Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, October 27, 1900, Image 2

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AfW/BRWBA/i or inmirtiw. EstilS Ipttoa p»y»bl« U adranMIBO S'*«MiSK. 0, .SS y ££ri Unix. ivfolutlona of rMpMt And other than thoee which r m»r (It# m m metUro (e«l for ni the rate of fire end ell other revenue!* Ip iattawp*" Th# ■■»!<■ , d.«l. with .dT.rtl.lB* scents ^ijndal tantrut only. n« no •Imtlitai »*»nt ak acmrli Mthev IseC M Maki contracts far navcrtUc- atcnt* to b«-Inserted In thla paper. =ta*ta= ' ' '--n 3 II you" see It lathe Herald it's ao. \ II yoe advertise In the Henli It goes. v™ M SATURDAY. 00T, 37. 1900. m* Hum has quit arguing iNM and ROM to nbutlnr Bryan. Now Raula went* to borrow |S0,000, 000 from the Unltsd State*. - L-a- aa ■» -M- ' No matter bow the election goee.,1 i will be a great relief to hare It over. Hanna'* barren ae the republican campaign manager 1* aaldtobe wearing him oat HOW me BATE IT. Let the eald Neill and other bearleb Mob prophet* how etandaolde, while another luminary ehede .the light over the mooted question ee to what thla year* soot loo crop will be. A preee die* patch from Naw Orleans aent on Ay as- terday inform* a* that "A. J. Bastoq,' of Liverpool, Borland, one ofthe beet known ootton experte in the world, reaobed here today after making Ida nanaltonr through the Southern state* for the purpoao of examiolog tho ootton cropland telegraphed the reenltofhle examination to tba Manoheeter Guar dlan and Liverpool Courier. Mr. Bu*- ton la of the opinion that the ootton orop will not be ae email ae lately estimated, bat will moant np to 10,3$P,0Q0 bale* and may, be higher if there la a late frost.” After fixing the ootton crop at n ten and a quarter million baiae, Mr. Boston, proceeds to gtve,hla English oonneotlon* thta side light: "One thing that Impressed me emphatically asI Journeyed throueh the rarietu eUtee wee the ery: "BoarcUy ot labor. Everywhere I went I wee told that the termers Were Sheri of hand*. 1 cannot under.tend the reeeon why there ahonld be eoarclty of labor. The wayee era reaeonabia—IX per day .at almaet. all the piahtatlonaT-and It la surprising that mope n*p*‘ plo don’t take advantage of thta eplondtd oppor tunity," Now, how te that for "high?" Three 4ollers a day lor farm labor I Who It paying it—who oat pay it? The tabs ot ettbh a thing is enough to give the average southern farmer the jlm- Am*- And it wlU occur to the people here in tho oonotry where, the ootton grpwojhat if Mr. Bnatoo’e retimatee and "facta" about the ootton crop are on a parity with.hi* observation* ita to labor ,apd,thoprloe paid hale giving hlailng- U*h employer! a "spell" that will beat the one the laid Neill gave thorn last year. If he were not an Englishman T* ivfa •u^.tbqt he ws* flaying a Savannah wnntp a $8-foot channeltpj tba tan, and th* whole* south wants to edxio’iij j'l v;J '! leaves a lurid streak of wherever he goes. Who |a this Neill, whofaeli constrain- ad to "looreaae hie wtttaates?" What does be estimate, spy how? Tho republican press Is go ashing Its teeth ovef New York's enthn*lo»tio re- oaptloo to William J. Bryan. With every fepn^ making its own food •oppllee, tho tooth will never lose mnoh sleep over the price of ootton. It it now ohtrged that tho tenth about the yellow fever, eltnetton in Havana is being euppreeeed. What next? Atlanta It to have a. home show, and the Atlanta papers are now giving pict ures and (ketches ot horsy women. Ohloago and New York are palling In the some direo'tlon for onoe, at least. Boob, ha# a state to save for democracy. Governor Roosevelt'* memory 1* bad, ’ a misfortune which baa oanted him a great deal it trouble tlnoe the oa'mpulgn It It from'the average melodrama that " TJeddy plagariie* the Idea of getting ■■ mobbed for the purpoee of exciting aym- '• pa»hy; ■ , Tpe miner* la Pennsylvania have the ' beet^of the atrlke situation up to date, ' bat will they be eble to keep it? That's ‘‘the qaeetlon. Georgia has aboot reached the point of being able to move her ootton orop with- oat sending north for the money, with