The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, April 09, 1892, Image 1

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; ^-/TCV'vA- ' —. •'-- >, * /- !V*" ^ 3 /El&sS'ftS ^tsifiSSSiS^ •'HI 4*^ la i Volume XLVr.—Xo ALBANY. G A*« 'UIIDAY 3 RfL 9, 1802. Price $1.00 Per Year COVERED WITH SORES Tried llxo Doctor and Almost Every thing I could Think of but Nothing Helped 3Ie. Thought I Would Try Cullcara Rem edies. In Ons Week I Wa3 Cared. I tried tbe CcnccKx Itsazbrci and tbey <!Sd _ for me. M>* h*~*d ar»d body were rjr- * or«.-d with Aom; kind of sore*, aad I tried .-.tiircMt tvarylhiug I ould tlilnlc of, nad riaalJy 1 the doctor, bat nothin? b».l|NeJ tan. After r^udinir ycrar i * Iv^ni-emca:. f thought I coaM try Ccticcka Ksmeimki. I i*ourht the CcricctiA. eferrecav Hoap. arid tlis Co?ic?2A Kz«*>lvest. j.r*.! 0c2 T/^-t after I Jtr?:i3 using them tcy sore* dried up, aaJ 1 bare not them *incc.‘ iias. E. A. JOynS t iTcIntOij, Go. Cuticura Pi ever Fat! sc- Ilmv.-becn tiling your CCTIC0B A ItzxEDtxs for several yean, bipo.-utir the CVTit-raA, and U ha-i never foiled to <1» wh-itl* cLiinycd farii. It Ij uttoat the only rotn.'Sy I keep in iny lrnuie r.'i !'ie tirno. I n'rt bo without ft lor rioney." 1 tLir.1Tit ;« t.*VT l>c#t *«irj car-j in lb; world. I ti-te it for all fcirtd* til mutfi, i.sw dr oil, and it oltraye iuw theta. I*aor. .1. W. POIiTIS Davis Military School, Wlaatca, 11. C. . I hid n eery *?TOro c-v«e of whit the doctor* called ring worm or teu^r oa nty foot. After trying wv- rrai of the hjwt pby»JeJAiJS for over a year wiihoct b.-n^Qt, io'fncsd _<to-try yoarCancoax Kz*~- DUii, wbl-n '• mpiet.?!y curt*! me. JOilli 0. BHOFN-KIt.. Nashville, Tcnn. Oaticura Resolvent Thy near Blood a.ii Shin Purifier, internally, and CurieCitt, the c^eit Skin Cure, and Cvnrvnx fi »*i’. an etqahme Skin Beautifier, externally, in- a tan tty reWrva and apsodfly cure every dleeu'.e and humor of tn_- akin, e.-alp, and blood, with lu.»* of h-»ir, from Infancy to age, from pimple* to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Brice. Cettcuiia, COe.; Soap, 2'~.; liz-ioLVUXT, $1. J'repared by the VoTTETl I>bco A.V3 Cnnicit, CoiiroRAitox, listen. CJT 'How to Q*ro Ektu l>i»c.u*c*,” *ri p.i-cs, W Illustration*, and Id! teatlmonialg. Mailed free. Saio and rieaJp purified and bvautitied- by C’pnctntA. Soap. Ab^olaU-ly pure. EDITORIAL; If J.o P.r*tle’s party Un’c the rff spring o! K -p*i‘*l!can*, ?t Is a b Litanl ir ir ivyry 'i’hirtl psircy-*>**rid that AhOWe Aitb 1 D tnrt;:rdlic Lai of. Hr xju- it the tluy-s of svsfa*'##® H t> j p-xs in jojr pratws agninst Thlttl pnrtj Unr. T ur K t-uiooi.d au*J Daavihe wreck ing fiistcLine has aLoat done its do. >\ ha: a blcm-lng to Oeorgl t. 'I HK-tc nf» denying the fset that » o.*. rt’»rt aiii he made tlt&tw co break up the snlH £«outfa. Then ihr OiiAincTiey **ho.iM b^- «»;» and a doing. BASlf'S HOW MV SAGS ASHES! Back Ache, Kidney Pain*, and ‘Weak. ner.i, Boren'-sa, Lamenc-a, Strain*, and l’alna relieved itt one minaie by .. . . the Cutieura Antl-Pnin Planter, the drat and only instantuscouspain-killing strength ening plaster. .. «. »7|i!.i!ilin'.'tuvu, eorr.fulou* rud 6"i«, S—rl'.ingt, HUniiMivi), MtUiifc, <nd Chrsuts L'ltai dial lutv* r,.uliJ all tnateent, C'.urrh, tklu liiat'iit. K< u 3i«, i 'e>i ■n:a l. unit C(uOL coMsI tVtnn.T.tOr, S"!J U.nJ, »»•-., nlc ' * —*• —*-»«MftR*srt erprttssr. , ..rly o.n.H..U l.y tl« woin'trful tou.o cliHn>in|! prrptriki cf P. P. P., i'o' Vly A.b, l;kt Ueot atifl t*n* L1??XAIT 2E03-, ^cprl-tors, LIpraina’o Bloc'*, {j AV£S Gi, h^vVeToH : A PER FECTT SUCCESS. 7 Tlio F. v. A. Antoine, of Befnglo, Ter., wr.teti: Ah far as 1 urn abio t» judge. 1 tliiuk I» lls tor Kovitig'a Ncrvo Ton’o is u pc fleet st*c- cc-s. r.«r nuy on > win.* saffored from u most painful nervousness r.s I did. I feel now tike in}^elf again after taking tfcoTnuic. A STRONG moor. Orti i.t\ C:;r , Cvtiaka, J«'*ne TT. Iw.allrrd nM.ic.Ued by co.tetwy in Nov*-m- be isTtS; r«*H ding la New York. I contulled U'o'l.e.vt physic :i!.8, but the,-Could only arrest tLe UiMuao; the bo i *-t < new told me there wu* no cure f'-r it. 1 w ui impelled to elve ui» my oceup dleu rn leuim tv* Canada JniST8; piiico th-n J tried l.inn.'.crableremo*. die:* mid consultt *1 Foiue « l Uio best pi*y»;c- 1 ms,but notbir-r bercStcd me m:iill began loastt Bassor Keosig’s Nerve Tonic in Sen- ,cm! * r ‘• w L ’““ 1 : ‘h. "1 cu£o£Sr £ s-i \ Vi'i'flMo Too?.- N'-mrn FRr r I 8 5 Lsiitli.s utoiUt''ino trcoof charge. This roraody has be* n v^pired by the Ilcxrr- Mnl BaPtorli vntjr.o: Fort Wayne, led .ature tSlu. andiH now rrciiarvd under bis diivcUou by U«» KOENIG MED. CO. T Chicago, II!. gotii by Drawb.'s r.t S1 :*or Uo*(Je. d for §5. IauvoSi7C.Sl.75. C Bottles for L SIPJ* LlpF*5AN ERGS.. PrcpHo’srs, Drcggisis, Lippc-r.-.'s Licit. GAVAbNAH. GA. Tub Thir-J party i* «* .»»««'• habe in G« »iX3.' In Ii* is tlppicWKl tvexy- (3tu« tout ia vile an 1 uiean. Tbe c n*f»try will b3 better «»iT if. ibis baby i:cd. Tnz Democracy of Oeiirg^a arrl the j >uth (I.ks not waist a repetition of p» •i»>tfi:ction anU are to ectet \ t mighty and cfftcJve protest-hg'iins; t »iiC go Ir and Third p«rt) The N'kws a?:i> ‘MW, TRAMP/’ The Soldier B°ys Did March Yesterday. BOYEESTOR’3 HAT A SUCCESS. riashiugl’niformi end Gllatenlog n*j oact« nake Am J aspiring Scene At«t£rday-G.r. Narthen . Herlrwi the Fourth Grorgla Ke»i- meat. AUVKRTIaKSX -3 3 DcoKH-rtliopsper and niil ever tlghi under ihe Democratic binner. Long may she wave over the grand old party. - Fct 1.