The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 09, 1892, Image 2

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FACTS ^ nii TELE AX ERROR. The News isd Adteetheh desires toc'r.r^ctan error of its own which ap v )h^rin yesterday morning’s paper. In an editorial we made the statement, that Air. Stevens had six counties instructed for him. ATow we did not mean by this legally, but all told. Properly, Air. Stevens has only one county legally instructed for him, and that county is Terrell. All the other counties that have instructed for Mr. Stevens did so in open violation of the instructions given by the District Committees, which makes such actions illegal. The District Committee in their in structions or rather recommendations to the committees of the various coun ties acted upon a law or precendent established by the Congressional convention held in Camilla in 1SSG. At this convention a resolution was in troduced and passed empowering the committee with the right to name a common day when, primary elections should be held throughout the whole District. No counter resolution has ever been passed, hence the committees had a right to name a day when these elections 3hould be held, and any vio lation of this resolution as passed in 1S8G is not binding upon the part of the Democratic convention that meets in Albany on the 17th of Augnst. Mr. Steyens has only one county under the laws governing the Damo« cratic party in the Second Congres sional District. News and Advertiser What is W. W. TURNER C. R. HAWK, T. F. PRUETT, Publishers that they are saving money U3 and we invite others to ices, and they will also be- OKFICE XO. :>;)£ BROAD 3T. TELEPHONE No. 30. Advertising rates reasonable and furnished on application. Address all business com munications to News and advertises. Daily, per annum, - Weekly, per annum. Grover Cleveland it will be In eighteen bnndred and ninety-three, Eor as sure as the Democrats know what they are about Cleveland will go in and Harrison will go out. Hurrah for Ben Bussell Albert Winter—A dead letter. 100 Dozen Ladies Fast Black Hose at 25e. worth 50c 50 Dozen Gents Half Hose at 23c. worth 50c. 25 Dozen Misses. 6. to S’s at 10c, worth 25c. 25 Dozen Boys Hose 6 to 9’s at 25c. worth 5OC. All these goods are warranted not to smut or fade. Down with Toby and his Third party tendencies. Dougherty county needs a mew Court House. Will she get it? Tom McIntyre—packs conventions, ana then— welf the people know the balance. A few more men like “Bill” Spence in this dis'trict and Democracy would be safe. • Capt. Wooten Is receiving congrat ulations upon every hand. Well he deserves them. Castoria ewes Colic, Csnstipatlon, **Caster!* Is so i S cur Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, children that I r«ce Gives heeltliy sleep aad promotes periorto anypreser; digestion, me*” II. A. ABCS Without injurious Dedication, ' ■ 111 So * 0lftr4 st Tho Centaur Company, '37 SInrray Street, H. T. EIGER C. H, CAMFIELD * CO Tobe Stevens in the halls of Con gress would be a school boy compar- rtively speaking. Xo secret political organization should be allowed to exist in this laud oi freedom and liberty. The Third party is composed of Al- liancemen. Then who is the Third party, M not Alliancemen, The Atlanta Journal, now the con vention is over, is still putting in some telling licks for Cleveland. Tobe Stevens in Congress would look like a frog in a meeting house. He wouldn’t know which way to jump. The Constitution wanted Hill for the nominee. They have eat their bait of crow and gone to work for Cleveland. Ben Russkll is the man to repre sent us in Congress. He is a Demo - crat, which is more than can be said of Toby Stevens. Wonder if the parties manipulating the Stevens campaign, know anything about tho Colquitt county land grab bing business. Mr. E. K. .Tones will paake Dough erty an able and faithful representa tive. Dougherty’s interests will be safe in his hands. Clam Stevens is using every avail able means to get himself a seat in Congress. The Democrats of the dis trict should see that he doesn’t get it. The Barnesville Gazette celebrated the commencement season in a mam moth edition.' The paper reflected great credit upon its enterprising pub lishers. • Have just received a fine line of Sporting Goods, all this years make* Such as Spaldings Having leased the Old Sims & Rusi Fire Proof Warehouse we will engage in a General Warehouse and Commission business. Our Mr. Campfield having had twenty