Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, February 23, 1901, Image 1

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WEEKLY VOL. 9. ALBANY. GA.. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23,11901. . NO 1 ' :3 BLEW OUT AT THE ELECTRIC STATION LAST NIQHT. id Twelve Days Three Engines Have Been Wrecked by Nearly Exactly Similar Acci- dents—The Plant Badly Crippled, But Lltbta Will Probably be on Tonight. From Thursday's Herald. Another engine nt the oity eleotrio plant blew ont ita cylinder head last night. Tills was the third accident of nearly exactly similar character that has occurred at the plant within twelve days. On Saturday night, the Oth inst., the cylinder head of n 100-horse power en gine was drlvon from its position with tremendous force, narrowly misBing Mayor Brown and Eleotrioian Sweet, who were standing within a conplo of feet of big mnohlne. Four nights later another engine, the largest in the plant, pent the head of its oyllnder flying against tho west wall of the building. And last night the only remaining engine at the plant, a small, 05-horse power maohine, joined the procession by kicking off its oylinder head and rendering the plant practically hors do oombat. Tlie acoident ooonrred about 12:80 o'olook. At that hour the only lights burning in the oity were on the aro cir ouit which supplies tlio street lamps, and after the breakdown tho latter, of coarse, burned no more. During the early part of the night the ourrent was on all of the.resldence and commercial oirenits, and the incandes cent lamps burned steadily, but they, too, went out a little before 8 o'clock. This was due to still another accident at the station. It will be remembered that as soon as the oylinder head blew out of the first enine, a little lesB than two weeks ago, parts to replace the broken ones were ordered by, wire from New York. They strived several days ago and the disabled engine was again harnessed up night before last. It ran smoothly until about a qunrtor of eight o’olook last night, when it was found that the babbitt mptal with which the boxes were filled had worn down until it was no longer safe to run the engine. It was therefore, shut down. The Her ald was assured this morning by Elec trician Sweet that the engine would be ruuning again tonight, and that the honso lights in the business and resi donee seotions of the oity would bo burning. The street lamps may or may not be lighted. These repeated acoidonts at the elec- trio plant are, naturally, causing a good deal of talk about town, and there is no dearth of oritioism, whioh is impartially divided between the plant itself and its modus operand!. The people want lights and don’t get them. Therefore, they complain. One man or a number of men may be to blame, or, posBlbly, the fault is exclusively meohanioal, due to an odt-ol-date, broken down plant. The eleotrio light rebus is one that our city fathers will have to solve sooner or later—the sooner the better, There are seven competent bus iness men in oharge of the munioipal government,and the people expeot them to rise to the exigencies of the occasion. The Herald believes they will'notbe found wanting. WILD FIRE AT MAY’S LANDING. . Utile Town In New York Threatened With Destruction. Atlantic Oity, Fob. 21.—May’s Land ing is threatened with destruction by fire. The fire started in the house of D. B. Frazer and spread to other build lngs; all wood. Oommunication is out off and the loss iB not ascertained.. The fire resembles a fire in a forest., MONEY FOR LORD ROBERTS. Parliament Will Be Asked to Vote Him One Hundred Tbousadd Pounds. London, Feb. 21.—It is reported that the British parliament will be invited to vote one hundred thousand pounds to Lord Roberts. The question cn this subject will be.asked in the House of . Commons this afternoon. CIVIL GOVERNMENT BEING ESTABLISHED IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Six Hundred Thousand Persons Have Re* ccived Benefits of Civil Government Up to Present Time—Philippine Commission Starts for Southern Provinces Next. Manila, Fob. 21.