The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, June 04, 1892, Image 2

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W. W. TURNER, C. R. HAWK, ^ T. F. PRUETT, PUBLXSHEBS. BROAD ST„ TELEPHONE KO.30. Advertising rates reasonable and furnished on application. Address all business' com munications to News and Advxbtisxb, tsmscximov ratxb: Daily, per annum, - -- -- -- # Weekly, per annum, Tub dry weather has Dot had a bad effect on politics. Wixtzh, of,Thomasviile, Is giowlDg very tame now. Base ball is now usurping the at tention of the nation. It is a great .game. 'It is getting time for county candi dates to come out and mingle with the dear people. Gov. Nobthxx is making vigorous campaign for Democracy. His speeches are telling. would It Cleveland and Bynum make a strong Democratic ticket, would sweep the country. The murderer of Capt, Forsythe, of Dodge counto, has at last been appre hended. He was caught in Virginia, andjnow languishes in jail. Politics iiLTbumu3 county are now Id tiFto at white heat. The bosses down there are said to he very badly scared.- ji Senator Colquitt will be beaten for the senate next year. His espousal of Hill’s cause will result disastrously for yoift Uncle Alfred. Dr. Wuitely has almost completely annihilated Post, of Third party ten dencies.' It should be made so warm for him that he would seek a home out side the State ot Georgia. The Amcricus Times-Recorder dis putes its having gone into the hands of of a receiver, is still humping away. Editor Myrick knows exactly how to manipulate nowspaper affairs. Divide the city into fire districts and have an alarm that will tell the people the location of a fire and the responses will be more prompt and the efficiency of our department will be increased. The Constitution says that the Dem ocrats must unite lor victory, and stand in solid and unbroken phalanx before the enemy. The Constitution is correct but does it carry out the full letter of its assertions ? There seems to be a great deal of uncertainty over who will be the Re publican nominee for President. Blaine’s friends are making a great deal of noise but no one knows bow much there is behind it. One of the wonders of the day is a candidate for congress in this district who is trying to straddle every plat form in sight. Every one knows it is Mr. Stevens we refer to. He is a great straddler. •This is going to be a great year for Democracy. The organization for the Third party will satisfy the old party and make it stronger than it has been in years. But every man must do his full duty and there must be uo laggards lu the party. Albany should make some change for the better in giving fire alarms. The Nkw8 and Advertiser bad no intention of reflecting on the efficient companies, but we do insist that under the present system responsses to an alarm is necessarily slow because there is nothing to indicate where the fire is located. The Tfaomasville News gives nearly a column editorial endorsement to a paragraph taken from the News and Advertiser. We have always had an idea that Winter could be convert ed if the proper effort was made. He selected the News and Advertiser as the medium from which to get his conversion. Good selection. FREE RURAL MAIL DELIVERY. If congress falls to extend free mail delivery to the country districts It will have to face a nation of disappointed petitioners. Free rural delivery is asked for by the grangers, the Alliance, the patrons of husbandry and thousands of people outside of these organizations. We have in this country 4,750,000 farms and their owners and tenants claim that in the matter of mail deliv ery they should be placed on the same looting as the people of the cities and towns. They pay the same rates of pastage that other people pay, and they want the same facilities. It is not just to deliver mail to people , in cities liyiog only a few steps from the postoffice, and deny the same facil ities to people out in the country who really need them. The cost has nothing to do with the question. When appropriations are made for other departments of the government, nobody asks if It will pay. Why should the question be raised in the mall service? But, as will pay in a short time on account of the increased busl- FreeTural mail delivery Is provided for in England, Germany, France, China, Japan and India. This coun try is behind the times in this respect. We are doing everything tor the cities and towns and nothing for the coun try. Careful estimates show that the proposed extension will not cost a very large sum, and all agree that the in creased receipts would soon reimburse the government. Then, it should be considered that this convenience would diffuse education and intelli gence throughout the country, bring the farmers in touch with the world, make the country districts more desir able residence localities, and in vari ous ways tend to the development of the farming regions. More than one- third of our people are engaged in farming, and yet very little has been done by the government to improve their mail service since the foundation of the Republic, while benefits continue to he heaped upon the cities and towns. Let our country readers agitate this reform and besiege their congressmen until they carry their point. They can do it by united action and persist ent effort.