The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, February 06, 1892, Image 1

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meXLVI.—No 15. ALBANY, GA., SATURDAY. 1 FEBRUAKY G, 1892. Price $1.00 Per Year Y CURED OF ECZEMA Mother’s and Minister’s Testimony. Head Hass of Putrefaction. l>oc- tor Falls. Cured In Quick Time by Cuticura. ' I deem It ay duty to Inform yoa of tie won. derful cars of •czema which Ctrnemu JlKXf.- »!E» brought open our litile baby, three mouth* . old. Wbcu about two and ooe-half month* old, the whole of lU little bead tecame owe nu.«* of putrefaction, over which wc tecainc very much alarmed, se the medicine prescribed by oar pbv>i- dha only aecmed to aggravate and increase the intense pain the little thing Record to be in. Wo wera utterly at a loos to know wliat to do, as the physician seemed to have exhausted ail efforts to rirs relief. But through the rccommeiMhitiou of Her. J. O. Ahern, pastor of Brooks Circuit ff • *. Church Society, we were induced to try the Cvncvnx Remeime*, and after a few data* application, we were astocisbed as well as d«!- hgMed over the result. We continued the uec of the tnodJdae aeomling to directions, and after a few **1*. the little fellow was entirely cnml tv ill: no traces of the disease left. Many for t>d* wonderful cure. Mas. JOHN HOLSTEIN, Quitman, Ga. EDITORIAL, jBM8. BARRIOS’ BURGLAR. Hamusos pressed the business and : EiJf yTIIEX BE HAK WAKED nER Chl!i di I the rest. j Br , E .j, Tuxe U H g B £00*. lT'f»ec m.t that there is a ccnrivleiabl? | iiiil boom in Alabama. It was kind in Chili to say that Mr. Egan w*s a gentleman. Tfc re Her Tw» Tien Wfc» Fatn-d Her House in FlfiU Arcane Early o-f Friday 9t«ralag-K!w Area the lloaseaad FiaUsAlIUer Elan- ends and Opals Hafr. Iris not probable lliit Chill will bsve war talk E gan soon.! seems to be somewhat on an j Fr a> the New York can. •lev .tlo*-—so far as^hi'i Is concerned, j Mme. Francesca A. de Barrios, the wealthy widow ot Gen. de Barrios, Thk tiifftnjttce between a dam for I who while president of Guatemala It girescue mat pleasure to testify to the facta contained in lln. John Holstein's lextiraonicl toe. r cetnlng the core of her little baby- When I saw it I did not think It possible for it to live. J, how ever, recommended Clticuca, knowing that if » eon was posclbic^CuncccA Remedies would dob. Ify most sanguine expectation culminated In a perfect cure. J. G. J AHERN, Pastor If. E. Ch. So, Qailoutu, Ga. Cuticura Resolvent The now Blood Purifier, internally (to cleanse the blood of all impurities and poisonous element* and 9 the cans®}, and Ccnccm, the great lticvua tioxv, an exouisHe dicta (to clear the skin and scalp, , core every disease and humor I, from pimples to scrofula. Fold everywhere. Price, CcncCBA, Me.; Soap, 25e.; UkholVEKT, $1. Prepared by the I'oTtec Dhvo and C'uexfrAi, CourauxTtoy. Boston. I®* 8eod for ** How to Cure Blood liiitcMCi." plpy’P Fkln and Hcalp purified and besutifii-d CAD 1 w by CtmcciiA Soap. Absolutely pure. A RHEUMATIC PAIRS In one mlnnte the Cnticnns Ant 1- Paln Plaster relieves iheuraatlc, sci atic, hip. kidney, chest, and muscular pains and wcokociufcs. Price, 23c. CURES SYFHILi "Ky33SSTS3on3TSrff'P^mjII!n3T!rT prttcrllM U wllh MtkfecUoa tor i irrieziwn *,:J s Jam for profona’ion is, w )u billtle- llre< la the b , R th.1 u.,a nan be traced nmny wills the | bwwn gume houfelt 555 Fiftb , Tenue> one door from Sixty-seventh street, When Chin iww that she would I with Herman O. Armour and Wallace nave 10 apologize or M 'hi she very C. Andrews for next door neighbors, promptly decided that Minister Eagan She lives there alome with only a was grata instead of ingrata. handful of servants and her maid . T~. . „ . I Xicon about her. Tliere Is a watch- A suits j jilts lor a rubber shoe .s . .. . ... .. .... .. . f , u - 01411 03 the block, agnzzily, weather- said to be a thin strip of rubber intro- , „ , , dured between the layer, of the sole. beat f, n cba P- w! ‘° wa 'v U P a ° d down i’he manufacturers of the rubber “ * ^ P ‘°f T .... . .... , on the house so that in case their walls will batdly furnish these layers. ... _Z -— should fall In he would be sure to i Wxiilk the thermometer In the north J it, and west i» shiveringdowa below xerej Oil Thursday night last Mme. de *e are perfectly" sattefted with th«- J Barrios went to the theater with bright suu and blue skies that daiij party of friends. She returned very visit us. late and very tired. The moment her 111K Sew York Herald eoiotcdly I ,:Ml1lt >e pillow »he fell aound nerves that “where there', r^m a. 1 4sl “P- Her bedroom is the middle the top jou’il seldom find an eleva tion.’’ The only elevator that carilts men there is nnrit prof cl led by pluck. room on the second floor. A little alter 4 o’clock in the morn ing, while everything was dark as pitch, she awoke. She thought she had heard a slight noise-in her room. The committee having the matter i charge wants more room for Georgia at I kept her eyes closed and remained the Worlds’ Fair in Chicago. It must J jj a jf asleep, half awake, waiting for a he that they fear that some Chicago j repetition of the noise so as to ho sure girl will step ou 8otuo of the visitors, (that she had not been dreaming. It tears until It U three months old. \\i would like to know what difference the tears make. They do not softer the sou: d. fr P i la Mob o T. V. >.ki H*r«Tfnl bnlo «n.i »c r swtajgr^ Cures dyspepsiA L3TFSAN BROS., Proprietors, Druggists, Uppaaa's Block, BAYAU2AH, GA. 5 Oil? L° F lim5i}tfoiP iii)<juick5». IIPPMAN BROS.. Savannah. G. « - Sole ^SENra iHtHE. U. S. JERfWHl[HIMEHTaBF«!5piii) YOUR SKIN, BLOOD, LIVER, KIDNEYS,! BLADDER Are they diseased ? Is a question that affects your life. Thiough tha stomach—hence through t ho blood —can be oursd all diseases of these organs. W.W.C. . KAXirrACTtmien nr WOOLDRIDGE WONDERFUL CURE CO,. COLUMBUS, UA. FOB SALE rN ALL DRUGGISTS. DON’T GIVE Up The use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. One bottle may not cure “rijht off" a complaint of years; persist until a cure Is effected. As a general rule. Improvement follows shortly after beginning the use of this medicine. With many people, the effect is immediately noticeable; but some constitutions aro less susceptible to medicinal influences than others, and the curative process may, there fore, In such cases, be less prompt Perse verance la using tills remedy is sure of it* reward at last Sooner or later, the most Stubborn blood diseases yield to Ayer’s Sarsaparilla “For several years, iu the spring months, I used to be troubled with a drowsy, tired feeling, and a dull pain in the small of my hack, so bad, at tunes, ns to prevent my being ablftto walk, the least sudden motion causing me severe distress. Frequently, bolls and rashes would break out mt various parts of the body. By the advice of frieuds and myfamlly physician, I began the use of .dyer's Sarsaparilla aud continued it till the PQtson In my blood was thoroughly eradica ted.’