The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 23, 1892, Image 8

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V — f ipilUtild, -liftliuD, ONE EXJOYS Stftfi £B« method and results when Nyrttp w/Figs is taken; it is pleasant «kd refreshing to the taste, and acts watlj yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, douses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aehes and fevers and cures habitual ewiwtipation. Syrup of Figs is the remedy of its kind ever pro jected, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in ft* action and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from the most Veelthy and agreeable substances, its HUr excellent qualities commend it ik all and have made it the most yapjftn remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c Kid $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. A-ny reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- enre it pr-nptly for any one who wishes ' V Bo not accept any enbst CAL -m SYRUP CO. *“VJ. CAL, ceui- new. York. H.r. A PLC.ISAXT i.CaO.\DBIHa. For biliousness and Constipaiio: i take Lemon i 1 lixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headache, take Lemon fclixir. For' sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility,take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria take Lemon Elixir. . Dr. Mozley’s Lemon -Elixir will not ■fail you in any of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kid neys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. ■ LA Prominent minister Writes. T ' After' ten year3 of R reat suffering from indigestion with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys anil constipation, I have been cured by Dr.. Mcz'ey’s Lemon Elixir and now I am a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, . Eld. H. E. Church South, No.2S Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga. CURES THE SEASON OF 1892 el anting prcptrt’.cs o: Proofjetof*,. , SA7AHJSAE. t*i jppka; iats, Lipp: Dr. John Bull’s Worm Destroyer fates' good and quickly removes Worms from children or grown people, •restoring the weak and buny to robust health'. Try, them. No other worm medicine is so safe and sure. Price 55 c^nts at druff stores, or sent bv mail hv John D. Park & Sons Co., 175 and 177,S;camore St., Cincinnati, O. A NATUBAL REMEDY FOB Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hys* terlcs, St. Titus Dance, Nervous ness, Hypochondria, Melan cholia, Inebrity, Sleepless ness, Dizziness, Brain and Spinal Weak ness. !Q]lS raodloino has direct action upon the ■acre centers, allaying all Irritabilities and Increasing the flow and power of nerve fluid, U Is perfectly harmless and leaves so an- pleasant efloots, Hon W. Y, Lucas, Ex-State Audi tor ot Iowa, says: “I haye .used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy iu iny family and have no hesitation iu say ing it is an excellent remedy. I be lieve it is nil that is claimed for it. Persons afflicted by a cough or cold will find it a frierd.” There is no danger from whooping cough when this remedy is freely given. 50 cent bottles for sale by II. J. Lamar & Son’s. C; : 'A. Thompson, Seymour, Ind., wnfes- “My sister Jennie, when she was a young girl, suffered from white •spelling, which greatly impaired her general health and made her bleed vei*y impure. Iu the spring she was not able to anything and could scarce ly get about. More than a year ago she took three bottles of Bosaulc Blood Balm, and now she is perfectly cured.” will give a course on “American LlPfRWBSGS;. Proprietors,- s, Llnp nan's Blosk, SAVANNAH, GA. The throne o‘f an Egyptian queen who flourished l.OOtT years B. O. is still in existence, and is supposed to be the oldest chair in the world. It is of ebony, so hardened by sge a3 to ap pear as if carved from black marble. PlirrA Valuable Book on Nervous L IIL L Diseases sent free to any address, W M T f and poor patients can also obtain I Ilk tills medicine free of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the never, end PastorKoeuig, of Fort Wayne, Ind., since IKS, kadis now prepared under his direction by the KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Druggists at 91 per Bottle. 8 for 95. Largo Size, S1.75. 