The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, March 12, 1892, Image 1

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a | i •* 4 '• • Volume XLYI.—No 20. ALBANY. GA., SATURDAY. JLvRCFl 12, 1302. Price $1.0 i: ear mi ONE SOLID SORE Tried Everything without Belief. No Rest Night or Day. CoredAy Cuticura Remedies. Mr boby. when two n •at with wh»t the doeto «n»o.f«et,»nd W- Uted everything, but aeuner toe doctors nor nor. thing clsedki bermnygood. ’’SgaKiratg tmntty I tried the Cu- k TICCKA KCXCZIIES. but I I confess 1 had no faith in I them, for I had never kcb I them tried. To my great L eurprise, in on# week's r time after beginning to use [ the Ccncuxa Kexcdzek, the sores were well, but I continued to n«e the Kg. solve jit for a little while, «ad now she is as fat a — ~ baby as you would like to sh, and as sound as a dollar. I believe my i<aby wool J bare died if I had not tried Cctticc ba Hew. ■dies, i writs this that every mother with a baby Ska mine can feel confident that there is a medicine that will cure the woet eczema, and that medicine is tha Cctzccba Remedies. Mbs. BETTIE BIUKNEH, Lockhart, Texas. Cuticura Remedies Curs every humor of the skin and scalp of infancy ami childhood, whether torturing, disfiguring. Itch- whether simple, scrofulous, or hereditary, when the best physicians and all other remedies faiL Parents, save your children years of mental and 2 < (ld£od*Jre Crl mamn gia nOW ' Cure * mmde to Cimcm Remedies are the greatest ekin cures, blood purifiers, and bnmor remedies of modern times, are absolutely pure, and roay be used on the youngest infant with the most gratifying success. Bold everywhere. Price, CimcuEA, 60c.; Soap, «a.; Resolvent. $1. Prepared by the 1'ottz* Pxno AND Chemical CoRPoRATinv, Boston. tOT Send for ** IIow to Cure Skin Diseases,*' M pagss, to illustrations, and 100 testimonials. EDITORIAL,! SWISS BEAUTY. ffOOrES'S VIEWS. There is an effort being made In cer- GRAPHICALLY PORTRAYED BT niyPLEn, black-heads, chapped and oiiy skin Tim cured by CoxtCUBA liKDicated Soap. ~ FREE FROM RHEUMATISM In one mlonte tha Cutirum Anti-Pain Fixator relievos rbeu- imatlc, sciatic, hip, kidney, chest, and muscular pains and weaknesses. The only Instantaneous pain-killing plaster, . yt! RRk thin parts of the second"corgrpseloual district to prejudice a'Jtoncemcn against a’l candidates for congression al bones w hose names were presented to the Cutbbert convention and failed of eadur seraeat. It Is being contended by many that H any man wm voted for that con vention and faUed to receive the en- ■dorgr ment of-bat conv-»nlion he Is la honor,!p*ui»d to retire from_ the race and support the man who was ec- dor.-ed. Ilan. C. B. Woo‘eo*s name was mentioned ia that convention and he Br. W. A. bcsTcaj. Srai oiaac wiia lt« G.I1 In Tb« Ixmt-Btmatlla 1 . Daillaf Stream, An. Clew Pffllr K.,p Itratkl «* VI. Soon we came to beautiful Lake a a, robed for aa the choice of tome cf I Chanihrey, fifteen 1 mites long, and the delegates present but it was not by "bout one mile wide, winding aronnd his solicitation and he knevfr nothin,, I the valleys like a silvery sea-serpent, a whatever of it tin'll told of it after tin I lovely wagon road tan along its cnventlon had adpurned. beach, and there the railroad came The Biiobridge Demurest in cum- "ext to that. The white diapery of ro-ntlng Upon the rc Ion ol that con- silken m’st c)-ng to the rugged moan- enttonssys: tain shores; sometimes the rocks White .fudges Goerry and Wooten, j would fierce their winding sheet and accoroing to the Atlanta Uo.nstitiitioi. Uerm to struggleto he free, that they Claim that they did not go before the t0;) mil , ht behold the b-anty of tli« sparkling waves as they heat upon convention, our information l«. from a delegate who was there, that they did. They got no votes, hut they douhtles- agreed to abide its action in the hope of procuring some. Col. Wooten had nothing to do trlib that convention. Not being a mem ber of the alliance he did not have the presumption logo before it or to i»t their rugged beach. Then we came to Chambrey in the Vale of Savoy, where the house of Savoy and Its Rjyal Duke reigned a thousand years. On the very top of the highest mouota’n is an Immense white cross, lompt to have anything whatever to do I w hich can be geen for miles dowu the with it. He never meddled with it* va n er . The valley is one of the affairs in ? be lca«t, loveliest In France, and all agreed But there is one question arising our pra i gfn g i u beauty. We stopped of this that h beiog badly perverted L he Hotel.De France, where Qieen If Mr. Stevens who was endorsed by J victoria stopped. It is a very good the Cuthbert convention runs on the hotcl i U( ] e ed. We went'to the old platform that has been announced by Lj mteau alr j c h*pel cf the Duke the delegates who were present no 1 gj VO y^ passing an orphanage and bos- democrat Is deb tried from entering | „ i£al fjr children end a unique foun- the race. trin statue erected in honor of the And right here we would like to . j on or, Gen. D«? Boyne, a French ofll- CURES SYFHIUSI ^K?»IS!B!^od^KTE"FTS^pBnS!3^1SwBiItrfiu — * **- “ -*•*- *’ ifitCUOB I ask, Who has the authority to say that a democrat, it matters not who he is, cannot run iudemocratic primazies for an office to w bich he aspires? cer, who served iu India. mense elephant’s heads and necks upport on their backs the column and statue, and each elephant, delivers Mr. Stevens was put forward by one G f water through his trank. M4 prweribo K with |r»»t MtbfrcUoB tor th» cure of ■“ * ■' ‘ fitfifff* of prim«nr. g»«w<farv wvl Toni- ,S SCROFULA, ajpfeUa, b/poiilue Itlioaiuwuoi, ScmfuIouTliIccre Kittl Sotm. ONoVnUr fiw.lllntt. MkUrU, oU Cfcrjjl^nrer^Jik^jjjjjdjtodjIMrejJmire^^irerTh^ MR ask KB"W«B5»in855B^CS5t^TS3ST5BaS!n»rT?!i?