*—L. W. English, Montgomery City, Mq. ft Ify system was all run down; my skin fpugh and of yellowish hue. 1 tried various remedies, and while some of them gave me temporary relief, none of them did any per- rasnent good. At last 1 began to take Aypris Sarsaparilla, continuing It exclusive ly for a considerable time, and am pleased to gay that it completely Cured Me. I presume my liver was very much out of order, and the blood impure in consequence. I feel that I cannot too highly recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla to any one afflicted as X . was.”—Mrs. N. A. Smith, Glover, VL M For years I suffered from scrofula and blood diseases. The doctors' prescriptions and several soogHed blood-purifiers being of bo avail, I was at last advised by a friend to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I did so, and now feel like a new man, being fully restored to health.”—C, N. Frink, I>ecorah. Iowa- Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Tranared by Dr. J. C. Arer A Co., Lowell, Maac, ty all Drugifir^. Price $1; six bottle*, fS. Cures others, will cure you Tin: Philadelphia Record observes I ajjaio, a faint rattling sound that a baby does not commence to cry | if £ome ono had touchru the handles of the bureau drawers and they had struck tiie metal that held them in place. She thought it was her maid, and still keeping her eyes shut, she isked, **Q l’ess-ce queje’est Ninon ?” There was no answer. Them Mme. de’Barrios opened her eyes wide and looked around the room. There was a faint gleam of light in one corner, and she gazed at this for some seconds, uiui. her eyes, becoming accustomed the He was bending The aut ie said to have the largcH brain, according to ita aW, •, of in; creature In the world. That must bt why the s.’uffgard was advised in t! Scriptures to take lessons from thU little creature. The Washington (Ga.; Gazette I to the darkness, distinguished dilates at lecgth upon ‘‘Futures and iigure of a man Fortunes.” They are not generally j over her bureau, but was standing linked together, lor if you have tbe quiet and motionless as if waiting for oue and trr the other both soon get her to fall asleep again belore he THE Miff WITH A FAXLUG. Ills JE-ffaru To Believe Anxiety Were Am Appreciated. From the New York WorlJ. It was 10:30 o’clock at night, and the rain and wind and darkness made it a wild one, when the train suddenly came to a halt. Some one had swung a lantern on Jhc track, about a quarter of a mile from the bridge spanning Shady Creek. Tlioeeof us who turned out to learn what was op saw a farmer- looking man come back to the smok ing car with the conductor, and when in out of the storm the later asked: “Now, then, yon say there’s ttouble lead. What is it? Talk fast, for 1 am now twelve minutes behind time.” The mac was about 40 years old, dressed in coarse clothing and was wet to the skin. The lantern was an old- fashioned one, made of tin, and the light was furnished by a piece of can dle about three inches long. “Look-a-bere, glnera>,” he replied to the conductor in a nervous way, “go sorter slow on me or I can’t tell jo* the story.” “What do you mean?” “I’ve got a failin’. Ifyo* git me excited I’ll stut—stnt—stutter till yo* can’t understand a word I say,” “Very well; you stopped us?” “Yes, I felt called to do it. Hold on now! Don’t push me?” I’ll give you time. You live near here, don’t you?” “Right up by the branch thar*. Lived thar* g*»in* on twenty years. Keep cool, gincrai, and don’t git me nervous. I m a-dolu* all right so fur.” Well,you felt call upon us to stop beyond your reach. When the rules to govern tbe Hour< were reported in Congress ix-Speakci Reed had to Use a little of his sarcasm This of course was exptcicd. So far a? cX-Spuiker Reed ia concerned It wa» iu the play. In Mexico a severe penalty is im- |K»ed upon any one lound walking upon (he lailroads. And dramatic nr: languishes there.—Philadelphia Ledg er. What a poor showing the tram; must have in Mexico! Judge Holman, concededly oneoi the most interesting figures in Ameri can public life, is actually more thai seventy years of age. One of his fa vorke exclamations is: “Oh, my. my !” Another is: “lhis will nevei do; oh, no, it will never do!” Tli< latter exclamation Invariably gives log-rollers a spasm of pain.—Nev. York World. Tub following unique advertise ment appears in the Constitution: Wanted—A young lady for clerk tiie county court of Elbert county. J will be necessary fur her to marry tin ounty judge. Address County Judjp Elbertoo, Ga.—Talbotton New Era. An up-town doctor finds that it pay? to hire a messenger boy to i ush into s theater once or twice a w« ek and psL for him by name all arctrid the aucii enca.-—Philadelphia R :cord. How his .patients fare Is not stated It may be that the curtain then Is wise ly drawn. No matter how long Capt. Hobbs. »f Aibany, lives his jokes will live after him.—Quitman Sun. Bko. Iuunkk, up at Albany, is giv ing that city a rattling good daily tie is a worker from “who laid tin •all.”—Quitman Sun. It is reported down here that Capt Steve Weston and Major liiiile Gil bert, of Aibany, went clear to Atlanta to shake bauds with the divine Sarah —Quitman Sun. Gkovkr Cleveland who has left Baby Ruth long enough to go bunting down South has completely captnrec the people of Louisiana. It would bt good thing if he would take a few o' tiio ^fire- eating politicians oft* will him. moved. In One hand he held a small bull’s-eye lantern. Mme. de Barrios raised her voice and asked: “Who are you and what do you want? The man did not say a word, but raised his right arm aud held it in front of his face. Then, holding the autern low, he turned and walked softly oat of the room. He. passed dose by the bed, but Mme. '’e Barrios could not see his face. Sue thought he looked likeayoung min, but her rrame of mind at the moment was not conducive to miuute observation. She followed him with her eyes, too astonished to move, until ho had lrft the room. Once outside tbe door the -nan began to run. There was a pro longed r-r-r-r-rp as he slid over the nrpet, ai\d then a bumpety-bump lown the stair* and a bang. The man had opened the hall door and slammed it behind him. A second later every bell in the house was clanging and banging at a terrific rate and the servants cam rushing into their mistress’s room. All were < sclted except Mme. de Barrios. “Bring a light quick,” she ordered The gas was lit, the bureau was hastily opened, the jewel cases were pulled out aud opened and there lay a hundred sparkling, flashing gem 1 *, un- ouclied and none missing. Mme. de Barrios gave a long-drawn sigh and ;hen sat down iu a chair and fanned lerself. 