The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 06, 1892, Image 1

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' •. .• ;> Jr l J c!c ^-‘orioT Canrt Volume XLVI.—No 317 ■- g g ' ’-■k " 3%-' ' ^ S -T’,. ..-e—itfr . AUGUST a 1802. Price $1.00 Per Year SIX OF US AFFLICTED With Crtuty, Scaly Skin Disease. It Tormented Us All. Almost Drove My Wife Mad. Doctors and Medicines Failed. In stant Relief and Speedy Cure of AH by Cuticura. . . , , ^ < TkTt% year* ago ray wife, four little children*! mtwtll were afllictcd with a crusty, scaly disease •ftbs skin. It tormented u* all. fiuch a plague I bop* will nexer airain visit my family. My eluLiron's ages were respectively nine, seven, and four year*. except the youngecL who was only two months old. Of 01 our suffering, my wife suffered the most. It almost drove her mad. The disease first mode its appearance on my wife’s back between the sbooVl^a, and spread across to her breast. It looked HTVit was covered over with Htile scales. I first bought of n drag store medidno for skin disease, which failed to do'any yfijh whatever. I next employed a doctor who S£b’W-f for a short while. After trying him for quite a while without effecting u cure, I called la another doctor who proved to do no better than the first. After this I bought Cuticura Uxmxdiip of Vomm. Purcell, Ladd U Co., Richmond, Va., having read of them In a newspaper. Relief fol lowed the first application, and five or six sets cured all of us. I do not know what the disease was w« bad, it affected us all alike, hut I do know CuflCl'Bl cured us of that skin disease. Rev. J. N. WOODS, Avon, Nelson County, Va. Cuticura Resolvent' The new Blood end Skin purifier, and greatest of humor remedies, cleanses the blood of ull Impurities mad poisonous elements, and ihua removes the cause, while Cuticura. the great skin cure, and Cdticijha IIuap, an exquisite skin beautitivr, cK*ar the skin and scalp, and restore the hair. Thus th«‘ Cuti- CUUA Uexkdik.s cure every sj>ecies of itching, •timing, scaly, pimply, mid blolchy skin, scalp, and blood dUcasca, wbcn’thc best phyVicinua fail. Bold erorj’^ere. Price, Outtccda, f;0c.; Soap, 25a.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Cop.roiiation, Boston. How to Cure Skin Diseases,” C4 pages, 50 1 illustrations, ami testimonials, mailed free. Skin and Scalp purified and beautified by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure. BABY’S A RHEUfVIflTIG PAINS In ono minute 1 hoCutlcurexAnll- IVtiu Plaster relieves rheumatic, sci atic, hip, kidney, cheat, and muscular pains and weaknesses. Price, ‘Joe* giotcssual (Eitrtls, S. J. Jones. S. W. Smith, Ordinary Dougherty Co. JONES & SMITH, ATTORNEYSATLAW and Real Es at ; Brokers. Money to loan on real estate securities. 35. rt. JONES, LAWYER and REAL ESTATE BROKER, Notes, Stocks and Bonds bought and sold, Local Agent Equitable Building and Loan Association of Albany, Ga. Washington, Nt. - - Albany?'3a. W. T- JOWEiB, Mloiw ui taint km, ALII ANY, Gb H. J. SWEAT. Attorney jB.-b-3Lja.-w, ALBANY, GA. All business dispatched with promptness. Commercial law a spe cialty. Office No. 7Gb; Broad. Sf. W. L. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon, gfT~ Office over If. J. Lamar A Son’s Drug Store. Telephone 84, Hugo Robinson, Sargeoa, ALBANY, - GEORG kA. Office in Ventulette Block. Telephone 43. L. LOE¥, WitterMi:-: Jewler, Office at S, Sterne’s store. Satisfaction guaranteed where others failed. KW. PRICE 3 : MERCHANT TAILOR. Broad Street, - • ALBANY, GA I have just received my Spring and Summer Styles in fine Broad cloths, Casslners, Doeskins, etc. If you want something: nice for a Dress or Business Suit give me a call. I guarantee all my work to be firstclass in every respeet. Give me a chance at your work and you will he pleased, Kespcc M v, o- pRice VIGOR OF ■aslly.Qutckly,Permanently Restored. ‘W*Bkoe*«f XervouaucM, Debility, and thB train of evils from early errors or later ex- eeaaes. the result of overwork, sickness, worry, •to- Full strength, dev lopment, and tone given to every or an and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Immediate improvement seen. JfeUore impossible. 