The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, April 16, 1892, Image 1

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HOT SHE S08E NOW• EDITORIAL Baby Afflicted wUh Bad' Sorts and Eruptions. r»o licilef- Permanently Cured by the Cuticura. The ! it bow)s. Cl.TLVtL.KXD :i-5:e5. KLd j'hv-, eOLt 13?. P.Losr your owe horn k*£t ii Lc not r»erfn'T thr - cJJ iafhr.t v.v ! . rti. <>■ •>!« \ tr- my cisbt-rn nw i ;J vith eruptions timt ord!* » ! IVlZl'tlic* failed to pire MV fflief. I TII E aulij cftca r.ppcar lb~ seemir.:; track l . :v iiuift* vlrc-Iikc worm, nnd-pa elbcr part* of * ' 11 1 ‘** acres csmr» nsd rcnniaca tdl l propawl j iH.«l3cTiecUA HrahiJr^. Tor vcm tirnc I v^r l 1 the hood and ra'vc viiLoct-o tfccJ ai'flda?, Lut ! t!r>* dWncl ercU os when all -cere ivvd Jo- , p*ta;r. It ]ja* now tc;-n i-early a.yeer rinc/* tbs mtpiioa wo»J«*ftIwl, rod'I ,vtfy_rr.acb tiinntS it | v.ould return v.ith tbe<$?orni weather of tide year, | •»uiiM-r ii i .-i-^c-d nr«t rot con rore Loj j kui. A. JL tVALfiTi:. Carssoville, Ga. o A L VKUTIS KB get JUS *J iccprtb. I III' 15 liOC ad bid riiGN'suj txo AcvsiiiiisKit hews scared cn Lim. Sore from Waist Down tbs l . i-I jjliyeloJans iu Pcdc/Tth, »:a* •.he *c rV.rpii p-r rrom’V. complain ct I l*a:I three cl rod tin*;/ did ir>- ftzve X-ll. 1 ray would I:ai your r tliflfllU. .:i ■*T phyrf&ns ia redo I ersd your CrTlft’CA j . d 1 i i v v.r.I-t dow n with < ~- | I ne \rlih ro riau ct return. r» t for without n I trri.vfj had it r ot t-ern .‘or :>» return icy rfcsre-rwt M' ALLf*, I'aducih, Ey. 1 UK ling o* iJoiuoer-i.-y *oii .Ur tuioughonr thelaoJ. Outfcura Remedies r; Ihr !Kt< cf Ut:i.- i J.% »V.J ’ L'in'i. by’rhV, tv * ih * who L"vc Le/'n ?. iKlV r, tun-tiy, 1 ;.;dir.a. rid:. ei<? rc.*ij> d.ftca«e» cot.ld ;< it'i■: would i-tr fednti'fy he Cmrcrji Uemwies. Few agony tbc-ce litUe cries rrf.'rr, •. t rum-dies relieve in a »it ale t :-ir;» tcr.vriias and itch- r. cl'es,«r\nz-l j> .Snt to a t>pL***dy e.j’ »-• ptvt^rrly iaturaaa flit t a tsoex flt'e delay. Tuk uufL-trilij.l in'ilitr i»r.dd»3 h: l ar.t in l r . - IXf-runcr.-icy is new ' Tuird parfy ism b Tu;: N^ws asd Ai>vertis»kii lias created vara! lu>% la over rUe coun- -rytrbwcclf. FAIR FLORENCE. “SEND P0S CROMWELL.” The Ho'n. O. B. Steven?, wiu> i3 Bsl DUNCAN VISITS THE ABOVE city. Oe ( Portray* *-e 8i&ht« lie few—A ntiroilfm BBlIn'erest- tnrf Fra I’ictcr- 1 . A K chut »’ A L* ViCKTISlJR. Klokunce, I>.*ceinber, 1SD1. The ride from Rome to Florence wa« an'.r.thresting. Ifcectirs were bested with steam, and the accomodation? ?v;d. Wy followed the Tiber for fifty mile-?. It is a sluggish, mudity, na:- i o v,* siGiiotoncu* stream. The country has little cf interest. It ia neither beautiful nor thrifty a noon lunch of coffee ant! French io'Is at a station restr&uranc was very well served; our fellow travelers wer** pleasant. The Villa Ccoselo, at which • Kt sb.pptd In Florence, is kept by two r» i-> whit th i pcOjile .. xnt ti\a! j a( j* us or . e 0 j them a cousin u «!;>• <l.. y »tile Xg»« i*D| s nith iiH.ry, M p;. ;i, e roorn ami sor- r TircTU,'50c.; Foap, •rd by the r.-TTEB ;‘kln I)lsc2*?*. Y«.c don’t w^.r.t a unu hi .Coi:"rf? J /.ith the collar of Third party on him. Vote f-r m's ; :'.i -;-d d Absolatcly pore. £%, h-a HOW MY sm ACHES! /u.l.iiT Fi.I-.-r Eac«c. Tip, Kidney, , i I t-riii.; Paina, u:iil Uixunnciisaj •Ucvi-.l lit cna mtnntf>, by the Cnll- ur:» AnM-1'.in 1] trtcr. Tba first ju« pain-killing pkudt-r. pH. t’< i. C. Ii. Ww tsk is j :*t the. t* pe ■>f n. strttesman to sbp into the shoes Oi H<h> II ‘J. 'i'urncr. Gcoh speeches and it pleasant a? wed as protHs/h.’e lime willb«i the re sult of Monday l ight’s mcetinj;. “Wcotka* and Deinccracy” is our m'/tt^, becat.'Ee Wooten is a rnaii <1 ability and an unccntstninated Dcia* icrat. 'I nn people have a champion in sacli UMi r.s Cof.*gre?Eiiisi: Most?. And in ai:eh as he the Alliance has a true triend. Doxt’tforget the meeting at the court house Mont’av night. Go out voting men and organize—the better irr-'s^zj L0 lor Hie 6wtv.‘a of democracy. ! The News and Ai>vijuisek has pft nsx ra B H a n - P M t) 5 a o S o t jr i -r rj nt r t ? S k;{»;::« * isefiks f^yyllFyiayn mmMmmmi te & ' j) : ft r-V-'H '*-■ the largest eircuh:tio» of any paper in Souths* m Georgia. This tact makes it the must desirable m^diuui through vvhioh \o:i c.iti adVersisa. A? loia as t-ie-Alliance is repre.-ent- y\ hy fcuch vile sheets as Use Soutberr. Aiilnnce Farmer and Alont. z luia Rt cord it will never h ive the hearty -o-cpcriliou of the people outside. KruroK Riciiabdsox’s excellent 'peech at the Chautauqua is being published In the Nuns and Aovekti- Shic It is not illustrated, but ii ■nnkes miglity interesting reading.— 3-ivaiiuuh I’, ess. is unity there is power, let the young men of Albany organize Hitm— elves into a Democratic Lzxgiie and they sre in position to do great good tor their country and the course ol Dd- ! hoc racy. '] m: Albany Chaurai.qua has proven ». howling success this reason.—Btin- bridge Globe. 'Idm Georgia Chautauqua was indeed a success, but as yet we haven’t heard "f any howling being dope. The pto- pie of Albany area refined people tr.d don’t ho *1. The little sing!e-b;rtelcd Record up at iioriK/uri a actually has the gall to intimate that the farmers will imi- unte the French revolution. No, Christopher, you over-stepped the bounds then. The farmers are not as big fools as you thiuk they lire. But you are trying to wotk them for all •hey arc worth. The man who want* to g.t a living out of the tax payers of Georgia, i* so badly mixed up that he doe? not Know which way to jump—Mont* zama Record. That is :»b >ut the position ol the Third party leaders, and some ol hem have jumped unadvisedly.