The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 30, 1892, Image 1

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• . -V-' . WEEKLY AND Volume XLVI.—No 216 ALBANY. 0A., SATURDAY. JULY 30 1892 AN ECZEMA ON A BOY Sufferings Intense. Head nearly Raw. Body covered with Sores. Cured by Cutlcura Remedies. I bought a bottlo of Cuticura Resolvent, oo« box Cuticura Salve, and one cake ot CtrrXCURA Soap, for ray non, aged thirteen yearn, who baa been afflicted with eczema for a loni» time, and I am pleaded to nay that I believe the remedies have enr^d him. Iiin sufferings were in* teaae, his head being nearly raw, bis oar* being gone except the gristle, and his body was covered with aorea. His condition was frightful to behold. The sores have now all disappeared, his skin is healthy, eyes bright, cheerful in disposition, and is working every day. My neighbors are witnesses to this remarkable cure, and the doubting ones arc rr<inested to call or write me, or any of mv neigh bors. WM. S. STEPHENSON, Winchester I\ O., Union Co., X. C. Stubborn Skin Disease I used the Cuticura Remedies for about four months for the treatment of a very stubborn case of skin disease, something like eczema. I will state I tried a great many other advertised reme dies and had been treated by local physician*,'and - all to no purpose. The Cuticura Remedies did the work, and my body when I commenced was absolutely covered. E. D. McCLELEX, Piedmont, Ala. Cuticura Resolvent Tie new Blood and Skin Purifier and greatest of Humor Remedies, internally (to cleanse the blood of all impurities and poisonous dements, and thus remove the cause), and Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquisite Skin Beta- tliier, externally (to clear the skin and scalp, and restore the hair), speedily and permanently cure every species of itching, burning, scaly, crusted, Dimply, HcrofuiouH, and hereditary humors, from infancy to ago, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 50c.; Soap, 26c.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter Dmcu and Chemical Corporation, Boston. nr Send for “ How to Cure Skin Diseases,** 04 pages, 60 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. PIN PEES, black-heads, red,rough,chapped,and oily skin cured by Cuticura Soap. WEAK, PAINFUL BACKS, Kidney and Uterine Pains and Weak nesses relieved in one minute by the Cuticura A ntl-pwln Plaster, the first and only pain>killing plaster. ^iofcssual Cavils. S. J. Jones. S. W. Smith, Orcttnarj- Douglier.y Co. JONES & SMITH, ATTORNEYSATLAW ' and Real Estat: Brokers. Money to loan on real estate securities. E_ R. JONES, LAWYER and REAL ESTATE BROKER, Notes, Stocks and Bonds bought aud sold. Local Agent Equitable Building and Loan Association of Albany, Ga. Washington? Wt. - - Albany^ Ga. ~t~ W. T. JOITES- i«f isSiSiiinikr at m. AI.IUNT. Gl. H. J. SWEH. Attorney At-La/w, ALBANY, GA. Ali business dispatched witl promptness. Commercial law a spe cialty. Office No. 70}4 Broad. St. W. Li. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon, orer K. J. Lamar & Son's Drat’ •tore. Telephone 34. Hugo Robinson, Physician and Surgeon, ALBANY, • GEORGIA. Office in Yentnlette Bloch. Telephone 43. L.LOETW, fitcUsrmii-iMs! 1 , Office at S, Sterne’s store. Satistaction guaranteed where others failed. MERCHANT TAILOR. Broad Street, - - ALBANY, BA I have just received my Spring and Summer Styles in fine Broad cloths, Cassiraers, Doeskins, etc. If you want something nice for a Dress or Business Suit give me a call. I guarantee all my work to be flrstclass in every respect. Give me a chance at your work and you will he jjleased, Respectfully, O. -W. PSiCi Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin —. <s Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Totter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sorer Eczema. Itch', Prairie Scratches, Sore Hippies and Piles. It is cooling and. soothing, hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed It Is put up in 35 and 50 cent boxes. THEIR HAot’Y FLIGHT. PARTICULARS OF TIIE HOL COMBE-GILT, MARRIAGE. Ther .Sought Americas a. ’be Place For Their Anntmli .'lhiy Chrmen the Windsor Bridal Chamber. The report of the marriage of Migs Dauschka Holcombe to Mr. .f. Ponce de Leon Gill, created quite a Hotter ill Albany society, savored as it was with the tale of romance and by