The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 30, 1892, Image 3

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OATES WAS VIGOROUS A letter from Judge Henderson, who was for several years Commissioner of Agriculture of the state of Georgia. Atlanta, Ga., July 9th, 1893. Dear Sib Some time early in May I concluded from what I heard of it, that the Electropoise, such as you now have on sale, might be of service to me. 1 had been for many years a suf- terer with a diseased condition of the stomach and liver, and I wanted to see the effecu of the KTectro poise upon the organs. Accordingly I tried the ’Poise upon a higbpower, bat experi enced do benefit as far as my liver was concerned. Finally 1 made a local application to my liver, placing the plate in contact therewith for about four hours. This application produced considerable commotion about the affected organs, but had the happy effect when it passed away of leaving my liver to all appear ances well. I am of the opinion now should 1 make a few more similar ap plications, though less severe, that 1 shall be greatly benefltted if not en tirely cured about my chest and stoo'ach, I applied the Electropoise to my daughter, who had been a great suf- A-headof A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES A Clever ft stake That Resulted In a GMd Jake* that can be used for washing and cleaning, is PEARL- IXE. Ifyourworkisheavy. it is a necessity; if your •work is light, it isaluxury. It lessens the labor of 11 washing,andhelpsevery- I where in the housework. f There’s nothingsoharm- so effect- o popular -it is rapidly :eedingrsoap. Tryitforwash- —>—try it for washing any- fer your own sake and ours, he times." unscrupulous grocers will teli you, “ tkia or the same as Pearline.” IT’S FALSE— tv CL1 Pearline is never peddled, if your grocer sends you soanw thing in place cC Ttarlinc. do the honest thing—sendit An A JAMES PYLE, J3*w YmK HI3 TREATMENT OF AX IMPER TINENT KN IGHT OF LABOR. Capt. R. Hobbs, who never loses an opportunity to eoioy a joke at an other’s expense, tells a good one on himself. It occurred while on bis way from Cumberland island and Capt. Hobbs tells it as follows : “We bad just gotten seated in the train at Brunswick preparatory for the trip home and were waiting for the train to pull out. While we were sit ting there a gentleman passed through the coach that I at once took for Mr. Henry G. Turner. The gentleman in question was just about Mr. Turner’s size, wore a straw hat and bad a bas ket in his hand. “The resemblance was so striking that it never once occurred to me that Mr. Turner was in Washington and be ing anxious to greet my friend with congratulations on his new district I arose and proceeded to overtake him. “Just as he reached the door I put my hand on his shoulder and said, ‘Hello, Turner, I’m glad to see you!” “Imagine my chagrin when the gentleman turned and inagood nature said, *I’m the other fellow.’ And then I saw it was Judge Atkinson, who had been Turner’s Macon Played Alban/ Yesterday. His Language Was Emphatic an* Strictly t* the Pslat WUaaut Any Hiucing. Botanic Bleed Balm K r, (r « c SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT yurgt? RHEUM. ECZEffiA, every form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being efficacious intoning up the system and restoring the constitution, when Impaired (nr,' any cause. Us almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure, It directions are followed. 8ENT FREE “ BoJk'cr^onUcM. 