—Ma rlon County Falriot. r F.HTOlt I U UN Elf, of the Ne>v 5AXD Advertiser is worse than the prover- nitil bull m die china shon. Ii he wid prune t ll' a iirtle of his bitterness, and cultivate his c million seii-e by a cr»fl- •»erv.itive n-e iht-rtof, be able o .!». more good, and in any evmt d<» less harm to Democratic harmony in 'he Sooicl congib.-aional district.— tVoplc’s Ecoi.omi-t. A Ivice fnm: si chi-IT hor-ss. (f+XCY^ . ^.r ... - .i-±7 F-- - •> '''--vc i ort» v Coc^re-sional •o >:e.s and the B. Stevens a pair for Congressional has the Al- iauce to bick him, uucl Mr. Wooten has the Albany News. In the mean ifiie. lir r Jim Guerry is holding c »urt ind uoii g a gienn of industrious Aood-Mwlng.—Fort V-Kcy leader. .\:.d the News 5s a pour in the land. it ! F.I’K, i ber.-a " * o ir. h j/y f> f>: IT'OitD- -•a oy tfia KOENIG {VIED. CO., Chicago, S:i n’oul!-y •*?:>? Iiottle. <3 for l??. l^uw>si/.e,SSI. , }C. H lioitirs for r59. til’s district want who ’s 'i he pcop man to- succeed 'J'ur statesman, and who ha? the ability fo doitLctive work for them. Council 15. Wooten i< the man who will best serve all erases. Little B Uy Christopher wants to fall out with St; VvU'* because he is not Third pirtyite enr u?li. Billy, read that Third pmy circular going over the district w i.ii Stevens* mime rigued to ir. C nnisTf rum having made a failure trying to gain something from th- AIii:ince,-uo;v lies on to Third party and advocates insurrection. Billy, the f irmers are ou to you. Ring c 11* and cool down. | Morning # -s i i 5 Night« 5 Good all the time. It removes j | ihe languor of inoming, sus- < ^ tains the energies noon,lulls J ! the v.-csriue=s cf night. Sf-f >1 111 beers Root! The Albany News and Advlrti- slk puts a query to the Economist wl.ieh it answer? with great pleasure. The aforesaid News and Advertiser ii.-kswha? kind of paper Use Econo mist is. It is a paper published for the people, devoted to the interests ot‘ th people, and its mission is as tar remov ed above that held by its questioner as the imagination can sear.—People’s Economist. Why did our brother answer our query only ia part? The above is 1 rather cb ; eure especially to a man | “scared” so far above. It’s funny I how soon some people get above them- ! selves. ~~ v j It is very strange that when the ! Democrats get. 150 majority in the ; House, aud are placed in position t<> do something for the toiling masses j that the Alliance tries to break down the pariy on the plea that the Derno- 1 crus have never done any thing for them. ' s vice were very good. A cabman took hIJ our baggage, and the party of tour to th**. hotel lor two francs. This Villa is the one in which the Consuls for merly lived; it is a very handsome building. Elegant rooms with uieais ami Service cq^t about $2.00 per clay, each. We engaged a cab for two francs an hour, and started out to see tl:e city. The roads are smoothly paved, and are very clean; tfie city generally has a brighf, new, and at tractive feppearatef; many elegantly attired ladies were promenading the streets. The R.ver Aruo runs through the centre ot the city, and is crossed by many bridges; one bridge is an old fashioned structure with a row of stoics on both sides ot the roadway ; a tovertd way overhead connects- the- two wings of the 4 *Ufizzi Palace.” Facing the open spuare is the tower where Savonarola was 4uiprisoned: his veil waa near the top ot the toner; lie place v. here he was burned at the stake is in the centre of the Piazza, and a long raided walk, or stEg ? wa* b’»i:t from t:»e tower door to the stake *Ve saw th* monastry and the room in which he lived; it has a grated window and contains old B.bie with fall murgiual notes written by his own hand. The Cathedral of Florence is very uidque. We have seen nothing like ii in Europe; it is built of white and blai k marble, and terra cotta. It ha?, in the rear, u magnificent dome of line propitious, in front and to one side, is the daintiest cauipunelle square tower in I.alj ; it i3 ot sta'tly might, and magnificent propotions, and has o t-niuie of as melodious bells, in tho belfry, as one hears in all llaiy. In ride the church you have a^splendid vi \v ol tne great dome; beneath it oa the Jloor is a circular gallery for the choir, adorued with an unfinished statue by Mlcjiael Angelo. When the service is chanted, the echoes in this cathedra! surpass anything we h *ve ever heard; there are so few obstacles to the movement of sonnJ that the harmony of the echoes ris soiucthihg ?ub!iuie. Ia front, in the pihzz i is the noted Biptistty; It has three gates of bronze; the one by Gebherti being pronounced the fiaest broez" design in the world. Michael Angelo said it was »xquisite and tic to adorn the gates of heaven. The designs arc raised'and thus give the double idea ot landscape, or painting and sculpture The Bap!i- try was once the original cathedral; now It is only a Baptistry. Oa one side of the church directly iu the rear of the cam panel le, is the seat of Dante; it is masoned into the wall and marked with a tablet. Opposite the Campanelle.and Baptistry, and across the street, iu the corner of the block, is the enclosed alcove, where orphan children were formerly exposed