Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, June 29, 1901, Image 2

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Me (Mail* Have Killed Mr*. Cm Uc la Sell' r/ i m W ilatv The oontraot* here been lei by the 1 city of Albany for tbe engine*,.boilers, dynamo* anil other aware to* for the net* municipal eleolrie lighting jilant. • Thee* mattore were disposed of by the City Council at two meeting* on Satur day, one at Sand the other at 8 p. m. At tbe afternoon seesioo, tbe oontract* were opened and carefully ooniidered, representatives of meet of tbe oonoern* •nbmlttlng bid* being pteeent. In the erenlng the Anal preUntlaarie* were gone over and the nontraota awarded, Aooordidg to the term* of the oon- tr.mte, all the boiler*, engine* and dyna mo* needed In the oity’e new electric lighting and power plant are to be fur- nUhed within a epeolfled time. There ar* yet to be awarded contract* for the bonding In whioh the new plant!* to be hooted, and for certain other requisite electrical apparatus One matter that 1* of general looal In- tercet 1* tbe decision of the eleotrloal engineer* representing the city In favor of Ugh (peed engine*. A question which olalmedagood deal ot attention when the proportion to bnlld a new plant we* tint tnbmltted to the pnblio we* whether high or low apeed englnaa ahrnld be Imtalled In the pro) plant. There wai a disposition on tbe part of the pnblio to blame tho many accidents and break-downs'whioh had occniTed at tbe old plant to the fact that high apeed englnee were employed to f nruleh the motive power, and the qoee- tlon of "low epoed or high (peed on- giurt" promleed for a time tobeoome ao Irene In the (ond election. Messrs. Moore A MoOrary, expert e'cclrldant employed by the olty to rrp- went Ite beet lntereeta in dedgnlng the new plant and awarding oontraota, Ao* e’.dsd In favor of high apeed engine*, and the contract* were ao awarded on Bator day. The matter of poet wa* an import- act one for consideration. The beet bid •obmltted for low apeed engine* was (J,0»0, while the contract awarded for these of high speed only oallo for (3,858. The bid of the General Bleotrio Oo„ of Bchcucotedy, N. Y, H for eleptrloal ep- psrstus, wae accepted. According to tU* oontraot, the General Bleotrio do., for the snm of (7,168.p5, will furnish two'100-K. W. dynamos supplying alter nating oqrront, with iwltoh board* and other apparatus The dynamos named will fnrnlah both ero and Inoandeaoent lamp* with onrrent. The oontraot for engines was awarded to the Harrtsbnrg (Pa.) Foundry and Machine Works, tbe oontraot price bp- lng M.KB8. These engine* are to be the bast .type of modern high epeed ma chine*, each developing 150-lione power. Thr olty already haa on hand one 160- hone power boiler whioh hai never been need, and a oontraot wae awarded to the ,T, 8. Schofield Bone’ Oo.,of Macon,for an other of tbe aame dlmenetona. The two will bn Installed In the new plant, and will work In oon junction with the bollen of ih« waterworks atation to operate the coii'iiltrieted plant. Theprioetobepeld the Schofields for the boiler, feed pnmp, heater. eto„ la (1,400. The nontraots call for the delivery of nil th-> mnahlnery end epperatne within ten w inks, and aa the oontraot for the lij-.tlitt.ig will ahortly be let. It is sale to neaumii that by the fall season, when the "heavy load" falls upon the oleotrio plant, the new atation will be completed amt ready for operation. Albauy will then h ive that for whioh she has been clamoring for some time—a modern elec tric lit htlng and power plant as well as n modem waterworks and sewerage system. If the predisposition to worms In chil dren is not onred they may beoome nnini-i.itrd, weakly and In dangtr of rniirnl-ions. White’s Oreora Vermifuge is the "tost successful and popnlnr rem edy. Prioe S5 ate. Albany Drug Oo. Klncklierriea are now more than plen tiful. The vines in ‘the flolds