Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, February 06, 1892, Image 3

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tinct print A VVTRAPSW (sauf-aw, itAif Felir.iruy let.—Bin.-' '(» ka It a i: .a M’;—i is.v In g seen tetth! rg Teiuiotir co inty In you/ newsy -<hcet, ’.vithlnUrg.tbar. Worth lit fog' usiich t a. hustler not tnalyrays »* mpr*- test** with the test, i,« few imlgni * * ■ ; * ' FjirtiiL'Vf Hr* ns bury a* hues taking SavanjAit, February 2;—David Por ter, Deputy Ooliortur of. Customs At Savannah, win shot nn.d kilted by III A slxteeii-KrurvolU soil at I 'i/clock Oils morning at Porter's .twfdenco. por ter Went homo late tinder thf Influence. oMi<i'idr,!in.l hoingchSilod by Ijl’a tVifej struck (tuft His, daughter i-™-— ,« it <l. n '‘*1— tuul tuning out A loaded • r.cyo!- ver.-IiriAL at- biii father. Tl" Which the IlmiK In tut » mOF THE REAL ESTi inferiyroa .TOtl then yutiug 'Vorfir ydu to tho bu reau, tuuf toting out A loaded roVot- fnther tulnedon the run and both fell on the tluor h;fc'«01yrl^ r - . " — - . nu pistol jujtutr Porter shot IVvIce again, Jtepuhltciiu «"«# penetrating bio father’s * .v' i ■mi.H rim bant No ufAirffitrmi fttifltilrtloen national oip-.ipafCT,:cbm- mittfo. .' . ; fX' • - It Is atiid that the KepubUcah com-. litttW 1H quietly at wirktuMntriu ideat ing with prominent advocate* fo 1 he third party in Georgia and other Southern States, and that II , . aiplswrles are zealously at work In . itlij now effort to break tlte T>an\o-! cratir Integrity of the 'South, as they have been unable to do tt by any utter method. a oo.s?.iiiia;i'Joef—Ant Tbe report gnu* that the. Kepttblh an iitgn committee. hAft rot Aside a 'nbi'lit-UUefS are preparing of* ground. X much larp r acreage 1* being planied in, oats this yea'- than last, while, nearly the -gAtno (wreage will ho pianlei! in corn that was planted tn.-.- aegr. Jiitv. B. Li PfliWoW. pastor of tlm ^umner Met imdfa icluu'eh eirenit f6r thU' year, pivaolird, Ida drat twraiott here on hatarduy night lae.t, ■t)-i'! de livered two Able ilinttnuPifcAron$lindiiy. Mr. Padrlck’,imtfiwmtit;'iwr people very fiVorabiy. , He preaches here In Ihcstriiggle for the t'wrast ubar the head. Be."daggered I to ' M foot..and'Into the next room and Tfell into « looking chair and died. Tint boy rap Into tbo streets and called to tile neighbors , li- bad shot bio father. lie tliea sitniiumied tbc family pliyaicion and‘after that walked to police 1 headquarter »nd surrendered. We hayc just received, and ar ranged on our counters for this week, the following lines of new goods; which are tlic latest concep tions of the ."Spring" manufac turer; viz: AL.t3A.fll/ Qrt well kiiierit ip l tie foiel- hs the President of til* 5ji,e-of Architects,,awl ntrlt in bis .prufeanlnu. ias born in AferntOnt. jlpestt lie went to I’p- ftll l tlm iiitcllrfitinvl'nd- ipitiv." White; tiliKHtd M piarnhUeol. lie buesme .campaign committed, naa asioe a liberal cobtribnLionfforaltt campaign iund to III' leied in spreading, third party doctrine in tho south; If thin report tfm , tbe t third patty jpiritob inent In' : Georgia'‘ia being supplied from the Beimblican natl.oiutl oam- paigri fund with, the s;lierewlth. with which t« do the work of breakir.g up Die IH'inoeratjo