The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 06, 1892, Image 3

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HE WAS A SMART BOY. HOT TIMES IK ALBANY Tlie Smeltering Cays ('«me Witboat Accifl at. HE PUT IX MUCH OF HIS TIME IX THE STATE HOUSE. There is one thing that will not be put off. and that thing is best. From all over the country come re ports of great suffering Iron the in tense heat, and in plaiv people fall down from sunstroke and die. But Albany goes along ail right. There are no sunstrokes and no sickness due to the oppressive atmos phere. The blazing sun come3 up and pours its relentless rays down upon the streets and the house tops, but tbe comers and goers throng Broad street, the builders build on, the merchants sit and fan themselves in their stores, and the white aproned clerk3 of the soda founts are busy from morning till night. Verily Al bany is the place to spend the summer, and those of our people who go away do so simply to have a—change. Boiler. Saw Mill, Grist Mill, CottonGin OR Press. MCRINEY A Fake United States j -Deputy in Lir^. G, Rogrrs a. wbo ha. Spelt S.y (rat In La.tiag Returned Il.inr ■ f w day. agitiiah; Van Wd a TOti on Ertry.liiDfe umiis F. W. FOSTER JOHN GINN GETS SOME GIX Mr. Rogers, of Third Street, has a boy Thomas,.who was sent off to Lansing on a visit some weeks since, and it seems that the boy put in much of his time around the State House, and took a deep interest in the pro ceedings of the legislative body. He came home chuck full of parliamentary tactics. At the dinner table he moved to reconsider the vote by which boiled ham was placed on the bi'i offsre, and demanding the ayes and noes on the question ot a new pair of rubber boots and a spring velocipede. He hadn’t bjen home twodays before heobserved to his mother: “I move the previous question on that hunk of maple sugar in the pan try.” “You can’t have it.” “But I must. My motion cuts off all debate, and I shall announce the motion as carried in the affirmative.'* His father suggested the idea of an 'hour’s exercise with the axe, but, the boy called for a general expression of opinion, and succeeded in, passing a vote’ to recommit the question to the committee on rules for amendment. Things went on in thts way for a week, aud the old man finally had enough of it, Shd felt called upon to administer a caution. . “Don’t you know that an amend ment takes precedence of the question Itself ?” replied the hoy. “I amend as follows^ “Resolved, That this family recog nizes ‘Cushing’s Manual’ as standard A (Sunday Spree and It* Ke*ult-He Bought (to3d< Exumlvely and CJiotc Bogui Older, lor Them and lie New Smat. and Sirnri Pr*. fuiely. KIND. Be sure and let us hear from you before buyine We can save you mone Your shipments of Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, respectfully .solicited. Melons : a : Specialty. MALLARY. BRO COMPANY MACON. GEORGIA Mention this yrier, John;Ginn is the name of a gay citi zen who now occupies a cell at the city station house. “Sargt.” Kemp kindly gave him the bertMSunday, and from the profuse eweatmg or the prisoner it-is safe to say lie does not appreciate the kind ness. Glm came to Albany Saturday, from tome where on the Sam road and he went to work at once purchasing goods. He called on several large merchants and at some placek his bill amounted to $100. He gave in pay ment for these goods orders. it lias since transpired that these orders- are not worth the paper they are written oo. Sunday he loaded himself up on booze and was in the city in compauy with a woman of unsavry reputation known In tbe city as Mattie Hickie. Tbe matter was reported to Officer Kemp aod be arrested Mattie, wbo was drunk, and locked her up. He then went over tbe river and arrested Ginn. Ginn protested,against the in dignity, claiming tijat he was a United States Deputy Marshal, but this fact did not change the officer’s mind and Ginn found warm quarters in the sta tion bouse. / Since then he has been making Rome howl, as it were, and the air down that way is continually blue with pro fanity in which Ginn seems to be an expert. jSome say Ginn swears by note. It is now thought that Gim knows that his orders have been found to be bogus and tliat he wants to do the or*zy act to escape the punishment for obtaining goods under false pretenses “Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your home in tbe skies.” But early to bed anffa “Little Early Riser,” the pill that makes life Mrs. L. R. Patton, Rockford, 111., writes: From personal experience I can recommend De Witt’s Sarsapa rilla, a enre for impure blood and gen eral debility.”