and by the shies of the oountry roads are fairly loadti.l down with the lnsctous black fruit, an 1 any desired quantity can be secured without dillloulty. A sallow, jaundiced skin is a symp tom of disordered liver, os it springs from biliary poisous retained ill the blood, which destroy energy, olioorfnl- . ness, strength, vigor, linppiness and life. Herhim will restore the nntural func- tlnfs or the liver. Price 50 cts. Albany Drug Oo. Thu sun rises early those mornings. Those who were up ut. 0 o’olock found it uncomfortably warm even at that earl ,- hour, this morning, and by 10 o’clock -well, it was hot then., Eldorado, Kan,, Jane 81.—Miss Jessie Iforrlssa, on trial the second time, charged with killing Mrs. OHn Cattle, the bride of her former sweetheart, wes placed on the itaud again today. Bhe U in a pitiable oondittoa, resulting droci the (train on her nerve*. She testified that ehe wae going home after a visit to friends, when Mrs. Oeetle called her to her house and aoonsed her of being too friendly with her bus band and attacked her with a near. In the straggle. Miss Morrison secured the weapon and killed her easeilantin self-defenee. For relief and comfort In Asthma Ballard's Horchouud Syrup has no equal. Prioe M and 50 ots. Albany Drug Co. BELICIOBS BIOTS Break Oat title te NidrM-Th* lefeata lisktllt laealtci. Madrid, June *4.—There we* a lerloos antl-rellgioui demonstration yesterday. It began at a republican meeting where •peeche* were made agalntt the mon archy and religious orders. Subse quently 8,000 marched through the streets crying, "Down with the Jesuit* I" At Begasta’s residence there were him- es, and the Infante Isabella wae insulted while driving. Contradictory orders prevented the .police from taking oner- getio measures. Aside from the serious lnoonvenlenee and pain caused by pile*, there is a ten- Norwalk, Conn., June «1.—At dawn •h morning the police found two welt-dressed women lying to tbe road. They were sent to a hospital, where it was discovered that they had been drag ged the preceding night by two auerled men and then deserted. One of the women revived, and mid her same wee Eller Brawn, age fit, of -London. Her companion wae Mildred Rodgers, age ID, of Now York. The latter 4a to a serious condition. The police state that arrests will bo made this evening, and it la hinted that the two girls’ companions of last night are prominent men'locally. roc anew what you are takiho When yon lake Grove’s Tasteless Ohill Toole because the formula la plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iroa and Quinine i n a tasteless form. No Cora, No Pay. - 50c. ay* Pile Ointment 1* an Infallible ram. edy. Prioe, 50 ota. a bottle, tabea 75 ots. Albany Drug Oo. BARN BURNING Psliswsi by Maetlaf a Nt|ro by Wbltt Panusr—Mere Treablt Feared. Qantervllle, Ala., Jane 81—111 feeling growing ont of the arrest of several ne gram on the oharge of burning tbe barn of a white farmer resulted today' in tbs death by shooting of Globe Montgomery, oolored, by a white farmer. Further trouble le feared, •tops IH« Cough *nri Works OIT tho Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets oure a oold In one day. No, Onre, No Pay. Prioe 85 cents. BOND FOR BARKER. Weellby Slrtiftrs Oiler le Slfi Per Me* , Wbe fibet Pence Keller. Jeney Olty, June 84.—A number of wealthy eira/gen offered bond for Bar ker, oonvloted last week for shooting Rev. Keller, who woe aooused of assault- lng Barker’s wile. Barker’s oounsel ere nndeotded regarding an appeal. Hardly a day parses, in families where there ere ohllaren, in whioh Ballard’s Bnow Liniment le not needed. It qolok- ly oure* outs, wounds, braises, barne and soalda, Prioe 35 ota. Albauy Drag Oo. At the Mt. do Bales Jubilee. The Maoon Evening News, in its ac count of the Jubilee exeroisos at Mt, de Sales Academy, makes mention of tbe part taken in Thursday’s programme oy several Albany young ladles, all graduates of the school, as follows: "Piano seleotions were given by Misses Annie and Uortrnde Mock, of Albany. They reoelved their musloal education at Mt. de Bales and 4 has been inpplemented by stndy of the Ger man methods. Their seleotions w ere re oelved with enthusiasm. "Miss Mamie Brosnan, of Albany, re- oited ‘Bobble Shaftoo.’ Too muoh praise cannot bo given this young' Indy. Bha entered into the story with enthus iasm, and her great succesi in interpret ing it came most probably from tho faot that for the past few years she has been a popular and successful toaoher of boy* and she knew whereof she was speak ing. "Miss Estelle Brosnan opened tho pro gram with that beautiful musical com position—Von Weber’s ’Invitation to tbe Waltz."’ DEVELOPS IN ( X Tv* Yeast Wswm Were Fraud fa Psbllc Read This Meralof, Dratted nod (laces- tftdSUaistfiis Wa all look forward to the early day when we will have plenty of eleotridty for light and power, and plenty ol water—so much that a little extrava gance in lte at* now and then will not be noticed. A Superb Orlp Cure. Johnson’s Tonlo is a superb Grip oure. Drives out every trace of Grip Poison from the system. Doesitquiox. With in an hour it enters the blood and begins to neutralise the effects of the poison. Within a day It plaoee a Grip victim be yond the point of dsnger. Within a week, ruddy cheeks attest return of per fect health Prioe 50 cents if it cures Ask for Johnson’s Chill and Fever T/aio. Take noth'ng else OAD. en Swlth No Lives Lost. A wreck occurred on the Albany and Naritdieta Railway Saturday afternoon whan eksaoath-boand passenger train, running between Albany and Oordele. crashed into an open, iwltoh and Into several Bat-oars that were heavily loaded Tho ^eok oocurred at a saw mill sit uated about three miles this side of Oor- ,•*•1*, and w-aa the result of some person changing tbe switch so that it caused the tain to leave the main line end go into the siduv. The train was running about thirty- five miles an boor when Engineer George Oritteoden, who wee In ohsrge of the engine, saw the impending dan ger and he knew at a glance that it wae avert the aoetdent. He roversed his engine, however, and ap plied the sir brake* and then jnmped to rave hie Ufa. In getting off the engine some pert of Mr. Orittenden’s olothlng ght on the oab, and being unable to extricate himself he turned loose his hold on the hsbd-olaspi, whioh ere used to get on the engine, end fell off. He sustained numerous painful- injuries, none of whioh, fortunately, are serious. Fireman Foy Fields had a close call for his life, as he was busy throwing wood into the fire-box and was, there fore, unooneObme of the danger wbloh threatened the train. He was only abont twenty-five yards from the freight oare when he discovered his danger, and jnet as he jnmped the engine crashed into the flat cars with a force that wonld probably have resulted in his death had he not discovered his danger as soon as he did. He escaped unhurt. The engine aud one or ttro of the flat cars were badly damaged, bnt the loss to the railroad is considered light ander the circumstances. - Ni - ! ■ ■! •„V »Vf j) v Tenths of all the People Suffer from a Diseased Liver, Pure Juices from Natural Roots. • REGULATES the liver, Stomach and Bowels, it Cleanses the Systein, Purifies the Blood. pURES Malaria, Biliousness, Constipation, i. u Weak Stomach and Impaired Digestion.;: jsli Every Bottle Guaranteed to Glio Satisfaction. X,Ari.O-Xl SOTTXOB, - BMAXiXiDOSB. Prioe, OO Cents. For Rale by Albany Drug Com puny, Albany, On* ADMINISTRATOR'S f ALK. GEORGIA—Dougherty County. UHll . flrnt Tuiwday in July, 1901, In-fom tho Court Hon ho of Mid county, iHdwiKvn fchu lngnl hour* of mIh, tho following doocrlbrd property: On tho K nth «i(lo of Morcor afreet, in the city of Al- ny, county of Dougherty. and State of Geor gia. known and dlntingul*hod In the plan of