* wUl«r, Scald Head, ate., tie. f. r. r. h a pwwfnl toxic and m rrr«ll«ct imthtr, class of citizms and asked to run in the deni 'Cratio primaries subject to the nominating convention. Does that exclude all other dcnr> cratic c indidates? If it does a won derful change has come over d*-mo- ocratic customs. It a. man whost- record as a public servant and as a dcmcerat is to have the democratic door shut against him simply because his name was men tioned in a secret caucus by. a party of *eIf-con&tituted dictators it is time the democrats of the country were put on nolice in order that they m iy know The business street is like the Rue Di Rivola in Farts, and Is arched over the silewaik for an arcade,-and entered from a-i eight-sided rquare, four streets meeting in the centre. Many well dressed lad.'es were in the streets, for the pi ice seemed to be a summer resort. We climbed up the hill and passed through an arch to the court yard and chapel, or old cathedral. As we entered the fquare ih! chimes rang out moai mu>ieally. A French soldier was marching up and down the court yard; Dowers blossomed in all the well-kept beds. Belore enter- U4IM «kM .Titan* I •a Inpor* condition dc r. poiaoaod and trixm Mo»l la k. io to monitrval (mroIartllM ar. P.P.P. r CURES Malaria IretMBUd By lire Wuuderlat kmt nod btowi •ZywtHj^yartt* of T. t. P., PrtUy Ash Pok# Root ■a UFnUI BBOS., Froprifitors, Bregcisti, bippmu’i Block, BAVAUBAH. OA. by what rules they are to be governe.1. in(? ga , e we „ w b efore „s a high, Col. Wooten has never been real uu>. m ^ nlflceut oU cht teau. In the court of the demcratiu party and has just as wa3 the beautiful old palace ol much right to run for office at the the Dake> with m arble doors, elegant hands of the democratic party as any Clrying8j a covered driveway, and an man In the party, and if any man says ollJ , UI . r e lte d tower at the corner, with that he has not it is a wilfuil misrep- a i; :le p ar k beyond, aDd a beautlfn resemation and carries its falsity on | d[iven . ay dow3 „ the 8treet . From ^ u:e ‘ I the edge of the walk you could look What are von doing to aid Georgia’s I down U P 0U lhe tlle8 of the houBes ln exhibit at the World’s Fair ? 'he village, with their little cabin ven tilarors on top. Wo walked Dp to the Thk third party in Georgia i3 with- entrance of the chapel; a French out friends, hence Is in a bad fix. J woman came out with the keys. She C. C. Post is one kind of p^st Geor- toM u311 w3a «>e Ducal residence of gia farmers will not hitch to. the House of Savoy, the present reign- ing house of Italy, Victor Emanuel Savannah expects to have a big tbat bie grandfather and a kmg Hue of time iu May. She always doea. I ancestors lived here, and reigned as A dead limb is a source ol disease; Kings; one hundred years ago France it also shows Jack of vitality in the conquered Savoy, with its beautiful tree. Larry Gantt has move 1 his wash- I ing to South Carolina. What a bless- I Ing to Georgia! 'Brother English, of the South- I west Georgian, has a hump on him. Ule paper improves with ago. TWO BOTTLES CUBED HE1L » CAnnoLL. Ia., July, 1B89. I txz sufferlzig 10 years frum Bliouks In my head, so much so. that at limes I didn’t expect the pile, to.recorer. I took tuedidne-i from many doo- 1 tori', but didn't set any relief until 1 took Faator Koenig's Nerve Tonic: ihereconddose rthevod me, and 2 bottles cured me. S. W. TECK. Colonel Dan Rountkkk U uo longer a small potato in the legal hill, but is one of the largest and on lop of I which she pronouoced an original valleys, and then banished the family to Lombardy and Peidmont. We eu- reied the chapel, and she showed us tne Duke’s gallery the old and the new colored glass windows, the mar ble carvings around the altar, Christ at the Well, the Last Supper, llary In the Garden, Touch Me Not, and best ol all, an old looking painting on the wall, The Descent from the Cross, genuine Van Dyke. Outside she showed us the battered cathedral-walls, bllng must cease.” VANISHED. Iter. IT. McDONOUGIT. of Lowell. Mms., vouches for Ibu lollmvinjc: There is a case ol which I have knowlertf'e, and I am very plod to Avail myself of the opportunity to tnakt know a the good don ml from the use of Koe uljr'a Nerro Tonic. The subject is a young SSM 0 oS 4 n .v 6 ^oSfcS:". n h.'S? or " I’enjhg imps get too r.esr. cured your remedy, ind for three mouths the 1 ~ flUof epilepsy t » winch she Las been so long subject hare oeasod entirely. It is getting sbout time for the pis- , nil gave u , 80B)e of lho beautiful cstorla! prevaricator ami the serpen- a , wer8 . As we ple8c ,i t i,e old tower time liar to begin to clrculaie.-lladi- a young g!rl> |our 8torie8 a5 ove us, son Madi^onjan. | , nu hcr bead out of the window and The Waresboro Union says ‘'Gam- asked us to climb up to see the tower It generally does and the cross on the fountain across uijr i N«ivo Tonir. Tbo “ubject is a young j when some fellow Icscr his last ante, the valley. This tower was built in l*Vi who had b«*r» suffering;.froin early J or jyhen the cods iret too r.esr. SCO, the palace In 1100. We walked FREE 'A YsfusMs Rotolr on Kemns free to my cddi • h>. Correspondent Addle Barrett dawn around tbe tront, and found a and Congressman Tommie Watson beautiful facade with carviags, marble have been having quite a bcut. iSc columns, an 1 underneath an old wine This rsmsdy has been prepared bvthoRcver- Sad PasiorKnenig. otFort Wavno.lnd.. since is;6. sad U now prepared uuder his iliivcticn by the KOENIG MED. CO. v Chicago, III. far Eddie is on top, so to speak. The Supreme court of the United States sustains Czar Reed in his vile republican rules. How long, oh, how long will the people‘bo subjected to such an impostor as he? The Way cross papeis are making facts at each other and wrangling cellar with a beautiful garden. At 8 o’clock the chimes rang out rich and glorious curfews. The day was com plete. At 6 o’clock Lhe next morning the chimes rang us up. The morning was v°ry cold. At the station a train loaded with American emigrants on the way to Genoa came in. A Up to the porter, and we were assisted into about their subscription lists. Uncle d»e compartment. As we walked up and down the track, waiting for the :ra'.n, the mountains presented a beau tiful appearance. Above them all was Jim Freeman should not lose h ; s tun* per. We’ll bet he goes to Sunday j School next Sunday, too. We honestly believe that (he whole the mountain with the white cross political situation in Georgia can be j and around its peak a fnrious snow ■.stisfactorily settled If ibe papers will t lvas lng . -h,,, wU te cloud ot give Larry Gantt a ion ?, and much , * , needed rest.