Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, December 31, 1892, Image 2

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• , • Editor. j f*td, or de* : or 45 cent* a DM •♦•••« «»• m iniiimn ... IH •»m«n ybl. In :::'S8 ... i •» :vo^.^.v^L?•* hlnfU,,, I ft Albany, Un., u 1Y, DEO. 81, 1898. sObrlstmai turkey. In the last stages of gal miptlnn. — -— casualties were not so is last year. b Frenota upheaval la worse are revolution. ' suffering publlo was re- t usual Christmas polltl- ns In the holiday newspa- i dolls are of more Im > the oountry this week than sion of the extVa session [la weeklies will suspend this week. The editors ylng a frolic and a much uelistscould grow rloh in teaching young bloods rleve wounded honor with [ blood. nta on Monday the police t so full of Chrlstnins drunks of them had to bo turned i room for more. hristmns (Ire-cracker Is ho pnst, but the powder, o and the surgeon’s bandage ) quite popular. i Cntsr and President Clove- 1 reconollo tliclr views on sion question. The bends rninent should all act in ns to be no doubt, of Mu' . Smith will be appointed to ninent.ofllce. Mr. Jones la have good chances. Won- lie matter with Mr. Jolin- HMAN JKIUIY SlMI'HON has l at rest concerning Ills oan- or the United States Senate. I In Topeka in time to take nns dinner 1 ,mid Ims publicly hat lie Is “in the race" for [ia has been ooramnnloatod ; school ohlldreli of Detroit, log to a statoiuetit from . Farnimi, of that city, by rea- exoliangc of lead pencils of the, children had been I to touch to the Ups on an of forty (linen a day. • of the White llouac bears “Scarlet ftver. within." dd nr’s little grand-dnughter er. Truly, the President’s > past few months has been nplDjcatibn of the old adage 'iolssittides of formin', good 9 not come single-handed. a the blixxnrd which has just lig, several of the North west- i have discovered that they i on fuel. There is a gigantic : organised up in that aeotlon, csont they are bleeding the heavily. Now that fuel is gbpr figures will ho put on It, png tho poorer classes, in many , fll'srp will t)P no alternative c«mb (it Hip frewlng-voia. 'T"~—.-iv.r-.wt.vwvw | kiku of hoitlU fkUroad leglsla- uth Carolina has donu the i brown. Tlic Legislature has ,alaw placing all railroads and everything oohnected with :lrely under the control of khe ad Commlssfon of that State. To ta and purposoa the eapervls- " oads in'Booth Carolina has nod Into, p llWj* mpnaiohv nd thefjower ’which .tan by that [Commlajtipu *• like of the olfar Of Russia. * This i and its'oiii ah some (ptefe on amotij legislation l States. y War was ended, but there on the 'pdftWWi' I Wtf , ’iwent-j] rs of iniber ofrscilfUara engage^ .(#14)u if the Hevolnihiii'.wasiapl .imthe rtion of*'tmif tb' it lufriflfed com- with tljdse whoIwcrf tjlilisj ‘e rebellion, tlils.-fact ,fniviis|ica ij 1 the proipeot offntiwe- pension nts. rfftn. hrtrflch llm’t will re-’ or a hundred j’eare. This' con- don makes it of thu first iiuport- lat original pensions should go e hands of deserving soldiers hat the lists should lie re- i to cat otf all others. In le foundation for payments end even to-tlie end of the Ifton Oar* tie, M*s of ■‘‘nor brightest weekly exchanges, takes the Atlanta Constitution to task as fol lows: Bund*)’* ‘Atlanta Ct<n«!fttitHitv3*ft* a Mot upon Georgia Journalism. It j*rir ?c*j s*« un nd- jertlaement tintruihfui iwAwons* in reference to the action of the Into legtolatjirv, rHatlre to Uie Soldier** llotnv Mil. Ouit luVue t not print and imlomeeditinluII7. Tim • Truth Htion ien good papery and wo regret 1«*n*»* it adopt