Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, February 06, 1892, Image 4

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... at*1.00. ■fires at $1.56, cures at $3.75. nml Etchings In .istorlcnl Subjects.) (Billing Room Subjects.) .OlniiiKllr-om 9ut,ject«tii ’short time In & Year's fesolti- ; that wasn't egged dneadny. All kinds . unit misused. unit)* of ivory and brass ound in Egyptian tombs .te back more than 1,000 year* JflF"Xxmhs Headquarters For nil kinds beautiful presents. Largest stock anil lowest price in the city at Fait llatmis, Jeweler. In another column of this morning's Uium.n* will he found an advertise ment of SheriIt F. G. Ed wards, who is desirous of finding the owner of a stolen mule. Somr one, a night or two ago,.placed one of those large dynamite cannon orackers on Um front fonoe at the res idence of Mr. Y. O. Rust, on Jackson street. And thee do say that when the We have just added a ofinti'h bur immense stdek, and are .'now public generally with almost ((by HARDWARE, CUTLERY W” are constantly.adding tiil^nir slock of Pocket. .Cutlery, at have the Cheapest and best variety of Pocket. Knives,SMssorn, etc..cvt to Albany. Garden Tools of all descriptions, I,haded and Empty rib. der and Shot. We arc st|ll giving Our strict .attention to Plumbing, do your work on short notice at living prices Yours to Serve, 1 108 Kroad 8t. Eatmaii & You will find many very desirable utid useful roods in our present >ek. You will find an early visit a wise and prufitsiMe one. We include in this sale, our entire stock of ’Oats and Capes at 25 Per Cent. Off. We had so nuuy choice Wraps the early callers could not get h ( ail. As our coldest spells are after Christinas, better take ad age of this sale. [OFMAYER & JONES BELL Ft-safk fWanA Jbrei.fA f HARDWARES. hen iiirroidtnia always sell at-oost, •Vbiey ariiiduid you may bet it), ,r,posing of vvlmt others lost By selling “on a omlit.” * M elf Is wrl .ton igglbty on all temporal things, and all— vis bic objects partake of the nature of an evani*B- ' cent dream, Hut a .marble or granite memorial,——-- !—such ns I he Albany Harble Works G»I| furnish you at lowest prlo» consistent with—— G1LT-EBGE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP,-— 1“ a, tiling of beauty, and il joy all the days of your-— life, Latest and most original designs to select-— from. In foreign or Atnerlouii Granite or Mar Mr—— IKON ASD'WIB* FENCING. Buy now, . — MILLER, PROPRIETOR. C. CD. Shackelford. To f. 15. Welch, Await rioni'lh, sue jtenovolcut .iMeciatloo, of*: IV0 tnke pleasure in acknowledging the payment or our second olnima or $20.00 each for sioliness nnd accident in the above association. Jkbhk S. Ci.abk, B. J. MaNN. Austria tuts the usual pleasure of seeing a enrplus in its noeounts of twenty million florins for the year 1801, 111 spi n of the unusual expendi ture or twenty-four. niMilou florins in putting the currency on a gold basis, and the prospect of an equally large surplus for 1896. At the same tlmethe public debt has been reduced by 48,- 000,000 florins. , Mb. Ira P. IVaiMcuiB, a prominent real estate agent of San Angelo, Texn , lias used Chamberlain's Gollo, Cholera amt Diarrhea Remedy in Ida family for several years as occasion required, and always with perfect suo- cess. He Bays: "l .find It a perfect core for the baby when troubled with oollo or dysentery. I now feel that my outfit is not, complete without a bottle of tills remedy at home or on a trip away from borne. For sale by Albany Drug On «r-FrcmTBsi~ . Everything engraved free of charge uuaghcof its. Pan. IIsinus, Jeweler. Plow Stocks, Lines and All Farming Tools. fFull Line Shoes, lafilfl Low Prices. See my Creole Congress. The best work shoe made. Gar