—Amerxcus Recorder. j * ,lo v to cling liae a vei to the mountain top, and wind Itself about the cross, but neyer, save lor a Well, let Mm rest. Who ol j tets ? very exciting one. Able counsel L employed on both sides, and both sides will do all in their power for those whom they represent. Wjs fear that John L. Sullivan is going to erjoy some more notoriety. He has challenged the world to fight for the championship, tweuty-five thousand dollars and a private bet. of ten thousand dollars. John L. thinks he is the best man iu llie world physi cally and will prove It If any one ac cepts his challenge. Tits trial of tile lynchers of old tnar, I mome;)t) ,jij it hide the emblem of Larkin Nix, whioh comes up in c “-1 Christianity. It seemed stalwart mills In a few weeks, promUes tobe » j eoough for the ortKnaI of Agea> with clouds instead of the wild ocean waves dashing against it. The cross was planted on the granite rock, and the old mountain seemed proud to carry it In the storm. What a contrast it was to the old Ducal Palace on the reck across the valley, for it represented a proud royal house, which had been for a century a stranger iu its own home, while the oross represented the coming kingdom of peace on earth and good will to men. Instinctively we said: “In the crocs of Christ I glory. Towering o’or tho wrecas or Tins.” Chainbrey is a summer resort and is a city of 20,000 people, dust as jhe trails was leaving the French woman began lo scold, Insisting that the compartment was ODiy for Dames. So, I took the compartment in the rear, where I could sec our party through the diag onal glass partition pane!. An En glish woman sat in this compartment, with a french Footer or smoker. Af ter some effort I induced -her to drop the window for vectilaiion. A Frenchman and his wjfe, in the same compartment, were very nice to each other. He slept sjundSy, sod phe, carefull-, and tenderly, took one wrap after another from her own person, even to a lace shawl, and covered hies warmly. How it did snow in the mountains. The peaks were white and seegied to gather the fury of the storm, for ofiimesas they robed themselves In a Spfaker Cri?p Is doing all in hi? pnwtr to dispatch business in the Rouse of Representatives. He wants to finish work so they can adjourn on I sta t|on July 1st. Speaker Crisp is a level headed man, of whom all Georgia feels proud, and it is hoped that every democrat in cot gresa will fall into ac cord with him and not spend any more of the peopled money than possible. CYl. .Tames M. Freeman, lhe $10,000 beauty cf the Waycross H?ad- llght, is expected in Albany on press Day. The Colonel, with his linen duster and straw hat ? should not be tiken as a harbinger of spring as he ent rs the city-—in ?.H probability there will be very little spring in h-S gait by time he gets here. There is one mac in Georgia who has the right pii.hcipie3 politically. Col. A. K. Strother of Lincoln county was a znttnber ot the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee ol that county, but having j,o:»e »ver to the third party has nsigned this position. His hon esty Is to Dj. ccmsuendeq. Re does not stpl linger in the Democratic fold with third pirty intentions. Let a ir&n always have enough hi state what he is and where we bad enow-banks and rose*, winter j and summer, sansLIne # and clootb, j tears and smiles, all in the same j breath. At one station wc noticed a foolish girl; the Fiencfc gentleman, now awake, noticed iu>, and fxom the window threw her a penny, wblch _sbe lest; then he threw another, while he and hi? wife talked and gesticulated to her till she fetmd It. Then tiny threw more, and as we lett they con tinued to talk to her. telling her where to flad the first penny. Is was s pret ty little incident, and. I felt at once that we were friends, raising u guard at a station gate he saluted Mm with a smile, end was genial and cor dial to every one, and made the two hoars’ ride very tf j yable. At Inst we reicbed Modena, the Italian fron tier custom house. Again a porter took aU our b iggage iuto the custom house, where the «ffi.*er opened two satchels; a hasty glance satisfied the officer, and we passed on into another compartment, where we virtually had a car to ourselves through to Milan Near the frontier we passed a lice old Italiao fart sitting grimly the tojp of the mountain like an eagle on a crag. Mile after miie the bills were terraced to the very top, sometime they were little wee terraces of not in»»re than 15x20 or 2W feet, and gener ally in a triargu ar form, with stone walls to hold the dirt. Some terraces were level, eome quite slanting, and soil had been carried to them to ebrirh the ground, or cover a rocky bottom We passed scares of little Italian vi*- Iag?3. We parsed through Mount Ceiii3 tunnel soqn -after passing the frontier-; it is 7}.~ miles long; cost 75,000,000 francs, is double tracked and dimly lighted. Trains are twentj minutes running the first half, or up grade, and ten minutes the last half, or dowu grade. It lesv.s the track at a Q'.zzj height hundreds of ieet up on the mountain side, and fox 20 or 30 miles the line 6eems to be cut or tun ne!ed along the very brow of the mo'iutam hundreds of feet above the valley, where the cliff js so abrupt that there is no room for a track outside or on the edge of the cliff. At each gorge, where the tunnel emerges \nt» daylight, yon careh a glimpse of a fairy land, but it is only for a second, and then the train dashes again into another tunnel. One ol the stations has a rear wall of nearly two hundred feet to the valley beneath to obtain a foundation, while the front is only one story high. I counted five villages on the opposite side of the vailey, half way to the top of the mountains they were not more than 500 zeel apart, yet' perfectly independent ol each other. 