whtohtodott. » ' "The enemy's ooontry" eoande queer, lnviepr of the cordiality with whioh Mr. Bryan ta-rtoilved in every nook nod oornerof the republlo. » Nobody seems to know just when Wharton Barker is "at," but we arc all left to suppose that he is a till In the mid dle of the toad—somewhere. It is said that ex-Preeident Kroger has shipped no lees than $35,000,000 to Franoe slnoo last May, and thero is no telling how much more he has. The Gaynors do not want to come back to Georgia. And there are some mighty good reasons back of their un willingness to leave New York. The trusts will not- allow their em ploye* to attend the meetings where Mr. Bryan is scheduled to speak. That's a good thing—for the democratic tioket. Senator Baoon of Georgia made some ' strong points 'in 'ills’ address fcelore a BllUfilore' endlenoe the "other bight. "What oongreas baa failed to oonfer upop. tke, pye*ldent," eald the senator, Vwas taken upon himself by the presi dent'without the authority of oongreas, B9APP1»1oMP oWftHeslqn,,which te In Manila today governing that olty to the manner prescribed and laid down in the SpOoner bill. If tblal* not imperialism, wbat is It? If Porto Rioo and the Phil ippines are not anbjeot colonies, gov erned without the ooneeut of the gov erned and forbidden the rights and privilege* of oitisens,. what.are they?" The president's unwarranted assnmp- tlon of power In dealing with onr "oolonlal affaire,” Is the great stumbling block In the way of the republican party. When the students at Ann Arbor, Mtoh, interrupted and tried to worry Mr, Bryan while he was speaking, ha didn't flare np and show hia teeth like Teddy Roosevelt Is in the habit of doing, nor herald it over the oonntry as an outrageous aeeanlt, bat he answered them pleasantly, and after the meeting, when he learned that eoma of tha more boisterous of the boys had been arrested, he interceded In their behalf and asked for their dtaohaige, saying he felt that their behavior was caused more by boyle{i** than by malic*. Little things some time* show tha difference between men. COOHTT OFFICERS AID THE FIHBB OP NIIIDBMIATOB CONVICTS, The eoUeltmo and county officer* of the state are considerably stirred np over the report whioh- coot** from Atlanta that Governor Oandtar, in hia forth coming memagB to the general assembly, will make eotne recommendations with regard to the control at oonrict* and the dispoaltioa of floes aooraing through the payment of eentenoee imposed for miedemoonoT offenses, Whioh, if aerried into effeot, will deprive some of the ooanty offloere end especially the •uperlor oonrt eolidtors of the cream ot tbelr ofQoee. Information from Atlanta is to the effeot that the governor not only pro pose* that the authority of tba state oonviot commission shall he extended to inolode the entire oontrol of ell mis demeanor oonviot* of the state, bat that all fines aooraing from misdemeanor offenses shall be turned Into the elate treasury, probably for the school fnnd. If thla ahonld be done, thue depriving the offloere of the court* of the payment of Insolvent costa obtained from fines paid by misdemeanor oonvlota, the oonrt offloere claim that their offices would, In many of the counties, be rendered worthless. The solloitor general would perhap* be the hardest hit, se the revenue* of his offloe depend almost en tirely npoo these floes. Naturally the county offloere of the state who have been Informed of the governor's Intention, ere np in arms against the new move, end it is eald that a number of the solicitors general are already In Atlanta endeavoring to bring snffloienc pressure upon the gov ernor to prevent Hie reoommoodation whioh, aooording to report, he intends to make. The Bavannah Newt it onr authority for the statement that dr oolers ere already being sent nut to the oounty offloere throughout the state, wonting them of the effeot of the pro posed measure end oalltng upon them to nee their lnflnenoe with their repre sentatives in the general aaaembly to prevent the passage of sooh a measure. A pamphlet pobliehed In London in 1809 predlota that ootton