—Constitution. Post and bis wife are being done up In a rag. Cleveland will be the nominee of the Democratic party. Verily this is the day of the dema gogue. He is flourishing. With school commencements and conventions things afe livening up. Drexel & Morgan are trying to rehabilitate the Terminal. They have a hard task. Stevkns’ political sky is lull of in- terogation points. This is because his methods are questionable. • In the fight over the office of Commis sioner of Agriculture, candidates are coming out as thick as measles. The Blaine boom and the Terminal revival are the evidence of things un seen ; so says the Savannah Press. The season for the sweet girl gradu ate is now at hand, and her admirers are legion. God bless her in her sweet purity. The political history of today will make it embarrassing and uncomforta ble for some people in future cam paigns. A tremendous anti-Hill Democratic ; meeting was held in Syracuse, N. Y. I Tuesday, and they made a vigorous protest against machine politics, and sent a contesting delegation to the } Chicago convention. Machine politics met about the same late as the great Thomas county machine convention ! has met with in this district—got - I mashed and the bosses with it. Infidel Post in his infamous rant- Ings was not satisfied with Insulting j the citizens of Georgia, but had to rush i | into public print and call their chief j executive a liar. A little dress of the extract of North Carolina pine knots, . mixed with a liberal quantity of the downy coat of Christmas fowls, might tame him down a little—if admin* istered beforo the patient is too far f j gone.—Athens Ledger. Ilf. ; And now comes a member of a 1 Third party Alliance who is a member J t of the Thomas County Democratic Committee, who says he is a Stevens ; Democrat. Will Winter please give . us the meaning of a “Stevens Demo crat?” This Stevens Democrat was manufactured by McIntyre, Massey & | Co’s great machine convention, and is j i an entirely new one on the Democrats * of this district. .It is Dougherty county’s time this year, uuder the rotation system which lias obtained so long in the Tenth sena torial district, to name the Democratic nominee for the upper house of the general assembly. There are no avowed candidates for the nomination \ as yet, hut Capt. W. E. Wooten is very frequently spoken of in that connec tion. It is also said that W. O. Watson will be the Alliance candidate, hut there is no certainty about his, as ? lie has not announced. Judge Samuel W. Smith is mentioned for representa- j tive on the Democratic ticket.—Macon • j Telegraph. Mr. B. H. Pope, Secretary of a Thomas county sub-Alliance which has boldly gone into the Third party .pension plank and all, is a member of t the Thomas County Democratic Exec utive Committee. Mr. Pope refuses to repudiate the endorsement, and says be is a Stevens Democrat working in the party lines. Shades of Jefferson! Is this man Stevens to be set up as the model of Democracy ? God save ithe mark. It is enough to make Jef- iferson turn over in his grave. j The latest and the funniest from the fTei dentil District is, “Watson Demo crats.” Here’s what the Evening | News of Augusta has to say about it: ; “The ‘Watson democrats’ will find 9 that their excuse will not be sufficient even for themselves if they will only read Mr. Watson’s own criticisms of the democratic party. There can be no doubt that he has cut loose and is entirely on the outside, and being out no criticism ot democracy is too severe from him. The grand old party io which be was nourished and which has honored him is altogether had in his eyes now, and he eveu holds it respon sible for the ills of our people are suf fering. The solid farmers and strong admirers of Mr. Watson will see, berefore, that it is utterly inconsist- nt to call themselves ‘Watson demo- rats.’ or any kind of democrat, if they ould vote for or follow the fortunes “thethird party leader in Georgia. Watson is *clean gone’ as Caras _ is concerned, and there is such thing as ‘Watson demociacy.