the promi nence and popularity of the partici pants. Miss Holcombe counts her friends In the city by the score and long before this charming girl was thinking of making her debut she had turned the heads of dez;ns of young men and her conquests were of such a character as to arouse the envy of all her associates of her own sex. Having left the Lucy Cobb Institute where her education 'was perfected, this charming young lady took u i her residence at DeWitt where her mother, Mrs. F. VV. Holcombe has built a beau tiful home. Her recognized po ;ition in the social circles of the State brought to her the attentions of nany admirers and although removed from the large social centers, she was fre quently drawn into the whirl to adorn and grace the assemblages in large cities. It was but a few room bs ago when she acted as bridesmaid at the Bacon-Sparks uupitials in Macon and was soon to act as the only lady atten- the rflarriage of Mr. Betij. H. Hill, Jr., of Atlanta, to Miss llilj, of Washington, Wilkes. In her quiet country home at De- Witt sho was met and wooed the past winter by the fortunate man who now claims her for his bride, but no one ever thought of such a vivacious, live ly, charming young lady being in love. Many had been her willing sub jects but her gay and cheerful nature looked not to sentiment for the pleas ures of life. The fields, the llowers, the birds—Nature’s Kingdom was hers and she was a child ot Nature. She could gain more real, solid, comfort able ei j jyroent galloping a hiTse over he fields or through the wo >ds than listening to the honeyed worns of the most ardent lover. But her young heart fell a captive to the charms of Mr. Gill and although they Went the secret well tl eir hearts pined fora union. Mr. Gil 1 'eft his winter home at Hardaway more than i month ago but the mails kept the two lovers in constant communication. (Ju Monday la-t Mr. Gill was in Al bany and his many friends telt no lit tle surprise at bis sudden and unex pected surprise. They thought him enjoying the delights of his summer home on the Hudson but that home had lost its charms for him while the fascinating young Georgia girl was among the pines in Mitchell. Miss Holcombe found opposition from her family on her intended step on account of her age and accordingly when she met her lover Monday even ing they jumped into a buggy and left the parental- root to their backs. The result was that they alighted Tuesday morning from the Central train in Amerlcus and were soon making their preparations for becoming man and wife. In the parlor of Rev. A. B. Campbell, the pastor of the Baptist church at that place, they were united in the holy bond3 of wedlock and at once repaired to the new Hotel Wind sor where they were assigned to the bridal apartment, they having the honor ot being the first couple to. oc cupy it. Yesterday morning a reporter of the Nkws and Advertiser saw in a plain bold hand on the Albany Inn rigister the nanus ‘‘D. G. Bacon, Soah. De- Witt Bacon,:DelrVitt.” Mr. D. C Bacon is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Gill and Mr. DeWitt Bacon is hi3 son. It was said'that they had taken the early train yesterday morning for Arnericus and the reporter naturally expected them to return with the bridal couple yesterday afternoon. The news gath erer was there and so were the Messrs. Bacon but they were not accompanied by Mr. and. Mrs. Gill. It is said that the latter will go to Atlanta and thence to the North. We truly believe De Wilt’s Little Early Risers to be the most natural most eilective, most prompt and econ omical pill for biliousness, indigestion and inactive liver. ■ Eternal .Vigilance." Is the price of health. But with all our precaution there are enemies al ways lurking about onr system*, only waiting a favorable opportunity to as sert themselves. Impurities in the blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, undermining health and hasten ing death. For all diseases arising from impure blood Hood’s Sarsapar illa is the unequalled and unapproaeh- ed remedy. It is King ot them all, for it cocquers disease. TUB LITtUt I MAN. Wb; a SltUrtm 1*0 porter Pnfm Tliat CMlUtU la Air Btfetr. One of the most popular commercial travelers who vUlu Albany tells good story on candidate Stayed* and ore of his ardent supporters. While a party of gentlemen sitting in a drug