The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 06, 1892, Image 8

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Aa Bxpcrlment in Social i(m. A French report of a receDt experi ment in practical socialism gives it a rude shake, A French mine was given np to the miners for a nominal snm, and a fairly adepuate capital was like wise provided, partly donations from two radical municipalities and partly from other sources, the State figuring tor about fifth thousand francs. It would seem, however, that not only the greater portion of the capital sub scribed has been dissipated, but also that the wlners are now quarreling among themselves. The miners had appointed a commit tee of management. This committee took upon itself to discharge a number of disobedient and idle‘workman. The discharged miners then brought an action against the committee cf management, alleging tliaj the com mittee bad no right to discharge miners the miners being troprietors and shareholders of the mine and not ser- servants of the committee of manage- tbe com- A missionary among the Indians in Manitoba said in a gathering of Chris tians he was acquainted with a chief whose name was'raiu-ui- nc'nody. lie msrried a dusky Xin- tippo, and before the honeymoon was over called the tilbo together and asked to have his hame changed. For biliousness and Constipation take Lemon F-iixir. For indigestion and foul stomach take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headache, take Lemon Klixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Eiixir. For loss of appetite and debility,take Lemon Elixir. For Tevers, chills and malaria take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any.of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kid neys or bov/els. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. »A Prominent flllniftter Writs*. ” After ten years of great suffering from indigestion with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mcziey’s Lemon Elixir and now I am a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. II. E. Church South, No.23 Tatnail St., Atlanta-, Ga. EVERYWHERE A blackw tucelii SMOKING TOBACCO The Austrian Emperor, in order to acknowledge a singular di-play cf lot — aity, accepted the sum of 5 florins, equal to about $2, which had been be queathed to His Majesty by a poor peasant recently deceased in the Acs trian province of Carniola. OISTEJ BXJOYS Both method and results when Syrup ^,/Figs is taken; it is pleasant ond refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup cf Figs is the <SSly remedy of its kind ever pro ceed, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in Its adticn xnd truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most pop' W remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in EOc and'81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist, who may not have it on hand will pro cure it tv- uotly for any one who wishes Do not accept any eubst T’cnt. smoker’s Is always uniform in quality. Pure, sweet and clean, The Ideal of Fine Tobacco. BLACKWELL’S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. ment. On the other hand, mittee urged that unless it were al. lowed to discharge idle and Incompe tent workman it was impossible to continue mining operations’ and that the whole thing must collapse. It would thus seem tnat “the mine lor the miners” lias gone back to the o[d condition of employer and employed, and that the capital advanced tor this experiment, at the expense of the tax payers, has been completely lost. A lump of ginger-bread or a ginger- snap is a good barometer. When the air 13 moist, and there is a likelihood of rain within twenty-four hours, the sur face of the ginger-bread becomes sticky and the body itself quite soft, while when fair weather is to be expected the surface is dry and the body unyielding. Campaign badges for the fair sex come in the form of the very popular donble bow-knots of metal, with the candidate’s portrait suspended there from. JL \DEE'S, AnBVTIOS: One bottle of Tonti will permanently develop yonr Bust 5 inches in 30 days, and remove those horrid wrinkles, or money refunded.