The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 16, 1892, Image 8

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- 4- BULL DURHAM Is always uniform in quality. Pure, sweet The Ideal of Fine Tobacco. BLACKWELL’S DURHAM TOBACC DURHAM, N. C. For Ja Idl3moment. >■ Vast reserves of valuable timber, nseful for every kind of manufactur ing. Central location in the mid 2 s a region rich in a great variety of min eral wealth. * Nnmeious manufacturing indus tries can be named on with great profit. Smaller capital invested will bring large returns than elsewhere, because of cheap raw material and cheap liv ing. Good railroad facilities; cheap and easy outlet for manufactured goods. Good markets for products of miles and factories near at hand. The manufacturing industries will provide employment for a large popu lation. The soil is adapted to the culture of cereals and vegetables. Larfin and small fruits succeed ad mirably. Raising horses, mules, cattle, sheep or poultry pays large profits. Every city lot lies Jar above the highest possible high water mark of flood, freshet or inunpation. Numerous reserves for parks, pleas ure gardens and boulevards. J. S. Davis, Cashier. --John A. Davis, President. ALBANY, GEORGIA PHONEY fcOAXEB. Deposits KeceiredSubject 1b| Sight Check, CecilGabett, General Man Columbus. Ca "Waite 3D, Mann, Soliciting agent ALBAN V. €4A, A Household Remedy .. FOR ALL BLOOD »°SKIN DISEASES Bankers’ and Mercfc^nts’ Accounts BOLICITlfP. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY LAB312 COLLECTION BUSINESS PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSE5 TRADE MARK. Cnilit? First aid Always. SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT GUrgS RHEUM, ECZEMA, every form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being efficacious In toning up the system and restoring the constitution, when impaired fron any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure, if directions are folio', id. ENT FREi <; Ju3ui-- vf \Y o n Jer8.” BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. I R. DeGRAFFENREID When Baby was sice., "We pave her r, astorf5u When she was a Child, She cried for Castor!*, When ah© became Miss, ^RUGUIaNTj Has the I exclusive sr-le of these celebrated glasses in Albauy, Georgia. KCLLr!.Tl Sc JJOOilC, The only Manufacturing Opticians in the South. Atlanta, Georgia. Jg^Peddlers are-not supplied with thes atuous glasses. 1-13-cl-Cms fc^ien she had Children, (Trade Hark.) which abound m the Porcupines, lumber woods of northwestern Penn sylvania, are great pests around the eamp3. They are passionately fond of salt, and should, the four sides of the camp shanty bo salted from ground to roof these little animals would eat it down oyer the very heads ol the in mates and not leave a splinter ol it to mark where it stood. KID GLOVES s oji i* (tBsf 3RGS., Savannah, GA- iGEKTfi IN THE V- s. 33 Dr. John Bull’s Worm Destroyer tastes good and quickly removes worms from children or grown people; restoring the weak and buny to robust health- Try them. No OLher worm medicine is so safe and sure. Price oa cents at druff stores, or sent bv mail hv John D. Park & Sons Co., 175 aud 177 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, O. mm A Frenchman recently brought five hundred parrots from Brazil to dis pose of in Paris. An epidemic broke among the birds, from which ail but two died. The contagion then spread to the persons who kept them, and several have succumbed to an infect ious pneumonia. ket here last night?” “Yes, papa. Why do you ask?” “Did you aud be have a quarrel?” “No, papa, not a quarrel exactly. But tell me! Has anything happened to him?” “Did he or did he not propose marriage to you?” “Yes he did, papa,” replied the girl, now thoroughly alarmed. “Do tell me if anything has happened to him. Has he committed sui—?” “What was your reply, daughter. Did you accept him?” “No papa. Has his body been discov—” “Did you give him any encouragement whatever?” “No, sir; did he shoot himself or—” “You rejected him finally and irrevocably, did you?” “Yes, papa, and he said he’d make away with himself. O, papa, isn’t it awful!” “Yes awtuL, I suspected that you had rejected him