store last waning discussing the political situation this popular drummer asked if they bad heard the tale cbont Stevens and bt* use of Lite personal pronoun. Bach one pleaded igttortnee on the subject and the young man said, “Well f will give it to you aa follows as H was given to me:” “It seems that a prominent local politician In one of the counties in this district received a letter from Mr. Stevens in regard to political support. The recipient of the letter was con sidered by Mr. Stevens to be a strong supporter but he bad been all the while an anti-fitevens man. “While reading the letter he was very much impressed to see a small 1 used lor the personal pronoun and be at once sought a strong sopporter of the candidate to whom he displayed the letter after which he delivered himself ss follows : • ‘I am surprised that you will support such an illiterate man for Congress, I cannot believe that you are sincere in supporting tor that high office one so ignorant, 1 cer tainly think you would support a man who would at least know when to use a big t in writing a letter.’ “The Stevens supporter listened at tentively to this sermon on the politi cal situation, and after spending a few moments in deep thought looked up at his lecturer with .the remark, ’Well, I’ve been votin’ fora big I man alt my life fer office and now I’m gwine ter vote fer a little i man just fer onct ■enny how.’ The party .who had the letter was repulsed and gave up the task of further, trying to convert his friend to his belief.” at to Interested Fit the It •Uont Ticket. i*V» arm himself against the sophis- j «»l the Republican party, every j rat should read frauds and talse- i of the Republican prrry, the j the largest ami most » nr hemic j gn dot nineot hsued. I: shows fallacy or protection, the wen km ss ‘procity, the financial mBiu:.n- r.ant and wa-ttelui expenditures ..l Republican party. - The coinoari- " lh« Mill* ami McKinley 1 ills is sHpatter f' fat niers, mechanics laborers. Complete M grannies and and Stevenson, a full r~- of the convention, the party |>iat- and an -xp s5ti«u of LK-ino--'-»-ii- 'pies. Newly {MUD p»g-s. IV $1 oh. special tei ni; to D-m ■- clubs. M’g pry to working Mr**. Canvasring bn-k s-nt free for 10 cents Address H . .1 f-MlTii & Co.j 2<J3 Wabash Ave , Chicago, HI. 'Si- Price $1.00 Per Year THE GREAT NOTIFICATION. CLEVELAND AND STEVENSON AT MADISON. ! j Opinion* Country on the !fleeI- iBg-lh; Prtnideutial Nominee’s 1 iteraccek—'V fa: Vsmuck. ria, Livdr Trou« ble,or Indigestion, use BROWN' S IRON BITTERS On a firm near Gttarthage, N. Y., there is an elm tree which is said to hate been struck by hghtning tbiee tidies. Daring the epidemic ot ll ix in this county last summer, 1 had hard work to keep a supply of Chamherlaiu’s Chile, Cholera and Diarrlcei Remedy ot* hand. People often came ten tr twelve miles in the eight to get a hot el* of the Remedy . I have been sell ing patent medicines for the last ten years and find that it has given better totisfaction in cases of diarrhoea and (Sax, than any other medicine I have eter handled.—J. li. Benham. Drug gist, Golconda, Pope Go., 111. Over dVe hundred bottles of this Remedy were sold in that county during the epimemic referred to. It was a per fect success and was the only remedy that did cure' the worst cases. Dozens of persons there will certify that it saved their lives. In four other epi demics of bowel complaint this Rem edy has been iqually successfu'. 25 and 50cent bottles for sale by Uilsman A Agar Co. It is a fixed and immutable law that to have good, souDd !health one must have pure, rich and adundsnt blood. There is no shorter nor surer route than by a course ot De Witt’s Sarsa parilla. (lie Uu.arcd Miraog. The ' congressional convention to meet here on August 17th, bids fair to attract a large number of visitors from all over the district. Politicians of all kinds will be here, Stevens men will throng here and anti-Stevens men will swell thecrowd. The campaign that has been so excit ing will terminate then with the eager and auxious triends of the candidate* who will come to see the fun, take it all in. A large delegation of Stevens’ sop- porters will come from Thomas county. Mr. George Fields, one of the proprietors of the Albany Inn, said yesterday that when Editor Winter, of Thomasv! le, was here Monday he spoke for accommodations