1 housands and thousands of iollars’ worth of diamonds and pearls, apphires and opals had Han within rpach of the robber, and not one was missing. Even thej little’ gold pins .vith tiny jewels In them, that were stuck in the cushion which lay on the op of the bureau, were all there. The robber had not taken a thing from her room. The servants who had neen running through the other rooms :amc back one by one and reported hat nothing was missing. The butler went out on the street ind found the watchman faithfully patrolling his post. Did yoa see a man run out of our hous-*?” he asked him. “Yes; two of ’em. Anybody sick?” “Sick?” the buL’cr cried In disgust. “They were robbers.” Why, I thought they were running lor the doctor. They came rushing out of the door and closed it behind hern, and then ran up the street. 1*1 ee if I can find them.” He went to the corner and looked Ri.v W. W. Wadsworth, Augusta’» sensational minister, made things, lively again last Sunday by publiclj denouncing* some prominent eitiz»n> 35 piofessloual gamblers. L ke San, lround ir - but the burglars were not Jones, Mr. Wadsworth sums to iik. ,,,ere - Then he said: “Let’s inspect to keep everything lively around liiu*. I tbe premises.” They returned to the house and ex- A negro boy was on trial at Wesi J amined the balcony. On the sill of Point, Miss., for stealing two pair o one cf the parlor windows and on the trousers. He had no lawyer and tin floor of the balcony were footprints in Judge asked him if he wished to speak the snow. I: looked If entrance had He prcmptly arose and almost para- been made that way. zed tne court by tragically speaking Mme. de Barrios did not report the The Boy Stood on the Burning matter to the police. In telling the Deck.” I story to a friend she said: “I wasn’t a bit frightened when I Tiik Brunswick Times proposes lion hirst heard the noise, because I had d. G. Turner for Georgia’s next gov- J been dreaming about something and ernor. The people of his new district thought it was part of the dream, should follow the example of llu When I heard it repeated I thought it people of this district aud send him hvas my maid. And then, when I was back to Congress. r l lie Times is jus: sare it was a man, I felt so astonished 'spilin’* to see a Brunswick man tha t I didn’t think of getting fright- rite M. C. after his name. |ened. If it had occurred to me at the Fulton county’s board of education moment that 1 in a dan « eron8 P°- hes proven itself.cnsircly .too thrifty I sition end that I ought to retain tny and is to be investigated. They haw P re5eDee of m ' nd ’ 1 *“ 8 “” inaugurated a fee system, an idea all h »ve screemed. But I didn’t think at their own, by which they have been K I surprised, and you ** getting much of the small pit!aac< everything came out ail right. I can’t earned by the school teachers in the .mngine lrow he found Ms way to my public schools. The average Atlanta H”’ J 1 sa PP° se he ^“ t#d man is a financier from “away back.” th ™ u Sb '>« house until be found it, 1 and then he went straight to the. bu- Is history repeating itself? Some re ” u -’’ ., . , . _ , rime .go L. F. Livingston was the 0n Frida * “W* “ me - de ® ot1os Samson of the Alliance. Not long * cn ‘ '« the opera, and none who met ago out in Mississippi he fell imo the h , er bad suspected that ! he had P 168 ^ hands of a barber who Delilah like, “roughan experrence that w«out of robbed him of his chin whiskers. ll, e ordrnary. The Jewels which the Since that time over seventy county ^ hT or JZ? alliances have emphatically repudiated h ” e cflrried f fo ™ one f fln “ t him. These facts bear a strange simi- colIect,on9 of P^ 10 " 8 8 * on * 8 to the larily to the tale of Samson of old, C0 ”^ r5 \_ , _ , . „ and really seems that hi.-lory has J " hen Mme. de Barrios came to New ar repeated itself. Politics in Aiaba-ua have long j add sapphires and pearls that had ever since passed the boii 04 point, and at been seen in Guatemala,' a country present thire is no 1 ofeih on the ther- where there are more precious stones mometer high enough to tell how than there are here. She had neck- warm the gubernatoral campaign laces, collarettes, stomachers, rings: really is. Governor Jones and Candi- *“-/*<*» Mmost every kind of jewels - I tfliinh onil 1/1 h. nmamantan vwitH I did. It’s been r&iuin’ pretty steady fur about a week.” “Y»?s.” “The branch has just been a-hnmp- In’ of herself tor the jaat two days.” “Yts, the water has b;en rising.” “Hold on, gineral? Don’t chip on too fast. l*m a-holdiu’ ot myself as h<*rd as I kin, but I feel my tongue wobblin’ around. This noon I seen the water aisiu’ mighty fast, and I felt it my duty to watch it. I went op agin about dark, and then again an hour ago. I knowed when you was due here, and—” “And yon stopped us. Good heavens, man! but the bridge gone!” “flold on, gineral! You are going to fast! I t-t-told you if you g-g-got me ex-ex—” “Take it easy,” replied the conduc tor. “Just think what you want to say and then speak very slow. Great land®! but what an escape!” “Gineral, I reckoned you’d worry about the bridge.” “Yes, I’ve been very anxious about It.” “Yo* knowed the water was risiu* way up.” “Yes.,, “I told the old woman yon’d worry about it, and that I’d best git the lan tern and stop Die t-t-train a-a-and t-t-tell-tell—” ‘Take it easy, man; there’s' no hurry. You gor your lanteru and stopped the train to Itell us that th^ bridge had been floated off by the freshet. I understand, and I can promise you ” “Gineral!” “Yes.” “The bridge is all right! I reckon ed you’d worry over it, and so I got the lantern and stopped the train to tell yon that the water had gone down four feet and the bridge hadn’t suffered a ha’r.” I don’t remember all tbe conductor said when he got at the facts, nor how many passengers helped throw the cian down among the bushes, but when the train moved on be was bang ing the old tin lantern around aud calling:_ G-G-Gir.eral. I’ll be li-h-banged if I don’t see (this old r-r-road in T-T-Texas before 1 ever do It another fa-fa-favor!” FOR WOMEN ONLY, FADS ASD FA5CIKS FBR FEMI- KI5E I YES. FcaLio aand Otter 1bii>c* of Is'cmt Far I be Ueatlcr ?«x-A F.w Scjg.H- tioDH repa'aii-y «l Z2im Ckrriaiid .‘SIR 0rv£D THE LEOPARD. A FtiHor T-> TheTIfttn-cJle Least LtLTt Wr«S AulEJdl* AlJltf. York about six years ago she brought with her the finest diamonds and opals date Kolb are in the midst of one of which could be ornamented with . .gems- She wore a marvellous selec- the most odcrderoasmud-slingiag con- tion 0 f opils and diamonds at the New tests on lecord, and the gleaming Year’s ball. bones of the skeleton of the family' Mme. de Barrios is about 30 years closets are to be seen ia the column- of M- She is a handsome brunette, tali Benjamin’s Bad Break. About the most forlorn politician In tbe United States just at present is Mr. Benjamin Harrison, who sits in tbe solitude of the White House con soling with himself on the result of the Chilian affair. The president finds himself now the victim of political adversity, the mis fortune brought on by bis own ill- advised conduct in a misunderstand ing between the United States and Chili. It cannot be denied that public senti ment was in favor of the honor of the United States being sustained, even though we had to engage in a war