1 ’ BLOOD BALM CO., Ailania, Ca. ALBANY SHOWS UP WELL c: I 1yy less—nothin v 1 y' ive—nothin; 'wa Ks' and yet so new J SUCCI / ing dishes- thing—everything; only try it- A house without Pearline is “ behind tl f •) Peddlers and sont is as good as •There was Washington, June 23, a lively i-cene . this morning in House just before its assembling, Devlin, of the tx-ci Vcntcrclny UanalJig D:ty*si Albany —About One Thousand I’cople tvit- iimcd the Same-All tl»e Easiness one John commiuee of :he Knights of Labor, came near getting a good blow from Gen. Oates, Houses Cloted utid Ererynnc Went to Sec .llacoa and Albany Piny tire veteran of the Confederate army and at present chairman of the special commiuee in vestigating ttie Homestead trouble and the Pinkerton cn Gnre Long licanl cf Game—Gag Xlicm fnmcoHIisho Called Jcru snlcm Ov.rinker*. ferer for a number of Springs with fever and bowel troubles. In two days’ time she was not only rid of the lever, but of the bowel difficulty as Weil. In all cases of sickness we consider the Electropoise almost indispensable. Yours very truly, J. T. Hkndebson. For all information, &c., address systeifc. The trouble grew out or a criticism made by Dev lin on the conduct of yesterday’s ix- aminatiou of the Pinkertons, and he insinuated that an arj mrnmeiu of the committee taken to e #e)tDE.g.ALS0lg??If^M6^ Albany had a game of bawl Mon day afternoon. And every one so inclined had his Id innings just as often as he liked. Fortunately it happened outside the city limits or the afternoon naps of the infants would have been disturbed. 1'he long promised game of base bill between Albany and Macon’s crack league team came off as advertised at —at—well call it Brisbine park num ber 2, and a very large crowd wincssed ble the mem bers to vote on the deficiency appro priation bill, bad been taken to give the Pinkertons time to prime them selves with answers to questions pro pounded by the Knights of Labor. When the Pinkertons appeared before the investigating committee yesterday morning they found that Hayes, Dev lin and Wright of the Knights of Labor. When the JS THE PLACE WHERE YOU CAN GET Goods opponent. You may form some idea of the ha3ty mauner in which I apologized and re turned to my seat.” < OlLS-ilfE IS AH OIP : £ R M AN jlNIME nT% Sf zls p&i t; (jukkJy. IPPMAN BROS..oAvanmaH. Ga~ » Sole Agents Iri THE U. S. sa Judge—If you know of any mitigat ing circumstance you are at liberty to state it. Prisoner—I don’t kDOw of any except that I took to stealing be cause I didn’t want to loaf around the street cornors and be taken for a de tective. - For the least money. We have made a leputation tor selling reliable goods and W“BUY THE PLANET, JR., CULTIVATOR, E MONEY SAVER The taxable property of Clay coun ty, as given in this year, has made an increase of $11,349.45 over last year./’ Pinkertons ap peared before tbe investigating com mittee yesterday morning they found that llayes, Delvln and Wright of tbe Knights of Labor had preceded them and were on hand to take part in the inquiry. The Knight of Labor men do not represent the Homestead strik ers, but they had prepared a number of questions they desired to ask the Pinkerton brothers When the game was concluded and Albany’s citizens wended their way homeward in the gloaming, the gently creeping shades of nightfall hid! from view the expressions on thyr faces for they were not altogether ,a3 happy as when Albany buried Monte zuma in three straight games. Albany has a good local team, a fact that lo one will dispute; but when they tackled a league team it was sim ilar to the task of the little 120-pound painter who tried to stand before Prof. Gearhart last spring in ’ a contest ol strength. Putting it ju3t as mildly as the occa sion will permit Albany was not iu it a little, bit. But Albany is the champion ama- tuer club in Southwest Georgia, great and wonderful victories have been won and nothing would do but that profes sionals must be tackled. The Macon team arrived on yester day afternoon’s Central traiu accom panied by Messrs. Altmayer, Witkow- rki, Hertz and Lilian, that of thq Macon Baseball Association. There Savannah, Ga., April 26, 1889. Having used three bottles of p p p for impure blood and general weak ness, and having derived great benefits from tbe same, having gained 11 pounds in weight in four weeks, 1 take great pleasure in recommending it to all unfortunates like Yours truly, John Mobkis. Office of J N McElrov, Druggist.) Orlando, Fla., April 20,1891. j Mess. Livpman Bros., Savannah, Ga. Dear Sirs—I. sold three bottles of i> r i’ large size yesterday, and one bot tle Lilian size today. The i'pp cured my wife of rheuma tism winter before last. It came back on her the past winter and a half bot tle, $1.00 size, releived her again, and she has not had a symptom since. 