Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, February 18, 1893, Image 1

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xWlsW'r- X i u J 1 \ 'VA !«&„' I ,/.> ' INDSTINCT PRINT VOL. 2. X ALBANY, GA., SATURD./ GO THE COUNCIL MEETS TO HEAR FROM “CAP.” JOTNKH ON TUB FIRE QUESTION. IT CARTER AOAIN. II In New Positively Kom That me Iain Birmingham, Ala. W’hnl Ht Thinks af Ike Sllaatiaa- Uaae VVngons I u.lend af Raala An Iho New Wrfiskle. m Q j COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HO)Y TO ATTAIN IT. lirork that tell* t , points the rem Af laaf amedTcal work jhattell* tha <*«& describe! the eirecte. polnU the ren.edJ. Thli li aclootlflcollj the Ihojf hrtreMcalljr the moat boautlful. modieal book that haa ap- tency?8terlUtr, Dorelopment, Varicocele,■ffio Huehind, Thpae Intending Karrlaje, etc. Every Man who iroulrt know the Orand Truth*, the Plain coverlet of * rted Life, amt avoid, WONDKRL It will bf aSoffia-w, tlon lasts. If convenient enclose ten cents to pay postage alone. Address the publishers, ERIE MEDICAL CO., From 8a-nrdsy’s Kv«nixo Hkkald The City Fathers held a special call meeting: at the Counoil Chamber last night to hear Capt. W. B. Joyner's opinions as to the best method of reor ganizing the olty fire department. As is well known, suoli a movement has been on foot ever since the new oounoll went into ofllce, and all kinds of plans and arrangements have been discussed looking to Its establishment on the best footing. It was finally de cided to invite Capt. Joyner, chief of Atlanta fire department, down to look over the situation, wbioh he did and gave his views last night. Capt. Joyner believes that the olty should, by all means, have a paid de partment with six regular men, that Is three at each engine house. To this force should be added six supernumer. aries, whose duties should be to attend and serve at all fires. These could be employed at a salary of $75, or near that amount, by the year, as they would only be required to come out on the ocoasion of a tire. It was bis idea that one man should be kept on patrol duty at each engine house during halt the night, and then changed. In case of a fire this patrol would be ready to ring the alarm and arouse the firemen. Again there seems to be no necessity for keeping both the old steamers. One of them might be kept in case of an emergency or acoident at the waterworks, but Mr. Joyner says that out,of 253 fires in Atlanta last year a stegmer was used at only one of them. He recommends the use oi hose wagons instead of the old style heavy hose reels. By the use of these wngonB the hose is placed in position and water can bo turned on fifty per cent, quicker than with the reel. Then, too, the hose wagons will come cheaper than the reels, perhaps by $100, and besides encli of them is equipped with two Babcock extinguishers, which are invaluable In small fires. . difjjt. Joyner thinks that such a de partment as the one outlined above can be put into operation at a cost not to exceed $4,800 to $5,000 per year at the outside, and there is no doubt but that it will not only be a vast improve ment over the present system, but will be a capable and elllcient depart ment equal to any emergency which may occur in Albany. Chief Joyner also very kindly offered to give the chief oi the new department here a thorough tetf'days’,training whenever he should by eloqteh, including a two minute ride to A one.mile fire, A TEST THIS MORNING, When told that tho hose wagons wire infinitely superior -to the reels, ■ r ' " * re iriolihed o a test wns City Chinese Laundry, CHARLEY ONG LUNG, Prop’r. Only First-Class Hand Work. Look kjbere: Collars, 2c.; Cuffs per pair, 4c., and everything else at remarkably low prices, you will find me on Jackson street, next to Defiance Engine House. Give me a call. I guarantee satisfaction. fLEADING BUTCHERS DUNLAVY i COHAGHAN. Corner Bind and Washington Streeta- Tbm you want's tender stekk, anice piece of pork, or anything in tho meat line etop at our market or alio your orders to our wagons. Wo deal in llool, Mutton, Veal, Pork and Pork Sau r sage, and our aim Is to Please. LET’S TAKE A fa. The Barnes Sale and Livery Stables, Godwin & Son, PROPRIETORS. H is new buggies and the best oi hoises, and will furnish you a turn- . out at very reasonable prices. Ac- | commodations for drovers unex celled. These stables are close to Hotel Mayo, on Pine street, being