* himself, if consistent, would have the appellation.” The Atlanta Constitution has been feasting upon a big basket of ctow. There are prospects of it having a “bigger” one. HON. G. B. WOOTEN. TO THE VOTERS OF THE SEC OND DISTRICT. To the Voter. At the Second Corgressionxl Thr Atlanta Journtl can’t contain itself when the wires flash forth the naora P1.-.1..J So pit nominee of the Democratic party. If Stevens was the good Democrat his friends claim him to be, he would no longer hesitate to come ont boldly and declare his platform. Railroad men are now all on the qul yiye as to which line will have the honor of carrying the first car load of Ueorgia melons to market. Ben Russell spoke in Adel yester day. It is safe to say the people heard some Democratic doctrlue. Gorman and Brice say Cleveland will be nominated on the first ballot, The Journal can now say. “I told you so.” There is a new industry in Thomas connty. McIntyre, Massey <fe Co, are now manufacturing Stevens Dem ocrats. Col. Bush, of Camilla, proposes to measure swords with Judge Dower in the effort to secure the judgeship of this circuit. If all Georgians were Buch men and such Democrats as Gov. Nortben, what a grand people and a glorious country we would have. In nearly every Instance the negroes even refuse to go into the Third party. >Ve don’t blame them. They would get into some very bad company. Augusta has an evening prohibi tion paper. Editor Wadsworth pro poses to wage war in no tame way against the sale of ardent spirits. The thinking people are getting tired of this monkey business in politics. They are goimg to cry down the herde of demagogues that now in fest our country. Third party Winter will soon be out of a job. When Third party Mc Intyre, Massey and Stevens serve their purpose with him he will be left out la the cold. Ben Russell begins the campaign in his race for congressional honors at Sumner to-day. It is safe to say he will make the welkin ring, and the people of Sumner will have an eNposi, tlonoftrue Democracy. The Tbomasvllle News will accept the thanks of the members of the Fourth Georgia Regiment for adding its condemnation to the Savannah News for the uncalled for remarks made about the members of the regi ment. Sam Small has taken the stump in the Fifth district. He says he is not a candidate for any office and that he is a free lance. Gness he’s hoping the lightning will hit him. Bat when utter defeat bits him he will think he has found the man who hit Billy Pat terson. Thebe has recently been discovered a process by which floor may be made of bananas, and the importance of the discovery can be realised when it is known the same area ot ground that will produce forty pounds of wheat would produce annually 4,000 pounds of bananas, and that the ban anna plantations, after once being started, list for twenty-five years without breaking up or ploughing. According to the Boston Herald, when the silvor bill came up in the Senate the other day David Bennett Hill ran out ot the chamber so hurried ly that he came very near knocking Henry Cabot Lodge, who was on the point of entering the chamber, bead over heels. Mr. Lodge, when be had recovered bis breath, declared that be had not experienced such a jolt since the days of his football rashes. Sena tor Hill is considerably moreof a rush er than a statesman. There is an effort to use to my prej udice garbled extracts from a speech made by me on the fourth of July last to the Farmer’s Alliance of Calhoun connty; also a letter written by my self to Hon. G. G. Ford, of Worth county- on the 18th of February last The point sought to be made available to my Injury, as I understand It, is that, in the speech, I expressed myself favorably towards the Alliance, and that, in the letter, I invited the sup port of AlUancemen and of delegatee to the Cnthbert convention; whereas I am now, as it is alleged, opposing the nominee of the Cnthbert conven tion. and denouncing that convention as a Third party movement. To my surprise, I learn farther, that it is re ported that I denied having written the Ford letter. I made no inch de nial. A friend of Mr. Stevens said, at Worth court, that he did not have the letter before him. and, In undertaking to state its contents, represented me as having said in that letter that If I could not get the indorsement of the Cnthbert convention "I did not want any outsider to have it.” I disclaimed having written these words', and 1 called for the production of the letter, it was not produced. I went on to say that I had