to do so, but when the Chilian govern- mnet made the proper* apologies and when Mr. Harrison’s message was sent to Congress it developed that he was in favor of a war and was anxious that the United States shonld be thrown into hostilities with a foreign power. Out of this war he hoped to gain political capital that would give him such a national prestige that he would, be his own successor. AS tbe smoke of the prospective bat tle cleared away this fact stood ont more prominently than any other, and it is today the most attractive feature of the President’s coarse—his desire for personal advancement. Tbe natural result can be but one thing and that is that public sentiment has reacted and in this reaction Hr. Harri son is the one who is censured. Had he thought more of the public welfare and less of his selfish pur poses, the man who by a large number of his constituents was considered in significant before would have redeem ed himself in a measure and would have wiped ont some of the prejudice that has met him from 00 many quarters. His selfishness is shown so strongly and hls mistake appears so plainly that Hr. Blaine, his avowed enemy iu the cabinet and in his party, is now jubil ant at the turn affairs have taken, and makes no effort to conceal his gratifi cation. This means Hr. HaTison’s political doom. His own party now sees so strongly the mistake he has made that to nominate him for re-election would be to court defeat, because antagonism would spring up on all sides. Hr. Blaine has never missed an opportunity since hls entrance in the cabinet to tdrn a card against the, president and his statesmanship came to his aid in the affair with Chili, towering above the partisan selfishness of tbe presi dent and showing the two In the most glaring contrast before the people. Tbe Republican party may nomi nate Hr. Blaine for the presidency, or some other man considered strong enough to win may Harrison will be tabooed politically. So far as Mr. Harrison's nomination is concerned it would be the very best thing that could happen for the Demo- (corruiGiiTED—1S02) Nsw Yo*x, Jaa. 30, TSlfd —I have n'-ver seen any lady who had suuh c w >nttcllicg Influence oa feminine weakness as Mrs. Grover Cleveland. If you will stop to think ot It when this fair creature entered tbe White House there was a certain part of feminine apparel that was considered iadispensible and had It been suggested' by another that the ladies of the 'and should discard the bustle the sug- g- stion would have met with hoots and era. But when Mrs. .Cleveland, in her queenly womanliucss, gave forth. ti»: edict that the bustle mast go—off it went an l it has never appeared since. This lady has led jast ss quiet aud 110 ostentations a. life since she left the White House as when she was there and yet Ike impress she left cn thy fashions of the laud is sliil felt—the loss of the impress ol that artificial adornment that never was an adorn-* mem; Cob you point to any such refo;m Chat Mr. J . llarrhca hai ever worked The metropolis has male itself famous ou many occasions by the notoriety given by popular actresses to fast youug men. It may not be.qqt of place in this connection to note that “Freddy” Gebhard, who became famous as the “boy” Mrs. Langtry pelted when she first came to America, has been sent to Keely institute to tce- if an amalgamation of chloride of gold and native brass will cure the dlinking Dalit. The tailor-made gown is bid eg saved over now by the society swells If you have not the mean? to patio Redfeni let me give you the recipe, so to speak, of imitating bis latest fashion A tailor-made dress is made as a bell ed bodice and skirt, which is a rolifcl after the long height-diminishing, three-quarters length bodices ‘which have been in a <»gue tor so long. This suit is made of a'neatshepherds plaid check suiting the revers being formed of blue gray brosdclo'h and the belt of the same material. Braces ot the same material as the costume are a novel addition, and a little trim miug to match them is placed on the simple, well-cut *kirt. A low waist coat of spotted doth with velvet revers and a very “mannish” shirt-frpnr, are very necessary adjuncts to this Red- fern suit. In my tour of the metropolis thife week I have heard so much about ib*- Uhilian question that really I am re lieved when I know, that the matter has been dropped. I know that the good wives all oyer the"land are hap pier because they aYe not tortured low with the unsatisfactory ansict^ about their husbands going to a far- distant clime to fight what wo would call savages. For this reason I am going to giva you something to read that will ap peal to your womanly taste more strongly. The men make fun of us because we arc women, but when we exercise our teiniiiinc tuab: we expect it to be appreciated. Just how much ii is appreciat'd 1 give you to show the following from the Boston Post. “She went to church yesterday indi vidually and collectively and with a complexity ot motives. Worn m i. U who supports tbe churches aud fill* tbe pews, and if you sat behind the rows upon rows cf bonnets with bob bing feathers and shaking jots anti neatly-banded velvet strings pinned across tw ists, rolls, knots and braids or various hued black hair—if you sat be hind these yesterday in a fashionable West Fnd church, stained glass, high- priced choir, ceremonials, robed clergy aud all—you msy probably have meditated that church—-going was fashiouable and also that it was largely a feminine fashion. Just why women go to church is another matter for meditation. It is quite a serious matter, too, if it be the fact, as our everyday statistical folk reason, that if women stayed at home o’ Sundays there would scon be no churches to go to. Church-going U not entirely a matter of religion either, just as concert-going is not entirely a matter of music, but of Patti or Paderewski or whatever the reigning personality stamps it; just as book- reading is not entirely a matter oi lit erary taste, but of K'pliug,-Darkest Africa or lbsomacia or whatever tbe reigning lad stamps It. ribe who w ent to church yesterday may iu some measure have merited the old sarcasm of the foolisn little maiden who bought the foolish little bonnet, and ‘•That all tbe otbor maidens in thi little tovn m ght know it. Thought she’d go to meeting an tLe r re per place to show it.” So it looked, but leaving bonnets and real religious convictions cut* of the questi, the why and the -wherefore of the woman’s church going, as 6he sits down collectively and soberly o* Mon day morning to meditate, is something like this: She goes as a matter of course. By habit and education. As a form of recreation. For the mnsic. To hear the Rev. pr. Blanks. To “set an example,” or because “to be of no church is dangerous”—social ly here, and maybe hereafter. Or perhaps she owns a pew. / Or because it breaks up the monot ony of the day. To do penance for her frivolities. To get comfort for her woe* The pleasant atmosphere—aesthetics and stained glass. Or because charch-going is “good form” and other women go—a very woman’s reason.” I believe some man wrote that, don’t you? Vixxn. Hundreds of through the weary their lives made miserable by chills and fever, aud who could be well and* 1 happy if they would only take Cheat ham’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It never fails to cure and i3 only 75 C'Uts per bottle. No cure, no pay.” From the w Yyri: Sm. The i>*g ircpird ws’ked sedately np and dofj'riB his c^ge in the meufgerie at Central Park yesterday afternoon, to the outipeken admiration of a cum ter of Fight-seers, among whom were Thomas O'Connfel!, a Carpenter, living at 2058 F:r.