for adaption. Wo- vL-T'-ed the house where Dante lived; It has been re built ; we went to the church where he is buried, ai.d where his ui >uament is located. We saw the church wher* the noted statue of S:. George was for merly 10cared in one of the niches on the outside of the building; there are many oilier statues there, bus the St. George is not at the present time. Wi visited the interior of this church, and saw the sacred Madonna and Child; it is a noted painting and is covcre with a screen, which is lowered into the lloor when the printing is exposed. A marble group of the descent from the Cross, located near the organ, was very uni*re?sivo. This church is con nected by an overhead or covered way with the G.dM of the Wool Met Chants, one of the oklcst and most ii tiaenm! guilds in Florence, possibly in ail * | Italy. Woolen goods of various man ufacture are daily exposed for sale near the door on street tables. A we drove along in tbc gloaming, we came suddenly upon the most singular procession I ban ever seen; sorai: twenty or thirty men dressed in shin ing b a«.-k cambric, passed along the street with quick' and stately tread. Hie suit covered the entire body from head Jo foot; but holes weje cut out for the eyes and mouth. The first eight carried oa their shoulders a bier, with a coffin containing a man’s body ; it too, was covered with the same black cloth. They marched steadily along with military preclusion, look ing neither ro the right nor the left. They belong to a society of much an tiquity, the only or.e of the kind in existauee; they are mostly sons and men of the bettc-r families, who, do this as a penace for sin's committed but men from the humbler walks of life aie admitted to membership; they all agree to do these works of mercy in secret, so th>t no one shall know wlso they are, or thank them for their good deed?. It fulfills the command of Jt»us, “Do not thy alms befora men, to be seen of taeu.” It was one of th& most interesting and impressive sights that we witnessed in Europe. candidate for congress in this district d^es not seem to be very favorably im pressed with die Democracy an nounced by Hoa.;(J. B. Wootm in the speeches ol the latter before^ his con- siitneiila. The two met when the campaign was opened at Nashville, ia ILrricn county, and Cal. Wooten huvii-g made a loJJ, pJai»,'fair, 5q*J3re, open-and- above-board speech', left his constitu ents to do as they { leased. Mr. Stevens, the opposing caudi- date, who’ refused to spesk at th&- time, *.vss asked by a friend afterward what he thought o! Mr.* WuofcciTs * ffbrt. S xui he, “ itooten made one of tl;o?.* o!d-Jashione*l harrjn^ucs. Ii he doe? sot stop taikfog such straight Democ racy, l will send for Walton to com here andjou p os lilm.” Mr. W*(i*on, r.s is will known, i> the Tuinl party rrprc?c-f&atlvs from the Tenth district arrJ is anti-Demo cr&tic to the core. If Mr. Steven? relies upon - such men es tltat l»e show- an -antagonism' to ti*c D?mecr.itic par*y that should promptly Lc met ^t the billot b: x. If he intends to fight the D« uiocrallc party, that party should be notified, espechaliy as Mr Sttvers i3 seeking the Democratic nomination lor congress. ALBlSY FLITS A ILEASI5G PART AT NE Y ORLEANS. Tfi3 Lira'. €d ilcdc.-cte K sttioa YcarcrUcr C.*'*ia'» Golisa: Cor- (1-to a« d Usd 5ia!eV?»s Ei®- cj tcuce-AIbaai’a Sia'n raarmiss S,-M>cior. ON DECK. The unterrlfi-d Democracy all over ibe State is getting a move on and pretty soon wj!l be 83 thoroughly or- gar.iz-d as over to fight and clean out the Third any other enemy to a white m :u*s government in Georgia which may show its head. Third partyisin, radicalism, carpetbagi«m and all are hereby put on notice that the Democracy of Georgia is goiag tu to iu!c ia the future es in the past Meetings are “beiiig held ail over the State In the various counties and reg ular work will soon begin.—Augusta Evening Nows. Don. C. B. Wm t-rt* is a farmer, and is iio; trying to deceive the farmers cl this district. H ox. C. B. Woo ten docs not run with the Third- party hare and hold with tlie Democratic hounds. Eon. v. B. Stevens still-stands in the position of a Democratic candidate, seeking Third party votes. Ron O. B. Srtveils,-of his Third parry and anti-Dcaincradc support fox Congrtsi i.i this district, and he would not be “in it.” ^ Hon. O. B. Stevens has repudiated the Diuiecratio party. And yet he seeks an < Ifice at the hands of the Democrats. Ip Mr. Suevens, the congressional candidate, wants the Democratic uom- ination he should e’ear hii shirts of the Tuird party blemishes. Xkv Grecans, La., Ap.H S — Canons pending tUcir •leaDiii 'g reporrs over the. c'if r, b^ and strrsffierr are 11} Ingfio m *-v-;ry ourTdicig and pictures of biave leaders of the Confederate cause hang everywhe.c, miking an .Inspiring scene. Tim'do-vers of every laud shines n splendaiit ia t shGp windojys^. - . ' Qn;*mi:,€c3. Is ft -eni. Miifcsrv O^y-l»,0C0 people. t\ i»a*r v L:ii: i: il ^nation bureau ..SA'/ANInAH, ~ TiiENewYork Eveuing Sun tells i of the following interesting game: *• 1 he women in sonic of the provinces of Chili have new and useful pastime. Sime raw beef is place 1 ’ in the cen ter of a sheet of adhesive _ily paper, fleas with which the county is infested j irrp for the meat, but reach only the j paper, where they stick. The side on w hich the fl^.a first reaches the beef wins. Asminy people can play as there are two sides to the papsr.