written a letter to Mr. Ford as uiy friend who had promised me his support, and that I had re quested him to see the delegates from Worth in my behalf, but I denied hav ing used the language ascribed to me by this friend of Mr. Stevens, and the letter, as published, sustains me In that denial, for it contains no scch language. Both the speech ai.d the letter are published, and I will not prolong this address by incorporating them herein. Now, what I desire to say is, that in that speech and in that letter, when I refer to the Alliance I mean the Alli ance as an industrial organization, for such I understand to have been the purpose of its formation, As such an organization, as an institution designed to make better farmers and better citi zens,and, if yon please, to infuse a spirit of increased vigor and energy into the Democratic party In the great effort to reform the abuses of the Re publican party; as an institution de signed for these ends, it was grand in conception, noble in purpose, and worthy the confidence of good men. In this view sf the matter I have al ready thought, and have repeatedly said that if I had been eligible I would have been a member of the Alliance. And why not? A farmer myself, with nearly the whole of the little all I possess invested in farming; the son of a farmer, and affected by the trade and associations incident to that con dition, I could not be otherwise than in fall sympathy with the farmer in whatever concerns the Interests of his vocation, and I am ready io co-operate with him in any manfier calculated to promote his welfare as a farmer. His interest is my interest; his people are my people, and his destiny Is my des tiny. In this sense, and in this sense alone, I have always been identified with the true spirit of the Alliance movement, though not actually a member of the order. It is in this sense that I am accus tomed to refer to the Alliance. There is a broad distinction between the Alli ance in the sense just stated and the Alliance converted into a Third party political machine. It tarns ont to he unfortunately true that a very large proportion of Alliancemen are seeking to carry the Alliance into the Third party. It is against this effort that I maKe war, ana not against the Alli ance as such. The blame is not to be charged, not to the Alliance proper, not to the Alliance when true to its original purpose, bnt to the Third party men who are endeavoring to make use of their connection with the Alliance to convert that institution Into a mere political machine. Now as to the Cnthbert convention. No man can truthfully say that I ever requested or authorized him to place me in nomination before that convention. A few days after that convention Hon. O. B. Stevens stated to me that he made special inquiry of the gentlemen who proposed my name and that they admitted that they had no authority to do so. Daring my speech in Berrien I referred to this statement in the presence of Ur. Stevens, and he did not deny having made it, nor will he deny it now. I bad friends who attended that con vention, bnt they will bear me testi mony that I advised against any nom ination at all, on the ground that 1 thought such action undemocratic, and calculated to draw lines and to create division in the party—& predic tion which theresult has justified. But again, the question is;tauntlngly asked if I would not have accepted the endorsement of that convention. Ot coarse I would. I was already a can dictate, avowedly as i. straight Demo crat and strictly on the Democratic platform. I would not have ceased to be a candidate because that conven tion, or any body of men,should choose to accord me their support. I wonld have taken it as an earnest of the true Democracy oi such men. But it is said farther, that I expressed my sympathy with the Alliance and invited their support, and even the support and influence of men who were delegates to the convention. That is time, I have invited, and I still invite, the support of Alltaoce- men, but I have not and I will not compromise the principles of true Democracy in order to get sneb sup port . From the first of my candidacy my opposition to the sub-treasury and and to the government ownership of railroads has been discussed in the press, and has been well known to the people. When I sought the support of the Alliance, and of men who were and expected to he delegates to the Cnthbert convention, there was bnt one view in which I expected, or de sired snch support to come to me, and that was a straight Democrat occupy ing the Democratic platform. In this sense, and in this sense alone, I have sought and still seek