Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, March 25, 1893, Image 1

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S3 C0 Q < SC •CD 4 4 C w o W QC Eh 'H Q •N a Special to the IlKKALI). Washington, D. 0., March 20.—The President sent to the Senate to-day the following nominations: J. R. Eu-tis, of Louisiana, to be Minister to France. Theo Runyon, of New Jersey, to be Minister to Germany. John E. Risiey, of New York, to be Minister to Denmark. E. P. Baldwin, of Maryland, to be First Auditor of the Treasury. Gen. Wade Hampton, of South Caro lina, to be Commissioner of the Pacific Railroad. John A. Dyson, to be Postmaster at Washington, Ga. A Fatal Accident. A IWnu Killed And n Hoy Seriously In jured in Mavnnnnh* Special to the Herald. Savannah, Ga., March 20.—One of the hoisting cables of the elevator, in the Savannah Carriage Works build ing, broke this morning with fatal re sults. The Negro porter, who wns in the car at the time, was instantly killed, and an office boy seriously injured The Negro’s neok was broken by the 0 fall, and he died In a few seconds. From Parlor to Pen, f h! Redwine Removed lo Isiixurioua Quarter* la the Atlanta Jail. l Special to tho Ilorald. Atlanta, Maroh- 20.—Lewis Red wine hps been removed from tho com fortably furnished room in Fulton county jail, where he has been since HH his imprisonment, nnd is now spend ing his time in a common cell, such as all ordinary Inw-brenkers occupy. Athens, Alabama, Nearly Totally Destroyed by Fire Ibis Morning—<t-reat Isoss of Life Deported. Latest in Shoes. Special to tho IIkhai.p. Atlanta, Marcli 20.—The town of Atiiens, Ala., wnB nearly totally de stroyed by fire this morning. A hun dred lives are reported lost. No fur tiler particulars can bo bad at this hour. ALDEBHAN 1VIUUT BESIPKS. i You will certainly need a pair of ress Shoes to match your hand- .jme Chautauqua suit. We have ust opened five cases, five new styles, five exceedingly handsome shoes, five styles that you can’t find anywhere else. Be Handed Ilia Resignation to the Mayor Saturday Evening—It la Peremptory and to Tube Effect Immedi ately. Patent BLUCHER BALS. Patent Leather BLUCHER BUTTON WITH LARGE BUTTONS. Seal Skin Bals, And Russia Calf, Seal Top Blu:lier Bals, and Vici Rid Bals Something new,’ soft and service able. You will make a great mis- 0 take if you don’t look our stock over before buying. Muse & Cox. From Monday'. Evening Ilevald. Col. Ed. L. Wight handed hts resig nation as a member of the City Coun oil to Mayor Gilbert, late Saturday af ternoon. It seems that not even his most inti mate friends were apprised of Col; Wight’s Intention to resign, and the news of his resignation created gen' eral surprise. But the resignation is peremptory and to take effect at once, and Col Wight has told all who have approach ed him on the subject that he will not, under any consideration, withdraw it. Here is a copy of the resignation : Amianv, Ga., Marcli 18, 1893. lion. W.H. Gilbert, Mayor City of Albany. Sir—I tender my resignation ns Councilman of the City of Albany to take effect at once. My own business requires my entire time, and I cannot devote that time and attention to city matters that is reqdired. Very respectfully, Ed. L. Wight. nr. WILL NOT TALK. A representntivc of the Hbbald sought Col. Wight this morning mid asked if he had any other reason than that given in his written resignation for resigning, but the Colonel* was very guarded in what he said, and wns not disposed to talk. But everybody seems to think there is “a cat in the meal tub,” and various are the speculations as to the real cause of Col. Wight's resignation. From Monday’s Evening Ilorald. Ofiloera Barron and Coffey had a lively experience with a burly Negro wife-beater Saturday night about 10 o’clock. The two officers were petroling the north side of Broad street when it was reported to them that some one was being murdered in Westbrook’s alley, Knowing this loeality to be of any thing but a quiet and orderly charno. ter, the two officers set out to see what the