The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, July 30, 1892, Image 4

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News and Advertiser W. W. TUBNEB, 0. B. HAWK, T. F. PBUETT, PDB1I8HH8 OFFICE NO. 78KB BOAD ST..' TELEPHONE is o. 80. Advertising rates reasonable and turnlabed on application. Address all business com munlcations to Nxws and Advebtiskb. •BUBBOBimoN Kates: Daily, per annum, - -- -- -- 4 8.00 Weekly, per annum, ....... 1.00 81TOBDAF 310HMSC, 4ULV30 The Third party seems to be com posed of wind and fanaticism. The campaign poet seem to have lost the inspiration of the spring sea son. It begius to look as if longliylty in office will not characterize Hr. Leoni dns Livingstons’ life. Candidate Stevens Democracy seems to have been dissipated by bis Third party campaign committee. The unterrifled Democrats seem to be effectively rebuking Stevens and bis Third party campaign committee. Tn x nnterrifled of Thomas, seem de termined to assert their rights. They are not content to bow obeisance to dark lantern "dictators.” Pennsylvania is rlgntfully termed the “Quaystone” State. President Harrison though seems to ignore this fact by bis constant snubs of Hr Qaay. ' The national campaign is /rogress- ing. and we bear nothing of Belva Lockwood. Has she been overcome by Mr. Cleveland’s "innoonons desue tudef” Notwithstanding its loud and ■windy boasts, the Third party in Geor gia will not be in it when the result of tbe fall election’s shall have been an nonneed. The coincidence Is rated that the names Cleveland and Stevenson con tain the same number of letters each. It may be suggested that the bearers 01 these names Will hold office together tbe same number of years. The . unterrifled Democrats of the Second Congressional district are de termined that they will not be repre sented in Congress by a Democrat who Is not strong enough to carry the day without a Third party campaign com mittee. The crank who shot Hr. Frick ot the Carnegie company at Pittsburg, Penu., last Saturday will probably ex plain like President Harrison when the latter was elected that "the Lord did it,” But the courts will try him just the same. W hen a candidate for a Congres sional nomination allows his campaign .committee to be composed largely of outspoken Third party men he be comes particlps crimlus' to suoh a po litical evolution. If he disapproves of such a evolitlon he should not be slow to publicly lebukeit. In a lengthy Interview in the At l&nta Constitution last week, Hon. S. G. McLendon talked of the political situation in the Second district but began bis interview by saying he knew very little ot the true condition of af fairs. He evidently learned some thing of the situation at the mass meeting in Thommille last Saturday. The fashionable wife of a Chicago Congressman has out-stripped relic hunters in Washington by havlDg a number of prominent pnblic men write their names on one of her petti coats,' This suggests that the average wlfeVvouid raise a considerable domes tic breeze if she should find her hus band’s name inscribed on another woman’s petticoat. It can hardly be hoped that the Demoorats will draw any strength from the Bepublican office holders. They bavo a gieat fear of "Axeman Adlai” a3 they are wont to call th« vice-presidential candidate. They pre fer to see him remain a private citizen, but it should be remembered that the Democrats gather mveh Inspiration in the soubriquet “Axeman Aillai.” The Hon. B. W, Everett, of Polk county, who represents the Seventh district in Congress, shows a fine re- oord for an office holder. He has not been absent a day since he went to Congress, has not been away from Washington at any time while Con grees was in session and has nevt-i missed a roll call. He is being oppos edfor re-election by Judge John TV. Maddox, one of the ablest iawers and best politicians in Northwest Georgia. It is seldom that a Congressman makes such a record of faithfulness as Mr. Everett. A lonely fisherman In the Mississippi valley, with plenty of time on his hands, has made a discovery that may revolutionize tho fishing inaustry. By inserting an objective glass in the big end of his hollow fishing rod and look ing through the small end he finds it easy to discover the finny prizes In In their hiding places, and by an ap pliance rigged near the glass, to cap ture them with ease. I never love those salamanders that are never well but when they are in the fire of contentions. I will rather suffer a thousand wrongs than offer one. I have always found that to strive with a superior, is injurious; with an equal, doubtful; with an in terior, Bordld and base; with any, lull of unquietness.