2,000 references. Book, expla nation* and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address, CBIK MEDICAL. CO., BUFFALO, M. t- HO DOOBTIBODTAUB&li THE STRAIGHT DEMOCRATS “Totsr Tor. Joan’ Jl.J JTitj Wur l> In the Ttaw- and,, and Owt, Twelve mare Conn- tic. i. Hear f’i.a-Tho l.efc I,fa ts re Is Democratic by more Tfcaa Tw<-TbMt IB Bill Braachen. Ansi-jTon, Ala., August 3.—The Third party has made its first organ ized effort to capture a Sousbern State The campaign recently closed in this State was precisely like that -which is going on in Georgia and in every other State of the South where the Third party is endeavoring to gain control. It was led by politicians who left the Democratic party and preach ali sorts of wild theories of relief and reform to the masses. It is quite natural that in a time of financial depression and distress the plea ot the demagogues should win many adherents and that there should be moji? or less rgjjlessness under ex isting conditions. The Third party was well organized in Alabama. It had au active consti tuency in every county, and made a most thorough canvass without regard so color. It was led by bold and in defatigable men who were thoroughly acquainted with the people of the State. It bad not only the sympathy but the national assistance of the Republi can organization. There arc charges that it received financial aid from the national Republican committe. Every conceivable effort was made to incul cate among the farmers the idea that the people in the towns were their enemies and thus to divide the whites into hostile classes. Race prejudipe was also invoked, and the appeals made to the negroes were such as are liable to work serious mischief. Kolb and his crowd told their negro bearers that there was a plot to deprive them of the ballot, and that Democratic success would mean their disfranchisement. O; course with one side ac ing on such lines the campaign was warm, the warmest Alabama had known in twenty years. The Democratic lead ers did their work admirably. To their prudences and good sense the happy result is largely due. They ap pealed to the reason of whites anti biabks. The" kept constantly before the eyes ol the farmer what the Demo cratic oarty has done for them and the fact that the only reasonable hope of furthur relief lies in Democratic su premacy. They begged the negro to think of the consideration he received from his white ne’ghbors, the liberal policy the state government had pur sued toward him and the desirability to both of the most friendly relations between the races who must live to gether. A sharper contrast in campaign methods was probably never befo.e presented. It is to the honor of Ala bama that argument prevailed over prejudice and passion. While tlie vote of the towns was overwhelmingly Democratic, the rural vote was well divided. While the white Republicans almost to a man supported the Third party, the negroes by the thousand stood by the Demo cratic ticket because they had more confidencs in the men who commend ed it to them. The negro vote was al most equally divided. The result in Alabama ought to 1 e very gratifying to the Democracy. That its effects will be felt in our State there can be no doubt. Our fi lends in Alabama have achieved a glorious vic tory for Democratic principles. They have set us a good example by the zeal with which they labored in the good cause, hv their excellent judgment and their good temper. We congratulate them most heartily and promise them that on the first Wednesday in October Georgia will take her stand by Ala bama in the victorious Democratic line of 1892.