Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, April 22, 1893, Image 1

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,ml VOL. 2. ALBANY, GA., SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1893. NO. 16. •Ehrlich’s City Shoe Store. THE LARGEST AND MOST COM PLETE LINE OF SPRING o 0000.0000000000 HATS! HATS! HE WAS CRF.HA;ED. PATH OP A D1.AFK- 8UIILKD NEQBO IN QUIT- MAN FOUNTY. niS HEAD WAS HARD. Bhi Ilia Sculp Wn. Spill and ll Yaak Nine Slllchec In Fix It. Mr. Bob Burncll’c Murderer Burned on n Pile of Herooened Pence Rnlle—Pnll Per- liculnr*. o o 0000 o 00 006000 > FOR GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND " CHILDREN. v ! f Shoes! t * Shoes! FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, MISSES, BOYS AND CHILDREN. WE HANDLE ONLY THE BEST GOODS! IN OUR LINES, AND NO OTHERS. CALL AT SUMMER k HAtiHIGlCENT SYSTEM. A VOCTIIPIII, TUIEP. Nomrlhlnu About Albnnr’e Wnlerrrnrba —Million* of Kollo... of Wnler nl Dlapoaal. Special Telegram tholo Hkkai.p. Fort Gaines, Ga., April 14.—Bob Burnett, the country merohant, who was murdered in a room in his store near Fort Gaines, yesterday morning, by a Negro who had entered the store for the purpose of robbery, an account of wliioh appeared in yesterday’s IIkk- ali), was captured yesterday afternoon and carried to the scene of his crime where a large 1110b had colleoted. He confessed the murder, and at onco preparations to burn him alive were made. A feqce was torn down and the rails piled around a fat light- wood stump, the prisoner tied, and laid on top. Kerosene was poured over him and i the pile of wood; the Negro beg ging pitifully to be spared. The orowd yelled with fury and delight. Some one touched a match to the wood and the flames shot twenty feet Into the air. Amid the craokling of the flames and the scrpnms of the vio- tim pistol shots rang upon the air and dozen balls perforated the body of the helpless wretch. The Negroes formed a majority of the mob and did most of the work of preparing the bonfire, Negro men and women, with long poleB, stood around and pushed the chunks on the roasting flesh. The victim of the cre mation was a Negro whose name was unknown. Young Burnett, whom he murdered, was one of the lending young men of Quitman oounty, and belongs to an old and arlstooratio fam ily, whose mansion is one of the finest old houses remaining from ante hel ium days. WHERE MIRE AND MPARKI.INR WATERS AROUND, From Saturday’s Evening Herald, Edley Robb-son, is the name of a Negro tenant on the Greenfield plan tation near the city, and he will go on record as a man with a skull like adamant. The dashing, rollioklng Robinson went to a “cake \Va)k” dance on the farm last night, and was having a grand and glorious time for a while. A. is usual, a orowd of young bucks assembled outside the house to display their agility and physical prowess, and it was during this kind of sport that alert Edley allowed his cranium to come in contaot with the sharp oorner of a huge flint rook. And strange enough the rook was not broken, though considerably bruised Edley’s companions discovered that he was bleeding profusely from a wound in the head. He was carried home, where all the cobwebs, turpentine, liniment, etc., on the plantation were used to stop the flow of blood. But tho blood didn’t stop until about 2 I Only Fifteen Venn. But He Peeved Be a ■•Milch >Un.» From Monday’* Evening Herald. Officer Kemp arrested John Henry Ilines, a flfteon-year-old “coon,” at the depot last night, oil suspicion, nmj shortly afterwards Mr. Charley Jen kins, of near Gintown, Worth county. Away back yonder, otons of ages ago, I nrr)ved ln t | le c j ty |„ search of the when the waters of the flood were re ceding, a portion of it found a conge nial place of refuge in the rippling, dashing stream of the Thronateeska, which has laved the Southwestern re gions with its cooling touoh, Impart ing to tlie earth, at the same time, wonderful supplies of subterranean water from which liaa sprung the ever lasting blessings of Artesian wells. Of oourse, Albany wasn’t here then- olmrged him $17.50 of his “little black ooon,” and with having purloined filthy lucre. It all happened about this way Early yesterday morning the boy, who was a servant on Mr. Jenkins’ planta tion, Bucoeeded in entering Mr. Jen- kjns’ room, seoured tlm money nnd skipped out for Albany. It is not known how he got here so soon, but he took In the city yesterday Your. Eye Sight that is, Noah didn’t say anything afternoon in great style. He pur- abnut it in his book of travels—but these subterranean streams were pre destined to furnish this thriving, bust ling city of Albany with Its wat r supply. , How long this supply remained In subterranean passages as a blessing In disguise Is not known, and with that chased a watoh from another Negro, patronized the drug Btore, nnd was "blowing himself” like a true