&11 m-m i3 he who dtserta the Tfvfoot ratio fold for Che vain aliute- ■n -rits of the Third party, and cursed b^hft who will be ?o treacherous to hii con u try. Ukothkr Gunn needn’t think every- bcxly in a fool and a second cousin to him. There arc people in Georg! i. although not raised between the plow handles who Lave sense. Democrats should close up their ranks. Third party marauders are abroad. The}' com2 like the thief , at night and would destroy our best in tercsts. Close up boys, close up! Aijuxy has Indeed been honored this week. • Soma of Georgia’s most JistingnUhe'l cit’zms have trod her •oil, drank health-giving water? and mingled with i-er people. The man who espouses the Third party cause doem’t deserve to r even with the Republican*. And any man who leaves the Democratic party for the Third pvtv is a disgrace to himself and Ills parentage. “I usink-s sense” is what is needed in a congressman at this innerure ot iF.irs. No man in this congressional district b**s more than 0. li. Cteven3. -Liberal-Enterprise. Exiept Your U*ic!e C. T>. Wooten. Judge Guf.rry ought not to de nounce men as liars until he has given them a chance to deny or disapprove wiuit he has heard. A judge ought to he a very easeful and temperate man tn all things. — Liberal-Enterprise. Presump’ion i3 the name cf the r *b »ve. Has the writer ever beer Judge, that lie should know what a Judge “ought to do? ’ People in Texa* do not use locks on their birns and other houses. When a thief is caught they general!v use a rope on him. A little more ropr would do good In Georgia.—Monti zu- ma It*cord. Yes, and a little rope would do good if used unon some of those incendiary fellows like Christopher. Lur every Democratic paper in this district shoulder arms in the cause 01 Democracy. Down with this Third party insurrection. It is nothing more than this an*l deserves the con demnation cl the p’-ess throughout the whole lard. All three of the congressional can didates in the Second district will meet at Blakely tux: week. Judge Guerry will be balancing the realms ot j istice, while Mr. Stevens and Col onel Wooten will be telling the dear people howdy.—Atlanta Constitution. Yes, and the people can’t fa : l to in* favorably impressed with Colonel Wooten as be howdy’s. Ir lehonves the Democrats of Geor gia to orgartz* a: once in order to combat tbe deadly influence of the Third party movement. Organize a» once and force the vile Republican movenit nt to the wall. Advance step by step until not a vesture of i; remains. If there is cruiity between town and country in Georgia John B. Gar den :«responsible for it. It was he who first arrayed ihe country people against “town rings.” But John B was a “mity good fellow” with the “town rings” when lie declared him self agiinst the sub-treasury bill.— Liberal-Enterprise. The above is an insinuation upon one of Georgia's grandest num. and such paragraphs can only eminate from a heart bitter and’ hateful. What lisappointmant has tin writer under gone. RELIEVES sIL EiSJsSs.ess. ~ “MOVES Nffcsca. Sciud cf gn^naa, COXG ESTIOK, Pacs. IVES Fuirso ENERGY. ORES XoracT CSrcuIatia^ end. V/aexs to Tos Tuts; DSL HARTER KS-ICIRS CO.. SDlxsia. Ho. There is no denying the fact logger that the Alliance D a podtioa’ parry, and that it is antagcr.Dtic loilie D.*mo erallc party. The ic ion of tlie 1.G00 sub-Alliances thoroughout tlie State i? tm of conclusive of this fact. "Albany Nkws.—Our contemporary U mistak en. The People's party is not the Al liance parry. It is the only party which accedes to their demands, hence they unite with it.—Hoattzama Re cord. We are not mistaken. We know that the People’s parry was not thought of until the Alliance sprang into existence. At present the Third party is simply a wing of the Republi- n party. It is time for Georgia Democracy, pure sad undefiled, to assert itscit. The wool hat boys must get ready for the fray or the Third party dema gogues will come in the guise of friends and wrest the reins of government from the Democrats and then til* carpet baggers will have full sway. When the Third p*rty candidates come around ou their still hunt for votes look upon thorn with scorn. They are the representatives of the o'.den time scalawags uod one not to be trusted. Georgia has, in her Dem ocratic ra:iks. brainy, honest men, who wiii faithfully represent the peo ple and it is time Democracy was up and doing. Hit every Third party bead you see, Democrats. • The people of Georgtd seem deter mined to have a display at the World’s Fair, despite the ef? *rt matte by some so called big Allianeeoiei.but who are really Third parry scalawag-: One prominent firmer in Georgia walked into Governor Northen’s office in Atlauta a tew days' ago and said: “Put me down for twocarloa !s of fine ag:icnltural exhibits for the Georgia display.” Another offers to add to tlie Georgia mineral display he has about $300 worth ot pure gold nnggets he found on his land.. Every day it From Fridays Daily. . NOTES OP THE PAY. Thtr flashing ot gleaming bayonet*, the steady tramp of the soldiers, the waving plumes and the flutter of the stars and stripes made an. inspiring scene yesterday. It was a red letter day-for Albany and wiindng be rememb-rred by the thousands who crowded tbe highways and byways of the elty. The many rafroads centering here opanod their gates early in tbe morn ing and their special trains brought thousands of eager visitors who were gathering to pay homage' to Georgia’s Culef Executive, visit the great Geor- gii Chautauqua and meet once more that old battle-scared hero, Gen. L >i^gstreet. It was Governor’s Day and a glow ing 9UCC1S3. Tbe- miming ex»icises at the tent tabernacle were unuauflly interesting. A program of spcUal interest had been prepared and it was executed with that interest characteristic of every thing at the Chautauqua. At 5 p. m. the military companies formed on Broad street and marched to the residence of Col. E. L. Wight and from there they escorted tbe gubernatorial party and Gen. Long- street to tbe tent. There were nine companies la line, the Tbomasville Guards, the Waycrost it lilt’s, Brunswick Rflsmen, Dawson Guards, Ft. Gaines Guard*, Cadets from ths South Georgia Agricultural College at Tii itnasville, Valdo3ta R»- rta a , Cadets from South Georgia Agri cultural College at Cuthbert, and the Albany Guards, and they made a ipleodl J scene as they mirched up Brnal street to the raaslc of Card’s Military Band. After Gov. Northen’s address at the lent the companies again formed on Broa l street for review by the Gov ernor aud staff. THE REVIEW. The soldiers were drawn up in line for review under command of Col. E. L. Wight, made an imposing scene, and was witnessed by thousands of people who lined the sidewalks, filled the windows and swarmed on tbe roofs. Then came the dress parade by the Fourth Georgia Regiment. PRESS PARADE. The nine companies were drawn up in