—Atlanta Journal. WHAT THKI ABE SMB WB. Brandreth’* Pills are the known. * First—They are purely vegetable, in fact s medicated food. Second—The same dose always pro duces the same effect—other purgatives require increased doses and' finally cease acting. Third they purify the blood. Fourth—They ingorate the digestion sod cleanse the stomach and bowels. Fifth—They stimulate the liver and carry off vitiated bile and other secre tions. The first two or three doses tell the storyr The skin becomes clear, the eye bright, the mind active, digestion is restored, costiveness cured, the ani mal vigar is recruited and all decay arrested. Brandreth’s Pills are sold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar coated. There are more than two thousand square miles of valuable timber land in Newfoundland. A woman of Yuma, Ariz.. is said to be the mother of twenty-five children. Tli. Bid Tintra ire Noi I u li While at our other store at Big Is land, Va., last April, I was taken with a very severe attapk ot diarrhoea. I never had it worse in my life. I tried several old-time remedies, such as Blackberry Wine, Paregoric and Laudanum without getting any relief. My attention was then called to Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholere and Diarrhoea Remedy by Mr. R, C. Tinsiey who had been handling it there, and in less than five minutes after taking a small dose 1 was entirely relieved —O. G. Rerford, Harris Creek. Am h *- st Co., Va.—For sale by H . J. l.imav & Sons. Chromatopseudopsis is the medical term for color blindness. nr. LandePa Bec*aaeadni«B. Mr. J, A. Lander, a prominent citi zen of Ciarksburb, Mo., and widely known in that state, says of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy : “I have seen its good results and can recommend it. For sale by Q. J. Lamar & Sons. ll*w t«fei Tkli. The only safe and reliable treatment for obesity, or (superfluous fat; is the “Leveretie” Obesity Pills, which gradually reduce the weight and meas urement. Yo injury or inconvenience —Leaves no wrinkles—acts by absorp- tien. This cure is founded upon the roost scientific principles, and ha« been used by one of the most eminent Physicians of Europe in his private practice “for five years,” with the most gratifying resnits. Mr. Henry Perkins, 29 Union Park, Boston, writes: From the use of the “Leverette’,’ Obesity Pills my weight has been reftucep ten peunds in three weeks and my general health is very much improved. The principles of your treatment are fully indorsed by my family physician. In proof ot my gratitude I herewith give you permis sion to use my name if you desire to do so.” Price $2 00 per package, or three packages tor $5,00 By registered mail. Ail orders supplied direct lrom our office. The Leyerette Specific Co., 339 Washington St., Boston, Mass. The postmaster at Camden, Me., pays for a Sunday mail service out of his own pocket. Athens, Ga., Nov. 10, 1891. Aqout two years ago I suffered in tensely with neuralgia ot the bowels. For a fortnight I had uot been able to rest at ail. One evening at 7 o’clock Dr. Whaley applied the large-sized Electropoise, and in two hours I was sleeping as quietly and sweetly as a child. For eight hours I was so still they were almost alarmed. I awoke ref resiled, and with a desire for food. Dr. Whaley continued the use of Ibe Electropoise with me for . over two months, aud it cured me. I am now well aud strong. Respectfully, Mrs. Ida Graves. Griffin, Ga., March 12, 1892. W. H e*V itaer spoon, Esq , Presi dent, &c.—Sir.I commenced the use of the Electropoise, perchased of you, in Julv last. My trouble nasthe had (.fleets from a severe case of ner- vious prostration. The ’Poise acted like a charm lrom the first application. It seemed to so vitalize my entire sys tem that my general health has become almost entirely restored. It has been invaluable to me, and I cheerluily commend it to those whose condition has been similar to my own. Trulv, etc., E. W. Beck. A 40-page bonk,describing the treat ment and containing testimonials lrom all sections, ami for the dire of ali dis eases, mailed free on application. Ad- dre-s Atlantic Electrohoisk Co., 45 Gould Building, Atlanta, Ga. An Indian Territory women horse whipped the editor who published, verbatim, the