trouble was about. When they neared the alley they heard a woman crying “Murder!" Murdert”und yelling lustily for help, The olllcers quickened their pnee and were soon at the houBe from whioh the ories seemed to emanate, The door of the house was seourely barred, but by throwing their com bined weights against it they soon ef fected an entrance. Once on the Inside they were con fronted by Dan Walker, a well-known Negro about town, who held an up raised ohnir in his hands with the in tention of an onslaught. Walker is a giant in strength and the olfloers knew that they had a desperate man to deal with. “DROP TnAT CHAIR OR l’LL SHOOT.” As the Negro, half crazed by liquor, started toward him, Officer Barron, as quick ns a Hash, threw his pistol in Dan’s face. “Drop that chair, Dan, or I’ll shoot,” said tlie officer, “I’ll drop nothing,” yelled Dan, as he advanced, but when he heatd the oliok of the officer's pistol he thought butter of it and the chair fell to the floor. At this, Officer Coffey sprang for ward to hand-ouff the Negro, while Officer Barron still had him covered with his pistol. WOMAN-LIKB. Just at this point, when their game was almost bagged, Dan’s w'fe, whom he had nenrly murdered before the officers arrived, “lit” onto Officer Bar ron with the fury of a tigress. Dan saw all this and grappled with Officer Coffey, and a hot faur-oornered fight ensued, in whioh Officer Coffey was being bested at n lively rate. In a few minutes, however, Officer Barron had disposed of the womnri hy throwing her across the room nsalnst the wall, nnd then went to the assistance of Officer Coffey. Drawing hisolub, and waiting fur a chance, lie dealt the ebnnyhued giant a whack noross the head that jarred th■* whole building. That settled the whole thing, and Dan fell'.to the iloor with a heavy thud. It did not take the officers lung to see that the Negro was unconscious nnd that he might be painfully hurt, and a mes senger, from among those who had been'attracted by thO noise, was dis patched for Dr. P. L. Hilsman. When the physloian arrived Dan was still uncooioious, but was soon brought to his senses. Dr. Hilsman examined the wounds and thought it best to let the Negro remain at home, for fear, that Cold would settle in the wound and death might result, ALL RIGHT NOW. This morning, Dan Is all right, with the exception of a very sore cranium, While the lick was a hard one and was enough to have crushed the ordinary human skull, the Negro will not lifer" ‘ suffer any serious consequences, as Is usually the case with his race. This morning officer Barron pre ferred oharges against Walker for wife whipping, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, and it is probable that Special to tlio Herald. Atlanta, March 17.—Congressman Thos. B. Cabants returned here to day from Washington, find he says that the reports that have -been sent out’ from Washington about tho rush of offlic-seckers are very tnuoh exag gerated. There are not as many there as in '84 and ’88. Mr. Cabanls also says that Seoretary of State Gresham and all tho other Cabinet offioers will put Democrats in offloe as rapidly as possible. Mr. Gresham is making a a fine impressslon as a Cabinet offider among the rank and file of the party. Farnsworth Succeeds Right Aa Dilhin Paurascr Agent at the B. T., V. Ac a. Special to tho II Bit ALP. Atlanta, March 17.—Mr. Jas. Farns worth, who has been filling the post, tlon of advertising agent for the E. T., V. & Q. railroad, has been appointed to succeed Mr. 0. N. Eight, who ten dered his resignation a few days ago os Division Passenger Agent at this point. St. Patrick In Atlanta. The Irish Societies New Vorlt Delivering Addre... Speolnl to tho IIkrai.ti, Atlanta, Mnroh 17.—Irish sooleties of the city bavinga grand parade today, DeGIves Opera Uotise 1s now orowded and.Don. Tom Grady, of New York, is delivering the St. Patrlok’e Day ad dress; There will be hi big banquet to-night, _■ “My Lord” Beresford. Probably 111. Adrerli.rd lecturing Tonr Will Hare to be Abandoned Special to tho IIbbalp. Atlanta, Marob 18.