—Bishop Hall. MB. STEVENS AND HIS CAM PAIGN COMMITTEE. Tbe large and enthusiastic gathering of Thomas county Democrats on Satur day last to protest argument the un democratic methods employed by can didate Stevens shows the growing tendency of the straightout Democrats all over this district to assert tbe rights they have in a campaign that is being conducted in a manner dangerously antagonist’.; to tho welfare ot their party. For the first time in the political his tory of the Second congressional dis trict we find a candidate for congress who ba3 allied himself with two political parties at one and the same time. In the early part of the campaign Mr. Stevens flooded the district with a circular addressed to Alliancemen and signed' by the campaign committee that was and is to engineer Mr. Stev ens’ candidacy. At that time promin ent Third party men were acting on that campaign committee, at least their nanm were found there, and since then others whose names were on that circular have announced their needying enmity to the Democratic party. In the early part of the campaign attention was called to the faet tuat Mr. Stevens’ cause was being pushed by Third party advocates and he was called upon to explain how it was that he, a candidate for Democraiic nomi nation 10 congress, should have so many prominent Third party men on his campaign committee. Mr. Steven3 has never publicly or otherwise repudiated that committee, but clam like has kept an unbroken silence the record of which out lasts Dr. Tanner’s long fast of forty days and nights: Mr. Stevens has contended and still contends that he h a Democrat seeking the Democratic nomination in this congressional district and yet he allows that circular to still exist unrebuked with tho names of promin ent Third party adherents posing as his campaign workers, assistants and eo-adiutora. And yet Mr. Stevens becomes gross-' ly offended when it is charged that his candidacy savors of Third partyism. We know that in this campaign it has been charged that no man has the right to pass upon another’s Democ racy ranks, thejnabllity to practically distinguish in many instances the line of demarcation between AHianceism, Democracy and Third partyism—all these contingencies have served to make the political heretics defiant toward their critics and while preacn- ing their heresies to dark lantern cau cuses at midnight would meet their Democratic friends on the streets in broad daylight with the exclamation, ‘I am a Democrat!” Tbe News and Advertiser claims the right to pass upon and criticise the political position of any man seeking uffice. It is a well-known maxim that by its fruit you shall know a tree and in the social-relations of life a man is judged by the company he keeps. It cannotbe that this rale will not hold good in politics lor we have yet to* see affiliate with a party the prin ciples of which are different from those entertained by himself. Ids too late now for Mr. Stevens to attempt to explain why he has so many Third party adherents on his campaign committee and we dare say he will never he able to explain why a Democratic candidate should entrust the management of campaign to polit ical foes. Candidate Stevens, by his long sil ence in this matter, has failed to repu diate bis Third party committee or to rebuke tbe action of said committee whose published campaign circular urging Mr. Stevens’ election was an nsidiotrs attack on Democracy from first to last. For these reasons we cannot .bring ourselves to place any confidence in Mr. Stevens Democracy at thi3 time and at this crilical period in our polical history we cannot see how any- conscicntious Democrat can espouse Mr. Stevens’ cause. The- seif-coustituted news censors need not fear, when their services are needed chey will be called on. Hon. Ben Bussell is carrying the banner of Democracy in the Second district to -glorious victory. Ocala Stevens will be named Col. Mu I when the fight ends.