when I heard what he had done today.” “O, papa, do you think I shall be arrested for it?” “O, dear, no. You didn’t have to marry Mm just because he asked you.” “But tell me what he has done, papa?” “He’s gone to TAKE BULL’! sAllalPAHlLl.A. Is your blood in bad condition ? Do you feel weak? Do you have pain? Do sores trouble you? Are you in poor health and growiug worse? IQ Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparille. It wifi make you weil and strong. Do not delay, Give it a trial. Get it from your druggist. Large bottle (102 -eat spoonfuls) $1 00 Office 0SJ.;' Broad St., at deGrsffeft- reiu s drug- store. Residence or. Washington, Sr., near Hr. J. L. Jay’s Telephone No. 53. During an active practice of more thaa seyen years sprcial success has been attained in diseases of children. Office hours—S :30 to 11:30 a. m.- and 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. The well that prompted Samuel Woodworth to write “The Old Oaken Buoket” is still kept in good condition, aud many visitors to Scituate, Mass., go and get a draught of its water, which seems pure and cool as ever. The old mill aud pond are there, but not much is left of the “deep-tangled wildwoods” dt* mo ii lily for SI. F Jons ■t., Richmond. ttbeumatisiii Cured in Day. “D.ystie Cure” for Rheumatism and Neu a!gia radically cures ini to 3 days. Its aciion upon the system is rema ’kable ted mysterious. It re moves at once the cause, and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by Hilsman & Agar Co., drug gists, Albany. ONE BNJOY^S Both method and results when Syrup vs/ Figs is taken; it is pleasant ■;nd refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly o.i the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, clf^nses the sys tem efiectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup cf Figs is the <»i!y remedy of its kind ever pro ceed, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its ajticn md truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most riop-siar remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and" $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it ?w' npUy for any one who wishes ' \ Bo not accept any subst CAL '10 SYRUP CO. _ ^ ‘^r cf -j- THEY ARE SO HAPPY Because they have jast married and have gone to housekeeping. But the ■siain secret of their great mirth is that tiiev buy their Groceries from s. M i-> us or the enterprising merchant who sells goods as cheap as the cheapest and always gives satisfaction to his cus tomers. If you want anything in the Grocery line give Mr, Bush a call and you will be more than pleased. He has a telephone, a porter who will take your orders, a free delivery wagon and will fl’ait on you at any time. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment, A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema. Itch, Prairio Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been, cured by it after all other treatment had failed It is put up in 2o and 50 cent boxes. Wmmm Bn Serine from the effectr of ycuf.1 fnl errors, early decay, -wasting weahness. lost manhood, etc., I "ill send a Ta.lus.ble treatise (sealed' containing full particulars for home core, FREE of charge. A splendid medical work; should do read by erarj ypa-n -who is nervous *u d debilitated. Address* fTOf, F. C* FOWL! JL Soodus. Conn* Atlanta* Ga* Office Whitehall Sf n n d WinsKey Habit* cured at home with out pain. Book ofp.a ticulars sent FREE. B- M. WOOLLEY,M.D MAY B FATAL. THE INJURIES OF COL. PEEK REGARDED SERIOUS. lie J# Thrown From a Biggy and Reretyes Daiigeroui and Frobably ftafnl Injuries—lie Wm Paralyzed By the Kali —Watchers Are at Ills Ucditle Lxpciug Bis llcaih. Colonel W. L. Peek, one of the most prominent figures in Georgia politics, and one ot the recognized leaders of the Third party, lies at his home in Rockdale county paralyzed aDd unable to move. Watching by his bedside with great anxiety are kind triends and relatives and skilled physicians. Colonel Peek’s eondition is extremely critical, and it is doubtful if he ever recovers. He is suffering from injuries received in an accident latd Sunday afternoon . That accident, if it does not cost him his life, will leave