- A , small stake usually gives zjst to the game.” We would surest that our Florida neighbors cdoptthD, as they The r J bird party is io the saddle but the Democratic party is not broken and bucks terribly. Albany sets a good Democratic ex ample. The people will stick to the party that sticks to them. S'democrat never doe3 auything in a secret, uuder-hand manner. Hence Democeacy Is for the people. The last session of the Georgia Chautauqua at Albany was the best yet. Albany is now about as well known as New York, and for this ic is indebted to .the Chautauqua.—Quitman Sun. Prresident Harrison is oil lor a couple of weeks -shooting snipe. Per haps he was struck his talent. The daily newspaper of to-day is a better and more If the D.*oi icnits of this district are ro ba duped by ihe dclcarationS of Ho.». O. B. S:evcrii» it is time lor thtrn to have a guardian. It'is a notorious fact that every riiiril party man m the Second con- gres-Ionridistrict fa-an-epen supporter of O. B. Stevens for congress. The Ne-vs and Advertiser has re ceived an invitation to be present at the Merchants Week Association at Suv-iouali beginning May 9.h, Hon (J. B. Wooten, a Democratic candi late for eopgre-s, has never repudiated the Democratic party. Can Mr. O. B. Stevens.say as much? Hon. O. B. Wooten goes before his constiteents with opea-and-above- boa“d statements, o* B* Stevens will n«t meet him, but holds secret caucuses, in which the Third parly men are predominant. Tu Mcnte Carlo Casiuo has just an- nouncod to the' public through .the papers, r.s rtq iired by law, its profits on the business for tin* past six months. The concern cleared 22,000,003 francs, or nearly $G,CC0,0C0. You can always find Hon. C. B. Wooten, bat if you want to fiud O. B. Stevens, you have to get a dark lan tern and a search warrant. lie generally found caucusring with the Third party advocates. Col. Wooten dees nothin? of this kind. Mr. Stevens,' the candidate for congress, sayl that if elected to the position he seeks, lie will attend all sessions; will vote on all pending measures, and wili draw his salary That will bo u brilliant 'record to com pare with that of his predecessor, Hon. H. G. Tuner. O. B. Stevens, a Democratic .can dldaie for congress, say3 he will send ter Torn Wat?on unless Col. Wooten ceases preaching such good Demo cratic doctrine and. yet Mr. Stevens seeks a Dcmtcratic ^nomination for eongres*. O. B. Stevens 13 appealing to the Third parry advocates to remain in the Democratic fold until the congressional primaries are over so that they ca vort for him for congress. What will he advise tfcetn after the fight is ovei ? Democrats must stick to their colors or lose. Scats time ago the News and Ad vertiser showed that Hon. O. B. Stevens had been put forware by Third party advocates, wha_were ad vocating his claims for Congress. We stated .then that we believed Mr. Stevens would uot^endorse the move ment, but he has never repudiated it, and we are constrained to believe that he favors it7~ For blalant ignorance, editor Chris topher, of iloaLtzuma, heads the list. A simple personal of his columns will convince c veu a bigger fool than he of this fact. What can the people promise theru se! ves by deserting tbc Democratic paity at this juncture. -Every man should consider well bis steps before be leaves the fold ot his forefathers. Country people are smart as steel trapsojn tlie political issues oi the day, while the average town,m'aa is away behind.—Montezuma Record. Yes, they are sharp enough to not al low themselves led along by any of your vile Republican schemes. In a recent issue of the News and Advertiser there was some para graphs that seems to have stirred u«> the bell in Christopher the nondescript editor of the Montezuma Record. He sterns to have tried to got on the oat- ride of all the vile rot iu his treacher ous heart, bus hear him: The Albany News and Advertiser says the Democrats ia Congress have always tought for the best interests of the masses. How about the Silver bill you mutton bead. They fougot like the d—I to defeat it and succeeded. O’.d vpterats are charmed and eaptf Vatei by the generous liGrpifcriiiy ol New-. Orieacs and . tl*e honors paid Gordon and Longslrcet at the French Opera House today where ten tboogW and people cf every nationality bad assembled. It is -simply bfvon.1 the power of pen to picture the scene and tell of tb*i tremendous appliust given when Gerrg'aV gallant Gordon, stepped upon the stage. He was in : trod need by Hon. John W. D. O’NtiJ. of Yir"iuis. The matchless ekqncuca of thi. grand anu patriotic ex-Confederate -oldieT, John B.' GvrdbQ, and ihe con vincing logic in a?s?r:irg the right eousuess of Ilia Confederate cau‘e elec trified the vast audience cnd.hehl them speil-bound three hours The moat beau iful picture ka's:wiser, the young ladies of ibc »?ce :in^*» inarebed in the capacity of sponsr-rt upon the stage, attired in cverii g cos tumes, bearing beautifuily. UtsCbr.tter: banners upon which, in letters of gold, were woven the name ot 'their re spective States. Ten thousand people gave the rebel veil, rising binmltv eousiy, lhus-hou >>rii*g the fai r representsatives. of til: r< fi red and cultured people from Vir ginia to Texas. Alter the.ovation, the sponsors as sembled ift the reception partors of the French Opera House, where they were introduced to the Daughter of. the Confederacy, Miss W junta 'Davis, aIio was wearing deep .mourning in mem )ry of the South's immortal hero. Jtflerton Davis. A presentation, which was one oi the events of the day, occurred at the French O^era House during the ct-ro mony. It was the presentation of a magnificent fl>ral tlTiring to Miss Annie Stephens, ‘ a bfeautifu*, ?