8 Bottles for 89. s vrNotice. All persons having guns or pistol3 at the Gun Works for repairs are here by notified that the same will be sold wiLhiu thirty days from date to pay charges on them. Jonx Haxkkl, Gunsmith, Albany, Ga,, June 25, 1S92. J, A DIES’, AIlEVHOJt One bottle of Tonti will permanently develop your Bust 5 inches in 50 days, and remove those horrid wrinkles, or money refunded. Price only $2. My celebrated Complexion Pellets will beautify your complexion, remove liver spots, moth and freckles. Price only $1. Tontio—For men only, the greatest developer known to mankind. Price only $2. Send for sealed cir culars. Mr.s Dk. Miller, 101S Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. of ICalioka,. MOTHERS FRIEND” /AK-fAH. SA-. tHS U. To Young w Mothers A young Mr, Wickham. Mo., was recently plowing in a field near the city, when a bolt of lightning struck the cultivator and shattered it to pieces. Mr. Wickham came to his senses some time later and found his horses still in a daZfed condition from the eftects of the shock. Man and horses soon recovered, aud the culti vator was run in for repairs. TIME TABLE No. 7. --BEAD DOWN Ptsseiger, ■ >«i Acomsd'ti; No. I -BEAD UP—, Passeager siiAfc A f trirtui SIAM ptftFtcr i-t rer.umatchless is war: So anxious'.wfrr? the ancients f-r stalwart ft “ :cn :liat l ,un T hoys at biiUi i* Ycrc r.tit to ilearh. , * , S - r . ^ •'; ilvrr v Alun earn be STRONG \ / j i& Vigorous in all rerp«ct». Jr -yrr,i ysuhsmen or old //. J- / /■ 'Hr Tiag from NERVOUS DE- \ s' ’ /•’; BILITY. Lcit *cr Failing "Han- - /,•„ ; I Efoi, Physical Ezcease*,Mental VTorry; ?>.anted •fleveli»pnerftr;or i j p-'v lV' any PERSONAL WEAKNESS can bo f\ ;\ V [ restored to PERFEOT HEALTH and ' ji { \ l the :;c-rLs strong "4 } f \ \ v \ MEN, the Pride <fc Power frf&at&as. ° il \ i \ 1 by. yours ot practice by. r \| \louroreortsa^.nifona* y. ■ x—\ ‘Monopoly of Saccesi' in treat-.- - ^ '• in~ £.'1 Di«eaBcs.WciSne‘sIes« — —j AiAiction* of Mirn. Te3timoni- * 1 nldTcnihOstxte^terTitortes |HQ ^ l; 0nV U : i Ll fret. * ale«]. post- »C!> IIL*; L‘cf*. f\ p;i:T, fV- ri limited time J Git it fM!e voacan. FuliesrlanationsforHOMETREAT- IE.NT. You*.a:: V-cF'ILLY F.ESTOREDasthouaands a/e b" -> bv u?. F-aad oui* testimonials. At^rni McD' wAL’C.O.Buffalo.N.T, CENTKAL TIME STATIONS, D^ily Ex cept sun tlay. : Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ssald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sere Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and s-~ Rbkig. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed It is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. PlljDep COLFM^US Arr. ‘•J 5QU1LINE “ T “ J OCHILLEF *« f....PSA1,UOSi.>6 .... “ s CUSS-TA *» r. ma>ta “ Is “ -i BROOKLYN .... .*i.ja RICHLAND “ f........SAVILLE^ r KiMBROUGH “ -• W£ sTUN “ r iA VLREiaV. .. “ r ''ll AM Bliss “ -■» FAHOTT’3 • “This Precious Ointment is the ajamph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative and healing application. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate—the cme certain. CoLE .DAWSON . .SA-Sfk. \RMEN\. OAKL N'D P'LMTUI. ■ ALBANY.. CATTLE POWDER G . Beuce, Prrst., C.A Roy, vice-Freat. Ss>*i^hufjr; WITCH HAZEL OIL For Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant —the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors,.Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 50 Cents. Trial size, 25 Cents. Sold by Droggiats, or stst post-paid on receipt of priee. KUHTHBKTS* HKD. CO., Ill Jr US Wlffiam St., NEW YORK '. iiorspr Luv<s Ft. in-tinrp.'* • ■- i f vent HggChozjcrj.^ it Gapk>*T*T»«OW , RA. Uif .quantity o! inltt. ;n?»ice the Affrcet i^rf) •r prevent everywhere. A HoiissnuSd, Remetfy' 5 •fosail 1 BLOCD^* SKINS Di§EASgS.,— THEY ARE SO HAPPY Because they have just married am’ have gone to housekeeping. But thr main secret of their great mirth is that they buy their Groceries from FINE SHOW GASES the enterprising iperehant who sells goods as cheap as the cheapest and always gives satisfaction to his cus tomers. If you want anything in the Grocery line give Mr. Bash a call and you will be more than pleased. He has a telephone, a porter who w!l‘ take your orders, a free delivery wagon and will wait on you at any time. 49-Asc for catalogue. TERRY M’F’G CO,. Nashville. Temk WEAK xly Decay and Abuse, potency. Lost Vigor, acj [« enrod. Farts •nlsrscd, tlao Inst freo and sealed. LltTl'nUMftt.X. Y. uammSHsmss tom of rnaiic-^ant SU:!LEB S.hOv sides being efficacious in poinaup tire oste-n end reetdfin^fee cshwtuffoB, Bhen Impaired‘ from any kaase.