Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, November 17, 1900, Image 1

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ALBANY. GA.. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1900. NO 37 SAVAGE RUSSIANS MUVB CHINAMEN BY THOUSANDS INTO THE STREAMS TO BE DROWNED. Horrible Stork, Tlut Corn# Fran Chiu. Orapblc Description of the Wkelnato Drowning Olvti by a Chinese Traveler la Uata Freeh Front the Seeae. London, Nov. 18.—A Belgian traveler returned from Uanohnrla saya the Rus- dans have drowned 13,000 Ohinese in the Amur river. . A Ohinese traveler who Is how in London saya: •■The scenes I have wit nessed daring the three days sinoe the stumer left Blogoratohona are horrible beyond the powers of description. Two thousand Chinese were deliberately drowned at Maroxa, two thousand at Rob and eight thonund drowned at Olagovetoheas, a total of twelve thous and. ' "Corpses are enoambering the river, among them being thousands of women andoblldren. Navigation was all bnt Impossible last week. A boat was foroed to plough her way through a tangled and mangled mass of ooroses. lashed together by their long hair. The banks were littinlly oovorod with oorpses. The streams were dark, putrid-smelling masses of human flesh surging and swaying in tho steamer'B wake. Captain Narenly ordered foil stum ahead. The sight and smell will be ever with ns. Not a village is left on tbe banks. One had 20,000 inhabi tants.” TRAGEDY GOMES TO LIGHT. Prosperous Physician and a Woman Found Dead In a New York Hotel. New York, Nov. 16.—A tragedy has come to light unveiling the mysterious death of a prosperous physician and an unidentified woman, who were discov ered at 2 o’clock this afternoon in the Boulevard hotel. Qua was escaping from a small radiator, and the physi cian's pooket contained a two onnoe bot tle of oooalne, two thirds fall, and anf- floient ao poison a dozen people. The man was Dr. Christian P A^lstrom. SEVERE WEATHER. Heavy Snowfall Reported Today Throughout the Northwest. Chicago, Nov. 16.—Reports reoeived here today say that the worst storm of of the season thns far is raging through- ont the northwest states. At Dead- wood and' Sionx Falls the snow depth is sufficient to stop all /itreet railway traffio, and steam railroads throughout the DakotaB and Uontana are seriously delayed. The temperature is four degrees below zero at several) points. Throughout Iowa the storm is also felt and snow is falling heavy, bnt without ns much wind as farther north. REFUSES TO BE INTERVIEWED. Presided Kruger's Journey Continued From Pori Said to an Unknown Destination. Port Said, Nov. 16.—The Dutch cruiser Gelderland, with President Kruger aboard, leaves this afternoon Tbe destination of tbe orniser is un known. President KraSer still refuses to be interviewed. ALL THE MAIN POINTS Have Been Agreed Upon by Foreign Ministers at Pekin. Pekin, Nov. 16,—The note of the powers for the Ohinese plenipotentiaries will probably be read within the next ten days. The announcement was made after the meeting of the ministers today that all the main points bad been agreed upon. OUR COUNTY POPULATION. Dougherty County Is (liven 13,679 by the New Census. The population of the connties and cities of Georgia has just been given out by the Census Bureau at Washing ton, and the population of Dougherty is put at 18,679, while Albany’s population is given as 4,606. Jesse James’ Widow Dead. Kansas City, Nov. 18.—Mrs. Zeralda James, widow of Jesse James, the noted southwestern bandit, died at her home here today. WHY THE RUSSIANS MASSACRED SO MANY CHINAMEN. It Wss In Revenge Par the Killing af 208 Rut* •Inns by Chlteie Before the Oulbrcnt af Haetlllllci—Chlaesa Oen. Shone, Whole Treachery Wti la Blame, Commits Suicide. Vlotoria, B..O., Nov. 16.--The steamer Empress of China brings advices from Manchuria that the massacres by Rus sians of several thousand Chinese were the result of a desire for vengeance be- cause of the killing 200 Russians by the treachery of.the Ohinese general, Shone, before the outbreak of hoatiUtlea A Russian general called on Shone and at tempted to make a compromise. Shone gave a favorable reply, bnt cs soon as the Russian officer withdrew from the gates he closed them and opened fire. Thus taken by surprise, tbe Russians lost over 100. Shone has since committed suicide. He swallowed opium, bnt death not ooming quickly, he oltmbed into a ooffiu and ordered his men to shoot him. Several shots were necessary before hi, succumbed. STRUCK DOWN BY A BURGLAR. The Wife ot Orrla W. Poller Serlouely ls|ured Lost Night. Ohioago, Nov. 18 —Mrs. Orrin W. Potter, wife of the steel magnate, was struck down this morning by a burglar in her palatial residence on the lake shore after an attempt had been made to ohloroform her. She is now lying in the care of a physician