*fij-.d and highly iutellig*?nt young I-uiy of Atlauta, w ho was chosen as Georgia’s -.l»ontor ai the reunion. The presenra- tnn was made frein Mayor . »V, II Giibc-rt, Mr. and . Mrs. C. 31. Clark and others, of Albasy, by Col. E. R June 2 , a proiiiiueat yuufig lawyer of that little city, and the patriotic son ol a gallant Cbi,frderute veteran. The design of the olLrlfig represent? che-Coatoi Georgia iu minia ture, and Is'composed oi lr.igrant and* beauiiful flowers. At the top the word “Consiituribii” is worked i» floaers. '31m h.fc Iwic-I pillar the word “Wisdom.” Oa the eenter “Justice,” unt! tlie right hand side “Moderation,” the fame words being printed also in gold letters ou red, white and blue streamers attache! to the design. Yaw -wii! fiafi your weigh at Cas- WaVii't that b-trl e me j:ist too lot-? 5 Stoyi Price and Marx Smith. The best btriieeue v am in the world. Taste was agsnjicrttan Crine in the Cha-Jt3i qa\ tent every day. He has an Impediment ia his knees^ We had* to trip Editor Turner cp on i jnmp ’On_h:ra before we could stop him ion'g et-ongh to tel: him howdy. * SinceBIU Ililiman worked elf that 1 her mym*-ter j »ke or. Jim Kemp Capr. Hobbs has beeu aluit*st dead wkh envy:'-' ■. • only one .glimpse of Editor 'rie. was-sitting on the ?tsgo RttBiiriiig Gen. Lougstrtet. and atccpJi^t~ ry .ft''** ff ."fijhc had in Arid Fits. R vnda'I—uil you notice what a- time hc’hitt trying to keep from.'Shilling? If he dldn ? t put cu brakes licM smile Uy w holc^ale all the time. . . _ Mr. J. S. Davi3 niadooneof the bestroa^ded Btil< fperchra at Chaa- tauqna-Miiifary D;y wff ever listened to. It v»as a prriett h»t’e g-m. Joe Davis v. ill land.In Congress some day if he iaii*t careful. The slfgiug at the Cliautsuqna was -imply grand. Mrs, Anna Brile Cruger, Miss Hail, Mrs. J. M. Tift, HiavCox, Mrs. Burks, Mrs.- Osbcrr., and several others unknown to ns, captivated and charmed the thousands of visitors whh the'.r matchless rendi tion ot various songs. English Spavin Liniment remove? -11 Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and- lsietiiiriies from horses. _ Biocd Spavins. Curbs, Soiiut?, Sweeney, Rhig-Bijoei Scill.j?, Sprains, and .ali Swollen Throats, Coughs'.eve. Save $50 by n«e of one 'bottle. W'arrStrtec (he most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known; S>kl hy U-dl-mbti & Agai Co., Drugg!s\ Albany. r Rivaohal, the French anarchist, made a full confess!*.». Some drugglfts may, teil you. thej have other chill rem**di**s just as good as Cheatham’s Tasteless _Chill Tonic; they have not. It i3- the best made insist upon having it even if the poor druggist don’t make quite os much a> he would have done had he sold you some other preparation. Cure ga tran teed. lion.. Albert G, Wakefield, Ban gor’s veteran lawyer, wear a pair ol calf.-‘kin- boots that.he has had since 1601, and they are in good condition new. &nci:!eii%'Ara:ca The best salve in the'world foi C t it ruiscs; Seres, Ulcers, S:i3t RhetL;, ever Sores, Tetter,'Chapped Hn dr. bilbl&lna, Corns, and ill Skir. oiis. and positively cci c.? Files or no it required. It is guaranteed fc-.givi arfect satisfactir ^ or mosey i^irnc- d. Price 2i> eeBis p*r tox. ■*r ssle by Lerist, J* J*a(ar. ■in* ‘iP-wAelv ^SSSOSi .EXtSKUL PLEASANT I.SiSbTiDBiMK. For Mliousness and Constipation, tafc4 Lemon >l*xir. For Indigestion r.nd foul stomach, t»y*-1i-mon Elixir. Far rick and n rvou-he i.lsche, take Lemon ** l-x:r. ^ For slecpiessocss and nervousness, take-Lemou Elixir. Far io»« of appetite and debility,take L»»mr*n Elixir. For fevrr*, chilis anil malaria take Leaicn. Elixir. Dr. Mizicy’s Lemon Elixir will not fa-i \ou In any of the above named dtsrsses, a 1 ! of v/hich arise from 1 torpid dr disc a; ed 11 v r, stomach, kid ueys orb?»we:?. P.-ecared only by Dr. H. Mczley, AUanti, Gi. A ProElsrat Xlniiter WrltM. Attcr ten ye^rs of ^reat suffering from Indigestion with great- nervous prfi>trat!*j:i, biliontness, disordered kidney? ami constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mczlev’s Lemon Elixir and r.ow I am a well man. Key. C. C. Davis, EM- M. E. Church S*>utb, No.23 Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga. B«i‘ghor:>Sn?*rJ«r Court.-— . The . postponed ~spring term of Dougherty - Superior Court convened Monday morning; Judge B. B. Bjwtc preridiug, while Sv'.icltor W. X. Seehce was at his post a? usual. The forertoon was taken up In pqll- g the jurl?s,‘ai:d io the aTieriiom the JnJgJchargeJ the Grand J.iry. in his usual able manner. He touched peciaily upon the unlawful sei:ingof wr.isk'/ to minors, and ttio vending of of the ardent ou the S ibbith, to g imb- iig of ali kinds. He asked' that the juiy.bgalert to these violations and evils; auu i: is sure that the evil-doer will nave to be wily indeed, in the future, lb escr.peJustice. Aftt-r the charge of the Grand Jury rhe-civil docket Avas token up, and considerable amount of work was dis pensed with,, though it wes' done •quietly. Sjoic eases went by dc fault, others deferred and dismissed. Following is trie list of thl Grand. Jury as organizid: Iu ihe Toll*. -'-T2 »r-M! sslir Greer-is vhe tjcstc «fTryo ong negro w’emaa who bus stamped 'her individuality upon the criminal annals of Albany