The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, May 21, 1892, Image 2

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ill sfcash i ' PcnLlsnEns. 'T. F. PRUETT, ' - ' - . • W. W. TUKSEB, ■ - Editor. BROAD ST., TELEPHONE 2 0.30. Advertising rates re?smable andfnrntsbeJ on application. A»ldrc33 aU business emn- inuaications to Sxws and Advebt:sxe. tSCBSOsiimoj Dally, per annum, -. - Weekly, per annum. - - RAT53: - - - - 4 6JX UK Let Democrats get togetli?r. Cleveland men are happy. As Georgia goes, so Democrats go. Cleveland is in it,.but the Hillsti tution is notl Editor Guns catches hand. Poor gun." it on every The weather prophets are earning tbhir salaries these days. - An elastic stove-pipe coupling would do more good than - seven loiig ser mons. The Atlanta Journal, bristles al over with good humor. The result ol the convention. Tiie cigarette’s latest victim had ta smoke two hundred in one day before death resulted. A suicide's club has been organ laid in Macon. This Is presumabl} for the good of the country. TnAT wa3 a veritable Waterloo for Jlill in Atlanta the other day, and th< Constitution wasu’t in it. • Livingston's voice in the conven tion at Atlanta this week, was said tc be remarkable for it*3 sileuce. The actions of Stevens In Atlanta the other day reminds one of a schoo *boy crying for a thumb paper. Henry IticuAKDSox wears his hon ors well. He is one of Georgia’; brighestjournaliits, and a level head ed fellow. Tiik Presbyterian pilgrim 13 wend ing his way across the mountains am plains to attend the General Assembl. at Portland. Thomas county and her self consti- tilted leaders will yet learn that Join Triplett is the truest friend Thoma* county ever had. Editor McCook is jubilant over tin success of Mr. Turner in Glynn. Tin people, generally, are glad of this. TnE People’s party paper, of Thom nsville, is doing hard work agains 1 straight Democracy in the Second dis trict. Winter ot dog-iurm fame, is ven diligent in ids' - employer’s work. II is proving himself a servant “wel worthy of his hire.” That was a glorious vindication io? Capt. Triplett in Atlanta the othe» day. IDs home county went agains him, but the intelligence of the .Statu was for him. TnEREjs no stopping Albany in hei progress of development. Soon sh* will have a perfect system of water works, besides a great many other im provements are to follow. loMr. Stevens: Will you, if elec ted to Congress from the Second di? trict, go into all Democratic caucusse: and abide the action thereof, regard less of the Ocala demands, St. Loui demands or anything else? The peo pie answer. Col. L, J. Allred, the veterai doorkeeper of the Georgia Senate haying recently died, would it not hi well lor the patent medicine compani that publishes bis testimonial to trea his memory with some respect? Hi; testimonial might be discontinued fo u while. The action of the District Demo cratic Committee was just and right and there is, no man who will stop am take time and reason that will gainsaj It. It seems a little dark, that Steven and his friends should be lo such r lmrry for primaries. Thi3 is suspi cious. Til It will not be but a few week: before the Atlanta Constitution will b« claiming that its course killed tb« Third parly in Georgia, but the trutl will rise up aud give the little insigni! leant patent country sheets the eredi —where it properly belong?. If thi Democrats had been depending on th« Constitution to save the State to De mocraey the Third party would hav. fastened its fangs so deep into the peo pie that years would have been spent in counteracting the poisoD, but thanl •God, that unpurchasable class of pa pers—the cross roads sheets—rose a? one and crushed the life out of th mouster. Could a better reason be given fo: Democratic olj-.ction to a qualify ini prefix to the politicul faith oftliei candidates than the course of Con gressmen Watson, Wion audothert who were elected as Alliance or Ocal. Democrats, but now pose as out-spok en Third party leaders? There is bu oue kind of Democrat, aad that is h« who stands lUt-looUd on whateve platform may be declared by tlios* chosen to lix the policy of the party and such as want to qualify their alle giance to this policy by ciiuging t* some other arethemselves drawing tin line “that fjrtoi them out of th« party.” The people of Early county .assem bled lu the court house at Blakely . Saturday, to hear speeches by Hjus C. B. Wooten, C. Wilson and J. M Griggs on the question of a candidat for congress. Wooten couKl not