wild city an lot No. fiH on Mercer Rtreet, nnd known *m the Price rtwldeiice. R. P. HALL. Administrator notate Martha Price. CITATION. State or Geoboia—Dougherty Codnty. To AU Whom It Mar Concern: R. P. Hall, clerk, administrator of Thou. Whitehead, de reused, has applied to tnu for leave to sell tho lands of said deceased, which application will be heard on the find Monday In July next, 1st day of July, 1W1. Sam'i*. W. Smith, Ju*8 4w Ordinary Do. Co., Oa. G Bonn iA—Dougerty County. tfaryBayflold (Petition for Divorce, In v». \ Dougherty Superior William D. Bayfield. ( Court, April Term. Itappertng to the court that the defendant in the above stated cose is a non-resident of the state of Georgia, and service cannot be per fected upon him In the ordinary, method, it is therefore ordered and adjudged that service \>e perfnoted upon said, defendant by publication in thuAlbuiy Herald twice a month for two months, commanding him to appear at the next term of this oourt* W. N. Spewgk, April »rd, 1001. J.B.C..D.O. GUARDIAN'S SALK. STATE OF GEORGIA—Dougherty County. Under nnd b,% virtue of an order of the Court S r Ordinary of said oounty, grantod ut tht uno Term, 11X11, of said Court, l will sell to the highest bidder for cash the undivided half in terest in and to the north halves pf city lots of land Non. & nnd 324 on Tift street-, city of Alba ny, Dougherty county, Georgia. Sale to tnko B uioe on tho first Tneaday in July. UW1, before 10 Court House door of Dougherty count Georgia, between the legal hours of sale B. C. aONEH, Guardian Ruby and Strother Fleming. Lost, Stray ed or Stolen. From my lot in Camilla, On., on Saturday, June 8th, ltwl, one light colored sorrel mure about flfte.m hands high She 1ms a small pioco broken out of her left hind or front hoof and la bit-cut on nymth on right side. Mure is a pacer nnd is in good order. Will pay reward for r-- turn of mare or Any information leading to her recovery. Leave information with Mr. H. J. W. Livingston. Rev. M. P. Pn i, U-dtt-wtt Camilla, On. I Morphine smt Whiskey hat> its treated without pain ot confinement. Cure gttaran* teed or no pay. B. H. VKAL, Man’gr Lithta “ itarium, Box ’ r. sprinn 8, Austell, t Notice of Sate. GEORniA—Dougherty County. Whereas,-Mrs. M. and county, did on the lfith day of February? I IMJl. by deed convey to the Ectultable Building ■ and I/mb Association of Allmny, Un., the reel I estate hereby offered for sale, said deed being « recorded In office of the Clerk of Huperior Court of said county, in Book ol Deeds 12, Page \ U77, said deed tieing to securtathe provisions of a contract with said Association for a loan of 81.000; and, whereas, according to the terms of said contract said Malone obligated to pay the following amounts monthly: )8.fi0as dues on 10 shares of the stock of said Association, as described in said w ntract, <5 as interest on said loan, l& as premium on said loan, aud ft ns , fine for each case ot default In prompt jMiyinent i . Hnd, whereas, by , payments wore to or said stock, us provided In said contraot, or nntil 84 of said *•-« l —ienta shall have been .. B. Malone, of said state the lfith day of February? mmwm monthly ig with made, be- and, whereas. February, 1801 illgated to mall ance on nil buildings located on ssld real estate during said term or 84 m«mths; and, whereas, said Malone having failed to pay said amounts no duo as dues* interest, premium and lines since for the month of April, 1901, and a balraf, anco due of W.H6 as premium on insurance on dwelling located on said premises; and, where as, the failure of said Malone to koep up said puyinehts as hcroinbtifore enumerated consti tutes a violation of said contract; Now, therefore, in accordance with a pro- .ision of said deed, I. 8. Reich, Vice President of said Association, (the President of said As sociation bciug lately deceased, and under tho by-laws of said Association 1 acting