to such an extent that her reputation is not at ail enviable. She ba3 a weakness for appropria ting to her own u=e the property of others and looks upon the wino when It is red—if no or.e is looking. This-latter trait or rather the two latter taaits found an exercise or manifestation on SatunLy lasLlhat rej soiled in her incarceration on Sunday. On Friday she was employed as a domestic in the family ot. Dr. H ago Robintou and on Saturday was tempt- ei two strongly a^ she entered the pantry. Appropriating a bottle of wire that briongud to Dr. ItobinsAi she in dulged freely of the mocker. This led to her arrc3t oa Sunday Dy Officer Kemp and yesterdav a warrant was issued against her for larceny from the hon£e. J*cob Loren, Joseph Ehrlich, 3. Rdch,. Robert Alains, F. 31, Kendal i, 3> A. Ramsey, 3?3>^Grr» nfSon^* Levi Sterne, Driinis Brosnan, J. \V. Armstrong; C. W-. Arnold, W, H. Culpepper, J. A. Johnson, N. F. Tift, ii. CrCox, Sun Meads, J. M. CutlifF, >Iark Smith, J.L R’cbardson. Capt. John W. Armstrong wa? ra^e. forejuan cf tbe Grand Jury and'Jos. Ehrlich Secretary. This is as it should ba, and it goes without saying that thrir • work, as well.33 the others of t body will be highly satisfactory to their constitu ents. fL A. Tarver, tr. r W. II. Partridge, T. D. Dopbnr, The World’* Columbian EipnltiM. Send 50 cents to B >nd & Co., 576 R<x>kery, Chicago, and you will re ceive, post paid, a four hundred page advance. Guide to the - Exposition, with _elegant Engravings of ths Ground^ and Building**, Portraits of its leading spirits, and a Map .01 the Cicv ot Okie i2«:; all of the Rtfles gov erning the Exposition and Exhibitors, and ail tir ormaiion which can be given out in adyju cv; of its opening. Also, •rbii%E'igrovtrg-;jiiid printed informa tion will bejsent ytut-published.' Ii nwill i verv v.riuvbfe Book and every tperso shonld secure a copy. . . A etblegraui of Monday from SL Peterfchurg. Russia, states that a steam Abound from the Persian coast for Bako, in the Black sea, with two hundred passengers and a cargo o! cotton, ha* been lost with all on loird ia said that the disaster was due* to c'ja fkct that the steamer was .greatly overloaded. A special of. Saturday from Mont real, Canada, ssv?: Li Patrie, the leading French liberal organ, hss erme outflat-flooted for poii:ical anion «ith tho Uuited Stales. ' Hundreds of people drag c’:*ng through the ive^rv Slimmer months, their live3 made ruiser^lde by chfli^ and fever, and who could be well and happy if they would only take Cheat ham’s Tasteless Chili Tonic. It never falis to euro and I3 only 75 e-°ct3 per bottle. No cure, no pay.” Mr3. Morton is said to spend as much money on her gems ss any other wo man in the capital, and her costumes aie noted for tasirelegance. GGriHE BEIT. An elderly physician, who?? expe rience with debility and blood diseases has -been very, informed *he writer that there was only cue patent medi cine that he ever recommended his patients to take, ami that was Dr. Bull’s Sarsaparilla. He advised its use as a tonic and alterative. In case of blood poison it always acts like a charm. Under its influence sores and eruptions quickly healed and disap peared, aches and pains vanished, and the user of Dr. J >hn Boll’s Sarsaparilla soon found himself better every way. No better blood remedy can posslbly- be compounded, aad It invariably gives perfect' satisfaction to the user. You wrong yourself if yon fail to give it a trial. It is the very best spring medicine and blood purifier that can be made. Large bottle (19*3 tea-3poon- fulsj $1 00. For sile by druggists. - _pST , Byron F. Franklin, little Rock, Ark., writes: “1 was reduced to almost a skeleton, and so weak I could barely walk. My appetite and digestion both were poor. I was ex tremely nervoa3, sleepless ail nignt and restless all day. Ceven bottles of Boll’s Sarsaparilla made me as healthy and sound as when a boy.” A Philadelphia Sunday-school teach er asked a litt’e boy, “Wbat sort of lit tle boys go to heaven?” The laconic reply was, “Dead nns.” . AConaon ^chw Ki-nrdy. Ia the matter of curatives wbat yon want 1? something that will do Jt> work xi hfle you continue to do yours— •t'-reanfedy that will give you oo-inren- venteripo nor tnteriere wi*h your husl- Sueb a remedy is AUock’s Por ous Piaster. These placers are net d/; experiment; ,ibeyHbav5 be**n in nse for over thirty years, and their va'ue has been attested by the highest malical aoWioritfes, aswel) ashy resLi- m >r.ials from those who have used them. They require^ no change..0! dirt and are not affected by. wet or c -Id. Th--Ir action does r ot interfere with labor oribusiness; you can toil and y« t be cured while rusrJ at work. ITj ry -are «> pure that the youngest. the oldest, the most d^lcote. person of either sex can ure them nith grear benelir. Beware of imitations, and do cot be deceived by misrepresentations. Ask for AHcck's, and let no solicitation or explanation induce von to accept a substitute. Claus Sprcckles his sold his Phila delphia refinery to the sugar trust. Oar readers will remember what boasts he made ot fightlrg the monopoly, but as soon as he i3 offered a big price he surrenders. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) ^Lucas County, > j Frank J. Cheney m&kes oath that he is-the senior partner cf the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City oi Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tfye use-ot Hall’s Catarrh Cure. v Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed In rny presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. ISSG: A. W. Gleason, | seal ' Notary Public. Hali’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonial?, free. F- J. Cheney & Co.', Toledo, O. Sold by DruggisiL. 