b*. present cu account of iliucss, but lu had au able champion iu W. W. Turner, of the Albany News and Ad veritskr. Wilson cud Griggs spok* for Stevens. Leaving out those o; Stevens friends who were “run in" from Clay co finny to swell the S:e?ei»> force, the majority of the crowd wa fer Wooten, and the friends of thai gentleman confidently predict th* election cf delegates favoring his nom ination. Tho intelligent vottrs of ole. Early do not take to any “straddling” or doub!e dealing in these critical po litical times. Among tbe many funny Inconsist encies of some of Mr. Stevens friend- is their attempt to make the people be lieve that Mr. Stevens is using no un derhand methods to secure the Demo cratic nomination. These friends oi the Colossal straddler place a low esti mate on the intelligence of the people When wc revert to the manner it which he was brought out ss a candi date, his many secret conference.^ since, his inability or refusal to give : clear straight forward elucidation oi his politics, and the ztal with which he is being supported by those who seek the disruption -of the party, wt have recalled but few of many reasons for deeming the claim that Mr. Elevens methods are not underhanded and bis position such a demands the 6 mfidecce of intelligent voters one of tue cheekiest pretensions that 1»33 been advanced during the campaign.- around their standard Third party will be knocked into th wheccely never were to be resurccted. lie3 In the fact that the Third party may rupture from the Democratic congressional nominees lu certain close places just enough Democratic timber to enable the Republicans to win'the victory, thereby making tte power of the Democrats in congress as it now stands. And not only does this apply to Georgia, bat all overwrite Sin them States just such a condition of affairs can be found. There is quite a number of such, close districts in Southern States, and their loss would go far towards secur ing the next bouse to tbe Republicans. We have had some experience as to the loss of the bouse at a presidential election. Two years ago it meant a robber tariff, a billion congress and a force LIU which was defeated at the iasj moment in the senate only through the dogged resolutions of Democrats to block the way of all bus iness and exhaust tbe session in peecbes. The South was eared by ittlc -short of a miracle. Any man or et of men who would now stand f.i he way of Democratic success In very district where success is possible 3y united action, is an euemy of tbe South antfa traitor to his race.” VINDICATED. As will be seen by reference to our »ews columns, (.’apt. John Tripjgtt, of Thomas county; wilL be one of the delegates from thi; district to the National Democratic Convention. The selection of this gallant, true •nd tried Democrat will carry grati- ■leatiou to the hearts of his host of 'rien is, not only in this district, but hioughout Georgia. •It was with reirret that we noticed he effort of the late Thomas county convention to defeat him for the posi- jon. and Capt. Triplett’s selection •ver the vote of his own county was « tompletc vindication and a just rebuke* o the effort of Winter and his follow ers to defeat a man so dear to the learts of the people. % The convention at Toomasville re- ominended Capt. C. P. Ilansell for die position. Capt. Hqnsell is a gentleman for i Convention’s Big Walk. Tice District Delegates aad the Alter nates who trill Represent the Second District in ihe Great Nation Conirn ion. The State Convention has adjourn ed, and the patriotic delegates have wended their way homeward, the majority cf them with the conscious feeling that the great question has been settled for the good of the coun try. Oar own Second district will be rep resented at the Chicago convention bj . - James M. Griggs, of Terrell county. John Triplet?, of Tbootss county. Alternates, John G. McPhaul, of Wort h-iounty, aud L. A. M. Collins, ot Mitchell county. The fo!l>wiog h tbe platform adopted By theco. v: trinn: I. Revived. Th :t w*% the. Demo crats of Georgia, lu con ve ifi^u assem bled, re-affirm our dcv.uh.u to the time-honored principles of our history party. We believe that powers delegated by the people s!r»il I be strictly construed; that the Mitouomj of states and the rights of local * k- government and home rule should b- zealously guarded; that no muue\ should be taken from the people under any pretext for other than public put poses: that the strictest economy should be exercised in all govern mental expenditures, whether