line and they execu’cd Col. Wight’s commands with a precision that argues well for tli-ir eflKimcv, and won many expressions of admiration from the onlookers. The scene as viewed by a News and Advertiser from an elevated position yvas a thiillirg one. Thp surging, elbo-viog, gooi-narured crowd, the long line of soldiers with their gay uniforms, the many lovely aud ele gantly dressed ladles who graced the •H?c*sion by their presence and the sweet strains or music made an Im pression on the minds of those Who saw It that will he lasting. “tiie rebel yell ” After the dress parade the band be gan playing that well known tune, so >lea' to those w ho fought for tbe Sun- nv South—“Dixie,” and instantly the very air was rent by tbe lusty rebel yell, from thousands of throats, while the lAdies waved their liandkerohiefs with enthusiasm only equalled by the veterans themselves. The companies then broke line and several marched out and gave exhibi tion drills which were thoroughly en joyed by the spectators. Alt ot them did well and to one In experienced as the writer, it is a diffi cult matter to determine who did best for they all proved themselves to be well up in the tactics. For a new company, the Waycross R-flesgavea most excellent exhibi tion. s J A detachment of tbe Albinv Guards under command of Lieutenant M V W TUt gave a very pretty exhibition drill to the delight ot the visiting soldiers. WELL ENTERTAINED. The duty of entertaining the visit ing companies was no light one, but- the Guards were fully equal to the emergency and Willinghem’a Hall was turned into an eating room and was tilled with tables literally covered with edible?. This part of the entertain ment was in direct charge of Q larter- master E. tf. Shackelford and Quar termaster Sergeant S. F. Price, and the excellent manner in which the guests were cared for fully attests their efficiency, and much praise Is due them. Capt. W. E. Wooten was untiring in his efforts to entertaiq the goests and every member of the Guards was an able assistant to him. Lieutenants 31. W. Tift, W. T. Cox and S. B. Wight, Jr., were of special service to fcd m and he is profoundly grateful to theta for their assistance. But every one did so much it is hard to qud space to give each one proper credit. ABOUT THE COMPANIES. The Waycross. Rifles were under command of Capt. J. Me P. Farr, Sponsor—Miss Maude Wldeman, Msid& of Honor—Misses Daisy Hud son, and Maggie Connelly, chaperoned by Mrs, J. McP. Fanr. The Diwson Guards were under command of Capt. J. A. Lang. Sponsor—Miss Alice Orr, Maids of Honor—Misses Slary Alexander, Agnes Thornton and Ola Stevens. Ft. Gainer Guards were commanded by Capt. T. J. Morris. The Albany Guards were com manded by Capt. W. E. Woolen. Sponsor—Miss Ruble Wight, Maids of der command of Capt. C. F. Ilanaell. Sponsor—Miss Annie Hansel!. Maids of Honor—M isse3 Lai * Baker, Annie and Onie Scott. THE VETERANS. A large number of Confederate Veterans we*e present and paid ihe’r respects to Gen. Longstreer. Tb* ir meeting was one of great pleasure. >>Lort. but touching addressts were made by Capt. R Hobbsqnd Capt. J. T. Heste-, veteran* themselves who always stood in the thickest of the fight, and at the close of thtir feeling remarks many gave vent to their fe*j ings by tears so deeply touche 1 .were t iey by tbe remarks of their comrades in arms. EVENING EXSECHX3. Tbe evening txercises at the fen* consisted of slerecptican views and ectnre by Prof. G.* K. Bilton on Swirzerland. It was the first evvr «een ia Albany and was highly enj ir- e«3 by the audience. . This closed the day’s exercises and a day that will stand out pronYncutly n Albany *s history. 03 HIS EAR. Plenty of hog and hominy is the end to which the farmers should try. This, instead of ihe clamor for legisla tion, ia what they need.—Albany News and Advertiser. Since the editor of the News and Advertiser’ was reared between the plow handles (?) and makes his living by palling a bell line over a mule (?) of course be knows exactly what the farmers need and it Is arrogant pre sumption for a common country far mer to d’ffer with niin. However, at the risk of encountering his withering frown ol contempt, we mildly suggest that as great men as he have been mistaken when they undertook to give advize on subi^ts with, which they were wholly unacquainted.. It Is jau a little bit queer that so many men who never tried digging and plowing a living out of the ground look upon farmers a lot of idiots and simpletons, who are fit only to plow for the benefit of their more enlightened (?) neigh bors who “live in town,”—Liberal- Euterprise. Gunn, of the Cuthbert Lib?ral-£.i- terprise, and by the way a single-barrel Gunn, gets himself all ia a stew be cause we attempt a little advice to tbe farmers. He contorts himself Into every conceivable* fchape because we are so bold as to lift up our voice upon a matter with which he seemed to be wholly unacquainted Now we don’t claim to have been raised between a pairof plow handle*. he would have the people believe he was, but we bise our suggestions upon what we see and observe, upon every day fact3 that any fool ought to discern. Our esteems 1 brother of the craft is crazy if ha thinks „no one knows the m!nIs of the farmers bat him, or tliat a man m ist be raised be tween the plow handle? to know-a thing or two. We are astonished that a man who sits himself as a criterion of the farmer should have so little sense as to comment so foolishly upon tbe above paragraph of ours. Advice that is good coming from whatever soured It miy Is worthy of considera tion. A W0W> ABOUT CUR 'YORK. I CA?