—Quitman Sun. Bussell and Spence and Hammond and Mershon are making tho Third party fur flyover in the Second. Bussell is a good one, And he’ll get there sure as fate, For he has always swung on The Democraiic cate. —.Qritman Sun. Sirs. Mary Asten Lewlsburg, Pa., suffered untold agony from broken rnricooe vein*, with intense itch ing and burning. On the recommendation ot a physician she took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and used Hood’s Olive Ointment Soon the ulcers began to heal, tlie inflammation ceased, she was completely cured, and says, “ I enjoy health as I have not for many years.” ” *unted with Mrs. We are personally acquaL— ---- Asten ami know the above to bo true. Griffin & Son, Lewisburg, Pa. AND WHAT IS IT? A STBANGE COMMUNICATION FEOM KANSAS. Some Peculiar IiprtMlui ca tbe Subject «( fiarrlagr, But l pan tbe Wha’.e It la tala'HII|ilile-Wkai Doei It 31eai. J. S. HOOD’S P1LL8 core Habitual Constipation by restoring peristaltic action of tbe alimentary canal. The Neks and Advertiser re ceived a peculiar communication from far away Kansas yesterday. And it evidently eminated from the mind of a peculiar man. The. communication was written upon four different pages and is re produced here just as it was written and if anyone can make heads or tails out ot it, why do so. There was no explanation with It and no intimation of what it was in tended for. * Here is the strange document: No. -153. For publication. God’s rulings pertaining to marriage written by John Fetzer, God’s Com mander. TO THE PEOPLE. All laws enacted by man prohibit ing the marriage (the becoming hus band and wife) or kindred, regardless ot the nearness of their being related by blood or birth, are contrary to God’s rulings. People having become husband and wife near kindred, although they are the very nearest, have not violated God’s rulings. The laws of man dare not be in con flict with God’s rulings because if we entorce them and bring suffering of any nature whatever upon kindTed for having become husband and wile God sbrely will avenge them ot their wrongs because f the act is marriage or becoming husbaud and wife. fGjd’s Commander excepted. , . (No. 2S5.1 tGod said unto me on the lath day of November 1S90, at about 0 tofi o’clock p. m., meaning my daughter (Huldab) "She is your wife.” .( To News andAdvertier, Albany, Georgia. Born near Logan, Ohio, April 22, 1S43. . Became an elect January 1SS0. Former profession—public school teacher. Sene God’s Doctrine to you August G, 1890. Was made God’s Commander Nov. 19tli, 1SU0, at abour.9 to 10o’clock p. m. Dated Larimer Kansas July 19ih, 1892. John Fetzbb. No. 5SG. God’s Banner—inscriptions KecM God rules the Universe, (year 1S90) God, Heaven and Eternity. Nov. God’s people must be respected, God’s people’s wrongs wilt • he avenged. Buination, Damnation and Hell. Written by John Fetzer, God’s Commander. July 19tb, 1892. God said unto me "I will make the way plain for you”—God’s Com mander. (year 1880.) Barbecue at Acrce. It was the pleasure of the editor of- the Local, on Saturday last to attend a barbecue and basket dinner at Acree, Ga., where about two hundred people had come together for a day’s enjoy ment and pleasure. About fifteen car casses were cooked to a turn and after everybody had eaten all they wanted, there yet remained two or three nice carcasses spread out on the poles over the pit; a portion of which was sent, around to such neighbors as were un able to get out to the feast of good things. - There were a. number of eloquent and logical speeches made in advocacy ot pure and unadulterated Democracy. Hon. E. B. Jones, Dougbertj’a Dem ccratic nominee for the lower house of representative, opened with an appro priate appeal to all uoters to stand firm to the grand old Democratic party. Albany’s eloquent and logical "Lit tle Billie WuoteD,” next took the stand and entertained the audience with an able address on the political questions of the day showing up plenty of common sense reason and argument in defense of Democracy. Col. J. W, Walters told the people when intro ducing Uapt. Wooteu, that "they would be .surprised and captivated when they had listened to the eloquent little nominee of the Democratic party for the State Senate,” aud most