letter in which she o - dcred her paper stopped. n ake mo mistake. When one wants to eradicate every indication of malaria from their system they are truly wiss, and make no mis take it they will try Dr. John Bull’s etUi'IH’. TOIHIolBGP, For many years it has deservedly maintained its reputation as being the most reliable ol the many CUBE* one sees advertised and sold for the most annoying and enervating of all malarial diseases, known as CBILU AilDFEVElt, it has a good and lasting effect and no other remedy has ever given such sat isfaction. Demand it of your drug gist. Take no substitute on which « larger prelic is made. One bottle will do you more good than six bottles of any other remedy, and the reliet is al ways permanent. A word to the wise is sufficient. It cures malaria. Duiing divine service in a church at Westminister, Conn., a steer dashed against the green baize door, and ran up the aisle with the door on his horns. Now Try This. It will cost yon nothing and will sureiy do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King’s New Discovery lor Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers trom La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how g'*>d a thing it is. Trial bottles free at H. J. Lamar & Sons Drug Store. Large size 50c. and $1 00 3-23-6 t One pound of Indian 170 cups of strong tea. tea will make Bell Wanted To spread the good news, t.iat at last a remedy has been found which is a cer tain sure cure for coughs, colds and kindred diseases. Hassons Syrup of Tar is the name of this medicine, which is compounded from the best and purest materiais, and will always give relief. It you have a cough at tend to it, do nut let it get worse, but buy a bottle of Hasson’s Syrup, which is guaranteed to relieve or the noney refunded. For stie by Iliis- it au A Agar Go. A letter frour Judge Henderson, who was for several years Commissioner of Agriculture of ibe state of Georgia. AtlantjuJSa., July 9th, 1893. Dear Stai-rJjtime time earlv in May I conclud'd fhat I heard of it, that the EfrCWMEbis*. sucli as you now have on ssi«, ngghc be of sci vice to rue. I hail heeu for many years a suf ferer with a ••T-teased condition of the stomach and liver, and T wanted to see the effects ofLhe Electroi»ols« unon the organs. Accordingly I tried the ’Poise upon a Righpower, but expeii- encwl no benefit as lar as my liver was concerned Finally 1 m ule a local spp'ica'mn to my liver, placing the plate in contact therewi'H t.»r about tour hours. Thi- appliestion p'O lured considerable commotion about. Hie *ff emd organs, but had the h'DIn < IT .-t »h-n it passed away of leav>"g roy liver maii appear ances well. I am ol .he oni iio-i now should 1 make a-f»-w more similsr ap plications, though less severe, that 1 shall be great^r?nefitce(i if not en tirely cured abooc my chrst and stomach, I applied the E'ectropoise to my daughter, who had bren a great suf ferer for a number of .bpiings with fever and bowid troubles, in two davs’ time she wgs not only rid of the lever, but of the bowel difficulty a? well. In all cases of sickness we consider the Electropolse almost indispensable. • Yqurs very truly, J. T. Henderson. Forall information, &e., address ATLANTIC ELECTRO POISE CO. Atlanta, Ga. -r——■ A Buildingv-Loc—The carpenters, masons and bricklayers. Bvsrr D ■Krai t« Interested In tk? NatlMal Tick?’. To arm himsa-lf against the ; opbis- tries of the Republican party, every Democrat shouid read iraudsantl io, r e- hoeds of the Republican prrty, the latest, the largest and most authentic campaign document issued. U shows the fallacy of protection, the weakness of reciprocity, the financial Osinau- agement and wasteful expenditures ol tne Republican party. The compari son of the Mills and McKinley bills is an eye-opener to farmers, mechanic? and laborers. Complete biographies of Cleveland and Stevenson, a full re port of the convention, the party piut- tarm and an < xposition of Democratic principles. Nearly 609 pages. Price only $15). Special terms to