well doubtful method* of gelling it* *i-ntirncnta tie* fore the pubtlc. The people of Georgia, thr- tugh their Irgialaturc, have made very lihirai pro* rUion for ex*<:»nfeder*tu veteran*, and it I* exceedingly unkind and untmthfut for the Constitution, even in an advertiMUnent* to charge that tho legislature had not given the soldier* a cent and pgrade the ItiODjtJO appro* pnated to common schools in contrast with It Iloth are glaring falsehoods and, although they appear a* a paid advertisement, their publica tion will do that paper no good. The Oaxette and the Constitution differ on the subject of the action uf the Legislature with reference to the Soldier's Home, and It is not the pur pose nf this article to discuss that sub ject with them; but the views pf our esteemed Tifton contemporary a* ex pressed above are so erroneous and heretical, from a purely jnurnalistlo standpoint, that we feel constrained to call Editor Allen to order. If any newspaper in Georgia under took to live after the “methods" for which the Gazette Impliedly contends in Its severe criticism uf the Constitu tion, it oould not make a living. Fol lowing its own line uf reaanuing to Its lust practical analysis, the Gazette would not ndmlt any advertisement to Its columns which Its editor could nut nr did not Indorse or for the claims or representations of which lie was not willing to be held responsible. This would rule out a very large proportion nf (he advertisements that the news papers get these days, and would Im- posu hardships upon Mm publishers which would not only be unreasona ble but disastrous. A newspaper is a publlo vehicle or medium for the dissemination of news, opinion and Inis!ness information. Communications are accepted or re jected at the discretion of the editor ur publisher; lint when an individual wishes to air Ills views upon any sub- Jeot a lip Is willing to pay lor It, it must be a very narrow-gunge Journal that declines to make room for him in Its advertising columns.. From a purely persopal standpoint, perhaps, the ed itor may assiiine the right to rule out anything and everything, even in the form or an advertisement, Mint does not. conform to Ids own vUffSJ hut he who does It mnl,es n grent mistake not only as a journalist, but from a purely business standpoint. The publisher nt a newspaper Is in no wise responsible for what may be printed In Ills advertising columns or for matter that appears In Ids paper with the tag, “advertisement,” upon It, and the only thing, In our opinion, Jluit would Justify^ a publisher in re jecting a paid article or advertisement of any kind would be the discovery of indecorous, vulgar or obscene lan guage lit the matter tendered. No true journalist will admit that which is unclean to the columns of his paper even as an advertisement ; but when It oolites to matters of opinion ur senti ment, Ids columns should be open to anybody and everybody who wants to make use of them and Is willing to pay for the privilege. 1 Wo take It for granted' Mint the ar ticle In the Constitution which the Gazette so severely criticises was an advertIsumeiit that was paid fur. It wus doubtless first tendered ns a com munication, and was rejected ns stiuli by the editor. Then, perhaps, the au thor of It, for soipe personal reason, wanted to sec it in print bad enough tn be willing to pay for It, lint what ever mny Imvo been the clrouinstanoes attending to, piiblientlort pf the arti cle ur advertisement In question, the editor df tho Constitution cannot be ustly held, responsible for the asser- lons made or the sentiments express ed therein,’ with- TfcPtendency of all nations ai governments seem to be toward revo lution. Buch tendencies materialize at time; and now and then aresu* ful, bat many a time they are stood through agea and centuries. The tendency among South Ameri cans exhibits Itself tn a peculiarly novel form. Tired of Ihe existing government, the revolutionists gather their band about them, plant cannon, trained upon the citadel which they bombard until the government falls Into their hand* or they are driven from their outposts. In our country the ballot is the weapon ot the revolutionist, and when the time comet the voter's ipse dixit reverses party polloiet and principles, But the Interest of all clvlllxed peo ples Is at present centered In the cent actions ot the gqvernmenta of Europe, and speculation It rife as to what will be the outcome. First, Franoe Is in tpe throes of a political revolution, and the government seems about to be undermined through the investigation of the fraudulent dispo sition of the Panama canal funds, into which mgny of the most prominent ofllcials have been drawn. White this exciting game Is going ,on, Imperial Istson the one hand and Boyalists on the other, are silently waiting at the door of the capitol for the collapse of ihe republic, which they hope to see, and the drat Inside will olaim the vic tory until deposed by the advocates of the Bepublloan government, who, out side Paris, outnumber other factions by three or four to one. But upon this varied chessboard there Is a black knight, who is silently biding his time. Emperor William Is getting ready his mighty hosts, pre paratory to striking any plow that, In Ills estimation, will add to his military glory and renown. Husain, too, Is ready for war on short notice, and her hussars arc clamoring for the gore of some unseen foe. Amidst all these preparations England stands calmly by as moderator, ready to stay the rash hand of her sister powers, hut ready, too, tn take a hand In the melee whenever it waxes warm, Thus stands tho European chess board,each side preparing lor a strong defense. From her position of vant age tile Queen has the sweep of the entire hoard. What will he the next J(jovi>r GO TO THE Surprise Store. FOR THERE YOU FIND fieui Goods AND'- LOW PRICES. I hereby announce myself u a candidate for e-electlon to the office of Sheriff of Dooftiorty xmnty.nnd reepeeltnlly solicit the support of tnyfri. rad* and the suffrage of my fellow-eiti* r.«. EDWARDS. FOR CfdBBK WMilOB COURT. l am a candidate for reflection to the office of perk ot the Superior Conn ot Dougherty county* and a*k the rapport of my friends, and respectfully solicit the suffrage ot my fellow citizens generally. W. P. BURKS. rOBORDlNABT. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Ordinary* and respectfully solicit the sup port of the citizens of Dougherty county. SAM W. SMITH. Dearth, lift FOB TAX COLI.KCTOB. I am e candidate for re-election to the offioe of Tex Collector, end respectfully solicit the support of the citizens of Dougherty county. J. T. HESTER* Dec. 9th, lift FOB TAX RRCSITKR. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re* election to the office of Tax Reeeiter of Dough erty county, and aollelt the support of my friends and the suffrage of my fellow-citizens. J. W. 8TALNAKBB. FOR CO DITTY ODBTBYOB. I am a candidate for reflection to tho office of County Purveyor, and respectfully solicit the support of my friends and follow-citizens. JAS. K. P. KEATON. Has bees enlarged, end ia now on Washington street, nesr my store.' It is in chsrge of MR. CHARLEY FRANK, who is well snd favorable known to the people of Al bany and this section. He is a first-class workman, and Is prepared to do all kinds of 1 a TIN WORK, ROOFING AND GUTTERING. In a few days I will have with me a first-class plum ber, and if yon have work In that line wait for him. HARDWARE STORE As usual, is replete with everything carried in a first-class stem its kind. Remember my LOW PRICES will meke you a customer at once. I have the goods and they must be sold. I. JACOBSON, Telephone No. 19. waswinotoiv STaaar. ALBANY ACADEMY. C. H. CAM FI ELD A CO., g&s3ssi& Warehouse and Commission extra. A competent corps of Instructor* will bo'employcd. Z. I. FITZPATRICK, 10-dlw Principal A|EW route BETWEEN fumillB Si Atlanta., 6a. With Through Coachei DaiW Via C. S. R’y and G. M. & G. R. R. MERCHANTS, ALBANY, GEORGIA. / Having leased the old Bims A Rust Fire-proof Warehouse, we will engage In a general Warehousa'and Commission business. Our Mr. CAMFIELP, having had twenty years’ experience In the cotton, business, we will make the handling of cotton a specialty, and hope with close application, strict Integrity nnd honesty of purpose, to merit a share of the publf ' ..... SOUTH HOUND. l-Giivo A tlimla. On McPohoukIi, (in... u Coin minus un...... *ItichlaiHl, (in / ** Dav hoii, (la ** Allmny, Gn At'vo TltoninBviUc, (in.. u •fnckftonvillo. Kin.. Brunswick, (In We want you to feel that when you are dealing with us WE ARE THE PEOPLE -WHO WILL- LOOK AFTER YOUR INTEREST A “RODTHKRN ODTRAtiB’’ IN \ OHIO. SHOES! SHOES CASH BEFORE you goods right A vfry large percentage or the peo ple of the-Nortli would like to see so- olal equality between the races in the South, bit wherever the thing to loino to them they arc' ns raw the line ljetffpen the themselves ns the Boiith- Tlieyseem to think that Tuld hp. no social dlstjneti'ofi, betwafcfp’.wliit'e people'/ and Negroes “down South,” but let a Negro go jjpth pud undertake to ' get jicopm- A any.of,the flrst-ela^ bo ut himself oii terms of !so-‘ Jgqjtojfut h'liisel'f oh terms pr Jiq einl equality will) the whites Jo liny place, manner or fashion, aml he/s i)tj $s,ivy%*%,, th*k.«. a.., ,..... tj.W read j n £ i n yesterday^ rrr _J 5 %■ tin' DELIVERY gives Williams, Washington Street XOUTIt BOUND. henve Bniu«wick,Gn 44 Jacksonville, PUv., 44 • T|iouin8villo,Un... Albany, (in ,.... 44 Dtuveuu, 44 "'IlioUlaiul, (in 44 (’oluinl)UH, Gn 44 McDonough, Uu.., Ar’vo A thin ta, Cm +NO. l. 7:10 *. m. 8:25 12:05 p. lit, 1:40 2:88 •* B:4R 44 0:50- 44 HrJfi n. m. 7 m l NO. 8. public patronage in this business. Our charges the same as oustoihnry. We refer by permission to First National Bank and Messrs. Hobbs A Tucker. Call and see us. jyfi-8m C. H. CAM FIELD & CO. CARTER & W00LF0LK fi 8:45 p. TO. 0:80.- “ 8:27 10:00 Successors to n. & a. f. tift & co. tNO. 2. 7:80 ii. m, fltiio *• 7:50 n. in, 11:25 *- 12:10 p, m. 1:85 44 8:10 44 0:55 44 7:50 44 tNO. 4. 4:80 p. in. otoo “ 8:07 10:80 J ,-Dully. 1 tTvl-weekly, Monday*, Wednesday*, nnd Frldnys. *Dhmur station. The only linn running through conches be tween Thomasvllle and Atlanta. Closo connection in Atlanta for nil point* Nortn, hast and West. CECIL GABBETT, turner|il PlnMnger. I BAGGING, TIES, FERTILIZERS, -A-KTID COAL. ‘.ALBANY, - - - GA. J. b. JAY. P. R. JAY. i GILBERT’S DRUG STORE, J. L. JAY & SON JIM FOR SALE? qy Drug Store and i* ’ Sale* 'Declining fTh's is a TELEPHONE No. 13, HAVING J.L.JAY&SON, CONTRACTORS AND PROPRIETORS Artesian City Noielty Works. DEALERS IN Lumber, , Lath, . t. Shingle® AND OTHER BUILDING SUPPLIES. J.L.JAY&SON, Heal Estate AGENTS. When you want to rent a houae, CALL ON US. We have some vacant dwelling HOUSES FOR RENT Cheap to desirable tenants. i L. JT dfe ISOUNT. A LABOR 1 AND FINK , STOCK OF I offer m\ Drugs for Sale. health is tljp; ca\)s^.j uii , most desirahje. opportunity %; # GENTLEMEN, BOYS’ ANl)^ ’investment, v r .; . . . , ' Cain and see me at City I ■’ CHILDREN S iWJSwf! s ' !! 