiving s>w;h licks to cull or. us. J?JH?lTCSa fie LOCKET" Albtry. ^i^Aogu t 5. Ml DISEASED HOCS Can not iieconie health•' fociO bimply by the pr’xxjsa of dcn'ji. mWMXJE iCAfriC.CS Owe it to tfceic’c’rea and society to ADVOCATE EEF0R5I In>vrine raising that .will promote the nubli- health. Hogs should bo/od SB. JOSEPH HUS’ _ • .. ‘ . . N. iKpJ^; Hog ard Pouftri Reniecf The only reliable mediclna foT ewIec. Used auccegcfnlly for 1 i years. Prevents Dise.ace, Arrests Disease, Lk Btroys Congh, Destroys Wormf, Hastens Maturity, Incrfi3d:-ts —tlic Flesh. FOR SALE BY HILSIttAS fic AGAR COMPANY, ALBANY, GEORGIA. Prices: 25-tb cans, f 12.50. r.25 ant COe. per package. The largest are tfce cheap est. Wntefar Uttimonizis. ‘-JJc-gcdogy.” 3< page pamphlet on swine, w ill tc mailed fr r 2-cent hlamp. *>» (era by mpil receive prf A. attention. Jos. Haas, Y.S. ladinaapolls, KpJ •.|!U<I *»•« all'i uit-aibc.r*, t.. hi-* .~tu v, . : tr.f > n» •*' R her »• •/which .livid •! ir t ... li r- ca 4 1;.il -i« ck »i c-, ap* ii ;i hoi ic.s •-! tin Wh-xel- e :heir peil'i’ o-fg*u..n* .» -OUC ) pruv.ct: ■ihs >ov.n G OUH. a— I'm- oil.; IY (_'i:r TV—Cl rk’? Affico cilv).- t«.itit. N vcii.iitr li. 10 —I c tify iImi Hi.; .1 \ to vc is ;i rue tvpy Iroui »ho -. cuds • f «• in chin, ov. K-ri 5; VV. L». 5ms, Cleri r. iia.ECTso.v won ca. -E J2Gf\—?AK! Io error I.mcv icnuil 1 iubL. uvd ’»j 4 !>•**'. 2!.' h.VNTT. h sit-; sf in such utc-.i un c!c«ult*ii for <*r- l.e-'il < n 1 tbiceday the iO U rr. l.uJ, to dll (ho ec ho re iTiKvti.i' *.f tan win»*. ■ J-. Kt''r TU. T. UiikM.’crii'rC’.uit. if r ATI««. Doran i-stv 1 •t I10 e; prv-j; e« a 1 vear’* si>i ji ri r *1 theirr*p it Ih'f.V; ;o lUe t.ic r ol j :« L. at- beto.e ihc i*z jlond.iv !‘< c. i'Cn :-i 0C*TO7Gm* NAKY. ) •«c •>!)! I m lilted »;• .-ei 1 |»urt a 11.a \\ l 1 tl, iiuvlii^ filed v n. ti>y till cor.ccined if ■■■i. ■ • Ley have. »*-i or in r> burn:v, >01. si\y, w. asm if. (.•lUicaiy l>. C.via. FtMlMALE AKO llKVf. Fob sju-Ore fj’-'w'rac-yowcr f>ieam Fn- jiic, S *.vv R--1 i-n-rt jlili. one rotioii gin. c n • lenorir feeder-anil pn■**— ull in good rannlm; o’dcr. Wiihm two mtl-s of \\nIker’a station, J-.. Ter»seu«> wit.’* good paper. hi k lit IirNr-Dm; phoit-iiion fcr own at the (Jlaytou. J lace, within two nines of •1 cacr's . t:iti*>r, ron'aimng 7 ; o acres, in i-i.u live Ot CU’tition. Terms eft*?. Ap- ly t I W. Via VlCSLF. * i-'.r.,.. On . lace. Cl ( ATIUN. GEORGI A,—Salter Gaiinty. To all wao01 it. may concern; AI. A- BaM- «ia hnrlas, in prormr for a nrpH-'l Ij m-* for i»erni”ncnt jctfe-n of A d riniptration on he c>tat« <•' 1J K. Sr-cii. Jam of roi- county, ibis is to ci e :t l and singula- *bu credito s and m x\ »>i Kin of 11 h .-t on to l>a ant’- a: pear r.*. y 1 fti-B with n Un time atlowe t by law ar d ,!i .v. chine, if any (hoy can, why permanent adimnirt rati<*n r.ot • e er ntid to il. U-Vdwln on li. F. SeclJ’u rst.*;c my-band imi official sijrati ra Ibis O.c.-xn'ocr lYtii L.sOi. O. 31. YSIU.’S. 12-19-91 w4f. O.tliuary. ‘HEKIUHALE. I wT soil before lie* Caurt Godsa dour in the c* .y « f A **auv l>i*ugnerty Cnu-'.iy Ga.. he • >v*c*n tim legal hour* f ir aalc 0:1 tin* first -4uitt«h»y in .1 .mi .ry l s 92, t!.?. nndivlilrd t*iit f in»ertt>» i > !