years experience in the cotton business, we will make the handling of cotton a specialty and hope with close application strict integrity and honesty of purpose to merit a share of the public patronage, our charges will be the same as customary. We refer by permission to the First National Bank and Messrs. Hobbs & Tucker. Bats and Balls, Reaclis Bats and Lion Balls-in fact balls and bats of all kinds and prices from 5c. each and upwards. Hammocks, Hammock Ropes Stretchers, Hooks etc. A new line of Fishing Tack le, consisting of Fly Rods, , Mr. John Hungerford Proprietor of the fine livery stable at the West End hotel, Elmira, N. Y., says Hood’s Sarsapa rilla goes way ahead of anything he ever took for troubles with the Liver and Kidneys with whieh ke suffered for a long time, until h. took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and was completely cured. Other members of his family also take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and are highly gratifled with the benefit from it. and Hooks Leaders, Lines Bobs etc.l®ll: W,e are, selling our stock of Music at 5c. a copy. Call and get your pick before they are HEAT* DOWN. To ana man oolmunus, HOOD’S PILLS are a mild, gentle, painless, safe and efficient cathartic. Always reliable. 25c. Lv......Albany Ar Lv.—. Americas.™.. Ar At.’... Coloirbua —Lv Ar u.. Opelika Ly Ar..Birmingham ....Lv To and from Macon, Griffin and Atlanta. Lv..... Albany Ar allsoid A Tonic 12:40 an. 11:20. pm 8:10 p m 6:37 p m 6 .*00 p rn 4:10 pm Ar .Americas ....Ar Ar...... Jh.ccn Ar Ari...Barnesville. .Ar Ar Griffin Ar Ar. Atlanta JLv To and from Eufanla and Montgomery. / Lv...... Albany Ar Lv Smitnviuo Ar Lv. Enfanla Ar Ar Montgomery...Lv To and from Augusta • and Savanna^ That’s the happy combination found in Alabama is a stronger Democratic State Jpday than ever in her history, and all because she fought this Alliance r Third party tendency from its very inception. Let the Executive committees of each' county in the district call an elec tion for the 30th of July in accordance with the recommendation of the dis trict com mitten. A SL Macon Ar Ar.. ..Angusta .Lv Ar.... Savannah.... Lv To ’From Blakely and Columbia. Lv...... Albany—..Ar Ar .Blakely -Lv At Columbia .. .Lv You drink it for pleasure, and get physical benefit. A whole some, refreshing, appetizing, thirst quenching drink. One package makes five gallons. Don't be deceived if a dealer, for tbe sake of larger profit, tells you some other hind Is ** just as good"—’tis false. . No imitation is as good as the genuine Hikes'. ♦Daily except MUifltv. B’or further call on or write to B M, COMFORT, Ticket A: J C. HAILE, UEO.D. WADLEY. W.F. Gen. Ta e. - g’t., Savannah, Ga. Gen’i. Superintendent. Where you can get any kind of an Instrument you call for, from a jews harp up to the finest Piano made. Such as the Celebrated C. H. Etone & Co., D. H. Baldwin & Co., and Haines Bros., which is the best on eatth. * rent. Alban*-, Gn. 5HELLMAN, Traffic Manager. Tbe riot in Pennsylvania tends to strengthen Cleveland’s chances. Let it go on if it will give us Democratic rule for awhile and relieve U3 ot Re publican extravagance and ruin rule. Grover Cleveland it will be. In eighteen hundred and ninety-three. For as sure as the Democrats know what they are about Cleveland will go in and Harrison will go out." HAKES SHERIFF SALE. Will bo soid before the Court Honso door in Newton, Ga.. withiu the legal hoars of sale on the first Taesday in An?. next to the high est bidder for cash the following property to- 'wits.- one light sorrel oslorej mare mnle ahor.t 8 sears O’.d. Also lots of land Nos. ^9.299,231.310 and 311 a 11 in the Seventh dis trict of Baker county all sold ns the oroeerty ofWi.liam W. Dews to satisfv one Calhoun county Superior Court fi fa. Richard iiohhe Administrator of Aibe't G. Owens ts . W. W. Dews. Tenants in possession noLfied in writing. J. C. Ctocsr, July 1st 1882. sheriff. I also sell the Celebrated Hamilton Organs which is noted tor its excellency in tone and duribility.' SUWANNE SULPHUR SPRINGS, FLORIDA, Open all the year ronnd. Hofei ac commodations unsurpased. Hundreds of prominent citizens tes tify to Suwanee Salphur Springs’ WONDERFUL CURES. Persons sufleiing from Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Kidney or Liver Trouble, Catarrh, Neuralgia, Eczema, Insomnia, Drinking or Opium Habit, General Debility, and all Female Com plaints are positively cured by drink ing ami bathing in these health-giving