1,,u ’ J. R. ipfeiri S- Co., <5yaiA DRULIGISTS i)rws lUBpatqjica on agcquqt of .1 rough tfcatuuMit that a ^vgro By t nanie of' John jJqckspn rc’Jijiyeu/af West J.iligily, pfiio, oil tues.lay nighh Jackson.found g young white waitn>p ■who'-'wa*-willing to juarry bnii, ( alid the lovlilg pair ' eloped. Tliey were followed.and oyvrtakeu, and jWcksoi^ was- oast into prison. On ’Tuesday night a mob took the Negro' from jail and ta'rred mid feathered him. What anexosllenl “Southorn outrage’; this' would>hav0 made for the Republican organs of the North If, it had only i vw I AUSOUtflA^WUUGHKHTY CorNTV.y //;, ' , ' 'vitli un order of tlui (in 1 lln'nn -- ; o flHm glic itj-opu n t v, Geon;ltt^, wiljl 7llY »]t» j W0;ftiv pivpiiml Siout* ihcKiil* fifty January, 'lAfts, on Inc t.Au ton ! I.ontr and Slims*:»« ofl a> rcgMaf o j : nil at Uftrtkc fbbOAriiTH’dc*njx>iYdiiul .\i\ , op* ; Dock Dotvdn Dl icc-s, tno—?4\iV tlib* Uuu*«. « A drty: Uin>l|lpU‘S|ildil|Uid*i\I^ 1 ^( corn,oiiofi^oi;,- due Hue j^f >t lT'UNI^lIpvia'UffnDfi.' (Vc!U:i*. . ‘ 'Hi I . No. 98 ' Broad. St; imjie qc It's eikUt oare'CkdHot^be hnppenpd South of Mason and Pixon’a 8,0yd. ijouiuU IqdtVeV' U' head Ulie nuiles tifty jV'iic :Lo6ft1nisJ»cfr‘ tfio wagoius : ouo Horse powers Fnok. rn^ino, out’Kin, one.t«jt'dciviiiiu\euudeji.’-^r ,an 1 d «‘d»'.sop*, arutov, nm^XannlMf; inuntN of yuyioUB kintts, 159 husnej» pc am more or lcs*r 100 'intsbolp sacked tints, moVj 'or liwii lot of syrup, etc. - TWOOLKOI.K,, j 17 M. TIFT, N. K. TIFT, A'JUuiuih'.iiiioi.s. ii-LkLc XilL » lie ad 11 no yiulesUfiy Jitatl rat tie, href and sJHIJHffJfe or -lesftf ! tol led >t.vk' ot. N JiU K A KA If, Manhattan Skirt*. The ltyeklaud TH«y Un(l$it ; 1hh' for Gen- tlomvirnnd Btfii—He>t and m*o>t lvlinMe in' the market. The htetson and MUlei- JIAr-—the lead er* 1ft fttyleft.* other• ' itylc- carrieiL Nice “ DoVl ntid Cbil assortment Hnr.- :unt CMns for dreu. Sample* kept fro 4 Clot king When nvi*h to have made.- Kit* Kuaninteed, jOMSxys c cff aTcat.Im GUTLIFF fi JORDAN. , SC UltOABYVAY. General Dealers in Drugs, l/iediciries. Lamps ■ 7. ujeft tti ‘ Soaps, toilet "ArticlBs, Etc.; .FOUNTAIN, pine Cigars and Tobaccos; Our Prescription Department i^ com plete in all Us appointments, and pre scriptions are carefully compounded. - Telephone No. 59. . J. R. dhGKAFFHRELD 8c CO. UDok6ellers and Stationers, announce to-day that*their > . x XiolidM a 1 ” ,.- i 'i LL M ■,\fu ou the, way. Don'l OuV until Votg j >1-1 see^lhem. ■'*” *'* ; ’We'ftgWhdqaBrteys for music ot all kilidn*-pianos, organs, J sUeqtn,usio,-..*to.; „ || Uv.e usy-cat orders for anv TastrupiSt . “ vnu mntit Aclililff ttw A4lU.LJfclIllrirj]Tra UtfA Jy you want, which we' can ■' supBly’on jl notice and at loyy-prices. - u , - Ifoii r . e -P$L' v6rk dud tuning, if 4 left at out* store, will receive ptomfil n-' li-tltioti and a__ r r~ . . , » is teilUon, and we .guarantee first-class . ■XlVfcl reasonable prices. We keep a supply pf mntcrials'forrc'pAiriiigpiatfbV ' and organs, and take ortiers for any part « of ah (instrument. Tuning from a dis tance ; parties payiiig tuhefis expense* both ways besides regular ,price for It. Don’t ' ' - * U im .iiuntv W IimH , work. uaes regular price /orget the location. the IOO BROAD STREET. AUAN\’,U.V hSBimbbb ussaiMBra