—Up to the present time 000,000 persons have received the benefits of civil government established in various places by the Philippine Com mission. The various provincial officers took the oath of office today bofore Chief Justice Arellano and members of the commission, after which Chairman Taft explained again their duties. , He told them they would exeroiae their duties under the supervision of tho head of tho Insular government, who, at present, is General Macarthnr, the mili tary governor. The Commission will start out again next week to organize oivil government in other places. It will start for the southern provinces about the tenth of March. THE FOURTH’S ENCAMPMENT. SITUATION IN CHINA. - Complete Surrender of Chinese Envoys Expected 'Tomorrow. Von Waldersee’s Expedition. Difficulties Expected Between Powers. Several Cities Would Like to Entertula the Soldier Boys. Tha annual encampment of the Fourth Georgia "Regiment next summer will be one of the year’s events m mili tary circles, It lias not yet been de cidod where the encampment will be held, but the sentiment in the regiujgnt is almost unanimously in favor of tho proposed gathering of the twelve com panics in a sohool of iustructiou and recroatloh. There is a movement on foot, dnder the influential leadership of Ool. George T. Gann, State Inspector of Rifle Prac tice, to hold an enoampment of the state at Savannah in May or June. The encampment, if the scheme, goes through, will last for a week, and the troops will have the splendid advan tages in rifle- praotioe .offered by the Avondale rifle range. In oase the Fourth Regiment decides to have an independent enoampment, there will be lively rivalry betw een tho companies of the organization for tho honor ot playing the part of host. Sev eral cities where companies of the regi ment are Btationed bavo already ex pressed a desire for the encampment, and there will be some lively wire pull ing if the Fourth deoides to ‘‘go it alone." The Dawson News of this week, in this oonneotion, has the following: "Captain H. A. Wilkinson of the Dawson Guards has written to Obi. W. E. Wooten ot the Fourth Georgia regi ment asking him upon what terms the regiment will agree to enoamp In Daw son several days this summer. "As was stated in last week's News, the Fourth regiment will spend a few days In oamp in one of the towns in Its territory during the summer months, and inducement!) will be offered the sol diers to take their vaoation here. Cap tain Wilkinson has not yot received a reply to his letter to Oolonel Wooten." Pekin, Feb. 20.—Tho foreign envoys this morning received an nnolfioial com munication from- the Chinese plenipo tentiaries offering to agree to all the teruiB of the powers. Tho Chinese, however, desired to save • the lives of Oban Hsn Oliioo and Ying Hien, but were informed by the ministers tbat they insisted upon their former demand Complete surrender is expeoted to morrow. Meanwhile extensive preparations are beiiig made for tbo expedition planned by Opunt Voti Waldersee. The Ger mans have purchased 800 camels for transportation Bcrvice, The foreign ministers told a press re porter that they considered the gravity of the situation over, bat that they ex pected difficulties wonld now ariso among thomsolvos when some of the governments send in their Indemnity claims, and particularly is there uneasi ness regarding the demand of Germany, TROUBLE. IN AUSTRIA THE POLITICAL SITUATION- l»REGARDED AS MOST SERIOUS. Emptror Francis Joseph Threatens to Asians aa Absolute Dictatorship sad Govern Without a Parliament—Premier Pleads for More Time, Which Is Finally Qranted. WHAT SORT OF VARMINT" IS IT? Cals, flogs and Chickens la Sand Town Are Rapidly Disappearing. Daring the last two weeks oats, dogs and olilokons in Sand Town, Albany's southwestern snbnrb, have been disup pearing at a rate whioh threatens the dual annihilation of the oanine and feline pets and barn yard* fowls ot the neighborhood. . • There is-a difference of opinion as to the identity of the ^'varmint” whioh Is said to be responsible for the destruction of so many Sand Town pets. Several parties olaim to have seen the animal, and most of them agree that it is a huge catamount, though there is.some doubt on this Bcoro. / , The rnuraudor, whatever it is, does its work at night. It raids hen roosts in seaioh of food, and incidentally makes An end of whatever Tabbies andFidos it chanoes' to' enoonnter. There are many family pots misBing, and there are many demands for the Boalp of, the "onery varmint," whioh Sand Townites are anxious to destroy. Several parties have fired at the sup posed catamount, io the dgrkness, but it seems to bear a oharmed life and al ways escapes. Timid persons are afraid to venture ont after dark, add tbere is a genuine neighborhood scare in Sand Town. ‘ Vienna, Feb. 21.