. Facilities for handling consignments unsurpassed Prompt returns always. Robert II f Mini. L ,te of Smith & Haliaty, Chas A Hall, Jr ' What a Woman. It pleases her to be called a sensible little woman. It pleases her to be called a well- dressed woman. It pleases her to he told that she is dangerously fascinating.. It pleases her to be told that she im proves a man by her companionshtp. It pleases her to depend on some man and pre end she is ruling him. It pleases her to be treated cour teously and with respect, and be talked to reasonably. It pleases her to be treated sensibly and houestly, to be treated as a but- teifly With no head or heart. It pleases her to be loved and ad mired by a man who is strong enough to rule and subdue her and make his way her way. To lead her and take care of her. ' References—Our Shippers, The Mercantile Agencies. The Banks of A ugus ta, The Wholesale trade of Augusta. ESTABLISHED 1S03. J. H, Preston & Co Oommission v Merchs Fruits and Produce. 13 to 18 Dyer, 1., ’ - ■ Provide! lamer Specialties, £.. GW! ' Belting, Lubricating Oils, &c., 'Special Agents for Perkins’ Shingle Machinery, Hall 410 Cn£KKY ST. MACON, GA CAPT. WOOTEN’S SPEECH. Democratic Hon. W. E. Wooten, nominee for the State Senate from the Tenth district, then concluded the speaking. The firstart of his speech was as pretty lit erary effort as we have eyer heard and entirely devoid of political allusion. But the speaker lost no time’during the remaining thirty minntes, and such a scathing arraignment of party, its principles and advocates we have never' heard before. The speaker could scarcely proceed with his master ly t-flirt for the lusty cheering of both men and women 405 Walnut, St. Kansas City, Mo. J. H. PRESTON & CO Fruits, Vegetables, Po tatoes, Apples?, Produce, &c, Mellons and Pears a Specialty. Your Consignments Solicited. Special Dealers in car lots. Liberabaiwivances made on receipt of cars. Stencils furnished.’on application. D17UCD to National Bank .Kansas City LlCr Llll Cra<i street and Dun’s Commercial Agency. Nearly every one needs a good spring medicine, and Hood’s Sarsapar illa is undoubtedly the best. Try it thi3 sesaon. mow & co., COMMXSIOXT MERCHANTS A N I> . FRUIT! UCTIONEERS A Beautiful Art Display. The sample rooms of the Albany Inn were thronged with ladies ail day yes terday inspecting the beautiful work how on exhibition there, by the New Home Sewing Machine Co. This dis- It was a grand vindication of Democracy and a with ering rebuke to third partyism. Third partyites were glad when the signal was given to “ail aboard” for Wil lingham.—Tifion Gazette. motion. It can come up again under the head of unfinished business.” * In about ten minutes the old man was ready for him in the wood-shed, and he remarked,— ‘•There is a quorum present, and we will proceed to business.” “I move we take a recess,” replied the boy, as his back began to ache. “Can’t do it,” said the father, as he hung up his hat. “I am now going, into a committee ol the whole on the and if t can’t tan Home Sewing Machine Co. play is how visiting the larger cities of the’ South, but in order to give the ladle3 of Albany an opportunity to see what the New Home can do, they have decided to remain here a few days and a lady who misses this will have much to regret, as the arrasene, appligue and embroider work is simply wonder ful, the designs beautiful, aud twe exe cution perfect. Come our and learn free of charge all the new r.r.d beauti ful methods of work. Nor* door to: 21 NORTH MARKET, ST., IS THE LEADING • - - - - BOSTOM, MASS. HOO E OF NEW ENGLAND. Best prices and lowest terms, sell by the old method or by Ocalai m is one of the things of the past in the Second district:' Rd sell’s friends are stilt confident of his success in the primaries of last Saturday. - - Thoma-vili.k has received its first bale of cotton.. It wa3 carried in by Mr. Geo, W, Parker aud was sold for 9 cents. * -- Auction as circumstances may warrant For tbe Pitot River. The River and - Harbor bill... .Jr pursed by Congress contained an item which pertain® < .’ready to A—,.. The sum of $15,000 was appropriated for tbe Flint river. Of that sum $4,000 will bo