while the polioe are trying to oaptnre the burglar. The burglar used steel knaokles in striking her. GETTING READY FOR NEXT WEEK. Carolval Eolertalners Arriving—'Traps and Floats Being Made Ready. ♦ Final preparations for the Hay Day Carnival and Street ‘Fair, which opens next Wednesday morning, are going on actively this week, and the big three days’ entertainment will open np with much oolat. The big parade whioh is to open the carnival will begin between 11 o'olook and noon Wednesday, and will be an imposing sight. There will be a large number of floats and decorated carriages in the parade, and all of them will be interesting. Some of tho entertainers who will give free stroot performances during the fair have already readied the oity, and others will probably arrive this week. The ereetion of bocths and street stands .will hardly begin later than Monday. Tbe fair is dose at band, nud all of us are beginning to realize that it is go ing to be a big tlilr-g. VICTORIOUS RUSSIANS Capture Valuable Arsenal Slorei and Kill Many Chinamen. London, Nov. 18.—A dispatoh from Tien Tsin dated Nov. 10th saye a force of Russians captured the arsenal north east of Kang Tsun with trifling loss, killing two hundred Ohinese and cap turing quantities of arms and treasure. Mules Frighten Horse. Monday afternoon a drove of mnles were being rnn through the streets from the depot to the stables of Mr. S. J. W. Livingston and os they ran through Washington street they frightened the horse of Mr. John Monk whioh waB hitched to a baggy and was standing at the side of the Sale-Davis Drag Co. The horse ran to the stable of Mr. Liv ingston where it was stopped before any damage was done to the baggy or harness. The horse is not a wild one, and almost any horse wonld rnn away when a drove of mnles gallop np behind it. The male bnsiness is a good thing for Albany, and the Herald wonld do noth, ing to cause any inconvenienoe to the men who carry it on. Bnt conld they not run their mules through some of the back streets where there is less traffio and less likelihood of disastrous runaways being cansed? When yon want prompt aoting little pills that never gripe use DeWitt’a Lit tle Early Risers. Albany Drug Co., , Sale-Davis Drug Co. TO BB PUNISHED FOR THE BOXER OUT' BREAK. Prlncts Tuan, Chwung and Tun An Deprived ol Rnnk end Offices and Timed Over & IN Clin Court—(lev. Ya Haiti data Banishment. CRUCIFIED BY TURKS. POUR ARMENIANS POSSESSINO DOCUMENTS OP AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP Arrested For Alleged Complicity Ian Rtvoln tlonnry PM tad Tortured In in Ellon to Extort Coalesiloos—More Confided in Shanghai, Nov. 16.—A imperial edlot ia limed today whioh depriven Prinoes Tuan and Chwang of alt rank and offices and hands them over to the Imperial olan oonrt. They are to be closely eon-, lined while awaiting further punish ment. Dnke Ian la also deprived hit rank. In regard toyGav. Ya Haien. the notorious anti-foreigner, it is ordered in the edlot that he (hall be temporarily handed over to the olan oonrt for con finement while awaiting haniehment to the fnrtbereat borders of the empire, where he la upon roads. THE NEW JAIL. County Commissioners to Hive Final Soffit' ment With Builders Tuesday. The board of commissioners of Dough erty county will have a settlement of some kind on Tuesday next with Messrs. MoAtee & Co., of Atlanta, the con tractors who" built Dongherty county’s new jail. It will be remembered that, a few weeks ago, the commissioners, aftu inspecting tho jail, refused to accept it until eertain improvements had beeu made. Fault was found with some,of the briok and wood work and the oement floors. The oontraotors have beeu working on the jail sinoe their conference with tbe oonnty commissioners, and Tuesday next has been seleoted as the day for' a final settlement. If the jail does not oome np to speotfloations, an effort will he made to adjust tbe matter finally, as the commissioners are anxious to take possession at onoe. TROTTING RACES AT THE FAIR. It Will Bo a dentlcmen's Race, the Horses to Be Driven by Their Owners. No provision has been made for any races at the carnival and fair mxtweek, bnt there has sprung np a demand for something of the kind, and it is now proposed to have a gentlemen's trotting raoe, in whioh eaoh racer will be driven by his owner. One of the broad, level streets of tbe city will be the race traok. Mr. Morris Weslosky has agreed to take oharge of the races and is author ized by tho Carnival and Street Fair Association to perfect all the arrange ments. Gentlemen who wonld like to enter the trotting races are requested to re port to Mr. Weslosky at onoe. He will arrange abont the parses, rales, time of raaes, eto., and the arrangements when completed will be announced in the Herald.; There are a number of good roadsters in and around Albany, and, with a free- for all trot an interesting featnre can be added to next week’s festivities. A bottle of Priokly Ash Bitters kept in the house and need occasionally means good health to the whote house hold. Albany Drug Oo. $6,000,000 FAILURE. That Is What the W. L. Strong & Co. Affair May Amount To. Philadelphia, Pa., Nor. 14.