snch support, and I am gratified to know that I hare the assurance of the support of a very large cumber of Democrats who be long to the Allisnce; bnt they hold their first political allegiance doe to the Democratic party. That it was, and is, perfectly legitimate for me to invite the support of snch men, whether they were connected with the Cnthbert convention or not, will, I presame not be questioned. The men who composed that con vention claimed to be Democrats, ready to yield Ocalaism and every po litical preference to the Democratic platform. As a Democratic candidate, I conid properly invite the snpport of snch men. Subsequent developments, however, show that a large majority of them and their followers have espoused Third party doctrines. Against these I make war, and I fail to see how it involves me in any in consistency or contradition to do so. In seeking to have the support of ail men heretofore Democrats to come to me as a Democrat standing strictly on the Democratic platform, I was prompted by the dejire for the unity and success of the true Democracy. The same desire inspires my opposi tion to all, whether connected with the Cnthbert convention or not, who are seeking to destroy the Democratic party by the establishment of an avowed Third party, or what Is equiv alent thereto, bv adopting the Third party platlorm, whilst they claim to be Democrats, as has been done by a large number of those who support the nominee of the Cnthbert conven tion. For the benefit of those who are Ed ready to charge me with Inconsistency, I repeat that my fight is not against the effort to convert the Alliance Into a Third party political machine. Whilst there is nothing in my speech to the Cslhonn Alliance nor in my letter to Mr. Ford which I wish in anywise to retract or modify, there is likewise nothing in them that will cause me to abate one jot or tittle of opposition to all tendencies and move ments in the direction of a Third party, whether the same are or are not connected with or springing out of the Cnthbert convention. Bespect’y Yonr Fellow-Citizen, C. B. Wooten. AN ABLE ADDRESS. In another column ot today’s News end Adteetiseb will be found an ad dress from Col. C. B. Wooten to the people of the Second Congressional district. The article bean directly upon some questions of vital impoitance in the present campaign, and therefore will make some very interesting reading matter. Serious illness has prevented Col. Wooten from taking an active part In tbs canvass daring the past few weeks, but as his health Is gradually improv ing he now hopes to meet the people face to face and disenss the issues be fore them, bnt In the meantime be addresses them through the columns of the News and Advertiser on some things which demand immediate consideration. It is an able article and Is well worth the time spent In perasal. The News and Adveetisee takes pleasure in potting this document be fore the people and commends it to the consideration of all into whose bands it may fall. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children- It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years* use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria kills "Worms. Castoria la the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. Castoria. Castoria cores Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Gives healthy sleep and promotes digestion} Without injurious medication, TJxe Centaur Company, 97 Sarny Street, H. T. Castoria. "Castoria is s, well adapted to children that I reconmsnd it as su perior to any prescription known to me.” H. k. ARCHER, X. D., mi _ - _ B Read what Mr. B. H. Pope says concerning his Democracy, lie makes a satisfactory explanation of his posi tion.—Thoma8ville News. Hr. Pope is the secretary of an Al liance that has gone into the Third party, and also member of the Demo cratic committee oi the connty. Mr. Pope explains that he is a Stevens Democrat. After leading Editor Winter’s hearty endorsement of r Democratic paragraph taken from the News and Advertiser we had some hope of his redemption, but in the above be intimates that he is satis fied. If be is, he is very easily satis fied. EaRly in the rear 1883 we joined the first alliance ever organized in Oconee county, beiore it was strong enough for ambitious men to ridt- How well we have lived up to alliance doctrines and principles our record in the lodge room, our humble contribu tions to the alliance warehouse In Athens, the State exchange, the col umns of this paperand numerous other matters to aid the glorious work speak for themselves. But when we see the grand order begin to drift off into the Third party and dangerous, ambitious men sitting above the uproar, strife, division and destruction driving, urg* Ing with a lash of passion and preju dice this vast body of honest men, we cry out from the bottom of our heart for God sake stop and think. When the precipice is reached, the leap made is into a pit of horrors worse than death. These men expect to he borne by honest ballots into a bomb proof covered with bank bills in the shape of a government office where the terrors that befall ns cannot euter. Stop brother 1 Come back!