The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 23, 1892, Image 7

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CUM PRESENTS I A PAIR OF GOOD 1$ the most useful and appropri ate Christmas present you can buy for yourself, or either member of your family. While making your selection don’t forget to call at the OLD RELIABLE We have made special provisions for the season, and can please you with anything in our line. Midi's City Shoe Store SIGtf OF GOLDEN BOOT. r- i CANNOT Begin to tell you in an advertisement what a nice line of candies and confectioneries I have in stock. Come and see them and he convinced. Remem ber my store is headquar ters for Groceries, Ci gars and Tobaccos. S. STERNE, The Washington Street Grocer RecbixvsD Wo have received the finest and best assortment of GENTLEM EN AND BOYS’ CL OTHING ever brought 'to Al.bany cmsm The Fat and Short, the Dong and Slim men. Also a nice stock of SHOE^, HAT^ and ft general line of furmsh- '* ing goods.; Also have a beautiful fine of SAMPLES for Spring Suits* Measure taken, fit " guaranteed. *1■: Give us a call. CUTLIFFI JORDAN. JH BROAD STREET. Half acre lot on Tift street, 'This is a bargain. Quarter acre lot on Flint street. Half acre lot on State street. Half acre lot on State street. Half acre lot on Westbrook avenue. _ . Six acre lot within city limits. The Wardwell place, well im- Improved 6^- acres, prolific vine yard and fruit orchard thereon. Just out of city limits. This property must be sold within 30 days. Terms satisfactory to pur chaser. JE. !R. JONES, Washington St., Albany, Ga. i.*. Beal EM Apt AND Fire Insurance. IbBbr my services to the people of Albany ind this section. I represent % splendid lino of companies and will CiWays be-glad to furnish well-written C Holes on short notice. Mv office ndll it Carter & Woolfolk’s warehouse. T. M. NELSON. CITY 6ULLINGS. WBAriUlt. H tomp^mure as taken by Phil Hrnis, the jeweler, yesterday. m degrees A.fc noon 01 '* ^ P» DL 90 0 BABOttrrnY o Be in... At noon 4 ••••••*•••...... # pm. 30.28 30.2S 30.24 DENTIST—J. A. Sims. 0ENTI8T-J G CHtliff. The watermelon drummer still geretb in this midst. liu- The prettiest line of millinery in the boufh at Max Cassells & Sister’s. Mrs. A. P. Coles left last night for Cumberland Island. Why not drink tea that suits you Mock & Raweon can fill this bill. Tbe question now arises, who will bring in the first bale of new cotton this year? It you want to spend a delightful summer, go to Gower Springs, Gaius- vilie, Ga. Low rates. — - Capt. and Mrs. S. R. Weston are again at home after a pleasant visit to Westonia. Glass fruit jars, all sizes, at a 3 t w 3 t N. F. TiFr <tr Co, , We truly believe De Wilt’s Little Early Risers to be the most natural most efiective, most prompt and econ omical pill for biliousness, indigestion and inactive liver. Have you tried Meek & Rawson’3? that fine tea at Early Risers. Early Bisery, Early Risers the famous little pills for con stipation, sick headache, dyspepsia and nerviousness. Fresh Western Beef at Dunxavy Connaghan’b every day. 2-18-tf. Mr. Cllfl Partridge leaves for Mont gomery, Ala., in a few days. Later on he will enter school there. SEIVEK PIPE, I IRK URIAH. EIRE t ut, BtiSl MADE, IBICEB ft FACE. Mr. Gaines, the clever traveling man for H. J. Lamar & Son of Macon, was talking drugs in the city yester day. Great Bedu.slow ia Oil. Best Water-White Oil 150 per cent, proof at 10c. per gallon at L. S. Plonsky, the grocer. 5-26tf Grover Cleveland would like to have some of Mock & Rawsou’s fine tea. Don’t you want some? It is a truth lu medicine that the smallest dose that performs the cure is the best. De Witt’s Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform the cure and are the best. ini Coat Silver and gold plate headed silk umbrellas snd parasols—nice screens few left also at cost. Call early and get bargains at Phil Harris, Jeweler. There is no better place to spend the summer than at Gower Springs in the mountains of North East Ga. Write for particulars. The-love-sick swains who wander through the leafy bowers of Arcadia must really feel that they surely dwell in an Arcadian realm. KILL M drugists. Guaranteed to care itch in 30 minutes. For sale by all 4-1-d-w-ly. FORCE BILL AN UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE AT PELHAM YESTERDAY. A Big Crowd, • On Speeches aid Sane •ad a Big bloaer Served