-t avenue, and a friend of his. Tfaura&s is furry-five years old, and he bssa’s been over long from Ireland, ar.d ha is not familiar with tare hj-btu/if leopards, anyway. “Sre the party baste,” he said to frientf, as [hey stood by the cage. 4 I^lke ih* cold woman’s cat, only lb* shtripe^ do be bigger. Come, pussy. Wad' he Rjoind,' d’ye thluk, av tl;lr\iked his fur?” The friend didn’t know ami the leopard ev’cced no inters*, ia the con- versation, ^xeept by a sidelong glance 6l his eve.. ■ OCoonlJ put his arm between the fair* and igjjjieu the “pussyV’ shoul der. There was a sudden flash of a striped paw, a snarl from the beast, and a yell from the man, and the spec tators saw a very frightened Irishman wave a bleeding arm wildly in the air as be galloped across the park jcllipg at the lop cf UU lungs, while the leop ard sac down on its haunches and com posedly licked a bit efeuff and some strips of skiu from ita paw. Policeman James Whalen took O'Gortcell to the Presbyterian Hos pital. n here his arm was dressed. It was .badly lorn, but no bones were broken. O'Co nr. el went home. He will sequ recover, although he is now ill from the fright. The leopard is fueling; well. ^ RowtqaGct Thin. TheJonlv safe and reliable treatment for ob^ury, or (superfluous fat ) is the “Li:veroite” Gbisity Pills, which grad ua,Hy_reduce the weight and measure ment, i -No injury or inconvenience— Leaves - no wrinkles—acts by absorp tion. ’ This cure is founded upon the most scientific principles, and has been used by one ol the most. * minent Physicians ol Europe in his private practice “for lire years,” with the most gratifying results. Hr. Hery Perkina. 29 Union Pork, Boston, writes: From tbe use of the 4 Leverefte” Obi sity Pills ray weight has tern reduced ten pounds in three weeks and my general health is very much improved. The principles of your treat merit are fully indorsed by ciy family physician. In proof of my gratitude l herewith give you permis- tlou to use my name if you desire to do«o.” Price $2.00 per package, or three packages for$3 00 by registered mail. AH orders supplied direct from our offije: The Lererette Specific Co.* 330 Washington Sc, Boato'n, Mass. “IV«m cm’s Laffer-ngv” was what a witty woman called that .period ot life w'hich all middle-aged jKiss.thtough, and during which so many seem 10 think they must suffer —‘•hat Nature intended it sO:- The same lady sdded “if you don’t be lieve In ‘woman’s suffer-ago’ there is one ballot which will effectually de- ieac It—Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrlp- the Alt OLD MAH’S DARLING MAKES A VERY SPIRITED SCENE | UN NEW YORK. Sfe Wanted Ilor lo go I£«m; andSlie I VTBulda'l—Tfie Stories XSiey Told | nt 1 be Police Static a-A ldUlc.E matic JCpI>odc. NewYosk, January 30.—“Police! Police! Arrest tbi3 man. He is try ing to steal my .b»" and umbrella screamed a handsomely-dressed wo man, while at the same time she strug gled with an elderly man at the corner of Sixth ayenne and Forty-second street at S o’clock Ust night. The wo man was short and stoat and had a wealth of reddish gold hair. She wore a long sealskin sacqne and a pair of solitaire diamonds. She was about twenty-two years old. The man with whom she was straggling was tall and good looking, about fifty years of age. Ho wore gray side whiskeas. Police man Reardon heard the. crie3 of the woman and ran to her assistance, grasping the man by the arm. “Take him to the station-house,” she said to the policeman, “I will make a complaint against him.” “Officer” said the man, “this woman is my wife. She wants to go away by herself, but I want her to go home with me. We live in Philadelphia.” The policeman decided to take them to the West Thirtieth street station- WHY Iff j Royal Baking Powder is Best. 1 t{ The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure, for I have so found it in many tests made both for that company and the United States Government. “I will go still farther and state that because of the facilities that company have for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, and for other reasons dependent upon the proper proportions of the same, and the method of its preparation, “the Royal Baking Powder is undoubt edly the Purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. ‘•HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D” Late United States Government Chemist. CLIPPINGS. Governor Russell Is fond of gnnning. A millionaire has large will power. ] house and have the case investigated I ciroi^^ ronnd ,n a sewing | NEW MANAGEMENT. 9 Atlanta’s Trade Journal, Fames Into New Hands. by Sergeant Cooper. To the sergeant From the Atlanta Constitution Jon. 81. With the February number Dixie is to pass into the hands of a new The Dolphin is the fastest swimmer management. The following will be the' man described himseif as Algernon . Douglass, fifty years old, of No. 50 * n “ 8 sea * I the Personnel: Mr. T. H. Martin, Pine street, Philadelphia. Virginia owns 1,500,030 acres of I business manager; Mr. J. II. Allen, “This woman Is my wife,” said the °F 8ter tends. I manager advertising department; Col- Only two Americans are engaged in oaeI Jol,n Temple Graves, editor. ife. She tuts fi 500 worth of dia- moods on oue baud, which I have given her. In Philadelphia she has everything she wants—a beautiful house and everything that wealth can buy.” When Sergeant Coop- >n. Tula is true, not oaly at riod of rnisMIe life, but at all i trail.' periOii oi miuuie lire, nut at all ages when women suffer from uterine dis ease?, painful irregularities, inflamma tion, ulceration r»r prolapsus, the ’‘Fa vorite Prescription” so strengthens the weak or diseased organs an.1 enriches the blood, that years of health and eu oyment are added to life. people drag along ry Summer months, It iS8aid that the canvass-back duck' can fly eighty miles an hour. The mallard’s best time is forty-fiyc miles. Conscientious. ctcr 3trcz'r’a Srrap Hook. According to the county attorney of one of the the rural districts of Maine, thsie lived in his county an honest old itlzen who had been in the habit of buying “a little” from tbe druggist on the sly, occasionally, to use in case of snake bites or similar emergencies. The drugget was indicted and the country man was subpoenaed as a wit ness to testify in the case. It wore on him to think that be should be obliged to give evidence against bis friend and neighbor; but still he couU not tell a lie—he was a very George Y/ashington on that point He thought about having to go to court so constantly and Intently that at iast his tamiiy noticed that he was verylabsent-mladed, and they came to fear that I;e was going in3ane. One morning, while he was milking, a bright thought struck him, and go ing into the house he said: “Wife, I want you to bring the old cradieidowu from the attic.” “What do you mean ?” she a^ked. “Just what I told you.” yiie.wife saw plainly enough that what she had feared whs about to bap- 5§tu, Her htubmd wa3 mad, still she thought best to do as he asked, and with tears in her eyes brought dowm the old-cradle, one thathad comedown from colonial time3, and was large ctiongh to accommodate a full-grown man. ?