—The political situ ation in Anstriais most serious. Be- oaase of the trouble in parliainout, Em peror Franois Joseph threatens to as sume an absolute dictatorship. At mid night the Emperor summoned von Koer- bor, tho premier, and said ho would prorogue the Roiohrath and govorn without a parliament unless it olosed the proooedings that disgrace Austria in the oyes of the world. The premier pleaded for more time, and the Emporor finally agreed In give the Relohrath one more ohanoe. There is little probability of the disturbing factions ooming to gether and transacting bnsiness peaoo- fnlly. : LOST AT SEA. THE CHAMPION MAY BB OUT OP THE KINO FOR ALL TIME, His Ailment Pronounced by a Noted Physician to Be the Condition Known an Floating Cartllago— Symptoms and Character ot the Disease, Ciuoinnnti, Feb. 21.—JeffrloB’ in. jured knee may nnt him ont of the ring for nil time. Tills state of affairs was brought to tho surface today when one of the most notod surgeons examined him. His ailment was prunonneed to MORE THAN A BILLION IS THE CAPITAL OP THB NEWLY ORGAN IZED STEEL TRUST. The Pinal Papers In She Orcat Cgnsotldailon Have Been Signed—Carnegie Oels, all Told, $332,000,000-The Concern Is Buy ing Up Coal and Iron Railways. Now (York, Fob. li).—The Mail and Express contains the following s Tho fltml papers in tho steel consoli dation were signed this evening. The oapital stook and 4400,000,030 7 percent, preferred stock uud 2400,000,000 com mon stock, besides an issue of $300,000,-- be the condition known as floating 0 00 8 per o’ont. first mortgagadfondi, cartilage. One of tho symptoms is sudden siokenlng pain that may oauso vomiting and sometimes a fainting spell. The sufferer at, tho same time cannot move the joints and often falls to. tho ground. This is followed by swelling of the joint and considerable soreness.. These attaolcB oome without warning. Schooner Isaac N. Kertln, From Jacksog ville to Baltimore.' Ifow (York, Feb. 21.—The steamer Werra, whiyh arrived this morning, re ports that on February 18, in latitude 80.28, longitude 65.05, she spoke to the British steamer St. Quentin, from Sa- vannah, Ga., to Liverpool, whioh sig nalled the report that from Amerioatt schooner Isaao N. Kertln all hands were saved. It is presumed from thid that the sohooner was lost at sea and the crew ploked up by the St. Qnindu. Tho Bohooner left Jacksonville January •20 fCr Baltimore with a cargo of lumber. CARNIVAL STOPPED. PLACINC THE COPING. Confederate Monument Now Complete With Exception ol Figure. From Wednesday's Daily Herald, Tho marble coping for tho Confeder ate monament arrived sevoral'days ago, aud today It is being plaoed in position by Mr. W. H. Miller, of the Albany Marble Works. Theooping is of very substantial character, and is of Georgia marble. It will add very mnoh to tho appearauoe of the monument sqanro the -spaoe between tho base and the ooping being sodded with Bermuda grass. Tho ooping is not being paid for out of the mounmeut fund. It cost $09, of whioh only about $20 has thus far been subscribed. A oonple ot gentlemen of the oity who aro interested in the mon- Mr. Oarnogio is to rcoetvo bonds in exchange for Ids $88,000,090 stook nt 150, giving him ®124;500,000 and leaving abont $15,000,000 of bonds to be used for organization and bankers’ commissions. Mr. Oarnogio will, have no Stock in the new company, lint will hold $207,500,000 ol tho new botfds. T)io Times todny says: Tho plans that the.groat steel combi nation has under way inoinde the go- qulreineut of control of certain coal and Iron railways, operating In what will be tho stool and iron territory. This first reported accomplishment appears in the pnrohaso of oontrol of the Cleve land, Lovable nnd Wheeling'Railrodd, ' whioh is capitalized at $8,000,000. Final details In tlds transaction wero completed on Saturday and yesterday (Monday) at the banking houses of Blair Sc Go. and J. P. Morgan Sc Co. In the syndicate whioh now acquires the property. Federal Stool interests are prominent. The most important mem bers ot this syndicate aye Norman B. Ream and H. H. Porter of Chicago, and Anson R. Flower nnd J. P. Morgan. Taking tho stook in block, the syndi cate is said to have been willing to pay a substantial premium above stook ex-, ohnnge quotations tor both the common nnd proforro issues'. To oomo extent in some way, Eslti- ' more Sc Ohio Railroad interests may Waycross Calls Off Street Carnival on Ac count ot Scarlet Fever. Wayoross, Ga., Feb. 10.