Tremendous Rail Stei la b AnT«i Economical! If so, Head the Following: Yesterday dawned cloudy snif anltry ou the quiet little city ol Pelham, but, therc was an unusual stir abobt tbs' place and from an early hour began to pour into the place, aH hist upon enjoying the day to its TsIlBfj extent to hear the speaking. Mr. J. L. Hand introduced Hno. Ben E, Russell to the audience, mid for an hour this gentleman expounded the true principles of Democracy. Hit eulogy upon woman was superb and it weut from grandeur to sublime With, graceful eloquence. Mr. Russell** «x-\ position ot Democracy was full n clear and made a deep impressioo-qpaC his hearers. lie was followed by Dr. I. H. Rand for the Third party. His speech the same old harrangue, lull of sophistry and appeals to prejudice rather than to reason, and carried upon its face the stamp of Demogoguery. The Third party forces were well drilled and met his weak argument! with loud yells of delight. A recess was then taken for dinner and that elegant and sumptuous was served in the midst of a drenching rain whicli robbed the occasion rdf much of its pleasure. Alter dinner Hon. W. N. Spence made a short address in which be com pletely riddled Dr. Hand’s silver and national bank arguments and showed them to be mere bumcombe. Just as he was concluding Hon. W M. Hammond, arrived from Blakely after a hard drive and as he ascended the stand lie was greeted with tremen-j |T dous applause. At the conclusion of Mr. SpSMtft speech lion. W.M. Hammond wea’in-i croduced and for an hour and a half hej held tiie audience charmed with one Of the most powerful of Democratic speeches. Beneath the shelter of an umbrella he stood in a steady down- pour, after a drive ot 46 miles, and de livered a most powerful and grand speech. Under the giaut trees among whose limbs the rain beat a ce Melee a tattoo be stood making one of tbemoet ublime, eloquent and kindly appeals for Democracy. His speech waa master-piece, a work of art, a piece Of word painting aa rare as the works 6f ancient masters whose gifted brnshea have made themselves immortal. Mr. J. A Pope, an apostle of the Third party followed and then it wea that a most unusual scene occurred Upon a platform stood this grizzled old man, looking an audience of Southern white men in the face and eulogized the Force Bill. Shades of Democracy! A Southern white mr.n telling Southern white men that the Force bill was right. That he would rather trust an election in the hands of the Federal managers behind whose back! stood an army of glistening Federal bayonets than in the hands of the Democrats. The veil is drawn here. He was followed by the Rev. Judge Cambell for the same party and Hon L.. Hand for the Democrats. ’Mr. Hand’s speech was a business talk and should have had great weight upon tne audiedee.. - MEN’S UHDIRWZAR. In order to clone the balance of stock of Men’s Summer Un- darwear. we will offer them today Bud tomorrow hi the following redaction: 75cent Underwear at 55eents. 85cent ** 44 60cents. 1.00 “ " 80:enU. Oar-entire stock of IN'igh.t Shirts Induced in the same proportion. MATTM’S. we For today and tomorrow will offer a line of Super China Mattings, new desirable styles at only 14cents per yard. This is an opportunity to cover your floor at little cost. The are the same that we paid to the impor- are bona-fid6, money-saving offers. above prices ter, and these HOFMAYEH& JONES, IT and 10 Washington St. Dcxlavv & Connaghan’s beef market keeps tbe choicest Beef and Mutton steaks in the city. Try them and be convinced. 2-18-tf. “Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your home in tbe skies.” But early to bed and a “Little Early Riser,” the pill that makes life longer and better end wise.'. Glass fruit jars, all ilzes, at d 3t w 3t N. F. Tift & Co. Our farmers and nurserymen, with good land for cuttings, who desire to grow on contract, should write Stark Bros., Nurserymen, Louisiana, Mo. They are heavy growers ot cuttings in Georgia. 2t There is to be a big Democratic rally at Dawson next Monday at which ad dresses will be made by E- Russell and Capt large number ot Albany’s citizens contemplate participating in the fun. Hon. Ben Hammond. A Great Reduction In Oil. Best Water-White Oil 150 per cent, proof at 10c. per gallon at L. S. Plonsky’s, the grocer. 