75o. A?«t fire Tax ffcofct. The iecenrlaw creating Boards ot Equalization for tbe various counties has left some people to misconstrue cb** doty of the tax receiver. For this reasou the following letter to tiietax receivers of the various counties is self-explanatory: Atlanta, Ga., «Iarch29, ’92.—Dear Sir: Section 2'of the act providing for a.board of equalization does not mean thatlhe commissioners mu3t complete their work within thirty consecutive days. They cannot meet before the 1st of May, but after that time they .can meet whenever they see proper until the usual tune ot closing the books; provided ali the days of meet ing, put together, do not exceed thirty The time for closing your Look3 is not affected by this law. Veiy respectfully, W. A. Wright, Comptroller General. Dr. Btrd« A Special!*!, In the treatment of Diseases of the R return, Piles, Fistula, Fissure aud Catarrh*. Also Di3eas*£r Peculiar to Females, Prolapsus (lulling of The womb) Leucorrhea, (whites) and other irregularities of the Catamenia, (monthlies), ns rooms at Hotel M&yo^ where he may be consulted for the next ten days, those who are troubled with •toy of the ab>ve named would do well to calfbpon the tloctor at once. Fifty persons were killed In Friday night’s cyclone in Kansas. London has a trade journal called the Stick and Umbrella News. Otto E.Vallian welder, mayor Ham- tien, O., ‘ Is only, twenty-fonr years old. Pneumatic tabes for mail will prob ably be in operation „ at the World’s Fair. A3 a result of some recent great coups. Monte Carlo is frequented by enormous crowds. Our best friends are thos9„who keep perfectly quiet when soma one Is enu merating our virtues. Massachusetts has more cities with a population of 25,GOO or over than any other State in the Union. ' It is estimated that about SOjOOO horses were ousted from street-car service Ust year by electricity. An aged couple reside qt Swain Sta tion, N. J., the man being 103 years of age and his gftfg,ninety-three. *Ia France there are 28,000 peasant schools, in which arc taught garden and fruit culture through State aid. Live fish have been safely sent in the mail from India to the British Museum. They are now prospering in tbe tanks of the museum. The mines of the world produce twenty-five tons of gold every week, but the precious metal remains as rare as ever. A case of the United States against a Chicago bank fer $50,000 damages has been pending in the courts for fifteen years. Royal Baking Powder Is Superior to Every Other I k [The United States Official Investigation Of Baking Powders, recently made, under authority of j Congress, by the Department of Agriculture, Washing-' ton, D. C., furnishes the highest authoritative informa-’ tion as to which powder is the best. The Official Report Shows the ROYAL to be a cream of tartar baking pow- "4 j . ! T: -Ti .*• der, superior to all others in 0 / leavening power :3S The Liver Wlien out of order. Involves every organ of the body. Kcmedies for some other derange ment are frequently taken without the least effect, because It Is the liver which is the real source of the trouble, and until that is set right there can he »•> healIh, strength, or comforL in any part of the system. Mercury, In some form. Is a common specific for 3 slug gish liver; hut a far safer and more effective medicine is Ayer’s Pills. For loss of appetite, bilious troubles, ccnstb pation, indigestion, and sick headache, tiie3d Tills are unsurpassed. “For a long time I was a sufferer from stomach. Href, am! kidney troubles, expe riencing much difficulty in digestion, with severe pains in the lumbar region and -other parts of the body. Having tried a variety of remedies, 'Including warm baths, with only temporary telief, about three months ago I began the use of Ayer’s Pills, and my health is so much imptyrjOij ifljjH 1 gladly testify to the superior Manoel Jorge **Fpr the cm *■ tic Tills are ever used.*’—' When*I feel the need of a Ayer’s Pills, and find them to be more effec tive tiian any other pill I ever took.”—Mrs. B. C. Grubb, Burwellville, Va. I have-found in Ayer's Pills, an invalua ble remedy for constipation, biliousness, and kindred disorders, peculiar to miasmatic localities. Taken lir small aud frequent doses, these Pills Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man > and Beast. Act Well on the liver, restoring its natural powers, and aiding it iu throwing off malaria! poisons.” — C. F. Alston, Quitman, Texas. “Whenever I am troubled with constipa tion, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer’s Tills set me right again.”—A J. Kiser, Jr n Bock House, Va. The fir.