*Mafce it up,” said the husband. It was done, the stricken family gathering around. It was almost a death scene. Alter the cradle was made np to his satisfaction, the man got in, tucked himself up, and said: “Call my mother,” and the old lady, sad at heart, cams out from her room and stood by the side of the cradle. Now, rock me mother, just as you used to do,” said he, and the old lady complied with whim of the madman. Then the satisfied man got out of the cradle, went back to the barn, finished milking, and in one time went into coart and testified as follows: “I can say truthfully that I haven’t bought a drop of liquor since my molher rocked tne in the cradle.” F. H. Hickey, 1203 Main street Lynchburg, Ya , writes “I was broke out all over with seres, and my hair was falling out. After using a few re tne nom- bottles of Botanic Blood Balm ray hair ination, but it is safe tossy that Mr. quit falling out and all the sores go rT_..Ill v_ .-l A I_.1t wpll 99 wen.* 5 How fortunate for us tha: the In dian, when he disappeared from New England, forgot to take his summer Spmaen Cases. S. II.Clifford,Newcastle, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheuma tism, bis Stomach was disordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming de gree, appetite fell away, and be was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., bad a running sore ou his leg of eight years’ standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes ot Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and his leg it sound and well. John Speaker, Ca tawba, O., had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incura ble. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bncklen’s Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by H •*- Lamar & Son’s drug store. 3 The dolphin is the fastest swimmer in the sea, and cau make mere than twenty-two miles an hoar. 1 Pleskin^ sen»c Ol healtii and strength renewed ease and comfort follows tbe use o; Syrup of Eigs, as it acts In harmony with nature to effectually cleanse the system when costive or billions. For sale in 50c and |1 00 bottles by all leading druggist man. _ I am not hls wife,” said the wo-1 business in Egypt. “ " I Mr. Martin for the past seven years, man. “He tried to steal my bag and Banks of clouds are often broken by bas been In ehar * 8 of the So»“>ern umbrella and I want him locked np.” heavy drafts of wind business of the Fairbanks Scale Com Tbe sergeant took the man into a a . P an 7» and resigns a lucrative business private room and asked him to tell the i Eht of an old flame " make t0 S>re hls energies, experience and true facts of the case. -‘Sergeant unusual executive capacity exclosive- this woman is my wife,” said he. “We Ttie smal,est of the new postal cards ly to the development of the Magazine came from Philadelphia on Thursday, “ callcd “ The 400 -” Dixie, and of tbe great section from and intended to return tonight. When Mabbits are selling in Memphis, I which it derives its name. With an ■ spoke to my wife about catching the Tenn -» at 3 cents apiece. I experience ot so many years of actual train she refused to go. I was trying The crack oi doom ought to be Bractica * contact with the business to induce her to go when she made the 1 bea rd at the break of day. [ currents ot the country, he Is ripely disturbance on the street which at- It never doea any good to air opln- e T ,Ippe d f °r the great work he has traded a great crowd and caused my Ions that need fumigation I an “ e rteken. wife to call upon the police. Iam Tha hotter a J Mr. Allen is well known as one of wealthy,” he continued, “and have other the coold thev ^t toward each kdnest and most vigorous youog men spent more than $00,000 upon mv I 7 in Georgia. He was formerly presl- ----- - Wise medical men do not treat som-1 dent of the Standard Scale Company nambnlism as a pillow case. I and has been a leading factor in the Bev. Dr. Talmage, of Brooklyn, wa3 I development of the manufacturing in years of age, January 14. " I terests in that great section of north The standing strength of the London Georgia centering aronnd Home, detective force is about for hundred. Colonel Graves needs no introduc- T , I tion. As much as any writer or ora- er, the woman said that she was the I fasll a^Tonn D ^S^'° nS ^ ^ r° r0f th ® day he1la8tl1 ® attention and man’s wife. She acknowledged all he g accounts. I confidence of Southern and Northern said about (he money he bad'spent on F °ur-flfths or the hailstorms occurs readers. He bos been throughout his her. “I was married to this man ln 0,0 d »rGme. editorial and oratorical career an ac- seven years ago,” she said,“on Gover- A florist at San Mateo, Cal., has I tlTe and P° werfn I advocate and expo- nor's island. Iwas tbe daughter of 118,000 chrysanthemum plants. I nent of Southern development. He an armv officer who was stationed on . c\ ... , , represents the constructive and up- the island. No, I will not teil yon my Great .5^® b 3?“° v!ctorU lifting theory In life and journalism maiden name. He is too old for ml “ h ” h * d Wttr8 ' aad on*#*. He will give himself I don’t like being an old man's darl- T‘ me heal3 aU things except wound-1 hereafter to the advocacy of great lng.” Mr. Douglass was ;vcry affect- ™ prlde 8114 old rnbber b <x>ts. causes upon the platform and ln the ionate to his wife'ln tbe statioo-honsc, I A collai, like a man, gets tight by editorial chair. During tbe present calling her “Gertie, darliog.” ^t I havin £ t°° much inside of it. I season he will speak of several great -J :30 o’clock, the pair had apparently Large stock-raisers of California are I TlUl ^es of the day upon lecture patched up all differences,’and left the losing valuable horses from thegrip. I platforms throughout the country, station-house arm in arm, the best of _ „ I This work will not interfere, but friends. I ^ Ohio bas eight ex-Governors, I rathe r co-operate with and broaden live Republicans and three Democrats. | tbe scope of his editorial work for Merit iviai. | A girl in Norway most he able to I Dixie, which enlists his zsal and en- for y^re we 0 S° b^n® reUlng Dr! bak ® bread t ® f0re Sh ° ““ h * T ® a beau ‘ tbasla8m la the <»“ee°tel line of his King’s New Discovery for Consunip- was G>° reporter who attended an convictions, tion, Dr. King’s New Life rills. Buck- execution who went ont with the tied. Dixie is the standard industrial jonr- !