ably' did Capt. Wooten sustain the Intro duction. Something over an hour was spent in eating the splendid dinner and In private conversation, when the au dience was again called together and entertaiued by Col. J. W. Walters, who showed up a great deal of crook edness in Mr. 0. B. Stevens’ canvass of the district, first in the interest cf Judge Guerry and then in his own in terest after he had secured the en dorsement of the Alliance,and then ap pealed to the people to stand by Mr. Ben E. Bussell who had entered the tield with the standard of true Democ racy unlurled and was leading a most gailant and winning fight every where iie went. Col. Walters theu intro duced that able and distinguished ex ponent of unadulteiated Democracy, who so ably championed tlie cause ol our much esteemed Henry G. Turner, over in tbe uew Eleventh district, Judge Mershon, ot Brunswick, who though laboring under a severe cold, entertained the audience with an able, eloquent appeal for and in the interes 1 of. the Democratic party which had been the bulwark of the South for the last decade, urging that the greatest need just now was that the party should avoid a split in its own ranks aud that was no need for the Third party and really no room for it here aor no where else. Tlie day was pleasantly spent and good teeling prevailed among all pres ent, and the outlook was that much good was done towards solidifying tiro Democracy.—Sumner Local. m Ask your druggist for Cheatham’s Tasteless Chill Tooic. Distinguished from the old original by the word "tasteless” printed in red 00 all can coons and labels. A new departure, but the result of years ot careful study and experimenting. "No cure no pay.” Take it aud be happy. TODAY’S DUTY. Just at this season of the year with its heat, dust, flies, gnats, mosquitoes and other attendant inconveniences, the average citizen is inclined to offer all manner of excuses for his failure to attend church services on Sunday. There are mauv people who are con stitutionally opposed to church going but however deplorable that may be when we find so many others oflering the weather as an excuse it is not at all surprising that our ministers fre quently complain in private conversa tion of the lack of_ interest in church going. The one who is a chronic absentee from church services has fallen into the use of that trite saying, “in sum mer it’s too warm and in winter it’s too cold and therefore I can’t lied a time convenient to go to church.” It would be hai-d for any person to cite instances of severity of the weath er that would keep people from at tending church if they really felt in clined to go. IVe know that in the winter season it is often very disagree able for people to venture forth in heavy rain or in bitter cold, but if a person is physically able to attend di vine worship the weather seldom will interfere with any desire on his part in that direction. When we stop to consider the ques tion it 13 really marvelous the number ot people who manifest by their ex ample an antipathy for church wor ship. There is no more encouraging sign in a community than to see its citizens turn out en masse to go to church on Sundays. The sweet chimes of the bells, the hurrying throngs, the impressive quietude, the silent solemnity—all these are Inspir ing merely to tbe lookeron. But per chance the stranger Is within your gates. Impressed by such a scene he naturally falls iu and goes with the throng to some place of worship, leel- ing the better therefor and feeling that he has done his duty even in a strange place away lrom his own home ties. We have no words of censure this morning (or our citizens ami we have no lecture to read to you about ab senting yourself from church. We believe that there is not a more order ly city in the state on Sunday than Albany, but there are- non church goers, a fact that is plainer to none than to the faithful pastors who serve this people. When the bells begin to peal forth their melody this morning remember that "no man liveth to himsell” and with au intention born of a desire to observe this day in the spirit in which It was set apart lay all other desires aside and go to church. Eternal Vigilance. Is the price of health. But with all our precaution there are enemies al ways lurking about our system?, only waiting a favorable opportunity to as sert themselves. Impuricies in the blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, undermining health aud hasten ing death. For all diseases arising from impure blood,.Hood’s Sarsapar illa i3 the unequalled and-unapproach- ed remedy. It is King ot them all, for it conquers disease. l!