local, State or National, that legislation should b; confined to the legitimate objects of the government; that public office i3 a solemn trust. We believe that the sanre care and caution should be used by tbe government, bath State and notional in the expenditure of public money as is used by prudent men in their own affaire. J. We believe that lli3 right of taxation was delegated to the govern ment, both State and national, to be whom the News and Advertiser has riie highest regard, and under different circumstances his selection would l »ave given gem ral satisfaction. He veil qualified to fill the important position with credit to himself and jonstltuents. But under the circumstances, when i crowd of political ringsters tried to iefeat a man like Capt. Triplett, it is KHirceof pleasure to announce that he received a majority of five votes over my other candidate, and not a vote 'roni his own county. It is with almost a feeling of pride hat this statement Is made because he vindication is so complete and tbf ebuke is so deserved. It is but a foreshadow of the future There can only be defeat for Winter ind bis class, and perhaps disgrace, he present high handed methods inducting the campaigns are main ained. “Be sure your sins will find you mt.” Tbe people are beginning to realize the true inwardness of the pol- tics of this district. We congratulate Capt. Triplett, and o that true Democrat we doft’ our hat. Stevens don’t make east i.ot In Albany. speeches—*at A CAi’i i'red mass meeting doesn bode much good for the people. The >nc at Thomasvllle was a disgrace and he farmers will yet see it. Talk about town rings, if tbe farm irs of Thomas county didn’t fall into >ne, composed of tho worst set of dem- tgogue8 known in Thomasville last veck, then we are a liar. If the District committee has no ower over the county committees, that power has the State committee »ver the District committee. This is a onuudrum for Stevens and his follow- irs to crack. Georgia’s representative Demo- rats have not been in the habit of osing their heads. We think they ill keep them level now.—Atlanta Constitution, yesterday. They did.—Augusta Evening Nows. Well, didn’t they. The men who make the most money m the farm are not tbe ones who work be hardest, but those who manage the best. Brain power will tell where ver it Is exercised. Thinking will my. Study it profitable. A knowl- dge of cause aud effect, and a good ontrol of all one’s resources are es sential to success. Be independent ind your own master, and also master >f the circumstances, about yoir, that of your income, expenses, your iclds, your stock, aud never embar rass yourself with debt and you will via. The News has been freely, and a some instances severely, eriicizcd »y its contemporaries in the district or taking Issue with the executive committee in their recent arbitrary uiing. \Y.Y. Atkinson, Chairman »f the State Executive Committee, in in interview, takes exactly the same tosition as that occupied by the News, 'h&irmah Atkinson says no oue has ; Ight to prescribe test*, or prevent i’emccrats voting in the pri maries.—Dawson News. If Editor Rainey will read the reso lutions adopted by the Executive Com mittee he will find that Mr. Atkinson toes recommend a test for voters and he language is exicrly and identically tbe same as adopted by the Executive Committee of this district. Do you ;et this through you Bro. Rainey? The political atmosphere in tin second district is decidedly warm, and rowing warmer each day as the cam- aign progresses. Hon. Ben E. Rus- ell, ot the Bainbridge Democrat, is a .nndidate for Congressional honors rom the Second. He has made seme elling speeches for Mr. Turner and itraightout Democracy during the rast few days. Captain Russell is one »f the Second district’s gifted orators, md a staunch.'fearless Democrat, and always found advocating the prln- iples of pure Democracy. The Second district should show its appre'- iation of this gentleman’s true worth by sending him to the next Federal C ingress to represent it.—Brunswick Times. used only for absolute necessities, and Mr. Nahum Barnett, an architect of Melbourne, has under consideration movement to arrange-for a visit of a pirty of Australian artisans to the Chicago Exposition. The selection will be made from young workingmen, probably those iu the last year of their apprenticeship, and It is considered, ibat the inspection of th^ new modes of building ado ted in the l^rge cities of the United States, and of new In ventions in connection with the science of building, will prove of Immense ad vantage to the meu, who will he able to impart the knowledge they gain to their fellow-workmen upon r return to Australia. any other use of this power is dishon est and tyranuical. 