Demo cratic clubs. Big pay to working agents. Canvassing book sent free for 10 cents. Address II. J. Smith &. Co., 263 Wabash Ave., Chicago, ill. 3c Berlin has lately heeo suffering from a plague of rats. They came in drove? into tlie seven wholesale warehouses of the city, and were of extraordinary ?ize. M. D. Lane, Devereaux, Ga„ writes: “One summer several years ago, while railroading ifr 'Mississippi, I became badly effected with malarial blood poison that impaired my health for more than two years. Several offen sive ulcers appeared on my legs, and nothing seemed to give permanent re bel until I took six bottles of B. B. B., which cured me entirely.” Women speak the truth, but not the whole truth. ■' — ■■ TO THE PUBLIC' I have no hesitancy in recoumend- ing Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtea Remedy to tlie public, as I do to my friends and patrons. I used it myself after other well-known rem edies had failed, and it cured me in a minutes. 1 recommend it candidly and cheerfully upon its merits, not not from a financial stand-point, be- beoauMj I have others in stock on on which I make a larger profit* but bechuse Onambei iain’s is the best rem edy ] know of lor bowel complaiuts. There is no douir about it, it does the work.—J am-s Forgy, Drnsrzlsts McVeyrowr, ’Jtswj. For sale by H.J.- Limar <fc Sotis. Summer sown corn and woman’s advice turn out well every seven years. Saved a «•■«>>< Life. Mr, J. E. Thorougligood, writing from Georgetown, Delaware, savs: Two leaspoonluls of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved the life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of this place.” He also states that sev eral other very bad eases of bowel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by H. J. Lamar & Sons. Seven counties ot northern Texas have refused to isue a marriage li cense to a sixteen-year-old boy and a wido of forty, who has thirteen chil dren. The mortality trom what are called winter diseases is not easily estimated, coughs, coldi, bronchitis and sore throat make up fully one-half of the death rate. More people die from pneu monia, which first began as a “bad cold” than lrom consumption. Hum phreys’ Specifies Nos. 1 and 7, for lever and inflamation, for coughs and colds, ate sovereign, curing promptly,mildly, safely and effectually, and thus arrest ing pneumonia—as hundreds of thous ands testify. They have been in use lor many yeare, and have s? univer sally met the expectations of the peo ple that we are almost “carrying coals to New Castle” to thus speak oi; hem- —Exchange. Woman’s beauty, rainbows forest echoes soon pass away. and and “La Strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong healthy, try Electric Bitters. If Gripne” has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach and Kid neys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions, If vou are afflicted with Sick Headache, you will fiud speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c. at H. J. Lamar & Sou’s Drug Store. Where woman rules the house the devil is the servi >g man. C. A. Thompson, Seymour, Ind., writes’ “My sister Jennie, when she was a young girl, suffered from white swelling, which greatly Impaired her general health and made her blood very impure. In the spring she was not able to anything and could scarce ly get about. More than a year ago she took three bottles of Bosanic alood Balm, and cow she is perfectly cured.” Where the devil cannot go himself he sends au old woman. Ask Year Ericags. Who have taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla what they think ol it, and the replies will be positive in its favor. One has been cured of indigestion and dyspep sia, another finds it indispensable lor sick headache, others report remarka ble cures of scrofula,salt rheum and other blood diseases, still others will tell you that it overcomes “that tired feeling,” and soon. Truly, the best advertising which Hood’s Sarsaparilla receives is the hearty epdoffitmenc of the army of