Load Sait. G. CD. Shackelford ffl It True? (» ‘mafi v; lift Is nlw;tyh ok *'ut awl be* u)3l t ‘\vvill bear W&toh- Couip^'n ei oho will „■>. show* you UiJif. at; a glance, fur!, to iio this, ho has to “uisAr” ms ciiKimoRH,and •)t‘ bourse, it hu will cbtat ;n.lWt w ould swin- k»i 'Ip he has an Therdort*. , 0 u at btferMl {foods J below oust,” make tbem jve you a good reason '■rdf. WASHING! ip a lot of r relatives and then have given !iki an Xmas present, jptevor, you buy, get lifthirig useful as well .ornamental, and it will tfter XimiH 0 nut claim you than body on earth,” but St 1 give satis- by selling -ds at rea- v many useful wjil make presents 1". lass,' Glass O’s Cook Hunting iga. Coal V Flys Sets, We gladly give space to the follow ing little piece, which will explain it self. Bead it ami govern yourselves accordingly, W. 8, B. Now, I must tell About IV. S. Bell: They have,tine stoves That bake beautiful loaves, And -will safely bake Your fine Christmas uake, And your turkey will roast As brown As toast. They have knives sharp aud nice Your boiled bam to slice; And chliia ao flue Off of which you may dine. They buy nice rakes For the farmers’ sakes; And they have Stroud hoes To dig their cotton rows. You often ask where Santa Claua dwells? I oan tell you, in that store of Mr. Bell’s. With a supply ol his beautitul china and cut glass ware, A farmer’s or mernbaut’s wife Can be made happy anywhere. Presents plenty true to tell In that store of Mr. Bell’s. This splendid store you’il find On Washington street, No.'60 telephone line. Rkne Pobteb Wilson. A pox and a hunter together stalked a partridge near Tyflon, Vt., the other day, bill each unknown to the other. The bird alighted in an apple tree be hind a barn, aud the hunter tiptoed around one aide of tun barn and brought the bird down, licit as the bird dropped, the fox, oomirift round the other side of the barn, HPized it; and was oil with his dinner before the hunter could appreciate wLal Itkd happened. A nation but -somewhat funny, war is wafting * 1 in Pontiac, Mich., where the Salvation Army lias its head- 'quarters intfirr name building with a saloon, the former op stair- and the latter on the ground floor. Every man who wants a drink has to run the gauntlet, of a line of pickefH set out by the Salvationists, and the inci dents of tiie skirmishes and haml-to hand conflicts are highly interesting to onlookers, The united societies of working peo ple who are known as the American Federation of Labor have, hrnld much talkee-taikec, put. themselves clearly on record in favor of the free coinage of sil ver at the ratio of 16 to 1, and in favor of compulsory arbitration. A majority of them aro dead against capital punish ment and the kind of socialists that adopt revolutionary methods. George E. McNeill, called the “father of the labor movement,” said: “I am a socialist myself, bnt my social ism is evolutionary not revolutionary. The American Fed eration of Labor is the bitterest enemy of revolutionary socialism.” Mr. Mc Neill declared further that “the only read to success for working people lay in organization, affiliation, high dues and shorter hours. ” i ' MORE I.S MAYER NOW HAS A RESIDENT BUYER IN NEW YORK, AND HAS LAID IN A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Men's Furnishing Goods and Underwear, AND HAS RECENTLY BEEN (HYING PfECTAL ATTENTION TO THE FINER GRADES OF GOODS. NOW IN STORM A FINE LINE OF WOK (va riety, for both the Urge emi. small hoy. We M Urn hftqsekeepera to beiir Iti uvItU! that ,m r tlh* jiluiie to malse- up an elegaiit tea, breakfast. Our stock Ih complete, ami Ibo fastidious can be entirely sut,laded witb both qmf ami prise. We Imve fresh f!RI Cranberries, Celery, Ri Malaga Grapes,large