Colonel Peek badly disabled physically. All over Georgia thousands of peo- p'e will await anxiously for news from Cclonei Peek’s bedside, for in every section of the State lie has warm friends. .JIOW IT OCCURRED. Sunday afternoon when the sun had sunk low r into the west and the shadows were lengthening, Coi. Peek went out for a drive with bis son, Mr. Horace Peek. The horse they drobe was the one that has been driven by the family for a long time and was perfectly safe. The ride was greatly enjoyed by Colonel Peek. The cool, fresh air, and the sight of the blossoming fields pleased him and not until dark came on did he turn his horse’s head homeward. Near Colonel Peek’s home is a steep hill which the public road leading by his home de scends. In going down this hill Sun day afternoon the horse Colonel Peek was driving Etumbled and tell forward. The force of the fail suddenly pro pelled the buggy and the sudden jerk threw Colonel Peek from his seat. He fell forward in front of his buggy, striking the ground on ids shoulder. He roiled over, alter falling, turning a complete somersault. The fall was a bad one for Colonel Peek and left him unconscious, and suffering excruciat ing pain. His spiue wasbadiy injured, causing paralysis. Colonel Peek was taken to his home and Dr. Rosser,'the family physician, called in. Be found Colonel Peek’s condition to be very serious. Colonel Peek was still suffering greatly last night and his death is feared. If the accident does not prove fatal it will be ;everal weeks before Colonel Peek wi 1 be out again. All over Georgia this news will be read witlitegret. Everywhere he is known Colonel Peek has friends. He is honest and steadfast, and without regard to party lines his death would be received with-genuine sorrow in Georgia. He is a good neighbor, and man against whom no charge can be brought.—Atlanta Constitution. It is a Pity. It is a pity to deceive a child to keep it quiet. It is a pity that we cannot all get what we want. It is a pity that men will drink whisky in hot weather. It is a pity so many people are false when they might be true.' It is a pity that some women are foolish and some men are wicked. It is a pity that we cannot get a long vacation from work and worry. It is a pity that humaa nature is so weak and temptation so strong. It is a p ! ty that ail cannot abandon what burdens their conscience. It is a pity that so many misunder standings and mistakes occur between friends. Immensely Jlar^ 1 BLACKWELL’S ^'^EVERYWHERE Bull Durham SMOKING TOBACCO, Whether on the hills gaming ; in the place of business; or at home, it always fills that niche of com fort—a good smoke. Put up in handy packages, and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali ty ; it recommends itself to every smoker’s use. Sold everywhere. A new instrument that possesses value and novelty is a speculum for examining horses’ mouths. It is the invention of an Illinois man, and con sists of a bit broad enough to keep the horse’s mouth open and an arrange ment of reflectors to determine easily the condition of throat and month. ForMalaria, Liver Tr ou» ble, orIndigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS ALBANY, G-JSOB&1A, DO A QSXEBAL 3ANZINQ BUSINESS. Collections Made In Any Part Of The United States. Dlsvoant approved time paper - Beceive Deposits—subject to checks tt sight. • wlv. Mnny Persons are Droten —n from overwork or household cares. brown’s iron Bitters Rebuilds the jystem, aids digestion, removes excess of tod cur\£ malaria. ucl the genuwe. Milks Mm M*iy fepj A New Route. Quick, Comfortable, Sure. Double*Daily Service. The following double daily passenger train service has been established by the Columbus Southern Railway between Columbus and lbany, tions at the foflowing'points. llKAO DOWN making close No. S No. 1 KFFECTIVK MAY 29Tli. No. 2 ; o oo r m 7 10 A M if C5 - If 07 1* M J.V. ATLANTA AH “ GKIFK1N *• COLUMBUS AR 7 M y m i rs •• 8 SO “ 1 45 •* “ MollLxN'D Lv 12 08 •* 10 ' 8 “ 2 ‘J < “ IJAWSOX •• I i 0 AM 12 0} M 3 i2 “ AH. ALBANY “ 10 43 ** ; 7 43 AM 6 m “ »* THOM asyillf. .... “ JACKSONVILLE “ 7 45 “ 1 7 55 PM 1 20 P SI BRUNSW 1CK “ coi nec- •o. ft - ' D UP AO. 4 "Daily, fDaily except