4. A suplus revenue in the treas ury is a glittering prizi to be sought after by political thieves and plunder ers. f>. We are uncompromisingly op posed to tbe enlargement and concen tration of federal powers; to the u$ur patlon by the central government of the functions o: State; to bounties an 1 subsidies in every form; to every species of cias3 legislation aod govern ment partnership with private enter prises; to the whole theory and prac tice of paternalism. 0. We,.who have w iihiu a generation sseii elections opened by the tap-of a drum, and the j i.icial powers of the state usurped t»y courts martial, and a Legislature se’/: 1 by a military clerk, and the legally eltcred representatives of the people turned out of office to make by force a subservient majority, have no desire to take any chauces on the political future. 7. We consider the government control of postoffices as necessary aud proper, because the seal of the letter protects the private affairs of the citi zen from governmental espionage, but we protest except in the regulation ct prices against extending this control over telegraphs and telephones, and placing iu our midst a horde of office holders who will only le ameud .b’e to National laws an 1 may at any time, by tbe will of the n jirity, or, as often happens in our fc.i« al affairs, by the will of a minority, be turned into spies and Informers. White wc oppose gov- ernmental of railroads we endorse our State railroads, commission laws, and dejnand that the powers of the interstate railroad commission be enlarged so as to provide a “rigid honest and ju ,t control” of railroad transportatlqn. 8. We demand tbe free aud unlim ited coinage of both silver and gold on parity with each other to the end that the money of the people shall be such in quantity and quality as was originally contemplated by tbe consti tution . 0. We demand that the prohibitory 10 per cent, tax on State bank issues be stricken out of the National bank law, and when this is done, we desire that a uniform system of banking be provided for by the Legislature of Georgia, with a flexible expansive State bank currency. We further de mand that tbe prohibition in the Na tional bank law against accepting real estate as security lor loans shall be tricketilherefrom. 10. We demand that the amount of the circulating medium be speed Up in creased oa a sound basis sufficient to meet the needs of the country. 11. We demand .that Cougre*s shall pas- such laws as will effectually pre vent the dealing iu futures of all agri cultural and mechanical productions; providing a stringent system of pro cedure in trials that will s-cure prompt conviction, and imposing such penal ties as shall secure the most perfect compliance with the law. 12. Believing iu the doctrines of equal rights to all and special privil eges to none, we demand— That our national legislation bail be so framed in the fatnre as to uot build up one iuiiustry at the ex pense of another. b. Wp regard as the most impor tant issue before the people a reform of the present iniquitous tariff and we demand a removal of tbe existing heavy tariff tax from the necessities ot fife, that the poor of our land must have. We further demand a just and quitable system of graduated tax on income. d. We befieve that the money of the country should be kept as much as pos sible in the hands of the people, and we demand that a’l National and State revenue shall be limited to the neces sary expenses of the government economically aud honestly administer ed. J4. We demand retrenchment and reform In the expenditure of National revenues and especially a correction of the pre-en: pension system, which rests like a mammoth war tax on oar section of th3 anion. 