centrally located, ana the best place in town to put up your team. Call on us for your Sunday turn- . outs. sonic of 1 hr Cou to doubt ilte'statemdrtt. ordered for this morning. Capt. Joyner.obtained - nil ordinary wagon nnd hud the hose laid iri it properly and then tvpq runs were made to tile same plug on Broad street near the Artesian House. Jle showed that the connection cObldibe made and the: water turned on before the hose was all out of the wagon, and that it oould be taken out and laid in about half the time that it would require with the reel. When the experiment was giver there were a number of convert* to the hose wagon on the field. Cnpt. Joyner has enjoyed a two days’ ant since being here, ne will re main over until to-morrow at 11:40 when he leaves for Atlanta. Just what tho Council will do in the matter is not known at present. A re port will probably be made by the fire committee at the next meeting and the matter considered at length. It is to be hoped that the city can get a good paid department. I< HI nr Be Wonc There are quite a number of horse droVers, stock dealers, or “horse-men,” as they are frequently called in the city now, many of whom have never been here before, and there is some talk of buying or leasing the old fair ground property from the city and converting it into thoroughly equipped winter quarters for fine Ken tucky horses. They claim that by bring ing the young colts hero during the severe winter months, at which time they are closely housed -in Kentucky, they can get them in “trim” for the spring races and far surpass the stock that has not enjoyed this ad vantage. Then they claim, too, that the establishment of such quarters will prove an incentive to stock rais ing in this section, as thoroughly com petent and experienced trainers would be in charge, and in that way the best trotting aud racing stock of the coun try could be developed right here at home. As yet no definite aotion has been taken in the matter, but the local stockmen have beome interested in the prospect, and it may not be long- before the plan materiallr "jfiSsS From Monday's livening Herald. No inoldent of a like nature ever at tracted more attention In Albany, than did the flight of H. M. Carter from the olty with Mbs Della Clarke. From time to time, the readers of the Hxrald have been Informed as to the supposed whereabouts and known movements of Carter, and, aome time ago, information was received In the olty to the efiTeot thaf he had been seen and interviewed in Montgomery. From later information reoeived, and newer disooveriea made, It would now appear that the party seen in Montgomery waa not Carter, but some person who probably waa fond of a joke, and felt inclined to humor the fancied discovery of his identity and enjoy the privilege of laughing in hia sleeve. The Hrrald has Just been informed, positively, of the whereabouts of the gay gentleman, and it developes that he Is now holding forth in Birming ham, haa gone to work, >nd la atill sticking to wife the second. The re- port that he had gone baok to hia flrat better-half, and left No. 3 to shift for herself, was evidently an erroneous one, and is successfully oontradloted by the faot that Carter went direct from Albany to Birmingham, and has not left that plane since. Mothingelse of interest in connec tion with him has occurred, and for the present, we pull the curtain fiver hia moments, but will probably be called on, before long, to ohronlcle some more of hia strange capers. Ok mother. The following beautiful inoident and tribute to a mother’s love Is from the pen of Mr. James Callaway of the Maoon Telegraph: Two prominent Georgians, Col. John Troutman of Fort Valley and Capt. Ab. Holt of Macon, as is well known, are applicants for the position of United States marshal for the south ern tllatriot of Georgin. Bqfh of these gentlemen wrote to Justice I,amar, bespeaking his Influence with Mr. Cleveland. Both are connected by strong fumily ties with Justice La mar’s mother' married Col. Troutman's father, while Capt. Holt Was a nephew or Justice Lamar’s wife. Justice La mar linil a strong personal attaohment for botli of the applicants. Replying to Capt. Holt’s letter, he expressed his very high regard, espec ially clear to him. as he was a favorite nephew of his wife's and what a pleas ure it would be to advance his claim “but,”adde$ the Justice,“you must re member that John Troutman wns my mother's stepisot)* and she was vgry fond of him;” • > > Whati a tribute to Ms mother! T-hough long since dead, yet ebe still controlled his heart, guided his im pulses, dominated his will. No won der is It that Mr. Cifivelnnd, President rrisoti, Mr. Bayard and the great men of the nation testify in mournful telegrnms their love' fot 1 the dead Statesman anil jurist! Had Capt; Troutman’s relationship come from the father’s aide, then Capt. Holt had been easily first choice. But the memory of his mother! .