*w to get TUIn. The only safe and reliable treatment for obesity, or (superfluous fat) is the “Leverette” Obesity Pills; which gradually reduce the weight and meas urement. No injury or inconvenience —Leaves no wrinkles—acts by absorp tion. This cure Is founded upon the most scientific principles, and has been used by one of the most eminent Physicians of Europe in his private practice "for five years,” with the most gratifying resnlt*. Mr. Henry Perkins, 29 Union Park, Boston, writes: From the use of the "Leverette” Obesity-Pills my weight has been reducep ten peunds in three weeka aud my general health is very tittch improved. The principle? of your treatment are fully indorsed by my family physician. In proof ot my gratitude I herewith give you permis sion to use my name if you desire to do go.” Price $2.00 per package, or three packages tor $5,00 By registered mill. AU orders supplied direct Trout our office. The Leyerette Specific Co., 339 Washington St., Boston,Me93. RAKE NO RISTiKE. When one wants to eradicate every indication of malaria from their system they are truly wiss, and make no mis take if they will try Dr. John Bu'l’s bSIITH’i TONIe *YBIT. For many years it bag deserveal? maintained its reputation as being the most reliable of the many CUBES one sees advertised and sold for the most annoying and enervating of all malarial diseases, known a? - CHII.I.S A11D FEVER, it has a good and lasting effect and no other remedy has ever given such sat isfaction. Demand it of your drug gist. Take no substitute ou which « arger profit is made. One bottle will lo yon more good than six bottles ot any other remedy, and the relief is al ways permanent. A word to the wise is sufficient. It cures malaria. HOBBS & TUCKER ALBANY, GEORGIA, DO A QXNSEAL BANKING BUSINESS. Collections Made In Any Fart Of The United States. Discount approved time paper. Receive Deposits—subject to checks Lt eight. tr ,37-r AV*Jy. * /-JOHN A- dayia, President. J. S. I>AVi6. Cashier. *F1RST NATIONAL BANK* ALBANY, GEORGIA. fffiOXEY LOADED. l>?pofcit« Received Subject t* Sight Check. A Gnml Baczii? Sishsss fruKciri. Bankers’ and Merchants’ Accounts SOLICITED. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY LAR3R COLLECTION BUSINESS B, H. Shackelford Co BROAD ST..NLBANV, GA. WHOLESALE:- -:RETA1L -dealers in- Tobacco, -AND Cigars Liquors. We are sole Agents lor the follow ing celebrated brands cf Neleon Coun ty Kentucky Whiskeys. J lS. E. OWEN, guaranteed eignt years old. S. H. HOLLINS band made Sour Hash. OLD PICKET and ASTOB, -which are elimiated ot all fusil oil, and lor a stimulant or tonic they have no equa’, and are highly re'-cramended by ptysi<-.ian3 for me 'ical purposes. Also a full line of BRANDIES, GINS, KEY and CASE, pure corn whisky. IMPORTED ASD DOMESTIC WISES which they are offering at prices to suit the times. Special attention given to the jug trade. Call on us < r send ns an order and we guarantee satisfaction. E, H Shackleford & Go, A IRar*ri Te tills* t»r ft. P. C. - I got relief partially from tbe firs’ application, and with but few more applications, I was entirely recovered for the lime being. It did more good than any remedy I had ever used . 1 heartily recommend it, J. W. Carmine, Mayor Boston, G-a. For sale by W. H. Giltert. $500 Reward Will be ]>ai'1 to tbe ngmt of any ecalo com pany who wl 1 c ay~«*ver his own name as age at, that the .?onks HILSHAN & AGAR C0„ Have jast received a fine line of Sporting* Woods, all this years make. Such as Spaldings Bats and Balls, Reachs Bats and Lion Balls~in fact balls and bats of all kinds and prices from 5c. each and upwards. Hammocks, Hammock Ropes Stretchers, Hooks etc. A new line of Fishing Tack le, consisting of Fly Rods, Leaders, Lines and Hooks, Bobs etc. We are selling our stock of Music at 5c. a copy. Call and get your pick before they are allsoid. AN & AGAR CO. COME ONE! COME ALL!! TO THE ALBANY MUSIC HOUSE. 