Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, November 03, 1900, Image 7

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L INDSTINCT FKiNi •* # SOL, BILL AND BUB ROUSE ARE INDICTED IN WORTH COUNTY. The .Murder with Which They Are Charted Happened Three Yeare Ago —Evidence Is Conclusive, It la Declared—Trio Have Been Arreated. 3 Isabella, Gn., Got. 37.-[Special.] - The grand jury of Worth county supe rior court has indicted Sol, Bob aud Bill Boubo for mnrder, and the latter two have been arrested and lodged in jail. The indictments are the result of the -death of a man named Woodward about three years ago. Woodward’s life was Insured for (10,000 and the beneflolary of the polioy was a member of the Bouse family. About three months after the polioy was taken out, Woodward was found in the road near the home of tbe Rouses in an nnoonsoions condition. He had a bad wonnd on the head which t: resulted in his death. The Booses ex plained Woodward's injuries by saying that his horse ran away with Wood ward and threw him out of the bnggy ah'd .against a tree. The grand jury, how. ,-tRpr, did not uooept this eolation- of tt^e affair, bnt found true-bills against the - men named ebarging thep with nmttler. It is not,known upon what evident!* tho grand jury made the indictments, hut it if rumored that ertdenoe of a daip-i aging nature was introduced. The Bouses are prominent people in the county, living up in the Warwick .neighborhood. Their indiotment. oh Snob, a serious oharge has created much -excitement. t„ : T"'' tHE CHINESE {SCHEME I far Paylet the Isltwelly Demanded by Ike j.-.T.s -aj - •- V I Shanghai, Oot. 30,—The customs au thorities hare formulated a scheme for -the payment of the indemnity which !%iU be demanded Of China by the pow- «te. ,: They propose to miss maritime -bottom* of 10 per oent. with aninerddse Of another S per cent instead of the im position of the "Likin’: tea. j The official report of Consul General Good now on the -Chinese trade for 189b shows Imports to the amount of (188,• 1.103,778, and according to these figures, -.the proposed ,tax of. IB per. oenh -ujould raise (38,315,000 per annum.. This, lq a few yean,, would pay any probable in- -demnlty. In ten years it would raise an indem nity of (380,000,000, and these figures may indloate the sum the powers have In view. TWO CDNS AND THREE WAGONS <Ars Captured Prom lies. Dcwett by tbs British Under Knox. London, Oot. 30.—A dispatch from Lord Roberts suys that Gen. Kuox suc cessfully engaged Gen. Dewett Satur day, He oaught the Boers in Rennes- burg drift and captured two guns and three wagons. WERE PLAYING THE RACES And Five Clerks of the German Savings Bank Lose Tbelr Jobs. New York, Oct. 39.—As a resalt of strict espionage, following the Alvord bank robbery, Hre clerks of the German Savings Bank have .been discharged. The detectives reported them to be play, ing tho races. MANY LIVES LUST. EXPLOSIONS AND FLAMES DO FEARFUL WORK IN NEW YORK. Wholesale Drug House of Tarrant ft Co. Wrecked—Explosion ol Chemicals Spread Death and Destruction—A Hundred Lives May Have Deen Lost—Damage Wide spread. New York, Oct. 39.—Fire started at noon in the wholesale drug store of Tarrant & Oo., on Groenvioh street aud Warren. An explosion of chemicals followed, and masonry and girders were hnried high in the air. Buildings In the neighbornood were badly shaken and shattered. It is thought that many lives were lost. No less than sixty girls are thought to have been In the bnllding when the explosion ocourred. Shingles, bits of masonry and iron were thrown over the high bnildicgs on Broadway and fell in olty hall park. Flames spread to the bnlldlngs adja cent and crossed the street. Two mure explosions ocourred in the grocery store of Moathanahn & Oo. The Ninth Xvenue elevated road was wreoked. Several Bremen were injured.' Forty girls are reported killed. ADDITIONAL DETAILS. New York, Oot. 29, 3 p. m.