15. We therefore, in a spirit of mutual concession, offer this, our platform, to the Democracy of Geor gia, and pray that a divine providence may incline our hearts to wisdom, justice and moderation. . After a Linserina Illness - He Passes Away. 0X2 OF ALBANY’S LANDMARKS HU Death a Sbocb to the C«»r- vr*l! be Curled Th*» After- - ■ sea Frim the Baptist Church. Mr. X. F. Mercer died last nigl.t about 7 o’clock. This will be sad nensto the citizens of Albany. Mr. Mercer was one of the pioneers of Albany, and lias been connected with the city’s Interests for nearly half a century. He was one of Dough erty- county’s most honored citizens, and tbe announcement of his death will cast a gloom over this entire sec tion. - For many months Mr. Mercer has been in failing health—being a victim of that fatal effi’ctlon, ^Bright’s disease. Once or twice his life was dispaired of, but with a mighty effort, and with the afsisteneg of bis robu3t constitution despite his old age, he tougbc off a fast‘approaching death with a hero ism that was truly wonder! ul. „ But the enjl came at last, and all that is mortal of this good man will br laid to rest in Oak View Cemetery this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. The burial will take place from the Baptist church, of which Mr. Mercer was an accepted member. He mad*- application for membership during his illness, and wa3 accepted,- though he never recovered sutlicieutiy to admit of the baptismal services. He wa3 a Mason in good standing, and they school reports A boom Franklon. The Dub!in high twelve graduates. A culprit In Tiffin, O , whs ed by tetephoie last week. I offer mv services to the people cf: . . , ... ... llb-iny and tbU section. iWpn-wntl Thcre 13 a In U.<M£o .Inch i splendid line of comrades and *isl steals newspapers from doors'rps. A3»D Fire Insurance, always be g’ad to furnish well-written oolicies on short notice. M v (ffijc will hr at Carter «fc Woolfolk’s warehouse. 4-9 ly T. M. NELSON- Chamfrerlain’3 Eye and Kirin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Ey^, Tetter, Salt Rbemn, Scald Hand, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema. Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipplc3 ind Files. It is cooling and V* >thing. Hundreds of cases havo been cured by it after all other treatment hnd failed It Is put up in 23 and 50 cent boxes. Tbe university of Oxf.ud his appTi^ anccs for priming in 150 different lan- guftges. A New York couple wire racect’y man I d in the head of B-inholdi’r Goddess of IJbtrty. Ch:c3geans consume of fresh milk »ni cream an average of eight nine j thou an 1 gUljns s »liy. Most of the m?n in the iriacdsot 'southwestern Japan U a 1 lives • t idle ness, and arc cheerfully supported b;. the women. THE SEASON OF 1892. HOAR. jollege^red School of Music CALENDAR. July 1—Opening of the Pi July 5—Opening of &peei and Physical culture. July 6—.Opening of the college^Fedagogical Depait- ment and School of Sacred literature. August 2^Nineteenth Assembly Reunion. August 17,—Recognition Day. Class 1892. August 23-26—Meeting of the American Economic Association. August 26,—Closing Exercises. PSOCRAAAME. American topics will be treated in lecture courses l.y recognizeed authorities, in single addresses by distin guished public men and women, aud in-magnificent tab leaux, illustrated entertainments and national concerts. Dr. Edward Egg'eston will give a course on “American will attend the funeral tho afternoon, j Colonial Life.” "Mr. II. VV. Raymond, of the Xavy De- though noofUeiai announcement has partment, will de-ciibc, wiili Btcreopticon views, “The been made. Navy—Old and New.” Mr. TV. E Curtis of the State ^ Department, will lecture on “The Easting Conditions 0! of the children b« ing MrsJ. A. John- ; South AmenCffll AkCpilbi'C^j CiC. / son, Mr. Frai.k Ucictr *&Ld Miss OTHER LECTURES. There will he the ii^ual variety of lectures and addresses t w«hw , THE - PLAGE ■ TO - BUY Flannels Dr. A. N. Bell, Editor of the Sanitarian, New York, writes: “ Pearline has gained special ascendency in my household and in many ethers to my knowledge, for cleansing flannels. Your own directions for its use are those we abide by: ‘Wash flan nels by hand in lukewarm Pearline suds; rinse thoroughly in warm water; wring dry (by pressure through clothes wringer); pull and. shake well; dry in warm temperature and they will keep soft without shrinking.’” - jO ‘O A s ° f,c was h is sufficient to ruin flannels, great care JL/l111CL V/l should be exercised as to the use of the many imitations O which are being offered by unscrupulous grocers or peddlers. Peariine is never peddled. Millions Use Pearline. Do You ? M Central B. R. of Georgia. LI M COMER. Board of Directors So&sdiale ia. 5££ect I^a.71st.. (SOOTHWESTERN DIVISION.j -READ DOWN , 189 —nr ad cr.- Annie Mercer. T>. these and other relatives the Ne.