sport. Of oourse, the movements of the rural urchin caused suspicion, nnd he wns forthwith taken under the pro tecting arm of the law ns above stated, and cried a sad nooompnniment to If your cyoa pain yon- try our .fool tlrod-- SPECTACLES! -AND o’olock this morning, anil when *'”'*'*“ | the people of Albany nre not concern-1 thc p aUlet |o chirpings of the crickets brought to town | ed, but in good time it came to the L, the Duug herty county jail last surface in th* form of pure, clear and | EYEGLASSES Robinson found that he was very weak from the great loss of the life fluid. When, at last, the cobwebs, rags and other things applied to the wound had been washed away, Dr. Robinson found that the Negro’s scalp had been cut in the triangular shape, in all about seven inches. It required nine stltcbeB to close the gaping skin. Dr. Robinson says that it is wonderful that theie was not a fracture of the skull as the fall must have bqen a very hard one, The Negro remained in town quite a while and seemed to suffer no great inconvenience from his mishap Tlmv are absolutely portent and cooling to • - —- —‘ct nil errors of l-cfractlvo sparkling fountains, giving to the peo ple more water than their wants could dispose of. It would be a long story to tell of how Albany came to realize the abun dance of Artesian water. Almost be fore the people knew it the water was here and, ever .sinoe, it has been great blessing to this community. At first one artesian well was sunk as an experiment; it was a success. Then other wells were bored, nnd it hns come to pass that our oity is known all over the world ns the “Artesian City.” This morning Mr. Jenkins took the boy in his buggy and oarried him to Worth, where he will await trial. and cyoa. lvi defective The Confederate veterans will ob serve Memorial Day at Camilla. Judge J. L. Underwood has been Invited to deliver an addre-ts. Eyes Examined Free. gj^-Our Ulnsaea nro skilfully adjusted. THAT MYRICK MATTER. Albany's bicyclists nre acquiring considerable Bpeed on their wheels, What’s the matter with tackling some of the neighboring oily wheelmen, boys? depart May, put Mr.andMrs.PMl.Harris SCIENTIFIC OPTICIANS. ALBANY, GEORGIA. ?w The new trunks for the lire ment will be here by the first of | and then the engine house will be rder Gradually Sinking. Necessaries! Ex-Trenaurer Dnn Speer Dying- Sou Aiao Very 111. -Hia Editor Lewis, of the Sparta Ishmael- ite, prints the recent card of Editor Myrick, of tho Amerlous Times-Re- corder, who was charged with not being an original Cleveland man, and then, commenting on the opposition of Secretary Smith and the discrimina tion of President Cleveland, requiring the Amerlous editor to produce the flies of his paper, says The offices are not the personal pruperty of President Cleveland—to be used by him In paying off henoh- men. “Public eflloe is a public trust.” The President is not the master of the people, but their servant; and the offices are to be dispensed not for his personal advantage but, for the pbbllo ;ood. The disposal of tho offices is Send orders to Leben’s for loe cream 11-dt.f Special Telegram to the IlpitALD. Atlanta, April 17.—lion. Dan Speer, ex-Treastirer.of Georgia, whose criti cal illness has been previously report ed in these dispatches, is gradually sinking. His physicians do not think he will Biirvive the day. His son is also very ill. But all of this is digression, the objeot of this artlole being to give the | in flrst-olass order, people some iden of the wonderful system of waterworks which Albany is so fdrtunate in possessing. Every body knuwa the hiBtory of the events that led up to the construction of Al bany’s waterworks system;, how It was that a number of artesian wells were consolidated to supply the oity with water; the establishment of the wonderful water tank, etc. But let?s see what the present sys- tenj anHUjlh'ts to. , .--j * - - . „. ... , , In theflrst place The "water tank wishing to take part in tlid morri- holds 180,000 gallons of water; the ment. put on fanciful garments and reservoir holds 280,000 gallons. This | went out with his friend Dubois, gives us a oombined supply of 480,000, gallons provided both reoeptaoles nre full, which will usually be the oase, A Little Too Much. The celebration of the carnival, as the last days before tlie coming of Lent nro culled in European coun tries, reached its highest and gayest point in Paris during the old mon archy. Everybody wont into tlie streets, to lie pelted with confections and to have a mad time generally. A royal prince, the Duke of Orleans, I S’# *A-... ALL- AL 1Ll-l .vl 'IT’l*!