- Price only $2. My celebrated Complexion Pellets will beautify your complexion, remove liver spots, moth and freckles. Price on!y $l. l’ontio—For men only, the greatest developer known to maukind. Price only $2. Send for sealed cir culars. Mrs. Dk. Millkb, 1018 Chestnut St,, Philadelphia. Pa. THE SEASON OF 18©2 Xne secret or 11m Wealth. A millionaire said “the secret of my wealth” is in the word S-A-V-E; and the secret of my health is in the word S-A-G-E. By ’this 1 sf lie meant Dr. Sage, whose Catarrh Remedy cured him of one of the worst cases of Ca tarrh and thereby saved 1 i.u from much suffering and permature death, enabling him to make his millions, and enjoy life. The cures made by this medicine are simply wonrerfu'. CALENDAR. Jilly 1—Opening of tlic Season. . July 5—Opening of Special classes, School of Music and Physical culture. July 6—>Opening of the college, Pedagogical Depait- ment and School of Sacred Literature. August 2,—Nineteenth Assembly Reunion. August 17,—Recognition Day. Class 1892. ■< August 28-28—Meeting of the American Economic Association. August 26,—Clusin 1XPP2IAN BROS,, Proprietors, Oragciita, Lippraan’a Block, EA7AU3AH, GA, “La lirlppe.v Hundreds of publishers, having’ found Humphreys’ Specifics of price less value in their family, never hesi tate to recommend them to their many readers. Hear the unsolicited testi mony of a few: Chicago, 111. “Western Broker:” [ find Humphreys’ Specifics are inval uable. Several severe cases of La Grippe in my amily have beeu cured by a faw day’s treatment. Hampton, N. J. “Atlantic Mirror:” I have used Hurnnhreys’ -Specific No. Seven with marked benefit, and am always glad to-recoromend its use. Waverly, Ohio. “Watchman :” For fevers, and coifta, Humphreys’ Specifics are inval uable. Tumqling out of bed creates a para dox—it awakens one by falling asleep, $500 Reward Exercises. PROGRAMME American topics will he treated in lecture courses by recognizeed authorities, iu single addresses by distin guished public men and women, and in magnificent tab leaux, illustrated entertainments and national concerts. Dr. Edward Eggleston will give a course on “American Colonial Life. 55 Mr. H. W. Raymond, of the Navy De partment* will describe, with stereopticon views, “The Navy—Old and New.” Mr. "W". E. Curtis, of the State Department, will lecture on “The Existing Conditions of South American Republics,” etc. OTHER LECTURES. There will .be the usual variety of lectures and addresses on many different topics of interest by speakers of national reputation. Among those already secured’ may be mentioned Prof IIII Royesen, Dr B 1 W Gimsaulus, Dr J M Buckley, Mr Melvil Dewey. Dramatic readings by leading interpreters and authors’ readings by popular American writers, yv ill continue to be features of the pro gramme. - Muaic. Sogers’ band and orchestra will be doubled in size. A Chantmqna banjo club will be organized, a college glee chib 11I be present in July and soloists of high rank will be secured to appear in frequent concerts. Mr "VV H Sherwood, Dr II I Palmer, Mr I ~V Flagler and Mr L S Lesion will continue to take an active part in the music. FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. The management is arranging for special lectures and talks on helpful subjects to young people; for a model U S Congeess, under the direction of Prof W K Wicks, of Syracuse, N Y, in which the boys will be taught parlia- WE pay the above reward for any case of Livercomplaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Co-Tiveness we cannot cure with West’s Vegetable Liver rile,when the directions arc strictly com plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to givesatisfactinn. sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 rills. 25 cents. Be ware of 0--nnterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Soid bj Hiisman & Agar Co,.Albany, Ga. a-21-d*wlvr * JSS'hss. for catalogue. TERRY M’F'G CO., Nashville. Temm. Seven of the fifteeu Revolutionary widows in the United States live in one Tennessee pension district and four of them bear the good old name of Nancy. * THEY ARE SO HAPPY Because they have just married ajid have gone tv housekeeping. But the That is what the Official Statement of the Eternal Vigilance. Is the price of health. But with. all our precaution there are enemies al ways lurking about our system?, only waiting a favorable opportunity to as sort themselves, impurities in the blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, undermining health and hasten ing death. For ail diseases arising from impure blood Hood’s Sarsapar illa is tho unequalled and unapproauh- ed remedy. It is King ol them all, for it conquers disease. A Private Utterance.—German hotelkeeper—“Hist! The great Bis marck was here half an luur ago.” Reporter—“Ah! Did he say anything to you-of an official nature?” Ger man hotelkeeper—“No; his utterance was merely that of a private gentle man.” Reporter—“Tell me what he said.” German hotelkeeper—“Two beers.” TAKE BULL)* kfiUMAi'AlllLLA* Is your blood in bad condition ? Do von feel weak ? Do you have pain ? Do sores trouble you ? Are you in poor health and growing worse? Use Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparille. It will make yon well and strongs Do not lelay. Give it a trial. Get it from vour druggist. Large hottle (192 -eat spoonfuls) $1 00 The best of women Is never at a loss for words. mair. secret of their great mirth is that they buy their Groceries from '• shows for the first year’s business. It did.