^1 ne^hfnd^ a °reS« td B « reli FearI * 5 ’°°° new h 00 * 8 P“ b th ® S ° Uth ’ a ° d “f "P a f aUon I as as well, or that have given such uni- Hshed in the United States last year. an honest exponent of Southern ln- versal satisfaction. We do not hesitate . „ , , . . , . | terests will no doubt be maintained to guarantee them every time, and we I A ^ ew ^ork.woman boasts of bav- i andjadded to by new energy and use- stand ready to refund the purchase In * a two-hundred dollars prayer- fulness in the future. Keep your eve price, if satisfactory results do not fol- book. * nn r,:-;- low their use. These remedies have m, . . _ won their great popularity on their fc asks of an ordinary elephant Tkree Dome. For Mate merits. H. J. Lamar * Son. Drug- weigh about a hundred and twenty Having concluded to engage‘in the S ‘ St8- 1 I Pounds. I Tobacco business at WinstSaT N. C., I' Not afew people seem to think the I Some men imagine that their wrongs “?* v r ^.P^ ate “ le tb ® following keeping of an appointment a matter of m 8111 ™ immediately after their wed- p 0 ne fionse and lot on Flint atreet no particular moment. alnB r,tes . I Albany, Ga., 52)4 * 210 3 room house — —— Many a boy has bad a fast train of adjoining Dr. W., L. DavU also on A Story or the English Princess. thought SDolled bv striking an nnp „ sam e street near Methodist church, ono tnougiuspouen By striking an open 7toom new bouse and i ot 105x210. A good story te told of the late “ n ‘ Also one 10 acre farm in East Albany Prince Victor aud hish dashing broth- I A man n » med J*® 08 °. Blaine was er Prince George. They were at a I indicted for burglary In New York re- L^yfrffall deslrabte^o^ylnd ball together, and Victor lectured Rial cently. I located In close proximity to business gay young brother for waltzing away Mrs. J. C.Apergives $30,000 to the P ortion of the city. Call on or ad- with all the pretty girls iu the room, Home for Yonng Women and Children dress V " W ‘ Kisk ^^> Albany, Ga. leaving only the antiques and wall- in Lowell. . Leary—“Still waiting for yonr ship flowersforhis senior. “Don’t be a Deatb no uces In the Philadelphia|tocomeln,eh?”Weary—“Oh,they’ve og, George,” - eras his tsmment. | newspapers now fill from four to flve I come. Whole fleet of’em. Ail hard- “Give theather fellows and myself a I columns dally, bit of a sbow. ” George laughed, and. I ships.” as lie wzs making off to catch another! always feels more or less rorebud, turned to Victor and said: I “ arDe83 m ita Vh,gS when “ “^ by local ap; O ., go Into a corner ;and sing God 1 them - ! reach the save your grandmother!” JDcafne** Can’t bo Cared ns, as they canno portion of the ear. A - | There Is only one way to core deaf- Amans declining years begin a fc ness,andthatisbyconstitntiona!rcm- fifey^ a woman’s begin from fifteen toledles. Deafness i3 caused by an in- eigoteen. I flamed condition of the mucous lining a „ *- - . ... of the Eustachian Tube. When this An owl Is regarded as an embodi-1 tube get3 lnflamed , 0 nhave a rum DTtptpaia. Nothing is of more importance In the treatment of persons inclined to dyspepsia, or actually suffering from ment of wisdom because he knows how I bling sound or imperfect hearing, and that disease, than the question of the to keep dark. I when it is entirely closed, Deafness is keeping up of a healthy action of tbe m _ . . (the result, and unless tbe inflammation digestive organs without recourse to I AIJ ere is said to be a factory not far I cao 53 taken out and this tube restored artificial mcthoilscathartics or laxa- J from Hackensack, N. J., for the horse- j to its normal condition, hearing will tivea. flumphrcyn’ Specific No. 10, j meat sausages. [be destroyed forever; nine cases out of gulckens aud corrects the digestive T , , „ „ _ . ten are cansed by catarrh, which is powers with the aid ok such means, 11 aoe8a c see™ require any pre- nothing but an inflamed condition of and prominent physicians deem it a monitory training to know how to j the mucous surfaces. necessary adjunct 01 the sick room.* | make an assignment. | We will give One Hundred Dollars — »^» • , . _ . . . for any case of Deafness (caused by Reading maketh a man fall—that is, I You have cause for fear and dread I catarrh) that we cannot care by taking It fills hls mind with words that he when one thinks better of you Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send forcircu- AMONG OUR EXCHANGES. A Fiw net nr t« 5pent;wUH the fnu teralty. does not know how to pronounce. DOCTOR PURE PINK PILLS. Tbe*e Cuicbratcd EXOLISU; PCI* r<*niYo Core tar Kick; |A6KER S S^SL. ^ utai« favorite vttb thcZ ladle*. Sold In Encl*nd for U.Z l^i, la America for 25*. Get; | than you deserve. Willie—“Pa, what’s a rhinestone?” I Father—“A glass insroment used to I skiu Buckers.” r_ - : •• . . . ,, | Never speak ill of anybody: yoa can IJ hreadmaklng, as to hasebaU, J jest as much exeention with ashrng there is nothing like a good batter in 1 lars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists 7» cents. eod to W. H. UOOKXK A CO^ • 4<Wat Irwlny, to. TwfcJ | the hour of knead. It has been decided in Massachusetts I that a man bas no constitutional right | to be a policeman. A wooden dog kennel shonld be | of tbe shoulders or a. significant look. JLi tile Hut Lively, Little drops of water, Little grata* of sand, Hake the mighty ocean, And the pleasant land.” And dropping into prose, we would A nice new nmbrella is used up __ when It is used at alI.-[PhUadelphia I bnUt wl’th’the baric on^and be"”llehted I tbat Dr. Pierce’s'Pleasant Pellets Press. b y a ba y window “gnieu | are m nd, bu t prompt in relieving con- X.EMON ET.TXTR i rr.EAXA.-VT LkMOaOSISB. stipation, sick headache, bilious at- A ticket agent may he a dandy, but I tacks, pain in the region of kidneys, he train crier is the hlorh-t/inprl m*in I f° r P Ill ] ir " thetrain crier is the high-toned man{SiK 1 abont a depot. | bowels. 25 cents a yial. One Pellet a The street car conductor's of Berlin dose. Little, bnt lively. The use of get 52)4 cents per day for eighteen |‘ b «° ,d ^ hoars’s work. For bflionsnes3 and Constipation, take Lemon Hiixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headache, take I Queen Marguerite of Italy claims I Newspapers in Omaha assert that ..a t° have sandals worn by Nero the ‘ b « Kansas City people are placing Uke LSSteS! nCrTOa3nC “’ tyrant. wax figures to their street cars to keep For loss of appetite and debility, take Miss Harriet Hosmer’s Btatne> |°P tbe *PP earanceof '» ctl v It y- For fevers, chilis and malaria, take tef 1 * 6111 of Castile.” will bring | A Good Kecord. “I have sold her $2o,B00. I Chamberlain’s Congh Kemedy for ten Tbe family of Gen. Grant baTe re-1 SVf” “V 3 drnggUt E, B. Legg, of Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir will not fall you fa any of the above named di seases, all of weieb arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach kidneys or bowel3. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. A Prominent Sinister Writs*. After ten years of great suffering A3 a winter resort, the Island of coIcl * n lim ® a v y . 0 , the J trea , t- from indlgestlon with great Derveus Jamaica is said to be an uncommonly !f„ e if' i"? _ bott:168 for sale aad *—i- P-. y 1 by H - J - Lamar & sods - cared by Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir, According to the code of fashion for and now I am a well man. canino pete dog^ dear shonld not . q-- . Tn „ al .. * I Vail, Ia., “and have always warraut- ceived $414,8oo 23 in royalties on the ^ never had a bottle returned, general’s autobiography. Daring tiw past 90 days I have sold Tbe instruments for the fifty odd I twelve dozen and it has given perfect _ . I satisfaction ia every instance.” It f 0Da ^ Government are D otdry up a congb, but loosens made In Philadelphia. I and relieves It. It will cure a severe Running an account is like hunting a tiger; it’s lots of fun till the account begins to run you. Rev. C. C. Dayi3, Eld. M. E, Church South, No. 23 Tatnall St.. Atlanta, Ga. People who can’t afford to follow the fashion usually try to follow the people who do follow it. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. wear a collar in tne morning. Rev. Charles 11. Spurgeon, now at Mentone, is gradually lecovering from his loug aud serious illness. There are so many teachers of | music, cne would think music ought to be quite well informed now. The statue of Queen Isabella will bring to the sculpter, Mias Harriet Hostner, the sum of $25,000. Senator Gibson, of Louisiana, esti mates tbe profits of the Louisiana lot tery at from $3,000,000 to $10,000,000 a year net. A son of Mr. M. D. Pusser, a mer chant of Gibraltar, X. C., was so badly afflicted with rheumatism for a year or more, as to be unable to work or go to school, iiis father concluded to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm on the boy. it soon cured him and be bas since walked one and a halt mites to school every school day. 50 cent bottles for sale by II. J. Lamar & Sons, . A Collision.—A wagon collided with an S. F. & W. train at Boston Monday, and the train was derailed, causing several hours delay to the mall trains. Albany Has No Other Kind.—* The pushing men of Albany are tak ing steps to erect a first class cotton factory.—Brunswick Times. A Fresh Gentleman.—A gentle man fresh from Washington enlightens the Augusta Chronicle on the true In wardness of things. He j: told the Chronicle that neither Clcyeland nor Hill could be nominated. If a nom inee must bo taken from New York, it will be Flower. He was sure that Flower and Gordon would make a winning ticket. Spring Poets Wanted,—At first blush It seems passingly strange that no spring odister ha3 ventured out up on the poetic arena up to date. The past few days have been fruitful enough, it would seem, to inflate the “divine infiatns,” in our early warb lers. What’s the matter?—Conyers Banner. Albany Sleepeth Not.—Albany is by ho means asleep, and it need sur prise no ono If the Artesian City bas a cotton factory well under way before 1S92 ends.—Americus Times-Recorder. Taken With Several Grains of Salt.—A woman in Americus Is using a lamp chimney that she has used tor eight years. She says she boiled it in salt and water when It was bought In 18S2, and no matter how large a flame runs through it, it won’t break.—Ex. Wealth With Wings. — Four pounds of gold were recovered recent ly from the sooty scrapings of the chimney of the Royal Mint in Berlin. It was of the kind of wealth that has wings, as It flue away.—Augusta News. The Epfs^t or the Grip.—It was -- not a bad illustration of the effects of the grip which Dennis, the coachman, made, when asked If hejiad recovered. Yes,” he said, “but I was sick six teen days after I got well.”—Augusta News. Makes Editor JAllen’s Mouth Water.—John W. Mackay, according to the decision of tbe courts, is due the proprietor of the famous Hoffman house $SS,875. Jehosaphat! What a rattling good time the millionaire must have had I—Macon Telegraph. Liberal and Impartial.—The Floyd County Alliance scatters its en dorsements around liberally and im partially. It pate Lon Livingston and Tommie Watson, both, on the back.— Columbus Enquirer-Sun. A Dangerous Thing.—The fleecy staple Is a dangerous thing. The New York Advertiser says: “Cotton may be a pretty crop to make, but the planters of the South should not stick to it to their own destruction.” Goes to Washington.—The Hon*— Morgan Rawls, of the county of Effing ham, is about to return to Washington an officeholder. The Colonel was once, and will again be, a conspicuous and admired figure at the National Capital.—Columbu3 Enquirer-Sun. Editor Freeman’s Thunder.—It is time the Democracy of Ware county was aroused. Republicanism, with its twin brother, the Third Party, is alive and full of energy.—Waycrosa Headlight. Uncle Billyhs Appeal.—Son ebody has went and been and gone and sent Hanlon a hog’s head, a back bone and a basket of turnips all at one time. Say, Hanlon, don’t you want to swap papers and places?—Cuthbert Liberal- Enterprise. Estill Has Got One on the Boys, —The Savannah News has an innova tion in the quiet old city in the shape of a society column, and the fun of it i3 nobody knows who wrote it.—Au gusta News. A Csmmiii Scbmi Itemedy. In the matter of curatives what you want is something that will do its work while you continue to do yours— a remedy that will give you no Incon venience nor interfere with your busi ness. Such a remedy is AUock’s Por ous Piaster. These plasters are not aa experiment; they have been iu use for over thirty years, and their value has been attested by tbe highest medical authorities, aa well as by testi monials from those who have used them. They require no change of diet and are not affected by wet or cold. Their action does not interfere with labor or business; you can toll and yet be cured while hard at work. They are 60 pure that the youngest, the oldest, the most delicate persoo of either sex can use them with great benefit. Bew are of imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentations. Ask for Allock’s, and let no solicitation or explanation induce vou to accept a substitute. North Side Mother—“Oscar, why can’t you be a good boy?” Wayward Four-year-old—“Mamma, it makes me so tired.” JZIcctric Hitter*. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kid neys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.—Will drive malaria from tbe system and prevent as well as cure all malaria fevers.—For cure ot headache, constipation and indiges tion try Electric Bitters.—Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refund It.—Price 50 cts., and $1 per bottle ft H. J. Lamar & Son’s drugstore.