< DIDATI Tinged *a ttje wUh. a p«sg it njo*t f — bs “aid that the "work of the Fosuli Annua’ Avicmb’y of the Gjo~£ s * Chautaaqui is eone:tried at.d" those who liavA UVirelanJ worked unices- ingiy in our mi 1st jaow seek tl»cir home'. But that pang is tempered with the sweet consolsiion lh*t Albany lia? profited by their presence, that; won derful accomplishments will bs th*- outgrowth, that Lame and fame have been added to this- section of a STEVEN* * WORTH A GUINEA A BOS.” $ Ai d 5* Own t >uae *f j.e Ca*:n« Wfcjr IS » ’«» y asiiaccmen Will Not nt Uia; toe Con^rcn. < F os the hi 1 J -E ikor N | wbyUis tfa-it so many Alii am j arc opposed to Mr. Stevens as j able person.for congre^ from ih state, that aa iarfhf eifriabJe in j rt r- n ,. r „ 0 To let them know a f The promptness and certainty of it’s cures have made Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy famous. It is intended espec ially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the most effec tual remedy known for these diseases, ol) cent bottles for sale by Hilsman & Agar Co. Mark-Keunlston, of Pnillips, Me., has a bull nnose which he has raised from a calf, which is so tame that he turns It out every warm day to browse iu the ne’ghboring fields, ne catches the big bull as easily as he would a pet lamb, aod is breaking him to harness. He hitched the moose to a wagon last summer, and was carried ten miles at railroa 1 speed before he could stop the animal. Some druggists may tell you they have other chill remedies just as good as Cheatham’s Tasteless Chill Tonic; they have not. It is the best made insist upon having it even if the poor flruggUt don’t make quite as much as he would have done had he sold you so me other preparation. Cure guaran teed. One of the most remarkable aales of old silver ever held was at E linburg lately. It included pieces - belonging to the late Earl of D inmore and tbe service of St. Martin’s abbey In Perth shire. Seyeral pieces were bought on commission from New York. The highest piece evxr obtained for old sli ver, |S0 an ounce, was given for an early Italian double-handled cup and saucer, $420 being the price. The highest price heretofore had been $50 au ounce. The senior proprietor ot this paper has been subject to frrquent colds for some years, which were sure to lay him up if not doctored at once. He finds that Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy is reliaqle. It opens the secretions relieves the lungs and restores the system to a healthy condition. If freely used as soou as tlie cold has been contracted, and before it becomes set tled in the system, it greatly lessens tbe attack, arm often cures in a single day what would have otherwise been a severe cold.—Northwestern Hotel Reporter, Des Moines, Ia. 50 cent battle for sale by H J Lamar & Sons. A new orchid, long sought for, hich is to immortalize the name of Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, who has a passion for orchi ls, and almost always wears one in his buttonhole, has been discovered and brought to England. It was found by the agent of an English firm in the Merapi moun tains, and is named the Cypripediam Ch&mberlainian axn. The mortality from what are called winter diseases ia not easily estimated. Coughs, colds, bronchitis and sore throat make up (ally one-half of the death rate. More people die from pneu monia, which first began as a “bad cold” than from consumption. Hum phreys’ Specifics Nos. 1 and 7, for fever and inflamation, for congbs and colds, are sovereign, coring promptly,mildly, safely and effectually, and thus arrest ing pneumonia—is hundreds of thous ands testify. They have been in use for many years, and haye s*.‘ univer sally met the expectations of the peo ple that we are almost “earrylrg coals to New Castle” to thus speak oi; hem * —Exchange. There Is a volcaoic area forty miles square In extent in Lower California that is a veritable fire land. Every square rod of tbe territory is pierced by a boiling spring or spouting geyser. The World’* Columbian Hsp©*:xi%n. Send 50 cents to Bond & Co., 57G Rookery, Chicago, and yon will re ceive, post paid, a four hundred page advance Guide to tbe Exposition, with-.elegant Engravings of the Grounds and Buildings, Portraits of its leading spirits, and a' Map of tbe Honor—Misses A£Dfs Hl’.smtn, Annie the E^iriL^d !?•■“ ’ ' the ncmccr ’ t ' Hobbs aud Maude Gilbert. Cuthbert Cadet3 were qnder com mand ot Col. I,. W. Haskell. . . v o* o xr reasons for no; supporting l»wi. its scope, has been attained for this *v T.,. 1 V . { Fust, we beiicve him suitsbV. try and that g eat .and giqdcusJj fS,cond^ we^vc not the^ocfiieneein good work yet unknown, aud maybe j him that we should have iu a brother mver tube known ic the great breadth Ailianccman. You rsk why. The of i:s acccnipHthmeut, *3 low the bexi-: J’? 450 ? is this: 31r. Jaitvcns has abused ,, / , . tiie confidence/ reposed in him bv tJic tage of GiU city and this peop e. - ... - - - . j Alliance. You ask bow he has done Bn- siill more comfor^ng and still 1^,1^ vVell, here-are the facis: J^vst more assariag Is ii»o thought |’year oijr county Alliance author:z^l glorious institution Is yet iaRs iuf.ik-1 Mr. Sevens to sell guano to tbe Alii- EQHAfi’sf UMOH ELIXIR A rLEiSA3T L£710NDKINK. For biliousness and Constipation, For Indigestion and foul stomach, ike Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headache, take etite and debility, take I tia ai a mi-i YTeak# on.DI ? -J Female J syzreawiTis & tasteless; S0LC3LE G3ATI1T i druggists. Price 27i cents a box. g?_Yorkl>«>ot, ^ Canal St. ' I '.rif <*y and the work of its great d< part lance, and he was to receive one dollar vf *;- 1 . . per ton commission’above cost of good?- iDcots, the eoasutamuoa ot .» Rreoa J ^ ^ ^ solJ t0 oat . p irposes hardly begun. The ur.boro yea^3 that are rapldlj rushing the twentieth century upon nVtlie-fl’etibg moment* that given but a passing notice, the hour?, the •lays, the weeks, the months. aad.lhe y^ars to which wc so fondly look for temporal pleasure ami secular ‘sa - cesses are, unknown to us, freighted wi:h the blessings and .benedictions of this institution that has come among our people to elevate by education, in struct by entertainment tn i inspire by moral precept and example. The George Chautauqua is a fixture, it is oue in which all the people take a pride. It is one from which all the people are deriving great good, arid It Ls one in which Georgia should find a strong ally in her motto of “Wisdom, Justice, Moderation.” ' Let us not be'ax iu our enthusiasm aud our z?ai, but press forward now to make each succeeding assem bly grander, brighter and bet ter. Let us build for this in stitution a home, and in future years all people who ccras within its influ ence will rise up and called us blessed. IT FINALLY CONFESSES. The Southern Alliknco Farmer con tended for a long time that the order was non-political but having gotten things its own way, comes to the front now with a bold and defiant confession. Ia a r« cent issue it says “The Alli ance is as full of politics as an egg is of meat. It D true that the order is non-partisan, but not n in-political.” So far so goad. But j ist a Ktep turther it says “A partisan is oue who fight3*for party‘regard Ies3 of principle, a non-pirtfeands one who fights for principles and- supports .the party which accepts the principle/*.’