—Attorney-Gen eral Terrell returned, this morning, from Washington, where he has been arguing the famous obbo of Lord Beresford before the United States Su. preme Court. He says there is no doubt but that Beresford will go to the penitentiary for the fall term of his sentence. This will necessitate a delay of “My Lord’s” proposed lecturing tour of the Southern States, whioh has beon so extensively advertised. Tbe Redwine Case. Probability of the Grand Jury Indict •nenl Being Qunahed. he will pay dearly for his little Satur day night escapade. Framing, lumber, ceiling, ‘ i lit " ‘ Weston’s Lumber Yard. etc,, at 8-3tf VBOH CASlII.f.A. Mitchell Nuperlor Court Next Week—A “Good One” on n Noddy Young Man. The vacanoy caused by Col. Wight’s ignation will' electio resig lation will have to be filled by an Ion, whioh will have to be ordered and duly advertised hy tbe Mayor and Counoil. It is practically settled that Presi dent Cleveland will not make appoint ments to those who served under him before. Ashe says, there may be a Special Correspondence of the Hrkalp. Camilla Ga. March 17,1893. Superior Court convenes here next week. There are several cases of in terest that are to come up. One is the trial of a keeper of a “blind tiger,’’and another is the trial of Mr. A. P. Hil liard, charged with assisting in a jail delivery here. There are also one or two murder cases. A “good one” is told on one of Camilla’s prominent society young men. He. made his first attempt to go with a visiting young lady, and she sent him word to wait till nearer the time to make the engagement; that she was expecting same young men „'hboring oity, and 11 they came she would rather go with one of them, but if they failed to get here she would go with him. He waited. Celnmbiu Blcyclee. I am agent for tbe Colombia Bicy cles, and am prepared * ’’ popular of Special to Ilia Hkhald. Atlanta, Marob 18.—There is well grounded suspicion that tho Indict, ment by the Grand Jury against Lewis Red wine, the defaulting cashier of the Gate City National Bank, will be quashed on account of his having been brought by-force from jail before tbe Grand Jury, without consulting bis lawyers. This probably would delay the case more than a year. Kelly All Right. Tbe Mlaalng Atlanta Beal Estate Ms Turn, Up. Atlanta, March 18.—John J. Kelly, the real estate man who was reported missing yesterday, turns up to-day. He says he is all right, never having left town. His cbecke against bis bank were for a small amount, and the matter has blown over. Here’s Another One. A Prominent Beni Estate Man ef At lanta Mreterleaelr Disappears. The Savannah News of yesterday publishes the following very spicy special from Atlanta: Atlanta, Ga., Maroh 18.—Con gressman Livingston’s presenoe in tbe oity to-day for the purpose of straight ening out the Atlanta postotfioe mud dle, whioh has already involved the Georgia congressional delegation In a boiling stew, wns the cause of great notlvlty on the part of the politicians and political gossipers generally. While muoh of the interest wns cen tered in the poBtoffice fight and the hot contest It tins Involved the local press in, the real sensation of tho day was the developmentof the fight which Is on between Congressman Living ston and Senator Gordon. Reports from Washington of the trouble be tween these two have been meager and indefinite, and so far as Senator Gor don is oonoerned the Information is still uncertain. When he returns to Georgia his aide of the story will be given. But Congressman Livingston has taken very little trouble Binco his arrival Inst night to oover up the true state of his feelings toward tho sena tor. Taking his statements to his frionds here aa a basis of prediction it does not need a man with a second sight to see the Stllletto which he oarrying unsheathed nt his belt ready fur use upon Senator Gordon at every favorable opportunity. HOT IN TnR COLLAR. Col. Livingston is hot in the oollar ut Senator Gordon, and while the re port of ills effort to oreate strife be tween