0.;e or two had churches; ons had a castle; another a round tower like Norumbega, on the Charles river, or the Riund Towers in Ire land. Near by, across a ravinty weie three more villages, and in the valley a large commercial village, with a beautiful elevated elliptic park, walled upon the circle from the valley be neath. The hill villages consisted of from 20 to 50 stone houses, piled up one against the other, like hen coops against a barn, with latticed windows and wide, overhanging roofs. They had narrow alleys for streets, and were dirty, uncleau looking place*; oftHnes cottages could be seen perched like bird nests far up on the mouriUiu side, a mile from the base. How eny the public eq is re, with its s'Mcc cc Cavosir, public building', fl»«crs. street cars, fine horses and carrDe#**; It made os all tbinfc of New York. Tarrebo ( Tarii ) b*s only cne ertwo ancient .buildings, and is really anew and beautiful city. It for-a long time the home oi tho Savoys; it was here that Victor E nHU.ael kept the capita! ot* Italy tor many years. L was also the capita! of Pddmoqt n§de*J Victor Emanuel. As the train pa-s^ii through the city we saw a xrg»ment oi soldiers marching down one ol the principal streets, another ’ company was drilling In the pubtlR paik. The old capitol bnlldirg. with Its fin*- d »m *, pleased o? veryranch, am! j street alter Ft—-t of fine, modern houses an I bsU lin s were- cu er* ryj hand. At the city depot many lidha aid gentle tut-a were standing. The ladles were lovtly.ln fsco and an3 beautifully dressed. Outside ttrf city, .on a Irgh hill, was a Due pub jia building, and villa'after Villa dott-»*$ the fci.UiJ**. Here wejCrbsScd th? River Po. and to thefjftprih.of ward MiHnt 'beautifoi views'or the; snowy capped ^Afps’ greeted oer^nw Jon. The fields .were like a ijrtttJeYelj carder, ab'U-the htnfre lida- tol Milan was i!trough enchanted grortads.; Tlti? valley tf~.4he Pdl* the.gar’cn of Italy, and i.xr -nds from the west of Turin in <?ne bfnad hjfigfdficei't [dkln from the Alps to the Adriatic sea. The Alpine waters give opportunity for Irrigation on a magnificent scale, and mile after ml!e of the levs! prairie land is ditched and irrigated. We saw miles of. r;cc fields, covered with water, or drained, ready to be used fur rice growing. There were few houses, but many lovely village?, and the whole country was like a beau tiful garden, with smooth roads, nr. fences and tat few houses, but hun dreds ol beautiful v lias on the hill sides with luxuriant gardens, the soft est of Italian skies, and a land of en chanting beauty tells tha story of a perfect afternoon. At Verceil! we passed the battle field—a level one—where one hundred years B. C. Marins defeated the* im- bri; and at Nouvara, the field of bit- tie, where the Austrians in IS49 de feated the Sardininns, and compelled Charles Albert to abdicate. Here wc saw one ol the loveliest cathedral domes imaginable, 39G feet high wiiho campanelle tower a<*j fining it 300 steps high; both were very beautifcl. At Treoote we v crossed the Ticino river on the jus eleven arched stone bridge, destroyed Iu part by the Austrians before the battle cf Ma nta. O le mile further oh we passed the battle-field of M«j*ats, where r Na- poleon and the S^rdlahms defeated the A ustriacs and compelled them torvqe- uate Lombardy, or.c cf ;hf!r finest provinces. On the right hand'side, n< ar the station, is a teaniiful py ra mid monument erected Ip Napoleon, the III., in honor or^the"victory; and opposite tiie station U tho burial p’.ace of the grldiers who feltJn tliedRUtle.'. At 3:50 p.’ui.-we entered Milan. . use I • iX ' ' Vr * Always Fea t cl ] Bu: naxui’innri ^ SCw ToJLHrtaJd. j There iivt* ca r^grdn I ! a mao who in his prime w mode Sauduw, the G-:* man Cyr, the Cauadiiiu Hefcizie of their LousieJ have s«eu his greatest test. The man’s name U Seluo Gai a$ he is facii.urjy called, E She- early fifties he Vas breugi >- : ie *Vcsr i'iuies by a merchau laden u ith rum and molasses, adrift InMiddUtown, oa the G cn;; river. Gam W r owerful l etauds^ven i 'I.i: tiyper half o; IT HA'S LEASED OUT. Fite Plan fer Bt recent special lrom New To Royal Raking Powder is reported &£ the in r, and ishamed h if they conld 3 put to tbtit a- seneme ^Hi&ting Terminal affairs will ?e. The plan does cot material- 1’hc difficulty, U is rumored, is Id: First, the money for a guar- lund is cot forthcomlug, and , the underlying securities will .b. Jo | cot come in. t Irozh CONFIDENCE SHAKEN. Vcssei I public cocii Jence in the whole and aet [Terminal system is shaken. Good fi- nnecii- L nan cier3 here fear even if the scheme f an cx-ieed- J ^ ** successfully^^^lauoched large He steed six hlccks of securities will find their way h:a akin, and 1 hack to Wail street that;are; now In stow* hands. This would the rnarket with' new 4 per ids and prices would break *; ; mss-r - Ci -' Vi'-lien'• .. Fried —I’.; ' • . I ■' core and 1;tender, nud serva on liil’ipvho Urentod, and was alleys j&diittrions: day Bob was going to the vilDge ot j Palroencn. On tic way lie calm across an arq-j^intiuice who was labizr- j irfg witjpn b.*:Ity horse at :the foot of a sb?fp hi!!.- -The man was faking a load I of pots toes to market, and as it Was j •*ate and qfiteuoH he was anx’^us to get' iuto tqwa with them trC-Iore-thVy should fretzj. •* “'♦That's the’n poandin’. ’im?” said Bob : quietly. “I k'n make Tm pull.”