would grow aa well In Virginia as In Italy, and the au thor of another pamphlet, published in 1630, mentions ootton as a product that may be had in abandonee in Virginia; but Bancroft'* History of the Ignited States lays the first experiment In oot ton culture in the Thirteen Colonies wee made In Virginia In 1031, when the ootton seeds were planted as an experi ment, end their "plentiful ooming up” wax at that early day a anbjeot of inter est in Amorioa end England. Ootton wool was listed in that year at 8 pence a pound, whioh lndioate* that it may have been grown earlier. One of the saddest speotaoles of mod ern times is presented in the flight of Paul Kroger from his beloved Trans vaal to the protecting arms of a friendly European nation. The world shows in terest at the announcement of his de parture from Lorenzo Marquez, and wishes him a aafe voyage. Mr. W. R. Lcaken, the repnblioan nominee for congress in tho First dis trict, seems to ho as terribly iu earnest concerning his oandidacy as it he really expected to be elected. It really looka like Great Britain has been more than willing for Oom Pool to leave Sooth Africa at hia leisure -rather than aa (prisoner of war. Had Lord Roberta been especially anxious to effeot the oapture of the former president of the Transvaal repnblto ha ooold, with the meant at his oommand, easily have aooompliehed his purpose. : Instead, however, the unfortunate -t#l Hatch- man haa been permitted to tote Ms own time about leaving the shores of Africa, and it Is probaole that the reported ef forts to'make him a prisoner were more imaginary than real. It north and middle Georgia have an idea that tha state fair , la going to he only a partial anooes* this year beosu** it la to be held in the southern part of the (late, they are destined to be very mnoh surprised. Valdosta, is going to make the moat of her opportunity this fall, and the rest ot Georgia will find out some things about the wirngrats- re gion it dtd't know before. The aeleo- lion of Valdosta as the plsoeof holding the atete fair' of 1900 was a fortunate thing, and tha lower oounties will not fall to do what' la expected of them la adding to the triumph of the enterprise; An undertaker'* bruin ee* la advertised for sale in an English newspaper In tome whioh are hardly suoh aa to en- ooursge any on* to become n permanent resident of the looallty. After stating that he is rttiring from business alto gether the advertiser praises the town thus: "Sanitary arrangements mnoh negleoled; mortality from favors exces sively high; total death rate 10.7 higher than any town within radius of fifty miles; one trade oompetitor (carpenter) only. Excellent opening for enetgetio man willing to pot hie heart Into the boelneaa." Chances seem to favor republican sue- ceea In Illinois, though Chicago may be able to come to democracy's rescue. It Is oonoeded that Illinois, ontside of the Windy Oity and Oook county, will give handsome republican majorities, and it remains to bo seen whether the heavy democratic phalanxes in Chicago will be strong enough to overcome this ad vantage and give the state to Bryan. In view of the fact that the republi can vioe presidential candidate gets straok on the head nearly every day in the week by big stones thrown by ‘■Bryan sympathizers,” it is not surpris ing that he is a bit flighty at times. The faot that the stones are largely imaginary is a matter of small moment. > Aftiimfe uitdw If wa believe aU that tha Atlanta iwipapasntoH aa, tha Atlanta depot question has at last bssn d(finitely set tled. That l*ag-f*lt want, a deosnt passenger depot, is to b* built—not hr Atlanta or tbs railroads, mind yon, hat by ths state of Georgia. Aooording to tha plan whioh ha* been finally agreed upon by Atlanta and the railroads, lbs whola job haa been turned over to the stats, and tba legislator* will b* asked to authorise the governor to devote “the reserve fond of Georgia" to the enterprise. It Is estimated that the new structure will oott $500,000, and It is understood that tbs railroads will pay the itate 6 percent. Interest an nually on thla