—A World extra estimates the dead at fifty. A Journal exira says firs engine No. 39 was burled in the debris. It Is believed ■ fife oompeny numbering fifteen men whs exterminated ’ 1 Onb hundred girls were penned in the Tarrant bnilding. All told, fifty were ptobebly killed, perhaps a hundred. Beveral Women jumped from a plat- foWn’of the Ninth avenue station to the stefiteo-.The tratnungi -on. Bills Island weri Shaken so badly that* pomb'was ^. prevented. Buildings ten blocks away worp injured, and dp- brls rained down upon.itrsetsand build ings maby bldoks distant. New York, Oct. 39 —The Evening Post saye 150 persona were in the War rant building, and fifty got out.’' 0 BACK~FR0M SOUTH' AFRICA. GENERAL RESUMPTION OP WORK THK0UH0UT THE STRIKE DISTRICT. Buth Union and Non-Union Men Are Accepted Without Distinction—May Take I Day or Two to Oet the Mines and Breakers la Full Operation. Shamokin, Oot. 39.—Niuety-flve per ceut. of the colliories of this district re sumed work this morning. The rest will be shipping ooal in a few days. Reading, Oct. 39.—The news this morning from all parts of the Lehigh region Indicates a general resumption of work. The union aud the non-union men went to work, and no distinction was made between them. Hazleton, Oct. 39.—Not all of the 15.000 men here went to work. The men found that in order to ba taken baok they would have to reapply at the offioe of the works the same aa new hands. Engineers, firemen, and pumpmen found that in their absence daring the strike other men had. been engaged in their plaoes. These men the companies refused to discharge, and tbe old men had to take what was offered in any olasa of work the company ohose to pnt them at. ' Wilkesbarre, Oot. 29.—There waf 'a general resumption of work nt all'tbe miues in this region this morning. All Surprise Party. The pupils iu the fourth grade of the Albany Aoudomy showed their love for their teaohor, Miss Mamie Hrosuah, by giviug her a surprise party Friday after noon after Bohool hours. The pupils had saved np their nickles and had contributed to a fund whioh was nsod in the pnrohase of delightful refreshments for the ocoasion. Miss Brosnan was entirely Ignorant of the treat that her loving pupils had in store for her and the surprise was in deed a pleasant one when she was in formed when sohool was over of what had been planned. Miss Brosnan is one of tho most efficient teachers who have ever oooupied a position at the Aoademy and the inci dent hore related is only one of the many evidenoes of the great love and respect whioh her pnpils bear to their kind teaohor. Dizziness, spells of blindness, head- aohe and soar stomach are caused by torpid liver and oonetipated tbowels. Prickly Ash Bitters removes the oanse of the trouble and'putt the system lb perfect order. Albany Drug Op, „ , harbor. Two glistening white tow&L — tho companies hereabouts have posted Thora and St. Niohdlas are ptjrohed on In the Aegean sea a vessel may mil into the top of a’crater, and though it is hard to findan: anchorage, there,yet.a mere tail through 4* appreciated greatly by oaptaiq., beoanuit pleMee^ the W toms of the ships from mnriuo growth] says tho Minneapolis Journal. Moro than 9,000 years stfo-the.lal* of Sautorln split in half .by ap earthquake, . with tboreault t^at^M .wgftqnof.thp.emfcr thb llhniinit 1 bfihb Keep olTfff, 'whose -dark and dismal hneit ilmllartothatof the,tppof yesuvipt;, «ajn noti tea accepting the offer Of in creased wages, except one or two Indi vidual operators, who Are expected to' do to' teday. At several ‘ oollleries the officera find it will take a few days hiote to get the mines and breakers in. shews,« havesemlInto erUtenoe rinse the origi- mule* shod, and machinery put in oon- 1 * XAe;w*|er in;the> bar- THIRTY ARE ARRESTED Upon the Disclosure ol a Alexander. Plel Against Vienna, Oot. 29.