-not loose'a dollar, which shows that it is the safest and most profitable investment you can make, The association is prepared to negotiate Loons on short notice for its stockholders. On money loaned to its Stcckholeers. If yon want te] borrow any money or^invest any,"the EQUIT ijBLE offers greater inducements than any othei For stock or information, call on GENERALACEfi S, ALBANY. CEORG The use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. One bottle may not cure “right off’ a complaint of years; persist nntil a cure' is effected. As a general rule, improvement follows shortly after beginning the use of this medicine. With many people, the effect is immediately noticeable; but some constitutions are less susceptible to medicinal influences than others, and the curative process may, there fore, in such cases, he less prompt. Perse verance in using this remedy is sure of its reward at last. Sooner- or later, the most Stubborn blood diseases yield to LIPPMAN BROS., Proprietors, Druggists, Uppman’s Block. SAVANNAH. GA. mentary rules and congressional methods: OTHER DEPARTMENTS.' All the other departments will be efficiently equipped, and will continue to do thorotigh work, Details will be announced early in 1892. For circulars, railway rates, cottages, hotel rates, etc, Address, W. A. DUNCAN, Secretary, Syracuse New York. A Household Remedy BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES Ayer’s Sarsaparilla “For several years, in the spring months, I used to be troubled with a drowsy, tired feeling, and a dull pain in the small of my back, so bad, at times, as to prevent my being able to walk, the least sudden motion causing me severe distress. Frequently,- boils and rashes would break out on various parts of tlie body. By the advice of friends and my family physician, I began tbe use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and continued it till the poison in my blood was thoroughly eradica ted.”—L. W. English, Montgomery City, Mo. “My system was all run down; my skin rongk and of yellowish hue. I tried varions remedies, and while some of them gave me temporary relief, none of them did any per manent good. At last I began to take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, continuing it exclusive ly for a considerable time, and am pleased to say that it completely Cured Me. I presume my liver was very much ont of order, and the blood impure in consequence. I feel that I cannot too highly recommend Ayer’s Sarsaparilla to any one afflicted as I was.”—Mrs. N. A. Smith, Glover, VL “For years I suffered from scrofula and Mood diseases. The doctors’ prescriptions and several so-called hlood-puriflers being of no avail, I was at last advised by a friend to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. I did so, and now feel like a new man, being fully restored to health.”—C. N. Frink, Deeorak, Iowa. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer fc Co., Lowell,Mass. Sola by all Druggists. Price $1; nix bottles, $5. Cfrires others, will cure you Wanted! Agents for life ot Cleveland and dri-venson—official edition. A bushel if money within reacn. Act quick. Outfit 25 cents—free wirh good reler- enws. E J. Guyton, Batlimore, soid 50 first 5 days. n. T,. Harvey & Co. 308 F. Lexington St., 14dlw B tin more. Md. Jim Hooks has a curiosity on bis farm near Montezuma in the shape of a pig which was born blind. It is several months old and as lively as any pig he has. f*. imc SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT lures rheum. ECZEMA, every# form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be- < I sides being iifficaclous intoning up the ,; system and restoring the constitution, . T. C. Himptoh. Secty N, C.Spencs ■A Qcilliix, Att’y. LA.K L J GRAND OPORTUNITY -Read Ur- Read Down- No. IS. No. G. M -ii & Ex !_Pa»s’nger Daily. Daily. . .Air.ericiis. .G.-iti wood. Huntington Lake, the Beautiful Suburb of Atlanta, Ga.) Johnson .Coney. (Jordele. ...Albany.. -.. Phi!”nirpa, ..OaklMd.. .. Warwick . 'l'aylors. Wilkcrson’s. .Uordele xurorraacirAL xoa. ecus. trickk 1— Fevers. Congestions, Inflammations,. .25 2— Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.... .25 3— Tcethlnsi Colie,Crying, Wakefulness .25 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .‘ .25 5— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache .25 S>—Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10— Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation. .25 11— Suppressed or Painful Periods... .25 12— Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25 13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness .25 14— SaltKhenm, Erysipelas,Eruptions.. .23 15— Rheumatism, Eheumatic Pains 23 16— Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19— Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head. .25 20— Whooping Cough .25 27—Kidney Diseases 25 2S—Nervous Debility 1.00 30—Drinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .25 HUMPHREYS’ WITCH HAZEL OIL, The Pile Ointment. Trial Size. 25 Cite. LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR LOTS GEO. XT. DAVISON C. W. DAVISON. GEO. G RUN DM ANN V. E. DAVISON. Gteo. "W. Davison SlCo , COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Melons % a : Specialty, Fruits and Produce. 43 and ^7 li-c-rdr-a. St. 1TEW OrilsEAlTS. ,.. .Penial .. .Seville ..Pitts... Rochelle . Goodman \ ^YlbNS ^ -AN Q Abbeville £ ERMAH jlHiMEffTfil Bpels paJqqiitd^r f IPPMAN BROS., Savannah. Ga~. » - Sole A GENrS IN THK.U. S. ss . ..Rbina. Horton.. ..Mils'. . . 1 ' ? ^ • : d 7. Bel na Isold by Druggists, or sent poet paid on rocelpt of price. Db. Hcmpheets’ Manual (Hi paces,) mailed flee. imiPHHEYS’HEB.CO., 111*113lYllHsmSU, JiKWYOBl. Buffering from the effects of youthful errors; esriy decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc., I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full NEW DISCOVERY by ACCIDENT particulars for home cure, r R EE of charge. A splendid medical work; should oe read by e-sry m.n who is nervous and debilitated. Address COMMAND IXG ZYESY GEEAI cektse of THOUGHT AND ACTION IN THE W0ELD. In compoundingrv solution a part was accidently spilled on tbe hand and on washing afterward it w»a discovered that the hair was corn, pletely removed. M e at once jiut this wonderful preparation, on lb. market and so great has beenthf demand that we are how introducing it throughout the world under the name of Queenis Anti-Hairlnw IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS Awfe * SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. \ Lay the hair over and apply the mixture for a few minutes and tht f hair disappears as if by magic without the slightest pain orin^ni > w;.e» applied or ever afterward. It is unlike any other preparation ev er used fora like purpose. Thousands of LADIES who have been annovew with hair on their FACE. NECK and ARMS attest its merit*. G EXTLEMEN who do not appreciate a beard or hair on their neckf find a priceless boon In Qucen’tf Anti-IJairine which doee away with Shaving, by rendering its future growth an utter impoealbilitT. n. per bottle, sent In safety mailing boxes, postage paid by na (securely id money or stamps by letter with fuli address written plainly. Correa* This advertisement is honest and straightforward in every w’ord It 1 with u« and you will find everything as represented. Cut tbisout aatf I CHEMICAL CO., 174 Race Street, CINCINNATI, O. You ea»» Office to insure its safe delivery. We will pay SoOO for mny ca*« iry to any purchaser. Every bottle euaruuteed. itroduee and »eU among their friend* 20 Bottle* of Queen** Anti-Hal rise rith a SILK DRESS, 16 yard* best silk- Extra Large Bottle and rom sent with order. Good Salary or Commission to Agent*. “U.G.C.” Cures Gonorhcea and ; Gleet In 1 to 5Days, Tvithout'Pain. Prevents Stricture. Co:ii.tin3 no acrid or poisonous substances, and is guaranteed absolutely harmless Is prescribe ‘ by physicians and recoracndcd try druggists. Price 91. Sold by druggists. Beware of Sub- fititntcs.AemoCheTTi.CoXtd^y.O.La |S35S5eS^2Sllffi m LESS HERBAL HEil /S 7f\ A r u EDIES that DO NOT INJUREl \. Uf / I the L«*Uh or Interfere with bc&iacss or pleasure. It builds up and improves the erocral health, c!. the thin and beautina the complexiriD. No wrinkle* or fiahbmeis follow this treat- cact. Endorsed fcy physicians and leading society PATIENTS TREATED BY HAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. Harcfo«% and with no atarvieg, inconvenience or bad ef» iecu. For particulars address, with 6 cents in stamps, It a. W. r. SSYDEt H’VICKES’S THEATER; 0HICA6IL .. Ailey... H iegston . . Tima.. . Lyons .. .Savaunah A sample copy with Illustrated prospec tus will be seat hi 25 cents. HA:R JAM Cleanses and txnmr.ues the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Seetore Grav Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures pcalp diseases & hair falling. ■50i‘,ar.d $l-GJat Druggists LADIES Needing a toni?. or children who want build ing up. s&ould take BROWN’S IRON B1TTKRS. It I3 pleasant to take, cures Ma.arm, IndL EBgtioa, Biliousness and Liver Complaints. E. 9. GOODMAN the most timely, the largest and the handsomest of the reviewa. fesk Lungs, Debilhy, lodigcstioo, Pain. Take in time. iO ct Su CONSUMPTIVE?