1 sold a bottle of r r p to a friend of mine, one of his turkeys, a small one took sick, aud bis trite gave it a tea spoonful, that was in tbe evening, and W E ELL THEM LOW AND POULTS?. 500 Pace Book ou Treatment of Animals and Chart Seat Tree. cueuh; Fevers, Congestion*. Inflammation A.A. 1 .M>inal Menlnglti*»Mllk Fever.—strains, Lameness. Klieaumtiam. C. C.--Distemper, Nasal Discharged. D. D.—Hots or Grabs, Worms. K.E.—Cenzhs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F. F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. G. G.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. XI.II.--Urinary and Kidney Diseases. J ,I.—Eruptive Diseases, Mange. •Ii..—Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 60doseoX - - .CO Stable Case, with Specifies, Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil and Aledleator, 87.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - - 1.00 Sold by Drnntitt) or foot prepaid auyrrbrre end lnuy tpusUty os receipt or price. HOBPJIREYS*SEP. CO., in * mmuin SL, KcwToi*. Our stock is complete and embraces every need of the Farmer—such as The proceedings of the committee were opened by a re quest that tbe questions prepared be put to the witnesses, and after consul tation the members of the committee decided, although such course was rather out of the usual line of con ducting an investigation, to put these questions to the witnesses, and that tbe committee would then ask such questions as any member might think necessary to secure additional infor mation. The committee announced this purpose and were then notified that they weie desired in the house to vote. They accordingly took a recess nd banded the questions to the Pin kertons, who, with their attorney, took the written questions of the Knights of Labor, and prepared writ ten answers, making direct responses to each. Devlin this morning, before the as sembling of tbe house, approached Oates and asked for a copy of the tes timony. He was told he could get an order to see the stenographer's notes and take points from it, or he could obtain a printed copy Tuesday when the roport came from the printer. Oates asked him to furnish as soon as possible any names of witnesses he bad, as the committee desired to close the inquiry. Devlin then said thac he thought the action of the committee yesterday was most extraoidinary, and critlc'zsd the "committee for allowing the Pinkertons to see the written ques tions and read them before they were asked by tbe chairman. His manner, as well as his words, offeuded Judge Oates, who told him that the committee had treated him and life associate with extraordinary consideration, hav ing given their questions precedence over those of the committee, and that his criticism now was improper aud imyertinent. More words followed, and J udge Oates finally told Devlin that he might “go to h—11.” Devlin charged that tbe committee had taken a recess at the instance of Pinkerton, with the insinuation that it was to enab'e the lawyers to prime them! Oates recited that this was false, that Devlin was a d—n liar, and that he (Devlin) knew that he was a liar. The two seemed about to come to blows when members interposed and tbe doorkeepers hustled Devlin out of the hall. Farmers’ Hardware llaa’c. This is the age of hurry. Every in terest in the world, commercial scien tific, religious, seems to he in earnest quest ot some way by which results may be brought about more quickly. Ocean steamers race the PLOW STOCKS or ALL KINDS, FARMING TOOLS Hoes, Shovels, Manure Forks, Rakes, Etc. seas against time, and railroads compete for the reputation cfhaving the fa9te3t trains. Newspaper correspondents are giver every facility that money vnd infiueDci can command that tiipy may compass the globe in the shortest time evei known. The civilized nations of