friends ij$lBN|t|M by its positive medicinal ml Teachers. Ministers, Farmers, Me chanics. Mercnants, a? well as their wives, daughters and sons, who woo’d like to devote at least a part of their time am) attention to a work that would bring them in :i lot of ready money dnriog.the next lew months, would do well to look up the adver tisement of B. F. Johnson & Co., Richmond, Ya , in another column, as it may be the means of opening up to many new life and l»rger possibilities. These gentlemen have been extcu- stvely and successfully engaged in business for many years, and they know what they arc talking about when they tell you they can show you how to better your financial condition. ; ver y iere’9 A young wiie is an old man’s post horse to the grave. To Build Up Your system and restore Your Strength Inuigorate your liver aud Purify YOur Blogd Strengthen your nerves and Give au Appetite Take that Excellent Medicine, P. P. P. [Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium], Running the Gauntlet Pearline has been through it, but it has "got there." othermodern inwjrovementhashadthe same struggle, unbelief, prejudice and misunderstanding—peddlers of imita tions—the false statements of soap makers and unscrupuloun grocers to fight against. The old way is hard to leave, even if a better way is open. You can’t believe that Pcarlinc can do so much; then you can’t believe that it’s done safely;—in the end, you can’t see how you dver did without it. That’s the story of millions—full of doubt at first, full of satisfaction at last. If you’re at the doubtful stage, try it. You won’t know easy washing and cleaning ’till you do, Beware Peddlers and some grocers will tell you, “ this is as good as” or “th« ” ’ ” IT’S FALSE—but wbat a pull for PearJine. 185 JAMES PYLE, New York, t same as Pearline.” PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TRADC MARK. First ft£& Alvtjv. DeGRAFFENREID j A bag of (leas is easier to watch than one woman. R-T- An UoUInlied Pastor of tlie Presbyterian church of Sparta. N. J., voluntarily Writes strongly iu favor of Hood’s Sarsaparil la. He says: “Nothing 1 know or wii! ciea?e the blood, stimulate the liver or clean the stomach like this rerj.-Jy. i know 'f.scores and scores who have been helped or cured by it.” uitviiuisr, Iras .to exclusive sale of these celebrated glasses in Albany, Georgia. KtLLAHI Sc MOOItB* The only Manufacturing Opticians in the * .South. Atlanta, Georgia, Cyi\!«Mlers arc r.ot supplied with thea amoua glaiaes. l»13-d-6m« $500 Reward Will }'c paid to th? agent of any scale com pany who wi 1 ay over hia own najie as agent* that the JOaVEs A very fine medicine is manufactur ed from the silk of the common Indian corn. It has an active principle which is very soothing to the liver and kidneys, and in certain cases is an in valuable part of the treatment. "llieumau.m Cured ioiDay. “ITystic Cure” for Rheumatism and Neu aigia radically cures ini to 3 days its action upon the systpm is reins kable and mysterious. It r-- move ? at once the cause, and the dis ease immediately disappears, fi t e first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents, fiold by Uileman & Agar Co., •drug gists, Albanv. Itch on human ami horsie? and ali animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool- ford’s Sanitary Lotion. Tnis nevi r fails. Sold by Hiisniaii & Agar. Al bany, Ga. Tbe Mild Power Cures. For forty years Dr Humphreys’ lias been proclaiming “The ,’>Ii d Powe Cures” and his fpeeitu s have not only been scattered everywnere but have come into daily use in tens of thous ands of families all over the land. Fur the young, me ieeble, the ailing, to the wise and observing, they are s con stant csurce of refuge recovery. Scarcely a disease known among men, or animals even, bar has its sure anti dote and cure, among ids Specifics, The su7ering relieved; the health re stored and the livi s prolonged and usefulness extended by these simple inexpensive Humphreys’ Specifics is simply incalculable. 