- 1 New Improved! ^vnsG Disca^' ♦ * ! Y£ NANI INVEN ust as much a trust as the offices The aggregate flow of all the artea- 1- . I.. - «.1 »1... Dannl Jam! ttflm I ** themselves; and the President whoi |#n wells th#t stip p| y wnt( ; r | 9 800 gal —AND— LIGHT UNDERWEAR. Faille UnlalDK on (he Increase. It is a most gratifying fact to the people, to note that the raising of cat tle is continually on the inorease ln this section of the State, and that to day, there are on the plantations and farms in the oountry around, more beeves being fattened and fed for mar ket than has ever been the case before. Beef as One as that which conies from the West, is obtainable here at home, and stall-fed animals furnish as tender, delicious meat as the most fas tidious epicure might desire. This oountry is adapted to the rais ing of cattle, and there is a fortune in it for whoever will go into the busi ness on a large scale. It is as Necessary to be Cool in Summer, as it is warm in Winter. A Straw Hat will keep you cool A Light Suit of Underwear will keep your body cool. And we are anxious ,to suppy the Neces saries. dispenses them with the purpose of re-, „,w. ...I warding his personal following of Ions per minute, 18.000 gallons per his rivals deserves Just as much een- hour or 482,000 gallons per day. Sup- sure ns the official who uses his office poa j ngi now, that there are 5,000 per- r<, ^ri”hm P :eme“ , is nd t V o , 'h , e l lfe e ve that boos in Albany who use water from Mr. Cleveland is in full sympathy this source, there would be for eaoh with the purpose of his personal person in the oity, 80 gallons per day. henohmen, to draw the lineB against | tr ue that a great deal of water Is those Democrats who opposed his nomination. His tendencies and per. Bonn! leanings and characteristics are undoubtedly in that direction; but he certainly is wise enough to know that he cannot build up a mere personal following of flunkies, strong enough to his own personal downfall. Wnen you want something good, don’t forget Chattahooohee. 14dtf “Spnrkles Lika a Diamond.’ From tlie Atlanta Constitution. Editor Molntosh’s Albany Herald sparkles like a diamond from the banks 0 f the Flint. It is brightness from beginning to end, and is making its way with the best of them. Ta Deliver She Memorial Addreea la Dawvoa. Hon. E. R. Jones received an invita tion op Saturday to make the memo rial address in Dawson on the 20th inst., and has decided to accept it. Colonel Jones is one of the most elo quent orators claimed as a son of Al bany, and ou such occasions bis servi ces are in great demand. He combines the beauties of oratory and depth of sentiment that make his addresses most impressive, and Albany has come to be proud of him. Colonel Jones will thrill the hearts of Dawson’s citi zens and reflect credit on himself and Albany. Call for Chattahoochee beer if you want the beBt. lldtf HN||ia| Noddies. Out in Missouri the churches have adopted a unique way of swelling their treasury—by the organization of hugging societies, Girls under sixteen, 15 oents for a hug of two minutes, or ten cents for a short squeeze; from sixteen to twenty, 60 cents; from twenty to twenty-five, 75 cents; school unarms 40 cents another man’s wife, $1; widows, ac cording to looks, from 10 cents to $3; old maids 3 cents apiece or two for a nickle, and not any limit of time. Preachers are not charged. Editors pay in advtrtise ments, but are not allowed to partici pate until everybody else has gotton through, and even then they are not allowed to squeeze anything but old maids and sobool-marms. wasted, but hardly more than a fifth of the supply goes In tills way. Any way that It can be figured will show that with any degree of economy will allow a bountiful supply of water for Then again, the amount Now," said' tho prince to Dubois, in order that my identity may not bo Buspected, you uniat not treat mo oa if 1 were a prince, but, on the contra ry, with familiarity." Very well, mon8eigneur,”Baid Du bois. They went out. The fun grew fast and furious, and Dubois, in the midst of Ilia other familiarities, ventured actually to kick bis royal highness. Hold on I” said the prince, with a groan. “Stop that. You’re diagula ing me too much I”—Youth’s Com panion. and quo Arms are adjustable REVOLVE RAPIDLY IN ANT POSITION. Will not break easy, of order. The best in the work »l Will not gel d. The :t ". ut kgency for them in Albany. PHIL HARRIS LEADING JEWELER. ALBANY, - - - - - GEORGIA. CALL ON When Buffalo Robes Were Cheap. Up to about 1800 the Indians an nually killed the buffalo by thou sands. During many generations igl and influential enough to supplant tne all purposes, great Democratic organization. He is of water to go to Are protection pur-. - - -. , .. obliged to know tint such a course ose8 wlll not be very gre at. In this they slaughtered them only for the would inevitably lead to the diagrace- t b tu j a I meat and skins which they them- ful failure of his administration and particular Albany Ib to t' * selves could use. Then there came c J. I ioWk&ii & C; Death at aa lafaat. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. ted upon the pressure and the supply, wliioh U sufficient to throw half a dozen streams over the highest build ing in the oity. So much for the quantity of water, Now, let’s see about the quality. When it comes to this, nothing more convincing as to the purity of the water can be said than It Is Artesian water. Albany, unlike other oities ln the state, is not dependant upon muddy creeks nnd rivers for her water supply. There Is no filtering to be done, the water bubbling from the bowels of the earth in sparkling, wholesome and medicinal purity, nnd if there Is one thing above all others that is important and that a city needs in order that the health, and, there fore, the happiness of its inhabitants time when there was a market for tho hides and tongues, and countless other thousands were Blaughtored for this purpose. As late as 1874 one could buy a beautiful fur robe over coat, well mado and lined with flan nel, at tho retail clothing stores in St. Paul for *10. There was a market, too, for the choicer portions of the flesh, but this only cut a small figur- in the dreadful total, so that finally the trade in robes constituted tho only incentive for slaughter.—Ham lin Russell in Harper’s. FOR THE PUREST AND MOST DELICIOUS :s«SB SODA WATER -A N D- Waliace died Saturday afternoon about 8 o’clock. The remains were interred at Pine Bluff cemetery in East Dougherty yes terday afternoon. The bereaved parents have the sym-l may be insured, it Is a bountiful sup- pathy of the entire community in their | ply of water, and water that is pure great sorrow. This is from the Hustler of Rome: “John Temple Graves who went down to Out-talker the She-tawker of Al bany, has been heard from; the Alba ny Herald says: Mr. Temple 'Graves became imbued with the athletic en thusiasm last evening and Challenged Dr. Duncan to jump through the hoops. As this was not accepted he challenged Mr. Joe Davis for a potato race. It was a case of ‘Greek meet Greek,’ and the audience was highly entertained at the exchange of wit and repartee." Everybody pronounces hoochee beer excellent. Chatta- 14dtf This section is growing short on water again—that is, rain water. Thus far, the planting and cultivating sea son has been a very propitious one, but a good rain would not be amis, just now, and free from the impurities in which lurk the germs of disease and death This question of water supply is one that has agitated cities for many years and one, for the proper solution of which,'thousands of people are clam oring. Usually where the water is pure the supply is insufficient and where the supply is sufficient the water isjmpure. It is only in spec ially favored sections that the supply is largely above the demand and at the same time so pure that a chemist, carefully examining its molecules and bringing to bear upon them every art of his science to find Impurities, is unsuccessful. But that is the case in Albany and that is why it can be said that Albany is blessed. Truly wonderful is Albany’s water works system, and the whole people should be thankful to the present and past municipal boards for providing such a luxury to bless our people. Call for Chattahooohee Export and _ _ you will get the best. lidtf When you you will hi try Chattahoochee beer sve no Other. 14-dtf PINEAPPLE FLOATS. We also oarrjr a Full and Complel line of When yon want anything In the way of Disappointed HI# Hearers* ■Gontloinon," cried the first street fakir of the season as he hurriedly scanned the horizon for the police, and got on a box by the gutter. “gentlemen, I have here a dead sure cure for all snake bites, insect bites, X>TTT3T? rjWTTfrS tarantula bites, scorpion stings” r AV-EJ LJ LAU. The crowd collected thick and fast About the box. “Yes, sir,” said the fakir, “this bot tle," and he waved a flask containing red liquor in the air over the heads of the enthusiastic throng, “this bot tle contains a dead sure cure for snake bites” Several men on the outskirts of the crowd began to feel in their pockets. “And I am selling it at actually less than cost!” " A half dozen tried to struggle through the surging throng, with their money in their hands. “It is composed of distilled water and bromide of potassium, and is guaranteed” But ho was talking to a street full of space tinged with stale disgust.— Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. TOILET ARTICLES You should give us • call. Our l are excelled by none, and our prh are the lowest. Consult your Iht by trading with J. R. deGRAFFENRElD & CO BROAD STREET. City Chinese Counting np bi's salary and all his al lowances for expenses. President Harri son received from the government ex actly *876.800 dnring hia term. CHABLBY Olttl Ltixo, Fr«»’r. When you want beer call for Chat tahoochee. 14-dtf Only FIRST-CLASS HAND \ everything done at remarkabl; prices. Yon will find me street, next to. Defiance ] Give me a call. * ‘ I guarantee a ori. 1 iNDSTINCTPRlH^fa