The Weekly news and advertiser. (Albany, Ga.) 1880-1???, August 13, 1892, Image 7

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I MEDICAL. PRfiClABTOB. MEDICAL. SUBMITTING CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. MY HAIR WAS FALLING innR ™j[|J Physicians en<Ior*o P. P. P. &s epleadid coa-bln and pretcribe ,i -with great t&tlsfacuon for tha core cf il! forma and *t»?ri of Primarv. F*co*H!nrY raid Terti^nr EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Atlanta Ga., July 25,.1892 Whereas, The General' Assembly of 1891 passed the following four (4) Ants co amend the Constitution of the State, to-wit: TO PROVIDE FOP. ANNUAL SES SIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. No. ICG. j Scalp, Scaly ami Crusty. Terrible Itching. Three Other Remedies Fail. Cured by Cuticura For $1.75. I nave used i diseases. My : CtrpcnnA Remedies for Scalp ir was falling badly, roy foretop >r scaly, and itched so badly that £ could not keep my hands off my head. If 1 combed rscales, a sticky or gnmm tjphlili, Sypbihtio Rheumatism, ScroJuIotu LJcert ** ~ ~ Sores, Glandular Swelling*, Rheumatism, Malaria, old Chronic Ulcer* that hava r#*l»t*d *11 tralmnt Catarrh, 1' -• i; "v • : : -t'"' cTr^ 1 ‘^ "u!:, J *a curlal PcUon, Tetter, Scald Herd- etc., e^,, curlal I’d ton, Tetter, Scald Herd, etc., etc,, P. P. P. ft a powerful tonic and C.Q excellent i ~ ding op the system rapid]/. Ladles whose «yitem* are po!*oned and whoso blool la h. edition I’.-.e fo nenst an Impure penrtroal Irregularities are ^»«cuiiar5y 1 T^nem«a"Ty" , t5^T?ond5mnS5? ■ff Moo* 3 cl earning property of P. P. P., Pricily Aih Pcfce Root aa* ”‘ ‘ ~ uinin*-■ > • 1IPPMAN BEOS., Proprietors, BmggistSjLippman'sBlockj SA7ASHAH, GA. THE BEST REMEDY. 3 In this world, says J. Itofhefr of Bymcttse, K. Y., is Pastor Koenig’s Nervo Tonic, liec-ausa my son who was-partially paralyzed three years ago and attacked by fils, has not had nny symptoms of them since he took one bot- ile of the remedy. 1 most heartily thank you for it. NERVOUS PHOSTRATIofo CURED. CnoGnAN. N. Y., June 1889. 1 was not able to do anything for 19 months, was conhned to bed most of the time, couldn't eat nor sleep, was so nervous and dizzy that I could not Vvalk from the house to the garden. I was ail run down by what the doctors Called nervous prostration, i No medicine seemed to help me. • Then I took Pastor Koenig's Nerve Touic and now I can eat and sleep and have no more sinking spells, can do my housework again. I am very thankful for this and recom mend the Tonic to all sufferers. SUSIE VERSHNEIDEB. FREE A Valuable Kook on Nervous Diseases sentfroe to any address, and poor pntieuts can also obtain this medicine free of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the Eever.' cudTastor Koenig, of Fort Wayae.Ind.. since ISM, and is now prepared under his direction by tho KOENIG SflES. CO., Chicago, ill. Sold toy Brnggists at SI P© r Bottle. 6 for r " l ~ .7i>. ft Bottles for $9« ^HUMPHREYS’ 'IfETERiNARY SPECIFIES For Horses, Cattle, Sheet), Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY.' SOOPbsc Itcokon^rrearincat^jf Animals* cubes ( Fevers,Congests ons,Inflammation A.A. 1 Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. D. B.--Strains. Lameness, Rheumatism. C.C.--Distemper, Nasal Discharges. 0.D.—Bots or tSrubs, Worms. E. E.—Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F. F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyache., Hemorrhages. .11.III—Urinary and Kidney Diseas: -Urinary and Kidney Diseases. ,'i.T.—JSrnptive Diseases, Mange. -I .K.—Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over SO doses), - - ,6© Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual. Veterinary Cure Oil and iledleator, S7.G0 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - - 1.00 SoM br Drnsstsis; or soot prepaid anywhere aad In any quantity on receipt or prleo. HnaPHRETS’BED. CO., XII A-USTTEIlamSf., Xcwlork. S'UMPSErETS’ HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. In use 30 years. Tho only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and FrosTration, from* over-work or other causes. $1 per viol, or 5 vials and larpe vial powder, for $5. Sold by Druggists, or Beat postpaid on receipt of price. TOBEPlIRklS* HKD. CO., Ill A 113 William SL, heir York. “A^AKLsIS » j gire» instant relief and is an in fallible Cure for Piles. Price $1. By Druggists or mail. Samples free. Ad dress “ANAKESIS,« Bos 2116 New York City- flNE SHOW OASES. ■ftS'ASk. for catalogue. TERRY M’F’G CG- Nashville. Temk. An act to alter and amend article 2, section 4, paragraph 3 of the Consti tution oi 1877, by striking out the word “biennially,” In the third line, C after the word "and” and before the word “thereafter,” and substituting therefor the word “annually,” and utc manner of submitting the same for ratification, and for other pur- po-es. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That from and utter the passage of this Act that article 2, section 4. paragraph 3 of the Constitution of 1877 De altered and amended by striking out the word “biennially” after the "and” and before Uie word “thereaf ter,” in the third line, and substitu ting therefor the, word “annually,” so that the first clause of said paragraph, when amended, will i<-ad as.- follows, vz: “The first meeting of the Gen eral Assembly, aDer the ratification of this Constitution shall be on thelourth Wednesday in October, 1S7S, and an nually thereafter oil the same day, uri- lil the day shall be changed by laV. : ‘ Sec. II. 'Be it further* enacted, That if this amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds ot the mem bets elected to each of uxe two houses, the same shall be entered on their Jour nals, with the yeas and nays taken tirerron, and the Governor shall cause said amendment to be published in one or more newspaper^ in each con gressiorial district tor two months pre vious to the next-general election, and the same shall be submitted t«> the peo ple at the next general election, and the legal voters at the n« xs genera! 'election shall have written or printed on their tickets, “Ratificadon,” or “Against Ratification,” as tiiey may choose to vote ; and if 'a majority ot the electors qualified to vote for members of General Asaemblv, voting, shall vote *n favor of ratification, then said amendment 8hall become a part of said article 2, section 4, pai>.*raph 3 of the Constitution of tins state, ■ and the Governor shall make proclamation thereof. Sec. Ill, Be it further^ enacted, That all laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are. repealed?/. Approved October 21, 1891. fl ALSO lO Fix LENGTH OF SESSIONS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY. No. 708. An £ct to alter aud amend a: section 4, paragraph 0 Of the tution Of this StJ.ce, by striking oqr tee following words after the word “ihan,” viz.: “forty days unless by a two-thirds’ voteot the’whole tium- h»r of. each House,” and substituting therefor the following: “fifty.days,” and to provide for submisssioit ot the same, and (or other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted by the Gen eral Assembly of Georgia, aud it is hereoy enacted by the same, That ar ticle 2. section 4. paragraph 6’ of the Constitution of this htate be amended bv striking out the following words after the 'word “than,” viz : “;orty (lays, unless by a two thirds’ vote of the whole number of each House,” ami substituting therefor the. following “fifty days,” so that said paragraph, woeu so amended, will read as to Sows: “No session of.the General Assembly Sha’l contlftue linger than fitry lays; provided, that it an impeachmen ; trial pending at the end of fifty days the session may be prolonged till the com pletion of said trial. Sec. II. Be it further enacted. That if this amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members to each of the two Houses, the same shall be entered on their Journals, with the yeas and nays entered chireon and the Governor shall cause]said amendment to be published in one or more newspapers in each congressional district for two mouths poevious to the uext general election, and the same shall be submitted to the people at the next general election, and the legal voters at the next said general election shall have inscribed or Drinted on their tickets tho word “Ratification’! or “Against Ratification,” as they may choose to vote; and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members pf the General Assembly voting therein shall vote in favor of ratifica tion, then said amendmept shad be come a part of said articled, section 4. Off those - scales, a sticky of 'gammy substance would ooze out of the skin and form another crust. After trying two or three remedies, I seat to you for your book; and after reading it, I used one box of Cdticuba, one cake of Ccticcra Soap, and took one bottle of the Ccticdba Resolvent, which cured me. I feel