.’ J ust there a false impression i3 laid —a falsehood yarefully concealed is carried to a reading public. No par tisan fights] for party regard less o! principle. He could not bo a partisan were it Lot for principle and no party could be formed except on principle Principle is the watch word of party and the man who denies it is without party and without—understanding. The Southern Alliance Farmer, having la«d down these promises, draws its conclusions as followst ‘From one end of this land to the other, the Alliance is taking this posi tion, and they will stand by it ” If we may bo pirdoae.1 f-jr carrying out such little .logical references we wish to remark that the ab >ve chatter ing shows the plausibility with wTiich Mr. O.*15. Stevens entered ine race for congress aad defines his position in its entirety. The Southern Alliance Farmer, tbe official Organ of the Alliance, confesses in ths n»3t candiAm inner thitpirtles are not considered and that principle is a back issue. The actions of this order, by the admission of its ofllJlal organ,show plainly that it is a nonde script and a mongrel mixture that defies all parties. And yet it claiuri to be Democratic^ Will Mr. Stevens, candidate for Congress, say this is Democratic? !£•. says that he is running as*a Democrat ic candi late but he has accepted the Alliance nomluatfoo— a nomination, that carries with it the endorsement of anti-Djmocratic principles. We^are very much inclined to her iieve that Mr. Steveni is not on ihi line of “principle,” but on that ot “non-partisinshtp”—* ali things to all mea.” Every city in Georgia should have a Democratic club. Dehocratic victory will give pres perity to our country. A thing of beauty is a fairy forever. So said the mm with a talkative wtfe The News and Advertiser is » Democratic paper and has no sympa thy for any ether party. Let the young Democrats of the South organize themselves against the march of the Tl^jrd pajty marauders. The people in clues don’t realize.tbe strength of the Third party among the agricultural classes. So etrong is It becoming that the people need to or- ‘ganiz i the Democracy, or else we will be entirely at the mercy of Republican power. . • The Third-party movers, and- we say it indiscriminately, are a Set of nrchins, and the time is coming when the people are going to find it out. The “something better” of tbe Farmers’ Alliance has not entered, into the Third party, A large num ber of the farmers have decided they don’t want the “something batter.” If the people will oflly stop a mo meat and consider the men at the head of the Third party movement they will at once see why th8y should stick to the old party. Not‘a single man who precedes In this movement is anything bat a seal la wag of the deepest dye. aiders he was to” price as he pleased. Now, how did he sail li? First, ou‘- slders got iheir guano as cheap as Alliancc-man. Second, Mr. Sjeveu* 'nas never shown a bill of the good? bought, and therefore AlHaccamen had to find out the best tlicy conld wh.t the guano cost. (He doem’t know that we found It out, hut we have, ail the same;' and know, that he is ge&trg more llinn he should under the contract) Third, he has sub- sgents all over the county selling guano, and they are receiving one dollar per too for sailing it for him, •and hero let me state that we never anthoriz *u him to do so, nor to sell tobacco, but ha did so, and every one knows that merchants and guano agent? cannot j>iu the Alliance, and all Al.'imcemen know the constitution tells us plainly .who are eligible to j *in tbe Alliance and how they are to conduct, themselves after they join, and all true Allianctraen know that Mr. Stevens has n »t condected kimsell as an Atlioncemen should. Some Al liances order their own guano, and wt know what we are talking about. So now I have given you a few reasons why true Alliancemen cannot support Mr. Steven3. He is subject to charges by his sub-Alliance, and they should have been preferred long ago. Now, reader, under these existing* circum stances can we support a-man who will persist’Ll doing what he has done and is now doing? £ say never. Mr.Stevens says that he-was not seeking tbe p’ace, yet he led a certain class jn the Cuthbert convention to bellcvp that if he received the recommendation he would quietly withdraw in Mr. Guerry’s favor. That looks a little like he was expecting it, does it not? He states iu ills little manifesto that he do s not claim to be a Moses, but says that he does claim to be iq earnest about going to ^congress. I guess there is no one that doubts that he wants to go, and I guess lie would accept a’uything we tvould give him— even the presidency—if his sub-AHi ance would recommend him. He tells us to do our duty and stand by the cause we have espoused. We are go ing to do that on Tuesday, the 5th of April. All;anckman. A 31:l!i n Friend*. A friend in need is a friend Indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. TCIng’s New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs, and Colds.