—Tho oity board of’health yesterday afternoon do- olded not to allow the street carnival advertised to open today, owing to the prevalence of soarlet fever. Most of the shoals wero ereoting tents when no tified. They threaten to enter salt againct the oity. All the schools of the oity were closed yesterday for the same oanse. CAUGHT IN FLORIDA. umout guaranteed tho payment of frho hftvo ft noteworthy part in the Cleve-, balance, abont $40,’before theooping was ! 1 “'* d ’ »’"» Wheeling Railroad ", pnrohaso. Norman B. Ream is an ac- taken out of the depot,. An effort WllJ nre dlreotor (|f tll8 BrUimorB O hlo. bo made, within tho next few days, to » raise this money by Bolloiting small con- ' A NEW YORK, SENSATION. trlbntlons.’and it is hoped that no dif ficulty will be experienced in securing * lch n ‘ a «« d lo Bo COMING TO CHAUTAUQUA. THE FRUIT CRUP, Which The Accept Woe lo Daoger, May Be Saved by Cold Soap. From Thnrday's Daily Herald The present cold snap has been hailed as a great blessing by the trait growers of the State. Many orchards, even in the upper portion of the State, were beginning to bud, and it has been feared for some « time that unless there Was oold weather to arrest the unseasonable development of the bnds the frnit crop 'would be killed by a late freeze. • While it oannot oe safely said that the pre- ent cold snap insures the Bafety of the i rnit orop this season, tbere oan be no d.v.i tof-the fact tbat it bos im proved the prospects very materially. FIREMAN KILLED Fatal Americas Light Infantry Will Invitation. From tho Araoricus Herald. The Amerion8 Light Infantry will meet tonight. The company will in a few days reoeive an invitation to at tend the annnal Ghantanqna in Albany early in the spring. Oolonel Wooten of the.Fonrth, who has oharge of the arrangement ot military day, accord ing to the Albany Hebald, is going to make military day this yaar eolipse all other like oooaslons. The A. L, I.’s have attended several like oooaslons and remember them pleasantly, and no donbl they will be glad to accept their oolonel’s invitation to attend this year. Negro Who Shot the Morihol of Tlfton Is Cap tured. ■ Tho Thomosville Times-Entcrprise of this’morning says: "Sheriff Pearop, of Leon oounty, passed through here yes terday morning en route to Tlfton with negro oharged with shooting the marshal of Tlfton last summer. Sheriff Pearoe ploked him up in Florida. He generally gots ’em." MORE ARRESTS MADE. Colllllon on the Lehigh Volley This Morning. Batavia, N. Y., Feb. 21.—A west bound Lehigh Valley freight was cross ing over to the eastbonnd track on the overhead highway at Stafford this morn ing) when another freight orashed. into it; James Levensk, of Niagara Falls, a fireman, was killed, bis body being cat in two. Engineer Craven jumped and , .escaped with slight Injuries. Conspiracy to Furalib Supplies lo Filipino loeargento. Manila, Feb. 21.—The military polioe yesterday made arrests df several gov ernment employees and others impli cated with-Carman md Andre, tho Bel gian representatives, in a conspiracy to tarnish supplies to the insurgents. . The advertisement of MrrJ. B.-.Pink ston, whioh appears on the fyont page of this paper, will,prove, wteresting to the ladies. Mr, Pinkston, advertises .a line of premium wash goods which were displayed at. the Paris Exposition and which received an award of a gold medal. HAD TO RURN CARCO. all that is needed. 1,000 OUT OF WORK As the Result of Pli-e In the Pennsylvania Mining District. * Wilkesbarre,* Pa., Feb. ID.-The No. 1 breaker of the Erie Complin-, lately acquired from the Pennsylvania Com pany in tho coal deal, burned to tho groand last night. Nearly a thousand men and bdys are, oohseqaently, oat of work. The fire swept over Silvei Crook, and many familios are homeless., AT HER FATHER’S CRAVE, Young Woman Assaulted by ■ Negro Brute. i Kansas Oity, Mo., Feb. 20,—While kneeling ot hep fathor’s grave In Elm wood cemetery, Dora Dezell, a young woman nineteen years of age, was as saulted by a negro. Although .lalne, she fonght her assailant desperately, the two straggling for half an hour, British Steamship's Cool Supply Exhausted While it Sea. Queenstown. - Feb. 10.