sum for a term of fifteen yean. Then what? Will somebody please tell ns? It remains to be seen whether the leg islature oan be penoaded to sauotlon this scheme for Atlanta to get a new depot. The neoessary legislation to carry it through wonld, it appears to us, jar the constitution of 1877, which effect oally negative* the principle ot atate aid to railroads, communities and cor porations of every kind. ' GRIGGS Iff DELAWARE. The following, from Joe Obi's Wash ington dlapatoh to Sanday’s Atlanta Constitution, shows where onr congress- ] Hon. James M. Griggs, is and what he Is doing :** Judge Griggs, of the Second district, haa been patting in the week la Dela ware, where he has proved one of the most popular campaigners on the stomp. Chairman Baolsbory, ofthe Delaware oommittee, telle me tonight that the oongramional campaign oommittee had ordered the judge to go to New York next week, but that he, Sanlabnry, bad ■uoceeded in bringing abont a ohange by whioh the. Georgian is to give Dela ware next week also. Hq telegraphed Chairman Richardson that .Judge Griggs was doing snoh effective work that he oould not be spared. Accord ingly, the judge la billed for speeches in Wilmington. Georgetown, Milford and Middleton for this week. He la to make three speeohes In Wilmington, and to join the Bryan party at Middle on, go ing again to Wilmington, where he is to be one of the attractions on Bryan day. Delaware papers apeak highly of his campaign work.” jtiMr ham «o„ arkciai. nurture.' swim ARMOUR’S {RUNAWAY'S CHOICE ALSO ACID AND KAINIT. Call "arly and place your orders. W. E. GRNNKWHY, COTTON FACTOR, ALBANY, GA. The Savannah News says: "The presentation of a loving onp to Llent. Hobson at Montgomery was a pleasant inoident. Hobson deserved the testi monial. The Incident, by the way, re calls that the national government has not yet done anything in recognition of Robson's remarkable heroism In connec tion with the sinking of th* Herrimao at the entrance to Santiago harbor. That deed was one of the most brilliant in the annals of the American navy. It is no excuse for ths remarkable inaotton on the part of the Navy Department in thematterof rewarding Hobson to say that he oondnotsd himself in a rather silly manner upon his return to the Doited States. The stories of his kiss ing exploits, it is-aafe to say, were ex aggerated by the sensational press. Still, if every story told of them were true, the faot wonld not detraot In the least from the heroism displayed by him in the Merrimae event. Sinoe the exoohtlre authorities in Washington atom loth to do justice to Hobson, Con- gross might take ths matter np and eee to It that the young man gets hts just deserts." President Kroger, ol the South African republic, ha* fled to Europe and left his people to get cart of the war with Eng land aa beat they oan. It la said, too, that he lent million* ot gold ahead of him, moat of whioh has been plaoed to his credit on individual acoount in Franoe. How th* great and good Oom Paul has fallen I Plaoed in the crucible, he haa been fonnd wanting. He is no body’s Ideal patriot now: A chieftain who forsakes bis people In defeat or dis tress is not to be admired. THE TRUTH ABOUT COTTOff. Editor Perham, of the Waycroes Her ald, gets It down right in the following: The oredit for ten cent ootton is olaim- d In several quarters. It belougs to no newspaper, no corpo ration, no statesman, no individual. Ootton went to ten cents this year simply beoause consumption is catching op with production. This result was caused by a greater demand and a smaller orop. Undoubtedly, the rise of the ootton mill industry in the Sonth is a strong faotor In bringing abont the present status, bat planters most take oare not to orowd the market. Home food supplies, sod ootton as a surplus oash orop, will be the winning policy, and the Georgia Cotton Growers Asanoia'lon is doing a great work in firmly planting this idea in the minds of the people. We oan easily keep oOttou at 10 cents, and probably higher, by not producing and rushing to market a supply greater than the demand. This is