—If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers In all dis eases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refuuded. Trial bottles free at H. J. Lamar & Son, Drugstore. English Sp4vin Liniment removes ill Liard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and 'Blemishes frem horses, Blood 5‘avirj*, Curb’, Sulints, ;Sweeney*, Ring-Bin**, Btill^s, Sprain<. and all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc.. Save $50 by use of one battle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Curdever known. Said by Uillsmaa & Agar CDruggist, A»bauy. fr*rgia‘> Sp)n»*r, The following paragraph, clipped from yesterday’s Atlanta Constitution, will be read with interest by the many friends of the young lady here, all o( whom will agree that Ihe beauty and intelligence of Miss Stephens aptly fi s Uerfor tho positicn ssslgrted her, and that she will represent Georgia at Ihe reunion «i;h credit anu honor to ber- =elf and to her State; At the Confederate reunion inNev Orleans next week, eac£| t»f tlie- South ern States will be reqre-***nted bys^me yourg lady, and Miss Aird* Stephen^ nas b»>eu ir.vitcd to be sponsor for GeorgU. Why will you suffer witn pile* when /»)u can be cured wilih one or two ap plications of 2). P. C. W. B. Git belt sells U. fn the snowy regions of the-. Hima laya’'little smoking, tunnels are made in the frozen snow, at one end ol -v* i.h is'"placed some P bict^>, along .vKba pitcc.of b*: ruing charcoal, while to the otlier the mountaineers place their mouth, and, lying on tbe!f stomachs, inhale the smoke of the glowing weed. ----- s » i — ' For a number of years I have been subject to violent attacks of inflamma tory rheumatism which generally lasied about two months. On tbe firet of this month I was attacked in tbe knee and suffered severally for two days, wheu I procured a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and it re lieved ine alipos: instantly. . I there fore most cheerfully recommend it to those who are similarly affected every where.-^. P- Whitley, Ms triad ale, N. C., Feb. lSjSS. Mr. Whitley, is e very prominent man in this place and his disease was very widely known a* be suffered such severe pain.—W. M. Houston & Co., Merchants, Martin-; dale, N. C. 50 cent bottles for sale by drnggists. Hundreds of peopje drag tlnng through the weary Summer months, their lives^ made miserable by chills and fever. and who conld be jvell and happy if they would only take Cheat- bath’s Tasteless Cbll] Tonic. It never falls to cure and is only 75 c-*nts per bottle. No cure^no Day.” If the D.m.acratic party has failed to do the good the people plamor for, bow Third party do It? Hasn’t party ever been alert A Duty to XourseiX ^or old sores, sum eruptions, pho nics, ulcers and. syphilis, qee only r. p. p., and get well and er-joy tbe bless ing only to lie derived from the use ol ?. ?, p. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root avd Potassium.) other Engravingsand printed informa- ' U-he ThomasTille Cidets were under ,i0 “„ KiU be sent you as puMisiied. It * . TvT: . . uwill averv valuable Book and every command of 3Iaj. R. H. Fnively, ' U i!! G»-(o Rctraso. a large party of the Diem fcers of the Kn‘ght3 of 'Pythias will go over to Dawsc-n Thursday afternoon to insti tute in that cl y a lodge of the Knight of Py’thla 3 .- * They will leave on a special train at 5 o’clock, and * most enjoyable time is premised. The fare for the round trip will be one dollar, and these-who go wtiLnotri)e confirel to the membership of the order, but any one who feels so disposed may take advantage of the trip offered. A JV«mw Etcape. Messrs Jack Goff and J. D. Hook went up the Okeefiocbee Tuesday on a boating expedition; on coming back when at theDionth of tho creek their boat, capsized, throwlrg them both out into the river. They struggled for some lime holding on to the boat and oars as long a3 possible. Finally de ciding they conld not save themselyes by clinging to the boat they let go and tried to swrim td the shore. This they found very difficult, and, reaching, soma bushes, they hollered for help. They were finally rescued by Mr. JoSmie'Davis, car inspector of the B. Mr. J. T. Simmons heard their cries for help but from some cause could not locate them, hence he was denied* the privilege of ssving his friends. These gentlemen bad a very narrow escape, and the'News and Adver tiser congratulates them upon their good fortune in having a friend near by in their hour of danger. Row is the Time. Now is the time to invigorate and fortify your constitution by usings few bottles of Dr. John Bull’s Sarsa- parilii. You need it. Everybody ueeds to take this fxcellent alternative, and blood cleanser at this season of the year. It will, care you ..of weakness. It will give you strength. It may save you an attack of pneumonia or other severe spells of sickness, tor at the ap proach of spring the system is very ■iusceptible to taking cold unless forti fied by the use of this remedy. It you ace iu the habit ot taking iodide of potash each spring, try it this year dis- olvedin i DR. BULL'S SARSAPARILLA. Bail’s Sarsaparilla equals five grains to each tablespoonful, and thus ycu know exactly how much you are tak ing:. , ^gy’AIfred Howell, Caira, 111., wntcs: “For years L have been affect ed w ith an incurable case of blood dis ease. -Bull’s .Sarsaparilla is the only remedy that gives me any durable re lief. ' Whenever I take iodide of pot ash I always take it with Bull’s Sarsa parilla. It always has a better effect on my system when mixed with this Sarsaparilla,” 3-7* Gc Lemou Elbtir. 1 For fevers, chills and malaria, ta Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir wiii not fail yonrin any of tbe above named di seases, all of welch arise from a torpid or diseased livar, stomach kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. A Prominent Minister Wrltr*. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion with great nervous prostration, oiliouaness, disordered kidneys and constipation. I have been cured by Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir, and now I am a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Efd. M. E. Church South, No. 23Tatnall St.. Atlanta, Ga. A Brooklyn man while trying to break the record with a punching ma chine broke bis wrist, and cow wants the nickel-in-the-slot comany to give him damages. DeLeon, Texas, July, 23,1891. Messrs. Lippmax Bros., Savannah. Gents—I’ve used nearly four bot tles of P P P ' I was afflicted from the crown of my head to the sol es of my feet. Your P P P has cured difficulty of breathing and smothering, palpita tion of the heart, and relieved me of all ^paiu; one nostril was closed for ten years,' now I can breathe through it readily. • I have not slept on either side for two years, in fact, dreaded to see night come, now I sleep soundly in any position all night. I am 59 years old, hut expect soon tirbe able to take hold of the plow han dles; I feel proud I was lucky enough to get PP F, and I heartily recom mend it to my friends and the public generally. Yours respectful! v, A. M. RAMSEY, The State of Texas, ) County of Comanche. ) Before the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared A 31 Ramsey, who after being duly sworn, says on oath that the foregoing state ment made by him relative to the vir tue of PP P medicine ia tree. A. M. RAMSEY. Sworn to and subscribed before me this August 4,1891. J. M. Lambert, N. P. Comanche Co. Tex. - professional (Card's. S. J. Jokes. - 3. W. Smith, Cr<?ioary Dong her. y Co* JONES & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estate Brokers. Money to loan on real estate securities. E. n. JOXTES, LAWIES EM BEAL ESTATE BROKER, Notes, Stocks and Bonds bonght and sold. Local A gent Fqni table Building and Loan Association of Albany, Ga. t VmhincrioiT, 8t. - - Albany, Gn. ■W. T. JONES, MtiKi/iteiritliiw, ALBANY, G %. W. L. DAVIS, Plysi&iffli and Sargsao, £^-OJ5cc over H. J. Lamar A Son’s Drag Store. Telephone 34. Hugo Robinson, Pliysiclafi and Surgeon, ALBANY, - neOBGlA. Offioe in Venlulctte Block. Telephone 43 W, P. BllsfilS, ». 0. Pfcfsicii and Surgeon, . Raving pennan-ntW ’ocated here 1 respect- fully tender v*r pr«M£*s-»ion«l services to the ci; lztis of • >bany, and surrounding conn try. Ofi^ce i*n B.*wj a rec;cv>u* Crain A Son's, at;re. 02j-:3 bourse\ 0 to UsU a,m. and2:30 to 5:30 V. m. Beti Jcnce on tVss!i»n«rton, street near P. L. Jay. Telephone No. M. 3-1 -tf. L.EOEW, *«1 I * Office at S. Sterne's store. SatisfacJ guaranteed where others failed. SOUTHERN SHORTHAND Aad Easiness College, Atlanta, Ga. Sbortimnd, . Bookkeeping, Drawing, Typewriting, Penmanship, Ortho- fraohv. Mathematics, Corrcapomlence. etc., taught br prodcient in*tractors. Hnodreds of graduates ia positon Best equipped col- leg-: south. Large catalogne free. Name this paper. IS 15-Sl-d Jy Capt. K. A. Peeples, Jr., command- j eu the Yaldcst* Yidettes. Cspt. W. c, Wilcoxsoa commanded; the Brunswick Riflemen. The Tbomasville Guards were un tperso should secure a copy. The steel u;-ed hv the United States navy is recommended by the Austrian •ciety of Engineers as the best known practical science, Dr. John Hull’s ITorm Destroyers taste good aud quickly remove worms from children or grown people, restor-1 log the weak ana pony to robu.-t j t be*:tb. 3 rv them. No other worm i why they haven z done the good that t •.medicine is so safe and sure. Price j is needed i3 because cf th- strong Re- j 25 cents at drug stores, or sent by j publican now°r. IJlg-'jf now the D *m- : *y John T>. Park dr Sous Co , 175 oerslic pVty Uio a bet:.;r posit'oa “ d w -'yc.icfra S ; ., Ciucianati, to do good for the people than ever if von; back Afurs. before, and to institute a new party at 0r ^ ;: ‘ -a y- ^ c-rnotb ... ... 4 * , , ilir. i» i3 general dvbuuy. lry this juncture will be ruinous to the , Sacows*s jkok JtiTTEua. south. j J(«iaceioo..- — {). KERGHAHT TASLOR. Broad Street, - - ALBAXY, GA I have just received my Spring and Summer Styles in fine Broad cloths. Cas’iner?, Doeskin*, etc. If you wane something nice for a Dress or Business Sulr give me a call. I guarantee ail my work to he firslela-s in every respect. Give mi a chance at your work and you will he pleased. Respectfully, Sweden is the most Protestant coun try, for out of a population ot 4,774,- 409 only 810 are Roman Catholics. . ' Uezekiairs Surprise/ “ Wal, Hiram, if this don’t beat all! The old way for doctors was ‘kill er cure,* but here I’ve found a piece in this here newspaper where a doctor of fers ‘cash er cure.’ It’s fer catarrh I I wish we had it—I’d like to try him! Jestlisten, Hiram! ‘The proprietors of Dr., Sage’s Catarrh remedy offer a reward of $500 for any case of catarrh which they cannot cure.* That beats all lotteries hollow! The medicine costs 50 cents—your catarrh Is cored, eryou get $500! Where’s my hat! I’m going right over to neighbor Brown’s to show him. I never want ed to get within ten foot of him before, but if it Istbeoure of his catarrh, I guess'! can stand it ouc’t.” Sold by druggist^ To the Inquiry why the leap-years are so called, there appears to be no sa tisfactory answer. The Voice Is easily Injured—the slightest irritation of the throat or larynx at once affecting its tone, flexibility, or power. All efforts to slug or speak in publie, under sueh condi tions, become not only painful but danger ous, aud should be strictly avoided until every, symptom is removed. To effect a speedy cure no other medicine is equal to . Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Tlie best of anodynes, this preparation rap idly soothes irritation, strengthens the deli cate organs of speech, and restores the voice to its tone aud power. No singer or public speaker should be without it. Lydia Thomp son, the famous actress, certifies: “Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has been of very great ser vice to* me. It improves and strengthens tiie voice, and is always effective for the cure of colds and coughs.'* “Upon several occasions I have suffered- from colds, causing hoarseness and entire loss of voice. In my profession of an auc tioneer any affection of the voice or throat is a serious matter, but at each attack, I have been relieved by a few doses of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. This remedy, with ordi nary care, has worked such a Magical Effect that I have suffered very little Inconven ience. I have also used ft In my family, with excellent results, in congbs, colds, &c.”— Win- H. Quartly, Minlaton, Australia. , - “ In the spring of 1853, at Portsmouth, Va^ I was prostrated by a severe attack of ty- phold pneumonia. My physicians exhausted their remedies, and for one year I was not able to even articulate a word. By the ad vice of Dr. Shaw I tried Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, and to my* surprise and great joy, in less than one month I eould converse easily, In a natural tone of voice. I continued to improve aud have become since a well man. 1 have often recommended the Pectoral, and have never known it to fail.”