—Thirty arrests have been made upon the disclosure of a plot, hatched by Ex-King Milan, to kidnap King Alexander and imprison him in a mad house. A TEXAS WONDER. HALL’S GREAT DISCOVERT. One small bottle of Hall's Great Dis^ oovery cores aU kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, onres diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame baoks, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your drogglrs will be sent by mail on receipt of (1.0;. One small bottle is two month’s treat ment, and will oure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole man ufacturer, St. Louis, Mo., formerly of Texas. Send for testimonials. P. O. Bex 629. Sold by Albany Drug Oo. READ THIS. OtTTHBERT, Ga„ April 2, 1000. This is to certify that I was affected ■with gravel, and that. I took sixty Drops of Hall’s Groat Discovery aud it com pletely cured me. It is worth (1,000 per bottle to any one needing it. J, T. Stevens. British Troops Receive a Tumulluoi Ovslloa i - . . " laLeadoe. ' . . London, Oot. 19.—The Olty- Imperial. Volnnteeife, who arrived At Southamp ton Saturday, readied here at lDo’olock this morning. They marohed through London along Streets paokedwith thous ands. and were rpoeived with tumultuous greetings. The Queen sent- a message of wolcomo, and tho Prinoe of Wales oame down and viewed the prooession from Marlborough House. A Life and -Death right. Mr. W. A.'Hines, of Manohester, la., writing of his almost miraonlons escape from death, says: “Exposure after measles indneed serious lung trouble, whioh ended In consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors Baid I must soon die. Then I began to nse Dr, King’s New Discovery for consump tion, whioh completely cured me. I would not be without it evon if it cost (5 a bottle, Hundreds bare used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to oure throat, ohest and lung troubles.” Regular size 00c and (1. Trial buttles free at. Albany Drug Co., and Sale-Davis Drag Co Application Denied. New York, Oofc. 29 —The application of Trank J. Auarbe, of Por f o Rno, for a iji/Uidamuri to compel the election commissionera of the Twenty-fifth As sembly district to register him as a voter, was denied by Judge Freeman this morning. Eight Killed and Injured. Livingstsn, Mont., Oct. 29.—The east bound passenger on the Northern Pa- oiflo was wrecked at midnight. Eight persona were killed and Injured. Glorious Nows Comes from Dr. D. B. Oargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: “Four bot tles of ElectTio Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which bad caused her great suffering for years.. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; 'but her care is complete and her health is exoellent.” This shows what thousands have proved—that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It’s the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, bolls and run ning sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisonB, helps diges tion, bnilds np the strength. Only 50 oents. Sold by Sale-Davis Drag Oo. and Albany Drag Oo. Guaranteed, (4) .The rapidity with whioh ootton is piling np in the warehouses of Albany indicates that the farmers are determ ined to hold it for bettor prices. There are quite a number of people iu Albany now who are exceedingly anx- iouB to see the price of cotton go np. ilitlon to resume -work.' Other .compa nies will allow only miners to, wqrk today in order that the ooal may t ggkti and enough made ready - to- keep ,fte breakers going. ... -> , ,t II. V.nlrcl tbe Surg.oHt. All doctors told RenioR Hamilton, die bnicks’W 1 costly operation was pdr- idrM Pile cure div earthUakdi rite beat turofu streams „ _ yinnTVnTrwn from these yoloanio islands drain has a peculiar property which, oomplotuly cleteri off j^bwtfas Of' every klhd from the-bottom^ W. bWp,, . -n 0 loai-t; the 'rook that WtetSka lives,•, iU -polaon* - the very _ 'aISwI 8 Itjs mildly cathartio andstrengi the stotnaoh and kidneys. Albany Drag Oo, .iwi >urbui>ii W')ii ^ irerj y Albany . Drug Co; fold b; javis • ■ i tj' t.