—The British steamer Lord Kelvin arrived here today twenty-five days out from Norfolk, her last port of oall on the way from New Orleans to Hamburg. Her coal supply became exhausted, and phe was obliged to burn a part ot her cargo In order to reach port. . ' , BIG FIRE'AT JACKSON, MISSi Opera Hoooe and Book Building Boned—Lou ot LUe Peored. Jaokson, Mind.,Feb. 10.—The Pythian opera house, the Seoond National Bank bnildlng,' the local offloers of the Ameri can and Southern Express Company’s and three adjoining ^buildings were homed last night. TBe loss is one hundred thousand dollars. It is feared that two men lost their lives. • Arrested. Bad Fire in Brussels. Brussels, Feb. 21;—A big fire In the suburbs today oansed aloes estimated at- two million franos. Two flpemen were killed. This v,-cither gets the sportsmen cat in force. Rev. W. F. Smith. . The following, whioh we take from the Bainbridge riearohlight, will be ap preciated by many of the local readers of the Herald : "Halleluiah, the Lord God, omnipo tent, relgneth" jwas the text need by Ref. W. F. Smith, the pastor, at the Methodist ohnroh last Sunday morning- Thls young divine measured up to tho expectations of - the large congregation assembled, whioh taxed the oapaoity of the bnildlng, and handled his snbjeot in a masterful manner and held the undi vided attention of the oongregatton throughout its dbllvery. Seldom has a sermon been delivered in whioh so much interest manifested and attention shown as was the sermon delivered by the'pastor of tho Methodist ohnroh last, Sunday morning. . . The Methodists of Bainbridge are to be congratulated upop, having each a, man as W, F. Smith as their pastor, and tho citizens generally ought to - fool proud of the foot that snob a minister is in our midst and that we,have the-op portunity of hearing the gospel,preached so earnestly and so eloquently, by man of God. RepoRtIj Reports show A, grbatly! increased death rate from throat and lupKlroubles, di»e to tho , prevalence;,oi< oroqp, pneu monia and grippe. ; We adviBe the 'nee of One Minnte Cough Onto in all of thepe difficulties. Tt is the' only harm less remedy tjrnt .gives immediate re sults. ..Children like it; "Albany; Drug Co., Sale-Davis Drug Oo. Now York, Feb, 20.-1$ is annonnoed that District Attorney Philbin will have arrestud today a head ■’’grafter" worth three millions. IDs name is not die- olosod, but it Is understood that -he is a powerful politician high in Tammany and a prominent city oflioial. • GmEF Dk.very the Mar. New York, Fob. 20 —It is now Btated that Chief Dovory is the big man the district attorhey is gunning for. It, is olaimed that si ffleient evidauoe was obtained in tbe Dey street raid to lndiot him. ■ afrench’subject' • -! Arrested For Aiding the Filipino Insur gents. Manila, Feb. 20.—At Pogsanjan, pro- - vince of Lagnna, yesterday, Lieutenant Vangban of the Thirty Seventh infan try arrested Fornaudo Ruetau, -general agent of the Tabaoaloria Cqjnpany, on ther oharge of aiding the insurgents. This is the third agent of the company ar. Bated, Rnslan Is a Frenoh snbjeot. MANSLAUGHTER IN FIRST DECREE. Newspaper Reporter Coovlcted For Klllleg Ysuog Mllllooolre. Minneapolis, Fob. 20.-A verdlot ot manslaughter in the first degree was re turned by the jury in the trial ot Frank Hamilton, the newspaper reporter, tor killing Leonard R. Day, the young mil lionaire. The jury was ont thirty ; five- hours and had been divided on the ques tion of murder in the second degree. BIC FIRE IN ATLANTA. Hall o Million Loss In the Business Section. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 21.—Fire this morning in tho bnsiness section bounded by Decatur, Lloyd and Well streets and Railroad Avenue; destroyed property amounting to half a million dollars,, ’ ' ' -—cm— Fdf( - . ■ - For the weakness and prostration fol lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt and offective as One' Minute Cough Care. This preparation is 'highly >ea- dorsed as an unfailing remedy for all throat and lnag troubles and its early use prevents consumption. It was made to enre qniokly. -Albany Drug Co., Salb-DavisDrug Co. 1 .imam.