. * 7- ^11 y ou’ll make h^m drahr this load of potatoes tor town I’ll give yon half they fetch me,” said tho desperate ow pcr cf the horse Bub said he cotlJ.' The viiiage was two miles distant. Bub went to farffi jbbqse tear by and got a" Jong, stout TOjfer Two ends ot this he tiwf ari)and : neck cf t he stubborn horse, ffndiacro& his shoulders'(!fid under his arms be pf-ssed the Li^lit at the other end bf tbajFnpo* He stnried up ’he HU about twenty fcet^heatl of tlie horse. -The,.animal plantedIlsTour feet fttidbracedeg&fnst the tnin, Jiii^it might-as well have tried to kick a hole through -th6 side of anlrcncLvd stlp. Bab bent UlmseU to his work and Slowly puiied hoise, wagon and potatoes to the top of th~ hill. From the brow of the hill to the village the roal was h.vei, and theman drew the entire outfit into . town. TV henthe: villagers -hrard of Bob’s .wofiderful Irat they r: qrested the own er hf the team to put the. potatoes up for sale at ettefion. He did so, and riity sold at an exceedingly high price, jfpd. Bob got well paid for his work. This example of-a widiogness to puli had no effect, upon ,thf£ liorsc, whose neck was nearly^njplfited. It-balked a^baJly as ever. : - i Wcciitn^ISraT DJ8 Fariy. kfaqy of jnij moot bcantifal and ac- IJsVeJ^auies die before riiev have priQje of life. Of those ni r ICT REST ilORTGAGE HONDS. of the pl&r* fiua leaked out to M6» :S £ . the fcoud®,- while pur- portieg to bafirst mortgage securities, arc realty opiy collateral trasls. Holders qf.Southwestern and Cen tra! good securities will be unwilling to take 4 per ceh% bonds based upon sueli stuff as 5 per cent, preferred stcck of the TermlnaL DROWNED IN W AfERED STCCK. Tne plan contemplates iejecting more watered stock tlian every rail road in Georgia would sell for now, It staggers even Wall street. the U. S. Government* after c tests, highest of all in leavening p< It is^ the best and most eeonon a pure cream of tartar Baking Po^ The mortality from what are called winter diseases Is not easily estimated. Coughs, colds, bronchitis and sore throat mike up fully one-half of the death rate. More people die from pneu monia, which first began as a “bad eold” than from consumption. Hum phreys’ Specifics Nos. 1 and 7,* for fever and in Hamit, on, for coughs and colds, are sovereign, curing promptIy,mildiy, safely-and effectually, and thus arrest ing pneumonia—as hundreds of thous ands tesilfyi They have been iu use jor.many year?, and have univer sally met the expectations of the peo ple that we are almost “carrying coals to New Castle” to thus speak oi; hem —Exchange. in hot butter till small s!ice3 cf toast -with powdered sugar and cream. Breakfast Dish ~of - K 4??— Boil six oue ever went up and down was more hard, chop tueraup io a di?b and dainty bridal^ell the ley would be green rushed throngh and than we could see. The • railroads never touch villages, eomvtimes they are a mile or two away. The road beds are good, and .Italian engines have cabooses tor engineer and fire man. French engines have only a breast plate and two large glass eyes in freut to protect the engineer. The farmers evidently live iu hamlets, eg there are large tracts of country with out any farm houses. There are no fences, and sometimes the valleys- looked like an immense garden, or chard or vineyard. Oftiuies beautiful shrines were to be seen in the gardens and by the roadsides for worshipers; women couid be seen watching goats or cows, sometimes knitting at ibe same time, or washing at a brook, rubbing clothes cn & flit stone, occv- onnlly sitting down, sometimes standing. It seemed to show tbat here human life Is cheap and time is noth ing. The cabins, or cabinets, and cabin03 connected with stations are Ail marked, and the “capo” of the cabinos have their (ffices, and sometimes there is the “Chef de Cabinos.” About thirty miles from Mount Cents the railroad had descended the grade and reached the level of tlze val- ley. I have travelled hundreds of thousands of miles in America, but never had a more beautiful visiorv thau Id Northern Italy and Southern France to-day, with their hoary moun tain tops—the Alps—cohered white ilh snow, or enveloped in blinding snow storms, while the fiehl hands were at work In the valleys below that were luxuriant with Iruit. I never saw such rugged railroading in Amer ica, not even in rbe canyons of the Colorado, and donbt If there Is any aucbiuouT land . Donkeys aio here used as beasts of burden; long Hues of them, oftimes loaded out of sight with burdens on top of them, aud great loads strapped to their sides, plodding along with a patient, steady step, they totter or roll like camels or dromeda ries, and are led by either a man or a woman. Sometimes there seemed to be caravans of them tolling along the hillsides; and near one town the roads seemed lull of people on foot, going to market, as it evidently was market day. Oitimes holes or caves conld be seen in the mountain sides, used probably by lime makers. Very often stone fences could be seen tor long distances in the valleys, as in eastern and south ern Ireland. There teems to be but !itt|e woodland, and the German box stoves in the hotels are filled w.ith what we would call short brash. This burns slowly, and a stove fall will burn all day. In France the engiues burn a pressed brick of soft egg sift ings and some tor mixture that burns well. We passed at noon a squad ot railroad workmen and their wives, sit ting by the roadside, all eating their dinner, the w&tgeq' baring broaghi tLeir own dinners to cat* with then husbands. We saw many fiocks of sheep through the poontry. Hsjros were used at tire stations to start trains much similar to the horns need by jcm- nihas drivers in PariSj only they propel U|9 blast with their feet, ^oii see nothirg but their feet move,-bat you hear the fearfql blast. Italian soldier*, with rarblces slung over their shoul der?, stand at the stations. Many ol the houses had latticed windows, open mix them with-breadcrumbs, a good- siz*rd lump of batter, pei'per aud sal Pour, over aft a half-pint or boiled milk at:d bake hi the dish. Cori Cake— pint of corn, onoJof sour milk or buttermilk, one .egg, one teaspoonfu} of soda* one of salt. Bake oi agrldtlle.. Iu making griddle-cakes have the griddle clem, and, if ibe cakes stick, sprinkle'or sale, and run with a coaise cloth before greasing. Boston Brown Bread-Sift together one nud oue-hiit cups of rye meal (net-flout)*'and one aiid one-half cups of Indian meal. Mix with the'sifted meal one Email cap of molasses, a .fea- spconfnl of salt and an’tv«rn tea?pcou- ful of saleratns. Stir with hot water into a smooth batter. Pour it Into a buttered tin boiler, cover tightly 'gpd steam three boura jn an iron kettle. 