<.t» of land Nu in hers dhrea liund ra ’ ini twenty-uiplit (3K) and all of direr hsnd*v>i . d tveaty-s veil (327) lying North iiti.i *• of be public river road Soirii •; the c. ty cf -> 'bsny tin , in the First diitrict f Li u^he-tj Cm:r.*r Levied on tonutiely 1 li fa from /if u:-h»i’fy Snp*w:er (.* urt io favor of VV. W Iinv. lies v.. a . M. .VcLon art .i..i-red proyert'. Tenants in ponicscion noii- fled. Aico, Ihc same time art! place, du mg the legal hours ol sale tbe follow ing p oiic'tv t*» vitt.Tne Steamboat known •rttnc city oi .vib'my, navigating Flint liver !»’tween A’bany a.'d BalnbrHge and points below anti lwtween Ssl'lrl'.y. to. ether with »’.l fhe» :ac*fc, maihinery andcpportcuaucescf • Vavv i.inl. levied on ra the .pro erety of ;h*> Aln.-my Njivig ’;;* n Oin jianr, to satisfy a mortgago . fl-fa from I»augt*crtv * uperinr Coart in feXorof fccluon Tift. VV. \V, AViget.N. F. ift, rt tl. Te/.aiiiBU) roBsrvBion litiiBtal. F. G. tint amis. 12- r * to l-’i 9! frht-nff. City Tnsca. Tho City Cotncil having ordered the city tvclKir.VH 1; wo ; on .January f. 1P92: Tills is to notify nil fax oajers that tbeir th tea mast bo pm 1 by th »t tioic. II. A, Takvfb. JlU. 12-15-dtd City Treasurer. citation. DouansBrY Cocur or Onnixvr.r. ) t.Mv^.id, LSI J Ths* opprms'rs appointed *0 $:»t ap^it a yctr’B Bupucit to the whlow cf W. W. dolin- buo. aeteaco i. Laving rendered their tcpi.-rt Betting apart fai l -.cart, support, ibis is to notify nit (**Jb<*«rawl to file their objections, j/anv t:.i y h ive, on or before the : >t Alr.nday ir .Tjai.-rv, next, wish tim • r finary. other .•/•‘t t«c > will b<* made tbe judgment of Ihe CoJrt. 2 hu Dec. 2nd IU ‘I. S V jl \V. sum, Ofutnary D.U.iia. CiT.tTfO.T, GEORG?A—DoionruTv COrvTY. Tt> AH AVhou: ! t M>y Concern: '7eTs - 'n F. Tift, James 51.Tift and T. N AVoelfolk, hav ing. ii> proper form, «pp’.i'-d t<* me for per- ffi.tncn; :er:/?••$ <it A'tninisfrct.on <in the •’.sttac t»f Ncjm) 1 ’i ifc. lute tf said county, this »st» cite all anil kievvlur, the creditor and n«xt©f Lin ofsa.i-i Ne-soa fiftt-. Iw a* d ap pear »• ’ey olU’ c on the first AionUay ia Jan- er.ry, *r!2 and th w cause, if any ilioy c n, why peiume r.i adminlsirat on tlionM net t-o grjrtbd t:> -Ne iO”. <e\ ‘ i't. J :iuvfl oi. Tift and T. N'. V»*oj'l’ l'., on V- id e.-ente. Witnes:- my hand and ciEcinL rigr.aiuro tllis joihtl.Y of Sof. i‘cdl. S,lU ’.V SMITH, Ordinary 1-. C. Ga. l-8-dftw2m tails W S Mify Fa SOBBIS WtSLOSKT, Prop’*, Breeder of pure strains of'Pekir Cochin and Hymouti Darts, Buff Bock Chickens. Bags per lettirgot 13... Trio of fowls Fit ADJliN IS 2 It lTOB’M S UE. GEORGIA -UoccugRTT rorxvv. liy vrriuu ofuc'-rdergri lUod by lha Court of OrJin •t/ of raid couniy, J will fell before the lo-irt I!ou. w dot r in A,b ny. G*.. tbe ll rt’. Tins! in January. 