for one hundred for that time. Mr. Winter is editor of Stevens’ or gan in /Thomas county and he doubt less will head the dfie hundred strong who it is hoped will not stampede (he convention when they arrive. “Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your home in the skies.” But early to bed and a “Little Early Riser,” tne pill that makea lite longer and better mil wiser. $500 Reward. WE ray the above reward for «u/ case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sic- Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Cosliveneas we cannot oure with West's Yegetar.le Liver P.11s, when the directions arc strictly com plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Costed. Large boxes, containing 30 Fill;, 25 cents. Be ware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Sold bj Hilsman & Agar Co.,Albany, Ga. i-a-d.wlvr Mr. Mark Malik Ml'nyt. Mr. Mark Smith, the veteran farmer of East Dougherty, is one of the most successful planters in this section and his estimate of a crop is always a safe and sure one. He was spied yesterday by a reporter of the News, and Advertiser who asked Hot “How are the crops Mr. Smith?” Smilingly he replied,. “Do you mean Lhe grass erbp? If you do 1 can assure you It is fine.” Then in a more serious manner lie said, “The crops are very good but we are having too much rain now. The corn crop is splendid and I never saw cotton come out better in my life. When these rains began cotton that was scarcely knee high is now higher than my head. If the rains would stop long enough to give the Bun a showing we would have remarkably fine crops.” If dull, spiritless, and stupid; if your blood is thick and sluggish ; it your appetite is capricious and uncer tain, you need a Sarsaparilla. For best results take De Witt’s. FroaaMrs. Henry Ward Bercher. “40 Orange St., Brooxlyn.N. Y ) Feb. 11, 1890, ) “I have used AllockV Piasters iur some years for myself and family, and, as far as abls, for the many sufferers who come to us for assistance, and have found them a genuine relief for most of the aches aud pains which flesh is heir to.* I have used Alloak’s Plasters for all kind of lameness and acute pain, and, by frequent expe riments, find that they can control many cases not noticed in yeur eircu lars. “The above is the only testimonial I have ever given in favor of any plaster, and if my name has been used o recommend any other it is without my authority or sanction. ” Mrs. Henrywald Bkrjher. A rattlesnake fifteen inches in cir cumference is in the possession of Deyuty Marshal Lindley, ;ac McA'es- ter, I. T. M. D. Lane, Devereaux, Ga,, writes: “One summer several years ago, while railroading in Mississippi, I became b*d!y effected with malarial blood poison that impaired my health for more than two years. Several offen sive ulcers appeared on my legs, anil nothing seemed to give permanent re lief until I took six bottles of B. B. B., which cured me entirely.” Oxford University, according to Mr, Gladstone, has good reason to reckon Dante among its tormer students. Kltenoiatlain Cured i* Bay. “Iiysttc Cure” for Rheumatism and Neu algia radically cures in 1 to 3 days Its action upon the system is rents kable and mysterious. It re move] at once the cause, and the dis ease immediately disappears.- The 6r»t dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold bv Hilsman & Agar Co., drug gists, Albany. .vsnee: Office of Board of Commissioners 'a Roads and Revenues, Dougherty. Co., Albany, Ga., June 11, 1S92 —Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Commissioners ot Dougherty county for improvement and addition to the Court House of said county until 12 o’clock on Monday, August the 1st. 1892, as per ntans and specifications on file in the office of ths Clerk ot the Superior Court of said county. Right reserved by the Board to reject any or all bids. i % A depo3 : t of five hundred dollars or, a certified check for that amount will be required of the jteraon or persons to whom the Contract Or Contracts may be awarded By order of the board of Commis sioners . W. P. Burks, Clerk. Hood’s pills card sick headache. Workmen are not allowed to work on phe streets at blew Bedford, Mass., unless they have been naturalized. Slreagtk and Health. If you are not feeling- strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If “La Grippe” has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. 