expended on the river between Albany and Montezuma while $11,000 will be used on the river between Albany and Bainbridge. It is to be hoped this amount will im prove the river to a considerable ex tent. It is true that it is hardly suffi cient to be of any great benefit, yet it is better than nothing, and by contin ually working away at it the Flint may in time become a.very good nava- gable river. We trulybeljeve De Wilt’s Little Early Risers to be the most natural most effective, most prompt and econ omical pill for biliousness, indigestion and inactive liver. whaling business, your jacket in ten minutes, I shall ask- leave to sit ag tin. Stand out here!” “Please call mother to the chair.” pleaded the youth, but it was no go. The old man had a two-thirds vote on him, and the question was so well set- t'ed that the boy was able to buy two bars of soap at a grocery that after noon without a single allusion to Cush ing.—Free Press. Pear.-.Crates It would have been better had Guy to McClendon kept liis mouth shut in Atlanta last week. Saturday’s Consti tution didn't verify what he said. Yod are either Democrat or Repub lican now. If you do not support the Democratic nominees you are a Re- There WHOLESALE COMMISSION FREES Melons A. specialty It i3 a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that performs the cure in the best. De VVitt’s Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform tbe sure and are tbe best. Small Packages are Best for Pears and Peaches. PKODUCE Consignments of early Fruits and Strength and Ifca’.th. If you are not feeling strongs and healthy, try Electric Bitters* If ’ “La Grippe” has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach and Kid neys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions, If vou are .•■ffiicted with Sick Headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy Large bottles only oOe- at is no halfway publican, ground. Berrien couDty Democracy has an able champion the Tifcou Vegetables, and $500 Reward Early Risers. Early Risery, Early Risers the famous little- pills lor con stipation, sick headache, dyspepsia and nerviousness. Gazette. Long may it live to fight the battles of Democracy iu the good old county of Berrien. of the AND Eternal Vigilance. Is the price of health. But with all our precaution there are enemies al ways lurking about our systems, only waiting a favorable opportunity to as sert themselves. Impurities in the blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break 9, 91. 93 and 95 CANAL. STREET, SOLICITED, The present management News and Advertiser is grateful for the many kindly expressions received at the hands of Albanians. you need. Large bottles only 50; H. J. Lamar & Sou’s Drug Stdre. liable scale. For part'cul «rs address only Consignments solicited. • Rubber Stamps and Stencils fur- He—“My dear Miss Angel, will you not partake of just a little pale, pink cream and one bonbon, which I fear will not be so exquisite as you are ac customed to in Boston?” She—“What a break! Iam not from Boston. I live in Kansas City.” “Well, I am a fish! Here, waiter, bring us a double order of pork chops and some turnips with the peeling on.” forth, undermining health and hasten ing death. For all diseases arising frora’impure blood Hood’s Sarsapar illa is the unequalled and unapproach ed remedy. It is King ol them all, for it conquers disease. Hiur Worth Went, Worth county piled up a good ma jority for Russell in Saturday’s pri mary. Russell received 300, and Stevens re ceived 3. Worth is one of the most solid coun ties in the district and all Democrats are proud of it. The people over there are not ye done talking about Hon. W. E. Wooten’s excellent speech made over there last week. It is very highly spoken of by all even the Third party men. nislied U| o i Application. ^References—Any produce'house in New York, Philadelphia or Boston and American National Bank. Pmui dencc, R. I. ’ Jrro ^ > COMMISSION PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES TRADE HARK. Quality Flret al Ihrijt. BOSTON, MASS., No. 52 Commerce Wharf. A statue of Joan of Arc has been unveiled at Rouen, France. The Maid of Orleans is Etandiug bareheaded, her hands bounn, and her hair cut short, ready to be led to the stake. JOHN KIENZLE The mortality from what are called winter diseases is npt easily estimated. Goughs, colds, bronchitis and sore threat make up fully one-half