par; y. Itis.aH.harp of- the. Kepubli- agnin on the third Sunday nlglif - T The court hot Ac-ft being aHiettcAlly retuuchetLby the hous " pointer. A n evidence of the great etiect the flepreaiiloii'tn money .matters Is haw lug npou the fannees, Is.tliej tact that the AlhertV karce place, Whlel) has enough .llind umlcr. foh'ee for ten plows', and enough in a high stale .of improvement .lor three, with an ex cellent orchard amt buildings, rented a .few days for the.' present y«ar for o'iO hale of euttoii. This place retired two years ngo fur f810. he. died from ills wotiuds/I liavo. 'tt to ray from his Ups that. I did righ’t. X few yeu-ra ago,speaking, in his pres- eimeahotita young mar, killing lit* father in this city for beating his molbcr, ihy father in reply to the re mark that tins young man must regret hi-; rriiUB.e.ontinttaUy, raid: "Never: , tie umj regret the necessity, but never {lie ant" The parieide. was cool and | ioolhietrd in ull lie said, < An inquest |t being held to-day. Tim coroner’s jury rendered a vir- diot thdl. Portt r’s tlealii was the result j of mi'acbldpptnl shooting, the pistol . We have a good late, in city and ’ und invite tho.<\ menls to call <•■ We give s{ rcuting house.. Pi-otnpl moutl If you.wan: - if‘you hove c, us. We now i. able houses for u. ■oiNOTVAadta.- ■w HII'ICN .viNtbOOica I/AOBS AND’ KMBllOi W B1* IK B. d' id "t*ar,ia 1 siftilil. wW was gjfhi .Kajmi'^iTM. uppolplea Inkpcotorsvj public works inhis .' Jlr, Hunt return. >i to Ametien \ |{» was ingAged On. OapHcl lull in Wj|i1iingttjii for a time, n'ty yoeft Illsname litis Wen totfAv it'll rim best arohUbotuial lone-in. the l(tilted Utates. He a- titiv' library <>f uroliKeoturnl „,t n vsiteil-.lo collection of oh- f -’yi'l. lliith will bo placed in a 'Jjjjilliuiipn niter hip death, Li.iiuiii' Sif rktiMm »«.. heitig disoltarged In a souffle with his son. . • i. ■ ■ Vtry JP»*oU«c>. \ I'lVl! I tail Sgthnei. i , Kev. Vi'angdoodla Baxter smnewliat benildeireil Ida eoiigregation hy say ing: ■ Sisiern itud braddcrii, dar wilt .be a ; natlod uieeMit'In dishullftin'to-morrer I cbeniiiV' . ' tl "Wbiit’,: de liourf" called out a mein- i.jber. .' II 1 You eatt conic as soon or ns late as 5 you please, provided yer all get lieah at T n’ofonVT peiAnckly. ... : „ Tiut Mexicans are ready to rebel ,, against rrmditeiU Dta^. At tliiv enp- y ital cj liueulo. spine sevoutpsstX; miles ; t sonil-east nf the City of .'MeStiob.» e llnuno'ai mid eotninerelal erlsiSgjre- e vails. The late to tempt to drive tho- monks from ’Wt cloisters lias en- , rageth the people. Had the bishops . I not oinmupllefl ptniffirt the peopi i „ I would hait'e i'iseii en masse, amt over- iWe offer ij ebi% values ip filie chiAdted Nainsooks. tadies. you are cordially invited to’cali and inspect tiie above ' lines whef.het yhu intehd puiehasing ,or tiotA - ’ iNSURANCL Ur A'llM tk, I'MUlc u tUroUra SIwU. v We represent the folio• class hire Insurance Coiup The Northern Assurrtuce, ' ■ Pftdj’., .. . ; l £ .The Ma.-nri JEvt/atmUPW.c . pa'w-' ■■ ; ; -, Th'fe. • Weschestct iPire ' In^iti anee Company. - The G'uard'iati Astiurapce, 0«>jrii- pany- , U^ie Greenwich, lpsu.rniev Onrif paiiy- . - ,. Wuiiiigton Sip * ■ AlbM] THE ALBAMY MANyFACWItijnti op WiclritosHvjSc L Albany, Oa. T-i * kSi