grateful to you for the remedies, and have recommended them to my frfends. I. S. TURNER, Sorrento, Lake Co., Fla. article 2. ft.Oonstl- Bad Eczema. Cured Three years ago my little boy had a terrible sore on his chest, four inches across, besides other forms of eczema. His doctor had tried several remedies with no effect, so I began to use the Ccticuba Reme dies. In two weeks his chest was healed, aud the skin white and smooth again. I continued the CtmctniA Resolvent some time longer, until he was quite well, and even now give it to him once in a while if he has any blood trouble. I am never without Ccticuea Remedies, all three. Mbs. M. A. CHENEY, Kauanha Falls, Fayette Co., W. Va. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and Skin Purifier and greatest of Humor Remedies, internally, cleanses the blood of all imparities and poisonous elements, while Cuti- cuea, the Great Skin Cure, and Cuticcba Soap, an exquisite Skin Purifier and Beautifier, externally, clear the'skin of every trace of disease. Hence the Cuticura Remedies cure evety species of itching, burning, scaly, and pimrdy diseases and humors of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from can>,i infancy to age, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Coticuha, 50c.; Soap, 2oc.; Resolvent, $1.00. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporatiom, Boston. US' “ How to Cure -Skin Diseases,” tit pages, illustrations, ami 100 testimonials, mailed free. 50 I nUBUEST, Whitest, Clearest Skin and Softest LU S L Hands produced by CUTICURA Soap. 1 • * • ' m WEAK, PAINFUL KIDNEYS, "With their weary, dnll, aching, lifeless, all-gone sensation, relieved in one minute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain fluster, ihe only pain-killing plaster. Said several election districts of this State, paragragh G of the Constitution of this at which election every per on shall Atlanta, Ga. O ’ and Opium Habits cured at home wltL- ticv.htrssent FREE. *b.m.v.tolley,:m.i>. id l 1 VVhltehaUSU HlajiY Persons are broken down from overwork or household cares. Brown’s Iron Bitters Rebuilds the system, aids digestion, removes euccss cf bile,* cures malaria. Get genuine. - State, and the Governor shall make proclamation thereof. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That all laws iu conflict with this Act be repealed. Approved October 21,1891. ALSO, FIRST AND SF.COND READINGS OF LOCAL BILLS AND RAIL ROAD AND BANK CHARTERS.- No. ioa. An Act to am«nd article 3, section 7. paragraph 7 of the Constitution of the State, by adding tberto the fol lowing words: “But the first and second reading of each local bill ami bank and railroad charters, in each House, shall consist of the feadjng of the title only, unless bill is ordered to be engrossed.” Wiikkkas. Article 3, .-ection 7, para graph S ot the Constitution uquires that no law or ordinance shall pass vvhrgh refers to more than one snhj-c - - inatter, or con Din * matter d’fferei-t from what is expressed in the title thereof ; and. Whereas. R.ile 32 of the Senate and Rule 41 of the House, rt quires that no debate shall be admitted upon any bill at the first reading, and the question shall he. Shall this bill bi committed or engrossed'? and Whereas, rExperience- has shown the.wisdom of tht-se rules forbidding debate upon its first reading, and until a committee, to which a bill has been riferred, ha3 become accurately and thoroughly acquainted .with its intent and force and reported their opinion of it, and the rides themselves prove that it is unnecessary to read more than the title of tue bill when first introduced; and Wukkuas, it this amendment be comes- part of the Constitution the re sult will be to shottsn the sessions of the' General A-«embly. and thus largely reduce the expenses of the leg islative department ot the State. Gov ernment. and'to.that extent diminish the burdens of taxation upon the peo ple of the state; therefore, Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Geor gia, and it is hereby enacted by au thority of the same, that the Constitu tion of tlsis State be amended by ad.