*« And Advertiser, * . -. . tenders Its heartfelt condolences. ! Oil maUJ dlfteldlt topics Ol IllteJCSt by H't akerS O* ■—; na'ional reputation. Among those already st emtd may it u-in ihem.ntioned Pro I II I113oye,en, Dr F W Gunsanlns, Dr surely d«> jou g oti, it jou have a j J M Buckley, Mr Melvi! Dewey, Dramatic readings by Couru, c»!d, or-any trouble- with i j eaf ji n g interpret!i*3 and autliors’ reading* by popular Throat, Chest or Lung’s Dr. King’s ~ New Discovery lor Connerptiun, ] American Wl’lUrS, V ill COnllllUO tO be lfcalltri’S ol the pro- Cougba am! Colds is eoattnieeU t«* gi»ainmC PA U SIC. givo relief, or mmirv w i'l h»* |»hM bp«*k. Sufferers taoiii Li Gripji** found i» j ist the Uiing and tu.der its » speed}* Mini Mi*«»very. Try a sample bottle nr «»*.r •'Xpei.i*#* mio! hunt for vonr.-t if j-u-t Low g •»*! » rim g ii U. Trial tmttVs ir«*> ai. n .1 I.onud; Sons Di ug ore. J^arge e f z 50* aud 00 2 23 G t Rogers’ band and orchc.-tra will be doubled in tizo. A Chau’auqua banjo cbib will bo ovganiz d, a college glu club will be present in-July and soloisls of hiakn-nli will be sc cuicd fo appear in frequent concerts Mr \V 1' Sherwooil, Dr 11 l Palmer, Mr I V Flagler and Mr 1.8 a win in- jiu£ been i,r.,kc„ iu the Leasou wii! continue to take an active part-in tT.c musi • Supreme co:.rt of New I! nr rhlro. FOR YOUffC PEOPLE. which is ao uunrtCcdeLtedx vent in the j _ , history of ihe State. ! The managemc nt is arranging (or speeia let tur<-s arc — talks on helpful stilijec-ts t> young ieo])!e; for a mod It'. p,.:.oa»cea u„p„^.Yc.Ha.d. g Col)ge(SS> unJeI , j he direction of I’rof W K Wicks, oi e. F Ho£lof t GJown‘^Dj>e rS qi.Me";Syracuse, N Y, in which ti e boys will lie taught parlia- “Was taken with n bad eoM. whid*;meiitary rules and c^Dgrcssb'Ea! methods: settled on my Lun;?, cough ret In^aod i J ^ ^ finally terminated in consumption.! OTHSR OE P A RTAil Ei\l 1 .?• Four doctors gave me «p. saying Ij A n i , . . ! could live but a short time, i S ave ! All the other departments will be einciciitiy equipped, mj self up to my Saviour, determined anc l M jJI continue to do thorough work, I'elails will be if 1 could not stay \w h my friends on it* • .on** 0 earth, 1 would meet mv absent ones j 31111 OUnCOu early VU IoJjJ. above. My i.u«b,nii vas advisol to For circulars, railway ra'es, colt ages, betel rates, e(c, would My itii^bind vas advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery lor cun '! sumption, cougJ s and colds. 1 give it i a trial took »»: ail, eight bottles ; it h«s cured me, and thank God I mn now a i well and hearty woman.” Trial bo.- ! ties free at II. J. Lamar & Son% ! Drugstore, regular s*z-, 50. and $1 00. Aiidhesf, W. A.-DUNCAN, Secretary, 8.00 am 7:13 am 5:50 a ts 6:80 p xr. 11.43 .a m. 1 :2h p m "7.00 p m 8 .GO a m 7 :S0 a n» To and •nuu cciumbus, Opelika »>nd Birm ingham. Lv Aiiiany .Ar Li.... Amcrtc! 8,„ 12:10 a m fiSipm f:52ptr 1:00 p ai l :03 a vr. 2:65 p m 12:15 p ni 1.21 p m 7:00 p vc. Ar ... Ot-elikr..... Ly AT..BiTnYngbtjn ....Lv - To and from Macon, Gnan &nd Atlanta. 11:4 fum >:2»pm i {> ni h25 p m G.OO p m 7:33 p m 5:0>a:r tiiais 6:30:» ro 9 !*• a m H 3.1 3 IB ll:*Jj a c Lv..... Albany... '..*r Xr... .Americts .Ar Ar t.c.rr, Ar Yr Barneev lie. .Ai Ar Grjffii... Ar Yr Atlanta Lv 2:55 p m ldis p m l’:f 5 a m v:?5 a m f :4t am 7:20 a in - To firm Eufiuhi ami Monif f mcry. * * 11:40 a m 12 KOp m 4:12 p m 7:20 p a) 1a m 2:3*» a u 4:U) a m • a n Lv Albany Ar Lv— Sm thvitln Ar Lv I ufaula Ar Ar... .Mont£Oirery...Lv &:i5 p m 12:10 pm 130)1 a m 6:55 a m 1:23 am 12:30 a m 10:21 p m 7:30 p n. To and Ircm Auguste ar d Savnci ah. il:W a m 4:25 pm 6 15 a m 6:30 a m 4:33 p m I Albany Ai Ai.... . Macon.... A) Ar.. .. August* Li Ar.... Siivanntb.... I.\ 12:49 a n* 3 :S0 p n 7:3d air 6:00 a m 2:55 p m R .°5 n m 8:(0 p m (fiOpui To From Blakch ami Columbia. , 3:05 p r 6:3? p nr T-9V T. r, Lv Albany..’....Ai Ar Blakelr !.i Ar .Colnmbta D 11:25 an 7;: 5 a m 7:01 *. m 12:10 an. 8:10 p n: cl"* pm 6f'0pn 4:10 p xr •Daily except aunttay. For farther informriios, cr.ll on or prrite to B.Jf. COMFORP, Tfcket Agent, Albany, Ca. B lU. COMFOlT. V. K. MCKKK, YV. F. S1IE» LMAN, Ticket Az^"t. (ion’t S»-nt. Traffic 31an» ecr Albany Ga. S. II. HARDWICK, As-»’t. Gen. Pass. Ar t. ? cvanrpli. Ga A. C. IlBrcE. P»* ft, T. c. lit 3! i to j . S« c* G. G. Uot, vice-Prof., A (juiLLiax, Att’y. X^C.S:*e>C4, 'jc«s. Is as good ar, tlic first. No dregs. All pure and whole some. The most popular drink of the day. Hires’fS. A perfect thirst quencher. Don’t be deceived if a dealer, f«.r the sake cf larger prc/it, tells*you some.ether kind !« “ iir.r ''_'f i-. ‘just as goo..!"