—Many at tachments have been seonred against the firm of W. L. Strong & Oo., of New York. The attorney for the Griswold Worsted Company says it will prove one of the worst failures on reoord, and de clares the liabilities will reaoh (6,000,000. State of Ohio, Oity of Toledo, ) Lucas County, j Frank J. Oheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm, of F. J. Cheney & Oo., doing bnsiness in the Oity of Toledo, Oonnty and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the snm of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Oatakrh that cannot be cared by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. OHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, seal > Notary Publio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and muoons surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. OHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76o. Hall's Family Fills are the best. Vienna, Nov 18 -Fonr Armenians, said to bo from New York, were arrested reoently a* Diarbekir, Turkey, foral leged complicity in a revolutionary pint All possaaned documents of Amerioan oltlaenship. lu an effort to extort con fessions, they were ornoltled In mookery Of their Christianity, ropes being used the toad of nails. They hnng for two hoars, and then, when still silent, were thrown into prison. LODGING FOR THE CROWD. Lot Thou Who Haro Rooms Lodge Visitors to tho Carnival and Fair. Lodging to going to be in demand in Albany next week. The regular hotels and boarding houses will not be able to scoommodato all the people who will be here. There are some people in the oity , who are not prepared to believe this, but it is trne, nevertheless. On Monday next there will be not less than two hundred show people, venders and street stand operators here who will want lodgings for the week. These will abont fill np the regular boarding honses. A little later in tbe week-the qrowds will begin to gather, and, an we have already said, lodgings will be in demand. Albany must take oare of her visitors next week, and, in order to do this, private- honses mast be opened to lodgers. Let those who i can lodge visitors report at the Herald office bow many beds they oan famish, and wo will send those in qnest of lodgings to them. There will be an oocupsnt for every bed that to offered at a fair price. fox np lodgings for vlsl ora to the fair, and they oan get their meals at the res taurants and at the lnnoh stands that will be open On the streets. The hotels will, of course, make extra preparations for the orowd that to ex- peoted, but it' will be impossible for them to famish lodgings for all of them. Slsppy-Manning. At the home of the bride's parents, five miles from Philema, in Lee oonnty, Mias Hollie Manning and Mr. Ruther ford Slappy were nnited in marriage at 2 o’olook yesterday afternoon. Mr. Blappy, ooeompanled by Rev. W F. Smith, went np to Pliilotna on the noon train. Mr. Smith performed the marriage oeremony, and Mr. and Mrs Slappy returned to the oity on the af ternoon tfain, arriving at 8:85. They are now at home to their friends at their home on Residence street, next door to Mr. E. P. Harris's residence. The many friends of Mr. Slappy and his bride join the Herald in wishing them a long and happy married life. SpiRed His Guns. A North Memphto gentleman has been trying lately to indnoe his wife to adopt the habit of drinking a glass of wine at frequent intervals during the day, says the Memphis Scimitar. She is inclined to be delioato in health, thongh not a decided invalid, and her well-meaning hnsband fancied the spirits wonld strengthen her. She opposed with all a woman's ohati- nateness his suggestion. Perhaps she recalled when her lord and master had oome home reeling like a ship whose cargo has shifted. The other day he spoke to her after this manner: “Yon are nnreasonable, my dear, not to drink wine.” Her reply came sharp and pointed: “Perhaps; bnt I've notioed that yon are unreasonable when yon drink it.” A great many of onr people are jnst now beginning to wake up to the foot that Albany is going to have a big show in her Hay Day Carnival and Street Fair. There are going to be lots of peo ple and lots of entertainment in the city on the three days of the carnival. It’s now time for everybody to wake np and get ready to have a good time, for the opportunity to about to present itself. INTRIGUE AND LIE, IS ALL LI HUNd CHANfl AND HIS COL- • LEAGUES CAN DO. Sack to Ike Opinion of Cklnn’e Minister to Franc—What tko Solotlon ol Iko Proto lem Mnol Be—Empress Dowager Mast Bn Dethroned. Paris, Nov. 15.