-This mother-love! It is the vestal flame burning perennially in our' hearts, lighting them ufa in a soft mel low splendor 1 like that'which lingers about tho evening sky when the great orb of day has long disappeared from view. that hewll great kit on the p in* of Judge G: n lifetime ms bo about In harmony o ideas of to-day, it at tit -.'Yt't'-ii--''': ■' ng made, of in the &T :ca* 1 - elec- * mam. s called Til wTy‘/.'-4-V :•>- who ’ morning led hero in two weeks, o Sun. Hon. W. L. is just retired from iltlon of Minister to Venoztila, am Small as as- t. It is said to bo baoketl by ■“ and will be an Independent ! 'V-i'tl.' -■ . j A. *L A wi “• Board of I i la a School ling of tho State Tho cnumeral work will bo and olty boards Next week Cc will issuo a circular aski and comity boards throi State to moot on tho first March and select tho enui These enumerators ' dollars a gaged about two mop for ailo' It will be their s V',v:‘- INTO :oi 1 i ■ 1 ninny over they i ; in e imp avo gone noil to county , i for tho wholo STi Bfo CHS fib-Wot sHi-.j wi-j‘ We offer for the - . .... WwitemiH-., Great Bargains in all FiWm WWij . j with a car load < blob be sold. He — ning under t gave bond In the sum of $1,000 to an swer to the oliarge preferred. He will have a hearing this afternoon. A NEW PI.* V By Joel Chandler Rank. Spccinl to tho IIkhami. Atlanta, Feb. 11.—Joel Chandler Harris has written a new society play which will be put on the boards here in the spring by Sandy Cobfiti. * W <C- Nothlng compensates the loss of a mother. The world Is never again so beautiful; the skies never so bright; the flowers not so fragrant,'and the songs of the birds-not so sweet. The whole odter world seems to be tinted with tho tones' of her voioe, the words she snitl, the songs that she sung. But after all, death is a blessing in disguise. Without it mankind would be a series of isolated units. With it, heaven, “the crown to be won,” is no longer an outlying realm of shadows, beyond our sympathy and regard, bun a portion of the loved scenery of home, holding that which is dearer than life itself. -Thcv never quite lenve u*. our friend* who liuvu imeeod , Tlil-mitrh tho ehudows of dcittli to tho suit* liaht above; - A thousand sweet memories aro holding them fust To plticos they blest with their presonito .and love.” . . ■ . ABOUT COTTON. The Financial Chronicle says that the less rapid marketing of cotton in January this year than last year has served to further increase the dispart ty between the two seasons in the amount brought into sight. In fact, there has come into sight during the month only 559,371 bales against 752,- 027 bales in January, of 1892, and, fur thermore, the current total is smaller than during the corresponding period" of any year since 1888. The aggregate amount of the crop ot 1892-93 now visi ble is but 5,301,761 bales, against 7,155- 619 bales at the close of January last year, or a falling off of 1,858,768 bales. I,«rd Bereuferd Want* a Manager* Bpeolsl to the Iikhald. Atlanta,, Feb, U.-yLor^ Berfisfqrd advertises "fo?'’* irfarfa^er to’sta’r lihn on a lecturing tour as soon ai hia oase is heard by the Supreme Court. A Terrible Fire.' Spoelal to tho IIkrald. Dovbr, N. H., Feb. 10.—The Insane asylum here burned dovtq .this niprn- ingand forty-tour jpeopic'.metX in the,conflagration. -- —rr—ri r—v. A Syracuse (N. Y.) Jury has given a verdict for $250 in favor of a woman who bad been kissed against her will. John T. Doyle, the defendant, 'was,. State census takerj and, 'after asking the usual questions, he threw his arms around the young woman and kissed her. The verdict Of the jury waa -a just one. The fool might have got what he wanted If he had onfy gone through with the usual preliminaries, and ; thep asked for it in the proper way! 1 Whales'ami the Mood. “You wouldn’t bfiUeve that flah- at least Bpotitiiig flhh—are influenced by the'moon!” said an