5 To® YVagonSealeSfiO is not eqnal to an j; msrfe. and a standard i e- liable e«a!e. For particulars address only Jones of Binghamton, N. Y, IE. COMMISSION BOSTON, MASS., No. 52 Wharf, Commerce Abbots East Indian O rn Paint c ires all Corns, Warts aud Bunions. As a general liniment for sprains am) bruises or for ihpumatism, lame back, deep seated or muscular pains, Chamberlain’s Pain Ba‘m is unrivalled- For sale by Hilsman <£ Agar Co. The Empress of Austria lately or dered that 50,090 rose trees should be planted around the statue of Heine, to be erected on her property at Corfu, on a rock over 2,000 feet above the level of the sea. MELONS SPECIALTY. « & CO. BUFALO, TV. Y. Consignments oi early Fruits and Vegetables, and M ELOIVS EARS REFE- S0LIC1TED. To Ray b^ak mr Boat! ban be in Buffalo* Morgan Lake Manufacturing Co. BE Aim II APOLLO WAS A PERFECT BflAN MIFE6T IN FORM l-MATCWtfSS IN WAR! S« anxious wers the nociriits f,r s:«lwar» lufii that pnur bo vs at biith were put to d.-.vh. Every Man can be ?TR0NO * Vigorous in all rc specti. YOUNG MEN OR OLD •offering from NERVOUS DE BILITY, Lot or Failing Man hood, Physical Excesses, Mental , Worry,Stunted Development,or tony PERSONA. tVEAKNESS can b* restored to PERFECT HEALTH and the NOBLE VITALITY of STRONG VEN, the Pride 4 Power of Nations. We claim by years of practice bv our exclusive methods a uniform ^ ‘Monopoly of Success’ in treat- sing all Diseases. Weaknesses dt 'I Affliction* of Men. Testimonl- ' '•Irfrom50atate3ttterrftor!os DUflNEWBOOKSr nlfrec, sealed, post- j> limited time. Get it ffhile yon can. Pnll explanations for HOME TREAT MENT. Yon can be FULLY RESTORED as thousand* uare been by ns. Bead our testimonials. Addres* ERIE MEDICAL CO. Buffalo. N.Y. ~ FOUTZ^S MORSE AND CATTLE POWDER ) No Hors* .il die of Colic. Horn or Luira Fr> gee, if Fontr*, Pi-wders are uner* In time. Kont/.'s I*o /dcr.fl will rare nn<| prevent Hog CnoLRRi. Foote’s Powders will prevent Gaphs tn Fowia Ponte’s Powders will Increase the quantity of milB ind cream twenty per cent., and make the bntterfirm ind sweet. Foote's Powders will enre or prevent a’mosfc rvsn ITOfask to wintmYTorewnmfT caraeinrc snr.jecr. — Fotrrz’s Powdkrs will oivk Satisfaction. Sold everywhere. DAVID : , FOt/TZ, Proprietor, MALTIICOB.EL. LUX FOR OUR CATALOGUEand PRICES ULAS engine works, •NDlffNAPOLiS, 57ID. HUMPHREYS 9 This Precious Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. ? Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a curative and healing application. It has been ustd over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding; Fistula in Ano : Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate— the cure certain. WITGH HAZEL OIL For Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. The relief is instant —the healing wonderful and nncqualed. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 50 Cents. Trial size, 25 Cents. Sold by Drn^sWi, or scot post-paid on rec«ii>t of price. iicarnkeys’ bed. to., in a 113 wiinam st., sew york THE PILE OINTMENT tSL GERTRUDE, G.t. Fun For Two. Pear ..Crates. Hires’ Root Beer. All cbUdidO enjoy & drink of % go does every other member of the family. ASS cent package makes 5 gallons of this delicious drtek. Don’t be deceived If m dealer, for the sake of larger profit, telle you some other kind Is “just as good frlse. Ko imitation teas good as the gen uine Hires'. Small Packages are Best for Pears and Peaches, DOCTOR ACKER’S! ENGLISH for Coaths. Cold, and Consumption, It beyond . qoeffioothofroateototairmodern remedies.: ItadllstopaCooghlnone night. It will cheek; aColdtaaday. It will prevent Croup, relieve; Asthma, aad CURE Consumption if taken In; time. IF THE UTTLE ONES HAVE ; WHOOPING COUGH j OR * CROUP : Use li Proapily.; IT WILL CURE: WHEN EVERY-; THIS3 ELSE! _ FAILS “Youl \r*~ ” can’t afford to; f be without it.’’! A25C. bottle ouy save SI00 in Doctor’s bills. HUB A If MANHOOD W CM IVssaLSsasfciKa r^HWrwaml T«tcoc.le ctrti pirtv nlimA w qaMmL Mn SanbciUH sent tre» ied eraied. Ymt. MiAummi'viwK.h.L J