the whole thing In a nutshell. The supply of Amerioan heiresses who are willing to beoome the brides of foreign noblemen whose exchequers have beoome depleted le not yet ex- haoeted, and weddings on the Uould- Oastellane order are still oommou. The latest exohange of oash for a title i§ re ported from Philadelphia. When Hanna, speaking in Lincoln, Nebraska, Bryan's own town, the other night, said that Bryan wasn't fit to be a constable, mnoh less president, the peo ple of the town Would have served him right if they had rotten egged him. The New York Yaoht Club has ac cepted Sir Thomas Upton's challenge for another aeries of races for the Amerloa cup, and aotive preparations for the next great international race* will now begin. A southern journal thinks that the time has arrived when the newspaper editors of the country should assemble in convention and decide. upon whom the title of "Honorable" shall be be stowed. For itself, it would give that title to presidents, vioe presidents, cabi net officers, governors of states, mem bers ot congress, federal judges and judges of the supreme courts of states, and bar it to members of county courts grand jnrors and deputy coroners, Ac actress no longer gets big adver tising from horsewhipping her mana ger or her leading man. In these days of exciting events she has to shoot him. woman’s Lite.... la hard enough aa it to. It la to her that w* owe oqr world, and everything should ba mad* as easy as possible for her at the time ef childbirth. Thta is just what Momrt Frieib wilt do. It will make 'baby's coming easy and painless, and that without tak ing dangerous drugs Into tha ■ ra ta™- it to simply to ba appltodto th* muscles of tha abdomen. It Penetrates through ths skta carry, tog strength and elasticity with iL It strengthens the whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pngoaocT, Tho mother of a plumb baba In Panama, Mo., says: "I have used Mother's Friend am' highly.” and can pratae It Get Mather’s Friend at the Drug Store, SI per bottle. The Bradfield Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. Writ6 for our free illustrated book, “ Before Baby is Born." City Registration. Notice is hereby given that the regis tration hooks of the oity ot Albany will be open at the Western Union telegraph office on Wednesday, October 34th, and will close at 5 o’clock p m. on Friday, November 23rd. Those entitled to reg ister for the municipal election will govern themselves accordingly. V. O. Rust, oct-10 City Clerk. Not long, now, until Albany will' bkwaora forth with her Hny Day Oarntval and Street Fair.—Americus Herald. That's right, neighbor. Jnst hold vonr base now and keep yonr eye on Al bany until the 31st of November, and then oome to see us. Jnst put it down right now that the Hay Day Carnival and Street Fair on the 31st, 32nd and 33rd of November to going to be the biggest thing Albany has ever had. One way, and about the beet way, for a man to get what he wanta said in the local newspaper to to write it out, sign his name to It and hand it In to the pob- lisher. • It is notioeable that wine always fig ures prominently at the Bryan banquets, yet the Nebraska statesman never touches intoxicating beverages in any form. There to a rumor that there to to be a new morning paper started in Augusta, and tho name of John Temple Grave* is connected with it. - mm- i J’e'I n.'.'l (,lpj - FRESH EVERY WEEK AT THE Sale-Davis DrugCo. A Whisky With Merit. That is tho kind yen want. That to the kind-we sell. I have jnst taken the agenoy for the famous whisky, . . “Lieuiis ’66,” * > , '•l: Whioh-to absolutely as good as any whisky that nan be bought. It to purely * cereal whisky. It to rioh, mel- iow and soft. • As a gentleman’s drink, and for nse in the rick room, it is with out n peer. A Trial Order for tome of thta excellent whisky will be appreciated. Yon will not nse an other brand If you onoe try the "Lewis ‘’66. M SOLOUOH’S -WHISKY HOUSE, 28 Washington Street. ALBANY. GA. Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT exclus- ively. j i j - . $: 910101310 5 j. i. DR. H. H. CHEATHAM,