in his stend) will sell ln-fore the court houso door In said countv, between the legal hours of sale, on Tuesday, July 2nd, 1U01, to the highest bidder, for cash, tho following real estate, to-wit: All that portion of what is known as the old “Btrozier Place” fronting on Boclety street, city of Albany, Dougherty county, Georgia, do- scribed as follows: Commencing at tho south east comer of said lot, run due west 86 foot, thence north 210 feet, thence east 86 feet, thence south 210 feet to starting point. This sale be ing for the purpose of paying said loan of f1,000, said dues from April, 1901, to July, 1901—826-60. interest for said time lift, premium for said time 815, fines for said time 18, Insurance prem ium 88.0ft. Tile proceeds of tills sale to he «p- plied to the payment of nil of wild items, as provided in said deoil, and for the cost of this advertisement, and commissions on this wile; and any surplus arising from wild wile, ufter ’ng all of above items, to be pi'' Malone, or her heirs or assigns. Thejpower of attorney under which this sale ide living irri Association. deed by m|id Malone. June 1st, 1901, Malono oblige ted to maintain fire insur- “ buildmr- •— 4 ~* *-* —' --*-*■ tmying all above items, to be paid over to suid Malone, or her heirs or assigns. Thejpower of attorney under which this sale is made living Irrevocable in tho President of said Association, for this purpose, under said This .1 8-w4t 8. REICH. Vice President. Notice of Business Change. On Feb. 1, 11101, I will change the present stvle of my busine-H to "La- Rnqno & Co Messrs. C. R. Gleatou and W. I. Deariso having become asso ciated with me in a business way. Thanking all patrons for past favors, tho new firm will endeavor tn merit their patronage in future. We gnat auteo fair dealings w:rh all. J. G LaRoql-k. Albany, Ga.. Jar. Sth, 1001. 2-dC't,->wt f J. fl. I.aKQQVE. V. R. GLEATON. IV. I. DEARISO. baroque & Co., -PROPRIETORS OF- ALLIANCE WAREHOUSE, • ’ v--nr siglit is blurred with Bpeclts end sprs Heating before your eyes, or y° n kave pains on the right side under the rib., th„u your liver is deranged, nnd you need a few doses of Herbine to regulate it. Prioe 60 ots. Albany Drug Do. TO CUKE A COUI IN ONE 1>AY Take Laxative Bromo Qniuiuo Tablets. AU druggists rotund the money if it fails to care. E. W. Grovo's signature i j on each box. 35c. The warm, fair weather is doing n great deal for the watermelon nnd can- taloupo vines. They are taking on new f gpm 1*03118 at LOW R rltP’S. life, nnd tho frait shows a deoided im- ** * 1 * 1 *-*UCllia Cl 1 * Vd 1 C-S. proveuieut over its condition a short time since. Albany, Georgia. The Best Prescription ^or Malaria Ohills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio. It is simply Iron and qninino m a tasteless form. No oorp—no pay. Price 50c. Large loans especially desired; five years time, with privilege to repay in full or In part at end of any year. We invite correspondence with farmers direct, or ■with lawyers.’ hankers and merchants, whose clients or customers desire such ins. We refer to any Eank or business boose in Atlanta. BARKER Sc HOLLEXAX, Atlanta, Ga. rv-tt We have on displiy a full line of. Boys’ Silts In Two and Three ALSC A LINE OP Fancy 4ilk Alpacas. Sizeifrom 8 to 15. Extra Boys’/Pants, sizes from 6 to 15, a 60c to $1.25. If you wait a Pair of Trousers tfat are Sty lish and wil last you, buy the “DITCHES^.” §i mwm Y00 SHOBJD PBESEBYE TOUR HEALTH ffi WELL AS FRUIT -BY USING OUI NEW IDEA (PRESERVING KETTLE, The Best nl Most Durable Kettle on the Market. YOUR LAIN NEEDS CUTTING and yon should save the them all sizes, an t durabiUa; _euse of a hired man by owning a mower We have t prices to suit your purse. But for streugtlT nd easy runmug we recommend the + GOLD WELL, -f We have wheels in our ds, aud would be pleased to have you inspect them INDSTINCT PRINT " 1 ide a C. E scent, veland. atman.