-.t house iu New York fo have *up anti a bath-tub was one on Cham bers street, built In 1817 by a Mrs. clary Jones, who file! only a year or to since. In esses where nature intends that insects shall feefi on flowers at night, :he flowers they select are all "of white color. A kind-hearted man in North Ber wick, Me., name not given, is abont to found an asylum for a^ed and infirm lorses. ** W. H. Gilbert sells ». P. C. a sure cure ior piles. Tbe largest chetsrs ever manufac tured in the world were those made during the early part of 1S76 and sent to the Centennial Exhibition. One was fefi feet and the other twelve feet high; r he smaller.One weighed twelve and a half and the larger one over fourteen tons. Each was bound with iron hoops nearly an inchin thickness Wliat Does This Mean? TVithin the last month the immense business of King’s Royal Germetuer Co , has been more tl an doubled aod urge orders are pouring in from all lirections. On February 20th i. L. Lyon & Co., of New Orleans gave them a caah order lor seven thousand and two hundred bottles to be deliver ed at one*. . It means * 1'. That when such men as General Longstreet, General ToVoer, Governor -Hubbard, Col. Avery, R»v. \V. E. G. Cunningham, Rev. J. B. Hawthoi ne tnd Rev. Sani Jones try medicin* and give it their unqualified Indorse ment the people lielleve them. 2. That Gerrnateur docs all that its most ardent friends have declared it would do. 3. That It has mastered LaGrlppe, Rheumatism* Dysjvp-ia, Nervousdc- bir!tv, Iosoir r.-i-t. Kidney troubles, Asthina, Summer' complaints and Ca tarrh wherever I; has been tried. 4. That tbe discovery of Cermeteur is the most valuable contribution that this century has made to medical sci ence. As a spring medicine It has no eqnal, it invigorates the stomach, aids diges tion, tones up the system and thus brings health and happiness; # In this respect no other remedy can compare with it. Germateure i3 cot a nauseous com pound, but as pleasant' to take a3 a glass oi lemonade, the patient loves it looks forward with pleasure to tbe time of taking it. For sale at $1 a bottle by all drug- guts. - . MAXCTACTCIiED BT KISS’S EOTAL 6ERX4TUER CO. . AnUTA.CA PERFECTED CRYSTAL LEISES ▼Moraumi. Griffiy flat ssl aimyc. Tbe number of letters received by members of Congress varies from *five 253 per day, and one member’s annnai bill fer stamps is said to be $300. _ JaifcjS.T'y.Uio tulvice nf a the use of Ayer's Mis as a remeay for bil iousness. constipation, high fevers, and coltls. They served me better than auything 1 liad previously tried, aud I have used them In attacks of that sort ever since.”—H. W. Hersli, Judsonia, Art:. Ayer’s Pills, rnzTAUED nr DR. J. G. AYER & CO., LoveB, Mass. Bold by all Drnggista and Dealers la Medicio* RELIEVES all Btcmach. Distress. REMOVES Nausea, Sense of FoDsossl Congestion, Pain. REVIVES Failing ENERGY; RESTORES Nonna! Circulation, 82ul Warns to Tor Tub; PR. fljIBTER MEDICIIIB CO^ St tools. Mm YOUR SKIN, BLOOD, LIVER, KIDNEYS,I BLADDER, Are they diseased ? Is a question that affects your life. Through the stomach—hence through the blood be cured all diseases cX these organs. Wooldridge’s Wonderful Core), luxuPAcroesp bt .wOOLBRIDtSE WONDF/P.'FUL CURE CO- COLUMBUS, OA. FOR SALE !!5 ALL DRUGGISTS. —eaabeonredau Oise W.W.C. CHILD BIRTH > • • • • MADE EASY! “ Mothers’ Friend ” is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown 6* MOTHERS’ FRIEND WILL DO all that is claimed for HAND MORE It Shortens Labor, Lessens Fain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to “ Mothers ” mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Scatbv express on receipt of price flAO per bottle B8A0FIEL0 REGULATOR C0. T Atenta. G«- SOLD BT AL L DRUG GISTS. THe fbruni The foremost of our periodicals.** A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring^an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle oi Mustang Liniment. almost every day. ALBASY, GEO&GLt1, DO A eSirZBAL EANX1X0 BUSINESS. Collections Made In Any Part Of Tlie United States. Discount approved rime pap«r* Receive Deposit*—3ubject to cnecks « right- (rir^miv. T. M CARTES, T. M.TICKSOR <usnua.i S. J. Jones. 8. W. Smith, ' Ordinary Dougherty Co* JONES & SRSSTH, ATTOR^SYS AT LAW and Real Estate Brokers. Money to loan on real estate securities , S. 33. JOJSTJES, LAWIEE aa BEAL- ESTATE BRBXEB, Notes, ^tock3 ami Bonds bought and sold. Local Agcnt Jcquitablo Building {.nil Loan Association of Albany, Ga. Wakhiag:nn,Sl. - - Albany, Ga, W. T. JOITES, fcf&sfei? &Uaw, ALBANY, Gl. ComraMBaiJ; W. L. ©AVIS, Rbysiclgii aod Surgeon, ■Office over D. J. L&xa&r ft Son's Drug Store. Telephone ”L OF ALBANY, GA HONEY LOANED ON APPROVED TZXJB Hugo I&obmson, Pliyskian aad Surgeon, ALBANY, - GJCOttGKA. Office ia Ventuletto Block. Telephone 43. Collections Made cn Any Point. I, P. BDSBIS, K D. Physician and Serges JIavirgpcTinann.i y located here Ires ' ‘ J * * feryices ti j2 POSITS SOLICITED SUBJECT TO SIOHT fuTTy tender m? prciri^nonal citizens of Albany, and surroundi_„ Office on Broad street over Crain « store. Office hours t :.0 to 11 .*30 a. m. Beeuicncc on WaoMncton, street L.Jay. Telephone No. 6S. To meet a growing public c\nmtnd atid to encourage economy In tho sav ings of earnings, this Bank has derided to allow interest on time deposits as per agreement. -John a. Davis, Presides t. J. 8. DAVIS. Cashier. Office at S. Sfcrac’s store, guaranteed where othera fsljcd. «n NATIONAL BAM* ALBANY, GEORGIA 'HONEY LOMED. Depssita BecelTCdNafcject ts Sighs Check,; A Sami Huh? Suks Tm&£. Rankera’ auil Uercbaots’ Accocrts SOLICITED. COLLECTIONS A LAB JE COLLECTION BUSINESS ONE DOLLAR WEEKLY. • Gold W^ch by crur CInb eyi£ itn. Our 14 karat, patent stiffened cases arc warranted for 20 years. V/ tlthans os' Elgin moTeinept, rell*/>le and well-known, ■^SKr - stem wind and set, bunttni SOUTH! SHOH 1 : And Eusircsc ( Ehcrtband, Drawing. Typetrritirg, ; graphy, MstbeniflUc^, f' taught br proficient h cf graduates m position lesreeocth, . Large Nsioe thlspotper.