—George B. Lawrence, Valparaiso, Iud. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PEKPAKED nr fc DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all DruggixU. Price $1: rix bottlft#; So- Wiiat Does Tliis Mean? Within tbe last month the immense business or Ring’s Royal Germetuer Co., has been more than doubled and large orders are pouring in from all directions. On February 20th I. L. Lyon & Co., of New Orleans gave them a cash order for seven thousand and two hundred bottles Co be deliver ed at one*. It means* 1. That when snch men as General Longstreet, General Turner, Governor Hnbb&rd, Col. Avery, Rev. IT. E. G. Cunningham, Rev. J. B. Hawthorne and Rev. Sam Jones try medlcin* and give It their nnqaalifiedjhdorse- menttbe people believe them. 2. That Germateur does all that its most ardent friends bare declared it would do. 3. That it has mastered LaGrippe, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Nervous de bility, Insomnia, Kidney troubles, Asthma, Summer complaints and Ca tarrh wherever it has been tried. 4. That the discovery of Cermeteur is the most valuable contribution that this century has made to medical sci- As a spring medicine it has no equal, it invigorates the stomach, aids diges tion, tones up tbe syscem and thus brings health and happiness. In tki3 respect no other remedy can compare with it. Germateore ia not a nauseous com pound, but as pleasant to take a3 a ! glass ol lemonade, the patient loves it looks forward with pleasure to the time of taking it. For sale at $1 a bottle by all drug- g ists. manufactured by KIKUlfROYAL Cannot be Excelled PURER or stronger baking powder than , the Royal it is im- | possible to make, j It is absolutely pure and health ful, and composed of the best ingre dients, and of ! highest strength 1 'and character. ,‘‘Dr. Davidson, i j “Dr. FlSKE, \! [“Dr. McQufiSTEN,' “Dr. Letournex, | Francisco J?d of Healths x ^HUMPHREYS*! VETERIHARY SPECIFICS For- Eor:ss, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Zool J AND POULTRY. J00 Page Book on Trpp.tment of Animal* and Chart Sent Free, eras < Fere pm , Con ces? i on s, I n flamamtloa A. A.I Spinal .Uenincitis, Milk Fever. B. B.—Strain:*, LamcncNH, Khenafttiia C>(\—Distemper, Nnsnl Diocharxee, R.B.—Rots or Crubs, Worms. E. E,~i , onsh? ) Heave.**- Pneumonia. F. F.—Colic or (IripPK, Bellyache. G. (3.—Misearviapc, Hemorrhages. II. II.—Urinary r. in! Kidney Diseases* I. 1.—Eruptive D:«eH«eH, Manse. J. K.—WiscaHCS cf DincsUon, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 50 doses'. Stable Case, with Specifies, ManuaL Veterinary Cure Oil and Meditator, #Y.## Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - - l.M Sold by Druggists; or Cent Prepaid anywhars and iu ar.y Quantity cn Receipt of Price. Humphreys* Medicine Co., 109 Fulton SL. M. T> | auicpBami “ HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. di) fisrvoas Debility, i tad Prostratloa, from up Fnceeeafnl remady for * c^vork or other < :.nd lir^o vial powder, for % fcojjJBT DBUOGUrrB. creratp-'^tuaid on roc ' irisc.—Uas.:'hrt;»’ Z.: t«., 100 jraitoa by, ajfhpcs w »9 rxhaaifcSvy ajiocaii I *^JJ t9t work. Tht me JSSt-'SSS'fS tlk«»ar-7 h«*ae. .— cm vn chwefully - — I* Ir-j-l-ln with itaaip InffawdL** PATIEHTS TREAT£0 BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. n»nl—■ JU startl,5. Bead be ■> ttucp, br partlc«Ur» M CL 0. 3. r.S&VCEE. B'VICKEB'S TMfftTEI, Cl I CAM. Before. A r<'at SC". IU IMIbi MSft •t— *■ In. «la. ll la. •ill- 40 In. 91 tn. 11 ta. *... 311a. 481a. > ft. i.\DIES Needing atoul:, or children who want build- iaz up. mould take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. It it ]d?nean: to t ike, cures Malaria, Indf- - *’ {• ;; | ,!"-<ne~4 and Liver Complaints. THE • PLACE - TO - BUY IS THE PLACE WHERE TOU CAN GET Best (roods For tlie least money. We have made a teputation lor selling reliable goods and WE SELL THEM LOW ! Our stock Is complete and embraces every need ol the Farmer—such a3 Farmers’ Hardware! PLOW STOCKS OP ALL KINDS, FARMING TOOLS Eoea, Shovels, Manure Porks, Bakes, Kto, Best Tesar Back-Bands, m es and Bridles, TSU BBS'S EtXITH 1SF TSS KA.ESSX In fact you will find all you need Farmers’ Headquarters! Give us a call—“ TVe will do the lies/,” W. F. TIFT & CO. g0-BUT THE PLANET, JR., CULTIVATOR, THE MONEY SAVER COMMISSION MERCHANTS. batters¥ho, COMMISSION MEkCBANTSt BUFALO, IV. Y. Conslghmcnt3 of early Fruits and Vegetables, and MELONS A "“ PEARS SOLICITED. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TRADE MARK. Pjtt aad Alvaf*. REFER To any bank or Bu*l»ie»i Loiikc iu ISuffalo. W, S, Sweat & WHOLESALE C ON- COMMISSION "—“ FRUITS PRODUCE Melons/ \ V: Specialty. S9y9l« 93 and 05 CANAL STREET. Providence, 0.1. Consignments solicited. Rubber Stamps and Stencils fur nished upon Application. References—Any produce honM ln New York. PhiHdelphl. or 8'*“", National Bank, Provi- R. DeGRAFFENREID- DUUGUIST, Ha3 the exclusive P8lc of these celebrated glasses in Albany, Georgia. _ . & .llOOttE, The only ifanufacturins Opticians is the South. Atlanta, Georgia. Ey*TeddIer3 are cot supplied with thee* famous glassc-b. 1-13-d-Om ONE DOLLAR WEEKLY. ijBcra a rotyl «o!.i Watch by our Club sjrw- torn. Our It karat, patent stiffened Gold cases are warranted for 20 years. Walthaw or Elgin movement, reliable and well-known, stem wind and set, hunting or open facd, lady’s or gent’s size. Equal to any |75 watch. We sell one of these watches for ;:3 cash, and s«*nd to any address by registered mail, or by express. C. O. D., with privilege of examina- nation; also by our Club system at 91 pw week. Our ager.t at Durban, writes: “Otur jewelers nave confeesed they don’t know how you can C' vnish suen work lor the money— 1%J. an''a don’t either.” One ood reliable agent wanted ia each la ce. Write for particulars- EMPIKK WATCH CO, it Maiden Lane. Now York The foremost of our periodical#."* cosLimronro EVERY GRZAT CENTRE OT • THOUGHT AM ACTIOS IE i THE WORLD. •* AtaaplatspiaM Iliuslrattd prosyoe- tuswillha Mat Isa- 25 easts. cor. wiixiAM a. atisau. Tm Is the most instruct!^ flw most timely, the largont aad