him nnd Senator Colquitt was denied by him through a friendly Washington correspondent, he does not himself deny that he “has it in” for Senator Gordon, so to speak, and is doing everything lie can to thwart that gentleman. The local postoffiac fight is due to this feeling of personal hostility. Col. Livingstoir does not want Senator Gordon to have anything to do witli the appointment nnd would oppose anybody whom he bad in dorsed. This is shown in the fact that J. M. Couper, Senator Gordon’s man, who is attaoked by Col. Livingston, is indorsed strongly by Mr.Kontz, whom Col. Livingston is now urging. Mr. Kontz indorsed Mr. Couper before he himself was drawn Into tbe race. As showing the bitterness of Col. Living- aton’s fight, It Is given out on the best authority that lie wrote a letter to Capt. Barry of tills oity, candidate for marshal, telling hliA that Scnutoi' Gor don had betrayed him, and wns work ing for Col. Renfroe, bis opponent. Capt. Barry carried this letter to the State Capl al and showed it to Col. George H. Jones, prinoipai keeper of the penitentiary,, who is associated with him in the race for marshal. At first Col Livingston denied having written suob a letter, but finally said: “Well, wbatlf I did write it; it’s true, and I’ve nothing to take baok.” CAUSE OF THE FIGHT. The fight of Col. Livingston upon Senator Gordon is not likely to end soon. It is too deep-seated, and is said to have significant bearing on the next senatorial race. Col. Living ston’s animosity to Senator Gordon is on account of the friendship of the latter to Gov. Norlhen, whom Co) Livingston would take delight in fighting every day in the year. The Congressman from the Fifth district Is believed to have senatorial aspira tions himself and on this ca- count Is doubly anxious to throw stumbling blocks in the way of the Governor. In crippling Senator Gordon’s Influence he thought he could hurt the Governor, as it is understood that the Senator is favora ble to his candidacy. It is also said by those who were in Washington at the.time that the report of Col. LiV' Ingston’s effort to create bad feeling between Senators Colquitt and Gordon was based on facts, and that It was prompted by a desire to prevent Sena tor Colquitt giving any aid to Gov. Northen through Senator Gordon in case he decides not to offer for re-elec tion. Col. Livingston will hold a con ference here on Monday with his ad visers and business men with a view to defeating Mr. Couper for postmaster with bis own candidate without re sorting to the proposed primary, which he opposes but would urge as a last resort. Your lr . If your eye* pain ymi ll y nm* *!*111 rod-- SPECTACLES! *8 -AND- EYE GLASSES They nro nlmnhitely perfect and cooling to tho eyes. Wo correct all tin ora of refrocUva and defective vision. Eyes Examined Free, gfF*Our vflflH*os skilfully adjusted. fflr. and Mrs. Phil Harris SCIENTIFIC OPTICIANS’. ALBANY. GEORQIj T BLE WARET, Special to tho Iferlad. Atlanta, March 17.—Jno. S. Kelly, a prominent real estate man of this city, has disappeared. No trace of him can be discovered anywhere. He gave where veral bant no funds AGENCY FOR; dim. Ro< Knives, Spoons, (forks, «te. Don’t ; ' J, ‘ ‘ * ' J * nnd m any for (Jhiiutniuiuaf Look friends will be here, and probably you I enough SWISS POLI For oloanlng silver and plated wave IIvo cents pur package, at PHIL HA] LIDDING JEWELER. ALBANY, - - - -- GE JUST I NOVELTIES IN 'mP Another Suicide. Bat This One ffsl la Allaata# Special to the Herald. Atlanta, March 20.—Frank Max well, of Nacoochee, Ga., committed i morafn For ladies and children, are very chic. Also some ne Swivel Silks in dainty colors, 65 per yird, 27 inches wide, know they wash ? Our stock is overflowing 1 the newest things in Buy now, whi’q the assortm is good. AT 40c. Merchants who “undersell the competitors” ask 50c. for them. Lansdowues—our price for t" past eighteen months $i.2j, To see a grand collection c beautiful tilings, visit our LACE AND EiWsry Dopai The styles are exqui: those who have seen they’re cheap. m