-,*®| almost sopsraaSUfai hvalinj pfoperliet justify us in guaranteeing a cure, il directions are foilaaed. I HAIR BALSAMS I Cleanses and beautifies tho liair. | Promotes a luxuriant grew Lb. [Never Fails to Restore Gray hi j Yfitt “BookofW«4i BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. Heir io its YoalbfLI Co!o’\ [Cures scalp diseasesanAcirfalling THS 80in£B GIRL, Her Taste la Capricious aud Her Gswia Kxpcasire. Even though sweet simplicity as rep resented by muslins and organdies pre vails, our extravagant girls are not de barred from showing how much money can be expended even on a gown c-t thissort, aud ic consequence they line a25-eent Swiss with a dollar-a-yard silk and hem it with real lace st any price they can reach. Their parasols, though of the plainest description, will have handles that represent snug little sums, being, as they are, made of col ored pearls set with jewels, overlaced with genuine gold cr silver, and a very economical woman thinks a Dresden china knot or handle not one whit too expensive. Oa their they will wear real diamond buckles and stars, if they own them. If not the very finest imi tations, which in themselves are far from being cheap, take the qiaeeof tlie genuine, at.d nestle in among the laca and roseR that are as dear as they are dainty. No mhre lisle-thread hosiery for the summer girl. ‘Silk or nothing* seems to be her motto, and it means no smoll supply when she iia3 at least a dozen pair of shoes aud ties that re quire stockings to match. Her hand kerchiefs must pe bits ot sheer linen or lawn as fine and about as useful as a sgider’s web. Hsr dainty shoes must have real gold or silver tips, and her lovely liair Caught up with fillets of the precious metal, stndded with rare jewels. She may look wonderfully sweet and attractive In her summer at tire, hut the young men of small means must not be deluded by the simplicity of the gown into believing its cost of the same character. Never ha3 there been a season when when quality reigned with tbt omnipotent supre macy of to-day. Silks, satins and vel- vetsennnot be*compared in cost wit’ll the deceptive little muslin gowns worn by the summer girl.” Wbjr 8be Didn't Krev. Smart Lawyer (who appears for the prisoners) to witness—“You say that on.the Bight of the murder the moon was so bright that you could see bur glars in the room. Was your husband awake at the time?” 1 Witness—“1 don’t know.” “His face was towards you, was it? or was it not?” ’ don’t know.” “Eh? You'‘don’t know ? Was his face towards you or towards the wall? “I don’t know.” . — . : “Gentlemen of the jury, you hear the witness. She identifies the priso ners as the burglars who were in the room and yet she cannot tell in what position her fin iband was lying. Now (to witness) why don't you know ? “Well, sir, mj husband is so bald that iu a dim light I can,t tell his faee .from the back cf bis head.” When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to recom mend some brand of Smoking Tobacco, we unhesitatingly pronounce - Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking j Tobacco to be the best in the world. Many times imitated, but never equalled. Get the genuine. Made only by Blackwell’s Durham Tobacco Co., 1 Durham, N. C CALENDAR. JULY 1—Opening of the Season. July 5—Operinj of fepeeial classes, School of Mnsic and Physical culture. July 6—^Opening of the college, Pedagogical Depait-f ment and School of Sacred Literature. August 2,—^Nineteenth Assembly Reunion. August 17^—Recognition Day. Class 1892. August 23-26—Meeting of the American Economic Association. August 26,—Closing Exercises. PROGRAMME American topics will be treated in lecture courses by reeognizeed authorities, in single addresses by distin guished public men and women, and in magnificent tab leaux, illustrated entertainments and national concerts. • i.; ! JjAvhj b. 5*0 uTS, Propria tot, * XLALTxaaoKs! AM E -vFiag Stations S^-8top Th so Trims arrive and depart from the CTnion Pa-senger Depot, at Col an: bus. CECIL GVBBitTS, H. C.IIILI. Gen’l 21a g’r. Superintendent. V. D ATAXY, GcnT. AsL. Aibir.y, Ga. C. VT. ATTRY. Ticket Agt, HEW HOLLAND SPRINGS, KE IB, (it. ■ ; .Thd most boautitul and coohst resort jn Georgia. No heat, dust, moiq'uitoes malaria, or sandflies. Mnsic by the Bearden orchestra of Augueta, acknowledged every whare to ^be rbe best in the South . . For terms address J. C. S. TiMBERLAKE, Manager THE BEST KNOWN REMEBt “3.G.C.” Cures Gonorhoea and Gleet i n 1 too Days, xrithoct Pain. Prevents Stricture. Contains no acrid or poisonous substances, and is guaranteed absolutely