5 26tf applications. gists. Cures scratches on horses and mange ou dogs with one or two For sale by all drug- 4-1-d-w-Iy. If dull, spiritless, and stupid; if your blood is thick and sluggish; if your appetite is capricious and uncer tain, you need a Sarsaparilla. For best results take De Witt’s. Smoke 1 Ulaaoeo. Call and get a pair if you are going to tbe sea sbpre to protect your eyes from the glare of the sun. - Phil Harris, Scientific Optician. Mrs. L. R. Patton, Rockford, 111., writes: From personal experience I can recommend De Witt’s Sarsapa rilla, a enre for impure blood and gen eral debility.” Tike Orator Returns. Capt. J. T. Hester returned yeater- day morning from Union Springs, Ala., where on Wednesday he deliver ed an oration to the Bullock County Confederate Veterans’ Association. Capt. Hester was charmed with-his- reception and entertainment white in Union Springs and it is needless tossy that this silver-tongued orator com pensated Ills hosts with charming-elo quence and soul-stirring sentiments of rhetorical finish. He found the old veterans in the humor to appreciate one of his characteristic efforts and in speaking to a friend yesterday-said “Those people over there cherish a strong affection for the cause for whleh they fought. Every allusion to Jeffer son Davis and to their own gaBaat Pelham was the signal for prolonged and vociferous cheeriDg.” I lupr^TementJ. The one acre lot between the resi dences of Capt. J. T. Hester and the late Dr. T. Jones on Broad street'will soon present some very attractiveJm- provynents. It is the property of Mr. Lott War ren of Americus, and tbe little boose that has stood there for so many yean is being moved to make room for con templated changes. This little house will be moved to the western side of the lot snd will be renovated so that it will be a comfort able little house. Workmen are nUw engaged in this task. On the site at present occupled-by this cottage Mr. Warren will build an attractive residence and the property that bss so long looked so bare wHlftt adorned with two pretty little boaMfcr It is not theory bat fact—that Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes the strong. A fair trial will conrina* you of its merit. ILEABING OUT Leaviag for New Tort in a few day* to Pure bate an Immense stock ot FALL i WINTER GOODS and te make room for the asms we will begin a clearing out sale toworrow. ‘WHITB GOODS. ■MBROIDXRIX8, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACES and Iffxedee ef Dram Goods will go regardless of profit. Our stock of Black Hosie Very many people are surprised at tbe remarkable improvement in their I Eye Sight made by my Spectacles and 1 Eye Glasses. There is no guess work about them the Eyes are tested Scien tifically and all errors of refraction I corrected with the best lenses tba labor and capital can produce. The only graduate optican in the city, graduate of the Xew York, Cleveland I and Ohio Schools. Phil Harris. VERY IMPORTANT IS YOUR EYES. As soon as they pain and yc?r read- I ing blurs be sure to call on me at once and have vours Eyes fitted with a pall I of my Elegant Eye Glasses or [ Spectacles, IPliil Harris I Leading Jeweler and Opti- dyed bribe bmtdyera ia Europe cad prloeeert these goods will t» Wat. leee than any other bouse. The qean’.itr of Imported Black Hose just re- ’oeived will explain hew we can eeli bate for 25c that other houses charge 50c for' In shortour stock of Hosiery is larger then all other stocks In tbe city combin ed. '“IUUMU1 tJJ Carries ia stock full fine of DAMMASK TOWELS- with Examineeur $3.00 per deeea Danameek Towels and compare merchants and you can tea tbs dlffbranoa in quality and prices. Umbrellas and Parasols. at a saerafloa. Wo keep all of the standard Corsets and oharge the same as other merchants for them, but we still continue to give Coupons which 5 per oent. on these and other goods you purchase. Give ue a trial and he.conviaeed that we are headquarter for bargains, 82 and 84 Broad Street. IT WILL COME IN. THK ALBANY AND CORDSLK RAILROAD ■S 71 Will Sms Bare tte Mm CIm»I iais ihs Ctsr-Verk s# Besik Aaaiersiy-TevealMt Voetiltlee te ■ethMi The extension of the track of the Albany and Cordele railroad Into the cRy li a prospect tip! the near tature wllltee realised. Mr. C. F. Fannin of the engineering corps of tbe S. A. If. system has been In the elty for tbe past two days en gaged in running fines for the comple tion of this stork. Ke eras eaan yes terday