waters. Climate delightful. Gulf breeze renders the summer months cool and pleasant. Absolutely free from ma laria. SPECIAL RATES. Tickets now on sale (S. F. & W, Ky.) from Albany to Suwannee, including one week’s board, free baths, etc., for $17,85. Ticke s will be good for two weeks. All should avail themselves of this rare (advantage. For informa tion address, H. P. DRIVER, Manager, Suwanee Sulphur Springs, Fix. .Latest popular songs and Sheet Music. You can find anything;yoa.' our stock,which is the largest in Georgiy. Aii the latest songs by «Banks Winter,” the wnter ofttie day, and a Georgia hoy. Call andsee oar immense stock. J By the law governing the politics ol the District, no delegate is entitled to asqgtin the August convention, ex cept those who go in accordance with the recommendation of tho Dis trict Committee. ■am Liquors CITATION, GEORGIA—Baser County. Whereas,-K. Richardson, Administrator rf Pracilla Jordan, represents to tbe court in til petition duly filed and entered on record that be has fully aiministered i’raaillo Jordan’s estate; .This is therefore (o cite pH 'persons concerned, belts and creditor’s to show cause if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged freta his sdm-'nist..-- tian and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in September 188J. J. B. BSKEY. Ordinary of Baker County. We are sole Agents for tbe follow ing celebrated brands of Nelson Coun ty Kentucky Whiskeys. JAS. E. OWEN, guaranteed eignt years old. S. H. ROLLINS band made Sonr Mash. OLD PICKET and.ASTOB, which ‘ are elimiated ot all fusil oil, and for a stimulant or tonic they have no . equal, and are highly recommended by physicians for me-ical purposes. Also a full line of 3RANDIES, GINS, KEY and CASE, pare corn whisky. IMPORTED AKD DOMESTIC WISES which they are offering at prices to suit the times. Special attention given to the jag- trade. Call on us cr send us an order and we guarantee satisfaction. Blood and cornaga reigns at Pitts burg. Cernagie with his vast mil lions attempts to scale tbs wages of the hard-worked laborer, who resents —result being blood-shed is the latest from the iron works in Pennsylvania. Down with monopoly and oppression. ke old Instruments as goo'd as alty, all work guaranteed as 11 W e can n organs a specif ed a first class tuner, lam a ycung man and. have purchased entire business and as I am just starting: out 1 c-esire to ask the liberal patronage of the pu laction guaranteed, all orders promptly atten The News and Advertiser sends sincere condolence to the Albanian at Cumberland Island who lost his—well we won’t say what. May the ones seat him by warm friends at home answer his every purpose until his return, when our clever dentists will substitute a set superior to the ones from which he so sadly par tod. SPECIFIC t and only certain c e for Acute and Chronic Catarrah nicer and all hlood diseases purchased from one of the ,,-mcf Collections Made In Any Part Of The United States. “I have just gained your mother’s concent, Clara dear.” “But, Mr. Swift, I am so young, I—really—’■ “I don’t think it. will make any dif ference, as I am to be your stepfa ther.”—Chicago Inter-Ocean. Ea3iiy,Quickly, Rr-v red. XVonline**, h’ervouine«h ZV- . aihl tho trnia cf »'YiIs from early er. .... rex- censes, the result of overwork, t. . w rry. ftt«. Full »trengrti. development, a:. : : negiritn to •very or.’sin and portion ef the body. Simple, natural methods. Immediate improvement seen. Failure Impossible. 2,000 references. Book, escpl*. jmtions and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address, .flUUE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO. N. Y- ForHalaria, Liver Trcu* bl3,crIndigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Discount approved time pap*; Receive Depoiits—rnbjeet to t sight. te.l7-d*y iy. •mminent Physicians In Irelan I. For sal H. J. LAMAR & SOW, 11:41 .a m. 6:3i a m 1:28 pm 7:30 a m *7:03 pm 10:10 am 1:20 pm 0:40 p m 11:43 a m 8:01 a m J :2? p m 4:23 am 4:05 p m 6:30 a m 5:25 pm 9:15 am 6:G0 p m 9:53 a m 7:35 pm 11:30 a m 11 40 am 1:50 am 12 30p m 2:35 am 4:12 p m 4:40 am 7:20 pm 7:25 am 11:40 a m 4:03 p m 4:21 pm 6:15 am S:30 am 8:05 p m 6:31 p m 7:25pm 7 :f.5 p m . 6:35 p m 3:55 pm 2:55 p Di 12:15 pin •7.3i)a 2D 220pm 8:35 am 2:55 p m 1:03 p m 10:55 am 9:15 a m 8:41 am 7:20 am 2:55 pm 12:10 pm 10:0tam 6:55 am 1:20 am 12:30 am ’0:24 p m 7:30 pm 12:40'a oi 330pm 7:30 am 8:00 a m 2:55 p xr 3:25 a ID 9:00 pm 8:10 pm 11:25 am 7:36 am ,7:01 am