harmless. Is prescribe" by physicians and recoin ended Dy clruijgists. Price 91. Sold by druggists. Beware of Sub stitutes. AcmcC hcTn.Co.Ltd. .N.O. La AnAt tn»cn vt jmuHieu POCKE* P>5 AW AC and MEMORAHLOJ KOOK sdverlBfeg browns mos kittssu* the 'De^Hfcmic, given away at i>rag and teres. Apply at once. Colonial Life.” Mr. H. W. Raymond, of the Xavy De partment, will describe, with stereopticon views, “The ISTavy—Old and Xew.” Mr. W. E Curtis, of the State Department, will lecture on “The Existing Conditions of South American Republics,” etc. OTHER LECTURES. There will be the usual variety of lectures and addresses on many different topics of interest by speakers of national reputation. Among those already secured may be mentioned Prof H H Boyesen, Dr F W GfiBsaulus, Dr J M Buckley, Mr Melvil Dewey. Dramatic readings by leading interpreters and authors’ readings by popular American writers, will continue to be features of the pro gramme. MUSIC. Rogers’ hand and orchestra will he doubled in size. A Chautauqua banjo club will be organized, a college glee club will be present in July and soloists of high rank' will he secured to appear in frequent concerts. Mr W H Sherwood, Dr H I Palmer, Mr I "V Flagler and Mr LS Reason will continue to take an active part in the music. FOR YOUNC PEOPLE. The management is arranging for special lectures an® talks on helpful subjects to young people; for a model U* S Congeess, under the direction of Prof fW K Wicks, of • Syracuse, X Y, in which the boys will be taught parlia mentary rules and congressional methods: OTHER DEPARTMENTS. ^ All the other departments will be efficiently equipped, and will continue to do thorough work, Details will be announced early in 1892. For circulars, railway rates, cottages, hotel rates, etc, Address, W. A. DUNCAff, Secretary, Syracuse New York. 1#, jj T. 0. Haxptoh. N. C.Srixc* BUY A Qcillian, Att’y, LAE LAND CO GRAND OPORTUNITY. .*. A «•. HOME. (East Lake, the Beautiful Suburb of Atlanta, Ga.) Terms in reach of all. We can sell 30a a beau til ul shaded lot for $200.00; terms f 10.09 balance $6.0) por month; no interest. Size of lots are 50 x 200. The Company has jaa$ com plete 1 a car line into the city. Our lake is the largest body of clear water within Httj ailfi of Atlanta, being over 1 and ^ miles in circumference. The company has just finished boat and bath houses, and the large Pavilion is near cumpletion. East Lake is the moat deligfetfVt place for a Summer Borne, being 116*3 feet above sea level. East Lake Is 4% milf izom center of Atlanta. For full p&rticul&rs, maps and etc., address* LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR L0T& L c. MAHPTOK.'Sret’) ., No. 2 Month Rroail (It., Atlanta, Q. NEW DISCOVERY trACCIDENI In compounding rk solution a port waa accidently spilled on the —** * ■*' ** " the and on washing afterward it was discovered that _ pietely removed. We at oMkeut this wonderful preparation rm* market and so great has been Ifc demand that we are now Inf ‘ * It throughout the world under Ike name of Queen’s Anti-1 IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLES8 ANO SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN UttlTi Lay the hair over and apply the mixture for a few minutes, and flM hair disappears as if by magic without the slightest pain or Injury ‘rward. It Is unlike anyotfeer preparation < Thousands of LADIES who have been applied or ever afterward. It Is unlike an’ fora like purpose. Thousands of LARI’ with hair on their FACE, NECK and ASMS attest it* GENTLEMEN who do not appreciate abeard or hair on ntfc| of OnnM, 1 TTw- ~ ,rilh s “ aTln e. V rendering Its future growth *a niter lapMMbWtr. KaM frP® r bottle . »"t in safety mailing bores, postage paid by o.(aee»rifr ™ l fr_55™ observation). Sendjnone.^or stamps by letter with full address written plaifajy. ^ontains e We C i t I^ 0Dfll5ent! ^ 1 ', edyenieeni'ent'if! honest and straight forward I 0 ,‘A te —IHl or and y°’] will-find everylhin&aarepresented. CttUMcWM. rend to-day. Addrraa QUEEN OHMICAL CO., 174 Race StroSt, CINCINNATI, O. To. mm Wf . We Win partioo br nf .07 VIMt Office to ineore ita'eafe delivery. __ _ 91 ___? ro or sli.hteat in j ary t. any purchase,-. Every bottle guaranteed. “ their friends SS^tOe. of OnMa' SPFCIil —’V° iadiea who iattodw* and Mil among their ■h£!5w TgJg.Pf—yf*h a BILK DRESS. IS yard. Of ailr to aeleet froai Mat with order, (food Si beat .Ilk- Kxtr. Vim ion to Salary or CoMMiuaton to Ageela. - S- A