-ti *>•••«£ H.jow She Stuck to the Family. One of the stories that the- late Sena, tor Palmer was fondest of telling had. to do wi'th an'aged gentlewoman bear-, ing the same name' aa'himself, who lives somewhere down .on khe eastern shore of Vfrglnfa, in tho obiinty whore Senator'Palmer's grandfather was born,. says the Waahlngten Post. One of the Senator’s Washington friends happened to meet the old lady down there, and asked her if she were not a kinswoman of his. She did hot know, but'thought perhaps she might be. The gentleman was of Virginian desoent, was he not? And in the United States senate? Yes, she was qnite sure he was a kinsman. “Was he in the army?” she asked. "Yes,” answered the Senator’s friend, "he was in the army and a general.” The old lady was positive he was a relation. “Bnt,” went on the friend, “he was a general in tile Union array.” The old lady’s face fell, but she ral lied bravely. Well.” she said, “yon know there's a blaok sheep in every family.” The Appetite of m Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are nut of order. All each shonld know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid ap petite, sonnd digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfeot health and great energy. Only 25 cents at Albany Drag Oo. and Sale-Davis Drag Co. Every editor has received them, says the newspaper maker. The postmaster is not to blame. For instance, there was a man by the name of, well—say Tim Short, who sent ns three notices to stop his paper; he didn’t want it any longer. We wondered what was the matter. Upon investigating the sub scription book we found out Tim was short (10. He had never paid a oent and stopped the paper as a matter of economy—to ns. He didn’t want ns to lose any more by him. A few days afterwards Short was at chnroh and bis melodions tenor rang ont load and clear in that stirring old song, “Jesns Paid it All.” He might have been mistaken, bnt his earnestness impressed us. So the next day we sent bim a receipt in full aud begged his pardon for not knowing he had made an assignment of It utilities to the Lord, Georgia pecans are getting in the market at last, and are selling rapidly, as they always do. mmsrmPg&ti sharper*’Whihi on * teate : utetr Valpir-' also, lad.: Aha criminals escaped, and erO long one,' of' the three .died* The np Mr. silvcrinati. pald htm the (1,500 aad'ffave hlnk(i,OOO inoreBy way ol da- tereet on the feroed loan. : t t, , nfT i HU8TLIHU yonng man can, make Winter’s Chilling Blasts Will soon be upon ns and the struggle to keep oomfort- 1 begin. H miss s.uuld ba wall heated, evenly heated. The boat mothod of heating your offioe, your room, your hall, your house is ^: 1 I on-: THE HEATING STOVE.. We are now prepared to show a groat variety of stoves for heatiug purposes. We have cheap ones; we have medium priood ones; we have high prloed ones, [but every one we have is worth the prioe. Yon had best not - — delay the pnrohase of a store too long. There will be a rash when it tarns cold. W. S. BELL & SON. In -. -• ri - 1-..J r. . . gmrp. 8.—These Stoves entitle yon to TRADING STAMPS whenhonghtforoesb. , ! ‘; ’ PREMIUM LIST *»rit mom in 'ilt *t _ • XsA.teL.VOR THB- fjr-If» o»f FAIB f bsttutu*& ,«rl. _ , f . ■v -TO BE HELD AT— I rn'l mor ALBANY* - bfci 'ijjj Just) l.i“ , i'il r-LlIlfoViiJ ifh-r.o V- i ’i.