fancy . Dried Figs, Brpue.., gaol'Table Apples, »ml, in if! fact, everything that : nice to Oat, for Xnlfts. , These cake* fast., Wc only have a lim ited quantity, “Id'll want Ono for the holidays, ' you m'uet seSiire it ns you may lie disappoint- ed. Our' cake stock also be complete with Rail-. In Cake,Citron Cake, tail-sod Flnenpple anil Ohorrle Calte,Flr,in J»i and all kind of Layer Cakes, Fresh Lady l ers ahd Macaroons eyery day, Very truly, Reich & G Follow The e ( ro’ CLOAKS, CAPES AND FASHIONABLE WRAPS, Tho.u .vi. ,.nn ..11 .1: 1.0 nanlu nn Him (1/.11.— m Jt^ifanlli—u—IS Ink, llWtk In Sive WtOC.k I 10* ■ Very Vf V,11,1 pf Cl These we oan sell at [>0 oents on the dollar, manufacturer’s coat. This Is il ralglit 1 Caine and see. Our line (if first-class Dress Goods la new larger than ever before, and we invite the ladies to call. Our Domestic Department lias not been neglected, and the stook lo com plete. Agent Tor the celebrated Mitchell Brnadtiro Wagona and the Columbus Buggy Co.’s Buggies- .lor inas goods is titVre. Holiday Hugs, Holiday Cloves, Holiday Furs, Holiday linens, Holiday; Holiday Holiday Holiday' Albany. G“- Ocl'nli.r 17. 1M06. Best Family Medicine. ''' ' Mr. C. N. Jones, Girard, All., says, May Kith, 1896: “I wus fluttering from catarrh in the head and was cured by King’S Royal Germetuer. We keep it all the time) and believe that; it is the best family medicine there it> on the market to-day.” Germetuer suite ail agBB in the Brunei It is so pleasant tu take that »:■ ilke ft. ' "7, It is do harmless that the (tbnderest babes and most dejicate invalids are almost safe in using Iti Itcures when all else fails. New iclcagr, large bottle, 108 doses $1, Davis Albany /A&rvel of That is what, every one says who has i>ecu out; beautifitl line of Christmas Goods I We have bought this season the largest and most elaborate assortment of Dressing Case., Handkerchief, Gem, Scarf and Fan Boxes, IV'hijk Broom an t Holders, Infant Sets, Smokers’ Sets, Jewel Cases, Cigar Cases, Powder ami l'utl' Boxes, Manicure Sets, Japanese Card Receivers, Japanese Mutch Safes, Aluminum Card 'Trays, Japanese Pin Trays, Metal-bank Blotters, Bisque Fig ures and Vases. Venetian Glass Vases, Espcrques, Perfume Atomizers, Cut, Glass Goods (leas than New York cost). Fancy Cups and Suuoers, Shaving Mugs, Shaving Sets, Merachaum Pipes and Cigar Holders; Cigar Oases, Briar Root Pipes in Cases, Etc. Of our PERFUME DEPARTMENT We would roske eipeoia! mention. We have put In a large line of Fancy Pack ages of Extracts in Cut Glass. Our line of Hilsman Superior Cologne to bot- ‘ ties is attracting much attention and having an unusually large sule. This is by far the moat delightfully fragrant and lasting nologm* made in the South, and has received tli. highest compliments from old perfumers. We put this up in any style package toyit the trade. One trial of tt will moke you' our customer. Sale-IJavis Drug Co. Stockholders’ Meeting. Them yvffi ba liolcJ, at their Imnkln* house, the teguJar annual circling o[ the Stockholder** ol the FI BUT NATIONAJL BANK, ot Albany, G* r on Tuetday, Jupdal^: iith. 18:^, «t 13 m'., <or thoi>tt3'po?<uof tilting oflicera tor t!:e enduing year. JOnKPKl t». I>AVS», Cashier City Chinese Laamiry, CUAltUB QVtfNO, Pr«»’vi Wo r 99 JTncbfioa St. Only first-Cl Everything done at remaikably low prices. Yon will find mo on Jaoksoh street, oeoond dobr to Council Cham ber and Polloe Barracks. Give ipe a call. t -n»r.rfw» -d.hrho,; / Holiday llatlkrr- cbivfs, Holiday Cloaks, Holiday,Blankets, Holiday Shovs, An entirely ne* ceived ibis we- 1 ' fimyroas, he*. Japanece Rr Br in Fi Iiy a , secured t. than their . from $7.00 to m When, iti large of 2 T feet less Lit jes of' h wt mi Y ■ r