'This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach and Kid neys, gently aiding those organs to pierform their functions, If vou are afflicted with Sick Headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by caking Elecrric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is tha remedy vou need. Large bottles only 50c. at II. J. Lamar A Sou’s Drug Store. The ancieDt republic of Andorra, on the southern slope of the eastern Py- reenees, with a population of eight thousand, has never yet seen an elec tric lamp or a gas burner. COURAGKOIM. C INSISTENCY. The people who know the manly, frank sincerity of the speaker [Cleve land] will know that he' meant what he said, and that in defending the principles of his party he did so from the protoundest conviction that they were right and good. A very large and veiy intelligent at d patriotic pari ot his countrymen will not agree with his opinions upon the subject of the tariff: but there will be few, even ol those who hold to the contrary view ol the subject, who will not respect and admire him for the courageous con sistency with which he maintains and, upon all fit occasions, proclaims hia economic principles. — Philadelphia Ledger. SOUND ON MONEY. The good work In the name of Mr. Cleveland consists in the diversion ol the Democracy from Omaha tads, nis merit is that he is a3 conservative ou money as President Harrison. Bat the fact that Cleveland is sound on one great question, and wipes his feel upon the fads of his party does noi seetn to call for a change of Presidents. Harrison is a goo! President; Cleve land could not improve on him. It if the instinct of common sense to let well enough alone. The re-election ot Harrison is the logic of the situation and the drift of events.—Murat Hal stead in Cin. Commercial-Gazjtie. WILL BE HELD TO THE PLATFORM. It [the'TepubHean party] will help Mr. Cleveland to keep the tariff, the chief issue and will force him and hi.- party to defend the extraordinary as sumption cf the cations! platform “that the Federal government has nt consiitutional power to impose ane collect tariff duties except for the pur pose of revenue only.” The Democ racy will not be allowed lo escape re sponsibility for this utterance in tip interest of free trade, or to eyade answering for its efforts in the presen' Congress to give practical effect tc this remarkable theory.—Omaha Ber. Cleveland's speech the platform Kr. Cleveland’s speech, much more than the resolutions of the Chicago convention, will furnish the platform of the campaign. It is a platform broad enough for all true Americans, yet narrow enough to exciude all whu would promote, as onr recent legisla tion has promoted, the wealth or thr power of a favored few at the expense of the whole body of the people. It is a speech full of inspiration for ths Democracy, and the picturesque en thusiasm that surrounded its delivery gives an fmportant impulse to tht campaign at its'opening.—Philadel phia 1 imes. Scia'ica. i A well-known casein Augusta has , been completely cured b.v the Eiectro- pois, aud rite following interview from such a well-known,reliable and promi- j nentman as I’re-ident Win. C. Sibley, j of the Sibley Mill, must deeply im- ] press, if not entirely convince all who j read it. Mr. Sibley was perfect!}’ willingly ro give his testimony to the Evening- News ahou^the K'ectronoise. He said he had been a great sufferer from the j sciatic* lor rice years before he began using the K > etropoise. Foi two whole years he had not been free from pain, and at times the sciatic pains were so severe tliat he would get up out of bed in ills s'et-p and awake to find him^ell on the ll >or in great ogonv. He spent much money *t the North for special medical n'tatmenr, and was G7 tiine> cauteriz-d with a white-hoc iron ou different parts of the body. The treatment was almost as terrible as the sciatica itself. "How long ago has that Ken, Mr Sibley?” “A yeii'r ago. And you know your- =eiFmv condition heiore time, i could not walk to my office, or even across the street. 