5 Ton Wu o’ou Scale$fi0 is not equal to any m u*e, and a f.tanrfarcl re liable scale. For purtfcul irs address only Jones of BisgtabitoD, N. Y. S1HP YOUR Freight from * Louisville, Cic- cinnati, East Sr,. Louis, Nssh- ville,. New Orleans, Mobile, and all points west via. L. & N. B. It., Montgomery and the Ala bama Midland; short direct, and most satisfactory route from ail westeru points to Albany. FoT all informa tion reference to fates, tracing, etc., apply to the undersigned. •HAIDEUMiLLEB, G. F. A.,Alabama MidiaDd By., Mont gomery, AI.1. W. M. BLITCH. Agent S., F. & W. By., Albany, Georgia. Where you can get any hind of an Instrument you call for, from a jews harp up to the finest Piano made. Such as the Celebrated (J. IT. Stone & Co., D. II. Baldwin & Co., and Haines Bros., which is the best on earth. OHSANa I also sell the Celebrated Hamilton Organs which is noted for its excellency in tone and duribilityi SHUT MTJSXC. latest popular songs and Sheet Music. You can find anything jou wantin our stock,which 4s the largest in Georgia. AU the latest songs by “Banks Winter,” the most popular writer of tne day, and a -Georgia boy. Call and see our immense stock. TUTOC and REPAIRZ1TC. W T e can make old Instruments as good as new, Pipe organs a specialty, all work guaranteed as'I have employ ed a first class tuner. I am a young man and have purchased my fathers entire business and as I am just starting out in business I desire to ask the liberal patronage o f the public. Satis faction guaranteed, all orders promptly attended to. Very Respectfully, T. M. RAeHA.L^ 1:1. COMMISSION Central R. R. of Georgia. . EC. M COMER. Eiyss Sob-od-ula is. Eifacfc Juy 32 — - ■ down.- { SOUTH WE8TEBN DIYI8IOH.) -READ UP- BOSTON, MASS., No. 52 Commerce Wharf. 5:25 p m C .00 p in 7:35 p m 11 40 a m »2 30p m 4:l2 p in 7:20 p id 4:*’5 pm 0:15 a m 6 O'pus C ;SI) a to 'lo hilli LAVIU U'JlUIUUU), Opelika a nc! Birm ingham, Lv Albany ..Ar 7 .-rs p m 7:50 a in Lv.... Americus Ar XtiflO am Ar Coluir tma Lv 2:55 p m 12:45 p m Ar Onelika Ly 0:40 p m Ar..Birmingham ....Lv 8:33 a m 3:00 a n> To and from Macon. Griffin and Atlanta. Lt Albany 2*55 p m i 4 SI a m Ar ,Ar.«ericus Ar 7:15 am Ar Macon At 10:15 a m 9:15 a m Ar—Barnes rill e. .Ar 9:15 a m ‘J :5J a m Ar Orifiin Ar ll:3o a m Ar Atlanta Lv 7:i0 a m To and from Eufanla . 1:50 a in and Montgomery. -v Albany Ar 2:35. am Lv.... Smithvili* Ar J2:42 p xn 4:40 am Lv k.ufaula -\r T S> a to Ar... .Montgomery ...Lv 7 :i i a m 4:05 p m To and from Augusta and Savannah. • ' Albany At 12:49 a m Ar Macon Ar 4^20 p TO Ar 4uguata Lt 7: '0 a m Ar.... Savannah.... Lv 7 lo a in 8:05 p m To ’From liiakel; andOolnmlia. Lv Albany Aj 11:25 a m 8:31 p m Ar Blakelv Lv 7 :25 u m Ar Columbia .T.v 7 :b0 a m I 2:55 p xn 12:15 p m *7:30 a m 1:20 am 12:30 a ml 1 0:54 p m 7:30 p C-- 2:55 p m 3:25 a m 9:15 p m i 45 p Hi M>aily except Mii.Uay. r :^7h er inforxnruon, call on or write *o Ti M. COMFORT Ticket r, ' WEO.X>. WADLFY, * w isen, Pa p 6. a. g t M Savannah, Ga. Gen’i. Sujjerintencier.t. 12:40 as. ll:20>p m 8:10 p m 6:87 p m 0;iOpD» 4:10 p as Agpnt. Aibanv, Ga. F.SHET/LMA-N, Traffic Manager* FEATHERBONE Absolutely unbreakable. Max Cas sell & Sisters are authorized to refund he money for "Feathertione Corsets’ iud waists and ail sorts of corsers if not entirely satisfactory after four weilts’ trial. The most durable corset ever offered to the trade. MELONS SPECIALTY. CURE r YOURS£LFf ^If troubledwith Gouorrh<v« m J Gleet, W h 1 tes.S penna torrhceaB for any unnatural discharge ■ yoor druggist for a bottle of JBlg G. It cures in a few dars ■without the aid or publicity of a doctor. Non-poisonous and llPM guaranteed not to stricture. The Universal American Cure. Manufactured by Irani Chemical Co. I CINCINNATI, O. U. 8. A. v TV IRISH %• SPECIFIC. The great afid only certain*cure for Acute and Chronic Catarral in all its stages recommend in Cancer and all blood diseases. This remedy was originally purchased from one of the most emminent Physicians in Ireland. For sate bv H. J. LAMAR & SON. %'an Feraal Si? S’fJUS BACK ACHI.S. Or you e - till worn out, really good fornotl* lug, It is general debility. Try B.IOWS’S IKON KITTENS. Hyffi Cure you. cleanse yonr liver, and giv* - a good appetite. MACON, GA. 1 r s i ns £ ept - 21 ’ i89i Ur s est p atr °»- age in btate. Apply for Catalogue to C. Bass. D. D.