afternoon by a reporter of the News Ann Abvnawamt te whom ho mdd: “I have Just ffalshed running the finSSthu frill bring our read iota our -property on the neethftet earner ef Waabing$oo and North stroow.” By what routoiwlU you eater the ettyf” "We will cross BeColumhpc South ern road near the backet foctoiy and then'crow tbe Central track right at tbe Mg cut south of the brick yard. Than it will run through a portion of Syne propatty, aerom the iot owned by Bn Ion factory, wifi then eroa* Society street, thence across tbe party at Be corner of Soeiety and Washington street down which the -week Win ran to Bo lot; to boosed for taralaal focUitfos.” •'When wfil Bis Work begin?” “fa about biro weeks. Whan be gun it, will be ruShifl through to com pfotion, and by the Mom the foil trade as you Will see Be 8. A. M. well wt&pped for hnrtaaaa, with as goad ainal fodfitias aa any railroad m flag Ba oily of Albany.” "Did you run any linos with a view «r ^entering the anion passenger Stpecf” “No. I suppose ear mad will nan [to KIS UAOBf TOILET |Q, ttH HH I » W M o M H | & Q CD ‘NAIL r [H Brushes, GD; TOOTH a w 0 w !—H ►As K m IIAIB Brushes. Senes Talk Atoal Candidal. Stereo.’ I riaat-Wkai One af SSI. I>.legate. | Said. I have the xrlost at tractive fine of ShCKATS At any loo ser for fts pnawB** The Albany did ft will A very prominent oltlzen of Cutb- fcert spent yesterday in tbe city. He is a close observer of tbe political firm ament and generally knows what the forecast Indicates. A reporter of tbe Naws and Ad- VBBTisaa had an interesting talk with thia gentleman on tbe political out look in tbe course of which be s&id : “I am led to belle-re that Mr. Stevens will not abide tbe action of the convention that meets here la Au gust. I do not know that Mr. Stevens himself favors a bolt but some of his supporters certain lr do. “I was talking reoently riih a gen tleman in Cntbbert who wsa obosan by thsBtavans faction as a delegate to the eenVeotien. He said to me, ‘We are | not getng^o be fooled by you fellowi at Albany in August. We know trick you are going to play on ns and we are going there to ran things to •ult ourselves. We have already rent ed a hall for tha purpose and on reach ing there we will meet there and rush things through just as wft please.’ That seems to indicate that the Stevens faction will hold a convention of its own.” "What would be the result of such action do you think?” "Should such eausa be pursued and Mr. Stevana should accept such a nom ination I can aea bnt one plan of cam paign for him to operate on. He will evidently announce bis candidacy on Be Ocala platform, relying on the Al- itance and.-Third party tor active sup port;, and with what votes he could draw from tbe negroes he would sure ly bps to be tbe winning candidate. Bnt whatever may happen there ia thie one thing above all others that Democrats most do, we must bold oar organization intact. Te most not give up the ship hut hold It above re proach thronghontlhe campaign. ” to be found market. in the Telephone me when you want a physician and I will see that your order is is filled. An expert prcscription- ist is always ready to wait on you. W. H. GILBERT*; j^gent. Telephone ]\ r o. 13. You can make no greater find th to discover the right place for purchas ing Groceries. To the right place you can go with a feeling of absolute e- earity. To it you can go without ex ercising eternal vigilance, in order to protect your interests. We sell Groceries on the principle that we would like to have applied te ns if we were buying them. We see that our patrons lose nothing through oerelessness, and we take excellent care to keep in stock nothing that is not just what it ought to be in the mas ter of qiia’ity. That is why when you come to ub you come to the right place for Groceries. We now have in stock an exceptionally fine line of :FANCY GROCERIES:— :TABLE DELICACIES,:— Also, a large, line of fresh choice and complete T.-r mi! Undoubtedly needs i thorough cleans-: Ing thtt season to expel impurities, j keep op the he&ith-toae snd prevent disease. You should inks Hood’s Ser es pariila, tbs beet bicod purifier' and syetam tenle. It hunt itivs madhatnal merit. : CANDIES AND FRUITS. : ; ~ A Choice Selection of 4 CANNED FRU4TS and MEATS. - *--- i A CALL SOLICITED. .— SWMti.x is Oil. ; Water-White Oil '50 per prasf at 10c. per gallon^s^ cent. Punraxr, *-28-tf.