- ding to artieie 3, section 7. paragraph ?CUhe following words: “But tit; fidst and second reading of each local bill, and bank and railroad charters in each house shall consist of the reading of tiie title only, useless said bill is or dered to be engrossed, so that said paragraph, wheri amended, shall read as follows: Every bill, before it shall pasvshall be read three times and on thr^e separaee days in each House,' un less in case of actual invasion.or insur rection, but the first and second read ing of each local - bill, and bank and railroad chat ter, shall i-<>i>s>3r of the reading of the title only, unh-ss Slid bill is ordered to be eng. o-sed.” Sec. II. Be tt furtner enacted, Th t whenever the ab -ve proposed amendment to the Consrirution shall be agreed to by twu->birds of the members elected to each of the two Houses of the General Assembly, the Governor shall, and he is hereby au thorized and instructed, to cause slid amendment to be published in at least two newspapers in each congressional district in this State, for th- period of two mouths next preceding rime of holding the next general election. Sec. 111. Be it lurauer enacted, That the above proposed amendment shall be submitted, for ratification or rejection, to the electors of this State, at the next general election to be held after publication, as provided for in the second section of this Act, in the Act. to a vote of the people, as requir ed by the Constitution of this State, in paragraph I of section. 3 of article 33, aad by this Act; and if ratified, the Governor shall, when he * ascertains such ratification from tho Secretary or State, to whom the returns shall be rcr ferred, in the same manner as in cases of elections for u «rubers of the Gener al Assembly, to count and ascertain the Vesuit. issue his proclamation for the period of thirty days." announcing such result and declaring the amend ment ra’ified. Sec. V. Be it further enacted, That all laws and psrts oi laws in con flict with this Act be, and the same are, hereby repeated. Approved December 24,1890. ALSU, CHARTERS FOR BANKS. INSUR ANCE COMPANIES. E l CTO BE ISSUED BY SECRETA RY OF STATE. No. 711. An Act to alter and amend article 3j section 7, paragraph 13 of the Con stitution of Georgia, by striking therefrom after the word “compa nies,” in the second line thereof, the following, viz.: “Except banking; insurance, railroads, canal, naviga tion, express and telegraph compa nies : nor,” and adding as a substitute therefor, at the end of said para graph, after the word “courts,” the following, viz.: “all corporate pow ers and privileges tp banking, insur ance. railrot.d, canal, navigation, ex press and telegrapn companies shall be issued and granted by the Secre tary of State in such manner as shall be prescribed by law;” and for tha submission of the «ame to the qualified voters for ratification, and lor other purposes. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia) and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that from and after the passage oPlhis Act, that article 3, section 7, paragraph 38 of the Constitution ot this State be altered and amended by striking therefrom after the word “companies,” in the second line there of, the following worJs, viz.: “Ex cept banking, insurance, railroad, canal, navigation, express and tele- grapti companies;” and adding as a substitute therefor, at the end of said paragraph, after the word “courts,” the following, viz : “All corporate powers and prizileges to banking, in surance, railroad, canal, navigation, express and felebraph companies shall be issued and granted by the Secretary of State in such manner as shall by j prescribed by l-w.” -so that said para graph, when amended, will read as follows, viz : “The General Assem bly shall have no power to grant cor porate powers and privileges to pri vate companies, to make or change election premnets; nor to establish bridges nor ferries; nor to chany- names of legitmate children, but it shall prescribe by law the manner in which such powers shall be exercised by the courts. All corporate powers and privileges to banking, insurance, railroad, canal, navigation, express aud telegraph companies shall be is sued and granted by the Secretry of State in such manner as shall be pre scribed by law, aud If in any event the Secretary of State should be disquali fied to act in sfhy case, then in that event the Legislature shall provide by general laws by what person sucti charters shall be granted.” Sec. II. Be it furthur enacted, that if this amendment shall be agreed to by two-third vote of the members elected to each ot the two houses, the same shall be entered on tbeir Journals, with the. yeas and nays taken therpon, and the Governor shall cause the said amendment to be pub lished iu one or more newspapers in each