—’ti- false. No iiuitatioa Is aa good as the genuine Htr.Es*. P CTrade flflric.) W*\ . & r. KID GLOVES IS THE PEACE WHERE YOU CAN GET r <. The Best ©©oils For tbf U: St m -ncy. Wf h«ve mndf a irputation lor selling reliable goods and BUY THE PLANET, JR., CULTIVATOR, E MONEY SAVER WE sELL THEM LOW Our stock is ccm| lete an 1 rrabraers every nfed < the Farmer—auen Faraasers 9 Hardware PLOW STOCKS OP ALL EIFDS. FAEMIKG TOILS Hces, Shcv.’ls, Manure Forks, Bakts. Etc. Best Tesar Back-Bands, flames and Bridles. WS35 BBS® XtSSTB HOES in 5 TSa -In.fact yen will find all ycu need r.‘— Farmers’ Headquarters Crire vs a call— 1 ' ]Vc will do the JRcst.'’ If. F. TIFT & CO. &L 1* AT % CO j SrTrl Sr*53s+' ^ERTHBLg ■r *»»«*#ooc*>coe»30feyc9c>ceesoct>c«5fH s 6 k ft/a irv'r' u z? o e:- ^ ^ ‘MOTHERS 5 FRIEND 9 I want c!(.. c e out mv e it’rc stock <•!' SEWING .-. MA0EINE3 within tho next fifteen days and will sett y-ju a famniits VVlfite maebire for ® 25.00 w O E, T H @55.00, Did you ever hear of stu-1i The above price a l is for .99 IM l JlliS’ SPOT °. a >OLE AGE1VTN For above brands of iltd Gloves^ Syracuse New York. A Chicagoan will construct thre* lookout towers in different parts of t!.e city for World’* Fair sight-seer.*. Each will be 359 feet high. Grippe Ringing in Alabama. **La grip! e is raging here, and l find Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to be a certain cure for it,” says YV. G. Johns, of Trimble, Cul'tran Co., Ala. Mr. Johns ordered a. supply of the Itemed) to be shipped by expri ss as quickl.\ a*s possible. Thtre is no qetstion lut this Rp medy is of great value in ti e treatment of the grip (S[ri-cialiy on ac count of its countetac’.ing any tenden- I cy of the disease towards pneumonia | It is also a prompt atd certain c re foi i the cough which UMiailv follows an attack o! the grip. 25 and 50 cent bot tles for sale bv II. J. Lamar & Sons. and all Druggi.-ts. Car a la has 13.1*20 Indian children of school age, of whom 7,574 are in attendance. Some of the Grend Array boys may be Interested in the following from Alex. B *Pope, A. I>. C., Commander, Deo’t. T**nn.. and <>a. lie says: “We have Jiad an epidemic of whoop ing cough here, (-S*ew*art, Tenn .) anil Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ha- been theoniy med’esue that has don* any good.” danger from whooping cough, wh n this rnuedy’ir- freely given. It completely con»r<’s the disease, 50 cent bottles for sa’e In Hilsmax & Agar Co. Hilsraan & Agar Co., the druggists, desires us to publish the followiug tes timonial as they handle tbe remedy and believe it to be reliable. I bought a 50 cent bottle of Cbam- lain’s Pain Balm and applied it to my limbs, which have b ‘ rheumatism at ini At the time 1 boi 1 was unable to lully- say that PERFECTED CRYSTAL LEASE: DeGRAFFENREID - *3 fitJCS GIST,— Has the exclusive sale of these celebrated glasses in Albany, Georgia. KCLLA31 & noouc, The- only Mnnnfactxuing Opticir ns in Sooth. ‘ Atlanta, Georgia. BS^Peddlera are not supplied with these famous gla c s**i-. l-I2-d-6m 10BBS & TOOKEB ALBANY, GEORGIA., DO A QZNZEAL BAZ2.1S6 BUSINESS. Colieotions Made In Any •Part OfThe United States. Discount approved dme paper BeoeiveDeposits—^subjectt»cnsciB it sight, njyirtvw. I Makes mi SMh.Easy, g Shortea3_Labcr, Lessens Fain, Endorsed by the Leading Physicians. liWlfiftllCiiiifCB, ATLANTA, GA. A TV IX FACTURER S> -:- rorrf.-x SEED OIL MILL M, .COUPLE IE. FERTILIZER SI ‘C 1IS1 L Y Ct SI.’LhlF. ICEMACHiXEKY COMP LEI E CTK8Z SS TANKS. V.INP Mil L’, ruurs.Erc. o Tiool; to "Mothers**mailed FT* El'. g PRADFIELD REQ : JLATCR^C9v p ATLANTA, GA. ' c 2 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. £ 99co9^ooceor s c s*-: so** e ±1 ‘Aferl is • J < ajepsrMiMSrr*v^ Dali early if you want, a barjrain, as only a few on band. Tliey inubtgi>.a sell then) 11 :\ e will AT COST! A Jn«t mher in Ihe meantime that I have the largest stock of t’iar.f s and Organs in tri*» South. ChU and see me. K. E.'lEtACHALS. POT mu f^YWsOlL^lL^iS.Ai- gtEMAB^HEHta.gpcSpri^c.:,: j 1PPMAN BP.03.Savawvah.Ga » - SOLg j\GZNTS l?4 Tiin U. X s *. ~ S A.- 4 f . Sg' *' THEY ARE SO-IIAPPY | Because they hare j’lftt murru-d at:d * have g''ti« !