—The Matin prints an interview with Yn Kong, the Chinese minister to Franoe. who ia qnoted as saying that the preeent statements from Pekin abont the peaoe negotiations are nothing bat words. The minister says that Li Hung Chang and colleagues oan do nothing but intrigue and lie in an at tempt to save their heads. If they sign the treaty it will be a mere formality and will not afford a solution of the trouble. Yu Keng neolares that it will be im possible to suppress the Boxers and pro hibit the importation of arms, and as to the punishment exacted, he deolares that the princes will never be pot to death exoept by telegraph. The only remedy, he says, is to remove the Em press Dowager and restore the Emperor, who is a friend of foreigners and who was dethroned for attempting to effeot reforms. HAS KILLED AND MAIMED NINE. Wallace, the Fearful Men-Bellug Lion ol tbs Bonlock Shown. Few porsonn who gaze at Wallace, the great shaggy, blaok-maned Afrioan lion ol the Boatook animal show, whtoh in to he in Albany next week, would snspeot ho was a man-eater nnless told of hie ferooity and bloodthirstineaa. It to only whon the daring man tries to enter his cage that he shows his real oliaraater and tbe sleepy, lazy looking muuster beoomos all animation and activity as he springs to the cage door and fights book the intrepid mortal who seeks to intrude upon his majesty’s domain. Wallace has a reoord of nine trainers killed and maimed. His last viotim was that famous English trainer, Captain Grant, in Ohioago two years ago. In the presence of a vast audience, Grant entered the cage. He had been warned not to do so, os Wallaoo was in a partic ularly surly mood, but ho laughed at the fears of the attendants, and, armrd with a heavy whip, sprang throngh the iron-barred door. - Wallaoo stood like a statae in the far oorner of the oage for tali a minute, his eyes flashing fire. The daring trainer advanood towards him with uplifted whip. A tawny body shot through the air as a ory of horror arose from the audienoe. A mighty paw struck down the holploss trainer, and ere a single ory escaped bis Ups tho infuriated lion was tearing at his throat and the cage floor was streaming with blood. Au army of attendants ran to tho oage with pistols, iron bars and whips, and finally drove off the savage brats, but it was too late. A mangled, muti lated corpse was taken from the oage as Wallaoo Uoked his blood stained Ups and growled in grim satisfaction at hav ing added another viotim to his UBt. WILL RETURN Owing to tho brilliant huccgmi of proviouH en gagement in this city, A. 1^. Hacukes the famous Atlanta OPTICIAN, has decided to visit Albany again, and one of his Practical Opticians will remain at tho store of his agents, Sale-Davis Drug Oo., for throo days only, beginning Nov. 15. This will give tho citizons of Albany and vi cinity a rare opportunity of having their eye sight tested FREE by one of tho most renown ed as woll as reliable Opticians in the United States. Mr. Hawk os has all the modern appliances for the scientific adjustment of Spectacles and Eye-Glasses to the eye. Thoro is no Optician in the United States who enjoys the confidence of the people more than Mr. Hawkes. His wonderful success is due to his superior grade of glasses, and to the confidence tho popple have in his ability as a practical Optician. This firm was established in 1870. nearly thirty years ago. • are never peddled. C R. DAVIS 3 COMPANY We Call Especial attentlory to and invite ar) 1q- spection of ; : : OUR $3.50 SHOES FOR MEN^— Made to our order and our guarantee goes with every pair. All Styles ! All Leather ! ’PHONE 107. C. R. Davis & GO. FRBSU FltOM THE GROWERS. Te green goods we goods we offer are as fresh and crisp oh tho most partionlar honsewife can desire. On some of ib the dew still spar les. AU the . . . VEGETABLES ... we earry are In perreot condition. Hlvb yon the delirious flavor only fonnd inr- absolntely fresh goods. Try some of onr Cabbage, Lettuce, Unions, (eto ) You’ll Uke them. And our prioes are right, too. A. L. A\uruford, 111 Broad Ntreet.—’Phone08 6 Bings.- Just Received! ^CAR Fresh Longview Uni! Read what A. Y. Olnbbs, of Pensa cola, Fla., says: “I think It ii only necessary to lay that I have been using lONOVIKW" LIME for more than fifteen years, and have never reoeh ud a complaint as to* the quality of tho Lime, and I continue- / to use It even when other kilns quotw at lower prioes. I believe the best ia tbe cheapest, and altogether the msst satisfactory for builders use*” Wo sold tho LONGVIEW LIME, after competitive tests, to the Tiftoa Cotton Mills. We will be glad for you to test It; you will be a user. Weston & Co. Telephone No. 44.