Congressional district ot this State for two month* previous to the next general election) *nd the same shall be submitted to the people at the next general election, and the legal voters at the next said general election shall have inscribed or printed on their tickets “For ratifiSation of amendD-cnt to article 3, section 7 of paragraph IS ,” or “Against ratification of amendment to art icle 3, section 7 of paragraph 13,” as they may chose to vote; and it a majority of the electors qualified to vote tor members of the General As sembly. voting thereon, vote in favor o f ratification, then said amendment shall become a part of said article 3. section-7, paragraph 18 of the Consti tution of the State, and the Governor shall make proclamation thereof. Sec. III. Be it furthnr enacted, that all laws and part of laws in con- fl ct with, this Act be, and the same are. hereby repealed. ' Approved September 19, 1S91. Now-; therefore, 1, W. J. Northen, Oiverudr of said State, do issue this my proclatidn declaring the four (4j foregoing proposed amendments to the Constitutiou are hereby submitted for artification or rejuction to the legal voters of the State at the general elec tion to be held on Wednesday, October 5th, 1892, as provided in said acts. W. J. Northen, By the Governor, Governor. J. IV. Warren, Secretary Executive Dep’fc. d 2t, w 9t, 6 30. be entitled to vote who is entitled to vote for members of the Genei rJ As sembly. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting the pro; posed amendmentrto the C» stir ri<m shall have written or printed o • their ballots the words, “For rarifi oi -n nf the amendment of parnprai-l 7 of seer Tlie Old Timers Are Not lull. While at our other store at Big Is- MEDICAL. ON® ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, ami acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Fig3 is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE, KY. NEV! YORK, N. t ■ LIPPMAN BROS.. Prcprio'ors, Druggists, Lippman’s Block. SAVANNAH. 13S. Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES SsgEiia Sciaisls Blmi Mm r* •«•/><=• SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT IX tu res rheum, ECZEMA, every 1 form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be- i sides being efficacious Intoning up the { system and -restoring the constitution, when impaired from any cause, its 1 almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing & cure, if . directions are followed. SENT FREE - BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. ILLUSTRATED **35ook of Vmdoi* 0 ;0lL^L^S/$0iP J ?ai IjqtKi&f/. IIPPMAN BROS., Savannah, Ga~ *« Sou: Agents -- — SENTS in tHK. U. s. ss BEAMAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN c ii •- tion 7 of article 3 of th and all perso s oppose tion of said amendment, I written or printed on D>* ! word-, “Ageinst the rarifii | Htnendrnenn o; oar grupo 7 of arricle 3 ot the Coiw Sec. IV. B; t furri j That the Governor be- an I ':e is here- j by authorized and directs '•> proviie i for the submission of the amen-.lmehc ! proposed in the first section of this n>n, 7 flop- -nI h-ve ballots the inn of the of section • ion ” - enactel, land, Ya., last April, I was taken with a very severe attack ot diarrhoea. I never had it worse in my fife. I tried several old-time remedies, such as Blackberry Wine, Paregoric and Laudanum without getting any relief. M.y attention was then called to Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholere and Diarrhoea Remedy by Mr It. C. Tinsley who had beeD handling it there, and in less than five minutes after taking a small dose I was entirely relieved.—O. G. P.erford, Harris Creek. Amherst Co., Ya.—For sale by H. J. Lamar & Sons. nancr is hrm i—matchless m waa: i were the aaeieou for stalwart i men that punr boys at bi.-tiv I were put to drxrh.” jEvrry Man can be FTSONO * Vigorous in all respects. MEN OR OLD ng from NERVOUS DE- r, Lost or Failing Man- * Physical Excesses, Mental — “tunted Derelopnent.or IT A. WEAKNESS can be *PERFECT HEALTH and I VITALITY of ST30H& B Pfide A Power of Nations. iMAm by rears of practice bv sloaiwe methods a uniform ~ f of Success’in treat- - }- Abbots East Indian Corn Paint cures all Corns, Warts and Bunions. chile you can. _ tfENT. Toucan <ave been by ns. £f EMEDI Weaknesses ft Men. Testjmoni- a .atesft territories scaled, post- d time. Get it MEZRSAT- nds Atfireis n.Y. IF TO are all v.'i ing, it is Snows*, P will core yon. fornota gfm