Sunday, If Dinner Station. No change of cars between Columbus and tlanta.. Colse connections at- tlanta for all points North, East and West. For further information address «J| THE SEASON OF fg§2 CALENDAR. Opening of the Season. Opening of Special classes, School of Music and Physical culture; Judy 6—^Opening of the college, Pedagogical Depaitl ment and School of Sacred Literature- August 2,—Nineteenth Assembly Reunion. August Vi,—Recognition Day. Class 181)2. August 23-26—Meeting of the American Ec'momi* Association. August 26^—Closing Exercises. PROGRAMME American topics will be treated in lecture courses by recognizeecl authorities, in single addresses by distin guished public men and women, and in magnificent tab leaux. illustrated entertainments and national concerts. Dr. Edward Eggleston will give a course on “American Colonial Life.” Mr. Id. W. Raymond, ol the Navy De partment, will describe, with stereopticon views, “The Navy—Old and New.” Mr. W. E Curtis, of the State Department, will lecture on “The Existing Conditions of South American Republics,” etc. OTHER LECTURES. There will be the usual variety of lectures and addresse. on many different topics of interest by speakers national reputation. Among those already seemed may be mentioned Prof II H Boyesen, Dr b 1 W Gunsaulus, Dr J M Buckley, Mr Melvil Dewey. Dramatic readings by leading interpreters and authors’ readings by popular American writers, will continue to be features of thepro- gramme. 4. MUSIC. . Rogers’ band and orchestra will be doubled in size. A Chautauqua banjo club will be organized, a college glee club will be present in July and soloists of high rank will be secured to appear in frequent concerts. Mr W H Sherwood, Dr H I Palmer, Mr I V Flagler and Mr LS I.eason w T ill continue to take an active part in the music. FOR YOUNC PEOPLE, - fie management is arranging for special lectures and talisis on helpful subjects to young people; for a model U S Congeess, under ihe direction of Prof W Iv Wicks, of Syracuse, IN’ Y, in which the boys will be taught parlia- mentary rules and congressional methods; ^ - OTHER DEPARTMENTS, All the other departments will be efficiently equipped, and will continue to do thorough work, Details will be announced early in 1892. ^ For circulars, railway rates, cottages, hotel rates, etc,. Address, W. A. DUNCAN, Secretary, Syracuse new York, NEW DISCOVERY *yACCIDENT In compounding rv solution a part wm accidently spilled oa the hand and on waaliingr afterward it-waa discovered iliac the hair wc« '♦rnsj. pletely removed. We at once put this woftderful preparation, ontha market and so great bas been the demand that we are now introducing it throughout the world under the name of Queen’s Anti-Hairina IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILDXAN USE IT# , IAy the hair over and apply the mixture for a few minutes, and tbs hair disappears as if by magic without the slightest pain or injury when applied or ever afterward. It is unlike any other preparation ever naed fora like purpose. Thousands of L.AI>1*KS v^ho have been annoyed with hair on their FACE, NECK and Alt MS attest Its merits. GENTLEMEN who do not appreciate a beard or hair on thofrneck; find a priceless boon in Queen’s Anti-Hairine which does away rv.,^ ~ . . *«■**■,. with Shaving, by rendering its future growth an utter impossibility. i^i Anti-Hairine $1. per bottle, gent in safety mailing boxes post ace paid by us (securely Send money x>r stamps bv letter with full su^rr-sK written plainly. Correa* w 1 '« ■/confidential. This advertisement* Is honest and straight fo—.vard in every word it We . TC*u to deal with ns and you will find everything as rer-resented. Cut this out and SOS**- ,l d * drca ® <? UI !E? CHEMICAL CO., 174 Race Street. CINCINNATI, O. Yon.cart yoar let te f at any Post Office to insure its safe delivery. Wo will pay $f>OG fer any ea»< •ixauare or sligrntest injury to any purchaser. Every bottle guaranteed. $PFfilA! -pTo ladies who introduce and sell among their friends 25 Bottles of Queen’s Amtf-Satrlna wo wiUpresent with a SILK DRESS, 15 yard* best silk. Extra Largs Bottle aadWBpM - <» »oloot from Mat with order. Good Salary or Commission w Agent*. . ,