> Lx, wm,' ■ if ii aid .ri/HnMiiO 1 *hl'Uu*+-1l miA iY II id eri|»- 9I ^ ' Uii\ ■ ;oo TO lit -Vj' If:: |, J > : 'J ftft V) li'lM ■ ult rr oil! t «j/. t if x Fee the purpose of ng the farmers aui GEORGIA, : _ .Mow mm Nov. nent positton. Experience fmnei Write qulok for'particulars. Clark, c Oo., 4th and Loops! 8ts., Phlla., Pa., , Parties’who have been ffinoh In 1 - the' wood* and swamps state that there Are thousands of s'qdirrela to be seen this, year. There is never a dearth of ’ tfaif particular species of gatne, bat this sea son, it is stated, these agile denizens' of the hiokory trees are nnnsnally plenti ful. Market hunters find squirrel hunt ing qnite profitable, as sqnlrrels sell readily at ten oents each. Prickly Ash Bitters cores disease of the kidneys, cleanses and strengthens the liver, stomach and bowels. Albany Drug Oo. Hay Day Carnival and Street Fair November 21, 22 and 23. Keep these dates in mind. J|Ojo Jo uiiiij.n. -Iks-lib - "A .dii -w i.‘i ' 'Best Half Ton : OT .fi*tE e aPw*>e!»_ see essetsseeeseee•••••••••••••mi •'•i f » f .. • • , • • • lit IlMlIltlMllllllllililllMI For.Beat Boihel of Butabaga , , ^piT^P 9 *M > **** , »*<*i*««fft< , *fff** , v**'*".***'**********« > " For Besfc Bnsbel of PnrpW top Tnhfipe IMIWIIIII IIIHWIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII For Beit; Five Buihela Sweet Potatoes.. JOS. S. DAVIS. T. W. VENTULKTT. Jos. s. Davis & Co. INSURANCE AGENTS. We ask your patronage. Perfeot security for indemnity in the beet of oompenles. We deliver prompt ly any article bought of ns anywhere within the city limits, or in East Albany. Aceonnts of good pay people solicited. ’entiled egtiaaltnre, and, wtth the hope of together on an oooasion and under oondi- .UmUtWn :tn: Albany, on Tuesday, list, 22nd M A W fd^, • *..........eaesiti*t.*sse.«ii........ts........V*0 U(| ^(MWwWTlV’av'fv I® ®® •je.eee*e*ee..................W W BlfliliVlf. •i.H..Veil..l..lill.tMlt...<.MI.... 8 O0 J« 00 Ift'oO (09. ear) ...eeeeeee#eeee.**eeee**ee 6 00 l" T| ’ vS6.niiur.Ai.-3 10 CO 5 00 5 00 || 10 00 For Beet Five Pounds,Pecan Nuts.......... 10 OO SS Fur Best Broom Corn (about 100 pounds) - 10 00 F"r Best Pumpkins ,...., 6 00 For Best Hog (not over two yean of age, raised by exhibitor) 10 OO For The Fattest Beef 10 °® For Best General Exhibit of the Prodnots of One Farm, inolnding Field: drops, Garden, Orchard and Live Stock, by the producer 50 00 There will be no entrance fees, and all fanners in Southwest Georgia are cordially iuvitod to contest for any or all the premiums offered. Exhibiors will be required to make the usual sworn certificate in oomplianoe with the stipulations made in the premium list. „ „ , . . It is the purpose of the Sonthweet Georgia Hay Day Carnival Association to arrange an attractive program for the entertainment and amassment of visitor. This program will be annonnoM later., H> NdNTOSH, T M. TICKN0B, President. Sec’y and Treas. plant System OF RAILWAYS. CONVENIENT AND FAST TRAIN SERVICE TO VALDOSTA DURING THE GEORGIA STATE FAIR. Extra train seryioe aa per oohedule given below'between Albany and Val dosta, giving visitors to tbe Fair donble daily service on qnlok and convenient sohedtJes. Will be inaugurated Oot, 28 and oontinne to Nov, 8 inoluaive: 8.85 p. m. 8.65 " 4.14 " 4.21 " 4.85 “ 4.52 “ 5.08 •• 6.20 “ 5.45 « 0.83 " 0.42 " 6.47 “ 7.00 “ 7.15 “ 7.84 p. m. 4.15 a. m. Lv. Albany, Ar. 11:80 p. m. 4.84 •• 44 Hardaway, • ,** 11.10 '• 4.63 ” It Baconton, ii 10.58 “ 4.57 “ it Flint, *« 10.47 ” 5.10 •• Oamilla, 10.84 “ 5 87 “ II Meigs, ii 10.07 •• 6.51 “ II Ocblooknee, ii 0.63 " 6.16 “ II ThomasviUe, •• 9.80 " 6.89 “ II Boston, ii 6.05 “ 0 49 " II Pidoook, ii 8.66 ” 6.58 “ (1 Dixie, ii 8.60 “ 7.07 “ II Quitman, u 8.85 « 7.23 " It Onsley, 8 20 “ 7.42 a. m. Ar. Valdosta, Lv. 8.00 p. m. 11.40 a. m. 11.18 ” 11.00 “ 10 52 ” 10.80 “ 10.21 ” 10.10 « 9 54 “ 9 80 " 9.07 “ 8 57 ’’ 8.62 8.40 1 8.25 “ 8.00 a. m. B. W. WRENN, PASSENaERiTnAFnO.MAKAqEB,