—Oconee Enterpise. Boilar. Saw Mill, Grist Mill, Cotton Gin Press. haghingrt; or ANY KIND. Be sure and let ns hear from yon before buyinsr. We can save you money. MALLARY; BRO. A COMPANY. MACON, GEORGIA. Mention tills paper. ■-.-MANUFACTURERS-:- COTTON SEED OIL MILL M\CH1NKH V , .COMPLETE. FERTILIZER MACHINERY COMPLETE. ICE MACHINERY’ COMPLETE CYPRESS TANKS. WIND MILLS, PUMPS, ETC. COTTON GIN8* FEEDERS. CON DENSERS AND PRESSE9. The best systems or elevating cotton and distributing same direst to gins, gold medals have been awarded to ns. Write for Cat alogue and for what you WANT. Many fflancy Saved ia Money Made. Save 25 to 50 cents on every dollar you spend. Write for onr mammoth catalogue a 600-page book, containing illustrations and giving lowest man ufacturers* prices, with manufactur ers’ discounts, of every kind of goods and supplies manufactured and im ported into the United States. Gro ceries, household goods, fnrniture, clothing, ladies’ and gents’ clothing and furnishing goods, dress goods, white goods, dry, goods, hats, caps, boots and shoes, gloves, notions, glassware, stationary, watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, buggies, whips, agricultural implements, etc., ONLY FIRST CLASS GOODS. Catalogue sent on receipt of 25 cents for manu facturers’ prices, allowing the buyer the same discount that the manu facturer gives to the wholesale buyer. We guarantee our goods as repre sented ; if not found so, money re funded. Goods sent by express or freight, with privilege of examination before paying. A. Karpen & Co., 122 Quincy Street, Chicago, 111. Count Caprivi, the prime minister of Germany, and Bismark remarkably resemble each other. The Secret of Bln Wealth* A millionaire said “the secret of my wea'tb” is in the word S-A-V-E; and the secret of my health is in the word S-A-G-E. By this last he meant Dr. Sage, whose Catarrh Remedy cured him of one of the worst cases of Ca tarrh and thereby saved him from much suffering and permatnre death, enabling him to make his millions, and enjoy life. The cores made by this medicine are simply wonderful. Probably the greatest pedestrian feat of the century performed in England was that of Bob Carlisle, who com pleted In 18£3 the unprecedented feat of walking 5,100 miles iu 100 days. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, and all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Bailsman & Agar Co., Druggist, Albany. A Chicago physician was arrested by a thick-witted policeman, who saw the doctor enter a house with his satchel, and concluded he was peddling or canvassing without licence. Now Try This. It will cost yon nothing and will surely do yon good, if yon have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is gu&renteed to ive relief, or money will be paid back, offerers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at H. J. Lamar & Sons Drug Store. Large size 50c. and $1.00 2-23 6 t A poor, man may be just as good as bis rich neighbor, hot he has a harder time proving it. “La ttrlppe.9* Hundreds of publishers, having found Humphreys’ Specifics of price less value in their family, never hesi tate to recommend them to their many readers. Hear the unsolicited testi mony of a few: Chicago, III, “Western Broker:” I find Humphreys* Specifics are inval uable. Sever: 1 severe cases of La Grippe in my trolly have been cared by a faw day's treatment. Hampton, N. J. “Atlantic Mirror:” I have used Humphreys’ Specific No. Seven with marked benefit, and am always glad to recommend its use. Waverly, Ohio. “Watchman:” For fevers, and colds, Humphreys’ Specifics are inval uable.. fan Winkle Gin and Machinery Company, Atlanta, Ga. FRICK-COMPANY Elipse \ Engines. Erie City Iron Works En-| gines and Boilers, Au tomatic Stationary Engines. Gins From $2-250 PER SAW. Boilers, Saw Mills, Moore, Co., Corn Mills, Pratt Gins, Seed Cotton Eleva tors, Cane Mil’s, Cotton Presses, Wagon and Platform Seales. Fooe Scientific Grinding Mills, Hoe’s Cbisle-Tool, Saws, Shingle Machinery, Shafting, etc. MALSBY & AYARY, SOUTHERN MANAGERS- 81 South Forsyth St. Atlanta Ga. Central 8.8. of Georgia. H M COMER. Chairman Board of Direct Goh.od.