of the death rate. More people die from pneu monia, which, first began as a “bad cold” than from consumption. Hum phreys’ Specifies Nos. 1 and 7, for tever and inflamation, for coughs and colds, are sovereign, euringpromptiy,mildly, The Old and Reliable Front Mrs. Hottry Ward needier. “40 Orange St., Brooklyn.N. Y.) Feb. 11, 1880. ) “I have used AUock’s Piasters lor some years lor myself and family, and, as far as abls*. for the many sufferers who come to us lor assistance, and have found them a genuine relief lor most of the aches and pains which tlesb is heir to. I have used Alioek’s PLsters for ail kind of lameness aud acute pain, and, by frequeDt expe riments, find that they can control many cases not noticed in your circu lar?. “The above is the only testimonial I have ever given in lavor of any plaster, and If roy name lias been used :o recommend any other it is without my authority or sanction.” Mas. Henry Ward Bekiher. Fruit and Produce. I. R. DeGRAFFENRElD Has tbe exclusive s*ie of these celebrated glasses in Albany, Georgia. KELIuliK & HIOOUG, The only Manufacturing opticians in the It Is a fixed and immutable law that to’ have good, sound health one must have pure, rich and adundant blood. There Is no shorter nor surer route than by a eourse ot De Witt’s Sarsa parilla. safely and effectually, and thus arrest ing pneumonia—as hundreds of thous ands testily. They have been in use for many years 1 , and have so univer sally met the expectations of the peo ple that we are almost “carrying coals 315 N Front St , Philadelphia "South. Atlanta, Georgia. {^■Peddlers are rot supplied with thee . l-13-d-Ctc, amuus slasses. TnE Alliance is fast becoming a thing of the past. The convention that meets in Gainesville on the 17th of August will show? 1 a dropping oft’ ol more than 12,000 in tbe last twelve months. Come Your New Cook Book Free. The Price Baking Powdyr Co., Chicsg~xhas just published its new cook took, called ‘‘Table - and Kitchen,” compiled with . great care. Besides containing over 500 receipts Lr all kinds of pastry and home cookery, there are valuable hints for the table and kitchen, showing how to set a table, how to enter the dining, etc , a hundred and one hints in every branch of the culinary art. Cookery of the very finest and richest as well as that of the most economical and home like is provided lor. “Table and Kitchen” will he sent postage prepaid to any lady patron •ending her address,(name, town and sute) plainly given. Postal card is as good as a letter. Address Price Bak ing Powder Co,, 1S4, ISO and 1SS Michigan Street, Chicago, 111. (Men tion if desired in German.) Consignments and Correspondence Solicited. Returns Promptly made as Advised. to New Castle” to thus speak oi I hem —Exchange. ^HUMPHREYS’ ^VETERINARY SPECIFICS lor Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, It is one of the peculiarities of things that the ire chest men generally tell the stalest stories. Prices Reported Daily. AND FOTXLTBY. SOGP&ffC Book on,Treatment of Animals Ou EDI ah feels,confideBt still, down Tobie you are beat, methods didn’t suit the people, References*—The Integrity Bank, of Phil adelphia; Baldwin's Bank, *enn Yan; P pie’s Ban., of Hammontcn, J : Northern Litx rtie? Bank of I'hiiadelphla. and-Chart Sent Free-* ******* CURES (Fevers, Conceptions, Inflammation A. A. i Spinal Meniusitis, 31ilk Fever. B y it m. tfoUiiiMlied Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Sparta. N. J., voluntarily writes strongly iu favor of Hood’s Sarsaparil la. He says: “Nothing I know of will clease the blood, stimulate the liver or clean tbe stomach like this remedy., I know of scores and scores who have been helped or cured by it.” “I can give you gas if you are afraid the pain will be too great to endure,” said a dentist to an elderly colored woman who had come to have several teeth extracted. “No, sah, no sah!” she said, shaking her head emphatical ly ; “you don’t gib me no gas en hab me git up out’n dat cheer en walk home dead, no, sah ! .1 reads de news- papahs!” B.B.-- Strains, Lacienesit. Rheumatism. C-C*—Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D.—Dots or Grabs, Worms. 1£.E.—Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia- F-F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. G. G.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. - H. H.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases- I. 1.—Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J-K.-—Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - - Stable Case, with Specifics. Manual. Veterinary Cure Oil and Medicator, S7.00 Clevklaad—the great and only Grover Cleveland, will be president of the United States and won’t that be nice, V* SPECIALTY ISTABLISHEP 1831 Southern Democrats wbo are asked to vote for Weaver would consider it an insult if they knew his record. His published utterances prove him to be intensely prejudiced sgainst the South and unworthy of a siDgle Southern vote. Here is an extract from a speech delivered by him at Keokuk, la., not long ago. ‘The record of tLe Republican party appears to the can did judgment of all men as unimpeach able, save, perhaps, that it was too lenient with the leading Democratic conspirators. The same old gang, save those who were shot or hung, are again conspiring to get possession of the government next year. Woe to them! for the loyal hosts will ernsh them aod crush them forever and for ever out of ail possible danger of such a misfortune to our common coun try.” A rattlesnake fifteen inches in cir cumference is in the possession of Deyuty Marshal Lindley, ;at McAles- ter, I. T. Cure* taiDay, “JTystio Cure” for Rheumatism and Neu: rigia radically cures ini to 3 days Its action upon the system is rents kabie and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause, and dis ease immediately disappears. ' The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by Hilsman & Agar Co., - drug gists, Albany. Norfolk, a Ya., Shipments of Early Vegetables nic'.t l. % Mini, Fean Peaces ui C. A. Thompson, Seymour, Ind., writes* “My siner Jennie, wr- ’i she was a young girl, suffered fr^-x .vliite swelling, which greatly Impaired her general health aud made liet blood very impure. -Iu the epriug she /was not able to anything and could scarce ly get about. More than a year ago she took three bottles of Bosanic 8!ood Balm, and now she is perfectly cured.” (.000 Genuine Tyler Curtain Desks S2I an •24 Net Spot Cash. No. SOOT Antique OaJrStandnrd Tyler Beil. Are. Bln. long hr art. Din. blah. Mice and I>u; Zinc Bottom under drawers; patent; Vui- tine 1 Curtain; Polished Oak; WritiuRTable; GTcc Her lock; one lock securing all drawers; s he.-.v iardboanl Filing Bores; Cupboard in end; L>re!o Finished Back; Extension Arm Slides; Welgt too lb«. Price. P.O. B. at Factory. *24 Sr, Also 1,000 Antique Ash Desks. N—. 400®. Same as above,except made o T So 1 ; Antique Ash, good, aa oak. Weight 200 11 < Price F. O. B. at Factory, 921 Net. Shipjvi from our Indianapolis factory direct. Made and s. 1 solely by the TYLER DESK CO., St. Louis, MI lSOpsge Catalogue of Bank Ceoater., Detk*, etc .iued.' flout ever printed. Rooks free; pottage It cent*. Id SPECIFIC No.ui In use 30 years. The only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, vital Weakness, and Procuration, from* over-work or other eansea. r Outlie War Fatb. Albert Harper, a negro from uowa the B. & W. was in the city Is 011 night. He was very drunk and took iu the town with a large murderous looking knife. He was very profane aud boistrous. .’ Officers Kemp and Mooney captured him after a lively foot race and he now occupies a cell at the station boute. HU luu will cost him very dearly. German carp areso plentiful in tbe Passaic river at Fine Brook, X. J., that the residents “wade out with a hay fork and spear them.” The Brazil nut contains from fifteen to twenty-four seeds, which all ger minate at one time. The most vigor ous one gets first through a small hole ac the top to the open air, and there it strangles and feeds upon the rest. If dull, spiritless, and stupid; in your blood is thick and sluggish; in your appetite is capricioug aud uncer tain, you need a Sarsaparilla. For best results take De Witt’s. I.AIHEri • heeding a tonic, or children irho want DoHd- in*? up. should take BROWN’S 1KOA BITTERS. It ia pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indl- faction. Biliousness and liver Coiapiuint*- Beffrences: J. A. Wade, Quitman, Gc-, J. B. Forrester Jr., Pelham. Ga., T. J. Born Metcalf, Ga. REPS. To any bank or Business bouse iu Buffalo* L Hi RRI R GT! IN 9 U3 PARKER’S HAIR EALSAf.1 Cleanses esd L- ~uflea the hait Promotea a luxuriant grir*dx. •«ver Fails to Bestorc Gray Tfarir to its Youtnfn.1 color. Cutes soup diseases & hair ialimg. 50c, mad 411© al Druggist,