3e saie the water Is boiling in tbe ket tle bofore the tin boiler Is set info. it. Wbeitdone, uncover the boiler and set it to the even fifteen minutes. - Is Lib •Vorxfa ^ if you go through the world I* Dr. Acner’s Dyspepsia are a positive core for tbe worst forms of Dyspepsia, indigenioD. Flatulency and Constipation.' Guart an teed aud sold by Hilsuan & Agar Co. “ A syndicate of British capitalists i3 preparing to send an expedition to cx- t lore tlie coast of Patagonia for min erals. It Is believed that such an ex ploration w'oulj yi«lil good results. A CsiBuoa $tue Kcmtiy. In the matter of curatives what you want is something that will do its work while you continue to do yours— a remedy that will give you no incon venience nor interfere w*ith your busi ness. Sncb a remedy is AMock’s Por ous Piaster. -These plasters are not an experiment; they have been in use tor over thirty years, and their value bos teen attested by the highest medical authorities, a*”well ashy testi monials from,those who have used them. They r* quire no change of diet aud ere not affected by wet or eold. Their action does not interfere with labor or. busincp*; you can toll and yet be cured while hard at work. They are so pure that the youngest, -he oldest, the most delicate person of either sex can use them w£fh great benefit. . A new series of postage stamps has bsen issued by the republic of San Salvador. All stamps previous to 1S92 have been called in, and only the new stamps are to be accepted to payment of poslrge hereafter.. illccrrzc Sitters, This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it Is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure ail diseases of the Liver and Kid neys, will remove Pimples, Bolls, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.—Will drive malaria from tbe system and prevent as well as care all malaria fevers.—For care ol headache, constipation and indiges tion try Electric Bitters.—Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refund ft.—Price 50 cts., and |1 per bcttle a H. J. Lamar & Son’s drugstore. A little girl, being put at the table by herself at dinner as a punishment, said tbi3 grace before meat: “O, Lord, I thank thee that thou prepar- est a table before me to the presence of my enemies.” THE-PLACE merit IVine. ♦Ve desire to say to oar citizens, that for years we.have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Bopfe- len’s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such uni versal satisfaction.. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not fol low their use. These remedies have won their great popularity on their merits. H. J. Lamar & Son, Drug gists. 1 IS THE PLACE WHEBE YOU CAN Best Public-spirited citizens of Pond-dn- Lae, Wis., arc rallying to tlie rescue of the old John Jacob Astor trading post and block-house, now threatened with demolition by local Philistines/ “Lu Grippe.” Hundreds of publishers, having found Humphreys’ Specifics of price less value in their family, never hesi tate to recommend them tb their many readers. Hear the unsolicited testi mony of a few: Chicago, HI, “Western Broker:” t find Humphreys’ Specifics are inval uable. Several severe cases of La Grippe in my family have been cured by a raw day’s treatment. Hampton, a* J. ’’Atlantic Mirror:” I have used Humphreys’ Specific No. Seven For the least money. We have made a reputation tor selling reliable goods and WE SELL TEEM LOW ! Onr stock Is complete and embraces every need oi the Farmer—such as Farmers’ Hardware ! PLOW STOCKS OP ALL KINDS, PARKING TOOLS Eoes, Shovels, Manure Forks, Bakes, Eto. Best Traces; Back-Bands, flames and Bridles. IB it? Srlf- ht&I'.h can be-^tkorod ; t5« bn toe made hapny, and year iite Itngthentjfi if yon commenced once. - “Roses Bnthi” have been used for 20 Fears Jo the prirate practice prone of the most eminent physicians of Paris, and. the fo.Kcwing di.scales end Ihfcii diatrpsslrrg oy mptons yield, to them like j rorghri Ulceration, Congest ion FdUtogot tnc Womb, Qvariau Tumors, Drcp?y. of the Womb, .Bearing Dawi* Pains, Rupture at Childbirth and Miv carriages. One package of “R# s Buds’’ will make a new woman: p* you. , (Leqirorrhea or tPbU.cs are sanei ally 0uretlv;»f one application. (Price per pntfkajjy (one months treatment) $1,60 •ent -.l&jguiu;pb?t paid, securely pack ed., ^Rie/Leveretre Spce ; iic Co., 339 'Vasifipgton^w, Boston, Mas. 2 23-Ud «*; • — Senator Dawes, whose term expires next year, will be seventy-six years old ou his next birthday, but there Is ^eneraUalk in Massachusetts of send ing hiai h*ck for another term. A n§w diitiii/cir J# bting'eUt in Ant- *erpgp6*gtum; f3fa to be the largest nd in Africa. It we : ghs four hundred carats, and when it is fin ished will be reduced 0qj-half. Thnacuior proprietor -of tkjs paper has l)*ca subject to fr^queot colds for 3t?me >tars, whieh were ^sorc to lav him up if not ilcctorSd at ;o«jcc. H*e finds that Chamberlain’s CwUgli Rem edy lafoRaqle. R opens iKe-secretions relieve the iangs ami jts^res toe system to a healthy condition. Ii freely ufed a« ?oon as the cold has hoop contracted, and befdieitbecomesset» lied in the system, It: .greatly la-sen- the attack; ash otten cures In a stogie day what wonM hive other wise been a sovcre colff.