1 was helpless, aud had to gointuv buggy everywhere.” Mr. Sibley’s statement are rem-uk- -tble, but there is no doubt ot their correctness, and the cures made by the Eitc ri-poUe are endorsed by all physi cians who examine them. A 40 page book describing treatment and obtaining testimonials from ail sections, and for the cure o r all dis eases, mailed free on- application. Address Atlantic Electropoise Co., 45 Gould Building, Atlanta, Ga. A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES Botanic Blood Balm I* Purac SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT 1 Ik LUrca RHEUM. ECZEMA, every I form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being efficacious in toning up the system end restoring the constitution, tvhen impaired from any cause. Its ' almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure, it ( directions are followed. SENT FREE BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. .. _ ILLUSTRATED 4< Book of Wonderta** Trade Hark.) & P. KID GLOVES Early Risers, Early Bisery, Early Risers the famous little pills for con stipation, sick headache, dyspepsia and nerviousuess. A New Yorker has made a clock which contains 34,000 pieces of wood, comprisin.. abiut 325 varieties. Teachers. Ministers, Farmers, Me chanics, Mercnants, as well as their ■vives, daughters and sons, who would like to devote at least a part of their time and attention to a work that would bring them in a lot of ready money during the next lew months, would do veil to look up the adver- isement o ' B F. Johnson A Co Richmond, Va , in another column, as itmity ho lhe means of opening up to many new life and larger possibilities. I’hese gentlemen have been exten- ttvely’ and successfully engaged in msiness for many years, and they mow what they are talking about when they tell you they can show you now to better your financial conditioi The Thirty-filth Georgia regiment, C. S A., was to have held its regular annual reunion at Gainesville in July, but the local committee of arrange ments has decided upon Aug. 18 as the line for holding it, JL\DIE», ATI E VI ION! One bottle ofTonti will'permanently levelop your Bust 5 inches in 30 days, tnd remove those horrid wrinkles, or money refunded. Price only $2. My celebrated Complexion Peilets wifi oeautify your complexion, remove liver spots, moth and freckles. Price only $1. Tontio—For men only, the zreatesc developer known to mankind Pries' only $2. Send for sealed cir culars. Mrs Dk. Miller, 1018 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. A straw hat and a linen duster have been worn for forty winters by Dr. S B. Vietor, of Columbia, Mo. Sir. John Carpenter, of Goodland Ind., says: “I tried Chamberlain’ Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy: for diarrhoea and severe cramps, aud pains In the stomach and bowels with Che best results. Id the worst cases 1 never hid to give more than a third ■lose to effect a cure. In most cases one dose wifi do. Besides it’s other good qualities it 13 pleasant to take. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Hils- inau & Agar Co. C. A. Thompson, Seymour, Ind., writes - “My sister Jennie, when she was a yotiDg girl, suffered from white swelling, which greatly impaired her general health and made her blood very impure. In the .-pring she was not able to anything and could scarce ly get about. More than a year ago she took three b ittles of Bosanie illood Bal ci, and now she is perfectly cured.” Early Risers, Early Risers, Early Risers the famous little pills tor con stipation, sick headache, dyspepsia and nervousness. H Buted ! Agents for life of Cleveland and Stevenson—official edition. A bushel of money within reach. Act quick. Outfit 25 cents—free with good refer ences. E. J. Guyton, Battimore, sold 50 first 5 days. if. L- Harvey & Co. 308 F. LexingonSt., 14Jlw Baltimore. Md. Tlie Fallacy Disproved. Monday afternoon a number ol gentlemen were sitting in front of*Mr W. E. Mitchell’s ofii ;e on Pine street enj lying some grapes from Mr. J. 21. Tift’s Sand Hill fruit farm when thi subjict turned upon fruit culture fn this section. “I intend to put out a thousand Al berta peach trees and a thousand grape cuttings,” said Mr. T. M. Nelson, “be cause this is the country for fittii cul ture. After that I intend to put out additional plants yearly .V “I can remember that a few year.