-• lu*n*«f-g But the ! mnir. secret of th**ir e/ej.r tnirtlt is ri»a* ! they buy their Groceries from S. E.BUSH , the enterprising rn«T**hr»it who s**Hp I goods rs cheap the eh apes: and always g'ves satf-tariion fo hi« t »s- , lemurs. If you want p«ything *n tl»* Grouery line 2ivi» y*r. 15 i !i a call ami ‘ you-will be more ih*» |»i»'nFM. 11* huR a telephnuf*. a porirr w ho «i; take your or . u fr*« delhr^it wagon aod will a»*t »« jou at uni linn*. PUBLIC SAFETY IhelpriiiR DEMAN p S [fable mi Tliar. only honest and reliable medicines should be placed upon -Jie :uarket. It can not, therefore, be stated too emphatically, nor repeated too often, that all who are j need of a genuine Blood-purifier should ■e sure aad ask for ! The foremost of our periodicals.” Ayer’s CC110X GIN 1 ?, FKl-DFite. C'X- DEXSIdS dXO ruLssts. b tt sy.Utts of c-rvating cctton aid distributing same dire t to gins. Mr.ny l.ol * ir e*Ials ha^ e been awarded to ur. Write for Cat - «lojuc and for what you W Van Winkle Gin and Mackiniry Company, % Atlanta, Ga. Sarsaparilla. Your life, or t hat cf some one near and dear to yon. may depend on the use of this wel!-approved, remedy in prefer ence to any other preparation of ^imUar name. It is compounded of Honduras sar saparilla (the variety most rieli m curative properties), stilliugia, mandrake, yellow j dock, aud the iodides. The process of man* ! ufacture is original, skilful, scrupulously clean, and such as to secure the very best medicinal qualities of each ingredient. This .medicine is not boiled nor heated, and Js, . therefore, not a decoction; but it is a com- I pound extract, obtained by a method ex clusively our own, of the best and mest powerful alteratives, tonics, and diuretics known to pharmacy. For'the last forty years, Ayer’s COSLHAHDING EVERY GREAT CENTRE 0? THOUGHT AlH) action nr THE WORLD. ATOES JUST RECEIVED. BA R ilLli loor—- IBAR ELS Of the Best selected Seed Jrisli Potatoes ever i*r6iiglit to lliis Hjarlcet, 5-liipped direct from tiie Grower. Call and get descri]>live circular of the follow- ing varieties. The Vaughan, Lee’s Favorite, White Princes; Eariy Ohio, The Arizona, The Delaware, Rural i^ew York Keaeh variety guaranteed true ii> name. Iteintraber tliat these are ’lot the-ordinaiy cheap stock Iroeglit 'into the market, and laheltd to suit the buyer, • but shipped direct from the Groiver, Mr. J. 0. Vaughan; ILSUR li 111 fi ll All A sample copy with Illustrated prospec tus will bo sent to i 25 cents. COV. WILLIAM B. tussetx. Tuk Fort-m fs the most fnstrncthra. the ir.o«t timely, the largest and the handsomest of the reviews. Sarsapa*rilla has been the standard blood-purifier of the world—no other approaching it in popular confidence or universal demand. Its form- i ula is approved by the leading physicians and druggists. Being pure and highly con- ’ centratcd, it is the most economical of any j possible blood medicine. Every purcliaser : of Sarsai«arilla should insist upon having : this preparation and sej? tliat each bottle J hears the well-known name of YOUR J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass* In every quarter of the globe Ayer’s Sar saparilla is proveil to tie the best remedy for all diseases of the blood. Lowell druggist* unite in testifying to tbe superior excellence cf this medicine amt to its great ;*opu!arity in the ciffof its manufacture. That is what the Official Statement’of the Ayer’s Sarsaparilla SKIN, BLOOD, LIVES, KIDNE7S,i BLADDER_ Are they diseased ? la a question that affects yonx life. Through the stomach—hence through tho Wood -can be cured aU diseases of these organs. w.w.c. ~ wooisEiaffiwS^Sroi CUBE CO- COLUJXEUS. UA. VOB GALE pf ALL BECCCINTS. EpitaWe Bilim aiO Lon isseciaiios Prepared by-Dr. J. CL Ayer it Co., Lowell. Maas. Sold by all ift-aggfrl*. Price $1; ii ; six bottles, $S. Cures others, will cure you shows for the first year’s business. It did not loose a dollar, which shows that it is the safest and most profitable investment yon can make, The association is prepared to negotiate Loons on FosMENONUr YOUNG MEN <» OLD MEN err in in? mn e nr rnr crr-*«7="V nieraee- L/VIST 13 GItAND OPORTL’NITY. ething for Nothing. $100.00 m CASH To Be Given Away '0 HAFFLE-:- -H0 LOTTERY SCHEME. But a Straightforward Donation of* §100 in On sill to Oiu* Chw! outers With each Dollar's uorlli of goods jiurehased for Cash at our store, we will give a Cash Coupon good for Five Cents in Cash, and when One Dollars woitli, or twenty of these Coupons are presented at our store by any one person, we will cash them, paving Cue Dol- 'ar in Silver for same. We want everybody to take advantage of this grand donation. , We arc headquarters for all goods in our line, and Our prices are ^4 . ‘rock bottom/’ Come and see us and bring -your friends and • neighbors. Ask fora “Cash Coupon'' with your purchase. Fancy DryGocds, -.-Genii 1 * Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Carpets and Furniture-:- ALBARY, GEORGIA.