-ula in. Effoot Llay 1st., 189 (southwestern division.) Some of Tlie Leading Houses avIio Desires your Consignments Con sult These Columns, F. J. SPRATLING. F. W. FOSTER. F. J. SPRATUNG& CO., COMMISSION MERCH NTS. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. Corner Jackson and Ellis Sts., Augusta, Ga, 0 Your shipments of Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, respectfully solicited. Melons : a : Specialty. Facilities for handling consignments unsurpassed Prompt returns always. Rurbukces—Our Shiopers, The Mercantile Agencies, The Banlta of Augus- ta. The Wholesale trade of Augusta. ESTABLISHED 1SC3. J.H, Preston & Co. Commission v Merchants. Fruits and Produce. 13 to 18 Dyer, St., - - Providence, R, I Sommer Specialties, " e,0M - Peachee ’ p “"’ Grapt8 ’ Plumb8 I and all kinds of small fruit. Yours Respectfully, J. H. PRESTON & CO. SNOW & CO., COMMXSXOIT MERCHANTS AND FRUIT AUCTIONEERS. 21 NORTH MARKET, ST., BOSTOM, MASS, IS THE LEADING FRUIT HOUSE OF NEW ENGLAND. " Pr/unnt Pflliahlfl Best prices and lowest terms. riUiUpi, RulluUiu. Sell by the old method or by Auction as circumstances may warrant. GEO. W. DAVISON. C. W. DAVISON. CEO. GltUXDMANN. F. E. DAVISON. Geov W. Davison & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Melons s a : Specialty* Fruits and Produce. 45 aad 47 Foydras, St. HEW OR3UEAITS, JOHN KIENZLE The Old sod Reliable Fruit and Produce, Commisionv Merchant, 815 3 Front St., Philadelphia. Consignments and Correspondence Solicit*I. Returns Promptly made as Advi$e<l. Prices Reported Daily. References*—The Integrity Tank, of Phil adelphia; Baldwin's Bank. Penn Yan; Peo ple’s Bank of Uammontin N. J.; NortLe u Liberties Bank oi Philadelphia. ESTABLISHED 1831. J B, WHITE CO,, ID I I ■ Norfolk, kVa., Shipments of Early Vegetables Solicited. (up Spit —BRAD DOWN,- 1 8:00 am 7:15 am 5:50 a m 830 pm 11:41 ji 1:28 pm •7:00 pm ll:45fpm 1:21pm 4:06 p m 6:25 pm 630 pm 735 pm 11.40 am 12 30 p m 4:18 pm 730 pm 11:40 am 4:2» pm 6:15 a m 830 am 8H>n 730 a m lo:io j 1 A) p m 730 p m 233 a m 423 am 630 a m 9:15 a m 9:53 a m 1130 am 1:50 am 2:35 am 4:40 a m 735am 4:95 p m 8:05 p w 631 pm 735 p m To ana comm bus, Opelika and Birm ingham. Lv Albany JL. LT....Amerlcn« w »...Ar Ar.... Colmr bua.... Lv Ar .... Opelika Lv Ar..Birmingham ,,Jy To and from Maeon, Griffln and Atlanta. Lv Albany Ar Americua ...-Ar Ar Macen_~...Ar Ar—Barnes rille. .Ar AT Griffln —Ax Ar—...Atlanta .JL.V To and from Eofanla and Montgomery. Lv—-Albany Ar Lv— Smithviua ....Ar Lv—.. Eufaula Ar Ar—Montgomcry..Xv To end from Ai andS&i l '. Albany Ar Ar Macon Ar Ar.. ..Augnsta ....Xv At.... Savannah.... Lv To fFrom Blakely and Columbia. lt .An Ar—..Bla , Ar—.Colmnt ■ .Ar ...mLT ....Lt 12:40 a m 635 p m 2:55 pm 230 pm 838 am 236 pm 138 pm ic 35 am •:16 am 8:41 aL TtaOam 236pm 1238pm 1831am 636am 12:40 am 830pm 730am 8301 1135am 736am V*ia 236 pi 12:16 pi •7:15 a i 1034 pm 730 p n. 236 pm 836am •30pm 8dftpm 1230 ai 113£N pi 8:10 pi •30 pi 430 pi •Daily except Sunday. For further infonnrtion, call on or write to B. M. COMFOBD, Ticket Agent, Albany, Ga. B M COMFORT. > V. K. McBKK, W. F. SHELLMAN, Ticket Agent. . Gen’tSupt. Traffle Manager. Albany Ga. 8. H. HARDWICK, Ass’t. Gen. Fata. Ag*t. fcavanrgh, 6a That is what the Official Statement of the EptaWe Bill ai Loan Association shows for the first year’s business. It did not loose a dollar, which shows that it is the safest and most profitable investment yon can make, The association is prepared to negotiate Loons on short notice for its stockholders. LON SIX PER CENT. INTEREST On money loaned to its Stockholeers. If you want te] borrow any money or|invest any,|the EQUITABLE offers greater inducements than any othei For stock or information, call on JONES & smith:, GENERAL AGENTS. ALBANY. CEORCI References: J.. A. Wad-.*, Quitman, Ga./ J. R. Forrester Jr., Pelham. Ga., T. J. Born Metcalf, Ga. McKinney Bros, & Co, 405 Walnut, St. Kansas Cilr, Mo. Commission Merchants. Fruits, Vegetables, Po tatoes, Apples, Produce, &c., Mellons and Pears a Specialty. Yonr Consignments Solicited. Special Dealers in car lots. Liberal andvances made on receipt of cars. Stencils Tarnished on ai ■pfcJcal tion. to National Bank K*raas City Brsdstreet and Dun’s Comm ere ia Ageacy. ff. F. Sweet & Sen, WHOLESALE COMMISSION FRUITS PRODUCE Melons specialty. U. COMMISSION MERCHANT SO, 91.93 and CANAL STREET. , B. I. BOSTON, MASS., No. 52 Commerce Wharf. MELONS SP ECI ALT Y. A share of your consignments solicited. Prompt attention to all business, su. Wi rapt Facilities for handling on- Best of references. me. Morgan Lake Manufactnring Co. GERTRUDE. GA. Pear.