old sea cap tain. “Well, they are. I’ve seen It time and again, and I’ve called other people’s attention to it, too, but 1 never found any one else who had noticed it. Sometimes when you are at sea aud whales are to he seen fro quently—it may be at the full moon or at a new moon—well, all at once they will disappear and you won’t see one for two weeks. Then just aa suddenly tho water will he full of them. I’ve compared notes with other vessels. Maybe they were sixty miles or more away at the time and the whales there would he numerofts just at tho same time they appeared near our vessel. Oh, you fellows needn’t laugh. There is something in it. “And then I’ve .noticed another thing about this same class of fish. When you catch them you will al ways find that they have the pupil of the eyo the same shape as the moon at that time. If the moon is full the pupil will be round, and if it is a half or a quarter the sight will be like a crescent Sqn Fran cisco Examiner. Speoial pains have been taken with the programme whiob appears In an other oolumn. A number of speakers have not yet replied to tbo invitations sent them to be present on the occa sion, and so they were not put down on tile programme. The Assembly .will be talked up by ail tile papers in this part of the State, and all the teaohera i,n or near tbla seotiou will be in attendance. It is estimated that there will he 1,50Q teachers hers altogether and the course of normal traiuing prepared for them is unsurpassed anywhere. Every other department la on ,the same order, and those who fail to at tend will miss tne treat of their lives I can deliver twine a week, to a few families, my oelebrated “Separator” blitter. Telephone No. 14. 10 d8t Mounts Webi.osky, Our 8look of peas and beans are anada grown, just received and tr to name. Hil8mam & Aqab Oo. New orop stock garden seed just opened. Every paper warranted fresh and true to name. 27d’ ‘ FOR THERE YOU FIND flcuu Goods An^EI IT Electrocution laurkr Night. While the oitizens of Albany web'e sweetly slumbering Saturday night; they wore unaware that an eleotrbou- tion had faken place right'in their midst. But auoh was the, oape; and ihe scene of the tragedy was the elec tric light plant, the vlotim—a Cat. Tho old eat who made his' home amidst electricity, met bis'doom. He oamc in contact with,the dynamo, and in a ent all the joy and brightness of tine lives was,out off by one fell stroke. Let us hope it was accidental and not suicidal. The works had .to be stopped in order to' extricate his body. Kcqtilcsuat in pace. A Beni Mother. From "lAfrna Iioone.” Here is one of the prose poems, just as much poetry or verse, if only ar ranged us this specimen is as any 'dank verse. It is from Blaokmore’s Lorn a Doone.”' Not a word is disar ranged. WHAT A lit:At. MOTHER IS. Kver loving, ever soft,' over turning sin to gomtneit*, vices into virtues; blind to all nine*tenths ot wrong; thro' n telescope beholding (tho’ henelf so nigh to them) Juintest decimal oi promise even in her vlleit child. Ready to thank God again as when her babe was horn to lior, leaping (as nt.Kingdom-Come) lit a wandering syllable -AND- 5 * ( >.u \Ve want you'to feel that wberiyoa ‘ are dealing with’ub III.-. ‘ ..wl» Y’.mt/ II.-.'J WE ARE tHE:;„I s feQPl4V.| /•••' • V’- '>.V> ,fy!’ QlMrk/M -WHO WIIjX#-— » 7 ? SHOES ■ JcK- ’ v/volq’ CASH BEFORE DELIVERY s you goods right ' is ' inxt 25 Washington Street, of Go*pel for her lost oho. All this our mother wns to us nnd even more than all of tills 1 Now is the time and occasion for Colonels Evan Howell and Pat Walsh to “go snooks” nnd givo a supper, There will be no trouble about getting the boys to come. The fact is, it’s time for the Georgia boys to get to gether anyhow. Some of them may have a “right smart” to say. * Notice. Checks for small amounts, available anywhere, oan be purchased at onr Banking Hfipae at the same rates charged for Post Office money orders. _ ... .. . Jn makin g your rem it- Rlchard Hobbs. A. W. Tucker Hobbs & Tucker, a ti ,ii hi •'-* .i l 'll* » ers, ALBANY, GEORGIA. -Jj iD-’b.'v , ■ m Buy and sell Exchange; give attention to Collections, and r same on day of payment at rates; receive deposits subject i to checks, and lend money on apt time papers. Correspondence sol FIBE INSURANCE. We represent a good line of Insur ance Companies and write in surance on all property COMMERCIAL 81 ALBANY, < Paid Up Capital, j • '■ ' SR 1