the world are in eager haste in the accom plishment of great political movements, and even the oriental countries, usual ly considered behind tbe age, hayt caught the spirit of the times. As individuals men are in haste to make fortunes and become famous. Enterprise is commendable; energy is Ullliy SPECIFIC No fill In tue 30 years. Tho only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, »nd Prostration, from over-work or other causes. |l per Tii57 or 5 Wals and large vial "powder, for $5. Sold by Druggists, or sent posljmid on receipt Oi" price. HVXFHUKYS' SliD. CO., Ill A US William SU, Sew York. WOMAN NEVER FAILS Y Send for ottr little book, tells £ DL #11 you want to know.. a §y r HA? 0AV3 YOUR LOTL& SSjjk Leverctte Specific Co.^£- Gees what he wants: “Man wants but little here below All that is very true. And, more than this, it ; s a fact, lie generally gets it, too. living. I hoeoughn^ss may be ..en ticed to gratify atninuous haste, Tht student cuts short his college course 'hat he may get into active business, and mastery of self, and influence over others that comes onif with a thorough education are lost. Young men, not willing to rise step by step as the re sult of faithful service where employ ed, joiu the host of adventures, who oftener lose than win. Be quick t< see and use every opportunity, but avoid undue haste." Set a high mark; flx the eye upon the summit, but do not permit ambition to pursuade you to attempt Attainment ot the height by unknown and seemingly shorter ways. A man who carelessly pushes his boat into the stteam of reckless haste will soon find himself, helpless in tbe rapids of failure.—Young Men’s Era home and a large number of the spec tators were provided with extra pairs of ioungs for tbe occasion. When the game was. called Albany went to the bat and as Gagen grasped the willow, he .looked determiadly- at Hart, Macon’s wonderful phenomeg non. The crowd became quiet, a still ness settled'over the scene aud Mr. G. Noel porter, the Macon candy drnm- jner called “play ball.” In the first, two men succeeded in getting on bases uid it began to look as if Albany would put up a good game, when. Harry Iv**mp went to the bat amid loud shouts and cheers. ‘ A lick now, Harry, and get the ftuff!” “Over the fence, Harry!” "“Purse for a home run!” and other enthusiastic expres- The mortality from what are called winter diseases is not easily estimated. Coughs, -colds, bronchitis and sore throat make up fully one-half of the death rate. More people die from pneu monia, which first began as a “bad' cold” than from consumption. Hum phreys’ Specifies Nos. 1 and 7, for fever m F. TIFT & CO and inflamation, for coughs aud colds, aie sovereign, curing promptly, mildly, (Trade nark.) safely and effectually, and thus arrest ing pneumonia— as hundreds of thous ands, testify. They have been in use KID GLOVES Tobacco BELIEVES all Stomach Distress. REMOVES Nausea, Sense of Fullness, Congestion, Pain. REVIVES Failing ENERGY. RESTORES Normal CSrcuIatfQQ, end ■Warns to Toe Xus. DR. HARTER KEDiCIHE CO.. St. Louis. Mo. Liquors We are sole Agents for the follow ing celebrated brands ot Nt’sou Coun ty Kentucky Whiskeys. J VS. E. OWEN, guaranteed eigrt years old. S. H. ltOLLINS hand made Sour Mash. OLD PICKET and ASTOR, vchich are elimiated of al*. lusil oil. ar.d for a stimulant or tonic they have no equa\ and are highly recommended by physicians for medical purposes. Also a full line of BRANDIES, GINS, KEY and CASE, pare corn whisky. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WISES which they a re offering at prices to suit the times. Special attention given to the jug trade. Call on user send us an order and we guarantee satisfaction. Help Wanted To spread the good news, that at last a remedy lias beeu found which is a cer tain sure cure for coughs, colds and kindred diseases. Hassons Syrup of Tar is the name of this medicine, which is compounded from the best and purest materials, and will a'w.ays give relief.a. jlf you have a cough at- ^_§cp- FOUTZ’S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER The use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Oce bottle may not cure “right off” a complaint of years; persist until a cure is effected. As a general rale, improvement follows shortly after beginning the use ot this medicine. With many people, the effect is immediately noticeable; but some constitutions are less susceptible to medicinal influences than others, aud tbe curative process may, there fore, iu such cases, be less prompt Perse verance in using this remedy is. sure of its reward at last. Sooner or later, the most stubborn blood diseases yield to -Bo House v .ii die .; Colic. Boy3 or Lux. it IKK, If Font.", i'i .wtloi-3 are used In time. FooIk-s Pc vflcrswtll enre and prevent Hen CiroT.-Kf Fonts** Powders wit prevent Gapks in Fowls FontxW Powders will Increase the quantity of miB ted cream twenty per cent- and make the hntserfinr ind iwcet. Foatz’B Powders win enre or prevent almost ctet? to which Horses and Cattle are subject. Pourz’8 POWDNKS WILL OIYX SA.TIHFA.OTIO*. Sold everywhere. DAVID B. POIiTS, Proprietor, BAXiTZMpXUS. SS2X j [ Morning ! t Noon Albany never scored a run until Will Keuip in the fifth inning crossed the plate as a runner for Mr. .Jesse Beall and then everybody let h’s The foilowing is the Watered silk—An umbrella. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla SOLE AGENT* Hou \V. V. Lucas, Ex-State Audi tor ot Iowa, says: “I have used Chamberlain’s Cougb Remedy in my family and have no hesitation iu say ing it is an excellent remedy. I be lieve it is all that is claimed for it. Persons siflicted by a cough or cold wifi find it longs aloose. official score: MACON ALBANY..; NOTES. —The.receipts were something oyer a hundred dollars. —If Albany is satisfied with the re sult of tackling a league team it is safe to say that Macon is. —Mr. McKay, a conductor on the. Central road and.father of the catcher on the Albany team, took in the game. —There was much lack of coaching on the Albany team. The home boys might have done better had some good coac hing been done. —If Albany did lose she has the honor of having the result sent over the country by the Associated Press. What do you think of Albany appear ing in the reports in the large dailies all over the country ? —An ice cream vender would have driven a rushing business during the game, There were plenty qi the fair sex on nand aud the weather was favorable. “For several years, In tlie spring months, I used to be troubled with a drowsy, tired feeling, and a dull pain in tbe small of my back, so bad, at times, as to prevent my being able to walk, tlie-least sudden motion causing me severe distress. Frequently, boils and rashes would break out on various parts of the body. By tlie advice of friends ar.d my family physician, X began tile use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and continued it till tbe poison in my blood was thoroughly eradica ted.”— L. W. English. Montgomery City, Mo. “My system was all run down; my skin rough and of yellowish hue. I tried various remedies, aud while some of them gave me temporary relief, none of them did any per manent good. At last I began to take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, eontluning it exclusive ly for a considerable time, and am pleased to say that it completely Cured Me. I presume my liver was very much out ot order, and the blood impure iu consequence. I feci that I cannot too highly recommend Ayer’s Sarsaparilla to any one afflicted as I was.”—Mrs. N. A. Smith, Glover, Vt “For years I suffered from scrofula and blood diseases. The doctors’ prescriptions aud several so-called blood-purifiers being of no avail, I was at last advised by a friend to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. X did so, and now feel like a new man, being fully restored to health.”—C. N. Friuk, Decorah, Iowa. Ayer’sSarsaparilia Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mas* Bold by all Druggists. Price tl; six bottles, $4. Cures otherSs will cure you , i Good all the time. It removes i * the languor of morning, sus- | [ tains the energies of noon, lulls i 1 the weariness of night. a friend.” There is no danger from whooping cough when this remedy is freely given. 