—Northwe?teru Hotel Reporter,-Dm Moines, U. 50 ape^nnea Cases. -: S. H. Olifforii. New Castle, Wis., was troubled with.Neuralgia and Rheuma- ristn, his Stomach vus disordered, his Liver was .affected to an alarmiog de gree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles ot Electric Bitters cared him. - Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a rnztoing sere ou his leg of eight years’ steading. Used three .bottles of Electric. Bitters and seven boxes o! Backle'n’s Arnica Silve, add bis leg it sound and well. John Speaker, Ca tawba, O., had five large Fever sores on bis leg, doctors' said he was incura ble. Qno bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him entirely, gold by H 4. Lamar & 7»n’s drag store. 3 A ft*x pursued' by hounds ran into a dbor-ynTd in tlie town of Waldo, Pi., the other day, and just as he was gofog ovar-a w&Il a man caught and killed th3 animal by choking him to death, Some druggists may tell you they have other chill remedies just as good as Cheatham’s Tasteless Chill Tonic; they have not. fc is the best made upon having it even if the poor WM’o a yoiiag man was sitting in c San FrshcWa theater the other night x w&aidciiog rfat sought refuge . under hfs cc2‘-iuhk. was. unaware of i:s prtseixe until, teaching (or fomethieg from hip-pjcckct, Ue was severely bitten In the hand, ' 1 ~ - Rb«mua(l>m <i«r« d in D ij-. “Mystic Cure” for Rheumatism and NeurulgTa. radicsUy cans hi J to 3 days, its acri>a upon the system is rrraarkable Rudl ibyste: iqusw' U re h-ovesyf. orr^ »se, and the d»8 '•jLro ltoirvidy4to*r disapp.far*. The* dr<t d®« gfeatiy vhemrfiri.jS cents! 5ft»J fliWm'.n & dra-^-' gists, 4 b-Hiy. ... A midget-from Holland, twenty- four years old and now 'on exhibUIcu in Berlin, is sal j to be the smallest He is exaejy two Id the val-j aQ d were painted odd some were yellow.and Oddity of It'&tjtoetj .. •£? in ? at , c f *5°^ { We arriyed at Tqrin j ice, till Nature fairly wg?t . . in its capricious mood. Go ua ' c * * a “ lCa ” p 4,1 through the mountains of • the Adri-.;?-ea. The day; ami Northern Italy? fol. AJtcr dinner Tin B ar’s Chase. Macon correspondent Atlanta Jour nal: “Me rnaka de bear cHma de trfe for de one 2^ cents,” said a dirty look ing Italian ou tha outskirts bf Macch Wednesday. He stroked the head-of a b*g sbaggy biark beai^as he spoke, but noboly eared to take up ht3 effer. “You gitame a dime buss, on I’i| ciiaje clean to de top bf de tree,” sand <t little negro, as be ejed tbe tail ajra- more near: by. Seme one gave tbe dime, and in another moment tlie’li-— lie negro was shinning up the tree-; bqt before he reached-the first limb.' twelve feat from the ground* i he Itai. }in unchained the hear and pointed'!o the tree, exclaiming “Glima de tree.” The bear was mnzzW, bat jnst at the word he stuck Ilia daws in the tree and begin mounting upward -behind tbe little negro. The youngster's eyes were as b’g as two porcelain cups when he looked back and saw the bear, and he climbed as be bad never climbed before, reaching the first iimb a tittle in advance of the bruin, bst he dared not stop tor-tbe bear’s breath* *a warm on bis breeches. Like a monev he scurried upward, the bear close bdiind him. Vfiien it las; be coaj t no farther he began to y-ii, and then, ia an agoay of spirit, be crawled out to the end bf .he limb, which tent far down with him, as the bearstarted after Km. The boy let go *r,d down in tbe sand-he dropped, whlife the bear sat up on b's haunches and smiled. The Iiuie negro stabbed up his haLi and fairly flew down the street, - while the crown yelled as tbe Italian smiled , and w histled to his bear, who descend- : Some have a bark th»v -vnul.V with the fun be bad enioyotL 1 »1- 1 ' .r . T.' . . ^ ^ . f X . r. ^ lne.8, Ia. 50 cenrrii.-^iiA . . ; - «** botUcs tor ale by. H J Umar & Sons J 03 1 make quite. m much as - - * woiil J have «on3 ha I ho sold you lotoeotherpreparatiou. Cure guaran teed. ... The. first raitroad in India to be built and can trolled entirely by ua- tlrea has been sanctioned by the In dtoa .government. The line will fcp about thirty miles long to the Hocgh- ly'district. in Berlin, man in lha : world, feet tali. Help Wanted To spread (he good news, that at last a remedy has beec found whluh is a cer tain sure cure for coughs, colds and kindred diseases, llasaons Syrup of Tar is tl:e name .of thU medicine, which is compounded from the best pqfcit giVtcrlals. and will always gwerea^-rlf y<to have a cough at- tetid to it, d»'aot kt It get worse, but buy a butttle of - Hasson’s SyriiD, which Ip-guaranteed-to relieve or the money rp-fnndeJ. For sale by Gils- ain&A^arOo. ~ . Di»pfp«u. Nothing is of more importance in the tisatri/ent of persons inclined to dyspepsia, or actually suffering from wwt disease, than the quest ton of the Keeping up of a healthy action ot lhe dtoe-itive organs viUhout recourse to amflcla! metitudseathartics c?r isxa- lives. -Humphrey*’ Specific No. 10, gu'ckcr»3 and corrects the digestive powers with the aid of such means, and^prominent physicians deem It a necessary-ad |unct cl the sick room. ^ Hundreds of people drag along through the weary Snmmer months, their lives made miserable by chills and fever, and who conld be well and happy If they would only take Cheat ham’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It never fails to cure and Is only 75 c*ints per bottle. No cure, no Day.” Happr II00s 1 cm. Wm. Timmons, Postmaster of_Ida- ville, lud., writes: “Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for tbat bad feel ing arising from Kidney and Liver trouble.” John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: “Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liter medicine, made me feel like anew rain.” J. W. Gardner, hard ware merchant, same town, says: Electric Bitters is just tbe thing for a man who is all ron down and don’t care whether be lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like like he had a new lease ot lire. Only 60c. a bottle, at . J. La-n mar & Son’s drag store. 