18j?, b tween tbe h’gBl inrtte. nftitlo the fl lowing prepetty to wit: -ill of lot 3i... (it)) tnirty-i coi. S i.te itr■ et. citv <,( Albany. s>j.i com - 17, contusing oric-fourifi <>; an a’cie. having a two »roiu house ou the r*i'i e, rold an tua property i-f thcettutj cf • li ‘iv Jobndon for the purpose of-pavin'nt i»r Uebitt rgbief taaid r-s’ate.. . Ibii Sov.21th. 1VJI. o. J. *'bl*:«DOBEXP. Adiainht *ator Estate Jibedr Jehit^n. J-.XHL 2. : *; H’S N.t 2. If. By virtue of an cr. er cf the. Court of Or- ilinur r of Loughcrty ctun*y,Ga., 1 will Bell, at pub.ii eatery, bef* re the G'uri House door n Albany, Ga., on the first Tuesday in. January, Itht. rt inmimclr b > t 11 o’clock a. 12. *»» tim©. 1 t.sof landrt No-.-lOT. *01, ctd4J7, in tho First district, ami 160 in the Mtc<-nd district of «!•! county, known s the ^ aw ton jdaca ” Aleo>cs i-J 13,24, the north e-r.t halfof 5t5, »ndn one-fifth urn ivided interest ia and to Jfo. 16, nil fn the dtcon l «:istrict of said county, known: ae “Provi enca Place’*. Also on© acre of land, town ,oFXo. I’4 on Harr.IIton’s foxtrirtion o* t-roa * Htreet. Albmv, Ga.. bang p«itof ot of land JJo. 'iil in tnc F;r&t dijt’ict of s; id c. vnty. So>d as tho property ot L I- Hoyt, a c of siid co*miy # dccoin d. to pay dcots «.i.d far ditdnbuiion. Terms cash. Aid'. *. C. TOMi Kl'IS, KxccntnX J. L. Boj t, deceased. Nov.?*, EXECIT9KS SALE. Will be sold nfc pnblfa out*ry, on th© 7tb day of Jan* ary, 18*j2, o>i che plantation of J. L. Loyt, lute '* D .rgVrty conn ty. Ga., thceasrfi, V'ljwn as :b<» ••Providenca Place,” ir. tins D ugherty county. One lot of pi i r tnl on r? nV, Jicrse*. cattle, bogs, corn, fodder, cotton f* ©d, farming bxils and lmpU-or. t?, wa.tons, herivrfeii, uir.p, belt ing * th.nv-, io> cummcus to mention. Sold under, an order oJTfc© Corrt of On’ia- nry of said rt> *nty :,r, part of the < b’j tc of J.L, Bojt, deceased, 10 rav tfob’B T«rma. Cash. . ■ MU**, A. O.SVOXPUIX*, Fxeouirix J. L. Ilojt, deceased. OKS DOLLiB'WEEKLYr Bays a goc.1 Gobi Watch by our Club sys tem. Oar U karat, patent stiffened Gold ca&easre warranted for 20 years. Waltham or Elgin movement, reliable and well-known, stem wind and hot, hunting or open face, larty’B or gent’s size. V fjoal to any |75 watch, •v © Hell one of these watches lor f 23 cash, and s*nd to any roMnr-f by regi-t&red mail, or by axprecs, o. II., with privilege of ©xamina- werk*' aiW> 1,7 OUt Clab 8ycle:a at l‘* e Our agent at Durham, write*- “Our iewelei”s have confessed thoy don’t know how you cant • vnish sued work forth© money— 125, an** * don’t either,” One ood reliable agent wanted in each la co. Write for porticvlarB- ENfPIEE WATCH CO, 48 AUiden Lane, 2«ear York, PTT # StOcl Taken Up. Two stray ron'es were taken upon m-placo :n Last Albany, new the Guano Fa.’tdry. jast Sunday morning, one of tb c m is a dark bay horse mole, ai prreMly ten y cm old. Tits other is a Wwok burse mnle a’om same ftgJ, noth in good con‘itloo. Own-r can gain poa- SBsr’ioa of s itr.e »»y payi ng for tb s not ce aad cay tr g-m-for taxing ewe of the st ck. If ujui- 2^™* wmld like to receive s'.OJk at cnee let rM ,i_ .St. b,tr coll at tbe Jfkwa and adv-rhseh and realty JOT fJlC pit, getre- efiAfor chart*» on this notice and I Gnat an BmtheodiiivOTttick. Bvppi eg Joxgg. IT ft AY tttNCBBlf.