\Crates. Consignments solicited. Rubber Stamps and Stencils fur. nished ui o i Application. References—Any produce house in New York, Philadelphia or B<iston, and American National Bank, Prori- dencc, B. I. BATTRSON & CO. RIBBONS, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACES. Appreciating the Liberal pat ronage of our customers in the past and in acknowledgement we will sell for the next 3 days RIBBONS. LACES, HMDKH1FS £ HOSIERY 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than any merchant in Albany and give cupons which entitles you to 05 per cent, on all cash pur chases. Call and he convinced that our store is headquarters for parties who wish to buy goods and save money REICH A GEIGER. SEED POTATOES JUST RECEIVED. BARRELS 100 BARRELS Of the Best selected Seed Irish Potatoes ever brought to this market, shipped direct from the Grower. Call and get descriptive circular of the follow ing varieties. The Vaughan, Lee’s Favorite, White Princes, Early Ohio, The Arizona, The Delaware, Rural New York Eeach variety guaranteed true to name. Kemember that these are not the ordinary cheap stock brought into the market and labeled to suit the buyer, but shipped direct from the Grower, Mr. J. C. Vaughan. H1LSHAN A AGAR 00, COME ONE! COME ALL!! -TO THE- ALBANY MUSIC HOUSE. Where you can get any kind of an Instrument you call for, from a jews harp up to the finest Piano made. Such as the Celebrated C. II. Stone & Co., D. II. Baldwin & Co., and Baines Bros., which is the best on eaitli. ORGANS. ! I also sell the. Celebrated Hamilton Organs which is noted for its excellency in tone and dnribility. SHEET MUSIC. I have a full assortment of Sheet Music and Music Books ordered which will be on hand in a few days. TUNING aad REPAIRING. JWe can n.ake old Instruments as good as new, Pipe organs a specialty, all work guaranteed as I lave employ ed a first class tuner. I am a young man and have purchased my fathers entire business and as I am just starting out in business I desire to ask the liberal patronage of the public. Satis faction guaranteed, all orders promptly attended to. Very Respectfully, T„ M. KYYCHAJLS- Whs Southern Railway Company. A New Route. Quick, Comfortable, Sure. Double Daily Service. The following double daily passenger train service has been established by the Columbus Southern Railway belwfen Columbus and Albany, making close connec tions for the following points. BUFALO, IV. Y. Consignments of early Fruits and Vegetables, and MELONS ""PEARS SOLICITED. REFER To ^” ,T batk er JBn*lne»a ... In ssuxrml.. ESTABLISHED 1875. Fnil Ships i’iiii! In shipping ;yonr Fruit the coming sesson remember that Buffalo, N. Y„ is a bve market and F. A 44 W. Market St., and 103 Michigan, SL Are the people who will look after yonr shipments and give you good and prompt returns, write us and we will ! cheerfully give yon all information Small Packages are desired. Best for Pears f. brennisex * sox. _ _ . General Commission Merchants and Peaches# j BaffAlo , r. x., SOUTH BOUND. NORTH BOUND i No. 8 • No. J EFFECTIVE APRIL JOTh. • N o. 2 f NO. 4 7 10 A V Lr. ATLANTA 7 14 9 05 M ** GRIFFIN 5 no 5 00 P V 11 25 *• COLUMBIA A* 2 40 •• 9 10 7 20 •* 1 hi P Sf RICHLAND Lv T118 »* 8 00 H 9 SO “ 2 17 *• DAWSON •• 11 51 M 1 0) ** 2 05 ** ALBANY ** 420 ,4 6 10 ** THOMASVfLLB ». 7 45 u 7 45 X X .... .... *• JACKSONVILLE ** ....... 7 55 8 SO 120 r s BRUNSWICK c to ♦Daily, fDaily except Sunday, If Dinner Station. No change of cars between Columbus and Atlanta. Colse connections at Atlanta for all points North, East and West. For further information address Cecil Gabett, Waite 3D, Mann, General Manager, Soliciting Agent. Columbus, Ca. As.nanx.UA. G. Barer. PrrsL. CJL Kor, vice-PresL. BAST A Qcilli A.K, Att’y. LAKE LAND GRAND OPORTUNITY. T. C. Hixrrov. See* NJC-Sncvcb, Tress. CO, BUY • • o' (East Lake, the BeaatifnVSnbnib of Atlanta' Oa.) HOME. Terms in reach of all. We can sell you a beautiful shaded lot for *20030; terms 11033 cash, alance *63> per month; no interest. Size oi lota are 50 x 200. The Company has Just com pleted a ear line into the city. Onr lake is the largest body of clear water within fifty mile* of Atlanta, being over 1 and ^ miles in circumference. The company has Just finished boat and bath houses, and the large Pavilion is near completion. East Lake Is the most delightful place for a Summer Home, being 1160 feet above sea level. East Lake is A% nnlea from center of Atlanta. For full particulars, maps and etc., address. LUMBER TAKEN IN EXChANGE FOR LOTS. X. C.HAJHTWrjIletPf.jHs. 9 Ssilk BrMUl •l„:AUaats, Gs.