2 Tbe first consignment of peaches from south Africa has just been sold in Covent Garden market, London. ■Every peach was seperately wrapped in cotton wool lor the long voyage. The best specimens sold at 60 cents each. Women Wanted. ’ Between tne. ages of firteen and forty-five. Most have pale, sallow complexions, no appetite, and be bard- iy able to get about. All answering this description will please apply for a bottie ot Dr. Pieree’a Favorite Pre scription; take it regularly, according to directions, and tben note the gener ally improved condition. By a thor ough cou.-se of self-treatment with tbl3 valuable remedy, tbe extreme cases of nervous prostration and debil ity peculiar to women, are radically cured. A. written guarantee to this end accompanies every bottle. Servants are growing scarcer and scarcer in England. Tbis country has drained it considerably, and now the dematvl from Australia is getting.10 be very troublesome, Foals should be taught to eat grain while yet with tbe mares, and then tbe weaning process will not check tbeir greth if properly supplied with food and dri lk. The Voice Is easily injured—the slightest irritation of the- throat or larynx at once affecting Its tone, flexibility, or power. AH efforts to sieg or speak in public, under such condi tions, become not only painful but danger ous, and should be strictly avoided 'Z'ss ies 1 ? soars an nr 'Vsa.mAJ In fact you will find ail you need ai Farmers’ imA Give us a call—“ We will do. the Itest.’ > If. F. TIFT A -CO. “BUY THE PLANET, JR., CULTIVATOB, THE HONEY SAVER Mexican Mustang Linime A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast. A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Fanner, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test, of - years, almost generations. No medicine chsst is complete without a bottle ol Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. every symptom Is speedy cure no otl To effect A medicine is equal to Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral A weftknown dressmaker says that, os a rule, 'toe older” woraerr are most piiticular to have the latest mode. ^tuie ** i»o &%*£, -Eica oceftas his tart.” “Sire Cs A Lifl5” Do rend dawn something to help ns I” “Those Halo Pleasant Pellets, yoa sent belore, were just what tc wanted!” “They helped right where we were weakest 1” “Don’t send any thing else p* Nature, abased and negiectcfi, , her best to overcome exhanstation aod . wtrd oif threatening disease, but some times calls' for help, and knows just termiaed ectigii I-pressst fcy day, noi absent by ni^ht. if you take the wings of . the morning and fly to tbs uttermost part or tbe earth, it wU! go with von! There ia just one thing to do, begin a thorough treatment with Dr-Pieree’s Golfen Medic,! Di’eovery. and tbe problem Is solved! You will soon wonder-where it is gone, and o It went} Tbe picture Is not 7- gerieg sod ob- ito coughs; and , iu is «airlri!x N«w i« ll»e Time. Now is the time to 'invigorate and D^Joha 0 Bnffs 51,0 bestof anwiynes, this preparation rap* ne^l t. Wy" «- * oee&s toUSo * v hkej4cclleutalternative, and eleat^er as this season of the yiiar. cure you of weakness. It will ?;ive you Bireu^th. It rnay save yoa an attack of pneumonia or other severe spells of eiekeeas, tor at the ap- proach of sprtoff thfi system is very susceptible to taktog cold unless forti fied by the U3e of this remedy. It you are to the habit ot takiog iodide op potash each spring, try ft toil year dis solved in DR. BULL S SARSAPARILLA,. Ball’s Sarsaparilla equals five grains to each tablespoonful, and thus you know exactly bow much you are tak ing. '•>„*'./ Alfred Howell, Cairo, III., Wiitefe': “For years L have been affect ed with an incurable case of b!oo<j dis ease., Bali's Sarsaparilla is the only remedy tha gives me any durable ^re lief. Whenever I take iodide of pot ash X always take it with Buii’s Sarea- is a better effect mixed imh this, X 7.R' i cate organs of sjieecli, and restores tlie voice to its tnue and power. Jto singer or public speakersbouid be without it. Lydia Tbomp- sou,the famous actress, certifies: “Ayer's CJiefty Pectoral lias been of very great ser vice to me. It improves and strengthens Die voice, and is always effective tor the cure ol coId3 and oougbs." “Upon several occasions I have suffered from colds- causing hoarseness and entire loss of voice. Ia my profession of an auc tioneer any affection of tbe voice or throat is a serious matter, but at each attack, I have been relieved by a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Peetorah This remedy, with ordi nary care, has worked such a f/iagical Effect that I have suffered very little inconven ience. I have also used it in zny family, with excellent results, in coughs, colds, Wm. H. Quartly, Minis too, Australia. “ In tlie spring of 1853, at Portsmouth, Va^ I was prostrated by a severe attack of ty- pjjeid pneumonia. My physicians exhausted their remedies, and Uj one year I was not 4bJe to even articulate a word. By the ad vice of-Dr. Shaw 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, and to zny surprise ami great joy, In What is Castorla Is Dr, Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and ChUdron. It contains neither Opium, 3Ioi other Narcotic substance. It ia a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by millions of Mothers. Castorla kills Worms. Castorla is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. Castorla cares Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Gives healthy sleep and promotes digestion, Without Injurious medication. It* Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, N. 7. AMD SCHOOL OP SHORT-HA* 7. MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS COLLECT nd Itat Ptactiah _ Ehgmt logaa Free. Castoria. ‘‘Castorla h so ttcII aJaptcJ lo children that I reconiir.f.nil U 03 ’su perior to any prescription kaotra to me.” H. t. ABCHEB, ji. I)., in so. GxTfini ;jiij-i a. T.