50 cent bottles for sale by II. J. Lamar & Sou’s. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TRADE MASK. Csslfiy First sad Always. REAR GAINESVILEE, GA Hires The most beautiful and coolest resort in Georgia. No heat, dust, motquitoes malaria, or sandflies. M u?ic bv the Bearden orchestra of Augueta, acknowledged everywhare to be in'e best in the South. For terms address J. C. S. TIMBEBLAKE, 6 9 2m. Manager A country subscriber wants to know if there is any money in hens.” He might ascertain by cutting tbe hens open. TAKE HI LL’.aaUiAHAHILM. Is vour blood in bad condition? Do you feel weak? Do you have pain? Do sores trouble you? Are you in poor health and growing worse? Use Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparille. It will make you well and strong. Do not delay, Give it a trial. Get it from your druggist. Large bottle (192 -eat spoonfuls) fl 00 delicious, sparkling:, appetizing. Don't be deceived if a dealer, for the sake cf larger profit, tells you seme other kind is “just as good "—'tis false. No imitation is as food as the genuine Hikes'. ^end for our catalogue and prices ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, SND;* J. R. DeGRAFFENREID DBl’GUDT, Has tie, exclnsive sale of these celebrated glasses in Albany, Georgia. KELLAH & MOORE, The only Manufacturing Opticisns in the South. Atlanta, Georgia. t#“*Pedd!ers are r.ot supplied with thes aiuuuA glasses. l-13-rt-6ms F cat, of Pear*. The] steamer City of Albany, on Its arrival on Sun^gy, brought one hun dred barrels af pears from the Baker county plputation of Mr. J. K. White head. Yesterday Mr. Whitehead shipped them by the Southern Express Com. pany to Northern markets. Tbe cotton buyers and cotton factor ies aie beginning to “pot their honsee in order” for tbe approaching season’s work. They expect the staple U> begin to move in a very short time. Pear.'.Crates No. 920 Louisiana Ave. Washington, D. C. Wholesale dealer and receiver of Florida Fruits and Vegetables, also Northen and Western Apples, Pota toes, Beans, ete. Stencils, Market Reports and Refer ences upon application. 1.000 Cen5in9 Tyler Curtain Desks o il a; i24 Net Spot Cash, rgTSS* No. 4007 Antique Oak Standard Tyler Do-i lit. 6ln. lone t>y 3!'t. t'In. l-.Igli. Mice r.r.J 1): Pronl Zinc Bottom under drawers; patent; Br; fine 1 Curtain; Follslicd Oak; Wri ting Table; GT" tier lock; one lock securing nil drawers; 8 her cardboard FIllngBOkBs; Cupboard in end; Par e! Finished Back; Intension Arm Slides: ;! cl u JJOQ Jbo. Trice, X'. O. JJ. at 1'actor;.-, CiiM Also 1,000 Antique Ash Desks, Jfo. loot*. Same us nbove,except mu e of eo Antique Ash, good as Oak. VV eight r- O!) It Trice F. O. if. at Factory, S SI Nev. Shin from our ludiarap^^s factory direct.. Miu-o untl m Kololy by tbe TYuER DESK CC.. St. Louis. M 160page Catalogue or Bsnli Counters, Desks, rtc # iacoi- ever ptiaied. Boots Ir*e; ponUge 15 cents, Small Packages are Best for Pears and Peaches. The recent rains are making the farmers look a little serious. Enough is enough, even of a good thing, aud all are anxious to get a good lick at the gta?3 which is now becoming abundant. We understand that cot ton is being slightly damaged, while corn has rather been benefitted. IT TOVJC JtAOK ACttKM. Or yan tie all worn out, really gnd t tax. it is general deMlthr. Try mhowx’h iuojrHSrrm»i Bwfu am* TOO, cleanse your Ihw, s a good appetite. Slany Persons are broken flown from overwork or household cares. Brown’i Iron Bitters Bebnnds the system, aids digestion, removes excess of bilej and cures m.i.ija- Get the genuine. LA men needing atonic, or children who want bnf)0» _ ing up. should take BHOWN-S IRON BITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indfr ■•atlon. Biliousness and liver Complalala. 1 UI *■ Iff ■ W cured at home with- MMMaHMB.ltWOOLLEY, M.D. Atlanta, Ga. Office lbl>; Whitehall SC.