- ago,”said Mr.’Mitchell, “it was th< general opinion in this country tha! fruit of no kind could be grown suc cessfully here. We used to get ail oui peaches from a distance while grape’ was considered a great luxury. Just to think that in the short space of n few years instead of fruit of any : kind being a rarity here we have shown that this is the most successful fruit growing reffion of Georgia.” And so it is. Fri’z Sniiz’er, a well-known citizen of Wichita, Kas., described in a local newspaper as “famous,” claims to be Emin Pasha’s cousin. He says he and Emin weqc through the university to gether in the old country. The Secret or 111. Wealth. A millionaire said “the secret of my wealth” is in tite word S-A-Y-E; and lie secret of my health is in the word j-A-G-E. By this last lie meant Dr. Sage, whose Catarrh Remedy cured lim of one of the worst cases of Ca- arrh and thereby saved him lrom much suffering and permature death, •nabiing him to make his millions, and •njoy life. The cures made by this medicine are simply wonderful. An Atohison (Kas.) negro “got re ligion” the other evening and became so excited that he ran out of the house shouting rind praising the Lord. Hp finally threw himself down on the stone steps with such force as to cause •■nncussion of the brain. It is a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that performs the cure i- the best. De Witt’s Early Ri-ers are the smallest pills, will perforin tht cure and are the best. Probably the largest artificial stone in the world forms the base of the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty, on Beti- loe’s Island, New York haibor. M-'S. L. li. Patton, Rockford, fu.. writes: From personal experience- 1 can recommend De Witt’s .Sarsapa rilla, a onr* for impure blood and gt u- erttl debilifv.” Bright people are the quickest to recognise m good thing and bay it. We sell lots of bright people the Little Early Risers. If you are -not bright these pills will make you so. There is preserved in Trinity Col- j lege, Dublin, the harp wtiose notes j were heard in Tare's Hall when Brian | Born was King, and the sight of, which insyired Thomas Moore wh°rj 1 be was studying at write his famous song. old Trinity to j Morning Npon Night! Good all the time. It removes, 1 the languor of morning, sus- ( tains the energies of noon, 1 alls 1 1 the weariness of night. Ivz*c’R° ot ! II Beer! deiicious. sparkling, appetizing. Don't be deceived if a dealer, for the sake ¥ i f larger profit, tells you some other kind ‘ n is “justas gor-t ”—'tis false. No imitation ( \ is as good as the genuine Hires' r Tiffi~BESTKH5TOREMEBY “H.G.C.” Cures Gonorhoca ami Gleet In 1 to5Days, viihout Pain. Prevents Stricture. Contains no acrid or poisonous substances, and Is guaranteed absolutely barralcs* Is prescribe * by physicians and recoracnded by druggists. Price SI. Sold by druggists. Beware of Sub- ^tltutesjAcnieChenijCOjlJtdjNjOj^ WMsitftSyrii. Wi HOfliHR & JONES' SOLE AGENTS For above brands of Kid Gloves. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TRADE MARK. Quality First and Always. DeGRAFFENREID DRUGGIST, Has the* exclusive 8f*ic ol these celebrated The glasses in Albany, Georgia. KELLAJI & IHOOiCB, only Manufacturing Opticians in South. Atlanta, Georgia. the tgy^Peddlers arc r.ot supplied with: thes ainoua glasses. l-13-ci-0me NEW HOLLAND SPEINGS, RE IK GilKESVlUE, GA. The most beautiful and coolest resort in Georgia. No heat, dust, mosquitoes malaria, or sandflies. Music by the Bearden orchestra of A.ugueta, acknowledged everywhere to be the best in the South. For terms address J. C. S. TIMBERLAKE, C 9 2m. Manager Andrew : Mss k£HEKAL “ " 111 No. 920 Lonisiana Ave. Washington, D. O, Wholesale dealer and receiver of Florida Fruits and Vegetables, also Northen and Western Apples, Pota toes, Bean3, etc. Stencils, Market Reports and Refer ences upon application. Morgan Lake Mannfactnring Co. GEKTKCKE, GA. Pear .’.Orates. Small Packages are Best for Pears and Peaches. $500 Reward " tc paid to the agent of any scale com- pany who \vi ] fay ovt-r hi3 own najee as ageat, that the Jo>E3 5 Ton Wyo'on Scale $fi0 is not equal to ary m^e. and a standard re- liable scale. For pat t cul .rs address only Jones of .BiBghmtoD, N. Y. TO WEAK WEN Suffering from the effects of youthful error*, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc., I will •and a valuable treatise / sealed; containing fall particulars for home cure, FREE of charge. A ■plendid medical work; should oe read by every man who is nervous and debilitated. Addres«| feof. F* C. FOWLER, Koodus, Gen*